HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-1-18, Page 8EXE 'PER, A11VUGATE, TE 1IRSIIAY,. JAN 1fl, 1.91 f•. .&E'1'ER MARKETS CHANGED EACH W D1NESDAY Wheat 1.65 401,75 Oat,; pet bus.55 to 60, Potatoes per bag ' 2,40 Hay per ton 10.00 Flour 4.85 to 5,00 Low grade flour, per cwt. ,. 2 70 38.00 Shorts per ton ., .. 34.00 Bran per ton00 Eggs, per ulazen , Dairy Butter ......, and 40 Creamery butter 49 29 1 arc: per ib, ,k. '”••, 28.00 Sugar Beet pule , , Hogs pet cwt. 28'500 0 `I'urke) s dressed ` 25 15 Geese caressed .,,,. , ., . Arlt' De,v 'of the Advocate staff is of duty owing to illness, Capt, Dr. Hewitt left Wednesday to spend a f .w days in Toronto, "Pr;sonere, Two"; or the tale of a Locke:: floor, is the title of a new coniinued starry started in this issue of the Adv,ocate. It will be found to bristle with interest and create a deep fascination as the reader pro- ceeds through the succeeding chap- ters. Read it FORMER RESIDENT DEAD, There died at H trgrave, Man„ on Wednesday, Jan. 10, in the person of Mrs, Thomas Brimacombei, For some time. Mr and Mrs,, Brimacombe con- ducted the Mansion House, here, and were well-known 'to many. Her maid. - en -name, was Lizzie Bray of Man- ville where she lived for many years with her parents. The deceasedleft here, over twenty years ago far Stratford where ,they lived for afew years, then went west, and they have since .resided there.- .A. sister, Nitre,. Smith ' Spence, :resides in London. COTTAGE FOR SALE.—A eon- venient Cottage for sale, or rent. Ap41y to G. Jl Dow, 'Exeter. The Fifth of the Series of Teas will be 'givenby -the packing Commit- tee of the Patriotic League on Fri- day afternoon, Jan. 19th, from 3 to 6 in the basement of James` Street Church. All ,are. ,,cordially invited 'to come and sp;nd a social afternoon Admission 10c. The Soldiers Aid Society will make a monthly collection of papers and magazines, the first collection to be made on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 18. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at the Central !to tel, Exeter Saturday, Jan. 20th, from 1( a,u. tc. 8 p.m. The Soldiers' Aid Society will hold in` the Town Hall, a Bazaar and Sale of Work, Home-made Cooking and Canty ,on 'Valentine Day, 'Feb. 14th. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye , Sight Specialist will be at the Central .lo tel, Exeter Saturday, Jan. 20th, from ' u a:>s tc 8 p.m. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of fine Land and Cattle Salt for, sale, All grade 35.50 per ton; 5Oc. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. 'NOTICE—Notice is given that the lee on the river will bet sold at;25c fa load, the purchaser to :secure neces- sary 1xe1p, the commission to place a man in ,ehare of the pond, and to regulate the nutting, etc., the rep- resentative to be an employee of the party or parties securing ice. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNTY The Council of the Huron will meat in the ber, in the Town of Tuesday, the 23rd day month, at 3 o'clock. Dated. Jany Sth, 1917 corporation of Council Chain- Gaclerich, on of the present W. LANE,,. , �icrk. ANNUAL MEETING EXETER AGRICULT'L SOCIETY The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, an Thursday January lath, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock p.m: for the purpose of electing Presi- dent. Vice -President and Directors for the ensuing year and transacting other important business. All members and interested parties should attend the meeting. The. Directors are particularly re- Questec to meetbefore the annual me tin, a 1 o'clock sharp. E. CHRISTIE R.G. SELDON Presid :nt Secretary. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the. Canning Factory is open and ensilage is for sale at $3.00 per ton, Durchaser paying for weigh- ing on R G. Seldon's scales. EXETER CANNING CO. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The and rsigned is offering for sale her b?autitul;residence in Exeter, op- posite the Ross -Taylor mill. The prooerty contains ;two lots of land fine brick house, containing nine rooms and wood' shed, good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water; number fruit` trees arid small fruits. House alt wired and furnished for Hydro. chi, is an excellent property and will be sold at a reasonable price .A.p-rly to Louise Cudmore, who is in the West, but will be hornet in, a short time., Auction Sale OF CHOICE , DURHAM COWS ix—o—xy l.here will be sold by Public Auc- at thc Mrtropolitan 5 -Intel, Exeter on 'WEDNESDAY, JAN'Y 24, 1917, At one o'clock sharp, thefollowing 6 caws due to calve at time, >l sale; with calf at foot; balance due tcl calf in February and .March. These are an, exceptional fine lot of ditties; Durham cows, I'>eriirs—six months' credit` will be givenon furnishings approved joint notes with six p"s- Cent. interest,. G. Nicholson &E, Law on, Proprietors the da?“ let, 'succeeding the late Jude Frank'Taylor,, ,,Au tioneer. O•'Connor. ' LOCAL DOINGS. Airaleklaa • Mr. G A K. Mc'Lood is. under the doctors care at present, Mrs, Passmore ,is ill at the Name of her aunt, Mrs. Z. G. Bissett, ,Mr. George ;Cornish of town is at present in a very law state of health ,Ivir, Wm. ,Weekes is confined to his room through illness His friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Connor of Exeter was ' the guest lastweek of Mr, and Mrs. J. U. ,Atkinson;, --Clinton News Record', The many friends of Miss 011ie Ouance regret to know that she is confined toher room through illness. f\'Iaurice Quance, an employe of Mr W, J Beer, has been off duty for set era. ,days owing to illness of a rheumatic nature. Several Hensall High School stud - dents, net being able to ,got to Clinton owing to ;the train service, are ,at- tending Exeter )High Schaal. While monkeying ,with a Hydro wire the other day a couple of boys very narrowly !escaped, ,serious injury. Let all boys take warning. Hydro wires are `dangerous. IvLr. Robert Gillies received word on Saturday of the death of his niece, ivirs, Srnith Fish of 'Detroit. Owing to illness he was unable to atitend the funeral on Monday. Mr. GeorgeStanley of.:Lucan will occupy the : James Street pulpit on Sunday next, in the absence of Rev. J W Baird,, who will ;preach mis- sionary sermons in Chatham, Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Et SiLlery of Usborne, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Zoe, to Mr. Al- exander H: Duncan of Usborne, the marriage to take place on the .last ,lay of January. Mr. Frederick Luther Penhale of Lindsay formerly of Exeter, was mar- ried at the Baptist parsonage in Lind- on December 27, to Miss Ettie Hall ;Mooney of that place. Fred will have the best < wishes of many friends here for a long and happy' wedded life, lrtr, Thomas Cornish and Miss Al- cock were taken to the Industrial Home at Clinton , Iast week. Wes Snell took them up by auto, Rev. Mr. Tramper accompanying him. The Home at Clinton is an ideal spot for old people and all who go there are well pleased with the treatment 'ac- corded them at the hands of Mr. and Mrs, John Brown, who are in charge. A quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev; J. Gi Stuart at the hornet of Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Wachsmith, London, on We incsday, •Jan. 10, when their second daughter, Wilhelmine Margaret was united in marriage to Elroy Wes- ley Davis. ; son of ,Mr. and Mrs, Jad. Davis of Exeter. _After a dainty luncheon the happy couple left for a short trip to Toronto and points east, upon • their return they will reside at 32 Elliott street, Galt. ' Mr., W., R4 Pollock of ' E erwootd,- formerly ,of the Exeter creamery, at the Dairyrnens' Convention in Wood- stock, won first prize in ,chess' 4 for fifty, -six pound 'box of October creamery shutter. In sodoing he re- ceived -a 310 special cash prize from C. _Richardson kr Co., St. Marys, a silver cup from De Laval Dalry Sun - ply Co., of 'Peterbaro' and a special 310 in cash from W. A. Drummond & Co. of Toronto. A. quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse. yesterday (Wed- nescay) morning, when MrJoseph F: Greer. of: .Exeter North, was united in marriage to Miss Edith Carrick, second daughter ,of Mr. John Carrick of Stephen,'the ceremony being oer- fornxed by Rev. ' S., n F. Sharp, The young couple were ',unattended and after the -,ceremony took the morning train on a•lionyymo:on, trip to London and St Thomas;, They will have the congratulations and ,'best wishes of many friends.. • `These wonderful , pictures, "The Battle, 'of ,the .Somme" put on in the Dome :theatre• oan Friday and Satur- day 1as't attracted a large number of peole to the theatre at the various hours for admission, .Same people were very :pleased with the show,and others were ajloarently disappointed, To us the, great value of the pictures. lies in their reality. They are the real thing. There is nothing make- believe about them. Ofcourse one sees no hand to hand fighting.. If one did you would know immediate- ly.that they were not real, as no pho- tographer ;could he present, to take such picture. One must remember that old •-pictures of battles are not real, but lust the artist's conception. of what ;:they might have been. HURON PRESBYTERY SOCIETY —The Society ,met in Clinton on Jan. 9, The Presbyterialnow camprises,22 auxilaries, 5 circles ;and 1 associate society, with a totalmembership of 718„contributing 3740 43 ' and 10 Mission Bands, with a membership of 405 'contributing .5319. the contribu- tions for the year arndunting to 54062 51, an increase of 3771 80 Mrs. Sharp of Exeter is the 4th "vice president. 199 SCHOOL DAYS—There are but 199 school.;: days during .1917. The number of ;days in each month in which High ,Continuation, Public and Separate schools will be ftctive,, are as fdilows : January, 21; February 20; ,March 22; April 15; May 2Z; June 20; September j.9; October 23; No- vember ovemb r 22,'December 15. The "terms for the year are as follows:" January 3 to April 5; . Merit 16 -to June Z9; September 4 Ito December 21. ppm— JIJDGE Mvlcl+`ADDEN DEAD.—Ori January 10th at:his'home in SanIt. Ste, Marc,iiOnt., -the death took place,.af- t•er'e..n ;il;ine'ss of several mofrth,s of Judge Moses McFadden, Junior Judge of .the .1District of ` Algoma. He was boric near Stratford` 63 years ,ago, He studio 1 law and far about five years practised in Exeter, leaving here for Sao in 1887, In 1889 he married 14iss D syie sister Of Judge Doyle of Ged- erich, Who died some ten years ago,e' n 1913 he was appointealjudge' of , End ;MrsA. Spencer visited in $f,.'Thomas •this week, Miss Love -left Friday for Buffalo to take a course in a business ;tot- lege, Dr. Thompson of London, visited his son, Mr, Want Thompson over Sunday, Mr, Albert E. Andrew returned We.lncsday from visit with his. mother lar Gorrie. • Mrs Harry iOg,den, of Stroughton, Sask., is :visiting' at the, 'home of her father, Mr, Jahn Gillespie. Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper and children returned last week from. a visit with s London friends and relatives. . Mrs Irwin of Norwich has been visiting tier parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Bissett ,for a fete days. ;Mr.' Bicknel laf London and Miss' Bicknell of Dunville were guests -at, the =home of Mr. H. Fi: Huston during the week. ” ,Miss Rileo McCurdy has' returned home from , Hamilton, after a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, (Corp.; Htrdon, Mrs, A B. Richardson of Lachine, Que..-is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrsl. Samuel Smith, London Road South. Itr, J. A. Sanders of Woodstock visitedwith .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders, Huron street, over Sunday. His father continues in very poor health, .• Lt...„George Delbridge, who has been visiting his father, 'Mr. Richard 1)elbridge returned Friday to . his home in 'Hamiota, Klan. His father still continues in very poor health. Mr, and Mrs. Wt T, England and family ,of Caption, Alta., arrived here last week to visit Mrs, England's, par- ents. ;Mr: and Mrs. John W. Taylor; and other relatives in this vicint,ty. • Mr. ,Win Thompson was confined to the house owing to illness for a few days this . week. Mrs, S. R. D. Hewitt will receive for the first time since her marriage at the home of her father on Thurs- day afternoon, Jan.. 25, from -- 4 to 6 o'clock. Her sisters, the Misses Dow and Mrs. Lindsay will receive with her. We have had pretty cold weather for 'ie past few days, The ther mom,eteu` registered as much as ten degree: below ,zero an several oc- casions ;during the night, and even through the ,day' it hovers around the, -zero mark. "Is Santa Claus a Fraud” is the ti- tle oc an extremely interesting little play to be put on by, the children of the Trivitt Memorial Sunday School, in Leavett's Theatre on Wednesday, evening. Jan, 24. There will be other interesting numbers an the program. Everybody welcome. Admission 15c. The .Men's meeting in the School Halof the Trivitt Memorial Church on Tuesday evening was the largest attendance since its .organization,° a growing and greater interest • being taker. at tach succeeding meeting. The ladies were present Tuesday nigh: and . an interesting aiid •raved program was .given and luncheon, was ser•;ved The meeting next week will be lxeid on Thursday evening instead at' Tuesday Foiiowing is the report of the Hur- on County War Contingent Associa- tion for the month of January :—From Elimville and ,Sunshine, 14 shirts, 2 suits pyjamas, 20 pairs socks; Credi- ton 10 pairs .socks, 7 wash cloths;. Woman's Institute, Exeter, 16 pairs socks: Farquhar, ,6 towels, 12 shirts, 30 pairs socks; Thames Road, 17 suits pyjamas, .1 pair ,hospital socks, 34 pairs socks; *Soldiers' Aid, Exeter, 2 suits pyjamas, 1 muffler, 1 sweater, 1 hospital shirt, ,60 pairs socks; Zion R;en Cross Circle, 19 pairs socks, 16 shirts; Zurich Woman's Institute, 44 pairs socks, 1 sweater. Total value of supplier for January :3328.27.• Vera Essery, Sec'y of Com: Mr. August Than of Durndurn Sask., who has been visiting with rel- atives and friends at Dashwood, and is now spending a few days with Mr. Fret Witwer, Exeter North, gave the Advocate a pleasant call.on Tuesday. Before 'going 'West Mr. Ilion for many years drove the stage between Exeter and Dashwood, and by his obliging manner ;and genial disposi- tion he made many warm friends a- mong the travelling public and was a -general favorite with ,all. It is 18 years ago since he left these parts for the ,West, but there is little change in his appearance. Mr. Than. is among the many who have prosper- ed in the West; CAST IA 'For Infants and i iidren In Use For Over X Years Always bears the d@"%GGitC Signature of Si na �stie2 g AI. nnna SaIeis On 250 Gold Fish 'arrived' this week [31C, GRANITEWARE BARGAINS BIG ALUMINUMWARE BARGAINS 850 OTHER GOODS BARGAINS Our Large Stocks must he reduced Come and bring your friends. New Bargains every day. JONES & PRONE NO, 32 Great Clearing Sale of Fury, for next two Don't miss, this rare opportunity to secure good reliable furs, at cheap rices. During the. ,next two, w,eeksi we wish 'to clear out our .entitle stock of Neck Furs, Muffs, and Ladies' Muskrat. and :Fur}-colliarlgd Coats, and turn same into CASH. In order to do this we have "made 'tremendous reductions, that ,should clear them out at once, , Of course these :•educed prices must ;necessitate' ' being sold on a cash or trade 'basis. Below we offer a partial list, Many of these match into perfect sets,— Fur Muffs 2 ;Mink Marmot Muffs were 10.50, 7.50 2" were 11.50 fo; 8,50 2 " ri rhe 12.50 for 9.00 2 " " ,were 13.50 for 9.50 3 Muskrat Muffs were 12.50 for 9.00 1 Muskrat Muff, was 14.50 for 10.00 6 ;Oppossum Muffs were 12.50 for 9.75 1 Bk Persian Lamb was 21,00 for 10.00 1 `' Fag 22.50 for 10,50 1 " was 23.50, for '17.a0 2 were 25.50 for 18.50 1 Bk. Dakota Wolf was 15.50 for 9 75 1' Black Wolf was 18.50 far 12.50 1 Gen. Alaska Sable 25.50 for 17,50 1 Gen. ''Alaska Sable 20 50 far 13.50 3 Grey (Persian Lamb 10.00 for 7,50 Neck Furs 2 -Mink Marmot Scarfs, 8,00 for 5.50 1 " was 12.50, for 8.50 1 was 12,50 for 9.00 1 Black Wolf Scarf was 17.50•for 12.00 1 was 18.50 for 12.50 i was 25.50, for 18.00 Bk. Imitation, Wolf 6.50, for 4.50 1. Isabella Oppossum, 17,50,for 10,50 1 Dyed Columbia Sable 12.501 for 9.50 0_ Bk Persian Lamb, 16.50 for 12.00 1 Pan Persiam • was 5.50, for 3.75 2 Grey ,Persian, Lamb, 9,00, for 0.00 Special Sets 1 Leopard Set, was 22,50 for 16.50 1 Natural Fox sqt 26.50 for 19.00 1 Bk. Wolff' Set was 23.50 for15).00 1 Wh, Thibet Set, 12.50 for 9.00 Special Ladies' Muskrat Coats 3 only regularly 362,50, to clear at ...., 49.00 1 only regularly 80.00, to clear as. 59.00 1 Black Astachan Coat, was 365.00 .:for -332.50, half. price Ladies Fur Collared Coats were 318.50 for 312.00 ALL CHILDREN'S EURS. ALSO GREATLY REDUCED Men's Cottonade Pant Special 100 pairs Men's Heavy Black andGrey ,Cottonade and Denim farts a 01,11 Pike of las tseason, only :+1,35 a pair JONES & MAY aeadquarters for the celebrated W. E.,Sanfond Clothing The The Inalily Storc At the New Meat Market you can get all kinds of fresh` and cured„ meats; choice sausage, corned beef, etc. You can order your •meats and groceries and ,have them delivered to- gether. Telephone or ,send your order. Phone. 18 R. C. Gower &Son Ootpoint Elccirical Ap�liaflccs are the most satisfactorily SEE THE VERY COMPLETE LINE OF Hotpoint Lamp- socketAppliances' " BEER'S O\kc11's 111Ilar W. J New Tailored Suits and Coal. OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL' DAYS COME THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goads are here. Good range to choose from,— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE OUR NEW COA'T'INGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. a-- We also have, a nice range of• Men's Over Coatings and ,Suitings. GIVE US 'A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Furniture and Undertaking R N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea 8 Coffee Store For the choioe. t groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Oppos e Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Store Stock Taking Sale AS WE TAKE STOCK ALL, ODDS AND' ,ENDS ARE PUT OUT AND SOLD AT -A SACRIFICE TO CLEAR LOTS OF LINES AT BIG REDUCTIONS. tle Neck Scarfs worth i r np to $1,50 each, for ::35 cents. Felt Slippers 25 cents a pair. 51' cent Neckties far 25 cents. , Ladies' Fancy Collars 15 cents eagti, B. W0 F. Beavers,