HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1917-1-4, Page 8T'H:IIRS1l'lXY,' JAN. 1.1, 1817 1_xETER• MARKETS 'kS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat1.65 to1.75, Oats per bus. 55 to 60 Potatoes. per bag 1 -lay per ton 10k11 ('lour:.: 4.65 tet 5.00 Law grade flour per cwt. 2'00 Short: per ton ., 38.00 Bran per ton 34.00 Egg.• per dozen ,,,50 ito 5-2 Dairy Butter 38 and 40 Creamery butter 49 Lard pea' lb. 23 Sugar Beet pulp 28.00 Hogs, per cwt. 12.00 Turkeys -.dressed 25 Geese 'dressed ,.. ,.. 15 IAF?YPrv-irnr- Ge`Ary-w w.ir? sew LOCAL DOINGS. II II The ,January thaw,- carne early this' Year.yf• < ' Mr: Richard ,Delbridge is very . ill at present and hones for his recovery are slight, Rear, Sharp was ill onSunday and the 'services ;were conducted by Mr, "• Strang and Mr, Gladmans MISS 3, J, ALLAN,' Eye Sight Specialist "will be at the Central Ho tel, Exeter Saturday; Jan. 20th,• from i(l a.m. te.' 8 p:m. Canachan memliers of Parliament siert-Mg in France' and England have been granted, sOecial leave to attend "a "very important session, oneniing January 18." • Joint convention of The Tem- perance Forces of the Coupt5 of Per- th- and ,Huron will be held in the ;Meth- odist Church, at ;Mitchell on Wednes- day ,January 17th , 1917. • Mi. and ,Mia. R( C. ,Gower wish to announce the • niarriagje of their, eld- est daughter Bertha M. Gower, to Mr. R H,' Towel 1 of S. Catharines, to take place on Wednesday,, January -17 Buffalo. Bill, the, famous scout and plainsman is: on liiis, 'death bed, in Col- orado His :proper .name is.. W. F. Cody and is known far and widef>r his crack shooting with both rifle and pistol, - ,1VIr, C. Bi 'Snell:: is rapidly convert-- ing "the hotel property into a garage. It will be a,. fine;,: aide, too. Mr. Milo Snell, the Ford :dealer, is having` a Bowser gasoline tank placed in 'front of the garage. Fr.= now duplex' the- last week in April the Probability is that the mail carrier will earn'all the moneyehe, will receive foe-' Making his six rounds a week.' He will appreciate all the help we can give:°hint ih the; way, of mak- ing the roads• more passable. Mrs. Wright ',of Landon addressed two meetings' in Main Street Church on Monday :last. She is a pleasant and interesting' speaker, and a goodly number were present on each occasion In the afternoon she spoke on the.war and, in ' the !etle)ning on Women's Suffrage "` Thamesville's village Council must have a big heart, a level head and a philanthropy worth talking about. For 20 years, they have presented theEd- iiar, of that spruce .burg. with $12 'as a recognition of his publishing the minute, ,: of that body. Imagine -ane of Huron County 1"Iunicipal Couticila handing • over such a sum. -+Clinton New Era. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye: Sight Spsciaii't, will be at the Central :to- tel, .Exeter Saturday, Jan. 20th, from. pit: an. to 8'p.m. PIANO FOR_ SALE -A First-class Gerhard H'intaman Piano, nearly new for sale, PrieJ• very moderate and on easy tYrins. Apply at S. Martin & Son's, Exeter. FLAX LAND WANTED The undersigned ,(Flax Co. desires to secure land acreage' for the grow- ing of flax the coming season, to supply the Exeter mill. For particu- lars apply at the Advocate Office. ONTARIO FLAX CO, 400 TONS SALT -400 tons ()Mae Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade:, $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. BATTLE OF THE SOMME. -The greatest war film in the ,world will be shown at "Dome Theatre" Jan- uary 12th and .13th, matinee and night -the earliest ,possible date obtairi- able. This picture is now playing in the cities, and Exeter -Will be one of the first towns' to have the oppor- tunity of seeing this wonderful film. produced by the Famous Players. General admission 25c., war tax 2 c. ;extra MEETTNG OF I TJRON COUNTY COUNTY The Council of the corporation of Huron will meet in the Council •Cham beer, in the Town of Goderich, an Tuesday,- the 23rd day of the present month, at 3 o'clock. W. LANE,, . Dated Jan'y Sth, 1917: Clerk. ANNUAL ,MEETING. EXETER AGRICULT'L SOCIETY The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be "held in. the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday January 1Sth, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock -p.m. for the purpose • of -electing Presi- dent. Vice -President and . Directors for the ;'ensuing year and transacting other important business. All members and interested parties should attend the meeting. The Directors 'are `'particularlyQuested to meet before the annual meeting; a 1 o'clock sharp. E. 'CHRISTIE R G'. SELDON President Secretary. ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning, Factory is open and, ensilage is for , sale at 83.00 per ton, purchaser paying for weigh ing on R. G. Seldan's scales. -EXETER CANNING CO. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm in Usborne Town ship -good buildings, two acres of orchard, plenty of water.; clay loans soil near ischool and church; four ,. `' •r to The -ilea fron. Centralia, Ap_ 1y Advocate. Office. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale her beautiful residence in Exeter, op- posite the Ross -Taylor mill. The property contains . two lots of land. line: brick house, containing nine rooms and wood shed, good stable; and, drive shed,' hard and soft- water; number fruit trees and small fruits. House all wired and furnished for 'Hydro. This is Can excl ent.proDerty arid will be sold at a rsasonable price Aonly to Louise Cudmare, who is in the West, but will be home in a short A 1CIIO1ICE FARM' FOR SALE Being Lot 16 and N half of Lot. 17 'North Thames Eoad, consisting of 150 -acres.. 5 acres bush, 50 acrels in grass, and 50 ploughed.. Tip --to-date brick dwelling, kitchen and woodshed Large up-to-date hank 'barns, every convenience, never failing sappily of water in buildings from windmill. 1-2 miles from school, 1 & 1-2 mis. from (Methodist and Presbyterian churches. 5 1-2 mites • from town of Exeter, rural mail and telphone. This has al- ways been conceded to be the besb farm in Usborne.. easy terms for pay- ment .for quick sale. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron real estate agent. R. R. No. 1 Kirk ton. P. O., Ont, or phone Jiyndman Line. Exeter; or to A. Campbell on the prz1niiacs. ELL'S Annual Sale is On 2')O Gold Fish arrived this week BIG GRANI'TEWARE BARGAINS BIC ALLM[NUMWARE BARGAIN 1110 OTHER .GOODS BARGAINS • Our Lt.rge.Stocks niust he reduced 'Congo, ,and bring your friends. New Bargains every day. r Rev- W. J. Smith, B. A., of Toronto Field Secretary ,of the Department of Social,Service 'arid Evangelism of the Methodist:' Church, -preached in Main St ,Church. Sunday -morning and in Jarnea Street •Church Sunday evening, Ides°,discourses' ..were full ` of 'interest and instruction. Rev. Knight of Hen - all occupied, the, ;Main Street pulpit.. rn.Th•e;imanylnfriends here of Dr. It P Rosa, ,a .farmer wells -known Exeter bo'y.':aha. ran :at' «the late D. A. Ross, will b:9..-plearel to learn that he has been eleeted ,to'the House of Repre sen,tati,t s for Idaho; in the recent eieetemes ih;e• doctor, is .abundantly qualified ,1 fill the office and the Advocate extends the heartiest con- gratulations • ta. the Doctor on Isis election .to euich .. a responsible: and honorable ca, position. • Ayre ,largelyattended convention. of the Cons rvatives of the , provincial riding : 'of.;Glelelien, Alb;erta,held, at Strathmore, Mr. , Fred Davis, of Irrieaaa,' ;was unanimously chosen. .as standardrhearer to ,contest the riding against. the ,Siftbn ;government candid: - ate: at andid=ate:"at: the n set ,election. Mr. Davis t a large ,laid (Avner in .thee West and. was..•a, forme!` ,povular hotel keeper in. Goid'erich, 'lie is •,a brother of 'Mrs,. Fred May''of Exeter:, D. H • •'01', `CHARLES GIDLEY -Death has -claimed another of the eaft'eurec ' and lib -hared residents of Exeter, intine 'person of Mr. Charles' Giclley,. wlrtr '+sail peacefully to hest at his hams ani Sunday morning last, after- a lang.."-land tedious illness. For over, thirty ::years deceased 'has been a5i i11• Valiai and'; during This long per - i01, %suiferrdi intensely from rheumat- ic 'trouble. ''Somefew weeks ago he met with an `accident • by falling, from his, chair, sustaining a bad. shock ,to his already enfeebled constitution and since' then he has been gradually sink- ing ;'death claiming him about eight o'clock ,tSuatccay morning, Deceased was, .Born in;;. London, England, but came fa Canada with his pare pts when he was a niece lad. , The family first settled in London, but after, remain- ing there fort a few years; they re- moved to Exeter: For- a number of. years. deceased ,w:as associated with his: brothers, Richard and Samuel Gr 11es', in the manufacture .of chairs and tater, 1iu'niture, occupying the prcmiSe now, dwne3 by the Ross - Taylor. Cbmpany. , Owing to: ill Health the. ,.ieceased' withdrew from the buaine,s acid nearly ever since has been confined to his home, and the greater part of the : time has been al- most helpless. i1Mr. Gidley bore his' long ,siege, ill health with charact- eristic- cbeerfu'lneis ' and courage. Notivithstan ling:"his affliction lie en- 7oye'l lily to the utmost; was aman of -'broad sympathies, and the friends itha•• read knoivr him for a-•hfe time will niouari his departure, and the ex- ample of ilia consistent daily life is i orthl, , a). emulation. Forty-six years ago Miss; Catharine Wails, of Pi: Hdjte, and he and his edrthtul and worthy ,partner in life occupied the. dweliing in which he died cant,lnwous- i' ever since. Deceased had rcach- e.i ;the advanced age of 78 years, 1 month and, 19 clays. Besides' his sox iowlegte, widow- lie is survived by mite brother Richard Gidley of town. '1'hc funeral;, which' was private, tools place tcti thy: -j deter. cemetery , ' yesterday, =x-o-x- NOTlicE-Notice •is given that the ice on the river will be, '8o4a at 250 1a load. the purchaser to secure necea- sary :help, the commission • to place a man in ehar1„e of the ponda and to regnlate the ieul•ting, etc., the rep reeentat,ivc to be an employee of tbi• party or parties securing., ice. Judge Dickson; of Gaderich, was in town on Friday, Mrs, J Jarrott visitedfriends in Landon last Nirealc, Mr, I ' i C<arling,. spent Monday in`• London ion business., lar. John Farmer of ,;Londati,' was; ui town or, Tueaday, Miss Ida, Cochrane is visiting bei. cailein ;Miss Viola Jones, • Mrs. Chas. Adams . is .spending a few days; in London this week. Mr. Reg, Parsons Itis returned to hitstudies at Hamilton NNormal. NIa E, 5, Christie Is spending a week visiting ptelatives iia Toronto. Mr, Robert Sanders left Saturday morning to spend several weeks Colorado and California. Messrs. Thompson Brothers of Lon - dap, were visitors with their brother Mr, W. St Thompson. last ,ii e.ak. Miss Ethel Sweet, after spending the millinery -,season in Tilsotiburg, re, turned to her home here Monday, Mrs (Dr.) Lindsay and child and ,Miss Ethel Dow of Yorkton, 'Sask.,' are visiting at the family barrio here. .,Mr. Wm.' ,Westlake of Stratford, spent .Monday and Tuesday at. ' the home o1' his -mother, Mrs. J. Westlake ,Mrs, W. Gardiner of Clearwater, Man., left for .a visit with her rela- tives at Exeter, On,`t,"-Crystal City Miss Margaret ;Leitch and Miss' El liner Black ';oaf :Dutton were visitors with Mrs. W. St. Thompson• during the week. Mrs. Jas. ,Whyte and daughter Ila' are spending a few days with the formers cousin, 4V1rs. 'Ames Darling of McGillivray. Mr. W. Jt. Murray was, in Detroit for 'a few days this week. He -leaves, to -day, for ,Moncton, :N.B., to' resume his work as'traveller . 'Mrs. Jas. Whyte, who „'has been vis- iting in ,Stratford for two ;months, has returned to her mother's, Mrs. John` .W eatlake's, Sanders St. Mrs,. John Cochrane of Hilisgreen and daughter, Mrs, R. Hopkins of Se- attle. spent last week . with Mrs. Ed Jones and other friends. Mrs. Jordan and two' daughfers re turned to Toronto on Tuesday after a visit . at the home of Mrs. Jordan's parents ,Afr. and Mrs. James' Murray,. Mr.. Wes, Stone returns to . Sask atoon on Thursday after a few weeks visit with relatives :in Usborne,' Mrs Stone and two idaughters, will remain for some weeks . Mr. T. H. Novell, has bleep-confin:' ed to the house .th,,e past week owing to illness. The house .owned by- Dr. " Quack- enbush on the corner of James and Albert ;Streets, has been purchased, by it\ir. William Fisher of Usborne, who takes immediate , passessiion. altir. J G. Jones' has purchased<.ethe two fine p,rouerties on Main Street owned by Mr. John Farmer of London the one being occupied by Messrs, Jones & May as :storage room 'and the other by ;Mr: A. Walter;' The deal was put through on Thursday.••• ., Since the last issue of the Advi>ea,te 1 wo Exeter - ;Old' Boys have. been shaking hands with old friends in town. We refersto Mr. Roland i3alk- will of St. Thomas, son of Mr., James Balkwiil of Dutton, who by the way is `84 years of age, and, Mr. Arthur Bar 1kei.11 of Conquest,Sark. son of the' late John Ba,'ikill; -• of 'Chi- cago, It is a rather strange- botnci- dence that the two cousins should leave their respective homes without previous airangemient about the same time to •mcet and visit their native town and scenes of their i:oy hood day,; together. It is neariy 40 years ago )singe the former .left Ex- eter ani! nearly 30 ,years since the lat- ter left., Both have .prospered well in a financial tvay, 'the :farmer: con- ducting a, wholesale ,ice cream and candy business in St. Thomas, and he latter - is a thrifty ,cultivator of the 5oi1 in the .;great prairie prove ince, of Saskatchewan, although he wad a tailor by trade, having served his apprenticeship j.n. the .: tailoring es- tablishment of the late James Pick- ard. Mr. Roland ;Balkwill has, return- ed td ,his home while Arthur has been pleasantly sl ending the time in visiting the ,haunts of -Ms boyhood days and reviewing with the old friends fond recollections of youth. He misses many of the old, faces, who have long .;ince• passed to. the great beyond, or .movedfrown town, there. being 'just a few,af•theo1dbays left. t Arthur is "a chip' off the o1d,'black," and as the •old saying •has it, John Balkwill will never' be dead while Arthur is living. CASTOR I For Infants: and Children` in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature ature of g • re You `Sic If you have tried everythingelse l -arc discouraged this bears a Message of lope for you Nearly every kind of so-called dis- eas^• is being, permanently relieved n rot. li the new, driigless science al 'Chiropractic lticli eliminates the cause. 'When • ca,use is removednature then ran Jo her perfect work and restoreyou o hcaltl}, Dr. S. M. Jones C11IROPR:ACTOR A4aitt St;, Exeter Monday r, Wednesdays and Fridays, PHONE NO. 32. urs,.. Baring. ,ale:. o; or next two Weeks. Don't miss this rare 'o opportunity v e s good reliable el able furs, at cheap prices. During th�e,nexf two weeks we wish to clear out our entire ,stock of Neck °' Furs, uMuffs, and Ladies' Muskrat. and Furl-colaare;dl Coats, and. turn same into CASH: In order to do this . wee h.ve 'made tremendous. reductions, that ,should.. clear. them out at once, Of course these reduced prices Must necessitate be1ng .2Sold on a° cash or trade basis, Below we offer a partial ',Hat, Many of •these match ;into +perfect .se s, - Fur Muffs 2 Mini:' Marmot Muffs were 10:50, 7.51) 2 " " n were 11.50 for 8.50 2 " <,' cr , e 12.50 for 9.00 2 " " were 13.50 for 9.50; 3 -•µMuskrat Muffs were 12.50 for 9.00 1 Muskrat Muff, was 14,50 for 10.00 6 ';Oppossum ',Muffs were 12.50 for 9.75 1 Bk Persian Lamb was 21.00forlb,00' 1 "' ;was 22..5.0 - Jor 16:50 1, . " was 23.50, for '17,50 2 were 25.50 for 18.50 1 Bk. Dakota Wolf .Was. 15.50 for 9 75 1 Black Wolf •`was.' 18.50 for 12.50 1 Gen. Alaska Sable 25.50 for 1,7..50 1 Gen: 'Alaska Sable 20 50' for 13.50' Neck !Furs 2 -Mink ,Marmot- Scarfs,' 8.00 for 5.50 1, " was 12:50, for 5.50 1 • " sivas 12.50 far 9.00 1 Black Wolf Scarf. was 17,50 for 12.00, 1 " was 18,50 for 12.50 L 'was 25 50 for 18,00 t Bk; Imitation Wolf 6.50, for 4.50' 1. Isabella Oppossum, 17.50, for 10.50 1 Dyed Columbia Sables 12,50Zfor9..50 p.• Bk Persian Lamb, 16.50 for 12.00 1 'Pan Persiam was 5.50,• for 3.75 3 Grey (Persian Lamb 10,00 Lar7'Sb 2 -Grey: Persian Lamb; 9.00, for 6:00• Special Sets 1 Leopard 'Set, was 22.50 for 16.50 1 Natural Fox set, 26.50 for 1.9:00 1 Bk. Wolf. Set ,was 23:50 for 151.00 1 Wh. Thibet Set, 12.50 far 9.00 Special Ladies' Muskrat Coats 3 only regularly 862.50, to clear at 49,00 i only regufariy 80.00, to clear at 59:00 '1 Black Astachan Coat, was $65.00 ,,.,,, , :.,for. $32.50, half pride,. '. Ladies Fur :Collared Coats ...:....... were 818.50 , for • ..._.. 812.00 ALL CHILDREN'S •-FURS ALSO GREATLY REDUCED Men s ,Cottonade 'Pa:pt. Special 100 'pairs,Men's Heavy Black eindGrey 'Cottanade and Denim farts at O10 !'ride` of las tseason;. only $1.35 a pair JONES.' µa: Beadq uarters,for: the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothin" iia1Ve The Storz At 'the New Meat Market you can get all kilndis of fresh and cured, meets, choice sausage; corned beef, etc., You `can order your meats . and groceries and .have -them delivered to- gether. Telephone :or \send your order. Phone 18 R. C1'Oower&Son otpoint 0 are the most. satisfactorily SEE TSE VEE,'' COMPLETE LINE OF otpoint Lamp - socket Appliances ''. J. BEER'S Nc� Tailored i SuitS� C�aIS OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME THE: 'S TYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS, ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from,- MADE TO YOUR )MEASURE. SEE, OUR NEW COA'I'INGS FOR LADIES PRICES= 00 $17. AND UP. a We also have a nice range of ,Men's, Over Coatings. and Suitings. GIVE- US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel: "Furniture and Undertaking R s V N. ROW THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, tS o spices, e S y teas, coffee and every- thing ver -thing in the grocery line. 08,11 and see us. 'A trial as to quality will convin- C! • Produce taken in exchange Jas.. as Gould Oppos e Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Store roC akin AS Vi%.E 'rAKE.'STOCK ALL ANL`. SOLD, AT A`' SACRIFICE LOTS OP' LINES AT BIG 1 Mne's Neck Scarfs, worth up Felt Slippers 25 cents _a pair, 50 cent Neckties for 25 cents,' Ladies' Fancy Collars 15 cents ODDS ;, ANI) • ENDS To CLEAR ell T,)1JCTIONS. to 31,50 each, for 35 cents;, ale ARE, PUT ,OUT F. Ieaver•s