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The Exeter Advocate, 1917-1-4, Page 4
I0re Cry; 0 °.I.'be Kind. Wulf—lave Always li3onght, and "which has been in Use for over 30 yeas 11as borne the signatures of sand has been natio under his pers , SO Tal supervision since its infancy, u, G Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Conxatcrfeits Imitations and "Justgd" are bu ! onJust-as-good t, Experiments that trifle with and .endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTO teaIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothiu,g Syrups. It is pleasant. , It Contains neither Opiuxn, Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance. Its age is it thantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, 'Wind ,Cmlltc,4 all Teething Troulbles and Diarrhoea. It regulates;', the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE IA ALWAYS I tsF�Gver The Kind You Hti4& Always Bought {THE CENTAUR COM P'AHY. NEW YORK CITY. immonsamesanommemosowsmaw Sanders & Creech,Proprietors' Subscription Price-ln advance $1.25 ,per .year in Canada; $1.75 in the —United !States. All subscriptions not .-paid in advance 50 cents extra will 1.be charged w"• .THURSDAY JANUARY llth, 1917 C en�r�lia Miss Margaret Hanlon of he ✓x su, :line, ':College, Chatham; andl4tr. ' Ger-^ ald Hanlon of Assumption "'=Oallege, ,:Sandwich who have been spending the holidays at their harne here, re-. : turned to their studies on .Vfonday..: 111",.1r...and Mrs.; Leo •Coughlin -of .'-Gull ,Lake, 'Sask., who have been''iisiLr 'Mr. D. 'Coughlin here, returned to ..their home on • Monday. Mrs. Paisley ,of London and Miss e Hill of Saskatchewan are visiting their : siister • ;Mrs. F. Hicksl. C °eciflto>r� t1VIr Leonard Abbott is confined to• Mr. Roland Matz of the West was the house with an attack of pleurisy. 'home visiting ,has parents Mr. and ;,Mr- Leo Foster lost' one ,oE•"this best rlVira: I-1. Mots for a few days; He horses on , Monday morning through left for England on. Wed � England nesday Mar--_ death.".ng where he will act as a sailor 'n It has', 'been announced that the the Royal. Navy, Canadian Volunt ter ,.train going north to 'Winghani in Reserve, we wish him a safe tourney the mo7iung, ,j.s tic; be cuttiff's =also to England, and a safe return horse.. .the one in the evening ,going'"-tdj Lon= Mr. William .,lvlotz ofCrediton is dors, to help relieve the freight block-, home visiting his parents' a few days: .ode •at the. border. Perhaps vv�e shall nOil' t forget ;he ,:Big Oyster Sup - get some coal then. 'h per to a helid on Jana .16th in; the Rev. Smith of :Toronto gave a Lodge Room under the auspices of splendid address in the church dirt, the-L.O.'1': M. . "Monday 'evening regarding the workA Miss Othella and Vera,:Matz spent . .oaf the Social Service of Reform ancL;thee, recent holidays with friends in -.Evtangelism. 4 Iondorr, The newly - ,.le ec ted: council Feud• its first. ;nesting son ¥otnday. s® r. ir . Elmore Brawn who has b..en Death.—This week it is Out: ad;; visiting his uncle; Fred" Hai;st, re- Death.—This .to "Toronto e � Tuesday ta.resute� :duty to record , the death of : Henry; th,u. , stn lies at the Unrjverstty, Benita sr. The deceased had been, ``Win. ,Smit in poor health for some time„.sutfer-l! - h has _:i;ente;d' the house p IatGiv ;occupied. ;by Mr. -John Wind ins -from Brights disease, Duringtlsz;.,anriM;intends .moving to 'fawn in the last 1ew,, weeks he had tailed rapidly;.near future and on Tuesday evening death eo of G r Brown .has returned • a q , n to�,liis He ]rad lievea :him of his sufferings,.., ironic ir,: 1'iaeon-,1Vlich. of reached the age of 67 years, 3 months e ter a. ata and � � �' .e ` � ' his ` ays'; visit wi li his' brother, .Bernard. ,' .17 days: L- Te is'-survivd lay R,ev. Becker gave an illustrated lee- tsorrotving wife, who is also very ill, lure on "This Life anrd the Life two ,cans. five daughters and three � if to ,r.Calne a; Sunday ,evening. It proved brothers. �He was a member of the;., ver ; interest' and Evangelical .church. Interment took � plomas ...tans': seas were awarded D e place, to-thc Goshen Line cemetery on r d touIee • ,_ p' 1174 of .the Sunday. Schaahavliasuc, seeded in attaining the requir"eti marks during the past year., .„,.,s mos .' Miss Elsie Ga'vser and hiss Lulu :raiser have returned" to "Tb'roiito"to` resunra their IStudies at the 1 a ii'lt Death c,. Mrs - Beaver -After an ill "''andtetth& of sale of'tl a following r, r' n,e4; or about wa'nianthsdeath re', brands apply:— ex,,cl ;WITS. hithaclB�aver of 'her_ MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT..suffering last ,Thursday, rs ay, at the ..., age Naiionai`Brswerie, Li nfte l x - - a'" "'64 years, - The deceased was highly Room 74 . 36 Cia�boilles Sgrt1ie; w• respected in. ,our community, having- MONTREAd.b: r ' 'f always taken an active part in church anc1 Sunday school work. She was `a kind neighbor ,and well beloved by all. The's-emails "were interred • 'on Sunday rnarniing. She- leaves - to mourn her loss a husband and 11 chit- lren and .8 grand cliidre,n, . to CChem is'-.e,i tended -the sympathy of the comp mu,nity, Friday afternoon:_ The:ladies .of the village are sew _nil, for the Red Cross every Wed- nesday in Zimmer's Hotel. Mrd .ori Mrs. Miles andMr.' 4. Gran - of Sarnia were here attending the :uneral of the late Henry Bender. Mr:- and "Mrs: Writ Held have re urned, aftcr,spending the holidays ,with; - relatives in Londoin.and, Detroit _Mrs. H, Guenther is this week at ending the funeral of a cousin at i,Voodstock Mrs. Henry Kraft of the '1'owniine is ver} law with an attacle of erysip- +elas.: . 1 bir E,1 Kraft has disposed ased p of his butches business here. to Mr. Edmund Kral t. Mr -.Charlie Genttner has gone to London for the winter. Mr. -and. Mrs. Alvin Nicholson, and Mr- Dave Hrsrtleib of the West:' call- ed on friends and relatives. here this the els: INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STO1 PALE SIt CFR` ALE DOU R:LE STOUT MALT EXTRACT;, EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE $LACK HORSE ALE EXTRA STOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lazerri-KINGSSEER CLUB SPECIAL HOMEEEEW a, INDIA PALE ALE,,,, i'ORTER ibOHEM1A111 LAGER 1l e. aho e,.E,bdrs are all full :are"' 3, 'strength and 'a'x'e' stpEfiredti consumers dirret, from, ;theta Brewery ONLY to localities where no licensed traders reside. ;,a SAINTSBURY - Mr, itiinor Dobb's lost a valuable horse last week.—Miss Yera:. Davis visited in London Tnd'nship •last we i� and ;Miss Ada Carroll visi,tecl in Watford. -Mr, and Mrs. Freiman ..Dobbs sPent the week end in lan,—A sleigh load visited .'alr, Phin, rfunle:r's the other night and all en- joyed themselves tripping the light lantastiu M•r..Edgar Smith' has ,i:n. 3.te:l decorating the•;Na, 9 school enproving its appearance very much. it-, F. Dobbs visited in Woocihatn last .we k, It's 'all right pr.cii CEISELHLJRST Report says ,we are soon to lose Our genial' store keeper, ';`Cir" J Cdr iggi,—Daaell Parkes- is. home from hs: 1ti.at.—VTrs. Isabella. Glenn Batt ot titin„. to tali and .,b Lai, 1«„ Otils1 n,: ced in y)arrs it Yil; ga hard w 1 ,cGi11jvray her, WHALEN Mr, and Mrs, Albert Scott Of Far- quhar visited her parents here- Mr, and Mrs. 'Geo. Squire, last tvvgeli. --• Mrs, Jame!: Shipley, While visiting her blather at ,Marlette, Mich;, was 'called ho?lie to the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. lialktvill of Blanshard.--Ernest i-lobbs ot,Deviz:s and sis'rer Myrtle ;; also ,Miss Ailds and Flossie McRoberts visited ay.'r Sunday here the guests of Mrs. Hector MillsonH-fth t, Albeit Gunning is visiting thisweak with r-elat!yes at Kirkton,—Several of our young meal` are buy these days cut- ting wood by contract,—John right has engag::cl with Hector Millson for a y:att.—Miss 'AMary Brooks, who ,has been theteacher in the-SundaySchool of h ciass'of bays and "girls; under 16 years of age gave a prize for ;he most regular attendant during the past year, Thi: was soon by Elsie Gunn- ing. 'file ;class has also done , well in ; raising Money, having given nearly fifteen !dollars ;la Belgian Relief and missions.—A. social was held ori Fri- day evaning in the basement ofthe church in honor of Mr, Johnston, sr., teacher of the Adult Bible Class, and oldest teacher inthe school. •A splen. did program • was ,rendered and a choice lunch saved. A collection was taken amounting to nine dollars, ,On Monday afternoonu a kitchen 'Shower was grwert, in honor; of ,Miss Ethel Bell previous to her 'marriage on Wednesday, Tan. 10th, to ,Mr. Thos. Drover an, enterprising young farmer rl' Hibbert. A dainty lunch was ser- ved at the hone of ,Mrs.: Johrt Selves by the hostess, to about twtentyi-five of the younf+tri ads af.thte bride -elect all report a good time. Jim Hortonv�,�of Alberta, is here this vv.e l: visit sg relatives.—Miss Smale of e.nsal'. was a recent visitor:, at Geo, Smai-,es.-5ljss- Hattie McQueen of Heniall spent the:, week end with. the �tsse, Ryckman.=Rev- Muxworrny of Exeter spent Sunday evening With An. Selves- and family!.—Mit. Frank Horton. has been confined to the house for th D past week ar anti; Mrs. Ja ques of Sunshine spent Monday wrtli me taut rs parents here', GRAND BEND Mrs. Shepard -and children are vis- iting Mrs. Asaph Gravelle far a week. -Miss Hattie 'Gray -elle of Bad Axe is visiting relatives here.— '''Mr: James Mollard, .sr., is on. the sick list.—Ross Ravelle have rented Louis Ravelle's tore for a ter m :of years, possession on given on Jan. 15. Death—This, week ,it! becomes our duty to mention the death of another of the oldest settlers in',person ,.af Ware. Oliver, Sr., who departed his. lifer on Tuesday eve Jan. "Znd. De- ceased has been ill since last spring with cancers. About a year and a ball ago, he went to London Hospital to hate a cancer removed from the side. of his tongue, which prived a suc- cess for about a year, when it began I to grow again. Detceased:"came to this country, ;in 1855, settling near Mount Pheasant ;church, where the re- mains were taken Friday for ., burial: Had he lived until Thursday he:would have reached the age of 85 years. He was a man of upright qualities, wrong- ing no one. la politics h'e,\v:asj a Re- former in r'eligiion a ;Methodist. He was ,a kind and obliging neiighbor. De. - ceased was thrice married.. He leaves, one son and four daughters, William, Mrs, Wm. Patterson of Grand Bend, l\Irs. Beckworth and Mrs, Eaten cn Michigan -and` Mrs. Champaign, of Bat- tleford. The pall bearers were his franclisons, •• Mr. Ipnerson of St. Tha ins, Mrs. Beckworth and Mrs. Eaten is ,enn ed the ,funeral on Friday. The. Jeraatred have the sympathy of the sornmunity. GRAND BEND RED CROSS -Grand.;Bend, Jan.' 6, 1917. The following: ,is the annual amort of .tate Grand Bend Red.Crorss Circle. One year in' the history of our soci- ety shay pass til and it .is our privilege to present the first annual report:. During the past year we have passed through one .of, th3greatest years in the history of tha we:td when -• so many ;nations are at war, but `we are prow of our nato'.i who' has so nob- ly _fought for right ,and justice: Since our branch of the R.ecl Cross Society >was 'organized on Oct. -21st, 1915, we .have Field 21 meetings with an average attendanceof about 18. We would like to.°have mare attend. in order to make it a greater Success, During the year the society has sent to Hyman •Hall the following: -197 pairs of socks, 111 day shirts, b pil- low' covers, 29 towels, 157 'handker- chiefs. 12 mattress covers. Receipts Grant 'from ;Stephen C,auncal 25 00 Donations received j 50 00 Qollected Postsoldiers'' dinner - 45 50 Corbett -Grand "'Benet Presby ter - t ar picnic' 5'50 G rh' Qnway Bible Class 145 00 (*ant from. Stephen Council ,5,0 00 sPatr'iotit Conceit t 92 35 Box Social '44 30 Capt" Dr Racey's Lecture 50 00 $ 517 65 EXPENDITURE White & May, . flannel 1`0 71 C. Zwicker"+for yarn.): •6 00 R. J Strauss sock legs 21 05 Ross & Ravelle, flannel, yarn and towelling • z59 42 NA -rester -U,'n'versjt Unit 16 . i iY00' Red, -Cross, London, for yarn 54 50 Expense on 'boxes going overseas 2 36 Expends of concert ' 3 00 Postage and express 3''10 Balance: in Treasury $141 51 $ 517 65 In conclusion" there _'. is ane tltoaght we o c'ulct' , ik) tO.. keep foremost in the, minds of our workers, .and that if by your presono c, or your work one lift is orightened, or one :onifcrt giver to any of our bays, •wviio ;arc ,Sc., bravely :;.ighting` that our ;tomes tray be sisared, is it not worth' our while ;Mayme Crawford, .:Sac'y Florence Gill, Tread -'1aGIL :lecteci secret fav h . y.,•ol the Marini. .1 on of Town Mr. '.1‘ 03, Prestc ZION At the advanced age of eight), -two years, death claimed another of the well-known women ;o1 Blanshard the last day'; of the, old' year, Dec, 31st,. in the person of Nellie' Jane Kyle rel - let of the late James, Balkwill and daughter of the late James Kyle of ti'shorne. `,'1'lae born ire Ireland btu ,eanie to'thie'country with herparents; settling In York County when but a little girl of ten:', years. Shortly afters more than, seventy years ago, they came to Usborne ~where, the deceased t resided ,until her marriage la ,ills. Jameta Balkwili' of the Base, Line l3lanshasd, who pre -deceased ber twenty years. James Kyle of ~Exeter is a brother and Mrs. Albert, Berryhill alio, .a1 the Sauble ,Line, is a sister. ,lava grown-up children survive Mr. Herman Kyle, a nephew, resides across'' the road from the bld homestead in Usborne. 'rhe funeral took place to Zion cemetery. CLAI'IDEBOYE A Rect Cross tea under the auspices of the Ladies' knitting and sewing club, was held !at the "home of Mrs. ' ea. Lewis, last eve, after tea the ladies' of !the club were engaged in knitting !-fort' the soldiers, while a musical programs ,was given.—Mr. Jos. Mcllhargey w»ho;has been ill for some time is still very ill,—The Y. 13i Al of St, James' Church will hold a soc- ial everting in the , iinday School on Friday evening, The members of bioly Trinity, •Lucan, A'. Y, I'l, A. have bean invited for the, occasion: An enjoyable time ,is in sight. Every,.- iaody welcome.—Mr. W. McWilliams s al! smiles—,it's a bay—Miss Hattie tloigins of London is, visiting rely iv^es here Miss B. Oliver has been engag ed as teacher for Clandeboye Public-' Schaal, for the coming year: 11ir W •5. Cunningham has returned home after sperncling a few 'stays in Port Huron and Sarnia. Mr. Joseph 12illliarge 'tivlio`has'been iU for the past 1Cw w eks is reported to be te- e Dv ,not e-eDvennl:,not very rapidly, and hypes for hi- recovery are doubtfui,—The Annual Public School meeting was, helot in the school ronin on 'Thurs- day, The Trustees who were in the past year were re -elected. --Mr. Roy McRann is pall smiles—a son.—Mir. Duff Noble has returned to 'his home in Toronto after ;spending_the 'holidays with :Mr. and ' Mrs. 1VIcKenzie,—Miss Florence Lewis has returned home after spendinga week with her father of this place, -A number from this glace attended the O. N. O. Ball,heid s in the �Op�,ra House, ;Luca n. —ib Ii9s Scott al London spent the week end •with her 'sister, Mrs. Geo,. Flynn, of .his place, -Miss ;Greta Bice and Miss Lewis spunt sn few days in London. —Mr Frank „Hodgins left. the -.other Jay - for Port Huron, 'where he in- ends to spend the winter. Thomas Jameson,,a farmer, residing near •Russeldale, lwas `found: dead by his brother at the stable ;door on Thursday. Doceasjed was 54 -years of rge and leaves awidowed mother, one arother and three sisters, t! IIAD ALMOST GIVEN • Sarnia, Ont. -"About 27 years; ago I was taken very bad, my blood, too, was in bad shape. I got so I had to go` to bed andlI was there for over -three months: I could not eat and sufferedtmtold agony. I had three of the best; doctors I could get but it just seemed nothing was going t o help me. I had almost given up., Z thought I would never beany better and was willing to give up and die rather than suffer as I was.- A neighbor of mine told me of Dr. Pierce's wonderful remedies and I decided to use them. My husband bought me .six bottles of `Favorite Pre- scription.' I had not taken it long until. I felt better. In less than six weeks I was out of bed, and in less than six months I was cured and have been well ever since. Do all my own work. I' have raised three daughters, two are married and have children. They have used it and the. are healthy, so are their;: children. I am sure it was all on account of my having them: use the medicine. "I keep all of Dr. Pierce's medicines in the house. Have 'Favorite Prescrip- tion,' `Golden Medical Discovery' and `Smart -Weed' ---anything prepared by Dr. Pierce is good. I e,also have a copy of the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which d �have'had.o m26 Y. earn, ; it r n has been very valuable te. Mrs. J. WAY, 232 Ontario St., Sarnia, Ont. -If you are a sufferer, if your daughter, mother, sister need help, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription:in liquid or tablet qq form from any;.medicine rdealer to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and get confidential medi- cal advice entirely free. A most valuable bookin any home is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A splendid 1008 -page volume; with engravings and colored plates. A copy will be sent to anyone sending fifty cents in stamps, to pay the cost of wrap ping and mailing only, to "Dr. Pierce, 1 Buffalo, N. Y. � Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellets • are the Pierce's originallittle liver pe,firet put up nearly 50 years ago. ANY CHEST CLQ` MAY I3FkINC Bronchitis o rOiIIII. The irritating, tickling con h affects the lung tissue and wears down nature's power to. resist disease germs. (Kr 1 suppresses the co1d3, allays the in- flammation, steadily_ removes the irritation and rebifilds the r istive power . to prevent lung trouble. SCOTT'S has done more 'for Coir t�rnnchiat.taroul�Ies..:kha,it any athex'..one mi mate. It contains no liArmfuI 'drugs. Scout $c Bo aie, TopiugQ.'O31t, 5- ! 51lt EDMUNP. WALKER, C.Y.O., LL.D. Preytdent 1051 P, i` PSD, ,Genai:gl Manager. E1., Y. F. JONES, Ase't General Manager CAP ffA $15 L OQ,QQO RESERVE FUND $13, UOpI1 SAVINGS BANK' ACCOUNTS Interest at the operon, rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and wards Careful attention isgiven to 'every account. =Small;accounts ap. rS' 'are welcomed. Accounts mai be opened and operated . t?y mail. a b ,o ned in the' names of two or morepersons,with- drawals may e. pe.. drawals to be made,by any one of them or,by the survivor. S50 EXETER 'BRANCH—A. E. Kuhse, M gr•.:GREDITON-S.:,M. Johnston . Mgr •oeebe..gap •aloeeeYl, iNCORPORATEDl 1855 MOLSONS Capital. & Reserve` $8,800,00 06 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business' Transacted Ci,rcmIar Letters '`ofuClixec itf' Bank Monett Orders SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest cuzrent rate'` EXETER BRANCH — W D. CL Manageai• e�la .Oel�,e .•Ye,..�O.e e.eeeelfe WINTER TERM FROM CENTRAL JAN. znd, STRATFORD. ONT. We have COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND HORT-HAND.' and TELEGRAPHY DE- PARTMENTS. The courses are -horough, up-t'o-date ,ani.1 practical. The instructors are experienced and we place graduates in positions. We are receiving scores of applications for trained Help we - cannot supply. Write at . once for, `particulars. D. A. McLachlan, Principal C W. ROBINSON LICEN4E.D AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Haran Perth Middlesex acid Oxford. Farm Stockales S eni lt Y Office at Cockshutt Warefooms, next door to Centra Hotel, Main Sheet{ Exeter. Changes moderate and .satisfaction is guaranteed DR. DeVAN''S FRENCH PILLS ireRe gulating Pill -for women. $p a.liox:or threefor $10.. Sold at alt Iirug .Stores. or mailed to any address on rctelpt of price.'. TBE SCOBELi, Dnie Co., St. Catbarinee, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. v 'ane •gitality.for Nerve''and Brain; increases "grey twitter" ,& Tonicwill build you up. $g5 a box, er two for $5, at drug stores, or by.nam on rec silt of price,^Trait SCOBELL DSII° Co:, St. Cathar hes, Ontario. i KEEP :le BY VAIN W. S. McCULLOYJGH, AIX, D.P.:.., (QEF OFFICER OF TELE PROVINCIAL, BOARD OF HEALTH. i°4`*4.46.:Mtt eNo•i°0i°'1°so .: o"e°'s' ::":°':.*:«1 :4i•a°S4'�ew. � i X•i i•4414 .:.: i•o : $...i • DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT. • T THIS TIME of the year there is apt to,be a good deal of sore throat and diphtheria. Every sore throat should merit close atten- tion. It may be diphtheria, even if there is little or no membrane to be seen. The throat from which Park and Williams, the noted diphtheria specialists of New York, secured the most virulent of diphtheria toxins had no membrane whatever. If your doctor has the slightest dou:'�t about the~case, have him take a swab for diagnosis,' .1 and while he is waiting for the report let him give the patient a dose of antitoxin. If it turns out not to be diphtheria, so much the better. If it 3s diphtheria your child, it ,nay be, has twenty-four hours' start with antitoxin. Sinceit is well known! that nearly all cases of diphtheria which- are diagnosed giTen antitoxin oi l the first day recover; ea' rly dosage is of great importance. in the cityof Phil- ,: p adeiphia 761 consecutivecases of this disease were givenantitoxin on the first day and all °recovered. , Sometimes children who have ; been given anti- toxin show a rash,.' which is alarming"to somesimilar people. It is a rash to that occurring in certain persons when they eat shellfish, tomatoes, or strawberries. All that the rash means is that certainersons are susceptible: = to protein or albuminous substances contained in the horse serum carving the antitoxin. The contained antitoxin has nothing whatever to do with caus- ing the. rash. If a similar quantity of horse serum or broth were injected ' under the skin of a susceptible, person.. a similar rash would occur, Some persons will never show .a rash with seruim of any kind, others who react easily to proteins show it everyytime. The ort- ' rash, apart from the uncomf able sensation, does no` harms Dose of. Aatitoxjn. Then there is the question of tiie dose. ; There is no more danger from ., 20,000 units than there .is.frohs$,000, so the large size of z.Lthe doseneednot cause any concern. Almost anycase of first-day receive st ay diphtheria should racer 5;0010 unitV1- If severe, especially if a day or two has 'elapsed; the dose should, be much increased, •say to 10,000 or 20,;0100 units; In laryngeal or 'advanced eases, the remedy should be, given in the veins intr venousl ') so . • ' as to get up;; against the toxin in the blood" as soon,as. possible. Now that , Diphtheria Antitoxin is supplied free by the Provincial Board' of Health "„:- to everyone, we should hear less about death from the disease in Ontario. t” Medicines are of certain value. Good tonics are -useful. Good food ,. at regular intervals is essential. It is most important that the patient have absolute rest 3n bed all through the course of the disease and for a week ori two after the serious symptoms"such as fever, rapid -pules, swelling of tho neck glands have subsided. The heart muscle in diphtheria. becomes weak c and soft and some patients who have got about too soon•have died suddenify, A case of sudden' death in diphtheria must 'not be attributed to the a " toxin. administered. It has nothing to do with causing death.. It is , less, , Remember this about antitoxin --that it is, when used early a proper doses,' a ,most marvellous ruse: for a disease which twenty or twenty-, five years ago was the terror of the- mothers of,our country. The fact that t this terror of the disease has disappeared is due to antitoxin alone. iviembranous,,.croup is r it diphtheria. it is diphtheria` of the larynx' of a ind pipe. The reason it is `so fatal- is because the membrane; and racist, `=i tissues of the',small windpipe of the childa�yt is easily plur; ed u and as result the child suffocates. Promptsaud vigorous treatment is needed in such cases. in addition .to' theuse of antit" ' oxen (given intravenously) in- tubation, that is the introduction into the windpipe of a metal tube is often a life-saving measure. Tracheotomy, since the introduction of intubation, is less used. There are 'certain quack advertised for the prevention and cure of diphtheria..'' None fl : of thein are: of any value.. Moreover they only cause a waste of time and interfere with aluable n.easures. In'tixe prieventionOf a further spread to other mersiUers of the family, the moat important'r/neasures „•a re: (1) ,Keeh them away from the, sick , patient and giveeach one 602 to" 1004 uutts. of anti oxtn. (3D' Lot lots of fresli air into", they' ouso��d-cleanM`u the sick room •z of t p s after or c,©at�h ofr the .„patient, ,_; ,�>