The Exeter Advocate, 1916-12-21, Page 12"Tie Perfect Day" is the day when you work in har- mony with law. •Health conies from Harmony. Get in harmony with Nature's -laws by eating Shredded Wheat, a simple, natural, elemental food which supplies the greatest nutriment with the least tax upon the digest- - ion. Try it for breakfast with hot milk or cream. Delicious with sliced bananas or other Wait. Made in Canada. OUT WITH A "TANK." xperience of Soldier of the Mechani- cal Transport. Interviewed in London, England, en ST VITUS i DANCEroute for his home in Aberdeenshire, ,, non-commissioned officer of the CAN BE EASILY GORED TUNNEL ENGLISH CHANNEL. To Be Considered Imper•ial De- fence Committee. The long debated question of a tunnel under the Channel from Eng- land: to Franee._is receiving much • at- tention in British Parliamentary circles, and the question will probably be submitted to the Committee of Im- perial Defence. The Westminster Gazette discusses the tunnel scheme as follows: "We believe that the tunnel can be so protected as to make its con- struction a large net increase of our power to eo-operate with an ally in Europe, and to provide us with a new route which will greatly facilitate and cheapen transport and supply of troops in time of war without depriv- ing us of the security which the sea offers. Experience in this war has furnished a great many new reasons for providing us with such a means of Communication, if these conditions are .fulfied. The tunnel; moreover, would be a door not only into France, but into Europe generally, and from Eu- rope to us, From all these points of view it must be an unqualified good, and we can do nothing but welcome a project which will mitigate our in- sularity without depriving us of the advantage of being an island." Mechanical Transport had an exciting story to tell of his adventures while serving with a "Tank" on the Somme. Fie said: "We had our first run with the Gordon Highlanders, and it was men of that battalion who christened us First the 'Highland Laddie' and the A Tonic for the Blood and Nerves With Rest All That is Needed. aeUne Trade Marl Petroleum Jelly 'lie reliable home remedy for cuts, burns, insect bites and many other troubles. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and general stores every- where. Refute substi- tutes. Illustrated booklet free on request. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (eassalfdzted) ieao Chabot Ave. Montreal ADMIRAL BEATTY'S PROMOTION Gay Gordons: The day we set out on Many a child has been called awk- our first Fritz -frightening jaunt there ward, has been punished in school was a lot of fuss made. The pipers for not keeping still or for dropping played us right up to the paint where things, when the trouble was really , we got our baptism of fire. The St. Vitus dance. This trouble may ground over which we were moving appear at any age but is most often was rough, and we never thought we met between the ages of six and ::ouid negotiate it. The 'Tank' took it fourteen. The most frequent cause r.a eas,ily as though it were the finest of the disease is poor blood, aggro - road in the world, and we got out well ; vated by indoor confinement, or men - ahead of the Gordons, 'who were ad- tal strain at school. Under these vancing-tocarry the trench. held by conditions the blood fails to carry the enemy. We ran up against a nest nourishment to the nerves and the of machine guns, and they all started child begins to show listlessness and :o play on us at once. The noise was inattention. Then it becomes rest- aar-splitting and at first alarming, but less and twitching of the muscles and soon we took no notice of it at all. jerking of the limbs and body follow. Throwing out our tentacles, so to A remedy that cures St. Vitus dance speak, we were astride the trench, and and cures it so thoroughly that no got to work with our guns. Soon, trace of the disease remains is Dr. There was not a living soul to be seen J Williams Pink Pills which renew anywhere. Then the Gordons came,. the blood thus feeding and strength - and started clearing the dug -outs. i ening the stare,' "A new menace threatened. Thethe metes -- enemy were bringing ments to take the G That is just wha got to within 1 and briefly replied: "Extraordinarily clever for an amateur, but hopelessly futile in real warfare." • Friends of Royalty. Sir David Beatty and his wife are said to enjoy to an unusual degree the friendship of King George and Queen Mary. They have been neigh- bors for several Summers, for Lady Beatty leased a castle near Balmoral, where the Beattys frequently enter- tained the King and Queen. The friendship of the two ladies is said to be all the more remarkable in view of the Queen's well-known dislike of divorcees, and Lady Beatty before be - corning the wife of the British sailor was Mrs. Arthur M. Tree, of Chicago, whom she divorced, and who has since died, though at the time when Queen Mary showed marked pleasure in Lady, Beatty's society her first hus- band was living. Notwithstanding the Royal favor which Sir David is known to possess, it has never been hinted that his rapid promotion has had any other cause than his own merits. No- body is jealous of him; officers and men alike rejoice that he should have been given supreme command of the Grand Fleet, and have the utmost con- fidence that under Beatty they will be given an opportunity of renewing that argument with Germany which was disappointingly broken off in the Skager Rack. Praise for Jellicoe. In the American papers which have commented upon the changes there is a general disposition to give Sir John Jellicoe full praise, and to real - IHEARTILY APPROVED BY HIS FRIENDS IN AMERICA. Some Incidents in the Life of the New Commander of the British Navy. There has been 'much intelligent comment in the leading American pa- pers upon the recent changes in the British navy commands, which are universally approved. It is natural that any promotion for Sir David Beatty should give satisfaction in the United States, for the Admiral's wife was Miss Field, of Chicago, the only daughter of the late. Marshall Field. Sir David, morebver, has many friends in the American navy, for he associated with them at the time of the Boxer rising in China, when he was in command of the battleship Barfleur. Cnnlifie Owen in the New York Times says that he showed great pluck and resourcefulness in connec- tion with the capture of two Chinese batteries. At the head of two hun- i dred bluejackets he was twice wound - the result being that he the rank of f and 0c01To htpbeat cash. *doss, Wo rind. gr mousy Eke tams day the, furs ars received. Chergo nocomro,ls,;on.—and pa7rall oharres, W011040 paid out o,lllious of dollars to thug. N. *sods of trapper* to Canada who send Weir f unto us be,osus*.th. r know they aet a Were. Youwillei so.Wesbulrmoralunleom Lr )ta para for ca ah then any other ave ffrms In Can ds. „� kr Trapp•: 6nlde taapagos) `{l+, Hallsan's 8portsmen'Feataloyn• Sadism's IIsa Far Qaotatk'fl Hallam's'J<1u bale Dook(84PRIMO , Sant fr as tequoeh . A,ddreei aE follaws: JOHN HALLAM Limited 202 Hallam Buliding, Toronto, i „vm The Soul• of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the at OTTO HIGx#L3' PIANO ACTION Herrings From Japan. About 4,000,000 tons of herrings are caught in Japan every year. This enormous quantity is not used only for human consumption; about four- fifths of it is used as a fertilizer for the rice fields. hrinard'g Liniment Cure' Garret in Cows Strategy. Wife (at midnight) ---Ton, Nag ups I hear a burglar. Get up andgo downstairs. Hub—It's probably a mouse you bear, but I'll go down. Wife—A mouse, Mercy! you'll stay right here in this room. When Yater Eyes Need Care t)aeMorino Eye afedielne. No8tuxarttng—Feria Flue -gusts Quickly. Try it for Red Weak, Sore lryea and Granulated Eyelids, Elaine de compounded by our Oeutlats—Sot a “Patent Medicine"—but natal la succeesiul Physicians' thetePublic as d gold tat years. Now et SQe per Bottle. Murtha 1e Salle in tweptie Tnhce, t5o and bee. Write for Ilcok of the Eye 1 rre. Murine Bye Remedy Company, Ohlcago. Adv. I Process of Digestion. According to a Trench scientist, di- gestion proceeds mare swiftly when persons are recumbent than when erect, because in the process of evolu- tion the stomach has not advanced as rapidly as other organs. Monsieur: For 15 days in the month of January I ring with pain of rhl tmatisnt I tried all ltintls of reme- id me I,ny geed. One 1t1NAltl>'S T.INI- ed it the Satur- of; I was $ EL PGTAeOns Qi BED POTATOES, IRISH gels.. ,. biers, Delaware. Carman. Order at once. Sapply limited. Write' for quo- tations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. MOW LAID ZGGS. XT LAID. EGGS. POULTRY. Beans; highest prices paid for small or largo quantities. T. 1.). Arsen- ault, 637 St. Urbain, Montreal. NEWSPAPERS ?O14, SAL1 T)ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on appiicatiesn to I''Vtison Publishing Com - pang, 73 West Alelaide Street. Toronto. 3122S037.;$1,4 141101113 CANCER, TT`MOBS, LUMPS TO.. ILI internal and external, cured ride out pain by our home treatment 'Write us before too late. Dr. l3ellman Me cal Co., Limited Collingwood, Ont. America's Plaster 1sz L18raadlas I3o0I£ ON DOG DISEASES And Row to Feed ;failed ;ices to any addreet 70' tate Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 Wast 31st Street, New York RAW FURS It will flay you to shin all your fur to a reliable halms where you can at full marl values "talc for aur price 1t1R and shipping inatructtona. EDWARD'POLLAK & CO 21X) 0'I'. PAt7S, ST. WEST. Hcor77Ci3n._4r , gtru. HIRAM JOHNSJN LihliTE*D. 410 ST. PAUL STREET MONTREAL Established user 33 years as Raw Fur Deaktrs Write us for price list. Send us your furs and get the highest market price. A Howse :fiiiartd' Table Will provide you and your family with tho finest form of indoor reereatiou during the long winter even- ings. Our Famous Maisonette Fable Is mad() specially for the home at a reasonable pries, Cash or on terms, 1 ti R'