The Exeter Advocate, 1916-12-21, Page 7ti "Meat Prices Will Not ConeDown" la the cheerful news from the Department of Agriculture. Meat prices will not worry the Ivan or woman who knows that a Shredded Wheat ]Biscuit will supply more real body-building nutriment than beefsteak or eggs and at much less cost. Shredded Wheat remains the same price, the same high quality, supplying all the nutriment a Alan needs for a half -day's work. Two shredded wheat biscuits with peaches and cream or other fruits make a complete, , nourishing meal at a cost of not over five cents. Made in Canada [passing,, as he was more the creature 1 of destiny, the clay in the hands of i the potter, than the initiator or in stigator of this great misery. The Sarajevo tragedy, when the Crown Prince lost his life, and one among many in his long reign, was the excuse ostensibly for the war, but it wae not the cause of it, for that had been long brewing. The double assas- sination of his nephew and his con- sort, was unquestionably political, but without this the outbreak could not have been suppressed much longer. In fact the emperor was not much in love with the prince. The heir presumptive was thoroughly "Prus- sianized," which was the true reason of his tragic end. But with the emperor, it was mere- ly a choice of Germany or having his empire pass from him, The Slav peril, so-called; was not created by him, yet he did little to arrest the slow-moving iceberg of Russian dominion, and hence his empire was unstable at best. Unfortunately it was made up of elements that were never destined to properly fuse. It is inconceivable that his death will have any material effect upon the great struggle,. for new elements are sure to arise and surround the throne,1 THE DEATH QF FRANCIS JOSEPH but his going at this time may be used lby Hungary to break her chains' against tvhicli she has so long chafed. By Chas M. Wee, Denver, Colo, The once great house of the Haps- burgs has lost its most distinguished representative in the recent death of Francis Joseph, the aged ruler of Austria, This distinguished race of kings takes their name from a famous an- your own neighbors --speak with the tient house in Switeer?'.and, but is not greatest praise of that splendid medi- thename of the occupants, The place cine, Baby's Own Tablets. Many of origin in this case, having super- mothers would have no other medicine seded the residents, the name has for their little ones. Among these is clung to the descendants through all Mrs. Albert Nie, St, Brieux, Sask,, subsequent history:who says: "I have been using Baby's The aged monarch, whose funeralt Own Tablets for the past seven years rites at Vienna. will soon be observed and they have done my your children in a manner befitting a king, ascend- g a world of good. I would not be with - ed his throne inthe midst of rev olu- THANKFUL MOTHERS Thousands of thankful mothers throughout Canada ---many of them tion, and it is only fitting that he out them." The Tablets are sold by descend from it as he has, while the me ne dealers or by mail at 2a diel nation is wrapped in gleam of treaeh- Q cents a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. erous war, that forbodes national dis- aster to his confiding subjects. His kingdom is yet in the balance, ; THE "ANNOTATED GUIDE," and no matter who wins, his ilomin-! ions are almost certain to be dismem-. Au Interesting Volume Issued by b i, Th 1 l 1 eget a duo manure ty is t ma- • the CP.R. ed, however the struggle may end. No publication issued by the Gan i' rancis Joseph, apo emperor of Austria, adieu Paeifie Railway is better known and a sort of apostolic King of Hun - the reigned!all over the world than the "An- gell", but did not govern dug- notated Guide," describing every sta ing the latter period of his life. tion along the line. Issued originally Ho supinely placed himself in sub- at the suggestion of Sir William Van jet tion to the will of another and , Horne, it has passed through many much greater sovereign—the Kaiser editions anti is now afair-sized boo The spectacle presented of the life • or the titular head of the dual mon- ! owing to the great increase in the ex a1'ehy would have been a tit subject tent of the railway System. It is i for the world's greatest dramatist, teresting to look aver the early issues himself, and were he now living, we to see how Canada has progressed. In would be presented with another! population of only 25,000, Fort Wil - Richard or a Henry to take the place; lam 1,400, Regina 8(i0 Calgary 2- gi g y 1888, for instance, Winnipeg had a of the ephemeris twaddle written by .400, Lake Louise had not been discov- so-called can't historians. 1 ered anti Vancouve Seas His was a life in full consonance'.: ' r p with Hapsburg traditions full of o, 00. Indian Head was famous for the Bell Farm, of which the "Annot- '`.1'pon high authority the Emperor 1 caned aide remarks: The furrows " tragedy, bloodshed and revolt. 1 . G „ ,t tt— of Austria-Hungary was the reeogniz- this :farm are usuailygl)Iau hedefu four 1 miles long, and to plea h one furrow cd libertine of Europe, and if his un- l outward and another returning is a varnished story were written out, it half day's work for a man and team. would scarcely be a fit subject for The work is done with an almost mill .<.b 1 stud; But then, you know, «e are Puri- f gades and reaping by 'divisions," To- tanieal on such subjects, and have , ronto is described as "distinctly West - much to learn of the ways of contin- p ern in its Activity and energy." entel Europe. • One thing is certain,. that in Aus--...--4,.. tris Francis Joseph was accepted TOOK TOOLS FROM HUNS [tau organization, ploughing by bri- with all his grossness and grievous • ----- lapses, as a kind of god. Whatever the world may say of his amours, he was a brave soldier and the idolized emperor of his people;. and that settles it so far as they are concerned. It is questionable whether history shall blame him for this great world- wide horror, through which we are "A V_ Childish- Cravinng —for something sweet finds pleasant realization in the pure, wholesome, wheat and barley food Orape=Nuts (Made in Canada) No- danger of upsetting the stomach -- a u. d re1%ember, Grape -Nuts is a trite food, good for any ni.eal or between meals. " There's a .Rea'soni Canedian i'ostuon <,ereal Co. 7:tel., \4'.iuri,,tr, (int. Then Machine -Gunned Nirorking f Parties Out of Existence. i A wounded machine -gunner, now in i hospital in England, tells a remark- s able story of how a party of British I Tommies recently adopted a clever ruse which made Fritz look foolish. ' It is a characteristic incident of Brit- ish methods on the western front, says the London News. Our men learned that it was the in- tention of the Huns to place more bar- bed wire in front of their lines that night. So about 15 left the British trench and formed links of a human chain reaching to the German lines, which were only about a hundred i yards away. The enemy, who na- • turally wished to carry out their !plans unobserved, were sending up no star lights, so that the Tommies, with a •subaltern in charge. of them, were able to crawl into position quite un - nodded. I They had scarcely completed the formation of their chain before the Germans began to throw out of their trench on to the ground in front the t various tools and materials they would, Irequire. First of all a number of' iron stakes were pitched out. The f first man in the British chain grabbed them, passed them back to the man behind him, who in turn' handed them on until they were safely landed in f the British trenches. , Everything put` ' out by the unsuspecting Huns was dis- posed of in the same way. When,the leading man. in .the chain concluded: there was nothing more to come he stealthily crept back with his .com- rades. By the time they had reached their trench the German working party was. in the open and the men were busily employed searching for the missing wire and tools, Suddenly a rocket hissed up from the British lines, and, revealed by its pitiless Iight, the en- tire party was practically ,wiped out by a stream of lead from a machine.. gun. Later during the sante night lL scoot* German. party attempted to get to -work, with equally disastrous re5ii ltta . At dawn a notice board appeared, over • the British treilcli bearing in German, the Morels: "If you'want i FOR THOSE LITTLE CU"1's it is always safer to apply Trade aselin Carbolated Petrolegm Jelly A mild antiseptic. Tt keeps the cuts clean and helps them to heal, Sold in glass bottles and bandy tin tubes at chemists and gen- eral stores everywhere, Refuse substitutes: Illus- trated booklet free on request. CHESESROUGH MFG. CO. (caeloueucci) 18130-C'Iu bot Avc. Ware"' your wire, carne and fetch it." The crestfallen Germans did not .accept the invitation, ALCOHOL AND 'OPIUM HABITS. FOR INDIGESTION, Problems of the Drug Habit in the EGGS DEAR IN LONDON. $ D POTM rtyie� "`l POTATOES, IRISH COS Pour to Six Shillings a Dozen —Economy Urged. Owing to the scarcity of eggs in j France, the available supply is being' entirely reserved for the wounded. But however limited the supply across the Channel, more ha nel, eggs are.mar plentiful there than in England, and the Weekly Dispatch suggests that if the British military authorities were to issue a notice • that eggs in England should also be reserved for the wounded, the public would respond as readily as the French civilian population. The cheapest fresh eggs in London! are priced at 4s. a dozen, but in West End shops as mueh as 6s: n dozen is demanded. Despite the complac- ency of Ministers, food prices are ever on the upward grade, and the best but- ter is now 2s. 2d. a pound. Not unnaturally, people are inclined to think that .the soaring food prices are not altogether to be explained by the normal influence of war. Faulty organization of supplies and undue indulgence by people to whom price is no object are, in the general belief, important contributory causes. Mr. Lynch, M.P., is suggesting the sup- pression of the menus of official ban- quets, DRINK Or WATER Far East. It dyspeptics, flu fe rs from gas. The traffic in alcohol, opium and wind or fiatulenee, stoma."h aei,tuy t,r eoeaine in India, Ceylon and China has sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, eta„ more than a sentimental importance, would take a teaspoonful of euro bisur}- p tri ritat;nesl'a in hats a glass or hot water says the London Times. The trade immediately after eajn f. they would with India amounts to nearlyone- soon forget they were ever nftlteted with stomach trouble. and doctors would have, third of the trade of the United King to Soar elsewhere for patients." In ex - dein, and the supremaey of the Em reheat rk pi hy§tcianostatedtttliat mast pire depends upon the preservation forms of stomach trouble are due to of that trade from the competition of stomach acidity and Segmentation of the p food' contents of the stomas!! combined. other European nations, The traffic,wWth an insufficient blood supply to the in intoxicants and narcotics was sap- saran v .ltd b aerated increases magnesia, iinstanUs' ping the efficiency of the nati nd 1 A Physician's Advice ffff u. t rf' . On a neutralizes the excessive stomach acid Government control cannot by itself hti atre ofotbef t� e."tta r for4.e b infi keep sober a nation that wishes to be .marvelously suceesstul and decidedly drunk. The Indian Government Preferable anferas lenulaiits use inedi nestt Yoe' to - sterling sacrificed a revenue of four xniilion dlgeation. sterling when it put an end to the ex- port of opium; and as it brings the SEA BE- txaific in alcohol. under control the consumption of opium and cocaine in- 13y Arthur L. Phelps. creases, while in China as the importa- tion of opium is reduced the sale of intoxicants increases. ittinard's Liniment Curer Colds, eta How He Knew. BEAUTY, u e "Your wife is an excellent cook." "What makes you say that? You've never had a meal in our house in your life: "I know, but the other day I over- heard her roasting you to a turn." IMMinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Punishment. Bones is a schoolmaster whose pre- cept and practice of the blessings of punctuality are, as a rule faultless Should a lad be five minutes late in the morning he is "kept in" ten minutes. Recently Mr. Bones himself was thirty minutes late. Jones, one of his pupils, was not slow to remind him of his of- fence "Yes, boys," said Bones, when he had listened to the smart bay, "Jones is quite right, and, as 1 punish you, it is only fair that you should punish me. So you shall all stay and keep me in for an hour after school this afternoon." I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Halifax: ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. Similarity of Taste. A French lady recently married be- cause the bridegroom's taste and hers were similar. "I don't care very much for him and he doesn't care very much for me," she explained. Minard'e Liniment Cures Distemaer Got 'Em Mixed. It happened at a school where the children were hopelessly, involved in miscellaneous subjects, such as gram- mar, physiology, etc. Teacher—What are the principal parts of the body? Sharp Pupil—The body consists of three principal parts -the head, the chest and the, bowels, of which there are five—a, e, i, 0, u, and sometimes wand ,y BD. 7. ISSUE 51—'16 Lone an a coral island, In an opal sea, Lingered a sea nymph lovely Making melody. Her voice was as the moonlight, With all wild moon lure, Her brow more white than storm spray, And her breasts more pure. Smoother than snowy marble Her white shoulders were, And passioned as purple dusk Her lips and her hair. Oft have earth men seen sea nymphs, Oft; but neer before Loved as I loved and followed To the green sea floor. --Frons "The Canadian Magazine' for December, p, Ortu Ey s inflamed ed ids. Eyes inflamed by exppo• sure to Sun, Dust and Wihd quickly relieved Smarting, a1Eye Uetnedy.No$marting, epi just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50eper Bottle, MurineEye SalveinTubea25c.ForBookoifhei yofrceask Druggists orMurincEyeRemedyCo.,Chicago Neighborhood Amenities. The black -haired boy had a mighty contempt for the tow -headed boy. "Hub," he said. "Your mother takes in washing." "Of course she does," the tow -head- ed satirist retorted. "You didn't think she would leave it hanging out at night unless your father was in jail, did you'?" 1Iinard's Liniment Cures Garet in Cows Abolishes Full -Dress jn Hun Navy. • The cry of economy has now reach- ed the German navy, as indicated by an order just issued, by the Kaiser, which abolishes the full-dress uniform of officers. Henceforth, according- ly, German naval officers will snake a much less "stunning" impression on gala occasions. The gold embroid- ery on the collar and down the legs of 'the trousers is a thing of the past, and with it goes two -pointed hats. !WARDSm Those long winter nights you will need indoor recrea- tion. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. I urroughes & Watts, Ltd. Makers to B. M. the 'King. 34 Church St., Toronto DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock or Bursitis FOR i J3 NE, ?$ACE F,ARKAEG:11:?Af,tur will reduce them and leave 'no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blis- ter ,or remove the air, and horse can be worked. ,$2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free. Aasonse NE, JR.. for mankind, the antiseptic liniment for Boil', Bruise,, Sore,. Swelling., V,dco,eVelne. Aliaye !fain and Inflammation. Price Sl and S2 a bottle at. druggiefe or delivered. Will ten you more U you writs. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F.,,518 Lymans Btdg,, Montreal, Cane, Nbsorbine ind Absorbiae. Jr.. ars mule 15 _Cann. I�l.l7 , � ►� biers. Delaware, Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write for quo- tattotis, H. W. Dawson, Brampton. VOL sump. ()1; MANt 'AGTURED TYi'EWRIT- >�l lL 1:Fifi. Guaranteed .the efluai of new. we save you 5Q % to 751.. Will r Canadian ship on � days' approval. The Writing:Machine Company, Toronto. - mwsPAP$ifis. Pt;I $,tirE t)itOPIT-MakKINi4 NEWS AND jOB O,Eiees for sate in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of ail businesses. Pull information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. VISSCELLANEQUS !'1ASCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., i 'kJ internal anti external, cured with- • pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Ur. Hellman Medical Co.. Limited, <•oilingW,.ad, Oat. When buying your Piano insist on having an at OTTO HIGSLtx PIANO ACTION t>. America's Planer Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed i.faUed tree to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 1I8 West 31st Street, New York , RAW FURS It ww pay you to dale ><ll your flit to a reliable house, where you oan Sat full market value: Ask for otar price list anti ahil,p1rta' inatraottons. EDWARD POLLAK & CO. 280 ST. PA.17L SZ WEST. NfON1tAVAT., sun. "Cantentment abides with the truth," says the old adagee, but very few men are in a position to vouch for the truth of it. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED. 410 ST, PAUL STREET MONTREAL Established over 39 years as Raw Fur Lea, era Write us for price list. Send us your furs and get the highest market price. TRE LARGEST Ftl>. ? 60 ' s ,; Oz"�"r. ! ' HOTEL IN TM WORLD '41'13r1.• 'Tile Spirit of .America at play; Tida nittude and Cheerfstluesi,. AlITZR2X &Za S.'L9.14 SUZOPEAN IMAs a. S White, fres. J. W. Motto 3TiLa•. • WE WANT 9 N f'a1 11 prteiny,� ox, i7ITitI1 � • ltl'tt U3911 and l$ki? : ilii Any of th"s, flu•. tt lit rolls 1O% kDVNOPia on nur queeei i rieee ee Nt.te n1.r-l• )5th. it tl e. ie strong, ship at 41st.e and get l f nein 3 Nigh pr' cit.. 11 +: e You tour price I13.1 unit brown tl " Writ., for tl,.•ui ocr zit YJillia :sm & U • 370 ST. PAVE STREET WEST DEPT. W., MONTI;i:4.3, Doctor Tells How Eyesight 50 p' Week's Time , Instance* Tme n y } La One r Es�'C A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Hone.. 7.ondon —Do you sera' glares? Are y .0 a victim of eve strain or other eye weakness2a? If so you u,i1 be ;lad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real bops for you. 1liany whose eyes were failing say they halo lied tL.ir eyes restored through the principlo of tbi won- derful tree �a reeeription. no n to ,sry.s, niter trying it: I rens almost blind, retold ld not see to read at all. Now 1 can read everything without any glasses and ,ny eyes do not water any mare. At night they would pain dreadfully, new Choy feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: '"The atmosphere teemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using tido prescription for fifteen days evt•.rryytltins eeeme clear. I can even read fine print without gles.rs. It is belie}ed that thousands who wear, glasses multitudes more will be able to etre; "dim their eyes so as to be spared the troub a wd ezpcnso of ever getting 3:a , ,:) trot,' 3 ct metre descriptions nay he t n it r.ut y L c, t. d by following the simply rtt'rt It o is tLo pre, 'rfp- tion: Go to any r,et, a dur. st.ru tali st t bottle of Pttt-Opto tablet. 1.,s< n eau Bar -()oto tablet in a :ourth of a i ia•<a or w . •r and allow d to ,s•u:ve. With tins haloid L.:!::a the t tc'a 'MO to 1-ur times daily. You rr•auld notice your cti e s'star up perrept:i ly richt Irmo the start an.i it:.an:natien wilt tlmt v dwas.t,,:r. If guar e e -s are bother.a>; you, even a tittle, take steps t, rill .° them now br.ore it it too late, !pony hopeittuly blind might have been saved if th..y had caro, for their eyes in time. Nets.: Another ptentlutat I'hr iclzn to whom the, aittc article was so 1 flirted. Said: -. r 'a+til is a ve y remarkable rent:!y Ile err, ltm tw u credienta ere t'efi lumen to eminent tae npe(lalirm ::u3'i`s'j-Ir, i ,, ,.r:bed by them.• The n.uutffatt aere,s.�tl;,rtsnteciro to sir<ngthen eye,.t,rat rill D,t mot In one l'eek's tuna in many tu.u,nec*s er'eland the moues. It tan be oetatl,ed irom ury geed dregeist and 11 cue of tea tory fell preparatftria 1 r.•'1 ager,.! bo icefi't on bondfor regular nae in a:imist. es. sy tummy. " The fulmar Sterra 4, T..ruite, will ua your erdcre it your d'uwst cannot, WINTER DAYSSE6, DAV. .EAYS and Christmas Days are the best Th ermus days of all. Guaranteed to keep Boiling Liquids hot 24 hrs.. or Ice Colli Ziquid cold 3 days. Rare is the ideal gift, handsome and practical, giving years of perfect service at or away from home. Por the 'lsiotorist—for the Invalid—for the Bunter for the Nursery for the Business -Irian for the Work- man—for the Bedroom and many other uses, Battles $1.75 up. Kits 58.00 up. T.. onit "4" Carafes (water bottles) 55.00 up. Motor sets 50.50 up.Thermos is sold ,. at all good Drug, ardware, Sporting Goods and Dept. Stores. and some Leather Goods and Jewelry Stores. If you cannot see what you need send for fully illustrated Catalog now. We send goods prepaid on receipt of price. THERMOS BOTTLE Go, - . - 12-14 SHEPPARD ST., TORONTO. Canadians Wh Travel are invited to send for our new illustrated booklet descriptive of scenes on the trip from Halifax to Demerara via ships of the " Royal Mail." This little . booklet tells what there is to see and do at Bermuda, St. Kitts, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad, and Demerara. It also gives a list of the Hotels and. Hotel charges at the various islands. The cost of a return ticket from various Ontario points is as follows Toronto Hamilton Peterborough Galt Belleville Coburg Ottawa •$143.30 $144.30 London $146.65 Chatham $150.15 TUE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACII 7-14 (walls' me Slroei,