HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-12-21, Page 5WANTED NOW Reliable e ato t a 1Z t<abl SaI sm n ac as agent. in Huron County. PAY 'WEEKLY Outfit. free, exclusive territory and money rucking specialties. Our agen- cies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock }.at most reasonable .prices and guar- antee deliveries in first class condition, Nursery ,stock is selling well this year and goodmoney can be made in this d}atrict For particulars write Sales Manager P1 LHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT, SYNOIlSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or anY ;maze over 18 years old, may bome- etea a, quarter -section of available D, iu on land in Manitoba, Saskatoli-. ewan or Alberta, Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -agency), on certain condi- time. Duties...-Sie months residence upon and cultivation of the land, in each of three yeers, A homesteader may rive .within nine utiles of his homestead on e. farm et at least 80 acres, on cer- taxn conditions. A habitable house is :required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Live stock may be substituted for .cultivation under certain csuzdi,tiune. h certain districts a homesteader in. "gear standing may pre-empt a quar- tet -section alongside his homestead Price $3.00 an acre. Duties -Six months residence in •eaell of three years after earning home stead patent; also 50 acres extra cue tivatiort.. Pre-emption patent may be . obtained as soon as homestead patent an certainconditions. . A seiner who has .exhausted hit h omestead right may take a purchas ,ed homestead in certain districts Peice $3.00 .per acre. Duties Mus: re side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a 'ttouse worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the. Munster of the Interior N.B..-Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not . be paid 'Por. -64388. tallGIAL ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public-, Commissioneet Solicitor for The Mol- sans .Bank, Etc, a ne3 'Ka � to loan at 'lowest rates of interest. Office-Maitt. Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We, have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and vrtlage p tatiorty, i rates of interest, GL 1MA.N & STANBUR'Y' Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter DENTAL G. F. ROULSTON, L, D. S., ab, D.S DENTIST Me.n:ber of the R. C. C. D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR A. R. KINSMAN, L,D,S„ D.D.S. Honor Graduates Toronto University. Teeth extracted without pain or any had effects. Office over Gladman & `Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter L. H. ECKERT, V.S. a Sebringville Has opened an office in Crediton. All calls promptly attended to Phone 36 Crediton Jr or Cali Hill's Hotel. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed .Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Plicate Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaeanteed, Crediton - Ontario C W. ROBINSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra,' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chargesmoderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. CENTRAL 4. COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND & TELEGRAPHY Pepartmsnts. Stud- ents may .entea- at any time.. We plaee graduates in positions. During July and.. August we received applications for over 200 office assistantswe could not .supply. Write for out free catalogue at once:. D. A. McLachlan, l 'rilcipal CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR SINGLE FARE Dec. 23-24-25, good Tor 'return un - VI Dec 26th; Also 'Dec, 39th -31st, 1916, and Jan. 1st 1917,.valid for return until Jan. 2nd 1917. FARE AND ONE-TIIIRD Dec 2,1-22-23-24, good- far return until Dee. 27th; Also Dec, 28-29-30-31, 1916, valid. for return u rtil Jan.3rd 191 7 Above. reduced fares apply between all station in Cate -de east of . part 't:'� r1 . Pori and of n A rto �De'tT rtha Huron. iMich, i Buffalo,' Blnek., el. Rock,' Niagara Falls, snens ion Bridge,, Ny:: Tickets note an sale tit a'A,G, n,T•. ^R Ticket 01ficet. N. . J. DORE, Exeter aw FOR 1916 or TDIE VILLAGE OP EXETER To iprovide for the establishment of a 'Commission for the : control acid management of the Radio. Electric System .and The 'Water Works Sys- tem and for the Election of Coni- missioners under the provisions of The Publio Utilities Aet and Amend ing Acts. The 'Municipal Council of the Vil- lage Of Exeter hereby :enacts as fol- ldws,-- 1. The ,control and management of the eonstructlon, operation, and maintenance of all works u,oderta.k- en by ,the Corporation for the dist tribution, and supply of eleetricai power or energy ;received under the Contract of the corporation with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and all extensions and add- itions to Ruch -works and the control and management of tree taystem of Waterworks now in operation and the ooustruotion, operation and main- itenanoe of all extensions and add- itions thereto. shall bereaftea', upon the finale passing of this aly.l,aw Jae entrusted to a Commission to be *ai- led "The Public Utiiitiee lOornmiss11oxs of the Village of Exeter. 2, Tire said . Commission. natal ex- ercise all the powers, nights, author-. les eared privilegea, vvhioir tutee bg. e Public Utilities Mt eonferxedon the Corporation, 3, The Commission shall be a body corporate and consist of three mem- bers. of whom that. i►ead. cot the tome- ell onnell shall ex -officio be one. 4. Nominations to fill the offices of the two elected members of the Cozen kision sieall be held, at noon on Friday the Twenty -Second, day of December A. D., le:10, at the Town Belt In the Village of Exeter.. a. The vote of the .Electors of the said village will be taken by baelot. on the vial li3,yeener and alas, for the election of tine said; two memberat pa Monday the First day of January, A. D,, 1917, eonmwenches at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continue inn until Five o'clock in the afternoon by the Deputy BReturxung Officers bereinafter named et the undermen- tioned places. -- Palling Sub -division . No. 1. -Seas Handford's residence, Main S rest, Ed. Treble, Deputy Return:n ; Officer S:dney Davis, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 2. -At :he Town Hall; Well. johns, Il '•puty Returning Officer, Jas. Grieve, Poll Clerk Polling Sub -division No. 3- Mrs :llrtehel'. 01 ic. ela,'n Street; Percy Gillies, I. pu.y Re'urn'ng Officer; Georg: Anderson, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-div.aion No. 4- :Forth End Fire Hall; Fred Witwe- Dee Re. turning Officer, William Briekwood, Poll Clerk. 0. The 2 elected members shall bold office fcr two years and until their successors are elected. and the new Commission is orgnaised, provided, however that one of the first elected inembers shall at the fleet meeting of the Commission be chosen by lot to hold: office for one year only. 7. At each annual municipal elec- tion thereafter one member of the said Commission shall be elected for two pears to fill the place of the member retiring. 8. That the vote of tihe electors of the said 'Village of Exeter; will be taken on this ',By -Law simultaneous - 89 with the said election of ttxe said two Commissioners at the same hour on the same day at the same placers Orel. by ,the same Deputy Returning Officers as are named. in this eeelaw for the said election of the said two Commissioners. t9. That on Friday the Twenty-, Second day of December, A. D., 1916. at the Clerk's office in the Pabile Library in the said Village of Exeter et the hour of two o'clock: in the 'Af- ternoon the Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two per- sons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by' the Clerk, and one person to attend, each polling place on behalf of the persons. inter- ested. in and desirous of .promoting the passing of this 93y -Law and 'a like number on behalf' of the persons in- terested in and. desirous of opposing the .passing of this Ey-Law. 10. That 'the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter shall attend alt lois office in the Public Library in the said Village of Exeter at the hour -of Ten technic in the forenoonon the Second day of January,A. D..,,1917, to sum up{ the number of votes for and against this ley -Law. ' r 11. This B,y Law shall. come ;into force and take effect on the final pass sing thereof by the Council of the said Village. of Exeter. `. Count it Chamber, Exeter,. 10th, November, 1916 Jos. Senior, John W. Taylor, Clerk. , Reeve. N0TIC' 'TAKE NOTICE teat the above is a tree ,copy of a, proposed .By-law which has been taken into consider- ation by the Municipal Council of the 'Village of Exeter and which will,_ be finally passed by the said Council,(in the event of, the assent of the deo-,'tors being- obtained thereto) after one. Month fram'the;fmrst publication here- of t ez e of in the Exeter Advocate, ;and the Exeter, Times, the date ' of whia1i Thursday, the illi ieatLDn was rt 1 amt. p 14th.daetof December A. D., 1016, and that at (the hour, day ,and plaees therein ; fixed for talatig the rotes of the electors.;the.,polls wi ba held. Jos. Senior, Clerk. By -Law 9 FOR 1916 OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER. To take the vote of the, xatepayers of the Village of Exeter entitlto vote on .money byi-laws oa a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of having the municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario whatever worts may be. required for the sup- ply of reject& energy or tmower its addition to such electric power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing contraet with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario WHEREAS the alutdcipal Council e. the Corporation of the Village of Exeter deems it advisable ot submit to the ratepayers of the said Village at Exeter ,entitled to vote on money by-laws, a question as to whether the .nick ratepayers are In favor of Nav- ing the 'Municipality develop or an- nuire through the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, what- ever evorks may be required teethe supoly of electric energy or power in addition to such electric energy or Power as is already supplied or ,:an be obtained under the existing "cont tract with the Hydra: Electric Power Comm.issiou of Qntario. THEREFORE the 'Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows.-. 1. That the following wiestion be submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Exeter entitled to vote on money by-laws,-- Axe you infavor of having, the Municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be sequined for the sup- ply of electric energy orpow- er in addition to such electric power as is already obtained under the existing contract with the II.'ydro - Electric triow Poer Commission of Ont - 2. That the votes of the said rate- pay•ere shall be taken on this clues - tion at the following time and places by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks 'hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, -On Monday, the first day of January, A.D. 1917, from nine o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clockock in theafternoon, at - Polling Sub -division No.. 1. -Silas Handford's residence, Main Street, Ed. Treble, Deputy Returning Officer Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No: 2. -At the Town Hall; Well. johns, Deputy Returning Officer, Jas. Grieve, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 3- Mrs Mitchell's Office, Main Street; Percy Gillies, Deputy Returning Officer; George Anderson, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division Na 4- North End Fire Hall; Fred Witwer, Dep, Re- turning Officer, William Brick -wood, Poll Clerk. 3. A true copy of this by-law shall be published in The Exeter Advocate and The Exeter Times on ,the days hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, December 14th, 21st, and 28th, 1916 and a true copy of this B elaw shall be posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, Town Clerk's Office, and C. W. Robinson's Implement Shop. 4. On the 22nd day of December 1.916., at his office in the Public Library ,on Main Street in the Vii- iage of Exeter, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Reeve will in writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of this Cor- poration, and one person to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering of•'the ,said question in the affirmative, and a like number on behali of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering of 'he said question in the negative re- ;pectively. 5. The 2nd day of January, 1917, at the said Public Library in the Village of Exeter at 10 o'clock in the forenoon is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Clerk oft this Corporation of the. number • of . votes given in the affirmative and in the negative respectively. MADE, PASSED AND' ENACTED this 4th day of December, 1916. John W. Taylor, Jos. Senior Reeve. Clerk. NOTICE testate TAKE NOTICE the above is a true copy ,of a by; -law passed by the Municipal Councthl of the Village of Exeter on the 4th clay of December A. D 1914. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the hour, clay and places there in fixed for taking- the votes of the electors the. polls will be held, First peiblicatton 14th day of Dec- ember. A. (12. 1910. - Jas. Senior, Clerk Council ,Chamber, 4th day Dec. 1916 •S'r.ANLEY-A very' .sudden' death occurred on Monday when Mr. James H: Johnston, .of the Parr Line drop- ped dead in. the yaard. ,He was•liigh,: lv r,espected land had reached the age of 72 years. Re leaves to mourn his loss. his wife, two sons and one daughter _ DR.DeVA i'S ENCI� RI ulattil .tar„ °men.• 5 • of three4for• 1° t . , . . . dtoari' all ore o ire o : gd• at Et s 1.901 . B . Y E Diu .�:. addrelieonreoeptbf'price.,,r'rEt'13coBSLt Davo Go, . Catliarince Ontario. H' SPHUN Yon: add Rea "zed OLk'0 R MEN. ljltality rfor ,Neive''an1°d 3sral,ii, neh� aced "grey matter'., a.Ton e:.`villbuildY6it;^u°p ga belt;if two for $.5, at drag stores, or by si1 r on receipt of ease,^ Tris SCODELL j?ItIN4 CO. et. Catharines, Ontario. HENSALL Th e Te a c December ak p1a e on D cemter llth of airs. Isabel$ Harris,. wife ,of Thos. aleznphell, Mrs. Hernphell was ill only ra few days of pneumonia, The family moved here from Wrox- eter eight years ago She leaves to. Mourn her husband, two sons and two. daughters, Thomas G; Hemphill of Wroxeter Alvin W. E. Hemphill of Idensall Mrs. Cornelius C.eok of Henaall azul 'Mrs. W. R. Smythe of Nelson, B.C„ who. is and. has been visiting ber mother for some time. e1iss D. Slmerritt, nurse, Ss here at- tending her mother who is seriously x11. -Hydro wiring et nearly complet- ed here and the hydro Gonn,ection with Exeter is about finished, -Miss Lola Dawson is ill of pneumonia. -- William Dougall of Toronita is visite ing his mother and sister here, Mrs Fred Demuth of Detroit is visiting ears James efoore..-William Dougall of Toronto is visiting his mother Mrs Andrew Dougall. ZURICH Mr. C klartleib has gone out of the harness .business owing to the high price of leather: -Mr, and Mrs, Chris Schwartzsntruber and son of tee Branton Line, are visiting Mrs. Sehwartzentruber' former home at River fdallh. N. k. -The annual Con- vention of the flay Township Sunday School Association was held in the Evangelical Church,'Zurich, on Friday'. -;tire Wm Agnew of Clinton is els- Ring for a few week at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ehnes,-•tai- vin L ,V4'ilLams of Buffalo, N. Y;, is vi;,iting at his home here, -A. pretty church wedding was held in St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church, Zurich, anDec, 13. at, 3.30 o'clock, when Miss Laur- ette, Catharine, youngest daughter of Yir. and :Mrs. John Decker, Sr., was united in mareage to Mr. Wilfz'ied W'eido sop of .Mr. and Mrs. John Weido ot the Parr Line. Rev. R, Rembe performed the ceremony in thepresence ofalarge assemblage of rselatrvee and friends. The bride was unnorwd by Miss Ethel x'4 eido, and the groom by Mr. Wm. Decker, while Mies Celia Hess played the wedding march and „Miss Selma Rader was rine bearer. After the reception and t ai::aptuous dinner the young couple lett on a trip to Buffalo and on their return will reside on the Parr Line, KIRKTON Reg. Doupt end Chester Hazlewood have gone to Brantford to work. - Mist McIntosh of Avonbank spent a fen data with her sister, Mrs. D. Balloun;-Rev. Allen Duffield of near Toronto visited his parents, tsir. and Mee. Chas. Duffield, last week, -James Balfour who spent several months out West, has etturned home. -Mr. Perry was in Toronto for a few days,-R.- cently Ger'tnce Jose had the exper ieuce of having h,is auto go over the the 'embankment at Baird's farm, near Fullerton. One'hind wheel was smash ed. -We are having tine Christmas weather, Merry Christmas to all, Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, n'hich will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by ,public auction. on Saturday :he Sixth day of January, A.D. 1917 at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon at-Zimmer's Hotel in the Vil- lage of Dadhwoad, by Ed, Bossenberry Esq. auctioneer, the following prop- erty namejv,-Village Lot number teentyy-onc in Noah Fried's Survey of the. Village of Dashwood, in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. containing by admeasurement one-fifth of an acre of land, mare or less, and being part of original farm lot number .twenty four in the South Boundary Concession of the lawn - ship a Hay. On the property are situate a commodious one storey frame resi- dence with addition thereto, and a good frame ,stable, both in good re- pair a good «Heli; vent n and the property is well iaced, an c.a e d n •e t to school and churches; and is tine of the most d .arable residential prop- erties in the Village of Dashwood. Terms -1U per cent. of the pur- chase mon .y "to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid with- in 30 day. therefrom. For further particulars, and condi- tion, of sale apply to ED. 13OSSENBERR Y , Auctionesr, Zurich, Ont. ISAAC R. CARLING, Solicitor for Mortgagees Exeter, Ont. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, the 19th day of December, 1916. - -� PROCLAMATION VILLAGE CIF EXETB.R N OMIN ATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors a the Village of Exeter will be held in the TOWN . HALL, EXETER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 22nd, 1916 • At 12 .o'clock, noon, for the purpose of making and receiving lnominations for Reeve. *Councillors and School Trustees for.;the ensuing year, and: further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates; be- ing proposed for the offices than are required to be Elected, the, meeting will be adjourned to ,Monday, January 1st, 1917, when polls will be opened at 9 a.m., ,closing at 5 p;m. at the following places, Vials fixed by By; law, viz, Div. 1 -Silas Handford's residence, Main St.,Ed. Treble, Dr.It.O., Sidney Davis, Poll. ;Clark: Div. 2 -At Town Hall, Well Johns D.R.O., res. ;Grieve, poll clerk. Div 3 -Mrs. ,Mitchell's office, Main St., P. Gillies, D;R.O., G. Anderson poll clerk. Div. 4-N. Ea Fin Hall, Fred W it- sea,tD R.O: Bn'ckwa0d poll clerk, Axid all electoYs are hereby re gngsted to 'take ' once and. govern themselves accordingly. JAS. SENIOR, Office. Returning Officer Central Telephone 0 v 111.e -PKI ;ailen na:n; .xA11N, IMIY00114WIM totaintesetenateteet LUX Won't Shrink Woollens Because it's Different Here you have a preparations -tiny, satin -like wafers of the purest essence of soap --that actu- ally makes wooiexts as fresh and light and fleecy as when new, ' Socks and stockings --Sweaters and svv'eater coats -white flannel suits -underwear -blankets all come out of the gettle LUX bath absolute- ly unshrunken and CLEAN. N. Get a package, read.the directions, .it: will be good news it you want your woollens to last. Won't Shrink n i'oelie to 10c41t grocsrs .H. BrlJisll; made, bS ever Brothers Limited Toren to. 29 For Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply:- MAI1.ORDER DEP'ARTMEN'T' T7auate Dowries bice Roue 74 35 Chaboillez *are. MON7 REAL. INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALR DOUBLE STOUT MALT EXTRACT EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE BLACK HORSE ALE EXTRA 3 rOUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lastera:--ICINGSBEERCLUB SPECIAL F10b1EBREW R 7 INDIA PALE ALE PORTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The above goods are all fdli strength and are supplied to consumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside. FORECASTS -Watch your barom- eter on. .,the 24t1i, 25th and 26th. If it falls to low aea.dings, which is likely a; blizzard is in store for you it al: northwestern to central Barts, This period ds almost sure •!a bring ejcessive and destructive sleet storms A few days afterwards ice and snow blockades are among the things to expect. Severe cold will :rrevail for much of the holiday season, PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP 01' ;a r 'PHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that e, meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2Znd, 1915 at' 1, o'clock, p.m. for the purpose of making and receiving zzominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Coun- cilmen for ;the ensuing year, and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates be- ing proposed for the offices than are ,required to '4e Elected, the meeting 'will be adjourned to Monday, January at; 191/, when polls will be opened at 9 a 'clos'n at 5 the t g IX m. at following places, as fixed by By- law Poll 1.--W. H. Mills, 3.'3,R,0 , & on Baker, poll clerk, booth at ali.l :.•rote Lou 6, Con. 1. Poll 2 -Wm. Dearing D.R.O., Asa Patinale, poll clerk, booth et Penhale's kitchen, Lot 20, Con •2:' Poli 3 -Alonzo Hodgins, Geo Hirtzel, pall clerk; booth at Sambrook's ,shop, Lot 11, Con. 6. Poll 4-W. H. Wenzel, D.R.O., Ez- ra Foist, poll clerk; booth a: Town Hail Lot 10, Con. 7, Poll 5 -Theo. Dietrich, D.R.O., Geo Mawhinney, poll clerk; booth at Walker's kitchen, Lot 11, Con. 13. Poll 6 -Ed. Brokenshire, D.R.O„ A, Musser. poli clerk; booth at Zim- uier's Hall, Lot 23, Con, N,13, Poll 7 -Thomas Keys, D.R.O„ Pet- er :1McKenzie, poll clerk; booth at Hannan's Hall, Lot 11, Con. 17. Poll 8. -Win. Mellin, D.R.O., Chas, McGregor, pati clerk; booth at Mel - tin's •Ball, Lot 40, Con. S.B. Poll 9; Thos. Webb, D.R.O., Jos- iah Oliver, poll clerk; booth at Matt- rabee's Hall, Lot 1, Con. Sauble. And all electors are hereby re- quested to 'take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HENRY EILBER Returning Officer Crediton, Dec. 11, 1916. Call on Us better service than then. . Clone now: A Christmas Shopping Made Easy 'Why not do your shopping now before the rush. We 'are pleased.to reserve any article for you. We do not ask for a deposit and we can certainly give you far in the last few days, so why delay -until Make it. easier for yourself and also for us.. Few Suggestions Gold Wrist Watch, Ladies or Gents. Diamond Rings, also. Stone Set & Birthday . Rings. Baby's Solid Gold Rings, Lockets and Chains. Solid Cold Necklaces and Pendants. Large Range of Cul Links, Tie Pins, etc. • .. - Also See our Large R -Cat Glass & Silverware.• g .: a. g e � ,.., All Kinds of .Repairing Promptly Attended To ....• SON Jeweler & Optician •