HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-12-7, Page 8EXE PER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY DEC. C.. 7, lith EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACTe, WEDNESDAY Wheat pier bush. 1.60 to 1,65 Oats.55 60 Potatoes per bag ., 1.65 to 2,25 Hay per ton 10.00 Flour, per cwt. 4.90 Flour,. low .grade 7.80 Shorts: per .ton 37.00 Bran. per ton 33,00'. Egg" per dozen ............. . S0 Butter, dairy ,,,,,, ,..40 42" Creamery butter 49 Lard per lb, 23 - 10.85 Sugar Beet pulp , ..... 25.00 Turkeys, young, .alive 25c,dressed 28 Turkeye, old, tel-ve 21, 'dressed 25c Ducks, • alive 12r. dressed 17 Gee alive 12c. dressed 17 Her aliv = 10c. dressed 12 Chicken. alive lee. dressed 14 Hoge per cwt. FOR SALE --Men's ;15.0:' and Id.50 Sever ign Brand Suits during Dee-. erne r for 512.50; Solt Felt Hat, $1.:t'. Deret miss this gree. x--o-x.. CARL) OF THANKS.-Mr.\L' 1iiam' Rowrlite and family desire to thank' the friends ndr anzl neighbors : or kincl- ness•s extended during the illness end. death of the late wife and mother FAY ACCOUNTS x33 eccounts due the en.3ersig ed and not palter by the 15th of Decem- ber' will a' given in :Zen, eoa.ectaan end costs ailed. S. J. JOHNS, lilunwiitc'. -z-c z- AT JONES & MAY'S .-200 pair e'Ien': Odd Pants, Tweeds and En lish Worsteds, at old prices. --0-�- STOVES FOR SALE -Two nice Coal Stoves. Apply to alga. Hyndman SPECIAL S ALE, -A Special Sale of: Christmas lines, beginning on Dee. tat. for 10 days.-GRIGG STATION- ERY CO., Exeter Ont. $Stir STOCK OF SHOES, and Rub be for Sale at a discount of 15 per cent. Terms cash. Buy now as there will be a big raise in footwear after January let..- HARRY BEIR- LL' G „Hal Store. HOUSE FOR. S AI.E The fine residence of Dr. Quaeken- bush. on James Street, Exeter, for sale Apply •to S. M. Sanders. STRAY STEER. There strayed onto Let to Coa. 7, flay, on or about Nov. 1st, a y earlina steer, Owner can have. same by prow•- ing property and paying expeeses. Apply to PENHALE BROS., Exeter - SPECIAL SALE. -A e pe: ia1 Sale of Christmas lines beginning on Dec. 1st for 10 days GRIGG STATION- ERY •Co, Exeter. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons allele Land and Cattle Salt for sale,. A11 grader $5.50 per ton; 50c, per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co„ Ltd J Sutton, clanger. SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent qualit. of Sarnia made salt for sane at Olt) Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED. MAGU1 E Exeter. ESTRAY RAM There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned a ram, on or about Oct. 6th. Owner can have same by prating property and paying expenses A. H. Dowse, Lot 10, Thames Road VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR SALE -A storey and half brick {Louse. one accres of land, hard and soft water, well situated. Two good building lots in property. Price rea- sonable Apply at Advoccate Office TENDERS WANTED Seared tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Dee, 20th,1916 for the output of buttermilk of Cen- tralia Creamery during the year of 1917 For particulars apply at office THOS. WILLIS' L.• H. ECKERT, V.S. of Sebringville Has opened an office in Crediton. All calls promptly attended to Phone 36 Crediton or Cai1 Hill's Hotel. FRANK TAYLOR Lic•en.:ed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Prices Reasonable, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton -} Ontario BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE The undersigned is catering for sale he: b au:itul residence in Exeter, op- paai`e ;h Goss -Taylor mil. The pronerty contains ,two lois of land line back houee, containing nine room. and wool shed, good stable and drive shed, hard and soft water; number Iruit trees and small fruits. Hari :ei a1 twtr..3 d and furnished for TJ •t-, � _ zexcellent .h� i•,, an exc 1{en property petty and wil be sold at a reasonable price the premises to '. Louise Cu• dmo-e. A CHO:10E FARM FOR BALE Being Lot 16 and N half of Lot 17 North Thames Road,. consisting of 150 -acres.. 5 acres bush, 50 aeree ,in. grass, and 50 ploughed. 'Up-io-rdia.te brick dwelling, kitchen and woodshed Lange up-to-date bank earns, every "convenience, never failing supply of water in buildings from windmill. 1-2 miles from school, 1 & 1-2 mis. from Methodist and Presbyterian ahutrohes, 5 1-2 miles from town ;of Exeter, rural maid and telphone, This .has al- ways been conceded to 'be the best farm in els-borne. Easy terms for pay- ment for quick sale. For teems and, -particulars apply to Thomas Cameron real estate agent. R. R. No. ] Kirke ton, le. O.,'- Ont., or phone Headman line, Exeter. elleeteeliFelieeliereeleAreleaser LOCAL DOINGS.. Remember Mrs. McCombs' sale of residence ,and chattels on Saturday. Thureday last :was observed in the United States as Thanksgiving Day. The Soldicese Aid Society would lire all finished work, sewing and ,socks,. brought en by Dec. • 11th. Mr. .E 1. Etworthy returned Saturday front realeida, Man., Meer attending the funeral of the late Mr. Johns. Next Sunday is Anniversary Day in Jame, Street church. Rev. How- son of London will preach. 51000 is being asked for. Mr. •Roger S. Crocker is the new oreaid nt at: the Toronto Huron Old Rosa,'and Mr. N. B. Cobbledick the new vice -president --both Exeter i)ld Boys. Prior to her marriage Miss Sara Sweet was tendered a "ehower" on Monday evening by her lady friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle Mr. Alfred Walters moved . hie household effects frown the house he recently sold on William street, to his brother James' residence on Al- bert street, Mr. N. D. Hurdon, who has been spending tier •summer wtth his son, George, at Port Franke, returned to. town 'Thursday and will take up his residence here for the winter. Mr, Albert Etherington on Satur- day sold one of his 100 -acre farms ., Mr. to .'leiter alot� J nbe' i , in«6 g g� end Sete?, Con, 4, Usborne. Mr. Mor- gan will use it as agrass farm. The lost blanket advertised in the .edvatate last week has been restor- ed to the owner, thus again proving the good results from advertising in a good live paper like the Advo'ate, Mr Wm. Andrews and family last week moved into the house purchased front .,'ilr W. H. Levett, the latter having.' taken up his residence' iaz_Lou- don Mr T H( Newell has reeved into the house vacated by Mr. And - reeve on William Street. Mr. Sandy G, Bawden, who spent three or our months at Vaicartier in training; for overseas, was the oJwr day turned down in his final .xatn:rt= ation and returned to Edntonto 1. Mrs. Bawden spent a day with him in Goderich before he went west. Mr. Samuel Lamport, who recently diapesee of his store property et,Far- (Mbar, owing to ill health, last Week moved here, occupying the residence behind the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Lamport's condition has not improv- ed much ,of late and 4.ie• is still. con- fined to his bed and is under the doctor's care. The Exeter Oddfellows have elect- ed the following officers for the next .term, --Noble Grand, T,C. Me Leod Vice -Grand, Ed. Treble; Fin.- See., in:See., W. Johns; Rece-Sec'„, R, N. Creech; Treas., E. M. Dignan; Trus- tees, W. Johns, W. Martin, R. N. Creech; Med. Examiner, Dr, John E. McGillicuddy. Bishop Williams ,of London con- ducted Confirmation services in the Trivitt Memorial 'Church on Friday evening last, at which thirteen can- didates took upon themselves the sol- emn ritea of Confirmation. His Lord- ahiti preached an excellent sermon, taking for his text part of the 9th verse of the 16th Chap. of St. Luke, izMatte to 'ourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness.” In Plain and deeply interesting language the able preacher emphasized the uri • derlying :teachings of the parable of the ut]ust steward, and his discourse way listened to by the large congre- gation with . rapt attention. The choir rendered the musical part of the service with credit. FORMER EXETER LADY MAR- RIED. --The .1AR- RIED: The•'. marriage took place ;at St. Peter's Cathedral, London, on Wednesday of last week of a former Exeter lady, ,Miss Nora Doyle, to Mr. M. D. McConnell of London, former- ly of Wdodsto. k. The ceremony was performed' by .Rev. Father McKeown. The bride, is the youngest daughter of the late .Michael Doyle of efount Carmel, and she resided in Exeter several years, moving to Landon over a year ago. :Old friends will wish her every, dewiness. SUCCESSFUL TEST TEST IN MUSIC: -Hardyltililiainson, tenor, and Ber- nard Siegert, violincellist, who were brouuIit here. last week by Mr. 5, Willa Powell, agent for the Edison Pheno saphs, to conduct a test of the reproducing dualities of The Ed- ison ;were well received by a large and +enthusiastic .crowd in the Opera House an Wednesday night. The tickets',were all issued by Mr. Pow- ell tree of charge,. and "no one who attended way ° disap, ointed.. with the affair from reicher the standpoint of a test or a musical performance. As a test the affair was a vindication of The Edison claim that the machine is ,of first rank, and no oan,ej will doubt the fact that there is no better ma- chine : made. BAZAAR A SUCCESS. The Annual ;.Bazaar given by the Ladies Guild: and the Girls' Auxiliary of theTi' e S vitae (Memorial Church in the Town' Heel , an Friday last was well patronized, and was a success in ev- ery particulai The ,plain and fancy articles, arid handiwork of the ladies was much "sought, and the homemade cooking and canady found ready sale. In tee evening the hall was filled to capacity ,arid the address given by Rev. Arthur; Carlisle, B,A., on his eep ii•ences :air the front •.was of a deeply interesting ccharactter. The rev- erend ,gentleman ,,is a fluent speaker and his varied experiences incident to' war life were most vividly and interestingly .protrayed. His address though'' career -He much of horror, wras interspersed with incidents of a humorous nature, and his talk, though'. lasting an,: hour and a quarter, seemed mere like fifteen minutes, and to the atteetive. audience the end carne al- tegeth'r ,tad seen. The chair was occupied by the reactor, Rev. Trump- et, Thf proceeds from all sources amounted to $90. Miae Lule kettle hats mean ill dur- Ina thy; tlieek, Mr, Josh Heywood of Usborne lost a valuable 'mare last week by death, caused by an internal abscess. Mr. W. H. Dearing has had an Hy- irolie Ram placed in his spring creek on hi: farm in Stephen, and water is thus being forced into his barn for stock It isa complete apparatus. Among the death notices punish- ed last week was that of the twins of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lee, which read daughters, but should have read daughter, 'the other twin being alive and well. Mr. C. 13. Snelttl� is now busily en- gaged converting the lower floor 01 the Commercial Hotel into a garage, The front will be the show room with date glass windows and the back work rooms. The third of a series of Patriotic Teas .Will be held in James St. Church besement ,on Friday, Dec. 66th from 3 to 6 p. in. All -ladies are request- ed to come and bring their knitting Admission 10c, The tea. is provid- ed by the Buying Committee, An Entertainment, under the Au- sedce of the Young Ladies eliseion Circle, consisting of a Three Act Playentitled "Aunt Maggies' Will" Solos Duette, and Choruses, will be given in Bain St. Church, Wednesday evening, Dec. 20th. Admission 25 and 15 cente. The Jwlinistered Association of South Huron met in annual meeting in James Street Methodist Church, Ex- eter, on Monday afternoon, when the following officers were elected for the nsuitit, year: -Pres„ R,ev, Geo. A. Barnard of ElimvilIe; Vice -Pres., Rev. J. D. Keatle, Exeter; Sec'y;•- 'Plea.,. Rev, A. A. Trumpor, The next ,regular meeting will be held on the second Monday in. January in the Presbyterian church. At the regular meeting. of Leban- Forest Lodge, ,A, F. Sr A. M., on ;Monday evening the following otfl- cers were elected: --I P. -M., e. E. AieGiltiicud4y; W. M., N. J. Dore; S. W. A. Hastings; J. W., W. J. Beer; Chaplain, M. Eacrett; F'reas., J, A. Stewart; Sec'y, R. N. Creech; Auditors N. iD. Hur'ion and C. H. Sanders, A special .feature of the ev- ening was the presentation to Rt. War, Bro. Dickson of a pedestal Stroking tray in appreciation of his service:, to the Lodge and to nark his elevation to the Senior Judgeship of Huron County, The address was given by Bro, Eacrett, and in reply Bro Dickson warmly thanked the brethren for the kindly token, and said that although his home in fu- ture would be in Goderich he would stilt be a member of Lebanon For- est and he hoped to . attend the meetings frequently, and in fact,,still be an active member in the Lodge. DEATH ---William James Carrick son at Mr. John Carrick of the Lake Road, Stephen, passed away an Sun- dae Iast at the family residence at the age of 24 years, 6 months. De- ceased had been in Western Canada foreight years. Last spring he con- tracted a heavy cold and this was followed by pleurisy and lung ram- ble. He trtea the treatment at Banff, in the Rockies, and was much better when he returned to 'Tisdale, Sask. But he soon became worse and after some weeks in the hospital he was brought haute two weeks ego, and the end came gradually but surely. He fs survived by histifather, three sisters, and one brother: The funeral teal; pyre an efonday to the Exeter cern: tery. --o-- I)EA rH OF MRS. ROW FCLIFF-- Ther • gassed away at the •.family res- ident -, London Road south, on Sun- day morning of this week, at 20 clock Sarah Heywood, wife of Mr. William Rowtcliff, at the age of 75 years and 23 days. The deceased has been a victim of asthma far many years and followed be frequent attacks of bronchitis she suffered a great deal. To add to her already distressing afflictions a few months ago sba was attacked by dropsy, from the effects of which She gradually waned till the end came. Mrs. Rowtcliff was a native of England, having been horn in Devonshire and came to Canada with her parents when she was about twenty ,years of age, first settling in Usborne. A few years later she married he 'Yaw bereft husbandand far over fifty years she has lived are the farm on which she died. De- ceas_d was of industrious habits, a kind-hearted and nvholesouled friend and neighbor, and her death will be regretted by many Besides her bus - bene she is survived by two daugh- ters and one son -Mrs.. James Par- sons Mrs. Jo;i i 1iahckney and Mr. Thomas Rceetcliff, all of Stephen. The funeral, which was private, took place to the Exeter cemetery on. Tuesday Mist Mary 'Mack has accepted a position in lMdntrea1. Miss Lila Jahns is visiting in Sar- nia fax a few days. Clyde Neaman returned Monday from a visit in London. Mr. Walter Dearing of Landon vis- ited frrier4s in .town, aver Sunday. Mr.'"George Orange of London was in town aver Sunday visiting friends Mx..R Robert ' eerk .Sandattend d e the Fat Sloe' t k Straw at Guelph this week Mr. Peter Robertson of Stratford visited with fauends here over Sun- day. Mr. Saineel';Ross, who has been in the west for, several months, returned home last week. Mr, H. Makims, after a visit in' Paw- assan 'rationed last week, and rias now gone to' Zurichto remain some. weeks. - Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Miss Kath- leen iieturned an Monday evening froth' a visit, in``"Bdiwmanville and Tor - 6n1. W. H. Dearing left Tuesday ev ening to undergo an operation for an affection of the eye in Victoria Hos- pital Landon. Reeve Taylor of Exeter, Reeve, Ed- + lerington of Usborne, Reeve .Miert inc Deputy Reeve Love of Stephen lee: Tuesday for Goaderich :•a attend :he ;County Council. —1110e-sels—ea &MAY PRONE NO 32 A Magnificent Showing OF Christmas Goods Shop Early Shop Early .This Store Will. Solve The Christmas Gift Problem Thi. stare is simply over -flowing .with novelty and style. Articles, suitable fax Christmas Gifts. This year more than ever perhaps will there be a, demand fear useful articles for gifts, such as are found in a dry - goods stare. We offer a few suggestions below. FOR .LADIES -Purl of all descriptions, Silk and Crepe Blouses, Fancy and Initialed Handkerchhief:e, 'Fancy Collars Hand Bags, Mantles, Ex- clusive Silk Dress Lengths, Coat Sweaters Parasols, FORe MEN -Silk Ties, Braces, Socks Sets of Braces and Garters to match., Fancy Arm Bands, Coat Swfaters, Umbrellas, aS QterC a ts Suits Mufflers, Etc. FOR GIRLS ANDBOYS-A great vartety ;of useful gifts to select from. Furs Make Excellent Christmas Gifts We have an immense Stock of Neck. Fura and chiles for ,Ladies, Girls and Clailiren, in black and natural Wolf, Peraian Lamb, Fax, Sable Muskrat, Marmot, 'Etc. We offer specially attractive prices during the Christina's rush on these lines, Ladies Separate -Blouses Just arrived for the Christmas trade the Very Latest in Ladies' Silk and Silk Crepe Blouses, also Cotton Voile Blouses -new novelty eftects and coloring's, Prices malerate. adies and Children's Coats Greatly Reduced We offer the balance of our Ladies and Children's Coats at reduced prices, that ,will simply astonish you. Come early, they are going fast. $15 and $17 Men's Worsted Tweed Suits For $12.50 In order to reduce aur Big Clothing Stock ,before January lst, we of- fer for this month one -hundred ;hfen's ,"Soverign" Brand Suits, all 'wool, for $12.50, To sell these suits at this price during war time seems re- diculous, but we must turn these garments into cash at once, We also offer good values in Men's odd Pants. Raincoats, Overcoats, Fur Coats. also Boy's ,Suits and Overcoats. MEN'S FUR COATS -At prices that cannot be beaten anywhere. JONES E S & MAY `? ea(igDartert for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing f- The Quality Groocry Store Christmas Will Soon Be Here Call at aur Stare for your Fruits, Nuts, Candies, and all other Xmas. Goods. We have a new supply. Any order coming to us by phone will be promptly deliverred. THE STORE THAT, WILL PAY YOU TO DEAL AT. Phone 18 R. G, Oower&Son Farmers Ne Tai1orell Salts and Cols. OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL' DAYS COME THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER OUT New Goads are here. Good range to choose from.- MADE TO YOUR raelEASURE, SEE QUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES, PRICES -$17.00 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Settings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere Ch your Cattle e LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR DON'T BE TROUBLED WITH Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central LICE ON YOUR CATTLE ALL Hatt1, WINTER. CLIP ,THEM WHEN YOU PUT THEM IN THE STABLE ITIS I THE ONLY SAFE E AN D SURE CURE FOR THIS TROUBLE WE .HAVE IN STOCK THE Celebrated Stewart Clipper AND. ALL *REaPAIR 'PARTS FOR SAME, AND• WE ALSO ''• grind clipper plates AND GUARANTEE. THEM TO 'CLIP, AS GOOD AS NEW. SEE OUR JMITTS AND GLOVES BEFORE YOU BUY. W. J. BEER Choice Furniture R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. ' f Produce taken in exchange' Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Stogy Christmas Give presents ,that are useful and that ,will fill• some every day. need; You will find us well supplied with USEFUL ARTICLES FOR XMAS.. ,GIaFTS. You can ;select 'from the following Iist,-, Handkerchiefs, Swea tars Towels Elan lees Wool Caps Neck Sc-brfs Gloves Gifts I•losi esy Shirts Collars & Ties; BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS OUR SPECIALTIES, Our spock is well assorted and at the right, ; prices, Mite Underwear Braces Overcoats., Suitt; H. F. Beavers