HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-12-7, Page 4♦�R 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Rind You ltavc Alway s.Bou ht, and 'which has been in use for civses 30 yeaes, has borne the signature of and has been remade wider his per- so;i;:1 supervision since its infancy.. .: < . ,Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counters"eite, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experixuents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and, Children—Experience against ]Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the ;relief of Consti!patiion, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all: Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assitnilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Aiways Bought wisa TNS CEM1 Au,l COMPANY. Ni W YOAI Gr .. 1 i ter 2.k.blallnatga." LET I ER FROM THE WEST Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $1.25 per year in Canada; $1.75 in thhe United States. All subscriptions not - paid in advance 50 cents extra will be r, harped THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1916 Dashwood The Christmas ,Festival of the Ev, a.ngeii:ai Church will be held on Dec. 23rd, insead of 22nd as was forme erly stated. Mr. Otto Wiit',ert is spending a New days with his brother in Ailsa Cra' Miss Mutch, who has conducted the millinery business for N. I ellermann has returned to her home in Auburn. Miss Mina Ehlers of Exeter spent Sunday at her home. Mr. Brown and Miss Hodgins of Crediton were visitors in town ea Sunday Rev. Litt of Kitchener condu,.•ted quarterly services in the Evangelical church Sunday. Mr, Jack Eidt of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with his family here. ',.lir. J. Kellermann and son Czar made a business trip to Stratford last week. Centralia 'Writing from Artland. Sask., under date of Nov. 24, Mr. Geo. W. Law- son. Nays :—"Please find enclosed money in payment of the Exeter Ad- voaate-- one of the most welcome weakly visitors to our home. We al- ways look forward to Monday's mail to bring us this message. We are Navin. lovely weather here now, but rather cold. There is already 14 in- ches of frost in the ground. Crops in this disttrict were not as good as last year although there were some splen- did yields. One farmer in particular, who has had an uphill struggle ever since he has been in this district, re- ceived almost 4000 bushels of No. 2 Northern wheat. a great deal of the crepe yielding 50 bushels to the acre. This will net him a snug sum at the prevailing price of wheat this year. On the other hand some farmers had very little crop, being hit severely by the trust at August 10th. It caught some of the late sown wheat right in the critical stage and acres of it was not worth cutting. However, 'teed wheat at 93 cents a bushel is ;earth harvesting, while farmers are shipping their best wheat, Car short- age appears to be a serious handicap to the marketing of the grain. Eleva- tors are filled up at many country points with nod visible outlet for some time. Wishing you and your valu- .able paper many years of prosperi-o." The anniversary servikes in the 4'iethodist Church on Suaday were well attended and two vel. interest- ing sermons were preached by Rev, A. E. Lloyd of Parkhill. Mr. Reid of Wingham is visiting bis sister Mrs. Finlay at the parson- age. Mr. Ben Moulters of London is spending a few days, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sc. Andrew. W. R. Elliott is in Goderich this week attending the session of the County Council. Mr. Dan. Gilbert returned Saturday after spending the summer at Melfor4 • Easli. Don't forget the Patriotic Concert Thursday •ev'g. Splendid program. Over 100 head of cattle were load= led here Wiednesday for the Xmas market at Toronto. About a carload_ of them are entered for the Far Stock Show, and we hope they will be successful in winning their share of the prizes. The cattle arewrtboutt a doubt the rbes1 lot ever shipped at one time from here, and reflect gi eat credit on the farmers for raising such finegradeof stock. .ak Ver. es Hodgins was on the sick list for rafew days, but is able to he around again. Several from here attended the Fowl Supper rat Clandeboye on Tithe. day evening. Grand High Mass was celebrated at the re -opening of St. P,eter's CathoI is Church on Tuesday. morning.- :Lordship orning::Lordship Bishop Fallon of London, and Father Kelly of Logan, Fr. O'Neil of Parkhill Fr. Hogan of Lucan,' Fr: Forster of Ridgetown, and the pastor Fr. Tierney, .were present in the. sap-. ctuary. A very impressive address ., was delivered by Bishop Fallon. 'Af- terwards l-terwards His Lordship and the clergy • were .entertained at the home of Mr., and Mrs. P. Hanlonl SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 1 Usborne for November. No. on roll 30; average attendance 26. Sr. 4—A. _ 'Strang 0, T. Dougalci 66, I. Mitchell 61. C. Moir 56. Jr. 4—M. IVIotr'65, H. Wood 62, E. Curb -lore '6.0. Sr.• 3— A. Moir 73, C; Doren 73, E.. Mitch -el,': 362. P. Harri,o-59 Jr.. 3-G. Cudmore 63 M. Moir -58, V!'Dntin'50,. Sr. ;2— H. Strain- 88 O: Wood 62,..L, Dunn 55 J. Oke 53. - 1—N. Oke 66, P Har xis 65, M. 'Cudmore 65.:1E',. Case, teacher, • • McGiLLlyRAY—Arthur ,Cook ,.has 3I purchased the fine ' farm of John 'Xitnms,of..Prospect Hill, BRUCEFIELD • Mr. L. McConnel has disposed of his property just south of the vil- lage to Mr. La Bead. Mr. and Mrs. James Horton spent Sunday with Mr Norton's parents, Heoseel.—Miss Gar- diner of Scotland is visiting her cous- in, ,'firs. Chas. ti'4asmat,;—Anniversary erv:.ces wilt be held in Brucefield Union, Church on Dec. 10.—Miss Em- ma Dickson spent the week end with friends "in Seaforth. Crediton Our people were greatly shocked to receive the news on Thursday that Daniel Wein, one of, our young men who mored to Detroit some 12 years go, had been shot while in rhe- act of defending a woman who • Was ptir- sued by her husband. He was rush- ed to Harper • Hospital; wnere the Lest surgeon in the city was procur- ed but in spite of at care and atten- tion he died on Sunday afternoon, at the age of 35 years. The deceased was doing well in the real estate bus- bass and was highly respected by Al who knew him, and his Crediton friends in the city were much con: cerned for his welfare when they re- ceived the sad intelligence of Dan's misfortune. His body was brought home on Monday -evening and burial took place here yesterday aferncon. The floral decorations which accom- LUCAN . Mrs: Steel of Regina, is the. guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Hodgins.—Mr. W. J. Dore, G. T. R. Agent is spend- ing his holidays in Buffalo.—Dame rumor says we are to have another hardware store in the near Iutureee Mrs. W. B. Youngstan has returned from o. two week's visit with parents at Goderich.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert ;t,icLeaan.of Alvinston, -spent Wednes- day with the former's mother, Mrs. R. 3ieLean.—The dance given by the 0. N. 0. Club Wednesday night was. a success.—The Ladies' of St. Tames' Churels, Clandeboye, gave a fowl sup, er in the basementof the church in aid of their local Red Cross funds on Tuesday Dee. 5th, followed by a choice program and addresses by Rev. Mr 'Norwood 'and Mr, E. 'J . Essery Lu. an Village Council has. adopted resolution calling on the provincial sef;r.tary to cancel the appointment of Peter E. Butler, colored, of that panned the rcemains as well as those ril•age, to the provincial police force, presented by friends here were beau- Butler was recently dlsn issed as titul andexpressed in mute words the sympathy of the host ,al friends He leaves to mourn his loss a n•.o.h- er,twho has had to bear bereavement a. little over a year ago by receiving notice from file Government that her son David, who was in France at the front.. was reported as missing, and is now given up as dead, three bro- ther and three sisters, to whom is extended the sympathy of the com- munity. The tollowing is an extract from a letter received from. Tien Ber- trand. one of ti:ceased's most intim- ate iri:nds,-.-"Dan, .Norman Holtz - nit= and a friend were standing in ront of a pool -room on Nanette Av. about seven o'clock in ,*he evening, when a woman came running up the s:reet yelling that her husband was atter her and was going to ;:ill ber. When sh. :tot up to where 'they wer- standing she stopped and ran inside the pool -room, and hid behind the show Lase. In a moment her hus- band came up and as h turned to on-- -er •the building Dan p.ut his arms 'round him from the back, and his friend caught him around the neck. In going into the place he broke his bold and shot Dan in the :ibdotn n. He then went over to the proprietor and shoved the gun under his ,nose demanding him to tell where his wife went, He told him she ran out the bet door. He then ran through the pool -room out the back and his wite then came out of her hiding place and ran out the front. These people are absolute strangers to everybody. Dan was rushed to the hospital and didn't collapse until he got into the reception room. The doctors had slight hope for him after the opera- tion. One of the last words he said to me was "This is what a man gets for being a good fellow. Wilson,the man who did the shooting, escaped and is still at large." Council meeting was held in the Town Hall on Monday? Consid= arable business was transacted. The last meeting for the year will be held on the 15th Inst, and nomination for candidates to represent the munici- pality for next year will be held in the 'Town Hall on the 22nd -inst. Our merchants are getting in their Christmas goods. Adopt the np to- dat saying "Shop early and often." The Revival meetings which are be- ine held in the Evangelical Church are well attended. Rev. Baker of the place and Rev. Meyer of Dashwood assisted Rev. Recker during the past week Ine spite of the muddy roads the Ford will go while other cars aale kept inside to preslerve them. ' en Brown of Edmonton and • Mrs. t''.e:'.t Burn of Mildmay returned to ' e:• respective homes on efonday, er b •ing with their mother, Mrs. S B -a vn since her bereavement, e t '1'tin, an old resident of this vV'ag•e. died in the House of Refuge Clinton, on Thursday, Nov. 30, aged 73 year and 8 days. The deceased had begin suffering from cancer for some tie:. His /remains were interred in the burial ground at Clinton. Michael Hirtzel is at present quite law. As he es of an advanced age there is but slight hope entertained for his recovery. The bazaar giv'n in the Methodist Church last night was we'1 attended. The ladies are well pleased with the reeilt ,of th'ir efforts, Mr, Bauer of Tavistpck, Mrs. Brick- ner of London „Mrs. Rogers and Chas. Fahner of Saline, Mich., attended. the funeral of the late Mr, Henry Bauer last Wednesday. Mrs John 'Sims has received a let- ter from her brother Gordon, Who is a private with "C" Company of the 161st Huron Battalion, now at Sho-n- cliffe England. He says the weather has been. damp . and misty, but the country is,'beeutiful I eves up to a litt'•e' town fh '`outer x11 tt;far sup; Der and it cost ma'two'sitillings anis sik pence, that -is• li0 penis in Canad- ian' money. Tobacco ,is 40 cents a;, plug and ;the eopie thee try to - put it ovee w' Canadians. I,intend going to London one of these clays. 'I'he . .rain: te ' ' run very fast here and it wall only .take a day to get there. We had a little ;examination -the other day. The -doctors ;won't let anyone go to France unless he is real fit. They keep the rejected ones in En, gland to work around. No one over 4.0 or under 19 years of age, is allow- ed to, cross the channel, so thtey;can't be hard up for men at, the front. Our battalion Is not going to be brok- en up, as other battalions are being disbanded. to ;fill up elsewhere. I go to the Y. M. CI A. quite often to write letters, whlere it is quite warm and -comfortable, . BRUCEFIELD—Dr. Rogers of this place has disposed• of his property and .pa°acctice ;to Dr. 'Glanfieid of -A;, - pin and .has bought` a property, - and practice -in Markham; to which place he has tnov:=d'his family and intends to `make ,his home,' He has resided • in Brucefieid forfifteen years.;. SEtFORTH:--The retrains of late Richard,. Wright, who died in. Toledo,, Ohio. r,tarrrived• here for interment in; the family: ,plot: He was for - many years a well-known resident, or Sea WHALEN Miss Bessie Morley is visiting this we -s in Lucan.—Miss Edna 'Gunning returned home Sunday from a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Davis4-Mr. 'end- Mrs. Hector Matson attendedthe funeral of the latter's uncrre,,, thetlate Robert Riddle of Nissouri.—Mr:.arid Mrs. John Wright returned home 'Sat- urday alter spending a few days with the latt'.r's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J V. MiLson at Mt. Brydges,— Quite a- number from around here attended the anniversaryservicesvices at Oentralia a on Sunday.—Our merchant, Mr. MBI - Sour is as usual having his busy lea- s= with fowl. The prices this fall are extra good.—Mrs- Jas. Kelly, who has be .re very ill, is now able to be around • the house again.—Mrs. George Milietnie had a. quilting be on Wed- nesday, -of last week. - lage constable and from the county constabulary for alleged' overofficious ness, and it is claimed in the reso- lu:ion Lha; his appointment to the new position at Lucan is contrary to the fe'lM;, of 90 per cent. of the people of the village and district. KIRKTON Mrs. Robert Davis continues to be in a critical condition,—Miss S. Mullen is in Beaton attending the funeral of her father. --Mrs. J. Gemmell of Bruce.ield spent last week with her sister Mrs.. S. Tufts.—The Kirkton :Methodist W. M. S. shipped a bale of goods for the Deaconess' Home, Toronto. -.-Mrs, Batten •sr, who has the distinction of being the oldest res- ident of Kirkton being nearly 99 years old, has been very unwell this past week,—James Robinson of Andersoa ,enlisted as a driver in London last week. This makes the fifteenth bey who has enlisted from the Anderson Methodist church.—We are about to lose Mr. C. Hackney and family from the village as he has -sold out to Mr. P F Doupe and bought the farm of the late Thomas Hansen on the 12th. of Fuliarton.—ln ,the death of Mr. 1'. Harding this community lost a fine character. CLANDEBOYE Mary ,Jane Carter, widow of the late James .Simpson, died on Nov. 30 in her 76th year. She was born in Clandeboye, where she spent her youthful days. In 1861 she was mar- ried to James Simpson of McGillivray and their hapuy union was blessed with five sons and three daughters, George and 'Edward. of Clandeboye, Frederick, of second concession, Mc Gillivrayr - Township, and Albert, of Lucan, and' Rev; Christopher of White River, Ont, ; Mrs. e••fkRann, of Clandeboy e ; Mrs. 'Simpson, of London and ,bliss Laura, at home; also, two brothers and one sister, Mr. James Carter. of London; William, of Pott tersburg •hospital, and Mrs. Watts, of London Five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Simpson celebeated their 50th anniver- sary ,all their sons, daughters, and son died the follo i present. `1r. Simp GRAND BEND —x—o x— Mr. Cyrus Green visited at Wing- ham in -ham for , a few days.—Mr. Ware Oli- ver 11aver -and •family moved to St. Marys, Where Mr. Oliver will work in the ce- ment works.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bren- ner arlrived home from the west last week.—Mr. and Mrs, H. Gould of Ex- eter x eter , were in our burg Friday.—Mr. George' Oliver and family moved to $,t. Marys last Monday.— Lawrenc Carriere, and Frank Allister were vis iting their homes for the week end.. —Mr. Adolph Allen, who has been i.n the west arrived home.—Mrs. P. Baker 'visited in Pt,. Huron for a few' Jays last ive lk. Mr. Robe, letithcett of London visited his unclMr: John Southco:t,: who. is ill, for a few days last we k:—,Mr: sod Mrs. Perey Mo; Lard of Exeter, visited relatil-es around her?Sonia 'xt is reported that cr,ic?cen'" t'.1r- ey' are operating in this nei,jmbgrbopdk-trA4s4da;..X.ebb was uoi"ei in marriage to Mr. Max: Turn- - bull Hensal1 on Saturday, Dec. 2. ZURICH Mr. And Mrs. Henry Steckley, of the Bronson Line Stanley, mourn the death of their 6 year old son Aaron Mr. Robert McBride of Stanley town- ship has purchased the 98 acre farm at Wagner's Corners from Mrs, J. Quackenbush for $5600.—Wm. Haugh ane leot°bert. Krueger of the 14th con. have lef for Detroit, where they •viii spend the winter.—Chas. Fritz at- tended the funeral of his sister in Buffalo.—Herb. Mousseau has left for Londno where he intends to remain for the winter.—Robe. Dough of Saskatoon Sask., is renewing ac- quaintances in this vicinity,—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Heideman and son of Detroit visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Heideman.—John Thiel left for c:it- chener Wednesday where he has se- cured a position on the police force. —Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler and family who have been living in Eg- rnondritle for some time have moved into their house in Town.—O. Schilbe Wm Jennison Land Mr. and Mrs. An- glia MVIurray have returned from a trip to the west. SEAFORTR-The deathtook 1s ce" r.; is Se,lorth on Saturdav, of i �jen Flax tr '=%telespie,a. younger' dau hter of 12r.''a'fid "11xrs. Janes" 0111e'spte, ati; the early age of -25 years. Had Terrible Pains in Kidneys and Back. Dear Mr. Editor—I want to write you about «Anuric." I was very sick, could hardly be lip; I was in bed most of the time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys and back, so much so that I had to scream sometimes when I was sitting down and wanted to get up, the pain was so great. I had tried a well-known kidney medicine but it didn't help me. I heard of Dr. Pierce's. Anuric Tablets so I thought 1 would trythem.I took g only one box of the Tablets, and my back is now free from pain and I can work and take care.of my family. I feel I cannot say enough for this medi- cine. Sincerely, MRs. WM. KELLER. l E1E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMiND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D,C.L., President JOHN 1 ren. General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY •.MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce - to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business.. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S53 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—S. M. Johnson, Mgr. ,*.i....a. INCORPORATED 1$55 .. .r.. MQLSONS BANK• Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A Genal Banking Business Transacted Circular betters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rat. EXETER BRANCH— W B. CLARKE, M+Iaaager. Call on Us better service than in the then. Come now: Make Christmas Shopping Made Easy Why not do your shopping now before the rush. We at. pleased to reserve any artiole fot you. We do not ask for a deposit and we can certainly give you far last few days, so why delay until -' it easier for yourself and alas? -for vita, A Few Suggestions Gold Wrist Watch, Ladies or Gents. Diamond Rings, also Stone Set & Birthday Rings. Baby's Solid Gold Rings, Lockets and Chains. Solid Gold Necklaces and Pendants. Large Range of Cuff Links, Tie Pins, etc. Also See our Large Range Cut Glass & Silverware. Non: This s Anuric" is adapted especially for kidney complaints and diseases arising from disorders of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con- gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine and urinary troubles. The physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierre's great Institu- tion, at Buffala, N. Y., have thoroughly tested this prescription and have been with one accord successful in eradicat- ing these troubles, and in most cases absolutely curing the diseased kidneys. • Patients having once used "Anuric e at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have re- peatedly sent back for more. Such a demand has been created that Dr. Pierce has decided to put a Anuric" in the drug stores of this country, in a ready -to -use form. If not Obtainable sendesne•.ditna by'mail to De.'Pierrce for:trial package 'or 50 cents for full -treatment. Dr.:Pierces GoldenMefdical Dl ctv rjy is a b tiod cleanser ''ancf`. `a'Ttetat'iv ithat,- startsthe liver and stotnach'into vigorous action:It thus assists th'e'body to make; Melt, red bldbd, which' feeds the heart, ttetvea, •brain:and- organs of the body. You feet clean, atro>3g omens atrequous. All Kinds of Repairing Promptly Attended To JAMES LAW SUN Central Telephone Office. Jeweler & Optician sHIPgA Mr. and Mrs. John Keys 'of Exeter. visited at Mr. Thos. Keys Sund ay- Mrs. Wm. McKellar and children are spending askew weeks with friends in Toronto—Mr. Joe. •McIsaac • returned to his - home in Mt. ,Pleasant, Mich.; last week, after spending the past few months with his uncles here. -Mr. and C. McPherson of Parkhill spent ;lylonday with Mr. J. Rate.—The young people here are busy practicing fox t': he Christmas !tree, which will' be. held on Tuesday evening, ,Dec, 19. British casualties froth- July -1st' to November 30th total '48$,852. Them November • daily ,average was one thousand less ehan in October. Powell's Bazaar THE GIFT STORE Christmas Cheer - Reigns Supreme here, - Our offerings were never greater in value than this year. Business is good and prices are reasonable. Step in and look around. -We, lay aside till --• 41,4 Christmas anything you want if you pay part ,on, it. Our offerings ';et 10, :15 and 25 cents are .marvellous—no war prices •TOILET ,ARTICLES . : -Fancy Soaps, ¢ and 10 cents k Perfumes 15 and 25 cents. - Tooth and othrea brushes '5 to 25c. Pastes 15. ,fo 25 cents. - here. TOYS - TRUNKS, WASHTUBS . , HORSES, DOGS, HORNS, ETC. Hair Brushers and - Combs; ,aIl„ prices, '=' SWEETS DEPARTMENT ;:.' �,be a• e • Ona'cCnady pr, tm h ztx: is Come plote CUOCOLATES .WillecieVe- Forkdipt in boxes ,and loose. g !gums, ms, .Peanuts, salted ami ireroasleri.''•r oitr 'candies: .• ,L i••• •• n.-..-. An Edison or Christmas:, will pplease .th;e.,;fam>,1• :, w Wye •' ofte, i.. POW:L La S BAZAAR