HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-11-30, Page 8EXErEit ADITUGATEt THURSDAY MITT. HUI lath CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY EX.ETER MARKETS Wheat per bushel 1.60 1.70 Oate 55 60 1,65 to 225 10.00 5.10 2.80 37.00 Bran. per ton ...... ...... 33.00 Egg e per dozen Butter, dairy Creamery Butter , .. Lard per lb. Hap per cwt. $ugar Beet pub Turket s, per lb ...- Ducks. per lb Geese, pet lb . Hens alive lee. Chitken, alive 12e. Pate -tau per bag Hay per tan Flour. per cwt Flour, „low ,grade Shorts, per Atm .40 42 47 23 .10.25 a 28.00 27 16 15 dressed 12 dressed 14 Cows for Sale A few choice Springers and fresh delved cows for eale at -.seasonable prices. Cash or credit terms. Write or telephone BYR,O.N E. HICKS. e'entralia. ACteOUNTS.-Mise Moriock will be in town for the balance of this weele to receive payment of her =- count* Her debtors will be wise to heed this request. GEI A CATALOGUE If you wish to become a Book-. k.ee.per, Stenograaher or Telegraph Operator get the free Catalogue of Stratford Business College, the school Which plaees graduates in splendid positions. STOVES FOR SALE -Two nice Coal Stoves. „apply to Mrs. Hyndman SPECIAL SALE. -A Special Sale of Christmas lines, beginning on Dee, lst. for 10 days.-GRIGG STATION- ERY CO., Exeter Ont. $.80il STOCK OF SHOES, and Rub Inv .for Sale at a discount of 15 per cent. Terms cash. Buy now as there will be a big re.ise in footwear after January 1st.- HARRY HEIR - LING,. Hay Store. ANNUAL BAZAAR -The Ladies' Guild and Girl's Auxilea.rts of 'Trivitt Memorial Church will hold the Annual Ba=ter in Town Hall. Exeter, on Fri- day, Dec. 1, commencing at 2.30 p. m. Usetul and fancy articles of all kinds for sees as well as home-made cooking and cendy. Admission, including tea, leic, in the evening a lecture will be elven by Rev. A. Carlisle, B. A., late Chaplain of the 18th Battalion.. Ad- mission 15c. Everybody welcome. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required. HOUSE FOR SALE The tine residence of Dr Quaeken- bush, on James Street, Exeter, for sale Apply to S. M. Sandere, STRAY STEER. There strayed onto Lot D. Con. 7. Hay, on or about Nov. 1st, a yearling steer. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Apely to PENHALE BROS., Exeter BATTLE OF THE SOMME. -The greatest war film in the world will be shown at "Dome Theatre" Jan- uary 1Zth and 13th, matinee and night -the earliest possible date obtain- able, This picture is now nlaying in the cities, and Exeter will be one of the first towns to have the oppor- tunity of seeing this wonderful film produced by the Famous Players. Generel admission 25e., war tax 2 c. extra SPECIAL SALE. -A Speeial Sale of Christmas lines beginning an Dec. 1st for 10 days.-GRIGG STATION- ERY Co., Exeter. --- PON-Y. HARNESS AND BUGGY FOR SALE.-Apray to Mrs. John MalletHuron Stezq, Exeter. 400 TONS SALe-400 tons of ime Land an 1 Ca`tle Salt for sale. All grader $5.50 per ':on; 50c. per bag. EXETER SAL r WORKS Co., Ltd J Su:ton, Manager. SALT FOR s eLE.-An excellent qua. )c Sauna made salt tor sale diC Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed, - ED. M AG UIRE Exeter. ---- ESTRAY RAM There strayed unto the -premises of the undersigned a ram, on or about Oct. 6th. Owner an have same by Provint raoperty and paying expenses; • A. H. Doupe, Lot 10, Thames Road VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR SALa-A storey and half , brick house. one acores of land, hard and soft water, well situated.. Two good building lots in property. Price rea- sonable Apply at Advoccate Office L. H. ECKERT, V.S. of Sebeingville Has opened en office in Crediton. All calls prom -nay attended to Phone 36, Crediton or Call Hill's Hotel, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and laiddlesex. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction ' Guaranteed. Crediton - Ontario MEETING OF HURON • COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in die council chamber, in the Town. of Godexicht ou Tueeday, the 5th day of Decembee next, at 3 o'clock. Dated, Nov. 20th, 1916. W. Lane, Clerk Weir' ISPeleleteie-eVetele3lie e LOCAL DOINGS, 4 ailca0caaL4i Mr, W. S. ,Cole installed hand' some silent salesmen in his starethie week. The agency for tbe CheveroIet au- tomobile has been placed with Mr, Thos. Boyle, Anyone wishing to, learn to knit or to make the new •Kitchener toe, kindly come to the Library on Fri- da.e- afternoon from 3 to 6. It has been pretty wintry during the past week, with storms of wind and rain, hail and SnOW, and frost. Thie week however the weather has been quite t Save your old magazines, papers and rags. The Soldiers' Aid will col- lect them again in about three months You not only help the soldiers but you help the country by avoiding waste at any kind. The new Governer -General, the Duke of Devonshire, has manifested his interest in the work beng car- ried on by the Canadian Patriotic Fund by consenting to became the President el the fund. The music in James Street Church Sunday was af a, special nature, being a repetition of the choice choruses with children's obligato, rendered at the musical evening on Feiday, Clark,e a successful choir master and organiet. A quiet wedding took place en Wednesday of last week at Main St. pareonage Exeter, when Miss Susanna Keddy became the wife of Mr. James O'Brien, both of the Township of borne. Rev. Rev. Muxworth performed the ceremony. Rev. Agnew of Clinton, who octet - pied James Street pulpit on Sunday, preached forceful sermons. At night front the text, "Be patient in tribu- lation" he drew many excellent les- sons, and was heard with interest throughout. Rev, Baerd, the pastor was in Clinton. About Leamington last Sunday no less thee eight barn fires were rag- ing at one titne, and from :he alleged factthat a peculiar odor comes from the fires and they burst into flames without the slightest warning, it is contended that they are the work of enemy agents. Rev. Trumper, rector of the Triv- ttt Memorial Church, preached the 'eat or his series of sermons on the "Second coming of Christ and Subse- quent Events," on Sunday evening last. All were efcellent discourses and were deeply interesting as well as instructise. Large congregations greeted the preacher on each occa- sion MUSICAL EVENING A SUCCESS -The musical evening given la James Street Methodist Church on Friday evening under 'the direction. of Mr, W. el. Clarke, choirmaster and or- ganist ot the urch, was.a most euc- cessful affair. The attendance was large and the many numbers were well renderea and appreciated by all. Rev. -5. W. Baird occupied the chair and made the introductory remarks. The program consisted of choruses by the choir, with Children's obligato, and by a male chorus; Trios by Mrs. Johns Messrs. Martin and Sanders, and Misses Quanee, Quackenbush and Mr., Shapton; a Duett by Misses Treble, and Quackenbush; Solos by Miss Quancc, Miss Quackenbush and Mise Snell; Instrumental by Mr, Clarke; and a reading by Mis-s Lela Sanders. --- EICETLR OLD BOY DAD.- The death took place in Kaleida, Man., on Thursday November 23rd, of William Johns, son et the late Mrs. Elworthy of Exeter, at the age of 55 years. Deecased suffered a severe injury last summer when a sling chain brokz and hit him on the head, causing, an abscess to form an the brain. A few weeke ago he was taken to. the hot - rata], whercparalysis set in and :teeth ensued. - He was born in Exeter, but went west over thirty years ago and had reside at Kaleida for twenty- four years.' Mr. Johns was here for a few days last spring to attend his mother's funeral. Deceased was twice married and is survived by his widow and ane daughter, and a half-brother Mr. Harry Elwarthy. Mr. Thos. Har - ton of Exeter is an uncle., Mrs. Wni, Tap: of Eseetee and Mrs. Spearin of St. Marys are, aunts of Mr, Jahns. Mr. Elworthy arid _Driver Thomas Tapn, recently returned from the war, ware with deceased before death and at- tended. the funeral, which was held at etianitou on Saturday. •'FORECA_STS.-Onand touching the 2nd; expect a decided fall of the barometer, a marked increase of tem- perature- with south winds, cloudiness andJain wind and thunder, especial- ly teward the south. A short reaction to rising barometer and change to colder may probably follow about the 2nd -to 4th, but storm conditions will Quickly return, and from about Mon- day the 4th to Thursday, the 7th, we may look for return of falling barometer south winds, cloudiness and renewed steams of rain. The disturb- ances of thiS period will' require three or fouldays to pass quite across the country, from the point of origin en. the weeto to, :their disappearance in the east. Frequent and sudden chan- ges from one- extreme to another are chaeacterietio at this time, often with- in an hours time. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Dec. 30th, 1916, for the output of buttermilk of Cen- tra.lite. Creamery during the year of 1917: Foeptl-ticula•rs apply at office THOS. WILLIS. -x-o-x- • BLANKET LOST. -A square lime spun haree blanket, an the Lake Rd. Finder.. will be rewarded by leaving . same at this office. ;MONEY POUND -A sum at money we.s found near the grist mile Own- er can have same -by ,calling at the Advorefe Office; proving property and paying for this notice. • .Mre„ Owens of Egnaonelville is vie- iting relative,here, Miss Ruby Wood of Clandeboye was 'Wine over Sunday, Mies Lillian Boyle returned Tuesday from a :visit OA liamaton. -Miss aterta Davis of Tilsonburg _ visiting her aunt, Afrst Fred May. Mr. C. K IVIcAvoy of St. Cathar- ine; is holidayeng at his home here. Afre. Watson -and sop. Laurie .of Lon- don were visitors here on Tuesday. Gordon Wells went to I-onden on Tuesday with the intention .of -enlisting. • Mies Addie Marlock of Detroit re- turned -to 'town Friday,. and is the guest of Mrs. Birney. • Miss Florence -Triehrter of Holmes - yule. spent Saturday and Sunday With her parents Stephen Miss Sarah Sweet of Toronto., is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet, for a few weeks. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Kathleen went to Bowmanville last week to attend the marriage of a friend. Mrs. teluxworthy and daughter, Mar- garet return this week front Toron- to, where the latter underwent a sue- cessful operation ,onher foot. Will' Davis, who went to London la.,t week, was home for a few days 1V-eariner. a gunner's uniform, he having joined the 63rd Battery in the city. Mrs. Geo. Petty returned to her home in Windsor on Saturday, after a. two weeke visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson, Exeter North. Gunner Charles Hulley, who enlist- ed for overs with the nth Battal- ion and since has returned. to Canada wounded,. was the g-uest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood an Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Bissett left on Wednes, day fee Listowel, where she will visit her sister. 'Mrs. McDowell, and :rem there ail*, go to peterboro io • visit another sister, Mrs, Hollaway, who is seriously W. Mr, Jas, A. Horton of Lornond,,Alta. a graduate of ;the School. of ;Pract- ical Science, Toronto, who has been farrniug and stock raising,- in the west for riine years, is Visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Ruth Rollins, daughter of Mr. A. J. Rollins of Detroit, formerly of Exeter, has gone to England as a nurse. Municipal nominations will be held this year on Friday, Dec. 22, several days earlier than usual, on account of Christmas day falling on Monday. Mrs. A j Linton has knitted 300 pain of socks, Mrs, Wm. Stuart aged 84 has knitted 200 pairs, and Mrs. Brooks a few years older has finished 250 pairs. These ladies are all of Mitcbell. The death took place on Sunday last in Exeter of Margaret Nichols Reeder aged 73 years, Deceasedmov- ed here with her son, Mr. Alex Ree- der. from McGillivray, The remains were taken to Moray cemetery for interment on Tuesday. The National tSanitarium Associa- tion has issued over five million seals for sale ,this Christmas. In Unitad States last year they issued 80 million and this year 300 million. Buy them to put on aarcele, letters, etc., and so help to stamp out .the plague' of Tuberculosis Judge L. H. Dickson and family will move to Goderich on Monday of next wsek. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lev et we understand, intend moving to London very soon. Judge Dick- son and Mr. Levett have long been closely connected wtili the business' interests of town and they will be much missed. Merchant e who are paying 200 to 400 per cent. more for their wranp- ing per will be able to sympathize with the newspaper publishers, whase raw materiel is largely paper. at may be difficult to establish the fact that a combine exists among the paper manufacturers of Canada, but no one seriously doubts it - -x-o---x-- PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. -The reg- ular monthly meeting will be held in the Tan -n Hall, on Monday evening, Dec. 4th, at half past seven. The Patriotic League is having an Entertainment in the James Street Methodist church ,on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. Particulars later. I3ADLY INJURED.-eir, Arthur Kestle of the 2nd of Stephen sus- tained a severe injury to his right leg c>ne. day 'ast week when operating. a grinder. Ib" belt was slipping off and as he was standing near the jack he pushed the belt on with his leg - and in soloing his pant leg got caught in the co,g wheel of the jack and drew in h's leg, with the re- sult that the flesh of the limb was badly .torn, the wound being about six inches long and an, inch deep. He will be laid up for two, or three months al.3 a consequence. ""."-4110- eale•eselleseallIe,..411a-elP.-aellase4_ JONES & MAY PHONE NO n • BIG .SWEEPIN-G • -:SA,LE •. . _ F • -- ••••• . Ladies' Winter Coats. A Good Time For A Big Bargain. WE HAVE ABOUT 20 REAL NIFTY UP-TO-DATE LADIES' AND MISSES WINTER COATS TO CLEAR. OUT AND STAKE ROOM FOR OUR. CHRISTMAS GOODS, IF 'YOU WANT A SWELL COAT AT A SMALL PRICE IT IS HERE FOR YOU, AS WE ARE BOUND TO CLEAR OUT EVERY COAT. DON'T MISS TMS OPPORTUNITY A $i5.00 Coat for p5.00 A $20.00 Coat for $15.00 A $17.00 Coat for $11.00 A $12.00 •Coat for $8.00 A Good Heavy Fur Lined Coat for 312.00 - Christmas One Month. NOT A BIT TOO EARLY TO START YOUR ,CHRISTMAS SHOP PING. BUYING EARLY WILL SAVE YOU THE BIG RUSH LATER ON. WE HAVE A BIG STOCK OF VERY SUITABLE GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR XMAS, GIFTS. Swell Furs Fur Coats Childrereee Furs Fancy Scarfs Fancy Aprons F2ncy Ribbons Purses Bags Linens Blouses Ties Neck Scarfs JAPANESE BASKETS We have just recei- ved a shipment of the lates novelties in Bask ets and Purses direct from Japan, Real nice. A useful Xmas Gift. Men's, Youths' & Boys' Overcoats. MEN'S O'COATS We have just opened up a new Shipment of Swagger Men's O'Coats bought at Old Prices. They are right up -to -'the -minute in Style and the Cloths are extra good, Ev- ery Coat n. different pattern. If you want an exclusive coat come in and see them. At old prices. YOUTH'S 8.; BOYS' OVERCOATS Brand new, right off the bench. Made up just: the same style as the Men's, Beautiful Cloths and pattern and prices. no higher than last year Some real nice fancy O'Coata for small boys tin different colors and Cloths See them at once. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfoud Clothing If For Choice Groceries & Cured Meats -GO TO- RI C. GOWER & SON Try us. If we please you tell others. If not, tell us. Phone 18 DIED IN ST: THOMAS. --A known former resident of the 3rd eon cession of Stephen aassed away at St. Thosnae on Nov. 23rd, in the per- son' of Thomasine Penhale, relict of the late William Penhale, in her. 85th year, Deceased had resided with her daughter about twa years,. and during that lime had been in declining health due to advanced, years. Born in Eng- land she came to Canada with her parents and after her marriage:to Mr. Penhale they &Wiled on the farm' nn'tv occupied by her san George. Deceased MS highly respected by all. The husband died 32 years ago. Four sons and three daughters survive, John of California., George of :Stephen Samuel of Perinea,. Henry of Coaling- wood,;Mrs. Killmer af St. 'eharnae, Grace, of Brandon and Mr . Crittenden c).f Blyth. With :the exceptions. of John and. Grace, all were present at the funtrat.which took place from the Exeter. station on Saturday =slang to Exeter cemetery. Many beautiful florae tributes were laid on the casket, as a tribute ta her worth twabeing Team the Meth- adist :church and Sunday School in St. Thomas. Farmers Clip your Cattle DON'T BE TROUBLED WITH LICE ON YOUR. CATTLE ALL WINTER. CLIP THEM WHEN YOU PUT THEM IN THE STABLE IT IS THE ONLY SAFE AND SURE CURE FOR THIS TROUBLE WE HAVE IN ,STOCK THE Celebrated Stewart Clipper AND ALL 'REPAIR. PARTS FOR SAME AND WE ALSO • grind clipper plates AND GUARANTEE THEM TO CLIP AS GOOD AS NEW. SEE OUR ilVIITTS AND BEFORE OU BUY. • 1,Kaho-.--- !Choice INN Nord Furniture SES ld CO. R. N. ROWE OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL ,DAYS COME -THE SryLEs ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.- MADE TO YOUR eVIEASURE. SEE OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES -$17.00 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand TJpstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. ' THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groeeries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange . Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Store Just Arrived 100 PIECES ENGLISH FLANNELLETTES, 36 inclies wide - extra - heavy, worth 25c. a yard On Sale 5 yards for , ..$1 00 - HOSIERY -Special values in Wool Hose far Children, Women and' Men. Ladies' fleeced lined hose t., ,.. et 25c. pair, RUBBERS -Our -Stack is -complete end the quality is guaranteed. GLOVES • SHOES-13uy to-dey. as prices are advancing every week. SUITS AND OVERCOATS. -We- can give you these at the old prices and qualities. Come in and let us show you the goods. W. J. BEER etee ----eetetSee-easseeein 13. W. F. Beavers, •