HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-11-23, Page 7IN EVERY
You will find some use for
Trade Mutt
Petroleum Telly
It relieves rough, chapped
hands, broken blisters, burns,
cuts, insect bites and skin irri-
tations of all kinds.
Sold in handy glass bevies and
tin tubes, at ebemists and gen-
eral stores everywhere. Refuse
Free booklet mailed on request,
Ellett Chalet Ar, Ileatreat.
The Reason,
Vicar --I 'was glad to see hew quiet
and still you -were, my lad, during the
The Boy—Well, you see, I was
afraid of waking father.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Gentlemen,—Last winter I received
great benefit from the use of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack
of LaGriPpe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in eases
of Inflammation,
Ethel -111 back out and let you
marry the wretch,
Mario Why do you do that?
Ethel --He proposed to both of us
and I "avant to see him punished.
Mivaxtrer Liniment Curer Blatantvor
500,000 Lamp -posts Ready to Hang
Them, Gerard Says.
Herbert Bayard Swope, recently re-
turned from Germany, writes as fol-
lows in the New York World:
Hew :song Germany believes her-
self to be in America can be seen in
any of the political mails issued by
the Pan -German League, on which a
great blob of pink indicates the resi-
dence in. America of the nine million
of German birth or parentage, Those
making up this number are claimed
as indirect members of the league,
who are, or ought to be, as the Pan -
Germans see it, ready at all times to
do Germany's bidding. It is the be-
lief of these Pan -Germans that
through their far-flung membership
some day German "Kultur" will
dominate the world.
On the day I left Berlin, only a
few weeks ago, I was informed by a
member of the general staff that
Gen. Hindenburg had sent word
through his Chief of Staff, von Lud-
endol`if, to Col. Kuhn, our military
attache, and Commander Gherardi,
our naval attache, that neither would
be permitted to go to the front nor
have opportunities for observation,
although these privileges are regular-,
ly extended to all other neutral coun-
tries. This is official, and has been
made the basis of representations.
Not only does Gertiiany believe that
her political strength in this country
is great enuogh to make the Ameri-
can Government take it into consider-
ation, but the belief goes further.
One .prominentt member of the Gov-
ernment told the Ambassador that
America would not risk a break with
Germany, because "there were 600,-
000 trained Germans ready to bear
arms in the United States against
the American Government,"
"There may be," was his quick re-
sponse, "but there are 500,000 lamp-
posts in America ready to string
them up on if they ever try it."
Useless Work.
A Scotch. farther, on hearing that
the minister was making munitions
on week days, remarked; "Munitions'
made by ministers are of no use; they
have been making them all the week
during the past two thousand years
and 'firing them. at the de'il o' Sundays,
and he's aye to the fore yet."
Your Baby's
Cheerful, Chubby Children
Make the Ho,Ue Happy
Weak, puny babies are a constant
care to tired mothers and are subject
to many diseases that do not affect
healthy children.
Keep your children in good health.
See that their bowels move regularly
especially during the teething period.
This is a distressing time in the life
of every child and the utmost pre-
caution should be taken to keep them
well and strong.
By the consistent use of
Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup
it is possible to avoid many childish
ills now so prevalent.
It is a corrective, for diarrhoea, colic
and other infantile ailments. It soothes
the fretting baby and permits the
child to sleep well and grow healthy.
It brings comfort and relief to both
child and mother.
Mrs. "%Winslow's
Soothing Syrup
Makes' Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con-
tains no opium, morphine' nor any of
their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas-
ant and harmless. For' generations
mothers in all parts of the world have
used, it and millions, of babies have
been benefited by it
Buy a bottle today and
have it handy
Relieve and Protect Your Children'
Sold 1 all druggists in Canada and
throughout the world
Standard liteliance
Cockehutt P1ongh Pa,.
Canada Machinery pfd.
Canadian Oil Contpantes
Dominion Power & Trattrmine on,
Canadian Consolidated Pelt Wit,
Fiectrtcat itrvelopment ..on1u.
Ontario Pulp de Paper Bon 1.
Spanish River Donde.
Peoples Loan.
Dominion Ez 1orive..
Guelph 8e Ontario Loan,
Riordan Paper Bonds..
British Elcohrgner 6% Bonds,
dossier Gooerament. Soni:.
Aefflo-Piens Donee to yield 61%.
We buy and sell all Unlisted Securi-
ties. Correspondence Invited,
Macdonald, Bullock & CO.
SOLDIERS' $ $ ddloisr
i OOMFORTS n�. Qr tet'!
tail in attotixt 06 hour* p.rfeot and fresh..
Send for our Special List of
From $2.00 to $5.0Q
Sante recent orders : i'V'estruount Sol-.'
Is Through the Rich, Red Blood
D. Williams' Pink Pills
Actually Make,
The blood is responsible for the
health of the body. If it is good, dis-
ease cannot exist. If it is bad, the
door is shut against good health, die
ease is bound to appear in one form
or another. One person may be seized
with rheumatism or sciatica, another
with anaemia, indigestion, heart pal-
pitation, headaches or backaches, un-
strung nerves, or any of the irlany
other forms of ailment that comes
when the blood is weak and watery.
There is just one certain, speedy.cure in the "black environment." His fa-' ded and baked. Make it your
—Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They make ther, who at one time worked in a 'meat" for ten da S and See
new, rich blood, and this good blood Tyneside colliery, was a man of seri-y
strengthens the whole system. and ous thought, foresight, and shrewd how much better you feet
brings good health and happiness. common sense. He saw the future of Wh�olCSOUle and strengthen -
Thousands owe their present good the engineering side of mining, and g for meal With milk
health some life itself, to the pills earned a reputation as a clever engirt -
Lord Joicey rays Out $7,500,000 in r• .,1 sorts of excuses are
'Wages. Yearly. offered for the high price of
be -
No fanciful heraldic design adorns beef,. the most plausible be
the coat of arms of Lord Joicey. The ing the alleged demand for
foremost items on his escutcheon are• veal—"the g of calves
a couple of honest pick -axes and two ,Which should be allowed to
pit o typical
„ponies. It was of Lord
Joicey, the world's richest coal -owner', grow into regular beef." YOU
that when he was raised to the peer- cannot
have beef if you, eat
age in 1905 he should have chosen "veal,"
this design for a crest, for he is proud it as but you can have
of the fact that his immense fortune i Shredded Wheat Biscuit
rests on the pit pony and the pick -axe a which contains more real
which his father used to wield in the nutriment than beef and
depths of the mine, costs much less. Shredded
Horn in the atmosphere of collieries
and brickworks at Tanfield, in Dar- i wheat biscuit is the whole
ham, Lord Joicey as a boy grew up , wheat steam -cooked, shred -
Miss Devine Laliberti, St. Jerome, eer, Ultimately his son went to or cream or Ill combmation
Que., says;: "Last year I seemed Newcastle to work for a wealthy with fruits..
gradually to grow weak and run down. uncle. Made Canada
their' ei? t,$ League, l,tioG boxes ; sere; I slid not sleep well, had a poor appe- Thrifty and energetic, young Joicey
Realinent. ssa horCes, 6ta., �a
• ; Surest : Cheapest i
grid. I consulted a doctor who told
We own erne, £nytlbiaat 1 : me 1 was anaemic, and gave me a
rn._ Soldiers' I1*et' itiltelu Assr.a "tonic, This I took faithfully for some
t it did not bel me and I a -
tit*, and grew pale and generally lan-
Baby's Own Tablets are the best
medicine a mother can give her little
ones. They regulate the bowels;
sweeten the stomach; banish consti..
potion and indigestion; relieve colds
and simple fevers and make teething
easy. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert
Johnston, Maymont, Sask,, writes:--
"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for
the past four years and fend them just
the thing for babies and young chil-
dren." They are sold by medicine
dealers or.by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
What Study of Larger Glaciers in
B. C. Has Revealed.
Dr. Charles D. Walcott, secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution, and Mrs.
Walcott have just returned to Wash-
ington after several months' field
work in Canada. Accomplished by
only a packer and cook, they spent
most of the summer and early fall on
saved every Denny •he could while
learning all he could; and although POxAxOs. iiiiSlEii Can-
ter a time he was only earning the l biers. kaeleware. Carman. 'Order
modest wage of £2 a week, he was at. once, Surnly limited. Write for duo-
ime, bu , p able to save enough to invest in some
quickest:dations, 13. W. i�awaon. Brampton
Drnn moat Building, ]toatreaL .
l pe died to be growing worse, and final- raining enterprises.
Those long winter nights
you will. need Indoor reorea'
Um. Why not instal a
Hoene Billiard Table
Write for Particulars of
our famous
Maisonette Table,
for comb or on easy terms.
Burroughes do Waifs, Lfdr
Makers to B. M. the lctns,
34 Church St., Toronto
NEWSPAPans POR manes
;ly I was hardly able to go about the With the money he inherited from itROFl1 MahiNO NEWS AND dog
house and almost wholly incapacitated his uncle Lord Joicey judiciously ne- Qftiees for sale in gaud Ontario
towns The most Useful ;and lntereatinR
for work. While in this condition a gotiated various deals. Some idea of
of ,tn huslnesaatd. Full Inrnrrnution ou
friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- the extent of his resources may be ' &An ,le t ol�pet a !:aide Gtrieeil Tornn -
Hams Pink Pills, and I at several gathered when it is mentioned that
boxes. It was not long after I began some years ago his firm took a lease orz,r44Nn017s.
their use when I could see an int. of Lord Durham's pits for $1,100,000,, t` tArlc>;R. Ti.uclts, i.T .U'5 laic,
provement, which just manifested it- the capital expenditure being paid out V internal and external, cured with;
self in an improved 'appetite and bet- of the profits within twoyears. out pain by our home Bell tint. Witte
p pl? ; us before too sate. Br. l3ellman Medical
ter rest at night, From this on the A further illustration of Lord. Joi- Co., Limited. Cot]ingwood, Ont.
improvement was rapid and I was not cey's vast interests is contained in
long in regaining perfect health. I; the remark which he made in a speech.
think Dr. Williams Fink Pills are a ' when he was presented with a por-
al blessing for all weak girls:' trait of himself in 1913 at the New-
• You can get these pills throughany castle Chamber of Commerce to cele -
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents brate his fifty years of commercial
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from. The : life.
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock -1 "Business life," he said on that oe-
calities visited and definite locations
f rte' t d f '1 lad
over a concern which spends £1,500,-
Alberta, September 30, which proved; COMMANDERS WITH MEN. 1000 a year in wages and supports
DilleOnt. casian,
o ee in s rat
a an oss7 a s. "is a good life, and to preside
The party broke camp at Banff,!
a rtunate move, as the next day a,
thousands of families is a thing to be
heavy fall of snow covered the entire: ent Over Parapets Side by Side at Proud of."
reeler, RSignal of Battle.
'• ges.
London's Max y Marr
When the big push on the Somme
was about to begin and the French or Latarrha Deapess
The number of marriages register- and British armies were on the keen
ed in London in 1915 was the high-: edge of expectation, the battalion •
est ever recorded -:-58,345, as. corn.. commander on the extreme right of
and Head Noises
pared. with 43,373 in. 1914 and 41,409 the British forces sent word to the Here il.:t,ut rice thert• in naovb waft r.
in 1913. The increase over 1914 is battalion commander on the left of eon kettle would da welt t
in„ irum catarrh ;and head noires. dine r -
0 c,oni-ider the i
34 per cent., but as the corresponding the French farces and asked him hair hie ieln Toyed by f e English toe eon -
increase for the rest of England and where he would be in the attack. ienosva suet demi, thea i•,ngliah inmate ise 1
Wales is only 20 per cent., there is "I shall be over the parapets with anti how ditmpne•ss airects Chore suffer- i
reason for thinking that a consider- the first wave of my troops," was i'MiU rh e to atf k siir+nii paii`iau std ae a
able number of these marriages may the French commander's reply.ror it that is rets117.. 'very
'ozl+tituuonal disease and use• an inter -
not properly belong to the London "So shall I," was the British corn- • rpt areia i a`
eye out for irle.r,
watch tick telt lion they had their iltear-
ing re,•tnretl l.v this Migli.h treatlne•nt
population. menders return message.; "keep an saltie re rr. whe, t•„u11 $e'arc(Ia hear a
So, when the troops were jammed , to calci] an Pa tent that the tisk of a
6ranutaled Eyeildw
s, in the forward trenches .waiting for "'el' was hiallrly :audible 4t•vel: