The Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-26, Page 8EXE r}R ADVOCATE, T$URSflAY OCT SO 1916 eXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1.55 to 1.65 Oats 50 to 55 Potatoes per bag 2.00 Hay per ton .... .. ... . .. ....... .10.00 flour per cwt. 4.65 Flour, law grade . 2.50 Shorts per ton ......... ... . 34.40 Bran per ton 31,00 55 Butter ............... Creamery Butter 43 Hogs per cwt. 10.50 Egg` i ALE REGISTER .�.� \Ve.rn , ,.iy, NOV.1, at l p. me, Lot 25. Con 2, London Road, Tuckersmith farm stocke implements, hay and grain. S tee. Meleeeete. Propieter; Thomas B c} ; c a e ee `er' eae.. 27, on Elizabeth etreet, South of Jaattes St. Church, real estate and eouseao1.1 effects, Jonas Hart eib proerietar; 13. S. Phillips, Auctioneer. • eVANTED.—Young titan with ang.ch- Gn`eb lity� to :earn automobile Work Man with ma:hine shop and tool room exp ri n e preferred. Good pay — steady position. Apple Chalmers alo- o a oMpatty of Canada, Ltd., Wa k - e.-a:a. Ont. WANTED—First elass striper and, e* sh,.. Apaly rt once Chalmers' Mater Cernpeny a' Canada Ltd., Wal- e:en-a e. tient. 'S Taa'--interne man experienc- ed in trimming and facing .ops. A;t- aa t t eve, CI -elm -ea Motor Com- e.: p,any o. Canada., Ltd., Welke:vet , Ont. WINTER aiILLINERY OPENINGS On O_t. 2e we will d spley Baur new Freneh pattern Hats, canis ine of talo :ittine, tur, and fur triremes! hats.. A ec at:a1 invitation ss exten.1. d to ea. tea ladiee to attend.—E. CLRLISS 0 Tits Canadian Oder of Foresters orsters coil rile t in tl it Lodge Room on 'ttariaa evening re—'':t. The report of t .,:: „ate to he 1-1 :.,';',11 Court wi ..• ;ivei^ and a program trail be pro- • . . 1'. membere are requested: b. , a.mt PONY HARNEeS AND BT: rGY FOR Sial. E.— Apnly :o Mrs. John. �!.:.•�: Hunat a rte. t, Exeter. CARE' OF THANKS—Mrs Skinner end :'artily c+t is ,tsorne wish to thank their netghpaa.: and triencis for thea kindness and eympathy in their time of trouble end toss be •ire, VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR SALE—A storey and half brick house, one aceres of land, hard and soft trate;, well situated. Two hood building lots in property. Price rea- sonable Apply at Advoeeate Office FARM FOR SALE Lo. 15, N.B. Biddulph Tp., eonatine ns 160 acres, 5 miles from Granton !allege: store:, blacksmith and carpen- ter shops on farm; church and school dither halt a mile. The farm is well w :tired, there being three pumping mills and a power mill; well drained svith tile; barn 60x36; stabling under same for 40 cattle; shed 25x50; good hen house and galvanized drive :bed 25x40; cement creamery 20x16 with engine house attached; also a com- fortable frame house with hard and soft water inside. Nater all through outbuildings. Farm is well fence di with r re good gates and dizdd s i o •fields; about 5 acres of bush also a silo. Sola rieh clay loam. Anyone wishing to go into the Dain* business will do well to look this term over as it is fitted for that purpose. Apply to J V. enliven, Mount Brydges, or an the farm. Organ Blowing By Electricity For an ample, steady, unfailing sup- ply oi wind pressure, have your church install an "ORt•e'eLO" Efticiene in performance, queet in operation, works reliably and e.con- nomically . OVER 7000 IN USE everyon ot them giving complete sat- isfact:cn. Let us give you all the facts, names and places tor reference. THREE CHURCHES IN EXETER 1 ` HAVE RECENTLY HAD THESE ORGAN BLOW- ERS INSTALLED Write for full particulars to LEONARD DOWNEY, 418 Queen's Avenue London, Ontario, Church Organ Tuning and Repair Work a Specialty. R. C. GOWER & SON Sucoes,sors to G, R. Bedford Have you tried us for Groceries, Cur. - ed Meats, etc.? it LOCAL DOINGS, Miss Ethel Sweet is home from Tt7- eon'burg this week. Mr. Samuel Lamport was taken worse again on Sunday and ie now verb• low, Children crippled by infantile par- alysis can now be cured, a New Yora physician having discovered stemess- fati treatment. Rev. E. G. Powell of Clinton, for- merly of Exeter, has received word of the death on Saturday of hie tether in Sarnia hospital, Eleven autos took the ladies of the Laditee Minstrel to Hensel], on Fri -- day night, The weather way not very pleasant tor the ride, being cold and windy. A number of shooters are spending the weak in Hay Swamp this week en quest of game. Their wives and a few friendsdrove out and bad tea With them on Tuesday night. \Ir Leonard McTaggart, of Exeter North suffered a slight stroke of paral} sir between Saturday night and Sunda Morning, and as a consequ- enee. is confined to his bed. Mr B. W. F. Beavers purchased the David Pfaff stock of shoes ::t s Dashwood last week for 70 cents on she dollar. With shoe prices steadily going uta this should be :a good buy. Fe tncis Freeman Gerald, three -yea olcl chid of Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Gerald ot Chatham, died within six Maur. ;atter eating some heada:tte tablet.: welch were lett within his each A committee of young ladies in- tend holding a Euchre taxi W 11owe'en, Get. 31st, in the Town Hall, commen- cing at $ o'clock. The proceeds are for comforts for the soldiers. Ad- mission 50t.. Everybody welcome. The War Auxiliary wish to thank the c itizene of Exeter and surround a in.; district for the hearty support they gave in connection ction with the farewell banquet of our soldier boys, also :hose who assisted 'at the Ben- ue: and t'oncert, Rev. Knight of Hensall prsaened strong .missionary sermons in the two Methodist churches Sunday. Rev. Mux worthy di.i sitniliar duty ate Jame, St. :hutch in the morning. The Main ktreet service was withdrawn in the evening! in tavor of Caves Anniversary :tit,;. Ale;; Stewart was in London ia:t week, They have secured a house on York Street and Mr. Ste- wart came up on Monday evening to assist in packing the household eff- ects to be taken to the city. Exeter regrets the departure of Mr. Stewart and family, all natives of Exeter, but hopes for them the best of every- thing in London. Mr R Phillips, ,Li. A. B„ late or- ganist of James Street \fethathst Chur: h, has secured an excellent nr- ganist position: in the city of Tackson. Mice. et a salary of $2000, the se:ond highest paid in the city. The organ is a tine new electric -pneumatic, on- ly ir,„talled an August. He commenced duties the lst of September. Jackson is a nice city, and has a population. ot feee0e people, Rev. W. M. Martin of London, for- merly of Exeter, has received aletter from his ,son, Capt. Beattie Martin, of the R. A. M, C., written on board a troop ship. He is now senior Med- teal ()Weer and states that they have on board 1903 soldiers, all of whom had to be inoculated .with anti -cholera. "bugs" twice within eight days. Capt. \lartin recently returned to duty at - ter a few months sick leave. Mr. Sandy G. Bowden, who has been at Valcartier for some months in the Engineers Training Corps, and was; recently transferred to the Me- chanical Transport branch of the Can- adian army, now in training at Mon- treal Quebec, arrived here en Sun- day to visit Mrs. Bawden and other relatives for a few days. He .logs not yet know how soon he may be called upon to go overseas, but the moue may take place at any time. Sandy enlisted in Edmonton. It is several years since he left Exeter and his old friends were very pleased to see hint again. TO SAVE "GAS"—Clifford Drew, a Mount Foaeat barber, has invented arc appliance for motor cars whereby the milage an, a gallon of gasoline is about doubled.. He has applied for patents. in Canada and the. United State; and• in the meantime is selling the appliance:, and having rt man n - fa�ctuaecl 'i 11 n oun tForeat. --0-- CAVEN ANNIVERSARY...— The anniversary services of Cavell Pres- byterian Church were held on Sun- day last Rev. Larkin of .Seafarth was the preacher foe the accasian. The• services were very largely at- tended both the morning and even- ing. and the sermons were of a high order and listened to with the mast careful attention. The choir render- ed special' music and were ably ass- isted by aIiss N. Kinsman, who gave a pleasing ,solo !at each service. WEDDED.—A •quiet wedding took place on Thursday afternoon last at 4 o'clock, at the James Street par- sonage, when Miss Valeria Bedford, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs: George R. Bedford became the bride of Mr. Williaen'H. Arzhstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs Irwin Armstrong, all of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Baird in the presence of the parent: of the young couple. Mr. and- Mrs Armstrong left on the even-- ing • treiu for a trip to Toronto and paints east. The young. couple re- turned thr: weak and will reside on. Mill St, yet. They have the best wish es- of their maay facials. s. . 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of Bate Land and Cattle Salt for sale, All gredea' i;'5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag, EXETER ,SALT WORKS.+,o,, Ltd J Sutton, Manager. MATteZeAGE LICENSES ISSiJEP by-(. 1-i Sanders at the'Advacate 0f fice Strictly confidential; no witness required, Mrs. Routley went to Windsor on Friday Mrs, Jahn Keys visited in London,, last week. Mrs. W. ], Heaman was in London on Monday. Mr: R. lenight visited. .. in London on Monday. Mr. C. W. Robinson was 'in Lan- don Monday Mr. W. D. 33urke «shed 'tlrs?Burke here last weele Mrs. Gale and children returned to London on Feiday. Mrs. James Murray vielted in Bur gessviee last week. Mr Oliver Davis was -home front Zurick over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hooper were iaa London last week. miss Carrie Knight of St. Thomas is visiting relatives here. Me;sr:. Frank Triebner and John Knorr have gone to Windsor. etre Jost: Johns went to Landau Monday to visit a sick friend. Miss Rridhann, teacher, visited her home in Goderich over Sunday. Mi;: Barrie of Moncton, N.B., is visiting Mrs. Wm. Howey here. Mr. Lammie of Detroit was the guest t Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie this. week. Rev. S. F. Sharp attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Gardiner at Brus- sets on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Atkinson of London <v inited with the former's mother here this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Bawden were in Goderich visiting the former's sister Mrs. Salkeld, this week. Miss Lila Zuefle and Miss Flor- ence Keane of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, O. Zuefle Mr. and Mrs. ale J. Dore re- turned last week- from several weeks' auto trip to Hamilton and other e oincs Mrs. McLellan, who has been visit- ing in Stayner for three months, has returned here to the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. Sheere. Mr, ilea) Rollaway of Peterboro Navin; recovered somewhat from her sever- illness, Mrs. W. J. Bissett was able to return home last week. \Ir Jas. A. Sanders and two. Wood- stoek friends motored up :rom that city Sunday and spent the day with hie patents. His father continues -to be quite ill.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastings, who have been attending the funeral of the former's brother, Mr. William Hast- ings at Crosshill, last week, returned. home Monday evening, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30Years Always bears the Signature of 14:4‘ Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMEN rs There will be sold by public auc- tion, on Lot A., Con. 5, Usborrte, sn WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1916, At 1 enema- sharp, the following Horses -2 bay mares, 8 yrs. old; mare 6 yrs. old, supposed to be in foal; yearling filly, general purpose; driving horse, 6 yrs. old; general pur- pose urpose gelding, 3 yrs. old; driving mare 6 years old, quiet and relaiable Cattle -5 cows supposed to be in calf, due in March and April; 3 heif- er: 2 years old; 2 steers, 2 yrs. old; heifer rising 2; 3 steers rising 2; 5 spring calves. Implements—McCormick binder and mower. Massey -Harris drill, steel roll- er, hay rake, Frost & Wood ,disk, Frost & Wood corn cultivator, two- turrow plow, ;Maple Leaf; lumber wagon, wagon box, open buggy, cut- ter, gravel box, fanningmill, root cut- ter. pair bobsleighs, sari pan, 30 sap buckets feed cooker, wheelbarrow grindstone set single harness, set double harness, set britchens, 5 col- lars. forks, hoes, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention; al- so a few bags of timothy seed; 20 hens. 30 chicken, quantity hay. Terms—All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount 11 mouths credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent, ger annum off for cash on 'credit amounts. C. W. Robinson, Geo. Ford, Auctioneer. Proprietor For Sale or Rent Hotpoint Vacuum Cleaner Clean your rugs etc. the modern e way at small cost. mon tra �e ion s t free. W M e . B L' Elt, 1 1 s JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Exceptional Values in Fall and Winter MerchiuxIise A Money -Saving Opportunity to Early Buyers In spite of the continued advance in practically all lines of Merchandise the fact that we placed our orders tor our present large stock of Dry Goods nearly a year ago, enables us to offer remarkable values to early buyers Present stocks will not last long so buy at your earliest con- venience and stock up well. Two Real Bargains in Ladies' Hosiery SPECIAL No. 1-15 dozen Ladies' heavy cashmere hosiery, good heavy: weight, nearly Ail wool, worth 50c, a pair, Our special 40c. or 2 for 75c SPECIAL No. 2-5 doz. only Ladies' all wool cashmere hosiery, worth to -day 75c. a pair, while they last at old price 50c. a pair, Men's Underwear Bargains BARGAIN No1--4 .dozen only men's all wool odd drawers, worth 1.25 to clear at only 98c. a pair. BARGAIN No. 2-20 doz. heavy shirts and drawers, all sizes, nearly all wool very special at $L00 garment EXTRA. SPECIAL No. 3-20 dozen extra 'quality all wool shirts and drawer. sizes 34 to 44, bought at a bargain, nearly a year ago, direct from the manufacturer. Present price would be $1,75 a garment. Our special price while they last at only $1.25 per garment. Save Money on Elannellettes 5 pieces of Extra heavy Canadian, English Flannellettes; stripes & plain colors, at 12}i;e., 15c. to 20e. a yard These are ,less than the present wholesale prices. Heavy English Prints at 15c. yd. Good heavy English prints, old dy es fast colors; large range of pat- terns at 15c, a yard. Men's and Boys Suits & Overcoats Abig stock of above to select from at specially attractive prices. ALL LADIES' COATINGS AT GREATLY ,REDUCED PRICES Heavy Wool Buggy Rugs & Shawls We offer wonderful values in this department, many suits at less than present wholesale prices. Come early for the bargains. Special Offer -1S only men's heavy fawn Scotch Raincoats, sizes 38 to 46, for quick selling at 9,75 each. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfoud Clothing SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent qualite of Sarnia made salt for sale at Old Temperaace House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. VIAGUIRE Exeter. ---0-- WANTED AT ONCE.—Young wo- men desiring employment in town can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Co., who has several good ,positions vacant. The work is light and clean, the hours are very short and wages are paid while learning. Steady position and good wages assured to anyone giving it a trial. Apply at once, JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., EXETER. Auction Sale HOTEL PROPERTY FURNITURE AND FIXTURES, ,AUTOMO- BILE AND COW. There +w*i]I be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916 At 10 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing: The contents of 20 bedrooms, includ- ing beds bedding and furniture; par- lor furniture, including chairs, tab'es, couches, rugs etc.; 5 large leather upholstered chairs; writing desk and chair; first-class bath rem outfit, new; 4 'coal heaters; large box stove, large number - pictures, 2 chemical closets, large kitchen range and pipes 5 kitchen tables, refrigator, 3 kitchen cupboards, baking cabinet, kitchen: utensils of all kinds, dishes, 3 dining roomextension .tables, 20 dining room chairs silverware, glassware and cut- lery. large number pictures, 201amps bar furniture and fixtures, includingcash register, ,taunter, back bar, and large mirror; large cabinet refrig- erator; pickle •silver work board, Tay- lor combination safe; about 20 awn- ing's and irons; hot water urn; elec- tric clock; 500 yards linoleum; nearly new; carpets; 1916 Overland auto, Model 83; Holstein caw, renew in March : stable utensilz There will also be offeredfor sale on the same day the .property known as the Commercial. Hostel, including. two lots at the rear of the hotel, fac- ing William Street; driving shed 18 by 45 . feet. Terms—Real Estate 'made known. on day of sale; auto, half cash, and: balance in six months on satisfactory security • Household Effects,: all sums tinder $15.00 cash, over that amount t) months credit on apnroved ja'nt notes, 5 per, cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts C. W. I<2.OBINSON,,Auce C. H, SANDERS, Clerk. T. H. NEWELL, Prop. Nei Tailoreri Choice SIMS CM. Furniture OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTh S COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR (MEASURE. SEE OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. o -- We also hasne, a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. N. ROPE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER:. Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choi est: groceries, fruits, spices,, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line.. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will cony in - Ce. Produce taken in exchanger Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Store. Another Lot of TravellersSamples, Another lot of Traveller's Samples just 'opened, consisting of Glares' Handieerchiels, Ties, Braces, Nightgowns Underwear, Pajamas, Night Shiite. Sweaters Etc„ Etc., on sale ''now. SPECIAL VALUES en Men's and Boy..' SUITS, bought before the raise' in price: and sold at the old price. Our values in Shoes are the Best of Made -to -measure Samples for Sete the Table full at the $2.00 -a Come in and look aver aur linepair Mena Clothes. • lel , i B. W. F. Beavers,