The Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-26, Page 7"Faulty Nutrition and Elimination. "—these are the cause of the most of the ailments that afflict human beings. Too much indiges- tible food and lack of power to throw off the poisons that come from indigestion —these lead to a long line. of distressing disorders. Avoid them by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit --- a simple, elementalfood that contains all the body-build- ing material in the whole wheat grain, including the bran coat which keeps the intestinal tract healthy and clean. Delicious for any meal in combination with, f sliced peaches or other fruits. Made in Canada HARDEN TERMS QF PEACE. • Execution of Capt. Fryatt Aroused Intense reeling in Britain. Writing to his paper, the New York BREMEN A "GRAVEYARD," Blow Dealt at Port's Prosperity by the War. Mournful details of the "graveyard stillness" which broods over Bremen are furnished to the Berliner Tage blatt by its special commissioner who is investigating the effect of the war on German towns and cities. In de- scribing conditions in Bremen he em- phasizes the blow which has been dealt at the prosperity of the Weser metro- polis by the disruption of its vast in- tercourse with England. The funeral figure now cut by the Cotton Ex- change, which together with the monu- mental offices of the North German Lloyd typified Bremen life, is depict- ed as symbolical of the commercial death which has overtaken the port. Bremen's three other principal in- dustries -oil -refining, jute -spinning, and wool-combing—have been entire- ly ruined by the British blockade. Only two local trades are enjoying wonted pre-war activity= -namely, shipbuilding and cigar -making. Great distress has been caused throughout the Bremen export world by its ina- bility to collect debts in enemy coun- tries, especially England. The cor- respondent also mentions the numer- ous "domestic tragedies" which the war has engendered among Bremen families on account of the many inter- marriages between Germans and Eng- lish resulting from the intimate nom Mail, from London, S. S. McClure rn rcial intercourse between the two says: I was talking to a man of great shipping interests in regard to the Captain Fryatt case. This man said that the execution of Capt. Fryatt had made a more profound impres- sion in all shipping and business eir- eles than almost any other single 1 cent. The other had come from Eng- man faithful to his kilt, the Canadian bowels, break up colds and make baby event, and would greatly harden the A Tonic for the Blood and ]and only seven years alto. But both tvho defends two countries old and thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi- um of peace which England wouldTer�•es With Rest All were true Canadians now, Hely the Australian bronzed by the cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a impose. He went on to say that in Dickie and Dominique fell out,box from The Dr. Ikalliams Medicine the first few months of the war That is Needed. sun and like a young Greek god, It there Ivan na suecial feeling against nevertheless. It was not the differ- is these men who have put to rout Co > Brockville, Ant. countries ST. VITUS DANCE CAN BE EASILY LURED Sfli•DIERS COi RELIEF FRO.M 8.ORENESS Boys on the Border Relieved Their Pains W i Tand AchesWith Sloan's Liniment. Once upon a time No•rmau .tones, serving in the National Guard at El Paso, returned to camp after a stren- uous 15 -mile bike footsore and leg- weary. egweary. He bad not been long in act- ive service and his shoulders, back and limbs felt the after-effects o£ marching. Remembering S 1 eta n s Liniment, Jones applied it to the sore spots and went to bed. He writes ; "I arose the next morning feeling fine ; in fact I had entirely forgotten about the hilae and went out for a. four-hour drill in the sun as spry as ever." Private Jones passed the experience along, and many a boy on the border relieved the agony of sprains, strains, bruises, insect bites, cramped muscles, rheumatic twinges, etc., by the use o£ Sloan's Liniment. Easily applied without rubbing. At all druggists, 25e., 00c. and $1.00. acd rein,.btagaet ossa, pipe*. . We pend �+qgover use ssme ear . tete fun ax.sioslwd, .Ch r a nocoa,mte to s--$nd r tit dN. 'WW re DWd out m,7t1M a of dollar! n• 9t irapparr la Can d& *Ito sand t al tags toasi,eoaue.thayl•Jtaw they go+taggaare dear, raoslr. 744A.moa.; [4C their !RA*Yonx5F. so.Wilarmerefelettemtrapeeee tot ebedte.r.... oar Rt.,., ATO fit Mita Carted. IttalaltelaTeep a Guld.(90 os) gnu ua sent tees ort reaae+t Addreat at toL Ott JOHN 1liALLAlel Limited 202 Hallam Building, Toronto. WHAT MONARCHS EAT. The Kaiser is Strong an Buttered Toast. Good old roast beef is the favorite dish of the Queen of Holland. She is also partial to mutton, The ()ear of Russian has a great fondness for all kinds fish, aspecia11 y corifi s sea- soned with oil, pepper and garlic, says London Tit -Bits. He once remarked ' toe, late President of France that he could "eat codlings twice a day"! The Rings of Italy and Spain both have weaknesses for sweets, such as whip- ped cream, chocolate and tarts. Icing Victor Emmanuel is also fond of the Italian national dish called polenta. This is a kind of meal porridge. The late Pope considered polenta to be his tion to the curative treatment of cone favorite dish, He was an: exceedingly valeseentee went with more spirit plain eater. The remarkably aged than the Instructor had ever known. Emof Austria has acraving for peror The end of the story cannot be told, the peculiar dish of calves tongues in because the competition is still in red wide. His brother Iden, the Ger- progress. So far, it is neck and neck, man Emperor, is exceptionally sus- eeptible to the temptation of well -but" CONQUERORS SOF GERMANS. tered toast. Let us hope he will have some thing hotter than toast served up French Writer Pays Tribute to the to him very shortly by the allies! Troops From British Empire. M. Joseph Reinsch in the ParisTHE FALL WEATHER Figaro pays a generous tribute to the, HARD ON LITTLE ONES new English armies. "It is the soul years has made an army that is not Canadian fall weather is extreme - of England," he writes, "which in two `Wnae in Canada's DOMINION RAINCOATS Beet for quality, style and value. Guaranteed for aZl mate . Ask Your Dealer Safety First. Traveller (on Irish railway) --'Will there be time to get a drink here, guard? Guard --Yes, sir; plenty of time. Traveller What guarantee have i that the train would not go without late? Guard (generously )--Oh, begorr, I'll go and have one along with you, ItiSRAS4'* X iai est Casett Cc'1sle. te. content to hold its ground against an ly hard an little ones. One day it is Trouble is the most practical teach - warm and bright and the next wet er in the school of experience. army at which Prussia has been labor -g ing for three centuries. It is the Eng- and cold. These sudden changes bring RI ItIED, BUT NOT DEAD YET. Lishman who has beaten the >German en colds, cramps and colic, and unless} • The End of a Feud in the Trench. side of the Channel and the other side the result may be serious. There is It is the infantryman from the other baby's little stomach is kept right of the sea, the Englishman from the nothing to patina Baby s Own Tablets They were both Canadians. One Thames, from the quiet country, and in beeping the little onss.well' TheY WAS Canadfan horn, of French des- from the industrial hive, the Scots- sweeten the stomach, regulate the the Germans by the English, but that Many a child has been called awk- ence of race or language that led to the most famous regiments of the the sinking of the Lusitania and the ward, has been punished in school the trouble, for neither of them was a `, enormous empire of prey." Bryce• r for not keeping still or for dropping fool. No, it arose of a sudden, in one , __------e.. . un reports and other similar a of those quarrels that occasionally things had brought about this state thing•: , when the trouble was really l 1 of feeling. He said: St. Vitus dance. This trouble may. breakout between commonly sensible Dyspeptics C, o ii "You know, it is not so much appear at any age but is most often men when their Heroes are set on a tics hatred we feel toward the Germans- met between the ages of six and edge in A time of excitement and Avoid DrugsAnd we look upon them as we might look fourteen. The most frequent cause strain ' upon snakes." of the disease is poor . blood, aggra- 'nit till we've smashed these This man expressed the average vated by 'Weer confinement, or men- blooming Huns, and I'll break your thought of industrialand sitippfng til strain at school. !ander thes• head,' said the Englishman. e ------ i 111 break yours first, retorted Try a Little Magnesia Instead. lawyer, Jen t thin the third accident England. , conditions the blood fails to carry ,; �„ It is truly to express the nourishmentto the nerves and the Dominique, "though. it'll take a heavy seine r•• nple in stinetiA't•i` l =ailliatheir within a month?" t y impossiblenae. ,tie, to danger, and it may es; , he replied, proudly, ain't i universality and the strength of the child Ueoms to show ]ietlessness and tttit,ct, or rustmn ..r unlit miser tn•s- , feeling what I have just illustrated. ' inattention. Then it becomes rest- Half an hour afterwards a shell ptptiri, to met, amp,. lea.,•nt eoc* s turd lucky'?' Everywhere it is the same thing. `less and twitching of the muscles and dropped in on them. It was a big medicines. artificial dig(l� `rnt�.�tetrnlsh 1 , An American ladywas reading to jerking of the limbs and body follow, shell, and it sent the soil of France the dang,•r. Will it is certain rt,ain that neither : World's Record \% heat Crop. into convulsions. deign Utsr nn•rllellte, pastiest the power mea poem by the great Belgian poet, ', A remedy that cures St, Vitus dance drugs uoy the cines al secs he t•i to In view of various claims of wo1 ld'e a Belgian _ llast and cures it so thoroughly that no Three men were buried, and one of the :+tnma' h. wla,1h is the und. rl.i„g record wheat crone for large areae, I C 1"ldn cl'adlt ,or g, aril the g y them was Dick, A dozen of their puttse ne ul'Mt Write; of insligi•sticm ittm , line was "O Lord, deliver us from trace of the disease remains is Dr.. and ,1. r,;.l,yl;t, They mus gtse temp„l.tlt.t• the Crowfoot Farming Company of the Germane,” uid she stopped, and Williams Pink Pills which renew' comrades rushed to dig them out, ,,,t,,•t. but r�11 incre:, •itiR ttu:ainit,e s Crowfoot, Alberta, subrtit a sworn in the mo -t intense f* hion, her c•ytts the blood thus feeding and strength -one of these was Dominique. At last tuts, t re• in to , and an th,• rift, th., a• td statement of their results for the he came on—somethin trmalun in tae gtotnn• It :,s .lungcrout, at r shining with tears, she said: "That ening the started nerves. This is g titer. year 1.915 which probably surpass all is the prayer of every woman and the only way to cure the trouble and came he found it was Dick, did he . t1,i ll\ i�•t�`N�urtct'(it`f'iret `t 3'r4er,.in . properly authenticated cI unity from girl in England, Belgium and France." parents should lose no time in giv- Pau"? He dug his hardest, till he ,lll�.,-tla a Hilcl su.m'tch a sufferers -1 is ••nut other sources. From nisi; at:res the In t c tpublishedeter- in this treatment if their child had uncovered his comrade's head. He (;t•t uboatt tan oun< (r .,f pure 111 (11 at.•.1 Crowfoot Fuming Company received I 1 tltr°n to the m g bru hed the dirt off the face very magnesia from t ale +iruggist unit til:.• { m , jai there is a constant body of new ` seems nervous or irritable. Mrs. Wm. a teuaprn,neul iii „little nater ftnin<. i- ; an average yield of 51 bu-••heIs, lata 1-3 material coming by word of mouth. I A. Squires, Cannington, Ont., says: gently. Then he fainted from loss of iaiitl8lt eutl lei' siliticin= lrtiimriii11 id 1 pounds per acre of number one sprint; am told that Loral Bryce was very "My only daughter, now fourteen blood. Hehad been hard alit him- in the stomach and stop all food fcruten- ; wheat, by actual selling'•!right; 1(!tt sceptical in regard to the atrocities years of age was troubled for several self.. . • fatten, thus enublittS }oU to enjoy hearty , items of wheat averaged >:i?_ bushel: They were sunning themselves one meals without e.pertenctn, tile ltu,t acre. These records were ertab- when he began his investigation. His years with St. Vitus dance. She was ;train or unpleasantness afterward. i per" Medicines The Sheer Lining. Pale, but nevertheless smiling con- tentedly, Mrs. Levinski entered her Iawyer's office. Taking the chair bee side the desk, nils said, "I've had an- other accident, Mr. Berg. Last night I slipped on the sidewalk downtown and got hart. The doctor Enys i oaght to have damages." "Who, Mrs. Levinskt," exclaimed the feeling now is as strong as that of so bad that at times she would lose day coon after they reached the con-, 1,- say one I have met, Besides there control of her limbs and her face and vel°scent hospital, when Dick spoke, He 'Wasn't first. are numerous documents of a more ' eyes would be contorted. We had "We've got to have it out, Dommy," i terrible sort which have not been medical advice and medicine, but it said he, It was the first time the old She (just kissed by him)—How dare published, but are in the hands of the did not help her, In fact we thought trouble had been mentioned since they you? Papa said he would kill the first 1 the trouble growing worse, and final- had been knocked out. "I've been man who kissed me. .ly we had to take her from school thinking--" I He—How interesting. And dict he About a year ago we b Government. A Jail Bard. lying her "Did it hurt, old man?" broke in do it? "I long to wander far away. sings Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and by the Dominique with a mischievous smil1 7 a poet. As he is in prison we quite time she had taken five boxes„ she was "No, but Ill hurt you if you don't wrinara s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. believe him. 1 completely cured and is now fine hold your tongue. I was thinking healthy girl. I firmly believe we how we could settle that little affair No Mote in His Eye. It is absurdly easy to convince a! owe this to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills between us. Look here, now. We're "What are you studying now?" ask_ manthat he is smarter than you are. and are very grateful for her restore- in for three or four months here. ed Mrs. Johnson. tion to perfect health." They've got all sorts of classes. going "We have taken up the sabject of You can -get these pills from any on, to fit us for supporting our wives molecules," answered her son. dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 and families when we go out, as they "I hope you wi11 be very attentive cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 say. I've not neither wife nor child; and practise constantly," said the from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., no more have you. But, all the same, mother. "I tried to get your father Brockville, Ont. Pm going to dig in to those classes, to wear one, but he could not keep it whatever they are. It'll be darned in his eye." slow doing nothing, anyway. And I'll be hanged if I want to turn loafer, whatever pension they give me, when I go out. I'm going to work. And I'm going to work better than you, d'you hear me?". "Yes, I'm not deaf." "Well, then, I don't care what it is, carpentering or typewriting, of cob - Wednesday and Thursday are ac- counted the most lucky days in Bul- garia for weddings. If the bride breaks the heel of her shoe in going to be married it por- tencle a stormy married Iife. Sunny . Dispositions and good digestion go hand in hand, and one of the biggest aids' to good digestion is a re- gular dish of rap=N3 its This wonderfully delicious wheat- and barley food is so processed that it yields its nourishing goodness to 'the system in about -one haur— a record for ease of diges- tion. Take it all round, Grape - Nuts contributes b-eeaui fu1- ly to sturdiness of .body and a radiant, happy person- ality. - - Every table should have its daily ration of Grape -Nuts, �t There's a Reason Canadian Postuin Cereal Co;; Ltd.. Windsor, Ont. SHELL DIGS TUNNEL. Freak of the German Bombardment At Fortress- of Verdun. While the shelling of Verdun has done a tremendous amount of dam- age, yet there is one remarkable in- cident in which a German bomb -shell has actually performed a very useful —I'm going to beat you at the whole piece of military engineering. lot." bling, chicken raising, or all together Gen. Dubois, in command of the cit- adel, pointed oat to the Associated Press this curious freak wrought by a German shell. "I calculate," said the General, that that one shell has done for me the hard work of fifty men working steadily for eight days." The net result of the shell's work was to tear a hole through the rear fortifications, thus opening the way for a tunnel which was much needed. Besides that, the same shell knocked down two large trees at the end of the tunnel, which fell across the river in such a way that they formed the foundation of a bridge. No Kick Coming. They were standing at the front gate. "Won't] you come into the parlor and sit a little while, Georgie, dear?" "No -o, I think not," replied George hesitatingly. "I wish you would," the girl went on. "It's awful lonesome. Mother has gone out, and father is upstairs- groaning with rheumatism - in the legs.,, "Both legs?" asked Georgie. "Yes, both legs." "Then I'll come in." Wedding presents were once placed ina "lemon" or other receptacle in. the church. "You are, are you? And who's to judge?" Dick thought a while. Then he said, "The proof of the pudding's the eating. Whichever of us makes most the first year we're out on our own, the other'1l own up and allow he's beat and had his head broke." "Done!" said Dominique. "And it won't be my head." They said nothing about it to any- one else. The other men wondering a little at their energy, tried to keep up with them; so, as you can imagine, the average of work done in that hos- pital was high. Even the physical ex- ercise drill, the latest scientific addi- A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. When He Bowed. May—Dr. Gush used to bow so nice- ly. Didn't he bend gracefully? Fay—Yes, but he's married now, and he's broke. Viinard's Liniment Cures. Colds, &a. When He Was Beaten. Dr. Macnamara, M.P., of the British House of Commons, is a skilled 'debat- er and rarely at a loss for a retort. Once he was addressing a meeting of laborers, when one of his hearers ex- pressed a wish to ask a question. Dr, Macnamara suggested that he should wait till the end of thespeech, but he persisted ;until anothelt member of the audience politely remarked: "Sit down, you ass!" - - There was some disorder, and a third man shouted "Sit down; you're both asses!" This was Dir:' Macnamara's chance, he thought, and he cut in with; "There seems plenty of asses about to -night, but for heaven's sake let us hear one at, a time." "Well," said the original interrupt- er, pointing to the doctor, "you go on then." For once the doctor, as he does not hesitate to admit, was beaten. , fished in the Canadian Pacific Irriga- tion Block in Southern alberta. A Family Jar. She (with exasperation)—Oh, why did I ever marry you? He—Yes, what had I done to get you down on me? emulated Eyellds, laivEyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by%trine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, lust Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SalveinTubes25c. Forllookol fheEyefreeask Druggists orMarinegycRemedyCo.,Chicat,f To Help Him Out. "You arelying so clumsily," said the observant judge to a litigant who was making 'a dubious statement of his case, "that I would advise you to get a lawyer." - Bainard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Test of Symmetry. The test for symmetry is to turn a man with his face to the wall. His chest should touch it, his nose should be four inches away, his thighs five, and the tips of his toes three. Uncle Eben --I just had a letter from my English cousin. He was in the trenches. He says one day his company wee ordered to charge, and, the first thing he knew he ran into a lot of barbed wire, several mines and &hundred German batteries. "Aunt Nancy—Just like George—never looks where he's going. - REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child. eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter such as many of the cheap ointrrients contain) get into your child's blood l tam Buk is purely herbal. No pais., onotls coloring. Use it always. 50e, Box of Aft Druggists and. Siam. ! K>aD POTATODS.. 1RISK CoA - !leer. Deleware. Crump. Order tat *nee. Sunray limited. Writs for quo* tatlons. A. W. Dawson. Brampton. ere fJ UllNE.T MAN.L. :i .AND AXs3C li hands wanted. Steady work hiWiest wageu. Apply to Tho Bell Furniture Co.. Southampton. Ont. a, nxzW$ W$NTAP. .. •rt, 9, I,.t1l.`< KAStl.F RAR?:ED by either sex on authot•i1s!iv4y sugared War Monts i`(mutt tit ng Kitct4tner 1'.a tt .also ],art c. medians latiel1 tet rd Moldier preferred. S.ins,•1t c • r. rncl Lost axle. ton cents,N . t.t• 1.uiui -4.. 1`ablisiir-rs. Toronto. es, IDWAS i 1 i .. �1,4t,I. lilt 1 K(i . 1' tcry *auger leought lit ha—nest 1 u..s t•,. snt:alD 1t 1 lug ,89C1 J*Yat. J. it Ar:,f r"tuit• C. $i1'tnalt . tt .e:... NEttrsr APDBs 7)1ROFZT-A1AKiNt1 tiEws AND JOB Unlees for sate in Read Ontario towns The most useful ani lnterestlnx of all businesses, bull Inftrmtttlon en application to Wilson Publishing Com- panr. 75 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, autatstmz.rarrnorss• AiANCI:R, TI'a1t);i S. I.l. ta11-' t. FTG. . internal and external. cured with - cut gaits by our home treatmont. Write ht•ft.rt' too late. Dr. 11eilroan Medical CC.. Limited. trolltnawoo4. lint. America's Pioneer Gag Remedies BOOB ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed .fated free to ill.* addrer: l' the Aatlicr H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 'West 31st Street, New York The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the Is OTTO H1G. L' PIANO ACTION "Making Money in: he Argentine"' is the title of un illustrated folder tell- ing of en opportunity to share in WO 'PROF'JTS of the cattle business, which will be !nailed' frac on request. to anyone having $50 or more to invest. Addresa United -States & Argentine t'orporation, Dept. 33. Box. 1501, Philadelnisi:•henna. '1 Boys For All Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY tld.opi;ll Silt Rubber Co,, it . MERRITTOtit, ONT. echipory For Sale Wheelock Engine, 150 .P.,'•18 x421, With double main' driving belt 24 ins. wtu 8ad I yn anaoo 30• . . belt 'driven. ,first clan condition. Would be sold together or separate- ly ,also a lot of shafting. at verYsgreat bargain as roan is required i; iedt- ateljr.. 8. frank Milson & Sons 78 Adsiaide Street West, Toronto. ED. 4. - ISSUE 44—'16,