HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-19, Page 8vosionionn. • EXLrE1. 1111ITEICATEr THUBSTIAY EMT 19 191B EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 125 135 Oats 50 to 55 Potatoes per bag —. 2.001 Hay, per ton 10.00 Flour, per cwt. ,..... ......... . '...... ... 4,55 E. lour, ; low grade 2,40 Sharts, .per ton 33.00 Bran per ton ... 30.00 Eggs • , 32 Butter 32 Creamery 40a . 1025 Hoes. per cwt The Duke and Duchess of Con- naught and Princess Patricia have lett Canada for England. rhe Duke's rive scar term an Governor General wae one of the pleasing intercourse between Goveraar and people. .APPIshiS WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator. 4e, cents a hundree for veeline aPples --x—e—x-- MONEY FOUND—On Monclay a sum of money. Owner can have same be apetying to Mr. Wm. Higgins of Usborne prong ownership and pay- ing tor thi: notice. APPLES WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred for peeling apples VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR SALE—A storey and half brick house, one accres of land, hard and soft water, well situated. Two good building lots in property. Price rea- sonable Apply at Advoccate Office WANTED AT ONCE.—Young wo- men desiring employment in town can five it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Co, who has several good positions vacant, The work is light and clean, the hours are very short and wages are paid while leaming. Steady position and good wages assured to anyone giving it a trial. Apply at once, JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., EXETER, 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of fine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $530 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT 'WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. 9010•••••••••••••••• MA.RielAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required. SALT FOR SALE.,—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt toe este at Old Temperance House, at the G T. R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED, MAGT3IRE Exeter, FARM FOR. SALE Lot 15, N.B. Biddulph Tee eerat0 ints 160 acres, Smiles from Granton sillage: stare, blacksmith and carpen- ter shops on farm; church and school %aim: halt a mile. The farm is well watered, there being three pumping inills and a power mill; well trained with tile; barn 60x36; stabling under same for 40 cattle; shed 25x50; good hen house and galvanised drive shed 25e40; 'cement creamery 20x1ith engine house attached; also a com- fortable frame house with bard 'end soft water inside. Water all through outbuildings. Farm is well fenced; with wire; good gates and divided into tields; about 5 acres of bush also a silo. Soil is rich clay loam. Anyone wishing to go into the Dairy business till do well to look this farm c,ver as it is fitted for that purpose. Apply to a V. Millson, Mount Brydges, or an the farm. Organ Blowing By Electricity For an ample, steady, unfailing sue - ph at wind :3 ressures have your church install an "ORGreo LO" Efacienr in performance, queer in operation, .works reliably and econ- nomicaily. OVER 7000 IN USE everyon. of them giving complete sat- isfaction. Let us give you all the facts, names and places I OT reference. THREE CHURCHES IN EXETER HAVE RECENTLY HAD THESE ORGAN BLOW- ERS INSTALLED Write for full particulars to, LEONARD DOWN!, 418 Queen's Avenue L orel,on, On Earle, Church Organ Tuning and Repair Worls a Specialty. R E & SON ip-Airmar Air .u.sprieripiwirli t LOCAL DOINGS. .41.411c.ceic411,3Acalak -1%-zaxacac. Many from Exeter attended the fowl supoe•r at Crediton Thursday night. The price of bread in Exeter has been raised from ;seven to, eight cent' a loaf. " Friends will regret to hear that Mr. Ed. Triebner is again very 1 M the hospital in London. Mr. Gower, who recently made a deal by whiah he got Mr. G, R. Bed- forde store tack over the business on Tuesday. He is welcome to, the business circle. The Exeter Agricultural Society held their winding -up meeting ea Sat- urdae, when the accounts and prize moneys were ordered Co be paid, When everything is settled up itis expected to leave surplus for the year of about $100. The next two Sundays in the Meth- odist churches are to be devoted to missiena In James Street church next Sunday ;Rev. aluxworthy will Rrea:h in the morning aad Rev. Knight of Hensall in the evening, in Main Street church Rev. Knight occupies the pul- pit in the morning and the evening serviceis withdrawn in favor of Cav- en Presbyterian Anniversary. The following Sunday a returned mission- ary and a layman will preach M each church Word was received here on Tuesday of the. death at 'Croeshal. Ont„ of Mr. illaani Hastings, brother of Mr. Al. Hasengs of Exeter. Deceased hal been ill for some weeks, and latterly he had been rapidly declining. Last week word was ;received of his sweetie eondition land Mr, end Mrs. Hastings were to Crosshill on Saturday. The cause of death was hardening of the arteries This is the second brother that ha • died :within four months, Deceased is survived by a wife but rig family. The funeral takes place On hursday to Linwood cemetery. Mrs. William Howard received a reviewer .4.sLI uto.tj .kuptiow in-law, telling her the death of her eon. Luther, in the latter part of September, while on duty on board ship in the waters adjacent to Eng- land, the body being found fourdays after he met his death and the fun- eral taking place in Hull, Engiand, Sept. 30th. Definite news as to the manner of his meeting his death could not lee written, so is not known. on this side of the -atlantic. Deceased had been away from Exeter for sev- eral years . and held important Posi- tion:. on beard ship, both before and since the commencement of the war. He leaves a wife and two children, a daughter and a son, besides his moth- er and three sisters, Mrs. Ed. Dignan and Mrs Wilbur Martin of Exeter and feliss Winnie Howard of Edmon- ton. The late Mr. Howard was wall anown here as a boy and young man, and •wae about 31 years of age, EXPRESS CHANGES.—The busi- ness at the Canadian Express Com- pany here which has been conducted by Mr C. T. Brooks tor many years, has been assigned to Mr. 'I'. G. Creech busman, Mr. Brooks having resigned. Mr Brocess, we understand, will de- vote his time in future to the 'carry- ing at His .Majesty's mail to and from the station together with his insuransie business. Mr. Brooks has been a most faithful, obliging and trusts, or. thy public servant and was always pleasant and courteous to do business with. The 'business, however, has eta len into good hands. The 'transfer takes place November 1st. tHER KILLED.— A message was received on Sunday by Mrs. A, J. Ford that her brother, Mr. Charles H. C. Westaway, had been accidently shot and killed by a gun in his awn hands while out shooting ducks near Regina in which city he has made his home, for several years. Mr.Wests awae was 33 sears of age and during the pest few &ears had been assistant .manatter in the west for the Massey - 'Harris Co, Deceased was formerly a resident of Exeter, spending his early years here, and was well and favor- ably known to many of our .people. He i, survived by a wife, Jessie E. Grobb formerly of Brantford, and three children; •alsa 'two brothers, oi Morareal, and Rev Percy a missionary in West China, and three sister; -Mrs. A. J. Ford of nea.a. Exe- ter. Mrs. Chapman of near Hensall, and Mrs. •Hillborn of Paris. The re- mains are being brought to Brant- fard for interment on Thursday an arrival of the 3.52 G.T.R. trains The friends here will sympahhize with the bereaved family. • • SucceEsors to G. R. Bedford Have you tried us for Groceries, Cur- ed Meats, etc.? Mr Samuel Lamport oE Farquhar is 'till very low. The shooting season for rabbits and woodcock opened on Monday. The friends here .of Mrs, Nue J. White ot Outlook, Sask., formerly of Exeter wilt be pleased to hear that she is recovering, after her severe ill - o1' six weeks' dieratioe, A committee a young ladies in- tend holding a Euchre on Halloween, Oct. '31st, in the Town Hall, commen- cing at es o'clock. The proceeds are for comforts for the soldiers. The Ladies' Minstrel of the Sold- lers Aid Society go to Hensall Fri - da evening to put on their entertain- ment. The good people of that vile age and dietrict will find this enter- tainment all that could be desired. A horse seamed by :Mr Ardagh Rol - tins, ,London Reed South, wandered into the 'Central Hotel stables Sunday morniug, sand noticing the beast was very sick a Veterinary surgeon was at once sent for, but the animal died the same eight from a severe attack of colic. Last Sunday was observed as Child - renes Day in the Trivia Memorial Church, the Rev. Trumpet. having charge af the 'three services, morning, afternoon and evening, preaching three excellent and appropriate sernmes. The little ones were out in goodly numbers It other districts are sending a pro- portionate number of Christmas stock ings and parcels to the boys in the trenehes 'to those sent from here the boy 3 will not be without a comfort or two at that season. Both the Patriotic League and the Soldiers' Aid Society this week got together a large number of parcels for this Pur- pose. Mr. Sampson Singular of Mooselew, Sask., a brother of \1r. Wm. Bagshaw of lExeter, died recently at the age of e3 yeaxs. Deceased was born at Cobovag and lived south of Parkhill for ''Z.6 years. Five brothers and two sisters ,survive him, Edward and Wil- liam at Naizn; Lot of Guelph; josePh. Komoisa. and John ,of Chasm, Kan- sas; Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw of Exeter, and Mrs. Ann Carmichael of Clifton, Kansas The Exeter Patriotic League had a very successful "Christmas Shower" M the trivia Memorial Sundae' school on Friday afternoon last, as ehowaby the fallowing,—Three large boxes weighing SIOlbs. and valued at $350 have been sent to Miss Joan Arnolde care ol Canadien field Comforts Commission Shorncliffe, England. The boxes contain, -211 Christmas Stoekings, 16 private parcels, ,6 suits ot paiamas, and 35 asks of home knit socks. We wish to thank the "ladies of Crediton who filled 26 Christmas Stoceinas, also the Ladies of the Trivet 7eleraorial Church who furn- ished lunch at the shower.—Mrs. W. L Beer, Secretary. REV, HICKS DEAD.—Rev. Irl R. Hicks ,the far-famed astronomer and weather forecaster whose predictions have been followed by many with a great deal of interest, died of pneu- monia in St. Louis,Mo., on Thursday last at the age of 71 years. The de- ceased was an ordained minister 3f the Methodist Episcopial Church and was president of the Word and Works Pub. Co. His almanac contained much valuable ielormation and his forecasts were much relied upon by many. He predicierl the cyclone that struck the city ill which he lived and wrought such terrible wreck of property and killed peopa, by hundreds. He also preceitei th. Galveston flood, and a- bout three years ago he made the statement while preaching a sermon the iu one thousand years the world's fuel supply will have disappeared en- tirely and that thereafter civilization will perish. We have been informed that the deceased had completed his his almanac of predictions for 1917 just before his death. ODDFELLOWS ,AT, BRUCEFIELD —Thirteen Past Grands of the Exeter Lodge at Odd fellows motored to Erucefield on Thursday evening and received the Past Grand's Degree at the bends of the Grand Master, S. C. Parks at Toronto. A goodly repres- entation of Past Grands was present from the other lodges of the district, Seaforth. Clinton, Goderich and Hen - :all. The address of the Grand Mas - tee was. particularly interesting, and elated largely to the secret work of the Order. An interesting feature of the session was the presentation of the regalia of his office to the new Dees Bro—Thos. Boyle of Exeter. Bro H. Scott of Seafarer, P.D.D.G.M., on behalf of the District, made the pres- entation and Bro. Boyle made a suit- able ,reply. the business of the •meet- ing being over, the local brethren .ser- ved an excellent lunch ,aad a choice program followed, consisting of songs by the Seatorth Quartette and ad- dresses .by the Grand Master, the Past District Deputy Grand Masters and others CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 301fears Always bears the Signature of • Nurse Nezlin of Seaforth visited in town this week. :NIrs 'Skeleton has returned froma isi to New York. Mr Fred Suit a of Toronto is ViS- bn 2. are cousin Mr. W. J. Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKenzie of Cleveland visited friends here last week, Mr. S A. Paplestone and his mother of Blyth spent Tuesday in Ex- eter, efr Alex. Stewart went to London this week. ta work. The family is re- maining here at present. Mr Henry Makins left an Tuesday morning far Powassan, Ont., where he will visit his on for a few weeks. Mr. Percy Moliard and Min. May Semler:. at Stephan are visiting in Preston Kitchener and. New Hauaburg. Miss Merril, who has been under- going treatment in Toronto, Hospital, has returned. and is improving- some- what. Miss Effie Treble left here Monday for. Grimsby where she and Miss Mary Tom intend establishing a dressmak- ing business. Mr. Robert Sanders returned •home an Saturday evening from Detroit and the Sr Clair Flats, where he enjoyed sense days' shooting. Ma-, D. F. tFerguson, erho has been visiting her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Birney, for four months, left :or her home, in Winnipeg on Tuesday. Dr. Rivers end family of Lethbra ale Alta., are 'vis'iting with relatives and friends in Ontario. They spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Exeter, the guests of MTS. Amos. • Miss Jean Seidea has entered 2ueen'd, University at :Kingston, LOT a OUT years' course. She tat on Sun. ISN ae car, accompanied as far as • Toronto by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. • ?. G. Seldon and Mrs. J. Ar. Stewart laid •Miss Kathleen Stewart. OCTOBER FORECASTS A regular storm period is centre' en the 2dth-, reaching over Wednes- lay. the 1.8th, to Tuesday the 24th. There also strong arababilities that, inder the central strain of Mars dis, aZ3-1• wrbance, a. stormy period, beginning 4 It thi3, time will •continue leeward in- to th. relactionary storm period rfi 101- JONES PRONE NO 32 DID YOU SEE OUR NEW •COATS WE ,HAVE JUST OPENED UP A NEW LOT OF LADIES AND MISSES' COATS THEY ,ARE SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND, VERY, SMART STYLES AND CLOTHS. DROP IN AND SEE THEM AND BE DELIGHTED. • Plush Coats Are very popular and are big niter:, this season. We have the only Real English Silk Plush, Perfect dye A beauty for $25,00. Silk Waists Nice Silk Crepe Mists M White Cream Mase and Pink tor $5.00 ' Wash Silk Waists in White and Pink or Yellow $2,50 to $3.50 each Viyella Flannel Guaranteed positively not to fade or shrink. Real good for Waists, Dresses, Gowns or Children's wear Nice Patterns and Colors. Furs • • Furs The Fur Season is here and. we are well hest selection in e,Ur history • Black Fox Sets. Bieck. Wolf Sets Grey Wolf Sets Grey Fox Sets Mink Marmot Sets Red Fox Sets Furs prePered for it with the Persian Lamb Sets Musk Rat Sets White Thibet Sets OUR FURS ARE ALL AT THE OLD PRICES. Men's and Boys Suits & Overcoats A visit to our Clothing Department will convince you of our large and well -assorted stock of Suits, and Overcoats. Men's Overcoats in heavy tweeds with shawl 07* enilitary collars tram $1 0 to,$18. Also good black Milton Coats with velvet collars, for $13 to, $18. • - Hundreds of Men's and Boy's Suits to choose from en all colors at less that wholesale price. And if you want a Navy .Blue Serge Suit our val- ues cannot be beaten. Shoes and Rubbers 1,Ve are SALE AGENTS for the following which speak for them- selves Lifebuoy Rubbers for Men. Women and +Children. The best rubber made. ElsIPRESie SHOES FOR WOMEN SLATER SHOES FOR MEN. CLASSIC SHOES for CHILDREN. Wall Papers Call and see our BIG NEW STOCK—aP cw Patterns to choose from. JONES & MAY • Headquarters for the celebrated W.E.Sanfoud Clothing ah FINDS RELIEF, TOO! Lachute Mills, P.Q. "1 was troubled for years t-' Disease, and a friend 5 Me to take GIN PILLS. titer taking a few boxes I was greatly relieved, and after finishing the twelfth box the pain complete- ly left me. My wife is now using Gin Pills and finds that she has been greatly relieved of the pain over her 1.-idneys. I can safely rr.nramend any one suffering from Nidney trouble to give a fair trial to GIN prms. Thomas Stephenson." All druggists gel Gin Pills at 50c. a box, or 6 boxes for 7,2.50. Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DRUG Sc CPIEMIOAL Co. or CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Ont. 67 lowing on the 25th, 26th, and 27th. Aa easey as the 18th, 19th and 20th, in all western sections of the country general storms wiU develope; the baroneter will show phenomenal flue- tuttiens and depression in the atmos- phere the temperature will make start- ling 'strides upward and downwards in rapid successions; fitful winds ad ominous clouds will all foreshadow the Approach of far-reaching and vio- lent storms. By the 21st, these storms wilt attain a high state of development approaching the central parts of the continent, From ;the 21st, to the Z4th, these ,witl reach dangerous stages, first in the farm of rain, thunder and vio- lent winds, all fcalowed by rising bar- ometer shifting winds to high westerly gales, with heavy snow for the season. • The greatest danger will be on the 22nd to 24th. Centering on arid n,ext to the 20th, expect a return of decid- ed sullen conditions. Rain, wind and thunder. merging into snow, and fol- lowed by rising barometer and change to inuch colder. HAVE YOU VilAkiNGST Do colds settle on your thest 'or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? • Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Zmulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott'sEmulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott St Bourne, Toronto, Ont. Emu nilnutia 'Choice 116.t1 Furniture Suits allhl Cd, R. N. ROWE OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME THE S rnEs ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTES •COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here, Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE. OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—m90 AND UP. We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and .Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere _ LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line - Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin.- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter BargainStore Another lot of Travellers' Samples Another lot of Traveller's Samplea just opened, consisting of Gloves Handkerchiefs, Ties, Braces, Nightgowns Underwear, Pajamas, Night Shirts Sweaters Etc., Etc., on sale now. , SPECIAL VALUES in Mena and Boys' SUITS, bou,gbt befare the raise - in price and sold at the old price Our velues in Shoes are the Best of. Made -to -measure Samples for Sere the Table full at the $2.00 a • . • Come in and look aver our linepair. • Men's Clothes. jp yea B. W. F. Beavers.• • yc yc th c e th in ir bi to en eo th br dt al ti a sc tc io A