The Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-19, Page 4Je
tn. 4e.
lbel'taprida ori ecillalicitwld,
AVegetabk i'rrear ;enferds.
staufating lheFaodand Regula+
ling lheSlomachsand llonelsaf
'T ANtSt`etur REN'
Prolttofes Diestion Ghee
ne ss and Re s t.Coiitalns niftily
Oplui-lt:.lorphiite itol' leeraL
For Infants and, Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
lion. SourStomadt,iliartbeel
ness and Loss or SLURP,
Facsimile Sienaturear
41 months old
Exact Copy of Wrapper..
dor Over
Thirty Years
1 er1buocate, t we. •.
u Another appeal is JJeing made in
c d P it the interest of he British Rrd Cross
M. • v. roe c. , ropre oras
�t �•scription Price -In advance $1,25
p.r year in Canada; 51.75 in thhe
Uo ted States. s\l: subscriptions not
ea.d in a`'.vance 50 cents extra will
be -barged
Ti -H. RSI? AY, OCTOBER 19, 19.10
APPLES WANTED at the Exeter
Evaporator. 40 cants a hundred for
peeling f'tz pi:s
Our lea tri.' light system is out of
operation z resent owing to a slight
break in the dynamo, hence our town
Li in Lonmplete darkness, ,Che lights
x ouid . ertainly be appreciated these
dark. teigh.
Ells Zimmer, who has been
spendint the summer in Detroit, has
returned. to her home here. ,
Several from here attended the fowl
supeer at Crediton Thursday evening,
Mr. D. Crraybiel of Y a:e, Mich".;
spent o. fe.v days with relatives here
last week.
Mrs. jack Eidt and family 'are this
week visiting in Stratford and Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Jantz and daughter of
Detroit are: visiting Mr, and Mrs. \Vw.
Zimmer this week.
Mt. and Mrs. Ed, Siebert have re-
turned to Detroit, after visiting with
relatives here for some time.
On Saturday afternoon the pupils of
Miss 'Martha Oestreicher's room gave
a recital at the music studio. Eleven
took part and all deserve credit for
the way each performed their duty.
At the close of the recital Miss Oe-
strercher favored them with a solo
entitled "The Earl King," which was
very beautifully rendered.
MIs, Ro,e Zimmer is visiting in
London this week.
Messrs. Henry \\%inert and Louis
Willert have purchased Mr. C. Baum-
garten's farm at a handsome figure.
large number attended the mis-
sionary .lecture given in the Evangel-
ical Church Monday night by Rev. J.
P. Haugh ot Kitchener.
APPLES WANTED -,at the. Exeter
Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred for
peeling apples
Rev. J. W. Baird of James Street
Church, Exeter, will occupy the pulpit
in the Methodist Church here next
Sunday morning and evening and will
preach in the interest of missions.
Sidney Young of Taranto is visiting
his uncle, John G. Young, for a few
days this week.
Frank Bossenberry, of Kitchener was
in the village tuning pr:anos and organs
on ilonday.
Rev. and Mrs. Becker left for De-
troit on Tuesday for a short visitwith
Quite. a number from here attended
the. Laymen's Missionary Rally in
Dashwood on Monday. The addresses
of Rev. J P. .Haugh of Kitchener,
"Do :'Missions Pay" and Mr. Geo. Stan-
ley's of Lucan on "The Undivided In-
heritance' were very interesting and
listened to with rapt attention. The
Male Chorus from this place went ov-
er in a motor bus and favored the
audience- with a few fine selections.
Rev Bowen, representative of the
Upper Canada Bible Society visited
this district last Wednesday. It is too
bad that his :meeting was not better
attended as his address was very in-
teresting and brought fourth some of
the wonderful work the society has
been doing, not ,only in the foreign.
field, hut in Europe .aan•ong the, sof-
Ezra Ewald left for Kitchener on
Monday, where he has secured em-
ployment in the Dominion Rubber
Tire Factory.
Mrs. Thos- Lawson is the guest of
Mrs. James Lawson of Exeter this
Society Our township responded
nobly mast year by .giving something
like 52500. It is to be hoped that
something will be done, The war is
being (ought with greater ferocity
than ever and this society is seriously
handicapped in the work through lack
of funds. When an appeal is made
to you, reach deep down in your'
pocket and bring out the bills, ,re-
membering that if you can't go to
fight the country's cause you can do
your bit by giving aid to the wound-
ed and dying.
Henry Smith, Henry and. Wm. Metz
are working in London this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn and Miss
Essa Becker motored to Detroit last
week for a short visit with relatives
We are sorry to learn that Mrs,
Gottfried .Iangnus' condition isn't any
too promising. Her daughter Mrs,
Kennedy of Winnipeg and son harry
of Franksville, Wis., are here to as-
sist in waiting on her. We trust a
change for the better will soon lake
Mr and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher have
returned home, after visiting friends
in Tavistock.
The ladies of the Red Cross Srr•'--
ty are planning ;to send Christmas
cheer to the boys •of this neighio--
hood, who have enlisted. Dona'ens
of cake, cookies, home-made Candy,
maple sugar, etc., will be gratefully
received. These are to be brought to
the Red Class rooms by November
The Fowl Supper which was given
in the Evangelical Church shed last
Thursday under the auspices of the
Evangelical Church was a decided
success. In fact, the receipts which
were about 5400 exceeded all prev-
ious 'efforts. During the supper on/
Band was in attendance and furnish-
ed some splendid music for the az-
casion. After the supper had been
served asplendid program was given
in the church. Rev. C. W. Baker, the
resident Methodist• minister gave an in-
structive address on "Our ideals of
Heroes and Heroines"; Rev. F. Mey-
er of Dashwood on "Jesus, our friend'
and Mr. Cable, President of the Dom-
inion Rubber Tire Co, Kitchener,
'spoke a few words tof congratulation
Iou the success of the evening, and
empiasiz•ed the fact that ,we .should
be grateful far our many blessings and
compared our lot with the boys in
the trenches. The Ladies' Trio, the
Male Chorus and Miss Ella Link sang
very acceptably. Fortunately the
weather was ideal for the occasion and
people came from a distance to share
in the good things
Homely and Proud of It.
Frankly, 1 know I am not a band
some man. and equally frankly, 1 ac
knowledge that l don't want to be e,
handsome man. ee a matter ot per
sonal confessiou I may say that I bar. -
not a single misgiving about wy faco
which 1t+ one of those "homely" 1 wit
the word in the Amerwiin sense
straightforward, rugged. flew u .ut tt
n rock and then stamped npon uy >>
steam roller sort of .countennnc...,
which command the admiration of al
fortunate enough to have caught sight
of it -once. I write -once" because
heard a nervous woman remark as
came out of the stage door or tin'
Gaiety one night that 11' ever she saw
A face like mind again she would new
sr go to the theater She wouldn t b,
able to. In raucous tones she said that
a second shock fitte that would be tot
much for .her weals heart and delictio
state of health,
Rut I am not jealous of haneistn n
nice not a hit of it. Beauty forsooth:
Ir should be a drug on the market •
Fd Oland Payne in 1,oudnr, 9tmud .NI"
a trie.
Mr. Garfield Finkbeiner of London i
is visiting his 'parents here for a few
weeks, -\lis. Emma Cunningham of 11-
derton visited with. friends here over
Sunday, -Mrs. _McKellar of .Ailsa Craig
spent a few days Iast week with her
son here. -Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Geiser
spent Sunday with friends .tt Hensall.
-Miss Martha Baynham of Centralia
is spending a few weeks at her hone
here, ---Thy .anniversary services here
on Sunday were largely attended,
Ivan ,Green, who has been in the
West for some time arrived home on
•T uesday,-Mrs. 'Shepard and chil-
dren, who. have been visiting with the
former's patents, Mr, and Mrs. Asaph
Graxelle 'left for her Izome near Thed
ford Sunday, -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Bossenberry of Lucan were here Sun-
day. -•Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brenner, who
..rived home on Sunday. -Mr. ,Walt
have bt,en visiting cry the west at-
Page and William Ilse have gone to
Detroit leaving Monday. -Mr.
acombe from Camp Borden visited in
this place Sunday, -The .bo -Js were
home from t,anip Borden Tor a. few
days last -week.
A1aPLh' WANTED at the Exeter
Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred for
peeling apples
Mss Reid nurse of Rockwood has
returned to her home atter visiting
her aunt NIrs. Bary
itobkirl- anti Jack Glenn were in St;
Marys dellvezing horses on Saturday,.
-Sam Horton and ;Miss Ellen of Hen -
sell spent Monday at their old home
here Mr. Wilkinson and family were
visitors with Mrs. Hannah Simmons
-Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Kerslake spent
Sunday with friends at Elimville Miss
'rairbern and brothel Will spent
Sunday with their grandmother here.
•l,I'pl,h'+ \!. '1NTED at the Exeter
Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred for
eel"tnt; .apples
Mr Wm. Elliott ,who was in Lon-
don for a number of weeks for the
resnotal of a growth irom his cheek;
he.. returned home and is much in -
prove 1, -Mrs. Wm. Diamond has mov-
ed into the residence recently pur-
chased from Mrs. Wedlock on Water
St. while Mr. Richard Atkinson who
purchased the residence of Mrs. Dia-
mond on Frank Street, has moved in.
--\ir R 11, Collins holidayed with
Dr. and Mrs, W. Neil of Caspar, Mich,
--Mise Florence Hurst of Toronto is
visiting her mother
Miss Mary Webb, who underwent
an operation for aapendicitis In a
London hospital, is improving very fa-
vorably. -The special services con-
ducted by Rev, H. T. Crossley for
three weeks in the Methodist Churcn,
closed Thursday last, The meetings
have been largely attended :and much
interest has been manifested.
Messrs. W. McComb and J. Hod-
gins of Luca%, Barney Cunningham of
Ilderton and Harry Roberts of Lon-
don. Tows ship had a miraculous es-
cape from death last Thursday after-
noon when the light touring car in
which they were riding turned over
into the ditch, :when opposite lot 22,
on the 8th concession of London Tp.
All four were pinned beneath the car
but no one needed medical attention.
PARKHILL-The remains of Mrs.
John Leslie who died at Radville,Sask.
oft October 9th, were brought here
on 'Saturday and interment made in the
'ir' cemetery. -Mrs. James Luck of
:o_.n who had been visiting her daugh-
tere f,i Detroit, died on October llth
and was buried in Detroit.
B yYF1ELD-Elizabeth Spier', relict
ot the late: •Sam'l Blair, a farmer res-
ident of Bayfield passed away in
Sault Ste. Marie, on Monday, at the
age of 80 years. The deceased was
born in Godelich township an May 18,
]b.8 aria the ,year 1856 was married
to the late Sarn'i Blair of i.he sante
township. They took up their resi-
den.:a. th- Is: con. of Gaderich
township, where they resided for 40
years afterwards moving to Bayficld.
Well-known Women.
Chatham, Ont.—"I was sick for about
four years. Got very weak, could not
eat to amount to
anything. I got
very thin and had
no strength at all.
I was very much
discouraged at
times—thought I
was never going to
get better. I
e could not walk a
block without feel-
t/s in all tired -out.
Vis_ t;;.lty ��tiv4 t I tookmedicines differentbutdid
not get the help I needed. A friend of
mine advised me to try Dr. Pierre's Fav-
orite Prescription. I began to take it
with the `Pleasant Pellets' and by the
time I had taken two bottles I was well
on the road to recovery, and in six months
I was entirely well. My appetite came
back and I gained in flesh. Now I am as
strong and healthyas any one could wish
to be. 1 owe it all to Dr. Pierce'z med-
icines and I am glad of the opportunity
to give testimony in their favor; they
have done wonders for me."—Miss
TaELMA PARSER., 141 E. Sing St.
Chatham, Ont."I have taken Dr.
Pierce's medicine with good results. I
was weak and run down, lost my appetite
and got very thin. I took `Favorite
Prescription' and ``Pleasant Pellets' and
these two medicines built me up in a very
short space of time so that I felt as well
as ever. I found them to be all that is
recommended of them; they are good."—
Mns. Wm. WBnsB, Cor. Taylor & Grand
Ave,, E., Chatham, Ont.
Every woman,who has backache, head-
ache, low spirits, sleepless nights, owes it
to herself to speedily overcome bhe trouble
before a breakdowncauses prostration.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
s non-alcoholic remedy that any ailing
woman can safely take because itis pre-
pared from roots and herbs with pure.
glycerine, containing tonic properties.
Sir Ian Hamilton Called Him the
Soul of Anzac.
Commander of the Comnxxiwealth's
Forces Has Been in Seven Caua-
paigns and Has Had. Many
Miraculous Escapes From
Death --50 Years of Age
and Served in India
WOOD, the adored com-
mander of the Australian
forces on the weetern front,
was born in 1865. He served in
South • Africa, and in 1902 became
military secretary to the Commander -
in -Chief (Lord Kitchener) when
Lord Kitchener was in India in
1905. General Sir W. R. Birdwood
was again his military secretary. In.
the South African War he was se-
verely wounded, and wall nueutioued
in despatches Ave times. In 1908
he was chief staff officer t* the Mole-
mand Expedition, and wwa. the D. S.
In a despatch Sir Ian Hamilton
wrote of Sir W. R. Birdweed, as fol-
lows: "Lieut. -General SAIr W. R.
Birdwood has been the sett of An-
vac. Not for a single der has he
ever quitted his post. Cheery and
full of human sympathy, be spent
many hours of each tweak flour in-
spiring the defenders of the front
trenches; and if he does Aact know
every soldier in his form; at least
every soldier in the foroo believes
he is known to his chief."
The present is his seveatii cam-
paign. He has had many narrow
escapes, the most miraculous, per-
haps, being that in May last, when
a bullet removed his hat, aid plough-
ed a parting in his hair. another
very narrow escape was aa occasion
when his horse was shot tin under
him at Pretoria. Indeed ha has
come to be regarded as a man who
bears a charmed life. Batons war
broke out, Sir William who is just
fifty, was Secretary of the Army De-
partment at Delhi, hence sad from
appointments above munitioned his
nickname—"Secretary." In the
temporary offices of the Geo rrnment
of India in the new capital Els had to
gather together the threads of milit-
ary organization, and in the process
added no little lustre, to the record
which successive generat4ous of
Birdwoods have maintained in con-
nection with the Indian Empire.
Seaplane Sinks II -Boat.
Anthony Jannus, an aviator and
representative of an Am.ertean air-
craft builder, tells of an inttsresting
engagement between a snieiarine
and seaplane which he witnessed
while on board a Russian stip dur-
ing the aerial bombardment and de-
struction of the Turkish Mack Sea
port of San Godac, says an exchange.
He states a Turkish submarine had
crept unobserved on a Russian sea,.
plane which was resting on the sur-
face and launched a torpedo. The
missile grazed one of the planes, but
did not explode. Before the subma-
rine could dive, • however, '' the sea-
plane arose and with accurately
aimed bombs destroyed. the subma-
Sir Edward Grey Honored.
Sir Edward Grey has been honored
by the King with a peerage, and will
probably be known by the title of
Earl Grey of Fallodon. The peerage
Is already well -stocked with peers of
this name. There is, of course, Earl
Grey, ' formerly Governor-General of
Canada, who is himself Baron Grey
-of.Howick.Neither of these must be
confused with Lord Grey of Euthyn,
nor with Lord Grey of Wilton, the
eldest son of the Earl of Wilton, nor
with 'Lord Grey of Groby, eldest son
of; the Earl of Stamford. And all
these are quite distinct from Earl de
Grey, who succeded to his father's
Marquessate of Ripon in 1909.
JOH'i .%MD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Aas't General Manager i
CANAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE EURO, $13,500,0.00
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
, upwards Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S50
EXETER BRANCH -A, E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-S. M, Johnson, Mgr,
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
99 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circtale'r Lett ers of Credit
Bank Mone> j Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rats
W D. CLARKE, Manager;
in the Hecla-heated
home. So the mellow,
pure air must be healthy
for folks.
There can never be an odor of gas or a
trace of dust. That is a Hecla guarantee.
The moisture supply never runs out.
This healthful heating comes from the
furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask
for full information.
Plans and Estimates free.
H. Spackman, Exeter
Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
The Master of Disease
The cause of disease removed from the spine -no cause no affect. You
cannot get around facts, no matter how skeptic al you are, and if you are
not well wfe ,can ,convince you that Chiropractic ,is the logical sciencefo1r
the relief of disease, based on a thorough knowledge' of adjusting the ver-
tebrae of the spine (or backbone) thus srelieving interference with life cur-
rents, which is the cause of disease.
The body, like any other machine wilt ,work normally when all its parts
are in place so the energy will apply. In the human body the energy is
called life currents. It is transmitted through the nerves from the •brain
cells to the tissue cells of the body and so long as the nerve channels
are free the Life currents will pass to thea place of function, and normal
activity will result -which means HEALTH.
Consult us on any disease. One visit will convince you ,that Chiro-
practic is right.
Any of the organs or glands of the body may become diseased from
pressure on nerves. Have this pressure removed. Why treat effects?
If you have any of the following ailments, stop tteating effects, have
the cause removed -no cause, no effect. We have helped, your friends, we •
can do the same for you. ),
Bladder' Troubles.
Female Weakness
Gall Stones
Heart Disease
Hay Fever
Kidney Diseases
Liver Troubles
Nervous Debility
Rheumatism, in any
part of the body.
Sight ,
Stammering '
St. Vitus' Dance
Urinary Diseases
These tare only a few of the d iseases, as our space is limited
If you are z sufferer from any chronic 'trouble see Dr. S. M. Jolles i
Mondays, Wednesdays'` and Fridays, Exeter, opaos$ite the Roller Mills.
Consultaltion and examination free. , ,•