The Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-19, Page 2THE LAPSE OF
Author of " The Woman . fz=om Wolvertons
lie never showed up. He does not
count anyway. I found the whole play
in that closet."
"Then what did you do?" Enoch's
face was full of hatred and defiance;
His eyes flamer with the tumult of an
animal at bay.
"There was only one thing bo do,"
Zile Paget lay back in the chair and
smoothed the chinchilla of beer muff
considering the prices and merits of?
the different materials there passed,
`" '
over our section of country a heavy!
thunderstorm, Some friends and our -1
selves had been away to a picnic and,
we were just returning when the;
storm came up. The lightning was:
very sharp and close by. We thought,
Weeding -Time in the Dairy. however,, that we could reach the shei-,.
caressingly. `'Of course I brought it Feed being higher in rice and the ! ter of a' church shed beeore tho 'storm
price, reached its height, We did not reach'
cows demanding more of it, as well as !
away with me, every scrap of it, You this shelter before an usually close
would not have let such a valuable more comfortable quarters, greater ! flash of lightning nearly blinded us
asset into the hands of a dustman, care and attention, the winter season and almost instantaneowely with it a"
-- would you? There are only two pages o 8ltioul ecus and weeds be the one in which the
fer r -I, barn about 40 rods away seemed to
CHAPTER XVIII.---tCont'd). i the bloodthirsty passions u the prima missing. Do you ere to, see it? burst out in flames. The barn was
ui no! I h v able members of the dairy herd. C fu11 of ha and was soon burned to
amn yo
tie man, a e no wishto Y
'"Now," be demanded '1rii•ply, be" 'See it,'•
good enough to ten me 'hat this Zilla Paget lifted a lorgnette which " ,.Ano fool can tell at a glance it is service but now consumes more feed This occurrence set us thinking and
;hung at her wrist by a jeweled chain.
She slicked i2 open, raiseal it to hex' a first draft. Merry must have writ-
rit- than she pays for, should be promptly we decided to protect our new barn;
"Aren't you going to eel; me to sit:eveanetad laughel. ten like mad. There is hardly a weeded out by turning her over to the as far as possible from lightning. At
down?" The women spoke with an "I wonder," she mermti'ced, ••if you change in it, Except for my own role, markets, To say nothing of her being first we thought of pttbtii g on light;
:mile. reali::e how rid;c il�,u9s you Wk. roe every line stands almost as it waswrite unprofitable the old and infirm are sing rods; Hien we ilia fight of the
„\o. I have no intention. of ; king are too white -livered to de such a; ten'" liable to sudden death any day—a: danger from fire from other causes,
you to stay so lana'" thing as that. Besides," she glanced ` Enoch suddenly leaned forward in total lass! ; as sparks from the threshing engine,
Zilla Paget laughed and sank la*a-! about the sunlit ra e�•n, '`where could his chair -
think you've got the With an accurate milk -test so easily; or accidental firing of the straw stack,
., " strangle hold on me?" obtained, many farmers still are milk.; The outcome was that we priced the
guidiy into a chair beside the fire- you hide the body . " Miss Paget' laughed triumphantly. ing caws that give one-third more
galvanized iron siding
place. Enoch teased the blade upon his ` „The strangle hold! You Americans milk than that produced by others, manufactured b the different shingles
I would suggest that you sit down," desk and began to walk up and down' " when the cream test is so low on these Y i
she said suavely. the floor. He rolled his handkerchief have such jolly strap„ �tords, That'sand found them to be so little higher
I:.,o,h Awe?: his head. i into a hard ball and dubbed with it. great—the strange hold." larger quantities that the animals in price than the wood that we bought
"You may get tired before I am continually at his insist forehead. The She rose and folded the pages of barely ray for their care and feed the enough for the barn.
elate•,[ h talking. It will t^.kt> some woman :.t perf`eetl " till. :he turned manuscript, put them in her bag, then year round" Let the Babcock test as -,We now have a building, the whole
time discuss this affair." to fold the sheets of paper, then she she drew of her coat and hung it tin sist yon in this weeding out exterior of� which is made of galvaniz-
•'1 last atz`air?" Wentworth turned laid one hand upon them ancl`lay backthe chair b hind her. She lifted a The cow that eats twice as mach as ed steel, Conducting wires run into,
ca her with quiet scorn. `'Dont be: graeef :113• in her chair. , gold e: ee from the pocket, picked out the ave -rage caw', must, in order bo the ground from the roof, making it
n g ° ° . o Wentworth tarileol on her with a a cigarette, and sca•atehing a match lit prove a profit maker, produce twice lightning proof and we have praeti-
fa. , h enough to try ea.aERmai�.:any- .° it, a,:c�z,•nzg a delicate ring of smoke as much dairy products, yet many, calls nothing to fear from fire coming
thing' like. he pa:reed fora moment sudden question. -How mush do you ,, farmers unknowingly retain just such from an outside source. It cost us a
AA a eieg tel+ find a Beatable word, want for—Exhibit A and the rest of sera s tlw 'ern. it tutted into � � ent-
., >. worth's rare, animals in the herd from year to year, little more, but we believe we get bet -
like KII:tirncr.., for instance -.or call the'evisdenee3 I always • ;; sim ➢
it ,shat you wish—daed a natural She shrugged her shoulders. "I have ^ know," he bent over to _ simply because they do not take the ter value for the money spent in that
death one aftea nos r. when I tried tea' no intention of ,ening it. drop a #leek ee ashes on a tray be. time to look the matter up. Besides, it will last longer, our insurance is
ea ]aria tbirg;s t4 vc=�1. 'lire minutes ^Them what's your price"" Enoeh's', side her, "or rather I have guested for such a gormand is almost sure to, less and we have greater peace of
woman lets hoose}f go and chows the'.queetio"n snapped like a pistol shot. a long time, that yo„i did not write bring on digestive derangements' mind. --Hiram Wheeler in Farm and
devil in her lnaltieuip at white heat, k She looked up at him with a derv- • The house of Eseerbrook, ; which will render her useless as a e Dairy.
ecntiment can tile- he a very sed- • sive smile.
"Wind gave you that impression?'' milker, long before her allotted time,
den dc;uh, Besides, I have nothing : "My pri,•e is ridiculously small, 'For one thing, everybody tells hu3v and thus add still another loss to hex" Nudges h
my •can -tierce. I trE•ate+l you as traurh fess than it is •worth. I am you and Merry were friends onee�- c;edit,
generously as any main would have ;merely coming here --#o Live:' Castor and Pollux sort of guys, don't. The severity of wintr; weather•
done ;leder the circumstances;' a "Your are taming here—to live? you know. You hate each other now,; seems to have a more deteriorating
Miss Paget threw rack her head herein the house—with m sister?"' An owl could see that with its eyes, effect on some cows than others. They
.:r a laughed. "Cit down.'" she advise ` •"Here—in the house ---with your sis- shut;' ; appear unable bo withstand the rigors
cc,. -This is a different affair e' - tel she repeated mockingly. '"Exact. If You ever left the stage you could of winter, and fall off in both flesh and.
re:; . leo not flatter your: -elf; there ` iy. I have taken a fancy to this part make big money in the detective busi- milk production to such an extent as,
ti ,
ie net a ghost of sentiment in this." sof the etc It is rather attractive Hess," Enoch laughed harshly. soon as the severe weather sets in,
"Perhaps;' she acceded., ""Then e t that they just about pay for their
b.+ eb:h walked to the mantel, leaned for New ork. I think I shall enjoy have rehearsed t Lo many glass not to' feed and keep.. Don't allow the
lois zOleove upon it, and stated down the :society of your sister, Ya:i willthoughts
et her. "I'll give you e::ac;•l, ten min- not find me a troublesome guest, I know the author when I bump into K s of a profuse flow of milk for;
utas ioa explain what you want. If it is czar tis in happiGy to your }lame circle, him. I kitew months ago that merry .. a few weeks during the summer bo in-
Jeeryear child, I un si itt as anxisaas Part of my luggage is there in the wrote The House', but I could not' fluence you in retaining such unpro
prove it. You haven't got it in yeed fitable members in the dairy herd.'
to get !aim cut of nne ke•:i e zs s e;z hail, yciu kr:ova. The rest is down -
este: " �' lits.'• to do that sort of work." Weed them out, at once!.
"My ciailtid '° 1 wn➢ relieve e•c a yc.a.r mind ,' a t► -ave of Fear:et swept over ; "Thank: you." Fno'h laughed un -
en diet poi= immediately. It is net . Enoeh's face. steadily.
(To be continued). around us, The cow that has short
my child 1 want. If your sister wants % "Tai think of Merry squaring.up . � teats, or the one that is so difficult to
to play fo , te.3 -niothe r, she is quite thro ugh ---you. It's the most lnfe i sial
to lee to hint. Whir" I thick of it," ; eeheme ever concocted." THE '"ICTORI"i. CROSS AWARD. ARD ;, milk, had just as well be in the mar-,
she began slowly todraw off her F "That's a Bally bad guess of yours.' ket-place, when you can secure others
11 fit bl th d
Then, there are other types of dairy
cows that we cannot afford to keep
g; eves, "Miss Wentworth has really Merry does not come into this at all." , The Coveted honor Is Never Con- ;egos y as Pro ti e, wi goo -sized ,
done me a great favor." "Where did you get these?" Enoch, (erred. Conspicuously. easily milked teats. And these easy
-Oblige nee then,' h.naeh's voice- was spoke fiercely and pointed to the sheet;, >
fell of cold indifference. '•r.y getting of paper that lay under her hand, ! It is a pathetic circumstance that on
down to business as quickly as piss- "Ws rather an unusual story, Sit • two of the three Victoria Crosses be- strength with at milking -Mille. The
Bible. You must be gone before my down and I'll tell it to you. If yc+:i stowed in the award to men of the kicker, and the breathy cow also
sister comes in," are searching for a plot for that new fleet, as an outcome of the Jutland come under this came class, for, while
play of yours, you mil, ht find this ;battle pass to the families of men they may give a goodly quantity of
worth while," , who did not livee to receive the decor- milk, the various points of +undesir-;
Wentworth threw himself into the anon in person. What gives the Vie -ability are none the less present—loss,
chair i o i ant apes
Foil are. writing a. new play,"' She bads of perspiration from his fore- among military honors is that nothing ger; damage to fences, crop% and the
turned to glance at the litter of mann- head. short of an absolute disregard of the animals themselves,
script on his deck. "Is there a part "Did you ever hear of George risk of life establishes a title to it. It But the greatest of all reasons for.
in it for me?" VOL"" asked Miss Paget. is never conferred promiscuously, and weeding out the undesirable members
"I have not iiegtu' ,e1 pl:at•e pats 1Snoeh's forehead <orrugoatec, into a it runs no risk of being exhibited for ; of the dairy herd, is the influence these
tint,"* puzzled frown, sale with cheap jewelry in a shop win- would exert on the future of the en-
-Ali:" She watched him with calm "I met him in London seven years dow. The only price is sacrifice, and ' tire herd, since they are at least a
rc•zutiny. '"Haw is it coming along.? ago." she continued, "`and I was such with most of the men who have won j part of the foundation on which we i
Will it be a.; biga go as ""The Melee% a Baily fool I married him, In these the coveted distinction it is scarcely ; shall build. No sane man can ex-,
las been?" days he was a heroic looking figure. If passible that in the hour of glorious `peat that the offspring of the above
"Is it any of your business?" you saw him as he is to -day you might performance they gave a single mentioned tows will show sufficient
"Probably not; still, I am interest-, say I had showed poor taste." thought to the reward. Nelson's hero -,improvements to warrant one in keep -
td. I have been wondering,'" she ! Wentworth sat staring at her with ism is hardly the less sublime if he ing them as milkers. Indeed, thea e
,poke •lowly, as if thinking aloud, "if , sullen curiosity. exclaimed 'Westminster Abbey or a is a far greater possibility that there
it can possibly come up to the expecte-1 "I have found out that he is in New victory?" an the eve of a battle. But ; will be more of a retrograding in the
tions of the public. A second play is' Y erk and that ten years ago e had there is a type of man with whom the 'strain, and that, within a few years'
often ouch a—rotter."' I been married here. Also that his wife thought of glory and the Instant line
What in thunder are yo.s driving' and child are alive. Interesting sit- pulse to obey the voice of Duty are 1 prove a source of profit, but actually
t;t "• "' asked Enoch fiercely. I nation, isn't it? Bigamy releoses a strangers to each other. The vast ill return less dairy products to the
are no more costly than the
es y�'delbfool away so much time and
"'Indeed," The at•trees leoked :p
into his face with an insolent smile.
"Why should we burry ? I want to ask
you a few questions. I understand
front f 11's slc`lt • 1 w' i toria Cross its peculiar distinction of time during the milking; -hours; dun -
i g h time the herd will not only fail t
e sprang o ex eet an ace urn n, oug a no e eri a ma or y
him. There was a malevolent sneer' fettered, I have George Volk to thank have worn the emblem of Crimean I
in her face. s for bringing that brat across. It was carman -metal, with its royal crest,
"My opinion is that anything you ! one of his masterly little schemes of crowned lion, and the words "For
.quid do would be a rotten:" 9 revenge. Then, in a curious way, I Valour!" have incontestably belonged
"'Why?" • learned that Volk's wife is the woman to the order of "the noble living and
Zilla Paget drew one hand from her you call Alice Bourne. He laid a the noble dead."
muff' and pulled out a few sheets of ! scheme to get money out of her yes -
crumpled paper. She laid them on [ terday. I got a detective and planned To Help Restore Louvain.
the table, smoothing them carefully i to face him when he reached his A committee of leading Russian
with the blank side up. Suddenly she wife."
mscholars and professors has been es -
turned them over and placed both her I "What the devil has Volk and your
hands firmly on the paper, matrimonial affairs to do with that?" tablished to assist the French corn -
Enoch took a few steps forward and ' IN entworth pointed to the sheets of mission to restore the world -renown -
peered down through his glasses. His paper beside her on the table,
ed library of Louvain, in Belgium,
gait grew unsteady and his fingers "Don't be in such a blooming hurry. which was burned by the Germans in
gripped at the edge of the table. A I tell you the situation is dramatic. I the early days of the war. The Grand
purplish flush swept over his cheeks, t went to the house where Alice Volk Duke Nieolas Miohajlovich is chair -
then he became ghastly pale. His very : lives in Harlem—oh, I was disguised, man of the committee,
lips grew white. There were gray . I tell you; you would never have Heartless Dad.
hollows about his eyes like the shad- known me, The detective got in first
ows which creep into a face after; and. opened the area door- I slipped "You shall not marry the cub, and
that settles it."
death. His mouth moved, but he did in and waited. He was to give me a
not utter a word, because his tongue' signal when Volk arrived. A servant "But he loves me father. Vows he
touched dry lips. came clumping down the cellar stairs
"I knew you would understand," j after coal. I hid in a closet where
murmured the woman. t they store trash and—waste paper."
'Wentworth's bands sprang at her 1 Enoch's eye narrowed and a yellow
wrists like the grip of a wild beast , pallor crept over his face. "Curse
snatching at its prey.
"Don't," entreated the actress. "You
hurt terribly. You do not know how
strong you are. Besides—you are ; it was a blooming ,queer accident! I
foolish, horribly foolish. If you should closed the door, the latch :caught and
tear this, it is nothing but Exhibit A. I couldn't get out. There I was lock -
There are hundreds of sheets where
C�yyt came from, And let me tell you—
the are where you won't fin&.them,"
�entworth unflnarped `her wrists,
but his eyes were blazing with mur-
it 1" He spoke in a hoarse whisper.
"Yes, curse it!" repeated Zilla Paget
with an amused laughed. "My word!
ed in the beastly hole. I struck a
meek, . It was lucky I had a match-
box along. Then I found an electric
light, T -ie first thing my eyes lit on
among that waste was a sheet of pa-
derous fury. He turned with a quick per. I picked it up. I had seen the
gesture to the wall behind him. writing before,"
Against a rug of Oriental matting ; "Whose was it?" stammered Went -
hung a collection of .savage weapons. worth.
The woman watched him with cool un-! "Whose was it? Don't put up that
concern. He seemed to be searching, bluff on me,'' cried the actress seorn-
rapidly with his eyes for something.: fully. "It was Merry''s, of course.
He laid his hand upon a long thin dag- ; You recognized it in a second. It
ger. Here and there its blade had ' was the last speech I made in the sec-
rusted to blackness, but its edge was 1 and act—as it used to be—before you,
deadly keen. He jabbed the point of the author, changed it."
it into his blotting pad. It curled i -Well," cried Enoch fiercely, The
over lithely, as a Ferrara does- Then woman paused and turned to him with
he glanced at the woman beside the an amused smile.
table. His eyes were glietaring with '•1 bad forgotten about George Voll..
would die for me."
"I have no objection to that. Tell
him to insure his life in your favor
and go ahead."
the amount of time and labor expend-
ed in caring for them, while, with con-
servative weeding out of the undesir-
able members, and a judicious selec-
tion of the choicest offspring as
breeding stock, the standard of the
herd will be materially advanced—not
only above the "average", but above
those which rank as first class.
Why We Built a Steel Barn.
Our barn had become so delapidat-
ed that it was necessary to fix it or
it would soon fall down and the prices
of building material were so high we
did not know what kind to buy.
Wooden siding sheathing and shingles
had been steadily going up in price
year after year, until they had reach-
ed the point that we almost feared we
could not afford to buy them. The
old barn had to be fixed, -however, and
we decided to make a complete job of
it when we did do it, so got quotations
on new siding and shingles for the
whole building.
One evening about the time we were
Na Pooh
{OMMY: "Shut up, Alf! Can't yez• see the blighter don't understand
English? and it's a blinhin' shame to waste .a11 that good bad language
'im."—London Bystander.
u ges In the Right Direction.
Far clear, white
delicately flavored
preserved pears use
The ideal sugar for all
preserving. Fere cane.
"FINE" granulation.
2 and 5.1b cartons
10 and 20•1b bags
gum neci ami pprinted b.beZ, for a red
ban * ada•mai .. Scud l0
Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd.
Power Bldg, Nrontreal
Have an understanding with the
company that insures your buildings The best sheep in the world may be
before you get a gasoline engine. It spoiled by a poor fence.
may save a lot of trouble. Holes in the fence around the sheep
If you have not basins for your cows lot mean a tired man, for the sheep
to drink out of in the barn, you can get will find them as sure as you are born.
a small heater for the watering Some roosters have a wicked way,
trough subside, This will take the of tackling every rival that may lift
off so that the cattle will comeup his head in the yard. Put a stop;
back feeling comfortable and good in- to it by taking the fighter out and'
side. giving the rest peace.
Have seen cows stand for a long Spraying the houses is not all there
time at the watering trough in told is tokeeping them clean, Scrape up;
weather, as if dreading to take in the the droppings before you do the spray-"
ice-cold drink set before them. Have ing. That counts.
seen those cows, too, go away from The boy that tickles the colt needs
the trough all humped up and shiver- I tickling with a good tree eh off the
ing with the cold. It takes a lot of •peach tree. He would get it too, if he
animal vitality to warm up a cowl were my boy.
after she has been chilled that way. i Any maples on your farm? Make.
Clean out your stables three or four,a lick of syrup to go along with tho'
times a day. Begin the first thing pancakes. Licking good!
in the morning. Do the work before 1
milking. Then again about the time Solomonic Decision.
you let your cows out to drink. Fol -I Two brothers inherited a farm and
low this up still later before milking,quarrelled violently as to its divisione
at night. Care in this particular mayNow there Iived in their village a ter
mean health and safety to your herd tain shrewd and wise old man, noted
and to those who use your farm pro-' for the soundness of his advice. Him!
duct, Worth while, isn't it , ! the brothers ' determined to appoint
Moving away to some other part of arbitrator. Whatever he said they'
the country never gave a man good' would abide by. They laid the mat-'
neighbors. To have good neighbors, i ter before him. For a long while he.
one must himself be a good neighbor. j thought, then delivered judgment.'
Your 'wife measures your love for : eYour e said he, pointing to the elder
her the little things you do. She "shall divide the farm as you think
cant help it. Na use talking love
and then letting her dig the wood out . fair. And you," he continued, point-'
of the snowbank. 1ing to the younger "shall have the first
Kindlings in the oven will burn all Choice."
right, and often they burn the house
up with them before morning, Don't
put them there.
Hogs are not fools. They know
when they are warm, dry and comfort-
able. They will put on fat faster if
you see to it that they have all these
things on their side.
If you have a farm so poor that it "Dubbleigh claims to have an open
will not raise white beans, make it so mind.''
it will. You can do it. o' is "Ah that explains his lack of id
A Wish.
I wish I was a landlord gay,
My life would be content,
For no one knows an easier way
To go and raise the rent.
CIeared Out.
The soil , eas;
not to blame, neither are the beans.
It is your part to build the old farm up
and make it blossom like the rose.
Two really good sheep will soon
stock a whole farm. A thousand poor
ones never will do it as it ought to be
If you want good lambs in the
spring, keep the ewes well in bhe win-
they have all escaped."
Celery is a good cure for rheumat-
ism and neuralgia..
The River Orinoco, in Louth Amer-
ica, is over three miles broad fox
nearly half its course, while during
floods the width, even at places far
from the sea, is often a hundred miles,
THE man who puts
clothing to the hard-
est test usually selects
Penmans when it comes
to sweaters. He knows,
of course, from experi-
ence that they wear like
so much iron, that they
fit right and look right.
After all there is nothing
like accepting what an
overwhelming majority
take as a standard. Say
Penman Limited