HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-19, Page 101. To -Day is Red Cross Day. County Council gives z z,00Q. Exeter Council gives $ i,000. What will you give ? TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR • Our Corner. Now that the baseball series is finished, and the Fall Fairs are over, and. the: potatdes ',dug, and the bow -- ling green locked ,up, and the coal, fires going, we can look !or `snow any old time, ibut There's hoping we do not get it for six weeks yet. For years the people of Ontario have premitted themselves to be vic- timized by all sorts of specious claims regarding the rights of telephone and telegraph linemen, building con- tractors and others'to mutilate shade. trees. As a matter of Ontario law, no other than a specially deputed off- icer bas the tight to remove or trim a shade tree. Linemen, contractors, etc. have no authority whatever in such =Here and cannot legally remove any part of the trees without permission of the owner or municipality. The big guns of the Liberal party are out to announce the fact that they wany an selection held very soon.. A year ago a war -time election was something they wanted 'to weep over the 'ought of, but now because ir- responsible., have criticized Sir Sam Hughes a little, and the bi-lingual. question is supposed to give them a solid Quebec, they are anxious bar an election, with no thought of the crocodile tears, - If they think that the people of this country want that crowd who refused tto give the three dreadnoughts and a premier whose native province has failed to don 'na- thing 'like its share in the war, to govern this country then we are sad- ly 'mistaken in 'our estimate of the zharacter sof the peorele, TAMAN'S PHONE 81a Suits YOU SHOULD BE ORDERING A NEW FALL SUIT ABOUT - .NOW. WE HAVE THE GOODS • THAT WILL PLEASE YOU, AND WE FIT TO SATISFY. CALL IN AND LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE Felt Hats FALL AND WINTER HATS IN 'ALL SHAPES AND SHADES. YOU MUST THROW THE STRAW IN THE DISCARD IN A SHORT TIME AND BUY A FELT. TRY US. Underwear THE 'SALE OF WARMER UN- DERCLO'T'HING FOR FALL AND WINTER NOW STARTS. WE ARE WELL STOCKED WITH ONE OR TWO-PIECE GARMENTS AT THE PRICE THAT SUITS. --a-- Sweaters IN SWEATERS WE HAVE MANY S;rTia.DES AND PATTERNS. OUR RANGE IS A GOOD ONE AliD THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. . EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1916 T,he Huron County Council in vote ing $21000 for the Red Cross did well and set a fine example to the other counties, Furnishings CALL THE LITTLE THINGS IN ,MEN'S 'FURNISHINGS ARE HERE - SOCKS, TIES, BRACES, SHIRTs COLLARS, GARTERS, ETC. CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. 1111, W : Taman Tailor & Purnisher PHONE 81a Under the weeding out system ad- opted by the Ontario Government with regard to the stallions of the Province the percentage of pure-bred entire 'horses in three years has in- creased from 64 to 74 per cent. Two years from now all grade stallions must go and only pure-bred stock will be licensed,. • If Exeter had ten men injured in art accident in Iowa, sand they needed medical and nurse attention, etc., not a roan in town :would refuse to go down in his pocket to help. How touch more willing should we be to help the boys on the battle fields when they are risking their lives for us. Let your subscription be liberal. Each year the shooting seasons re- cords a long list ,of accidents due to carelessness of hunters in the for- est and in the use of firearms, A gun going off accidentally and killing the owner, climbing fences with the gun loaded and cocked, or shooting at a companion in mistake. for ass ;mina are common causes. With the know- ledge of the danger tof handling fire- arms Otis ,surely incumbent upon hun- ters toexercise every precaution andl keep continually before them the mot- to ""Safety Firstt'. The Exeter Council last Thursday night made a grant of $1000 to the to aand ' circular 1 aecu a1 Red Cross int e ^d each the resid pts of town axlein- dividual to supplement this amount by Personally subscribing to the lists opened nt Councillor Beavers' Store and Clerk Senior's Office. This met- hod is not as tsuse of resultsas a personal-anvast but it is to be hotted that +everyone will help to make the total at least as large as last year, when it Beached ,$1926. If not al- ready ,clone do it to -day, October 19, ante heal the wounds of the brave boys who are lighting for us. It et about twelve months ago that Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke ;,n Toronto and said the did not wish to "open the portals ,of office with that bloody key" meaning a war time elec- tion At the 'eat session of the House of Commons be said the na- tion must not be distracted from eonaeexating its whole heart and soul and strength to tthe business of war, "If Germany wins, be declared, "no- thing else on God's earth matters." 'Whitt has Changed matters now? Mare than ever is the nation's strength needed 'but why does Sir Wilfrid now take the step which six months ago ha declared to be fraught with peril to the British cause? Why is he now williue to try to "'open the portals of office with that bloody key.' loss nothing on God's :earth matter save attainment of office by the Liberal party. Not by what the Borden Administra tion would confidently submit .its tear and domestic record to the jury of the nation, but there must be no mis- take the onus of putting Canada in the 'turmoil of a general election must rest where it belongs -with -the Lib- eral party. The Boys in Khaki --0-- Gunner Fred Brimacombe of Pete - wawa Camp was home over Sunday visiting his pr,rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brimacombe.-- Mr. Wm. Mitchell has received ward that his son, W. J. Mitchell has ar- rived in Shorncliffe, Eng., in the best of health and spirits. --o-- Saturday , casualty list. -Died from wounds, Pte J .Habick of Lucknow; wounded, Pte D. ,Wilson of (Iranton, Pte b'. 5. Ford of Clinton. Ir. round numbers the Canadian cas- ualtY list now totals, -Killed, died of wounds and. disease., 12,000; missing 3,000; and wounded 38,000. Word Was received here last week by hi: parents, that Trooper Reginald Knight had been injured by ahorse at the riding school in England, and is confined to the ,hospital. Mr. W. S. ,Cole purchased Mr. G. R. Bedford's house ,on Huron Street, on 'Saturday last, when it was offer- ed by auction. The price paid was $3100,. and is well worth the money.' Monday's casualty list; -Died of wound., Lance -Corp. Lorne Volker of St. 1Vlarys ; wounde,d; Pte. W. Kennedy of Goderich, Pte. M. • Carmichael of Seaforth. Pere A D. McNabb of Ful- lerton x-o-x- lVlr: Rusacl Southcott returned Sat- urday from Clamp Borden,where he has been in 'training for some months. with la Toronto battalion. On the fin at inspection he was rejected as be- ing medicrally unfit. Mr•. Wm. Mitchell received a. l el-. egraan on- Thursday stating that. his son Private Earl jMitchell had been wounded in the hand: Pte ''vlitcnel] went over with the 70th. Mr. Mix- chellt has two other (sans iln khaki. Friday casualty list. -Died, Pte G. N. Cluff of Clinton :Missing; Pte R. McIntosh of Lucknow • Pte. 11. • Dav- idson of Parkhill; ',Wounded, Pte. Frank Ferguson of ,Parkhill, Pte Earl Mi1uie11 at Exeter, Capt. B. McTag- gart of Clinton, THE WAR SUMMARY Perhaps •the outstanding feature of thewar this week is the greatc (fort being put forward by _Germaauy rc crush Rumania just as she crushed Beiguim and Serbia. If there is one thing to be hoped for at present it is that the Allies will be able to prevent this. Increased pressure is being brought to bear on the Greek King by ';the Allies. His warships are now all under 'seizure and partial control of the country is in their hands. The Entente bas had a great deal of pa- tience with Greece in ,this wallet. Only in the Rumanian theatre are the Allies not making progress. Maly made a large capture of 2rri- aoners a. fete days ago after a quiet period., Russia cut up aa: troop, of Turks in bad shape. On the West continual progress is being made. The Canadians are( in the very thick of it and suffered wry severely last week. EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION There was a large representation of the Leagues at the convention in Hen - salt last week. Fine addresses were !riven by Rev. Lloyd, Parkhill, Rev. Holmes or London, Rev Baird of Ex- eter, and Mrs, Noxell of Chatham. The election of the new executive result- ed a: fa1ovs:-3on. Pres„ Rev. S W. Muxworthy, Exeter; Pres., Rev. J. W Baird, )3. A., Exeter; 1st Vice - .Pres., ser, Trueman Tufts, Kirkton; 2nct Vice .Miss Marjory Barnby, Lu - can; 3rd Vice, Weldon Banes, Cred- iton; 4th. Vice, Rev. H. 'Williams, Grand Benci; 5th Vice, Mr. Rev. Fin- lay Centralia; Secy, Miss Victoria Smith Hensall;,Treas., Mr. Fred «jai. lis, Granton; Corresponding Sec'y, of Summer 'School, Miss May Wilson, Parkhill; Conference Representative, Rev L W, Reid, Granton; District Social Service Secy, Rev. j. F. $might Hensel). COUNTY COUNCIL GIVES $21,000 Goderich Oct 13. -At especial meeting of Huron County Council held this afternoon to consider making a contribution to the British Red Cross fund a motion was made. by Reeve Leckie of Brussels and seconded by Reeve OIiine of Blyth, and passed by the Council that a half -mill be levied on 1917 taxes towards the funds. This will mean about 521,000 to be lipid now and collected next year on the general tax throughout the county. An amendment to make the amount $25,- 000 was voted out. THE WHITE PLUME. (With due apologies to "The Raven.") Yott have, vivid .recollection, `Two; at the, last election, And you strode with dignity upon the Parliamentary floor, • How you vowed (while we were clap- ping) Your white tresses 'gently tapning, That we'd follow your "white plume" again as we, had done before. So Sir Wilfrid, we have followed While in doubt and fear we wal- loaved Wondering why you didn't want to help Great Britain fight the Boer Why you didn't want a navy To sail oer the waters wavy, And to help to make Old England's mastery of the seas more sure. Why you tried so hard to order Our good trade' across the border (For it didn't seem somehow to be "Canadian to the core.") Why you fought so for "bilingual" Till our ears would fairly tingle, But "you can't fool pall the people all •th:etime," sir, any mare. Ah we've caught you now red- handed, • With non-layaijty you'rea branded, For those. non -recruiting speeches more than partyism bore. And the "plume" has shrunk to- gether Till 'tis only ra "wbit•e• feather," And we'll follow at, Sir Wilfrid, "on to 'glory" -nevermore. -Turncoat. USBORNE COUNCIL The; Usborne :Municipal Council con- vened at the Township Hall on Oct. 7. All the members were present. The minute, of the ]last meetingwere read and approved. Communications from Hydro Elec- tric Association and British . Red Crass were read. Consideration of the !apoieal of the latter for funds was laid neer !until after the meeting of tile, County Council called forth at puro5.e• 7'he contractor roar Gardiner. Drain Repair's, reported the completion of the., contract, and was paid all but the amount held back as .security accord- ing; :to agreement. The treasurer was instructed to pay the amount on the engineer's certificate of completion.' Accounts were paid ,as follows, - Drainage ;6539.50; Red Cross circles $75.00; ordinary accounts $504.20. Council adjourned' to meet Nov. 4 at ones o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk Pte. Thos. E. 'Govenlock, son of Reeve Govenlock of McICillop, has been 'killed, in action in France. SANDERS & CREECtH BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE -0-- About seven o'clock on Tuesday evening of this week, the line bank barn on the farm of Mr, Sidney An- drew of Centralia, situate one and a halt miles south of Elimville, was destroyed by fire. together with the contents consisting. of this year's crops; also the pig ;tel, was destroyed. The crop belonged to the present tenant of the farm Mr. Ray Dobbs. The cause, of the lire is unknown but it om- menced in the upn er ,part of the barn The barn was insured in the L;borne and Hibbert for $1500; while SIAM) is the insurance on the contents. PROVIDING FOR OLD AGE At half a, pint a, day for him and hie wife, twelve barrels of whiskey would last a matt 14 years, or double that quantity a day ft would last 7 years rind that they expected to live that long, was the argument used by Jacob Weber of Seaforth on Wedues- day last when he was before fagi;t- rate Andrews on charges rising out of the fact that 12 ,gallons wer.3 taken from. Weber's cellar. recently. He said he brought it at $2.25 cents a gal- lon and had it .delivered eta his place at 3 o'clock in the. morning, .'o that people not knowing it ,was there shay would .not bother him. The charge of causing liquor to be brought in for other than personal use was dismissed. LA C WORLD'S R S RECORD •OR D WHEAT AT CROP In view ot the various claims of world'., accord wheat crops for large areas, the Crowfoot Farming Company ot Crowfoot, Alberta, submit a sworn statement ot their results for the year 1915 which probably surpass all pronerly authenticated claims from other sources. From 1356 acres the Crowfoot Farming Company received an average yield of 51 bushels, 5o 1-3 pound; per acre of numb:r one sprin wheat, by actual selling -weight; 400 area wheat averaged 594 bushels per acre. These. records were establish- ed in ,the Canadian Pacitic ?.railway P-4111.5Th Block in Southern Alberta. Exeter Council The Council of the 'Village of Exe-' ter met in a special meeting as cat - led by the Reeve, Absent. Councillor Parton, The minutes of fhe last meet ing were read and approved. Communications were read as fol- lows. -- A letter from 'Robe Hicks, Los An- geles, Calitornia Filed. A letter and printed matter, re the British `Red Cross Society. Filed. .k letter from Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitorse re postiion of the 'Municipality in connection with the old Electric Light Company :and the removal of their equipment from, the streets. The following resolution was moved. by Roulston and. seconded by heavers That the Reeve and the Clerk inter- view (Mr. Zuefle, manager of the Exe= ter Electric Light Company, request- ing the immediate removal or the street egipment belonging to the said company and if no satisfactory reply can be obtained the committe shall take such legal action as is necessary Carried. Mr. H. W. Doerr, manager of the Feydro Electric System asked for the power to secure the following .sup- plies for use on the streets.- Two dozen 250 watt lamps; .fifty 100 'Watt damps; {fifty 110 volt meters These were granted and he was in- structed to purchase an electric.stove tor his office use. The extra supply of irons, etc,. not in use to 'be sold to the :Municipality of Rodney as per advice of the H(fdro Commission. The meters and service boxes in- syalled throughout the Municipality to be properly sealed, per 'Itoulston, see. by 'Fl.ind. 'Carried. Thr: monthly report of the Audi- tor was given and accepted on motion or •Rind sec. by Roulston. Resolution by Beavers sec. by Bind That,One Thousand dollars be bontrib uteri to the 'British Red Cross Soc- iety. Said amount to be raised by spec ial tax on all assessable property Other arran,geaments for further ap- peals to the citizens left with the special committee -the clerk to be ad- ded to the committee. Carried. Per• Bind sec. by Beavers, -that a -rate of 30 pills on the dollar be lev- ied Tor municipal and other purposes this year and that a by-law ibe pre, pared to that effect ;Carried. The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid ;- Rert 'Clarke, 165.00 ; Mrs. Blake 1.00 Sidney iSanders 10.92; James Taylor, 52.75; W. T. Gillespie 20.16; H. T. Rowe 55.35 .Chas Northtcott 135.60; Pell Telephone 5.00; John Norry 27.30 Thos. Cornish. 16.80; R. Cooke 25,20; R. Quance 10.50; J. Willis 27.30; D. Russell Sr., 22.28; W. Westeott 19.50; R. iGillies 74.17; T. Eoulden 51.15; T. Wolper 37.65; T .Sanders 213.1Q; Exeter lOa:n,and Preserving (Company 31.25; Jc Hankin 25.80; S. Handford 8.40; F. East 6.30; W. :Creech 2.52; J. Weekes 9.00; .T. Connor 40.00; Geo. Mawson 12.50 ; W. J. Bissett 45.85; J. Ford 37.50; J. Senior 75.00; J. W Taylor 4.00; R..FI,unter 4.00; Hydro Electric System 226.75; Town Hall P,133; Library 2,08; Amounting `in ,all to $1175.01. t 3. Senior, :clerk. ,Casualties in Tuesday's list-Kialed Sergearit. Webs'. er of .S Marys'; W minded, Pte. W. Hutchings of St. Maays. , Local News Fere destroyed the headquarters ..,_o_ Snow fell at Blyth ort Tuesday, the drat of the season. Messrs Harvey Bros. of Exeter have entered a trait in the County Court at London against William and Harry Ginsberg asking for $290.50 payment for goods sold defendants. $35 is also tasked for costs, A LATE RESIDENT SUICIDk..-- It was very surprising news that ar- rived in Exeter on Wednesday morn- ing Oct 18th, when a message was veAdvocate. t M recei d by The tha r.. Ann Gardiner had been found drown ed about a o'clock that morning in a cistern at the home of her son, Mr. Peter Gardiner at Blyth. It was ev- idently a case of suicide, as the re- port states she had weighted her head before doing the sad deed, in order that there might be no chance of mis- take, has the cistern was only three feet deep. The, funeral we under- stand will take place at Brussels. Mrs Gardiner had lived in Exeter fur many years, and had only sold her household 'etfects and moved to her son's home in Blyth three weeks ago, She vas an' estimable lady and appar- ently in good 'health, •so that: no r=a- sort can be given for the :ash net, Deceaaedleaves only the one :on but several brothers and other rela- tives in this neighborhood. building. pressroom and kitchen at Camp Borden on Monday night, with a los.: of $4000. Premier Scott of Saskatchewan hes resigned owing to ill health. The• trouble in the camp of Ilia govern- ment 01 that province would make anyone ill. BIRTHS c Jean -Ir. Hensel', on Oct. 16. to fir .and Mrs. Fred De jean, a daugh- tet, MARRIAGES Reid -Wright,. -At the lietho3';st par- sonage Seaforth, Oct. 4th, by line Rev G. McKinley, John John z . to tiler. Richard 1Reid. Wright Lesage--BIak s -In St. Joseph's Church Clinton, by Rev. Fr. Bogan, en Oct. 12 .ora Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blake of Hullett, to Jame. L. Lesage of Little Current, DEATHS Westaway.--Near Regina, on Oct. 14, Charles fl C. Westaway, formerly of Exeter, aged 33 years. Hastings -At CrosshilI, on Oct. 16th, Wiliam Hastings, brother of Mr. A. Hastings of Exeter, aged 55 years, Got the Best Again The Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner The Alost Perfect, The \fort Powerf ut, the Most Efficient and the Most Durable Electric Vacuum Cleaner eve: built Remember that the Eureka Vacu urn Cleaner does the work not you, You merely guide the machine over the door, and it moved about with 1 rapid smoothness, taking the dust xi girt of the nap of your rugs and carpets , t ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION SOLD BY R. N. ROTE STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Furs Furs Make your, selection early. We have a. fine range o1 Stoles, Ruffs, 'Muffs, in the Fashionable Furs that will be worn this season. We will be glad to show you whet is new. CORDED VELVET COATS For Girls and Boys, made in splendid style with quilted linings in Whitey Green, Brown and Copen Blue. 2, 3, 4, and year sizes: $3.50 to $.50. COMBINATION INATION UNDERWEAR The famous "Ceetee" make for Boys, Girls, Women and Men. Far Girls, all sizes 80c. to $1.25 For Boys, all sizes $1.35 -L75 Ladies Sizes 2, 3, 4, $105 Menti all sizes 53.50, 4.00, 4.75 MEN'S ALL WOOL 'IIJ'WEAR Thi„ is a special. We could not buy it to -clay at the price we ate selling them for. Shirt; & Drawers each $1,00 NOVEMBER DESIGNER and Winter Fashion Book now in. Call foe your copy and renew your subscription this month The Designee one year $1.20 The Winter Fashion Book 25 One Standard Pattern 20 Special offer all three for 55c. We pap* highest prices for live ALL WOOL SERGE SKIRTS In colors of Navy Blue and Black Serge. A splendid skirt made in a very neat style. The price is very low,- Regular 'sizes 54.25 Large for stout women 55.00 MEN'S SUITS &. OVERCOATS If the price you pay is $10 $12. or $15 let us show you the values we have at these prices. Buy now, then you will be ready for 'the cold weather when it comes. FLANNELLETTE BLANKET Large size Flannellette Blank- ets in White, Falwn and Grey with blue or pink borders. Get your supply while 'they remain at this price, Large size, per pair .,. $1.70 SWEATERS r& SW'R COATS For Boys and Girls, almost any color thplt you want. All wool Sweaters for Bays $1-1.$5 Sweater .Coapts for. Boys and Girls ......... $1.00 $1.25. $1,50 and dressed poultry . PHONE 16 J, A. STEWART PHONE 16 The Big Store with the Little Prices