HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-12, Page 8EXE PER A7]IIQ6ATE, TEEITliSTIAT EMT 1S H H16 e,XETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat .125 1.504 Oats 50 to 55 Potatoes per bag 2,001 Hoy. per ton 10,00 Flour, per cwt 4,30 Flour, low grade 3.40 Short.. per ton , 31,00 B. per ton 29.00 Eggs a. Butter 32 Creamery Hogs. per cwt "1025 Mn:e from here attended the Dis- tri.': +:oiiveation 4f Epworth Leagues on Tuesday. We have ',.ad beautiful fall weather • the eta. we .;e brit the last few days «t 'e ,or of alone ux :it: Fisc Grande or Exeter Lodge ot• O.' dfellowa go to - Bruce - i eld to -nigh. to take the Past Grand gr DO�sG A few n the faithful attendee the Liberal meeting in London 1Vednee day- when • hoarser, Rowell and Norrie were l.ted tet speak. One ot tae soldiers on the train bone north Tuesday morning had the mister rine to lose is is hat.' while lean-. £ne..out of the window. It is now. .n the 'possession of Will Brimacotnbe DON'T FORGET the "Christmas • $tocaing Sho y er" on Friday afters noels in the Trivitt Memorial Church Surreey School, MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will be at the Central Flo- tel, Exeter, Saturday, October 14, from. 10 a,ua. to 8 pan. APPLES WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred for peeling apples VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR iaALE—A stony and half brick house, one aceres of land, hard and soft water, well .situated. Two good building ,lots in property. Price rea- sonable. Apply at Advoccate Office -,-,.o-- MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at then Central .to- ted, Exeter, Setur day, O tober 14, from 10 ajs, to 8 p.m. AUCTION SALE G. R. Bedforel has eve^hanged his store and business on Mai Street for a farm and will now o:fer iris beau- tiful residence on Huron Street; also the two new houses on William St„ by Public Auction on Saturday. (int - ober 14th, at 3 p.m., on the premises on Huron Street, if not sold prev- iously iously to that date. Information as to price or terms anpiy ,o G. R. Bed- eerd,—C W, Robinson Au.:tione,er. WANTED AT ONCE.—Young wo- tnen desiring employment in town can fund it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Co, who has several good positions vacant, The work is light and clean, the hours are very short and wages are paid while learning. Steady position and good wages assured to anyone giving it a trial. Apply at once, JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., EXETER. —x—o—x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of lime Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade: $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag, EXETER SALT WORKS Co„ Ltd J Sutton, Manager. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSCED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness required, SALT FOR SALE,—An excellent qualite of Sarnia made .salt for sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and. satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIR) Exeter. FARM FOR SALE Being Lot 25, Con. 1, Csbcrne, con- tainine 100 acres; also Lot 5, Con. 1, Tn. of Hay directly opposite, con- taining 50 acres. On the former is a l'e storey frame house, with woodshed large bank barn 70x72, good stabling underneath, water supply to stable by tank; driving shed 20x35. and hen house. Wel; fenced, mostly wire, and well underdrained. Farms sold toget her Or separately, Rura. mei' and tel- ephone. Po..session given Nov. 1st. Apply to Robt. Munn, R.R,3, Exeter. Canada's HUr- Fashion Stab, Gleno -g .rtes Garr G ods, T. Our MISS GLENN will be inoEX- ETER on MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, at the Central Hotel, with a full line of HAIR GOODS, including SWIT- CHES, MOTOR -WAVES, TRANS- FORMATIONS, PIN -CURLS, and PARTINGS, ETC. and also MEN'S WIGS 'and 'TOUPEES, If you are not satisfied with the. np teprance of your hair consult Miss Glenn .Feet demonstration. One dray ;only. GLENN -CHARLES, rens NF rt LOCAL DOINGS. Laet week Mr. Bruce Bossenberry er Grand Bend became proprietor of the Central Hotel, Lucan. Mr, John Payne, "delivering clerk for Afessre Jones & 14fay, i,s again on duty after .an illness of a couple weeks. The frame !work of Main Street Church shed was 'erected on Friday last and the -balding . will soon be completed. Rev Knight of Hensall occupie James Street pulpit Sunday nigh very acceptably, Rev. Baird preach ed unnivereary: sermons at Chiselhurs Mrs. McCombe, Si,mcoe St., sue iered a stroke last week but is re g rising her health, Her daughte Couzens of London is here with her 25 cents :gets The Advocate forth balance of the year, excepting to th United Stater, 10 cents has to b ,:dded for postage if papers are sen to United States, The Postoi:fice Department has been able to shgw a 'surplus of well up to- ttard $3,000,000 for the past ;rear, the revenue being the large sum of $18,- 655,400 and the expenditure $10,009 $138, air Samuel Lamport. of Farquhar, we `regret to hear, is confined to the house through illness,. Mrs. John Cottel of Thames Road suffered a stroke' ot paralysis last week but is improving Mr Bert Clark has moved from WilliamStreet to John Street. Mn 1). Russell from Andrew to William Street, into the house vacated by firs Gardiner; and Pte. Horton's fam- ily from Main ,Street to Andrew $t. d t t r , c e e t Mr Alex. Stewart, who has been won lir, W. W. Taman for several year.:, has accepted a situation with the R J, Young Co., London, and goes to the city on tifonday. His fans_ Ely .will remain here for a time at least Rev. William Godwin, a retired min- ister of the ,Methodist church, and for- merly pastor of Main St. Church, Ex- eter, died on Sunday at his home in London, after several months' illness. His wile and a grown-up family sur- vive:. Interment was made at Kings- ville on 'Wednesday. Readers ot this paper are urgently reei,ested to favor us with personal or c. taer teal news, Many things of loeal interest escape our notice 'Which the would be pleased to print, did we know or them. We wish our sub- scriber.: and readers to assist us in our local news gathering. Appeals have been made in ill Presbyterian churches throughout the Dominion for thanksgiving offerings to remove the deficit of $170,000 on the mission funds of the church, The General Assembly authorized a spec- ial offering for this purzose to be made on October 8th or 1Sth, t "Mr. N. C. ,Hay: has received notice of hie appointment as deputy judge during; the illness of ,His Honor Judge Holt, to attend to court business dur- ing the absence from town of His Honor Judge Dickson, p, good part of whose time at present is taken uta with the holding of Voters' Lists courts Division courts, etc," The Patriotic League are having a "Christmas Stocking Shower" for the Canadian soldiers in the trenches, in the 'L vitt Memorial Church Sunday ,School, on Friday afternoon from 3 to 6• Tea will be served. Anyone who has not been supplied with a stoc? in ; will kindly put gifts in a box ell the ladies are invited. 1. A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse on Monday after- noon about four .o'clock, when Mr, William T. Lutman was united in marriage to Miss Rhoda Irene, claugh-. ter of Mr, Thomas Cornish. -The groom was supvorted by Mr. Alvin Cornish, while the bride was assisted by ,Mss Mary A. Taylor. The best wishes of their friends .,will be ex -- tended she haply couple. WEATHER FORECASTS.—A re- actionary storm period is central on' the 14th, 25th and 16th, The intla- ence of earth's autumnal equinox is about closing at . this time. As the moon moves southward from its high point north, bereal currents will fol- low from the north, adding to cold, discomforting _weather, DAMP GRAIN CAUSE.—As ra re- sult of inspections of .recent barn fires throughout Lambton county by Deputy Fire Marshal A H. Dickie, it has 'bten.found that spontaneous com- bustion was the, cause in nearly every insta'rce, dampgrain being stored it suck quantities as to produce intense heat- and eventually a blaze. This re- futes the general suspicion that a Getman conspiracy was on foot to destroy 'supplies to Western Ontario, HEAVY 'LOSS BY FIRE. On Mon- day morning Mr Cecil Skinner, son of the Int Samuel Skinner, sustained a heavy loss by fee when his two fine .barns' on the 3rd concession of Usborne were burned to the ground, bir 'Skinner. was -attending to a sick horse, when he heard apeculiar noise over 'head; and on going up in- to the bairn he. found the place on five, ,and spreading quickly it soon 'both. buildings. destro ed t di y ngs, Tlie pigs and noises were. all taken out but the other contents were all destroyed. Mr Skinner. had three years' .wheat in the granary, valued at $1500, and this- with all .his other crops was lost,. W ' e .d the r, n tan u d x�insurance amount- ed is $2490, which will not nearly cov- er: the lass The fire was 'suprrosed to have olio -Mated from the wind mill located on top lot the barn, in which a piiece, of wire got wound around, the gerarinb''nndwith the constant friction caused the blade. CA TORIA For 'Infante and Cielldren In LIs ,ForOver"`ZOYears too King St W Toronto -� having I Alwaysh ear s Laoie,desirous of'ess fpewe Glenn call at residence kirncily leave Signature or address at hotel. AZzie Thanksgiving yy air as usual a quiet day in town, entertaining and visiting being the chief occupations, Mies Viola Rowe, 'd.ughter of Mr, and 'ears, S. Rowe of Ingersoll, had her hands burned severely the other day nee understand she had cleaned her gloves' with gasoline and then put them on and approaching too tear the fire they caught fire and before the blaze could be put out her hands were burned so that much of the skin came off Mrs W. H, Dearing was in London over tate holiday visiting Mr. George Rowclitle, formerly of Elimville, who was hurt four weeks ago by falling en feet from a scaffold and alighting on a pile of „bricks. By the fall his epee broken e r -e s n from the back bone, and both breast and back bones were broken. He is paralyzed from the typist down and little hope is enter- tained for his recovery, The Exeter Patriotic League wish. it understood that they are still send- ing their supplies for the Canadian soldier. in the trenches direct toMess Joan Arnoldi (an officer appointed by the Government); in care of the Cana - ellen Field Comforts Com, at Shorn- cilf#e, England, We thank the lad- ies who have so .generously helped us in the past and hope they will con- tinue alt the good work. It is the pride of the British lied Cross that in every crisis in the cam- paigns of Great Britain and her Albs it ha: been able to bring prompt and efficient aid to supplement the une tiring worse of the official servrces, it is the only institution that carries voluntary aid to the. sick and wound- ed of the British forces on land and sea in evert' region of the war, Sev- eral of our boys ,at the front are now bein' ministered to by the Red Cross What are you going to do to help this work? Make your gift large on October 19th. HOLIDAY VISITORS OUT OF TOWN Miss E Hyndman in London, Mise Gladys Bissett to London, 11r, and Mrs. Burwell at St, Thomas Mrs. Gale and daughter of London :sir. end Mrs. R. G. Seldon and tamilv at Ingersoll Mr and Mrs, Wan, hfay and .,lir, Fred .May at Mitchell Mre (Dr.) Sweet and daughter, 1 Mrs. tient Reid in London. HOLIDAY VISITORS IN TOWN Mr Humble of Sarnia. Miss Mack of Toronto. Mr. Bert Gillies of Paris. Mr Case Howard of Windsor Mr. Win, Amos of London Mr Har er Fuke of Parkhill lir s Geo. Jewell of London. Miss Annie Dai, of Brantford Mr Isti :.uint of Toronto, Miss Olive Wood of London, Miss Fanny Bowey of London. Miss Ida Wambold of London Mr Walter Dearing of London Miss Irno Sweet of Teeetvater Mr, Richard Bissett of London, Mr ,John Newcombe of Stratford Mr James Sanders of Woodstock Mr 0 .Becker of New. Hamburg. Miss Ruby Wood of Clandeboye, Mies Edith Heideman of Kitchener Mr and Mrs. W. Bradt of London, Mr Coleman Moncur of Peterboro The Misses Brickwood of London. Mr and errs, J E. Tom of Goderich Mr George Baker and son of Wal- kervitt:. Mrs. Mark Mitchell and children of London Mr and Mrs. Theo Sweet and child o: Hamilton Mr and Mrs. Frank Hunt and Mr Ross of London. Messrs Harry Parsons and Reg. Par- ; ions of Hamilton i Mr. and Mrs, T)ean of London with 1 Mr and Mrs. C. S. Sanders 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crocker and c child of Stratford at E Howald's. 1 Mr and Mrs. Ray Eacrett, Mrs. Ea- ] erne', sister, and Mrs. Brown of Sar- ] nit t bliss Lula Hastings has returned home from London. Mrs, Fowell has returned from a visit in Woodstock. Major and Mrs. Heaman spent a day in London last ,week. Mrs Loa,dman of London visitedi her daughter, Mrd. E, Treble Private Goodwin of Goderich vis- ited ;riends here last week. Mrs J. A. Macdonald has return- ed from a visit in St. Thomas. Mr,, Stimmel of ,Waitsbury, Wash; , is visiting herr sister, Miss Lewis. Miss CGenge of Glencoe spent a day this week with Miss Armstrong. Mr. Jos. Davis returned Thursday from a visit in . Detroet, Windsor and Eases. • ars. McAvoy spent several days clueing the. week .with friends in Mt. Brydges. 1li-, Ed. Bissertt,_after a visit here, left Wednesday for her home in Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood of Lon- don Was Isere for a few days dur- ing the week. Lance Corp. Clarke of ; Barebefield. visited his parents, Prof. and . Mrs. Clarke over Sunday. oleo W m. Hawkshaw left Saturday Morning to visit (hien son Mr, Will Hawkshaw in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. W. L. tv ncur of To- ronto spent the past week with the . former's parents here. .a' Wood. end Messrs. Clair Latimer Grieve of Toronto spent the week end with .{heir parents here, Mr and Men .Hastings are; in Cross- hill this n eek owing to the serious illness • of Lh+e former's brother. Mrs ,Conley, who _has; been residing in Mrs. Sutton's house on Main Street, moved last week to De- troit, M.` R. Redmond, Mrs. John E. Diga. pan rand lees. G. W. Brown visited in Hensen and on the Zurich Road Last week, Mr Geo. Atkinson> left Monday fee London where he ` has taken a sit l El toil, He may probably move- to the city later on. -allanalles--011110-011 IVIAY PHONE NO, ee JUST ARRIVED Two New Shipments of Ladies' &Children's Coats WE HAVE JUST OPENED TWO FRESH SHIPMENTS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FALL AND WINTER COATS THESE GAR- MENTS ARE IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND NEWEST FABRICS, They include an exceptionauly fine range of black Seal Plush Coat; . Prices Moderate. New House Furnishings, Including Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, Etc. We have an immense range of Rug,, Linoletmns, Mattings, Curtains, and. Curtain Nets for the coming season, Many of these lines are at al- most old prices. We have fifteen good patterns of li~noleumns to select from, Room Rugs in a great variety of patterns. Make your selections early 'before prices are higher New Velvets for Dresses and Suits Velvets pre among the most popular fabrics for the coming season for both suits and dresses, We have allthe popular shades in plain and eor- duroy effects, Good fast dyes are used in all our velvets. Prices 6Oc to 750. a yard. Wonderful Values - Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats Our Clothing Department is simply overflowing with inen's and boys' Shits, Overcoats and Raincoats. In order to reduce this immense stock we offer remarkable values in all th ese lines MEN'S NEW FELT HATS IN ALL POPULAR STYLES AND COLORS SPECIAL—Just arrived, another shipment of Ladies' Large Bungalow aprons. Old Peace 50c. LIVE POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES ARE PAID JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Farm For Sale ' `Pif. ot '18 .and 19, bon. Tp. of 113.' Uiel:.. couni:y of Rturon1', t'2 i 1 YY 1 (111111 Village of Exeter, containing100 ilnnnrl �Choice acres of choice land. i acid. On thils property is a brick dwelling, large bank barn silo. drive and milk house, hog and hen house. The ibuildingis of this prop- erty are all up,to.idate with water in stile. Farm in first class state of cultivation and must be fsold as the iropayetor's health ban .failed. P_ oss- ession 1st of November. rem of corn to go with farm. Everyi sonven- ieaos for carrying on a milk business tev hioh is much needed in the town of Exeter. E. Hewett. prop., For Urine. and particulars apply to Thos. ;Camer- on. E. R. No. 1, Kirkton . Miss M. Tom is spending a short time in Grimsby. Mr. Wm. Fritz of the Bank of Commerce staff was in Guelph dur- iiig the week, attending the funeral pi. his sister. Mr G. R. Bedford was in West Lorne last week attending the sale of stock and implements on the farm he recently secured. Mr John Dignan accompanied by Dr Hamilton and Mr. F. Hunter of Brussels ,spent Sunday with Mrs.Dig- nazi and Mrs. Guy Brown. Messrs. Victor and Harry Sweet and Miss Ina (Scott of Windsor spent rhe:holiday with the boys' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Sweet. p\ire. T. J. ,Lockhart left for her home. vin Kingston Mondayevening, an - tee a visit of (six weeks with friends in ' St. Marys,. Stratford and Exeter, Mrs Dignan; Mrs. G. W. Brown and little. lelarion'visited friends 111. Clinton last week. On' Thursday Mrs Brown and Marion left for their house nn Kingsville. wV4r, and Mrs. W. T. Goodison and family of Sarnia,, Mrs. Bruce, 'opt' Ca1- ga7y, and Miss Lillian Crocker- of Ottewee have .been visitors •vith. ,Mrs, D. and Miss Lilla Johns.' this week °u Furniture Salts au Ciat. 01" FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASThS COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our Nene Goods are here. Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE, OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES -417.00- AND UP. We also have, a nice'aange of Men's Over Coatings and Suitings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEADER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange ,Jas. Gould Opposite. Electric light Plaint Exeter Bargain .Story � Another lot of Travellers' Samples.. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. Inerfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when .healthis ebbing, when strength isdeclin- ing, the same nervous systemgives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and, unless, corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion mulsion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and richblood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while { the whole system responds to its refresh- ing tonic force. Free from harmful drugs. Scott & Bowne, Toronto. Out, Another lot of Traveller's Sampler just opened, consisting of Gloves Handkerchiefs, ,Ties, Braces, Nightgowns Underwear, Pajamas, Night Shirts Sweaters Etc Etc,, on sale now. SPECIAL VALUES in Men'e and Boys' SUITS, bought before the ist price and sold at -the olid; price; Our values in Shoes are the Best of Made-to-mesure Sam les. a p Sec the Table full ;at the .$2,00 a C ome lin rind look over our linepant. Mere.; ,Clothes. seise for Beavers