HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-12, Page 5at cocain. b 45111Ved by u mind the Obettl. l �► 1044 Olf Come in and I'll how ypu why th Pal do a std• = good as new long after othet rat e6 hit d io a re ptlita or replaced, Sold by T. Hawkins & Son SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS_ The sole head of a family, or any male over 1$ years old, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion. land in Manitoba, Saskatoh- ewan or Alberta,. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or 'Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict, Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency), on certain condi- tions, Duties—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may dye wthitt, nine miles: of his homestead on a farm ci ai least SO acres, on cer- tain conditions. A habitable house is required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. I:t certain *districts a homestea :er In geoc standing may pre-emp: a quar- tet -section ;tion rude nes homestea' Price $3.00 an are. Duties— Sib meths res:cienes in each of three years aft earning horn; stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul tiaation.. Pre-emption patent may he obta r ed as soon as homestead patent. on certain conditions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain disteicts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties --Mus: re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject' to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the interior N.B..-Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. -64388. DR. DeVAN'S,FRFNCIR PILLS ilo gusting Pill'for Women. $5 a boa or threotor so. Sold at nil P,rug Stores. or mailed to any address onrceeiptof price.,Trrs Scoustr, Duca, Co.,St. Catharines, Ontario. 1HOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Pestores t'im and 1tall ;for Nervofand Firth.; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonic—willhuild you up. ss a box, or hro for $5. at drug sto a, or hy, mail on receipt of price,- Trus Soont•:u. Duro Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. LEGAL ISAAC R. CARLING, 13.A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mol - sons B.ank, Etc. Money to loan at loxest rates of interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on &arm and village property at low rates of int -..-rest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.O.S DENTIST i4lember 'of the R. �Ct C. D.S. of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's law Office.. Closed Wednesday• afternoons. DENTIST DR A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S, Honor Graduate' Toronto University. Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office "over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Stieett, Exeter CENTRAL 0/ GTRATFORD. ONT.' COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND & TELEGRAPHY Departments. Stud- ents may enter at any time. We place graduates in positions. During July and August we received applications for over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Write for free catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan, Prine 882 WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as agent in Huron County. PAY WEEKLY Ouriit tree exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agelr- cies are the best in the business fol we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guar- antee deliveries in first class condition, Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be mad: in this district For particulars write Sales ° Manager. PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. A °action Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS There will b:: sold by public auc- on Lot 27, L. R. E., Hav Tp., on FR1D AY, OCTOBER 20, 1916 1t 1 a.losl:, the following property / Horses—Agricultural brood mare, ti yrs, old. in fall to Colonel Gresham; mere 0 years old; .Iriv.:r 4 yrs. old yearling filly, suc'kin:.. Walt, dale -5 mi.i:h cows, supposed to be tit calf to Durham buil; 2 heifers years ol:t in calf ; 3 std: rs 2 s rs. old; 3 yearlings, 5 spring caves; far- row ow. Pis and Lien' --6 store hogs; about 60 :renes. Implements --Massey Barrio 7 foot hinder, 0. -Soot :Hassey-1larris mower new; Masseti-Harris hay loader, new; 12 loot hay rake, new; clover Leaf manure sprea'l ; : ; Deering disc drill new; e'ultivttor, steel land roller, ;fisc Ser harrow;, turnip drill, ,tang -plow, 2 walking plows; seuffler, pulper, fan- ning null platform scale, 2000 lbs. ca- pacity; 2 lumber wagons, set bob- sleighs 2 carts, buggy, hay rack, wag- on box. binder truck, wheelbarrow, car rope and slings, ladder, Empire cream separator, . new gravel box, 3 set heavy team harness, set light team harness, 2 set single harness, grass seed sower, tragons tongues, water trough ceciar posts, horse blankets, grain bags robe, sugar kettle, meat barrel, whidfletrees, neckyokes, churn mill: and cream cans, forks, chains, hoes. and articles too numerous to mention. Household Furniture—Consisting of cook stove wood heater, bedstead benches clothes horse, sealers, etc. 'Ierms-1,10 and under cash; over over that amount 12 months' credit on disproved joint notes. 4 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit a-: mounts E Bo.senberry, Mrs. Robt. Campbell Auctioneer Executrix Auction Sate OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. There will be sold by public auc- ti'au on Lot 5, •Concession 3, McGilli- vray. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1916 At 12 sharp, the following property: Horses—P:•rot mare( 7 yrs. old, sup- posed ^. be in fool to Petland Pride; horse 5 yrs. old ; draft mare 4 yrs. mare colt 2 yrs. old; horse colt Z year.; old; quiet driving :pare; spring colt. .Cattle -3 •milch caws, cow due to calve. _Feb. 18; caw due April- 1; cow due to calve June 8th ; 1 cow, 6 year lings ; 5 yearling steers ; 6 year- ling heifers; 9 spring calves; 3 young calves; brood sour, with 9 pigs 4 weeks old; brood sow with 8 pigs 4 weeks old. Implements—Massey-Harris binder, tlIassey-Harris mower, spring tooth cultivator, disc, hay rake, pea rake, land rollerr. seat! .drill, lumber wagon, two -seated .carriage, 2 single buggies, 2 cutters, bobsleighs, set harrows, 1 two-furrow ,gang plow, 2 walking riding plow, scuffler, fanning -mill; cross -cut saw, scales, hay rack, ::tone boat. gravel box; cream separator; 3 cider barrels, '.arge mylk can, 2 double and sets single harness, double set of tight harness, saddle; 2 .robes, quan- tity wood, 40 grain bags,, ladders, CorkL, hoes, shovels, .logging chains, cow chains, sugar- kettle, 2 large sap ens, 150 sae pails •and spines. 50 hens, 35 young turkeys. -Family • chair swing, Home, i ornfort teel ,range, box stave, sideboard,. bed- oom suite, glass ,cupboard, chiffan- nt, bedsteads, washstands, tables, hairs, plush couch, churn, : • washing. la:chine hanging : lanivp, parlor Iamp, smaliea' lamps, _ icture.s, quantity of neje um :and carpets, number of Seal - and other articles: tea 'numerous > mention. Terms—'Sill find un:'.er • cath; over tat amount 1lnionths' credit will be yen on furnishing n.l,.rc:ved ;ant ate, Fit*e 1).4r cent.: e: annum off or cosh err credit amounts. • Positively eta reserve as the pro- ri.tot has :•en: •d his farms. . ' W Robinson; Thos. -Glavin, Auc.ti1nraer• -Prcpr'ietor. C W. ROBINSON L1C'EV�1 L .AULTIOivEER AND ALUATOR for- Counties of Huron ertl, blid*iesex. "-and Oxlurd,. Farrn oc.1' • Sale: a Specialty, . Office, at ockshuti `Wareroorns, next door ' to entra Hrtel.' Main Street, • s xeier. barges moderate 'and •satisfaction is naianteeld, . our p iPa) 'RAILWAY i "CYST E V1 Ho nasaakers' Excursions Found trip tickets to paints in Mani- toba, - Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane' and I'ranscon- tfrienlai Roul,e, or via Chicago, St. Pa -u' or Duluth, on sale, each Tues - clay until Oct. 31st inclusive, at low fares THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS TO WINNIPEG ON ABOVE DATES LEAVING TORONTO 10.45 P.M., NO CHANGE OF CARS VI.A TRANSCONTINENJ'AL RO U TE. • RETURN, LI.MIT 2 MONTHS, Exclusive 01 date of sale. • Final Re- turn limit 'on e-turnlimit'on iail.tickets,•'Dec. , 31: Berth res ervations' and full r3articul- ar at: ,all Grand Ttunk Ticket Offic- es, or 'write';C. E. Horning, Distr,ct Passenger agsnt, Toronto',. At N. J. DORE,t Exeter T • c r 6 I . e ti ti gi 1) C V 3t C G MOUNT CARMEL' APPLES WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator. 40 cents a hundred Cor or peeling apples T. J. Hall was in Stratford last week on busin'ess.—Misses Flora. Dnd Katie McCormick of London visited their parents ;at I hive for afew dal s:—Mr. Henry Appleton received word that his brother, Pte. Arthur Curts, het - ter known as ,Pte. Doc. Appleton, was wounded tat' the front,—Miss Clara Glavin hnd Marjory Guinan spent a few days last week at 'London Mr. Tien Ragan returned to his llama in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., after spending twa weeks with friends in this neighbor- hood, --Mr Andrew Flanagan spent Thanksgiving Day at Chatham.—Miss Madeline Glavin of London. was home for a few days.—,Miss Florence Camp- bell of Parkhill is spending a few° days with her brother here;Miss Ger.• eldine Harness left on Tuesday for London, •where she has accepted a position.—lir. ;Frank Glavin 'end son of Stratford spent Thanksgiving with his parents near here,—Miss Kate Campbell is spending a few weeks with her brother at Parkhill. HENS,c1I•.;L APPLES " WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator. 40 'cents a hundred for peeling apples T. W. :Palmer and Albert White - sides were at Camp Borden last week .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blatchford vis - visited friends in London.. Miss Dora Sherritt is spending a Week at her home here.—Miss Dolly Carlin spent a few days last week with friends Stratford.—Mr. T. Glenn of 'Toro- nto is visiting his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, John Glenn. Preeter and family visited Niagara Falls and other eastern Points.—Mes- srs, George and 'David, Bender: , and .g families, who have been visiting rel- atives ,Mere, left for theiir homes in Il linoisr „Messrs. Laporte of Detroit wire ssisRosa APPLES WANTED at the Exeter Evaporator, 40 'cents a hundred for peeling apples Mr. Chas. Weber and two daugh- ters Misses Eva and Gertrude, visited relatives in Croswell, :Mich,—Mr. John rr Trueinner of Detroit visited his moth -1 er, Mrs. E. 'rruemner of tolvn.--Mr. R. F. Stade :has moved into the resi- dence which he ,recently purchased from 114Ir, W. Bender of Detroit.— Miss Simpson of Guelph is visiting at the home of her .uncle, Mr. W. C. Wagner,—George 'Hess of Detroit is Visiting; ,relatives and friends here.— Mr. and Mrs. ;Alvin Wurm of Detroit visited at the home of the far•,ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wurm, for a few days.—Mr. John Schnell, who has been living in Mrs. C. Hess' house has moved into the house va- cated by Miss Ida Ortn-ein,—Mr, John Sunlight Soap has a high stan- dard of purity which is backed . by a $5,000 guarantee. If a soap has no standard there is ;r no reason why it should always - be of uniform quality, always contain the best materials or be anything like as good as the soap with a standard. and A. D;enomme of Windsor visited relatives on the San -14e Line.—.Albert Stell: of London iu visiting his rnotlr er, Mrs. Mary ,Stelk.—C, L. Smith r as moved into the residence he recent; Iy purchased from 1111rs, M. Fritz 111111 111 +�II i til I flJ!I/II/Z(1�1 New Prices August 1, 1916 THE FOLLOWING PRICES FOR FORD CARS WILL BE EFFECT- IVE ON AND AFTER AUG.1,19t6 Chassis . $450.00 Runabout . . 475.00 Touring Car .. 495.00 o. b. Ford, Ontario These prices are positively guarant- eed 'agarlist any reduction before August lst, 1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance do price at any time. Any person thinking of buying a, car will do. well to consult the dealer, - Milo Snell, Exeter, Ont. 111.111101101•111101. .�• t ti �, tit ite.\v+.+�;:';::• Dressing Station, Firing Lino--Otncial Film, "Battle of tho Somme." Give and he An. urgent call for help again goes forth from the Motherland's mighty life- saving agency — the British Red Cross. The Empire is called upon to give greatly, give lovingly, give quickly, that the sick, wounded and suffering on all the battle fronts may not languish and perish in their hours of deepest need. Here is a great work in which all can share. The Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John is the only institution which carries voluntary aid to the sick and wounded of the British forces on land and sea in every region of the war. Thousands of lives of our bravest and best are saved through this splendid work. YOUR gift may save a life. Isn't it worth doing ? It is GPM ! Make "Our Day" Your Red Cross Gift Day Give on October 19th The Red Cross Iooks after the transportation of sick and wounded—it equips thousands of hospitals, rest and convalescent homes, it supplies countless requisites for hospital work, clothing and other rom- torts. Over 2,000 Red Cross Motor Ambulances are at work on the various fronts, while "rest statlnns," hospital trains; steamers and launches, food for pri- soners, books, special work for the blind, etc., eta, are a few, only. of Red Cross activities. Ontario's princely girt in 19I5 of $1,514,000 rang, a Clarion mercy call, throughout the Empire. The British Red Cross were grateful. beyond measure, and, their appeal through Lord Lansdowne, President, now comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help. The need is greater to -day than a year ago—it is ever growing. Will Ontario do lessthan she did fast year? No 1 GIVE—give a day's pay, give ali'you titin, GIVE. Premier Hearst Has Seen the Work "My visit to England and France has aroused deeper appre- ciation than ever of the splendid work of the Red Cross. It deserves every support, and I trust the people of Ontario will respond with their usual generosity to the British Red Cross Appeal for October 19th." HON. W. H. HEARST, Prime Minister of Ontario. He gives twice who gives quickly. Your help is needed NOW! The Motherland's only direct appeal to usfor help in this, great war is her great Red Cross mercy work. Ontario's response must and will be quick and generous. Give through the Treasurer of your Local Committee— or, send your subscription to the Clerk . of your munici- pality—or, make it payable to Hon. T. W. McGarry, Treasurer British Red Cross Fund for Ontario, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, Don't Let, Your Stricken Defenders Call in Vain, but The Sick and Wouni d Call For Your Het; Give on October nth Your gift will go entirely to the British Red Cross, where, again, through much voluntary work, the working expenses are cut down to only 2,4 % of the total revenue. Thus, if you give $10, actually $P 77'h. goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero. The expenses of the Ontario Committee, adver+'sing, printing, etc.. are being met entirely by the Pro, inial Government Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., Brings a Red Cross Mersage "1 bring a message of cheer to those who have relatives at the front and who fear they may be wounded. I believe every- thing verything human skill can do, that human care and sympathy can provide, is being done and provided each day and each night throughout the year by the Army Medical Corps and the Red Cross. It is a perfect marvel of efficiency." MR. N. W. ROWELL, H.C., Leader of the Opposition. 111 Wounded In the Ttenehe.—orn,.h, Film. "Battle ot. the Gomm..".