HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-12, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind 'Yon Rave Always ottgl.st, eaa vehicle has been in use for O v yeas, ]etas borne the eig;natare of land has been =ado under itis per sonfel supervision sine its infancy. a-eh:at:air Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Calunz z . tt::, Imitations and c: Just -as -good" are but Experimen. e f.:a.tt trifle with stud endanger the health of Infants and. Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A f astor'ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goelea Props and, Soothiz:g Syrups. It is pleasant. It eonataii eS aueitlzer Opium, 11Iorplliine Izor other Nareoticl substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it 1 e .a o for therelief Lea a ► u c T1s#►'tit u..e of Constipation, � i -p A>:Ik, Flatulency, Wind Colic, aril. Teething; Troubles and. Diary ea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels,. assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's F•aaaceet—Tile Tot aer's Friend* Evailmn ALWAYS ars the Signature of tise For Over 39 Years titian; You Have Always Bought CITY, n , .a : -... , dm *4^ i3, ti 'l'OBER 1Z. _�-,a,• Crediton ii,',i , , ale t s1 ' �'�,.r il)t..w•,. 4 ..Its a Iaundre l ":ca; :lin Mr ,:n 1 Sirs. Dasar;�.z.treii- 1« . �3 rt aa: l'. en - .n r<;v Std. s'ii ` (relit"• weld :..;., .. re r•ut ,.' t, ...:or ilei °sea-t;l Red Cros.AS,., t m'a, ;onatc.a ri:ty towards equin- p .; a —Crediton t of in the -pit «Rantsgate, t n,f.L ^ J '_ riwredits lt. a^:I'ne' made Lart.ttrias ;,to. tC 'o have: aliiist.ei ot: .,:ie ..a'tt ' ; s iniz rea.'cii . � every 'p e •', ... i:r pi t, Several ral of the young pe:.:: •a: e a lt'in::J ,i .•,,pLit rah L 'sue c. convene ,oca i t Her.aa 1 Tu.sel,a: Ret- F. Heyer of Zurs 1 .end lee- Meyer o. as.: oad o: up 'fele ae 1 pit in the Ev :nge`i ' • ehuren Sunday marring and e Rte• Be iker p e s.. r dd. 1-. 13as y. 9 r 'u3 •puri s n. biz Brown o Re-,.! iting her aunt Mrs. 1• ti Fast, Miss Elea Link ..ren. the ,.::e1 end h1 Exeter. Fraser Brawn of iii: has:r spent the holidays idays at home. :sirs Dell enba h of Harni.t•an is vis-; Iting friends In town. Mr. and ;Mrs. Johnston and the llis- Alma and :Fill were in Kit- rlrener on Sunday. Jahn G. 1Ve Ln s auction sale which was held on Wednesday was .t eel at- tended. Th: ehattels brought a good figure. Mr Wein will leave for De- troit in the near future Miss Marjory Clark of Exeter is --isiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark. The fine weather of the past week has math. it favorable for our far- mers to harvest their bean crops. Price.: are good this year so • this should help to 'offset the failure in, the other crops. Mr and Mrs: Wm. Ford silent last Sunday :in taw'ri the guestis''af Mr. and airs. John=•;Sweitzer. - The Rally Day of- the Methodist :Sunday School took place last. Sun- day morning. The church was beaut- ifully decorated. Addresses on.'Sun- day school were given by Rev..,Bak- er Mrs,. George •Clark and Th•oinas. Trevethik, Miss-Queenie Hominy• xeci'_ed a act several choruses were' sung by the children. The radlt was splendid success and we trust ,the school wL1 have a prosperous. year - The school will now mest in the •at-' - iernogn, • Centralia APPLES WANTED at the Exeter • `Evaporator. 40 cants a hundred fo• peeling apples ' A little son ,alms come to aright. n the home of ,Mr: and. Mrs. Murray 1st- :" - :l:".e Batt ix' Stephen. Ips Farquhar 'of .Hensalll is visit- lg with her grand Mr.;. Cochrane, Mrs Thai, Quinton; is ,Again very !ll, The soldiers from Camp Botd:ii, whc were visiting with relatives and' friends ;here, :'e turned on Tuesday, inariYing 1VI1,a jh _n ire Fsse`ry of London was; linin:' ion Thanksgavi g ay: P..e Jas. Coultas of Caifr Borden • sue,_:e 3 'with.. Mr.land Mrs, 'Sroaks due; ling the week.. Rev. t.h*. Finlay la end wife left,'" "Tuesday evening for Windham to,;i 'lend the lusm:rel of 'Mrs. Fin;ay's:;si flee ci •law, ,Mrs, Reid, •.`, :icy )' +m'':'t.r ;ma Rev, 1)n ' r . a'i "`R^:;. Jas. O,r1•,:la andi.^.taall: ;antraail, in ¢�iil.'.ti793ia .• oine to M. -',n1 ;fir reliatives;.t ▪ Fr:d Essery o,' Lon.lon isp.'nt fe,,v a lay un -ler the parental root'. Mr. D. Coughlin has sod '11s !map.. trty I1wr.' t :tlr, John tient o: 'elk - G -t :v'r.ay , Mr. and Mrs. . l'alughlin ex- t�-_ 5Q$ t.4 London The Jam 2son flout,` and list a vas ; old day to a Mr. Fewse of Lon- don 'I:10 her.: about Nov. 1st. 11,''x:' t t. ► at `V. R. t ll - 3:. .I#.' .lay theuttirig box with Maus ; n topic:•ees .end a▪ lsr the atttin box o:' Mr. T. r. " to:•, oz`:.`urdriy v: we filling the is of k e - Fortunatly n, on _ ..iY= igen:his:s are total a ez_. WH ALEN STEPHEN COUNCIL Th; : ouncil of the Township o. Sterheri convicted in, the Town Hail Crediton oze Monday, the and of Oct. 1916 at 1 p.m. A11 members present excepting 'Deputy -Reeve Love. -The minute.: of the previous meeting were read +and adopted, N eeb-Ri,'ireb1,—That •By-idw No. 230 to pint Alonzo Hodgins collector of taxes for 1916 ,was read three tines, signed ;end sealed.—Carried, The following orders were passed, -- Jas. Cockwell, cora, 7.50; Geo. llepe burn and others, grading 55.50;. Geo. alaavllinney, tree bridges 17.95; A. Hodgins and Co. gas., 9.45; 'Slain Webb 'rep bridge 2.50; W. J. An- derson rani others, gravel ^ontraets 254.5te, Henry Mills, Com., 13,50; 7. Sim:, tome, 6.50; Wm: :�ieltol, rep. bridge 1.00; John Berney, ditto• refel; Henry Clark gravel contracts 74.0e ; heob. Geiser, -commissioner 6.15; H. Kuhn tile, 9.50; Albert Geiser, rep. bridge 1.75; Robert Pollok:, ditto.,4,00 Henry Clark and others, gravel con- - 35.40; Newton Clark, com. 4,00 Dan Oeatrescher, making concrete tile 13I.45 Treas. Exeter Age So:•i ty, rant 15.0e, Ed. Wilds, gravel and stork 32.75; Ditto., cat:le tag in- spector 21.00; J. 1lcLellan, 40.50: Dorn. Road ;Machinery Cotnp.tny scrapers 11.00; M. Sweitzer, lumbar. t,.70, H Clark and others grave.: ::entracte. 66.25. adjournment to call of Reeve. genre Either, Clerk. $L'I.GA1 WEAKENING.. Bz ttsh Pressure* on Eastern Balkan Line is Halving Its Effect. LONDON, Oct. 9.—While bile the En- tente forces holding the centre of the tiaeedoniau front remain inert, both hanks continue vigorously on the aggressive. Reports indieat- a weakening of the -Bulgarian resistance to the Brit- ish pressure on the eastern end of the line, beyond the Struma. here tine Bulgarians have evacuated the town of Nevolyen. which has been r_mt,et:a.•*ih•i1 by the Braise, and are re- .orte,e on the ra't:sat. The Irriti >t es have withstood numerous Ful - gerbil counter -tat :laths. and the con- solidation of all the eround eaane•d is now reported. The British ofki'ia l report reads: • Qn the Struma front the enemy owed uo aettvity. Our troop: have now consolidated all tlae ground gained. The total number of pris- oners captured in the recent opera - ions now amounts to three *facers and 339 men. "Our :artillery commenced a bom- bardment of Nevolyen, but after a Short time the enemy was seen evacuating the town, and it was oc- cu led by us without loss." he Berlin War Office report con- cedes that successes have been achieved by the British forces. The statement says the Bulgarians have evacuated remote villages on the east bank oP the river. .Tr. anti Mrs. John Wright spent, the holidays with her sister. Mrs. But - tier a. Ingersoll.—George Millso:a v's• eat ,.mh iiia brother Albert at Lu.•k- now for thanksgiving.—Philip McGee and Mary Whelihan spent the !=ot•ria:; With friends in town.—Gor<1c, Mor - rev let Saturday :or Camp Borden after spending his last leave with his parent be:Ore leaving for oversea wilt his battalion, the 110. Others who were home on last leave also were. Oscar Morley and Lorne Gun- niary of the 110thPerth Battalion. "nz. '1 dopey of the 270th, and Fred Brenner. o: the 161st.—With silo fill, in)z and threshing in full swing a- round bete the farmers- are very busy these days. -The anniversary serkiees at the chu rch here will be •preached by .Rev. Knight of Hensail on Sun- day.- Nov. 12.—Harvey Sutherby and E. Johnston of Landau spent Sunday here '.with relatives. Following is the. report of Union S. S No. 12, tsborne, for Sept. it is based an regularity, punctuality and • general proficiency,. the names ap- pearing in order of merit:—Sr..4-i5I. ca hiha• :, . .. Ihe,i .,.n, R. Brooks, J. �'4 eielihan, �: Duffield, Sr. 3—E. . Dale. Jr. 3-W Duftield. Sr. —M. 'Brooks, E. Dale, J .,Duffield, J. Whelihan. Jr. 2-L. Morley, 'F. Pollen, M. Johnston, L.. Hopkins. Pt. 2-K, Stevenson. Sr. Pt. 1—V. Hazelwood, M. t u11en, • J. Iiraoka. R. Parkinson, O. Dale. Jr, 1 I 'Harness. • Sr. Pt.—R. Duffield, D. Stevenson. Jr. Pt.—R. Squire. Best spellek for month, Lillian "Hopkins, Number on roll 28; average attend- ance • 20.—Miss E. B. Sutherby, tra- cher • (Too late for .last w-e:k.) Mr. and Mrs. Jas_ Cottrill of _Beth- any spent Sunday here at Jahn t >d - san's,—Aaron Davis of Saintsbury •spent Sunday here at Albert - Gun- nirig's H;Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Brooks s,i•e•nt=S-oixday, with John .Parks :it Lu.' ,:,an.—Cutting corn and filling silos is the rush these days.. The corn 13 a very gaud crop.—Mr.' and Mrs. This, Gunning spent Sunday, in St. Marys. The Soldiers'. Aid Society intend holding la Main Street Church on,O,:t, loth at, 8 o'clock, A Shaves for the boys at -the front. Xmas Stockings are being filled with sacks, handlIer- chiselu, :tooth brush and-'• paste, note per, envelopes, pencils, mouth or Ds , talcum -powder, cards, mirk colate• ;gum, pipes 'tobacco, lin 'n 1£ Lowe,18x27. Those vita are soZks' ltindly bring in by tt'e ssleli ' .lieiftriends.please send dad tress's •of�"the boys to Mrs. R; N. Creech as `we intend sending a *ear cel to each of 'the Exeter boys, To Investigate Highs Cost of Living. OTTAWA, Oct. 9. --The Dona/Won Government at a Cabinet Council, presided over by Hon. Robert Rogers as Acting Premier, appointed a Alin- isteriai sub -committee to investigate the cost of living. Earlier Hon. Mr. Rogers received a. delegation of officers of the Trades and Labor Congress, who brought before him one or two of the more important matters dealt with at the recent Toronto congress. The de- sirability of regulating, if possible, the steadily -advancing cost of domes - tie necessities was one of these. The labor men pointed out that since the beginning of the war food prices had gone to phenomenal heights, while wages had remained stationary, Mr. Rogers received the delegation sym- pathetically, and promised that the Government would look into the sit- uation ituation with a view to providing practical relief if possible. This promise was acted upon at. once in the appointment of the sub- committee, which consists of Hon. Robert Rogers, Hon. C. J. Doherty, and Hon. T. W. Crothers. The com- mittee will make a general investi- gation into the question, but the lines upon which the inquiry will be made have not been determined upon. The delegation made no con- crete suggestion for reducing the cost of living. _- - _ - Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. Dr. Eberle and Dr, Braithwaite n as welt as Dr. Simon all authors -agree that whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in. furnishing us with a clue to the princi- ples upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu- matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.; send a sample of urine and. de- scribe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice afterDr.Pierce's chemist has examined the urine --this will be carefully done without charge, and you will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce during many years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which he finds is thirty -eleven times more .power- ful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheuma- tism, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of 4.nurie" put up by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak women and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the blood have been favorably known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies to-day-aswell as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels. You can get a large trial package for lOe. of any one of these remedies by writing Dr. Pierce. Doctor Pierce's Peliets ate unequaled as a Liver Pill. One -tiny, Sx�aeAyar. aatm'. Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick - Headache, " Constipa- tion, .Bilious Headache, Dizziness,-Constipa-: tion, .indigestion, Bilious : Attacks, and all derangementsof the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. ' "Although I Had Little Faith in Them" That is the feeling of hundreds who have been helped by Ojai Pills. They ad- mit after the cure that when they used Coin rifle it did not neem possible that such a simple zenied1y couiid relieve such severe suffering. The line above, for in- stance, is fromthe letter of Mr. $. P. Herbert, ;Plessipville, recommending itt,i- gills FORTH •-- K1LaNEY5 Be says, in part, "I suffered from Hidney trouble for several Years. I have tried, nuzreroue remedies and used medical pcscn rimns 4,It? out having $ R erWareRt. relief, my case being chrollte. I decided to try Gin, kills although i had tut little faith in them. The tint dose gave me rellor. Since, I have taken four boxes of these lilts and I find myself completely cured.' If Tots have lapse back, swollen Suints, constant headaches, urinary troubles, stone, gravel. rheumatism, remember lsfr. J3erbort's euperienco utd ter Gin kills, At all druggists -50c. a box, or ,6 bozos for $2.59. Remember our guarantee of satisfaction or emir znoner bac'{. Write for A free sample to National Drug & Chemical: Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto{ Ont. V, S. Address- fila fru-0o. Sue. 202 Alain St., uu>Talo, XT. Ia. LugzazY APPLES WANTED at the Exeter F.vaporater. 40 cents a hundre:i for n :;'lin: apples Rueea Keys of S•a:,orth creamery iI then pc>si, ton with the Was- eaelaze t: r :ornery Rev. John Hart of at. ,liege-; le gene -vans,' old ari:nis aa1 tl:• iia, .alit:. --Mrs. Renee- epeta L' sale end with ; a tisai h •r -.1Ir. Ash 64' 'i hedsor;.i spint a[t= a.: a end at Jae Hiorton's.—Jas, lital znti's; and Arthur t: empbe'«l :irtve been !One silos •n this- lo,;liity this %%v i;, an•.i .lo the work h a hurry.— Mae, Ford ref Hensel: visited h. r fere here—Quite a number fromnta�+ went to Ilensail Tua,:la.y° to till fare-. well to the lolst. Pres. Parker Pros `tiRra i .. and \ 'ilkinso n were hate tor tour (leas' leave.—Th: Misse.; Mil- ler s,,ent 1 iianksgivin; at thir home here. --Mrs Sarah Broadfoot is ay. proving: the ..pentane: of her hain by painting. --Jas. Horton purchased the old church sheet at C hiselhurst for a drive shed. --Geo. Dalrymple and Jack Glenn were in St. Marys Satur- day delivering horse's.—Mrs, .1\'. Glenn spent the holiday in London with her mother, who had the misfor- tune to have a fall Auction Sale ThE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR E•i)MUIiD WALKER. C.V.O.. LL.D., D.C.L., President JOHN AIM. General Manager. H. V. F. JONJ S. Asst General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000.. FARMERS' ,BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes tyre supplied free of charge on application x64 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON--S. 'elf, Johnson, Mor. INCORPORATED IOU E MQLSQNS Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters or Credit Bank Menet orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Alanager. .1811,11V8100.1.11111/1110114 && ** *a,.,aae„rus see OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Thera wilt be sold by public auc- tion on Lot 10, Con, 7, Usborne, at Elimrille on Friday, October, 20th 1916, at one o'clock p.m. sharp, the following Horses—Brood mare 11 years old, Le foal to Ascots Fiero;; eged mare; mar. rising 4 years old, by uncle John ; idle rising 2 years, Ascot Heir paeir mate 3 yrs. old, by etoaclnlas- ter, web broken; sucking colt by As • - cot Heir. Cattle -4 good Durham cows, sup- posed to be in calf to thoroughbred Durham bull; Durham cow, registered supposed to be in calf ; Durham bull calf 7 months old, .eligible for regis- tration ; 2-y ear -old heifer; 2 yearling steers; yearling heifer and 5 spring calve.: 100 ,Minorca hens and pullets. Implements -Massey -Harris binder; Brantford mower; horse rake; :fisc harrow seed drill, root pullser, fan- ning mill, iron harrows, walking plow Tie Laval cream separator, 500 lbs. capacity nearly new ; wagon, buggy, cutter, set bobsl:ighs, set double har- ness. 'set single harness, both new; logging chain, cow chains, scythes shovels, and other articles too numer ous to mention. "7 tons good timothy hay, 2.acnes acorn -yin shock; 300 bush- el. oats for seed,•75 bus. feed barley a quantity of lumber. Household Effects -6 kitchen chairs fell! feel•.' treble, wood stove, coal hea- ter, churn, a number pails and milk pans and numerous other household reticles. Terms -55 and under cash; aver that amount 12 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A :'.is:ount tot 5 per ,cent. oft for cash. Grain cash. C. W. Robinson, ' Sam'1 Balkwill, Auctioneer .. Proprietor. Auction - Sale OF CHIOCE FARM STOCK on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1916 at 'CROMARTY STOCK YARDS Con .10, Township of Hibbert, at 1 o'clock,' the Ioalowing property,—'• fHarses-1 pair geldings, 4 an& 5. pears, agricliltueal•,• 1 'brood mare, agori:ultura I ; '2 fillies : 2 and 3 years, ag- ricultural; 2 colts;l year .old. • Cattle -5 cows dine, at time of sa`e; 2 heifers due at -shite of sale ; 5 cows due in November, 2 cows with calf at foot; 6 beef firing ;heifers 15 steers two -yr -old, good feeders; 15 year- ,tins •; "steers a end•, heifers; 14 calves. Hold's -A number of.sows due before January and somewith•,:litter 3t foot, Positively io reserve las. the cattle h,ave been on pasture Yand• can,no.t. ,fie held over winter. • Ternis-6 months credo,it will be giv- en onfuinu.htag ap;bro'ved joint notes disc st'o1, 5 per cent. per annum )ft for cash. .Javind Gardiner & J:•.G. Scott, Props: Themes Cameron, 'Auctioneer, !SO'`? NO! —not from the heating system we .put in your home. No gas either. We guar- antee it, and Clare Taros. makers of the FIecla Furnace back our guarantee frith theirs. This is the only warm air furnace with gas -mid -dust -proof Fused Joints. Old or new, these joints can never open. Dust and gas must always go out the chimney. And this "clean" heating comes from the Furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask for booklet and plans. , H. Spackman,, Exeter Representatives of.CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the IIECLA MELLOW AIR FURNAC E D CHIROPRACTTC (KI -ROP R AK -TIC) The Master of Disease The cause of disease removed from the spine—no cause no affect. You cannot get around facts, no matter how' sJ eptsc al you are, and if yosu are not well we can ,convince you that Chiropractic is the logical science for the relief of disease, based on a thorough knowledge of adjusting the ver- tebrae of :the spine (or backbone) thus 'relieving interference with life cur- rents, .which is the cause of disease. The body, like .any other machine will work normally when all its parts awe in place so the energy will, apply. In the human body the energy is called life currents: It is transmitted through the nerves from the •brain cells to the tissue cells of the body and so long as the. nerve channels are free the life currents will pass • to the place of function, and normal activity will mesult—which means HEALTH. Consult us on rany disease. One visit will convince you that Chiro- practic is right. Any of the organs or glands of the body may become diseased "trom pressure . on nerves. Have this, pressure removed. Why treat et'ftecte; I'• you have any of the sollowing ailments, stop'treating effects, • Slave the cause removed—no cause, no :effect. We have helped your friends, we can' do the same foe you. • Abscesses Asthma sip lentlicitie Bronchitis Bladder Troubles C onstitlatiienl Catarrh Dyspepsia Deatness Diabetes. Female Weakness Fevers Gall: Stories Gaffes Heart Disease. Hay Fever Insanity Indigestion Jaundice Kidney; Diseases Liver Troubles Lumbago Nervous Debility Neuralgia Piles Paralysis Pharnygitis Pleurisy Rheumatism in an part of the; body. Sciatica .. Sight Stammering 'St. Vitus' Dance Tie; douloureaux 1.Jt jnary Diseases These pre only a few of the diseases' as `our space' is limited • If you are a sufferer from any cheone• trouble sena Dr. S. M. Jones Monday,; Wednesdays' and Fridays, Exeter, opposite the Roller. Mills, Consultaltion an examination ire. r " .terra #, A