HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-10-5, Page 8E'1`ER . llil.UEATE, ''r'HURSDAY OCT 5 1B1B EXETER MARKETS CHANGED FACE 'WED ESDAY1 Wheat elle ..,... 4,. 1: 5 L46 Oats 0 to .55 Potatoes, per bag . • 20t Slay . per ton 10.00 0,30 Flour, per cwt 2` Flour, low grade a OU, Shorts, per ton UO Bran, per ton Qg .............. ... 32 room through illness. 32 te laa- Butter Creamery cwt. 10.45 'sa'tehev tvurta7effect an the y.. Hogs, per LOCA. DOINGS. 4f nEicara,c�c�Ac�Licsl�•aQcae ' PPLES WANTED at the Exeter 1 raporator. 40 cents a hundred for peeling apples Thanksgiving Day. on Monday fie xt ;Sire,. T. G. 'Creech is confined to her is. R Bedtord 5s .offering a lin- - ite:l Quantity of sugar before stock- taking. ti` 7.75 per. hundred. -- MIS; j, J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Sge:.ta:is• will be at the Central !-Io- te;, Exet r, Saturday, October 14, from 10 an 8 lam - CARD OF THANKS :+1r and Mrs. Richard Welsh wish to express their sincere. thanks to*he friend.; .i tel neighbors for their acts of :kindness anti sympathy extended during the illness and subsequent death of Mr. Balkw'i11, PIAS LOST --On Main StreetEx- eter, on Na -tlnesclay night a small pur- se eontaiaing a number of cop:xerst Finder wit be suitably rewarded by returning same to -Miss Schwartz, Cen- tral Hote;, TiTine Hydro line between here and Hensel' was... completed on Saturday. Doris, daughter a Mr. and 1'1rs, Ed. Stewart of London, is very ill at p:resen t. •Next year no minister of the Lon - dor. Methodist district will receive less than the minmum salary of $ 900, Bishop Williams conducts acoafirnt- ation seriice in ,the Trivia Memorial 'the earlypart\ e Church qn ly ofNovember. tuber, Messrs. Amy Wexler and Julus So- koloff lost one of their wagon hor- ses by death at Kirkton last week. The new three, cent stamp has made its appearance. Being a dark brown it is now easily distinguished from the two. Mr. Milo Snell sold Ford cars re- cently to Victor Heywood of Usbornet Pat Flanagan of Stephen, and Dr. Orme of Crediton, The Exeter evaporator opened for operations on 'Monday. The 'fruit in AUCTION SALE.--Householder-this district is rather • on the small feats, the pros -rty el. Henry Mal:ins, aide ani wormy .but the crop is :fair, Andrew Street, on Saturday, Oct 7 at Z o'ciocla `ierm, •cash, B,' la, Phil- lips Acct. BROOCH LOST. --Gold Broo:'h set with pearls, Iretwe{en Mr. A. Walters' and air, J, :Walters' residences, on Sep. s22. ate 011ice del kindlyreturn reward,e :9dyos VILLAGE RESIDENCED FOR S ALE•- A storey and half brick house, one aecres of land, hard and soft water, well situated. Two good building lots in property. Price rea- sonable. apply at Advoccate Office MISS J. 3• ALLAN, Eye 'Sight Specialist, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Esher, Saturday, October 14, from Ott a,rr, tc. 8 prm. PtRN1TCRE FOR SALE—Wm. Rollins will. sell prizately a number of articles of bedroom. and kitchen furni- ture. stoves,, linoleum, etC., at his re- cent residence, London Road He will also rent the house. Apply to A. Rollins, The soldiers of Exeter and vicinity who are returning ton their last leave before going oversea are being ban- queted and entertained on Friday ev- ening by the citizens. Rev Baird of James Street church will preach anniversary services at Chiselhurst on Sunday afternoon and evening, Rev. Knight of Henna will occupy the James Street pulpit in the evening Harvest Howie services were held in James Street church on Sunday, and the pastor Rev. Baird preached ap- proirkate .sermons while the music and the decorations were in accord with the harvest season. Mr. James Walters was taken aid- den'sy .11i tit .Messrs, Jones 8: May's store or: Saturday and for a time his case assumed a very serious aspect. He hots -es -sr, has much improve;' sinal and i, now around again, Mrs Ann Gardiner, who recently disposed ot her dwelling, sold 'ger hold effects, by public auction oa Thursday last, and in future will re- side with relatives, Her son Mr, Peter Gardiner, ot Blyth, was here looking AUCTION SALE tatter her interests on the day of 'the G. R. Bedford has exchanged his sale, storeand business cnn Main Street for a farm and will naw o:fer his beau- tiful residence on Huron Street; also the two new houses on William St., Auction on Oct. 14th, if not sold priv- iously to that date. Information as to G. R. ford.—C W.Robirce or terms nson,lyto Auctioneerr.-d FRESH GROCERIES always in Stock We take Butter and Eggs in exchange giving the highest market prises,—H Beirling, Exeter North. WANTED AT ONCE, --Young wo- men desiring employment in town can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Ca, who has several good positions vacant. The work is light and clean, the hours are very short and wages are paid while. learning. Steady position and good, wages assured to anyone giving it a trial. Apply at once, JACKSON 11g-ANUFACTURING CO., EXETER. --x—o—x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of lt' ine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade 55.50 per :on; 50e. per bag. EXETER SAL 1 WORKS Co„ Ltd j Su'ton, Manager., MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders a: the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness required, SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent qua[tn of Sarnia made salt toe' sale al Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronaze is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. Mts. Wm, Fletcher moved Tuesday to the residence she purchased from Mrs alawksbaw and recently vacated ha Mrs Yager. Mr. William Snell who purchased Mrs. Fletcher's house, will move in from Usborne this week. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Snell to Exeter, CITIZENS FAREWELL TO 161ST BATTALION The citizens of Exeter will • tender a concert to the members of ,the 161- st battalion recruited in Exeter, . on Friday !evening, Oct. 6th, at 8 o'clock' in the. Opera ./,House. Let all cone. and give the boys a memorable ;are - well 'evening, Admission 25 cents. A Fowl Supper will be served in the Faaentent of James Streit Meth, odist Church on Friday, October 6th for the soldiers and theta wives, Mr, G. J, Dow shipped a carload of horses to Montreal this week, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. R. Bedford an- nounce the marriage, of their daughter Valeria to, .Mr, William H. Armstrong, the marriage to take place in October, Tho Soldiers' Aid Society intend holding in Main St. Church on Aug. loth at 8 o'clock, AShower for the boas at the front. Xmas Stockings aro ,being filled with socks, handker- chief.;, tooth brush and paste, note paper, +envelopes, pencils, mouth -or- gans talcum powder, cards, mil chocolate bum, pines,tobacco, linen crash towels, 18x27. Those who are knitting socks kindly bring in by the 16th. Will the friends please send the -addresses of the boys to .Mrs. R N. Creech as we intend sending a par- cel to each of 'the Exeter boys. SMITH—FISHER,—The marriage took place, quietly ,at nine o'clock in the morning of Tuesday, October 3rd at the#^ home of the bride's uncle, Mr. A. G. Dyer, Exeter, when alias Mary J. Fisher, daughter of .the late Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fisher, became the bride of :Sir Arthur C, Sm ith of Brantford, The ceremony was performed by Rev. J W, Baird, pastor of James Street :Methodist church. Bride and groom were unattended, After the cere- mony. yr, and Mrs. Smith left by auto for a short trip before going to Brantford where they will reside. The best wishes of the bride's many friends go with them. FELL Tt'VENTY FINE FEt.T,-- Norman ,1McDonald, son af Mr. Joseph McDonald Hay Township, sustained a sever; shaklug-up and :arob tbiy s:>r- iou, injury. while engaged with J Xrl John 1-lunkin inerecting a cement slo on the farm of 'Mr, Rabt• Atkinson, east at Centralia, on Friday last. They were nearing the top when the scar - told gave away and precipitated \1r. McDonald and Earl Atkinson„ son of the owner of the 'farm, to the ground, a distance cif twenty-five feet. Young Atkinson escaped with but a' slight shaking -up, while. McDonald did not fare. so well, one of his feet being severely ,injured and he was otherwise badly shaken -up, Owing to the in- tense swelling it is not at present east to ascertain just how severely the foot is injured. The regular monthly meeting of the Patriotic League was held in the Tom n. HaU on ,Monday evening, Oct, Znd The Fair Day receipts were —Booth at grounds 564,33; booth at Town Hall $30,60; Tags s87,2b; sheds 519,03; Total $201,26. All the lad • les are invited to come and bring their Xmas Stocking to Trivia Mem- orial Hall on Friday afternoon, Oct, Lith a t3 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Anyone who has not been. supalied with a stocking kindly put your gitts in a box with your uame and address on the outside. It is',ug. Bested that we send any of the fol- lowing articles,—pocket mirror, poe- m ISet pencil on pen, chewing „ aLin or chicklets, handkerchiefs, writing pa- per chocolates, etc,—Mrs. W. j,Beer, Secretary. ADVISED tTOBUY SEED NOW —Farmers of Old Ontario and Quebec arc lacing a serious shortage of potat- oes 'The condition of the +,rop tier- oughotft 'North America is such that tne,• would be well advised to pur- chase now their seed supply for ,text staring. Good 'healthy stocks of ',un- able varieties may be obtained at rea- sonable prices in parts of Eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces says toe seed branch Ottawa. OLDEST NATIVE DEAD.—Mon- day las.% friends and relatives laid to rest thee remains of the oldest native- barn resident of Exeter, We refer to the death of William Eaikwill, who died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Richard Welsh, Andrew street, on Friday last at the age of 79 years and. 3 months. About 21 months ago, while visiting in London he was the victim of a stroke of paralysis, from which he never recovered. When his condition would permit he was remov- ed to the home here of his sen -in-• law, Mr. Richard Welsh, but he nev- er regained his farmer robust health, and slowly waning the enol came as stated. Deceased was a son of the late James Balkwill and was -born on the old homestead a little south of town, where he lived :all his life till h: retired iron the farm and moved BRM ISH. RED CROSS APPEAL to Exeter .about 14 years ago. lie married early in life, taking as his life partner Lizzie Gill, mho prede- ceased 'hila 26 years. Mr. BalkwilI habits and man o industrious- h U n o•as •a £u had man y good traits,and wasmuch respected respected by .a large circle of friends. He was a staunch Conservativeand a member of the iVlain street Methodist Church, where he was constant in his attendanc=e when health permitted. •ie is survi'red by ane son ,and five daugh tern—Mr.; W. A. Balkwillwof town; ' Mand Mrs. BrL- m ales. R. J. Campbell . R acarnbe pf. Hamilton; Mrs. A. J. od- lins . Stephen; lifers. Richard Welsh and Mrs.J...Delbridge of town. The funeral, which was private, took place Monday to the Exeter .cemetery. • FARM FOR SALE Bela; Lot 25, Con. 1, Usborne, con t:ain:-ta Ile acres; also Lot 5, Can. 1, Tp. of Hay directly opposite, con-, tainine 50 acres. On the former is a 1; storey frame house, with woodshed large bank barn 70x72, good stabling: underneath, water supply to stable' by tank.; clriring shed 27x36. and hen house, Well fenced, mostly wire,and wen un ferdraizte.'., Farms sold toget• her o- separately. Ru al mai and tel- eph'.ne. Pessessi 1 '; v'n Nov. lst. Annie to Robt, Munn, R.R.3, Exeter. Proclam ation. FIStILR--BAKERR—The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thurs- clay jast, Sept. 28th, at high noon, when their daughter, .Miss Ella Beat- rice became the bride of Mr. George Clark ,Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Usborne. The bride looked very pretty as she en- tered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. She was dressed in cream silk, wearing the customary :•eii ct:ught up with orange ulossome, Inti earlie1/41 citant roses. ales. Isaac -Jul fated is matron o1 honor and 'ar,aed pink roses. The ceremony vas firer - d ,ornie:i by Rev. 3• W. 13�ir3 axc to look Plate unue, an arch of draped :lace curtains trimmed with myrtle and white lilies,. and banked with ;lowers cwhu: two white gates scpatated the r The the guests. Th s t'rpmu brad:,, party t� ereinony and gratulations over 311 re- pairs.: to the dining room which was drapeJt in red; .white and 'blue f'tq t- ing, and hags, where a sumptuous re - pas: wa, served. The presents were nurneece t and costly showing the es- teem in which the young people are held• Among them was a 'Grand- father':: clock,the gift of the groom's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders The groom's gift was a ca- bines of silverware. Guests were pre sent from Ethel, Granton, Woodstock an Moosejaw. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fisher motored, to \'St'o.odstock and . then toot: the train for Toronto Niagara and [Marmara. On their return they reside on the groom's farm in Usborne. The best wishes are ex tender.' to the young couple. - OCTOBER 19, 1916. Whereas; the President of the Brit- We Red Cross Society has made an urlein anneal throughout the Empire, for 'lila to be. collected on Thu_rs- day 7-t. 19th, for the relief of the suffer" r soldiers and sailors at the caribi' seats of war; And whereas our Province of On- ta,ria ''a; manifested its desire to do its full share; And vhereas the British Red Cross Society 'a caring for the wounded oft every .,l wed Nation; And whereas the cost of this work is so great :that all parts of the Em- pire are called uno'n to assist in ad- equately. meeting it; And whereas the Lieut.-Gavernos of Ontario, has issued a proclamation to all municipalities to help in the work, for, call Therefore I, John W.Ta Y , upon alt citizens ,together' with Pate rictic Societies to attend a publiic meeting in the ,Public Library, Exeter Always bears on Wednesday, October 4th, at a the o'clock, to discuss ways and means of ?ignattixte cf best aiding the work of the Society, ;.CASTO R , For Infants and Childre.i 30 Years liaise JONES & MAY MONO NO. 8`s JUST ARRIVED Two New Shipments of Ladies' & Children's Coats WE HAVE JUST. OPENED TWO FRESH SHIPMENTS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FALL AND WINTER COAT'S THESE GAR- MENTS ARE IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES 'AND NEWEST - FABRICS: They include an exceptionally; fine range of black SealPlush Coats Prices Moderate, New House Furnishings, Including Rugs, L noieurs, Curtains, Etc. We have an immense .range of Rugs. Linoleumns, Mattings, Curtains, and Curtain Nets for the corning season. Many of these lines are at al- most old prices. We have fifteen gpod yatterns of linaleuuns to 'select from. Room Rugs in a great variety of patterns, Make your selections early before prices are higher New Velvets for Dresses and Suits 'Velvets are amort; the most popular fabrics for the. coming season for both suits and dresses. We have allthe popular shades in plain and cor- duroy 'effects, Good fast ']yes are used 'an all ,our velvets. Prices Sat to 75c, a 4yard. Wonderful Values - Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats Our Clothing Department is simply overflowing with men's and boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. In order to reduce this immense stock we offer remarkable values in all th ese lines MEN'S NEW FELT HATS IN ALL POPULAR STYLES AND COLORS SPEGI-AL—Just arrived, another shipment of Ladies' Large Bungalow aprons. Old Price 50c. LIVE POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES ARE PAID - JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Ss'nfoild Clothing Farm For Sale Pt. Jot '18 and 19, bona 1 Tp. of 1l7aborne, County orf Hutton, Zn the' Village of Exeter, containing 100. acres of choice land. On thin property is a brick dwelling, large bankbarn silo. drive and milk house, hog and ben house. The buildings of this prop- erty are all ap•,,to-mate with water, in tstatiite, Form S,p firtst class state of cultivation and must be bold as the ,rro_priietor's health has failed. Poss- ession 1st oP November. Fifield of CO= to go with farm. Everyt sonven- ienoe for carrying on a milk business 'which is much needed in the town of tExeter. E. Hewett. prop., For 'vermis and par'ticular's apply to Thos. Pamer- an. It. R. No. 1, Kirkton Mrs. Powell was in • Woodstock for the 'cc eek end Mrs Paisley and son Jim returned to IJetr'oit last week. Mrs. Stiver of Toronto is visiting with ;Mrs. E. A. Follicle Mis•, M. E. Brawn, nurse, of Toronto is holidaying at her home here, Miss Marion Blatchford spent a few days with relatives in Lucan last week M.• Roland Snuires has returned from the West where he spent a few weeks. Mr. Ed Christie will judge light horses at Florence and Otterville this week. Mr, John Thompson of St. Marys was renewing acquaintances in town Saturday. Mrs. Campbell of her attend- ed the funeral iof her father- Mr, W. Balkwill thins week. ' Emma Ham a Misses 'Elizabeth and E bliss I of Brantford visited. friends in this e fi vicinity last week. ,Mr. Norman Ford of Detroit is here spending a. couple weeks at the fr. ath home of his e Mt and Mrs. W. H. Levett aura Miss Mary Carling spent several days in Toronto last 'week, • Dr George Seldon of Vancouver, B. C. Was the, ,guest ,of hist brother R G. here this week. Mr, and Mrs. Luther Braund of Brantford motored here Sunday and spent the day with ;relatives. Mr and Mrs. Percy Baker of Moosejaw Sask., are visiting relatives in this vicinity for at few weeks. Rev. C. W. Sanders, who recently resigned his charge as; rector at'lsrant_ ford, preached Thanksgiving Services Sid he L avrchurch on Sunday in the Luck i y having been •rector of that patish for a number of years. On his return to Brantford he dropped off here and spent a couple of days with his mo- ther Irs• Thos. Sanders. Mr. M. Fletcher returned from a trip west on Monday evening. ivirs. Thompson, of London spent the week end with her son, Mr, Wm. Thompson, R N Creech was in Burgessville last week attending the funeral of a friend Mr. James Howell. gr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore are holi- daying; in Hamilton. Mr. Brocklinbai is relievingi•:14Ir. [Dere at th(e G.. T. R. station. ----- OCTOBER FORECASTS—In the west there will be , indications of brewing storms as 'early as the 7th and Bth. These indications will bring clouds, wind and rain promptly in western states. By the' 9th storms of wind, rain and possibly thunder gusts, will develop and start on their east- ward journey. On; and about the 10th and lltb these storms will be central osier a vast area, stretching up and down the great central valleys. Heavy gales will naturally attend these storms breasting into possible fury as they pass (weQ" the lake regions. v ons Close on the western flanks oaf these storms tae barometer will rise rapidly, stiff, bor- eal 'gales twill eet in from the North west and an tunseasonably cold wave will follow in the wake(la the • se storms over almost the entire country, HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? !ai1ore iChoice RFurniture Suits Illlll Caats5 R. N. EOWE OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME Then . you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. Torestore that strength and statninathat is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, 'be- cause its strength - sustaining nonrish- ment invigorates theblood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic valve sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked' or lack strength, get Scott's $mulsion to -day." -At any drug store. Scott & Bowner Toronto, out. THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASTbS GOATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS PRE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.— MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE OUR NEW COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. a -- We also) have a nice ,range of Men's Over Coatings and Suiitings. GIVE US A GALL N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEAL-Ek noose 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest grogeries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Story Advanced Styles for Autumn and Winter in Men's Clothing 'We are, showing our special, order samples now and ,can give you the newest cloths made 'ea the latest styles by Greene Swift, Limited, London We will be pleased to have you look them over, We have some special values ;in I'lerrs Ready-to-wear Suits. BOOTS AND SHOES INA COMPLETE RANGE Children's .School Shoes Asteria Shoes for ;Mari. Women's Cushion. Sole Shoes Men's Heavy Work Shloes B. W. F. Beavers r r a a b b a 5 c '3 tl b e U'1 N W T T D T. R S