HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-28, Page 8EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY ........1.15 Wheat............. Oats elle 50 to 55. .... .. 2.50Potatoes, per bag 10.00Hay, per ton. 4:1.5 Flour per .. \vt .. ,. •• ? �� Flour, l per one,.. .,...a�1.001 Shorts, 9 00 Bran, per ton ............... '30 Egg; Butter . ,elle ........ 30 Creamery Butter 11.39. Hoe., per cwt,. ,..,. Tin. Canning Fac for w started t .r- ation.: on the corn pa., last LO -I B,twe en Centralia and Fait field. b a k hand bag, nontaining pan go10 n a'ne 4;asses, a dellar bill, and an al; :-essc { 'atter. Fender' -'Q mmun- ifatc' airs Wrn. Hicks or Advo - nate h t O:tiCe, PURSE LORT. 3 purse on Sept 13 be:tweat Grand Bend' and Exeter,cons gaining 'eight or nine dollars in !Ails and Same Pavers. Purse was a long; blae:. ,father folder, with Molsons Bank oa .t. Finder pleas' leave with !Miss Olive Grein, Grand Bend, are. rezeiv: reward. BROOCH LOST.—Gold Brcazhset with pe•Ar1s. between ;Sir. A. Walters' let lir J. Walters' residences, on Sep. ZZ Findet kindly �returnatto Ador n. nano °nice and e HORSE FOR SALE. --Quiet driver and good worker. Apply Alto Wm,. Hodgert Liveryman, Exeter VILLAGE RESIDENCE") E. GALE— A storey and halt house, one a.:cres of land, hard and soft water, well ,situated. Two good building Porea- sonable. p•laAdoosatei.if TRNT A small 1ratne dwelling on the South side of Huron street in the Vil- lage of Exeter. together with either one ca. two acres of land. For par- tieutar:• apply to Ernest Elliot, Exeter. � MILK WANTED. --By a party sag to at..r t milk rout inExe ere 500 lbs. of milk daily. For particulars apply to B. W. F. Beavers, Exeter. FURNITURE FOR SALE—Wrn. Rollins will soli privately a number of articles of bedroom and kitchen iurni- ture, stoves. linoleum, etc„ at his re- Cent xesidence, Londa! Road south. cE1e will also rent the house. Apply to ',A,. Rollins. AUCTION SALE G. R. Bedford has e',.hanped his store and business on Ma -i Street fon a fares and will now n ,er his beau- tiful residence on Huron Street; also the two new houses on William St., Auction on Oct, 14th, if not sold prir- iously to that date. Int cr nation as to price or terms apply ford.—C W. Robinson, Auctioneer. FRESH GROCERIES always in Stock Ws take Butter and Eggs in exchange giving the highest market prices.—H Beirling, Exeter North, WANTED AT ONCE.—Young wo- men desiring employment in town can find it by applying at once to the Jackson -Manufacturing Co., who has several good positions vacant. The work is light and clean, the hours are very short and wages are paid while learning, Steady position and good wages assured to anyone giving- it a trial. Apply at once, JACKSON aANUFAGTURING CO., EXETER, 400 TONS SALT -400 toms of liter Land and Cattle Salt for sale. AU grades $5.50 per ton; 50c, per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co„ Lid J Sutton, Manager. MARRLAGE LICENSES 12t) by C H. Sanders a. the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness require°. ---a--- SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for :We at Old Temperance House, .at the G T R. station. Sold iif any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfactiot is guaraifteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Eaet+?'r. FARM FOR SALE Being; Lot 25, Con. 1, Usborne, con- taining 100 acres; also Lot 5, Con. 1, Tp. of Hay directly opposite, con- taining 50 acres. On the former is a list storey frame house, with woodshed. large bank barn 70x72, zoo o stabling underneath, water supe ly by tank; driving shed 20x36, and ben housr. Well fenced. mostly wire, and wel underdraine:l. Farms sold toget- her ephnesePRa ossesaion given Nov,ild lst. /Spate to Robt. Munn, R.R.3, Exeter. roclamation. ExErEk A17.SrUI ATI;, ` ULIRSDAY SEPT. ,()CAL f\I ENGS Capt. C. E. Doawney reported Mon- day ion day at Quebec, leaving almost immed- iately for overseas to resume his mil- itary duties in England. Rev A, A. Trumper while in Lon- don last week, •was one of the first prize winners •in the Scotch Double tournament at the Rowing Club. •The Soldiers' Aid Society intend holding. ,t Miscellaneous Shower of Christmas Articles on Oct. 160 for the soldiers overseas. Particulars later. Atte- seven years' ServiceRey. W. Sanders, rector- of St. John's An- glicro, Church, Brantford, an Exeter. Old Boy, has tendered his resignation to tater a needed rest \\'a understand that Mr. and Mrs. Robt Sw ee: and daughter are moving back to. town from Sarnia. Mrs Sweet has been under the doctor's .are. — Clinton New -Era. • Relatives here receives a telegram from Detroit on Friday last that Mrs. Frown nee i:dith Gould, daughter of dr John Gould, formerly of Exeter, died in that :ity that day. She was tav- csrabry known by many here. Mr. John Jacobs who, has been in the west for the past tew weeks, re- turned home Thursday. Learning of his a-rrival a number of friends garbed in various costumes serenaded hint; nd afterwards spent a :pleasant evening. The S eafarth Nova last week pass- ed irons the ipassession of Mr. R. D. Crott, who has ,owned it for sev- eral years, into the hands of Rev. J. 1 'Snowden, for the past ten years owner and editor of the Manitoulin Expo$-itot of Little Current, Ont. The pulpit of the James Street ehur.h was beautifully banked with 'lowers on Sunday, last for the Sun. day School rally in the afternoon. i The school met in ,the auditorium and a program of choruses, songs, read- , Ings. addresses, and reports tit the lasses was given 'Miss Agnes Hamilton, teacher, Who resigned at the commencement of the term lett 1 hursday morning to nom- n,nc-v her duties nn Tiincart! na High School Retort leaving the staff and pupils presented her with a beautiful manicure set. Miss Dobson, the new teacher arrived from Toronto the previou.. evening to take Miss Handl- ton's place. The Logic Circle of the Presbyter- int resb yteei.n ,hurch have succeeded in getting Rev. J. B. Henderson. formerly of Hon salt. now of British Columbia, to ad- dress their Thank Offering meeting ort Wednesday night of this week. Ail are invited whatever their creed or party. He Will speak on "Canadian Citi4enship. The meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church. Th,: display of vegetables and flow - ers by the scholars of the looter School in the Teachers' Room on Friday last was:well worth seeing and reflected credit on those making the exhibits, Prizes were awarded and the list we expect will attpear tater. Mrs. A. E. Pulse and Mrs, R,N,Cseech rud el the flowers and Messrs F \V, RO :I Who res Mr. W. D. Sanders of Stephen has a ditching machine in operation. on his farm and numerous chains are being put down. W. D. is a thorough be- Bever in draining the Iantl as well as .cientifie cultivation The Ina -i chine is owned by Mr. Jas. Boyse of ., Seaforth and we understand he has a number of ,draining ,contracts to. complete before returning, It is a, complete outfit, dotes the work well and is ire competent hands. DIED IN LONDON.—There died in London .on Sept. Z4th, Mary, beloved it fe of Thomas Howard, at the age of 61 yeaxs. Mrs. 'Howard's maiden name vas Mary Perkins, being a daughter of the late Henry Perkins of iisborne, and for a number of years resided here on Main Street south of the river, on the brow of the hili. She left here about ten years go tor London, n\ -here she married Mr. Howard and has since resided in that city. The funeral took places ori Tuesday. .last to the \Vcolland Cemetery. The relatives here attend- ing the funeral were, Mrs, Chas. Hoop- -Miss Eunice Down, MTs. Thomas Harvey and Mrs. S. M. Sanders. but took Place on Sept 27th, at the home of the bride's moth- er firs. Sam Passmore, Exeter, when her daughter, _Hiss Minetta Jane, be- came the bride of fir. C, Robinson, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Mitchell. Only the immediate relatives were present. The ceremony was performed byRer. Muxworthy at 2.30 o'clock. The young couple were unattended. The bride was handsomely attired in grey Duch- ess satin add carried pink roses, The ceremony congratulations and the luncheon over, the young couple left by :train the same evening for their future home in Detroit, 'the bride travelling in a blue tailored Suit, The Advocate extends congratulations and best wishes. RUNAWAY TEAM --A Seam of heavy larin horses owned by Mr. An- drew Holgert of Usbarne, and driv- en by his son John, while left stand- ing in front ,et Mr: John Bell's ,resi. dente Main Street, on Tuesday at- ternoon last, becante frightened at some. unknown object and ran :may. They went a: a. pretty lively sag until they ran amuck of Dr. Hynde man's auto whivh was standing in :cont of the ;(.Doctor's office The off horse was completely thrown i riff its feet thus both were brought i to a standstill. The, front part of the auto was considerably damaged snd the windshield was completely de- moiLhed the horse's head ;'oing', through it. The, horse striking the auto receivld a fewcuts, but the in- juries were slight. JONES—SNELL—A pleasing event' took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs Wm. Snell, Usborne, on Wednes- morning, Sept .27, at eleven o'clock when their daughter Miss Orca be- came the bride .of :Ilk. George Jones. son of Mr. Henry Jones, London Road, The ceremony was perforated by the bride's uncle, Rev. Jas. Snell assist- ed by Rev. Barnard, in the presence of about one hundred and twenty-five Giadman and S. Martin the vegetables,' guests The TAride was given away ;by her father and was handsomely The case of Chas. Lochner of Ship- !gowned In white satin with silkk ovr- ka against Richard Patton of McGiI f laze triinined with ,pearls, and -serried tivray was tried by Magistrate W.D.: white roses, Her sister, Miss .\lerrl, Sanders in the Library on Monday. was bridesmaid, and was dressed' in me- action of the plaintiff against pint- sill: trimmed with cream lace the detendant was for obstru•. tion o: tend pink satin and carried pink roses, the highway, causing the former to'The groom was supported by,hiscon- damage the radiator of his automobile sin, lir. Ray Francis. The ceremony b\.' coming in contact with the Lai k and congratulatirons over all partook of defendant's wagon is attempting to o' a sumptuous wetdtling dinner, and pass same an the road, It was alters- !the young couple aster took • th e ed that defendant did not give a evening train for a trip to Toronto, .part of the road when signalled to ! and Buffalo. On their return ,they do se. The magistrate held that tine 1 will reside. on the groom's farm south eviden ie bore this out, and imposed o; town. Mr, and Mrs. Jones have a fine 04 $1,00 and Costs. amounting tiri best wishes o1 the Advocate.. in ;all to Slb; m,...�--- , DEATH CF MRS. CLARKS,—The. PATRIOTIC LE.e GU.I .—The Re- sad death t.,ok place an Friday al - boar monthly meeting will b. held in ternaon last at the Maisons Bank real - the' Town Hall on Monday evening, den OS Vivian Wilson, wife of vIr, October 2, at 7.30. We wish to , Wataze 'D C' :rke, manager of the thank the Trustees of the different : Molsons Bank, at the age of 33 years. churches for the use ,of the sheds on' The late Mrs. Clarke was taken ill in Fair Day:—Mrs. W.J. Beer, Sec,. ( February last, and was taken to St. -o-- . Joseph Hospital, London, for treat - OPEN SEASON FOR GAME, --No I mens. iaaiang to improve; she was re - partridge' may be taken or killed be- I moved to a private home in the city tore .the 15th ,day of October of 1918' and report said she ,was improving, Woodcook may he shot betweenthebut after fine months stay she was 15th day' of October and the 15th5th I brought home to Exeter three weeks day of November; Quail, wild ago, and fc_ a time seemed better, turkeys, 'black and grey squirrels 1st I but a. week ea. she commenced to de - November to the 15th November; i cline rapidly, ,,.:id the end carne Friday duck snipe, rail, plover Sept. 1st to i afternoon. Pernicious anaemia was Dec, 31st. Hares may be taken by 1 the cause of death. Deceased during any means at any time between Oct. !her residense Here of about nine years 15 and Nov. 15, ansi between Decem-'' had gable-. .- steem and respect of 'ber_ 23, and Jan. 2, and may be takeni1 all who iznew her, and the deepest at any other time by why other. means sympathy goes out to the bereaved than shooting. Cotton -tail rabbit may ones. She was born in Lyndon and be taken, killed or destroyed in any residues there until her marriage when she came to Exeter. Besides the hus- h and fano one son, •Gale, she is, •suz- vivecl by her father, Mr. W, T. Wilson and three brothers. 'The remains were taken to London on Monday morning and interred in Mount Pleas- ant cemetery. BRIIISe_- RED CROSS APPEAL OCTOBER 19, 191,6. W raereas the President of the Brit- ish Red Cross Society has made an urgen appeal throughout the Empire, for :'ands to be collected on Thurs- day ;a t. 19th, for the relief of "the sufterraz soldiers and sailors at the varitato. seats of war; Ant whereas our Province of On- tario has manifested its desire to do its full share.; An.1 vhereas the British Red Cross Society is caring for the wounded oil every Allied Nation; And whereas the cost of this work is so. great .'that all parts of the Em- pire are called union to assist in ad- equately meeting it; And whereas the Lieut.=Governor. of. Ontario has issued a proclamation to a11 ntunmcipalities to heln in the w • Therefore John W. Taylor, cal- her'� I, upon ;all citizens together with Pat- riotic Societies to attend a public nneetina in the ,Public Library, Exeter on . Wednesday, October 4th, at s di cuss ways and means of best aiding the work of the Society, manner by the owner, occupant or lessee of any land upon which it cau- ses actua damage. BURGLARS ENTER TWO HARD- WARE STORES.—On Saturday morn- ing of last week it was found that during the night burglars had enter- ed the hardware stores of Mr, H. Spackman and Major W. J. Neaman, and from the former place had taken atbout three dozen. jack-knives and Loos razors. besides breaking open the fewpennies. x' a nni s. Tn till and stewingp the iattex place they secured several l razors and knives and about $8.00 in cash, Ap;tarentiy they entered the stare of Mr, ,Spackman by the back door which inadvertently had been left unlocked. At Major ' Heaman's they first 'entered the cellar by way of a window but not being able to get up --stairs they returned and took out .a window in the back shop and then removed another window intothe Store although the door between was, not locked. The, guilty, ones have not yet been found A as For Infants and Children in Use F or Over: O Years Always bears the Signature of Senator Rata of New Hamburg call- ed or, friends in town Friday-, It, William Verity and tamily were here. from Brantford Sunday. Mrs. •Wm.'Hodgert and Mrs. Thos Willis are visiting in London. Mrs. F. Durdlee send daughter of .Set, Thomaa are visiting 'relatives here. Mr. Chas. 'Dunsford'who has been holidaying here returned to the Soo Saturday, Mrs. Hannah Sanders is visiting het daughter, Mrs. Fred. Penhale in Toronto. Miss Phoebe Easterbrook returned Sunday from a visit with her sister in ,Seatorth. Mr. A. 1. Rollins and daughter of. Detroit spent .mart -of last week with. relat•,-ves here. Miss Jennie Strang of Usborne has gone to Guelph to take a course at McDonald Hall, t• Mrs. Thos. Elliott, who • has been in the Wiest -for .several weeks, returned home Friday evening. Mr'.Ed, Powell left Thursday by 'lar Co,- Windsor, after several weeks stay here and at Grand ;Bend. 213 IBIS JONES M Y HONE, NO. LADIES • SWELL COATS A New Bunch Just Opened Up They, are real nifty and lust what you are looking for -.Plush, Tweed Zebaline, Chinchilla, Chap Serge, Plain and Fancy plaids,'' o two alike, Our Coats are not high priced. A good Plush Coat for ........ ............$17.00 CEIILD'S COATS A Big range of Cloths and Patterns to choose from. Furs Now is the time .to buy were lower. A big selection Black Fox Sets. Red Fox Sets. Grey Fox Sets. Black 'Dog Sets Don't fail to-seeour Fine what you want Furs your Furs. We bought early When Furs to show you,— Persian Lamb Sets Sable Sets :fink Marmot Sets Children's white or grey, Displaa' of Furs. We one sure to have Mens' overcoats and Suits If you are wt need of a good Overcoat for Fall or Winter, come in and see our range. Extra tine line of ,Fxeize Overcoats in Browns, Greys, Etc., Wail shawl or zonvertib1e collars at veryemoderate tutees. Also big selection of Men's Bla et Beaver Overcoats or best wear Nifty Fall Suits can be had here in no end of variety Browns, Greys Navy and many fine mixed pattern,; Men's Felt Hats Our ,linea of .Soft Felt Hats for Fall care smiely taking well, and no wonder. when you see the class of goods we are handling. As to see them. Boys' Suits and. Overcoats Stylish Norfolk Suits tor Boys at Low Prices, either bloomer straight pants, in tall colors. Our Overcoats for small boys at e real swell for this season. Shoes of Come in and .see our stack of Shoes for Ladies,' Men and Children They certainly are right up to the minute in style. JONES NES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W . E. Sanford Clothing Farm For Sale _._..�.. 01\. Choice Pte, '18 Wall 19 con 1 T oY to < B . !Iltsborpe. c1n my of ,Huron, fa the Lo s Fur Village ofExeter, containing 100 t Furniture acres of choice land. On this ,property is a brick dwelling, largo bank barn , silo, drive and milli house, hog and hen house. The building6a of this propill 111. - erty are all np-to-date with water, in ista(51e. Farm 1st Mist class state Olt of cultivation and, must be bold as the isro1Ar)etor's health has failed, Poss- ession 1st of November. Field ,, of corn to go with farm. Everyt sonven- ienee for carrying on a milk business which id touch !needed in that town of ,'Exeter, E. Hewett. prop., For terms and particulars apply' to They. Pamer- on. tet. IL No. 1, Kirkton . C Mr. Luther Bissett of London called on friends here Friday last. Mr. Garfiie•Id Sh.eexe of Brantford visited relatives here Friday. Mr. Francis Hill returned to Belle- ville: last week to resume his duties in the Dominion Bank after holiday- ing at his home here. Mrs. Yager disposed, of her house- hold !effects on Saturday, and has gone to live with her daughter, Mrs. E. Malone, at Tillsonburg, London Echo—"Mrs. J. Farmer ,and Miss Eilleene Farmer sail on Satur- day on the Steamer Ormeda far Eng- land where they ;will visit Dr, Roy T. Fanner who is surgeon in the! Roy- al Navy." Messrs. W. E. ,Sanders of Stephen and Joseph Davis of tatvn are this LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR week trait aft! the.lng lattethe Mrs.itBrown,neral ndaugh- Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central ter of Mr Jahn Gould of that city, Hotel• formerly of Exeter; S. OF FIRST INTEREST WHEN THE COOL DAYS COME THE STYLES ARE VARIED TO MEET DIFFERENT TASThS COATS ARE LONGER SKIRTS ARE ALSO LONGER Our New Goods are here. Good range to choose from.- MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. SEE, OUR NEW' COATINGS FOR LADIES. PRICES—$17.00 AND UP. —0— We also have a nice range of Men's Over Coatings and dustings. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere Mr. W. T. Nilson of Toronto 'and George � York, G and. sons W. H. of Nenv a g t so Mr Car xlilfrid of Toronto; also Clarke, of Hamilton and Miss Caamb of Lon- don were here this week owing to the death of Mrs. W. D. Clarke , re# R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUR'N1T.URE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Story turning Monday, Mr. Clarke's methei• i, remaining here for a time. Advanced Styles for Autumn and NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN :ever receive the -proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than, in mature life. This is shown in so many pale ,faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. Forall such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Einulsion, and no -ed it now. It possesses in concentratx:u form the very foodelements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it makes their sturdy and strong and active. Scott & itowue, Toronto, Ont, Winter in Men's Clothing We acre: showing our specialorder samples now and .can give you the newest cloths made in the latest style; by Greene Swift,:,LianiVed, London We :Wil) bee pleased, to have you look thein over; We have some special ,values in Men's Reeady-to-wear Suits. BOOTS AND SHOES II, A. COMPLETE RANGE Astoria Shoes. for Men. Men's Heavy Work Shloes • Children's School Shoes W omen's Cushion Sole Shoes, B. W. F. Beavers