HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-28, Page 4Children Cry for Ftetcher's
The end You Have Always Boma st,, end Which has been.
In use for over Da ye e:s, has bora() tate .signature of
as`t1 has been T .ate under his Pere
ass sorrel supervision since its. infancy,
_ - 1 ✓.' Allow azo Dane to deeeive you in this,
All Counterfeits, Imitations arid "Just -as -good" are but
xperianents that tripes with and endanger the health of
.infants and C3uldreu EXperience against Eperiunent.
What is CASTO R IA
Castoriia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
cent ons neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For mere than thirty years it
o for relief of Constipation,
La.s been. in c aslant. user ca the re et C :slips ion,
Flatulency, 'Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea, It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
=assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Pa aeea-r•The lt.Tother's Friend.
in Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Atuirays Bought
Tee cam -rave COM e,AMY.. asses YOM$ CITY.
faxtter abilocateli
Auction Sale
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS
ubscriptian Price,—in advance $1
per year in Canada; $1,50 , in United
;3tates. it not paid in advance the
pace is 50c, more per year.
Auction Sale
In Exeter, east of Metropolitan Hotel,
On Saturday, Sept. 30, 1916, at 12
o'clock, the following.—
Horses—Pair afatched mares, yrs,
agric .: sup. in foal; aged mare. sura.
to 'be, in foal; 2 sucking colts.
Cattle- cow dire in May; 6 cows
freshened; 1 cow due in Dec,; 3 caws
due later; 2 fax cows; 1 yr -old Dur-
ham bull, 6 young calves.
Hoge and Chicken -1 brood sow due
in October; 7 store hogs; 100 hens
and pullets.
Implements—Lumber wagon, trucks
with flat rack, bobsleighs, binder.
mower, hay rake, riding plow, walking 1
plow, 2-iurr•ow plow, cultivator, disk,
harrow, steel land roller, scuffler, corn
cultivator, manure spreader, nulper,
straw cutter, grinder, 8 inch plate; 3e
b.p, gasoline engine, new; fanning
mill, 2 steal hog troughs, 2 beg trucks
car, rope and pulleys; set paw harn-
ess set milk wagon harness; brass
mounted new; set single harness
w'hiffietrees neckyokes, chains, forks
shovels, hoes, and numerous other ar-
Dairy Implements—Milk wagon,. n;iib
sleigh; 3 ten -gal, cans; 2 twelve -al.
cans with taps, 2 milk -delivery cans,
and all sizes of treasures, cream sep-
arator, aerator for cooling milk, milk
pails, 2 or. ic.e. tongs.
10 tons hay, 11 acres corn, Nacres
mangles, 500 bus. oats, 50 bus. wheat
7S bush. barley, some buckwheat.
Positively no reserve,
Thene will also be offered for sale
if not sold previously the farm, being
p ,rts lots 18 and 19, con. 1, Usbarne
Terms—All sums of $5, and under
a - ..cash; over that amount 12 months'
credit on furnishing epee—eyed eerie
motes. 6 per cent. off for cash on
credit amounts.
Eph. Hewitt, Thos. Cameron,
Proprietor Auctioneer
Auction Sale
These will be sold by public auc-
tion, on Lot B., Con. 7, lJsboirtes on
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1916,.
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :—
lloraes—Mare =11 yrs. old, mare 12
aaa general purpose mare, all in foal
tOE Kingsmount; drivlxeg horse, 8 yrs
old aired by Jap; colt rising 2 yrs.;
Z colts 1. yr, old; sucking colt,
Cattle -6 cows doe to cave Feb.,.
March, April and May; 6 spring calves
9 beiters, rising 2; 4 steers, =bag 2
40 hens.
Implements—elaiss,ey-Harris binder
McCoranicck mower, McCorin k steel
rake, 10 ft.; seed drill, cultivator, disk
barrels- diamond, harrow, roller, wagon
Bray ,rack. sleighs, cutter, gravel box.
e ae
newneww,wagon box, coat pup..+sr, wb 1
hare) s. new • cream separator, new;
top buggy, .2 -furrow plough, nenwalking plow, fanning mill, water tank
2 steer rans,30 clap paid,, 2 sets double
harness, 2 sets single harness, buggy
go1e. 14 tons simethy hey, 40 gian
!hags chains, forks, .etc.
Imperial Oxford range; coal ur wood
nearly new mail box:
Terms—A11 sums of $1"O arid under
'cash; over that •amot st `=11 months'
.reedit on fm'flishingt'.approved joint
mote;, 5 per cent. charged on credit
amounts, ..
;lame., Ogden, Wm. ;McNeil,
.Proprietor, Auctioneer
J. H. Jamieson, Clerk.
Mr, jL S. Phillips, Auctioneer, is.
instri ted to Ise', be Public, Auction
on William St., Exeter, Thursday,;
September, 28th, 1916, at. one o'clock
sharp else ,iotlowing valuable prole(
* rty ;— 1 radiant ''coat heater, No. 6;
1 'wood stove and furniture; 1 coat
oil stove; 1 oak sideboard, bevel
piste glass; 1 oak extension table 1
drop .tear table; 1 glass cupboard; 2
bedroom suites; 1 bedstead; two wash
stands; 3 springs; 3 mattresses ; 4
toilet sets; 1 black hair cloth parlor
suite.; 1 centex table: 8. sofa; four
oak dining froom chains; 8 kitchen
&airs.; 1 carpet weeper ; I. d inner
set, 97 pieces;. 1 washing machine, 2
tubs; 4 pry. door 'curtains; 1 landing
lamp, 3 hand lamps; 1 lawn mower;
1 Istep ladder; 1 .8 -day elook; miscel-
laneous pictures, picture frames, lira
talcum, carpets, window shades, our
tains, A quantity of wood and coal..
All =articles must positively be sold.
Itrs. Ann Gardiner, B. S. Phillips.
Proprietress, Auctioneer
Auction Sale
on Lot 22, South half, Con. 7, Stephen
on Wednesday, October lith at one
o'clack, -
Horses -1 horse 5 years old, horse 7
years old
Cattle -5 mulch cows sup. in r a:f ;
1 two-year-old heifer in self; y ear-
estet heifer, 4 calves
Pigs Sow due Dec. 16; 1 fat pig.
Poultry- About 200 chicken, and 10
turkeys- ,
Implements --Manure sprea'ler, bind-
er mower, cultivator, disk, hay rake,
seed drill .lumber wagon, light wag-
on, buggy, ;sant, new cutter, bob-
sleigh, set barrows, 2-furow gang
plow, walking, plow, scuffler, fanning
mill, scales, pu p er, hand straw cutter
hay rack, gravel box, cream separator
barr el of \tintgar ; number small bar-
rels of sweet cider; 18 cords of dry
stove wood; double and single !har-
ness. 11 tons bray, 20 bags of potato-
es, marigolds, 'turnips, corn straw, lad-
de'r.s -forks; shovels and other articles
too numerousto mentinn•.
Household Effects --Mahogany par
lens 'c,abinet, settee merle; new, Sere
table, c.en.rr. table, 2:•1e.ther rockers;
5 d fining I;oom hairs JJath¢r couch,.
Oak rocker, leather chair, library ta-
ble, plana .and - organ, mirror, bedroom
ui e, 2 dress'rs, 3 beds, 2 small ta-
bles, extension table, couch, kitchen
rocker, number of kitchen chairs, 2
clock, 'kitchen stove, woad or coal
stove, baseburn:r stove, g'a;s cup-
bear I •2 Seeks,- churn, n ashing machine
T'er;ns $5.00 and, !under cash; over
That a'noun' 12 moat..;' creeit �n
ap roved .joint notes. 6 percent per
annum- off for (cash on credit amounts
Prov. Auct.
Death -The d a,th took place ather
home on the Znd cos. of 13iddulph
near her=e on Monday evening, Sept,
25th of Janet McLeod, wife of Robt
McFaliz the age of 70 years. De-
ceased had ben ill for about two
year.; o,: dropsy. Born in ;.1idduinh,
ah;: had resided there all her life and
war highly respected. Besides her
husband she is survived by two daugh
-kers and three sons, ,Mrs. A. Maguire
o Centralia, Mrs. Q. IIcFails of Lu -
can ,Marshall of Lucan, James of Bry-
anston tarn Albert at home, The
funeral took place to Mooresville cem-
etery on Wednesday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Bigham and lir. and
Mrs Warwick of Brownsville spent
Tuesday the guests of Rev. Finlay and
family •
Mrs S€senoer and daughter of St,
Thomas are spending this week visit-
ing her another Mrs Anderson,
Mrs. Thos. Quinton is ,on the sick
list and under the .doctor's care,
Mrs. R. McFall returned to London
alter spending sometime visiting her
daughter Airs. T. 'Willis.
Ors Grigg of Detroit spent a iew
days v=isiting friends in the village,
W. T. ColwUI returned from the
west t
on Sa ui'lIe est � reports � l re the
crop, are not as good as a year ago,
owing to !rests and rust. The yield
will not; be over 20 bushels to an act e.
etr. A. Brooks and family spent
Sunday last the guest of Mr. ;and Mrs.
Wade at Dentiteld
Tho stores here will remain closed
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
See: inti Rally Services will be held
in the. F.vaugelical Sunday School next
Sunnay afternoon. A splendid pro-
gram is being preearid' ,which pro -
:nisei.' to be something.out of the ore-;
unary All are cordially inv:teal to
Quite, ra number from here tcok in
the World's Fair in Zurich ,est Thule
day Our Baal furnished the music
for the day.
Mrs Wi11tarins and her daughter eloj-
ty who have bean visiting Mr. and
bins Johnston for some time, have re-
turned to their .home in Winona.
The smoke -stack used at the flax-
nit) !rusted through this week and
collapsed. Nicholson and Hodgins,are
making arrangements to have it re-
placed immediately in order that they
may ,begin their fall threshing.
Judge Dickson held a revision of
the Voters' List for the township in
the Town Hall on Tuesday. 'A num-
ber of ap:teals were disposed of.
Mr and Mrs, F. We Clark :end. :sirs.
Orme returned from Corunna Tues-
day ;after a short visit with friends,
Miss Miller spent east Sunday at her
her home in Dashwood.
Mr Schwarz of Benmiiller visited
Mr. and Mrs. ,Chris, Heist on Sunday.
Mrs. Spencer of St. Thomas was the
guest of Mrs. W. A. Sambrook on
'The te:.ting of the District of the
Methodist Church was held etre last
Thursday. Both after -noon enact eve=
nine servicer were well attended. Ad-
dresses were delivered by Rev, Arnup
of the !Missionary, Dept. Toronto;
Rev Elston a returned missionary
from China; Rev Lloyd Smith of the
Educational Dept; Rev. Hibbert of
the Financial Dept Wingham, Rev.
knight pf Hensel' and Mr. Geo. Stan-
ley of Luc,an. Each spoke of the
great need of 'the mission work and
and wished to inpress on thane pre
sent tic duty of the layman and what
op_ :-tunities we have to convey the
erer:.i to the foreign field. The ser-
vice, throughout were a treat and
thaw who did ,not attend missed a
great deal,
Messrs. Chas. Kiienzle and G. 'K,
Braun have returned from Detroit after
a. brief visit, While in the city they
had the pleasure .of attending one
Billy :Sunday's services and were much
impressed with his stirring address.
Mr and Mrs. 'Dave Baker and little
daughter motored from Detroit and
spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Heist.
Mr5 n nglieh has gone-. on a trip to
Men `real. yy„el .'inks is, serving on
the jury •fn Goderich this week:-
Suc—cessful anniversary services were held
Grace ch' o da Rev
in .1 srooe Ghur n Sunday.'
•Farnep• occupied the :iulfie at• both
servicies.s-A good sized congregation
enjoyed Rally Sun''Iay in the Meth,o•-
diet Church last Sunday.—The Ath-
l.etci 'club met on Saturday and be -
'Wake' for the Red Cross. -Mr. J. Sher
i.., +1n 1 lei:so ':iazel ;Sherritt iv.ere
hotttp' last week,—Annivai-sary sat 'vic
es ;Viii be ,held - in the Methodist
•Cletiredt next Sunday. The easfor,
2 '. i-1. Willens:!whip preach in the
atteria tor, 'and a'male quartette will
tau, e the •ev ersiee .Bev.. "A, F. Lloyd
Dir ••Parkhill tivrll preaic h. arid the Lad
ieses,Quartettee ofeer.edition trill:sae
A thank offering twill be received a'.
-lite-1;34 E v'i. es.
Miss Gertrude Gra.Ipner of Lai -
sine Ohio., is spending her vacation
with relatives here,
Mr. Jack Ei,dt of !Stratford spent
Sunday with his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver and
fasnilv have .returned from their vac -
alien with relatives fat Yale -Mich.
Mr. Milton E'laers of Brantford is
visiting his parents here,
Mr. henry Wiitert spenta few days
ire-' uifalo this week, ea.,
'Ms, D. Bettschen 'laird son' are at
p +es nt visiting with relatives in 'I•av-
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bender and Mr.
and fir'.,. Bendier of Illinois visited
relate es in -Caere a few days last meek,
'Mr. and, Mrs. Dan, Mr, Isaac and
Mr, .land Mrs. ele st, of Crediton spent
Sunday with Mr. and l Mrs. O. Rest-.
Mr. and ivies. A. MIorenz spent e
few days with relatives in Detroit:
M iss Laura Musser is visiting sale
gives yn Zurich this .week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Statton, and . Mee
and airs. R. alayter visited, relatives
in Sae tord a few days this week::
Rev. P. Granpner spentSunday in
Wartburs •
Dr Balfour lasts disposed of his.
btdues.. to Dr. Taylor or London
fl•r Taylor tcoe possession Monday,
and following days. Miss Olive Green
leaving returned &am Toronto with a
large. 'stock of new.acid up-to-date
millinery extends a cordial :nvitation
to the Ladies cf Grand Bend and the
t i:anity to call and inspect, her stock;
:i�.li s J Bien Allister visited in For-
eat" last week. --fir. 'Adolphus Allen
!ell Gordon Turnbull left for the west,
sa';' week.—Mr: Dent was taken very
els last oveek bunt is some better a,t the
ems os wr..ing.-M:ss'Welti i, nurse;
atees t, voo-1' is at present nursing Mr.
an Mfrs.• Asaph Gravelle is =non
the 'sick: hist,:-.Quiee..a,=:numbe,r from
1 here went or Exeter and to
Zurich Fairs ,
Giant Raiders Are Destroyed
in Great Britain.
Tens of Thousands of Londoners
Witness Complete Destruction. of
One Graft While other Manages
to Land 'Without Injury to Crew
Ten Other Airships Escape Otter
Doing Considerable Damage in
Lives and Property.
LONDON, Sept. 26, --Of twe'tye big
Zeppelins which invaded the Britisb
Isles Saturday night to deal death
and destruction from the skies two
to -day lay stark and black masses of
steel and aluminum in the little vil-
lage of Mangold, Essex County, They
fell victims of the anti-aircraft de.
fences of London and outlying dis-
One came down a .flaming torch, as
did the Zeppelin L-21, destroyed
three weeks ago; while the second,
disabled by gunfire, effected a land-
ing which saved the .lire. of the
Grew, who are now prielistars th
I Thecrewf e
Eng and. o to first
raider died in the consuts1a flames
of their owa ship, but they were not
so terribly charred as their prede-
This latest raider to light .leer own
funeral way an English nodi col-
lapsed and was consumed urtnee more
quickly than the L-2.1. k is pos.
Bible, though, that sons* of ibe mien
were still living when t% epreat ves-
sel struck the ground. The cap.
tam's body was found soave slstance
trona, the wreck,
Tlae death and burning .1 the first
Zeppelin was witnessed 1v tens of
thousands of London's remelleets, but
the wounding and. descent se the ace
coed raider was a matter et doubt
until Sunday's Metal elatemente
were given out. Few £oohsare
available of this second ettiteraes eon-
dition, but it is reliabej reported
that the crew surrendered ills special
Many who saw tba shrapnel
bursting like skyrockets about the
invader, which subsequeoear caught
fire, think there roust have been sev
oral direct bits, Many arplanes
were aloft and attacked tan Zeppe•
lins from all sides.
The raiders took a beasry toll al
lives before their destrtoihree 2$
persons being killed and t`* wound.-
ounded in the metropolitan dietrict of
London. Two persons` killed,
probably four, and 17 were wounded
in the provinces. The property dams
age, while widely distributed, Is con-
fined, for the most part to small su-
burban dwellings and :shops, al-
though one railway statics sem dam-
aged, some empty cars !,slag de-
stroyed and part of the Wks turn
The military damage iublaied wan
negligible, according to Ptr John
French's reports, which fellow:
"The latest reports show teat pro-
bably not more than 12 ateehips par
ttelpated in Saturday night's raid,
Police reports from the pewrimees In•
dicate thatthe damage done was
slight.' At one town in 13t Mid-
lands a number of bombe were
dropped and two persons Irene killed
and 11. injured. It is feared twa
more bodies are buried under the
ruins. In this town some damage
was caused to the railwr y station
and about a dozen houses and shops
were 'wrecked or damaged. A chapel
and storehouse were set &lace. With
this exception no other a asualtiei
are reported outside of the metro-
politan area. Although a barge num-
ber of bombs were dropped promis-
cuously over the districts visited, the
material damage was insignificantA great number of the bombs fell.
into the sea and into open places,
"The metropolitan casualties ars
17 men," 8 women, and S children
killed; 45 men, 37 women, and 17
children injured. A considerable
number of small dwelling -houses and
shops were demolished or damaged
and a number of fires wenn caused.
Two factories sustained iaj'sre and
some empty railway trucks were de
stroyed, and the permanent way:
slightly damaged in two lessees.
"No reports have been reeedved of
any military damage."
Grew of Zeppelin tweeted.
The commander and tw•eete mem
bers of the crew of the Zeppelin
which was forced to lazed near an
Essex coast town were arrested by
the village constable as they were
marching along the road in the
blackness of the night, aaerrding to
the latest 'eye -witness" wet -cunt •
"I am the commander eta German
airship that has just come &awn, and
these are my crew,'` said- the leaden
of the men when accostee by the
constable. Then the o1it.sse added:
"Please allow me to go te the near-
est post -office so that I may telephone
someone in London who will let my
wife know I am safe."
Special constables came •>•p and
the prisoners were marched bo the
nearest detesetion camp, wir_ra'e it was
found several of them wens weended,
SZR,EDMUND WALKER., .v,0., LL.D. D.C.L„ President
JOHN AUK% General Manager, H. V, F. JONES. Asst General Manager
CAPITAL, S151000,000 RESERVE FUNox $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits at $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to emery account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-.
arawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S50
EXETER BRANCH -.A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—S. \l. Johnson, Mgr.
Germany Will Give Up Mem nadnap
ped at•Kavala.
LONDON, Sept. 26.—A Ileernter's
despatch from Amsterdam res that
according to a telegram teal. Berlin
the Greek Minister in Beerese in a
personal and, confidential eiitimeersa•
tion with the German Forages Secre-
tary, G. von Jagow, intimated that
his Govenimeet would be llswhed 11
,Germany would soon treatment the
Greek troops, who ' surrendllred. , at
Kavala, to. - Switz,rlaed, • whence)
they could:- be .returned to Q ee.
The German Foreign fieretary
rlied that German ' was-a'rer
.P Y ..ing.
loyally to .the agreement is treat the
Greek bops as guests; and, a—: was
ready to'neetthe desire of ilii Greek
ei nt fortheir Govera e t t i "resale, • _blit;
,:that actual . and efficient • ,g shte'ea'
-Viet, be' received that the trims new
tiheletr: German protection erre sot to
be intercepted',rby, the Ente a while
returning home, nor to be, tshed
for,,their "loyal and netters* ings
and action," ,
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Mone6 Orders
Interest allowed et highest current rate
W l3, CLARKE, Manager.
Stop the waste of coal. The furnace we
put in your cellar saves a day's coal
every week. .. • •-x•;*I
It saves one ton in seven.
It is the Hecla with patented Steel -
Ribbed Vire-Pot—a coal -saver proved
in thousands of homes—a fire -pot that
is guaranteed for five years.
Installed under our guaranteed system
this economical heating is healthful, free
from gas and dust, and costs less than
other good Heating Systems.
Ask for plans and figures.
H. Spackman, Exeter
Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
New Prices August 1, 1916
4 �wY.t
5 r
Chassis 450.00
. 471,,0.0.
Touring Ca. '�r
Ford, Ontario
These . prL,ces are positively guarant-
eed.agai�;ssi ;.any • reduction before
ous r. •J.s,f1917,: ,'hut there is no
guarantee aiJtst an advance in price
at `a,ny tithe _t9"ny person ..thinkcrtg_ ut
buyiitc;: a car ,will de well! "to,'consult
the dealer,
Milo Snell '`"Ex r