HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-28, Page 3CORPSES PEED IN MOUNDS: ROAD SOAKED WITH BLOOD Foe's Losses in Futile Counter-attacks on Somme Are the Heaviest Since Early Days of Verdun. A despatch from London says; Be- ; north-east .corner of the village, only hind the Fren:h Arley on the Sonlme; e to be driven out an hour later and The wort snerifice c life since the " routed 'further back than they had early daye of the Verdun battle mark- stood before the action. ed the main German counter-attack The last attack, delivered at dusk, Thur rdny^ against the new French was terminated by a series of cheeks positions north of the Somme. Ac-' casting the Germans three whole regi- eording to an artillery officer who meats. A Bavarian company belong- took part in the battle, corpses are ing to the 11th Regiment lost 160 out piled on each side on the road from. of 200 men. Two battalions of the ComMes to Rencourt in mounds, , 123rd Prussian Regiment were total- sometime.; three feet high. ' ly destroyed. Not a regiment eseap- The Gertean effort to stem the ed a loss of less than 60 per cent. of zxreneh advance was the strongest its eifectives. • made sine e the beginning of the Hindenburg Directed Battle, Somme battle. It lasted over ten hours and was re'ke by six divisions, which 1 Ninety thousand men directed per - suffered teerifie losses under the French bait ie;eele fire, Following the heavieet preparation by artillery n knowin that sector, from great guns brought from ether fronts, 20 German battalion,: began the assault with the triple obje etive of freeing Com'eles from the clanger of investment, stop- ping the 1•'reueh wedge between Pe - Penne and ('oral+les, and driving the allies from the leo: eeseion of Hill. No. 76, which dominates Mont St. Quen- tin, Two I', s;i;rn l,nttalions, who led the attn k on the Frieze farm, were hardly eat of their trenches when they liteeall • melted away before the terrible fire of the "75's." Further sonally by Field Marshal von Hinden- burg took part in attacks on the new French positions in the region of 13oue1avesnes, on the Somme, accord- ing to the special correspondent in the field of Paris La Liberte. The fighting was extraordinary fierce in the centre of the region at- tacked, around Bouchavesnes and Bois L'Abbe, and at Combles, about the Frieze farm, as well as at Ran- court, At Frieze farm two Prussian 'battalions were nearly destroyed, adds the correspondent, and a similar fate was eut1crcd at Rancourt by three German regiments, which, advancing in four waves, made the last desper- ate effort of the day. south four secceeeive waves of infan- Malcolm Ross, correspondent with S tr • att.ee":ieig in ell a formation were the New Zealand forces on the Somme, smaeleal 1;:y the Fre neh "125's," The village off Bete hes eenes was the scene of the area t . t. ht•oen combat of the bar'dment on that front, The Ger- day. erl:c'n bs a deendfnl sacrifice the mans," he said, "are hid in a fog fGorman ,sa, ceeriee1 in entering the caused by the smoke of the shells." states that the Allies fired twelve million shells in a preliminary born - ops ARS C,S Fortified n n �ta 1' on the Out- skirts , lei: 1 e C) t skirts of GMT141.11 lean Base C'optured. A de'ep:aril from London says: The Frene'h troops have reached Combles. One Lnil,ling in the town is in their poeseeeion. In what is described by the I',hri• midnight communique as "a brilliant sur pri:'e attack," an isolated structure at: the extreme outskirts of the nlhp:lrtault German base on the Somme wag captured by the French. The building had been strongly forti- fied a1 a defence work. Three officers and 07 Mon were taken prisoners. Simultaneously Gen. Foeh's troops '"pushed forward to the south-east of Conhble's, tightening the ring around' that town. In this section 40 prisoners were macre. •A semi-official estimate says the German Loses suffered in the vain counter-attack around Bouchavesnes on Wednesday were 30,000. The German commander tried vain- ly to steer the French advance against Combles by a sortie from the trenches south of Rancourt. It was nipped in the bud by the French barrier fire. The British, operating north-west of Combles, with the dual aim of breaking through to Bapaume and closing in on Combles in conjunction with the French, registered a further advance on a front of a mile, taking two lines of German trenches and straightened out their front between the villages of Flers and Martin- puich.. On the northern stretch of the Anglo -German front below Arras the British carried out a successful raid penetrating German trenches and intiietine many casualties. The French earlier in the days checked a violent counter -blow by the Germane between La Frieze Farm " and Rancourt, driving hack the Teu- ton stormily; waves with heavy losses. RAIDS ON� z i VENICE I . DEPLORED BY POPE. A despatch from Venice says; Mon- t-i;nor La Fontaine, tile Patriarch of Venice, has published a letter from Pope Benedict, deploring the at- tempts against the churches and treasures of Venice and rejoicing that the Church of San Giovanni Paolo es- caped destructive blows, only sustain- ing do niage which fortunately can be repaired. I The Pope calls the explosion before St. Mark, the destruction of the Church of Santa Marie Formosa, and the damage to the Church of Scalzi "bitter wounds to my heart," and re- grets that his efforts to prevent such misfortunes have failed. lie con ducted his letter by sending words of - comfort to the population of Venice, with a wish that peace will soon be restored, ONE-FOURTH TRANSYLVANIA IN ROUill eiNIAN HANDS. A despatch from London says: A 1 Bucharest official despatch, referring 'to the Transylvania theatre, an- nounces that a Roumanian force has entered.Orderhei, better known as • Ezekely Udvarhely, 50 miles north- , east of Kronstadt. One-fourth of Transylvania is now in Roumanian hands. The communication says: "On the north and north-west fronts fighting continues on. Mounts Cali-' man (Kelemen) and Ghurgill, where we took 137 prisoners and also ma -1 1 chine guns. A ' detachment entered Orderhei." GREAT ROU IA IAN VICTORY GERh ANS AND I !AGARS uARS CRUSHED Mackensen's Armies in Full Retreat, Burning Villages to Re- tard Pursuers. A despatch from London says: The six-day battle in the Dobrudja has ended in a Russo -Roumanian victory. Field Marshal von Mackensen's. right wing in Roumania, consisting of Germans, Bulgars and Turks, is re- tiring to thesouth in the direction of • the fortress of Dobric. News of the result of the great bat- tle was received ing a brief summary of a Roumanian War Office statement which said: e. "The battle between the German, Bulgarian and Turkish troops ' under Gen. von Mackensen, in the Dobrudja, whichhas been in progress since the 15th, ended on Wednesday in a com- plete victory for Roumania. "The enemy is retiring southwards, burning villages." The official communication from Bucharest confirms the Entente re- ports that the great,battle in Do- brudja, has ended in the defeat of the Central Powers after six days' fight- ing. The battle began Friday and gradually increased in scope and in- tensity until' Tuesday evening, with the result that on Wednesday the Germans, 13elgars, and Turks, crush- ed, were forced to withdraw, ; burning , , g villages` in their line of retreat in an effort to retard their pursuers. �p r'Worm v t Orstfi_ 58 70 ; do seeones 58.60 stroYCANADIANS a E d o! " , J 75 r exaighttroollers.1�,$3 20 sI BR I iT °OR lereedstuffs. , do., in bag:, 93.40 to $3.65. Rolled oats---. I. tBarrels $6.05 to 56.35 ; bag of 90 lbs.; 92.00 to $3. 111illfeed--Bran, 526 ;1 shorts. $2.5 • middlings $30 : nlouillie, i Toronto Sept. 25. -Manitoba wheat , 532 to $ +5. Ilay -•-No 2, per ton. car t' No. 1 Northern, $1.671 ; No, 2, do,. lots 913. Cheese ---Finest westerns, i 31.60A • Na. 3. do.,$1.63 ; No. 4 wheat, 201c : do., easterns, 20c. Mutter - $1.57; track, flay ports. out crop trod- choicest creamery. 361c; seconds, 35;e,'. in 20 above new crop. , Eggs -Fresh. i es;i, 45c selected, 3Sc ; No. 1 anitoba. oats -No, 2 cm., 5ktc ; stock, 34c Na 2 do.. 30e. Potatoes-; No. 3. do.,51ze ; extra No. 1 feed. 573c;: Per bag, car lots, 21.30 to $1.55. Dressed: No. 1 feed. 562e, track. Bay ports. ' hogs---Abattoir-killed, $16.55. to 517.° :1.meriean corn -No. 3 yellow. 04c, , Pork --Beaty Canada short mess, barrels; track, Toronto, i 35 to 40 pieces. $34 to 535 ' Canada; Ontario oats. -New No. 2 white. 52 to • short cut back, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, . 54c; No. 3, do., 51 to 53e, according ton 932 to 933. Lard --Compound. wood freights outside. pails. 20 lb. net. 133 to 14e ; do., pure, Ontario wheat -No. 1. commercial,: wood Pails, 20 lbs net. 16 to 161e. $1.25 to 91.28 • No. 2, do. $1.21 to $1.24:1 No. 3, do.. $1.17 to 51.x20, according to,'Winnipeg Grain. freights outside. New crop, .O• 2. Winnipeg. Se 2 $1,33 to $1.35. pt. 5 -Cash rices fess --'No. 2. $2 to $2.10. according to Wheat ---No. 1 Northern. $1.583 • No. 2 freights outside. Northern. 51 u5a: } o. 3 Northern, $1,531: Barley -Malting, 84 to 87e„ nominal • No. 4, $1.471 ' No. 5. $1.391 ; No. S, feed, s0 to k2c, nominal, according too $1, 4I ; feed, 21.052. Oats -No. 2 'feed., freights outside. g ,i . 511e ; extra No. 1 l Buckwheat -40 to 32e, nominal, ac- 51e ; No. 1 feed, 50:0 ; No. 2 feed, 50e. cording to freights .outsido, Barley --No. 3. &Sac ; ; 7o, 4. S03c • re - nye -No. 2, new, $1.13 to $1.15, ac- iected, 73ie : feed, 73te. Flax....*c, 1 cmorerdeial. int; to finominacightsl, 1 autsido; a. 1 sofa- N•13'.C'., 93.91 ; No. 2 C.1i'., 51.22. ' ---- i Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute, 3Stea. bags, $8.60 ; second patents, in )ate; Minneapolis"n. hent.polie 25Grain.--Flour--Fancy bags, 88.10 ; strap„ bakers'. in Mute: Patents, toe higher, quoted at 58,70. bags. $:.90. Toronto. Tran unchanged. Wheat --Cash. No. 1 Ontario !lour --New Winter, according to sample, 56.25 in bags, track. Toronto, bard, !ITV ; 'So. 1 N, -11.7n. 31.615 to Prompt shipment ; $6.1 bait seaboard, q1 648 ; ;vo. 2 �ortl0.ern. 51.`66; to $1.f1A; p1•ompt shipment, r.o. 3 wheat. 91.;7,1 . Deeember. 51.58;. Corn --Nu 3 yellow•, 81 to S2c, 10 freights. bags included -!;ran. per ton, No. 3 white. 433 to Ole. $26 ; shorts. per ton, 529 ; middlings.: - -- per ton. $311 ; good feed flour, per bag. Live Stock 'markets. '. 5. $yHa}•---Nees :�o, 1. Per ton, $10 to $12 ; M �uranto. MI 2�-C hake heavy steers. :�o. 2. per ton, S9 to St1,b0. trach, Torun• $S,,,D 10 SS , good heavy steers, g8.„6 to, to '28.50. butchers' cattle. good. 57:60 to Straw--�(':Ir lots, per ton. $7 to 5S.'98.UU : cin.. medium, 97,00 to 57.35x,; do., trach, Toronto, common• $��10 to $0.-w; butchers hulls, i shales. 57.. , 1'. 97.50. tea., Rood bulls, 136.40 to 96.50 ; do.. rough bulls, 34.50 to Country Produce•- Wholessle. t $5.011 ; butchers' cows. choice'. 86.50 to flutter--k"resit dairy, cltolce, 310 to 32e• 56.2'2 ; do., good,$17010 to 56.25 • do.. lnferiw. 24 to wee, ; creamery prints. 39 medium. 55.50 to 55.75 ; stockers. 700 to to 35'c ; s3oljds, 34 to 35e. S50 ;lbs., Si; oil to 96,;5,6 ; eh"ice feeders, Lggs•--No. 1 storage. 35 to 26e • star- 36,25 to 37.("�l ; eatnners and cutters, age. selects. 37 to 38o ; new -laid. In car-. 4&i.' to $4.25: m1lltervo cho1ce, each. tons. Alt to 42e, j 4 0.00 #a Si+u.0e1 dei., ram. and med•. Pt•essed Poultry ---Chechens, 25 to 27' ' each. 9.40..111 #" 96(4.()0 .„ snringers. $50.00 Yn1.1. 18 w 20c ; flacks, Iii to 20c ; to 99G.0u light ew.' , 54.Ca to $8.00 ; (1(11(115, per dor.. 39,50, sheet). hese v. 94.50 to 55.95 ; SPrtng 1.1ee 1ioultry-ubtakens. 17 to 'se ; lambs, el'ud'e. 511,00 to "1" 11.60 • calves. foevl. 19 to 16e ; ducks' 13 to 75c. good to choice. 910.60 to 512.00 ; do.. Chews --.Law. large. 21 tat 29c ; twins melittin. 91. 311 to $10.60 • hogs, fed and $1I to 21 : triplets. 2l to 22e. watered $1'65 to $12.76; cru., weighed hone*,•'''-'41`;;Ctra fin,. quality. 2�S-1b, tins. oft cat• 512.° 5 to $13.00. l:ic 5-1b. tins. _Me ; 111-1b. 113 to 12e ; Montreal Sent 25. -Good steers sold 1,4.111,..t01192%-,11tc, Comb hone_%, select at $7.50 to 57.75: fair at $0"511 to 57.25 ' ; �o, 2, $2 to 52.26. common at 55.50 to 56.25. while butchers' 1"otateees--1Inkaria $'2; J rnis11 t'olumhla caws brought rfrom 95 tel 6 bland butts I:: per bag•, 91,79 to $l.ff5; ltrjtesll Co- 35 to .,6 „ a c t Th a, In , Iumbia Whites, Per bag. 91.90 to S': ;Ong (*attic was act ve at $4.511 to 94.90 rice. ltrunswick Cobblers, Per ba4 S2 nor build olid at 531.75 to $1.25 far cows, to 22.1n. Ontario stock ht 210 to 510.50, and Iteans•--Iland•pielted. 93.20; privies, 55. Quebec stocit at 5:1.25 to 49.50 per cwt. Sheep 56,6+-1 to Si per cwt. c'alves, ehote 1 1a'rovla3ontt-Wholettale. • stools'. 9 to 1a c, loner >nt•uies ;From 9 to Smoked 41.1,115-3(1(0(5. medium. 24 to s,leetedolot poll aat $12,I ala $12.79 1et 20e t do.. heavy.:'M to .Se ; coaltad. w5 gond selects at $12,2'5 to 21_,:10. and to 37c ; breaufast bacon. 25 to 27c : medial -11 and heavy weights at 110.:10 to h asks, plain. 26 to 27e ; boneless. 28 to 11.50 per cwt.. a -embed oft ears. a a"e '9 A Pickled ar dry cured meats, 1 cent less 4 than caned. Cured meats -Long clear bacon. 1S to KAISER ISSUES APPEAL u 1S c. PcrPurIb• 1'.To GERMANS AIIROAD w bard --e Lard, tierces. 17 to 775c ; tubs, 173 to ,173c ; Palls, 173 to 173e. •--- A despatch from Amsterdam says. Bushman in Montreal:- Emperor NI illiam :n the German of-' Montreal. Sept. 25.--•gats-Canadian ficial Gazette appeals to all Germans extra. Western. No. 2. hoc ; aa.. No. 3. 593c ; abroad to report to the Consular of- , extra 151 1 teed. 693: No. 3 local ethitc, flees in order to ascertain if they are I loth �.44iu iitotia 3 Spring twlicate lrit.'nta; available for military "service. Feed --Car lots. deliveretl Alontrea Compound, 134 to 13;tc. TOOK OVER L200 PRISONERS Captured Foe's Defensive Position on Wide Front to a Depth of From 1000• to 2000 Yards„ A despatch from the Canadian Corps Headquarters in France, says: -The Canadian troops have been ac- tively participating in the great Bat tle of the Somme: Already, in a series', of brilliant attacks they leave forced' the Germans back for over a mile' bey ofld their original line, They have' captured Mouquet Farm, having final- ly overcome a desperate resistance; they have attacked and carried the sugar refinery and its lines of connect ing trenches, and then, following up this success with a boldness of plan and action of execution not excelled in this war, they have on the same day organized and delivered fresh at- tacks widen made them masters of the whole village of Courcelette. The Canadians have taken over1 1,200 prisoners, including 32 officers, together with two guns, a large num- ber of machine guns and several heavy minenwerfera, er trench mortars, and in the course of the heavy* and sus- tained fighting they have inflicted very, serious losses upon the enemy. A nioatreal battalion was the first to enter the battle, coining up through a hostile barrage to the assistance of hard-pressed troops practically in the middle of an attack, They were: closely followed by the Canadian Scot tisk from Vancouver and by a Tor- onto battalion. These battalions, al- though they delivered no assault, were given a very difficult and trying task to perform. They were Heavily steele led in trenches newly dug or recently captured from the enemy, and the es - net location of which it was almost, tmpcssib1 e to determine, rnine, Iyespite .; very adverse conditions they eonsolid- aced their trenches and repelled sov eral hostile bombing attacks. But these activities, important and commendable though they were, were only preparatory to the great often sive that was to follow. The morning of September 155th TWO GIANT ZEPPELINS • SHOT DOWN BY ANTI MR CRAFT GUNS Twelve Machines Took Part in Attack on London District Caus- ing 130 Casualties. London, Sept. 24. -Of twelve big • bers of the crew of the Zeppelin Zeppelins which invaded the British Isles last night to deal death and de- struction from the skies two lay stark and black masses of steel and aluminum in the little village of Mangold, Essex County. They fell vic- aye -wetness account" tims of the anti-aircraft defences of "I am the commander of a German Lpndon and outlying districts. airship that has just come down, and l One came down a flaming torch, as these are my crew," said the leader did the Zeppelin L-21, destroyed three of the men when accosted by the con - weeks ago; while the second, disabled stable. Then the officer added: which was forced to land near an Es- sex coast town were arrested by the village constable as they were march- ing along the road in the blackness of the night, according to the latest +1 • „ dawned bright and Blear, Shortly after six o'clock aur battalions began their attack. Before them the artil- lery barrage advanced stage by stage with a remarkable precision and a great intensity of fire, In sucees• sive waves our infantry moved for, ward, climbing over the shell -torn ground, leaping the battered trenches. Among them burst the enemy shells. The noise was terrific. Machine gun and rifle fire cured into them Steadily they mounted the last ridge, saw Alartinpuicb on their right and looked over to the brick ruins and white chalk mounds of the sugar re- finery and the trenches to the right and left which were to be their ob• jective, No sooner were the first lines of German treneiies secured, than the as- aulting waves pressed onwards. In their midst. moving ponderously, but steadily, came several of the new ar- mored cars. I -lis Majesty's laudship "Creme de Meuthe" led the way and the effect upon our men was electri- cal. In vain the Germans rained a stream of bullets against the invuluer- able cars, e a ,but they were powerless elless to stop the advance. Although our infantry were the first to reach the sugar refinery, the ears assisted materially in silencing. the German machine guns and in O. filading the .enemy trenches, and the deep, strongly protected dugcuts of the. sugar reflner"y. Ten officers, in- cluding a battalion commander, were made prisouers. At the sante time the trenches len either flank, known tc "Candy" "Su- gar" as the Card trenchand the ." y c Su• gar trench, were stormed and cap. turgid. In this attack men from Toronto, London, Ottawa and Kingston feught side-by-side with leen from Winnipeg, Regina and Vancouver, and with mer of the 'Vomited Rifles from Eastern Canada. TEUTONS ARE SHORT WOULD TURN KRb;PPS OF GUNS AND SHELLS. GRgEN WITH ENVY,. A. despatch from London says; The official report from British Head- quarters in France contains the fol- lowing; "A captured document signed by General von Faikenbayn while Chief of the German General Staff, dated Aug. 24, states; "The .wastage of guns in the last few months has been considerably in excess of production. The same is true of the ammunition in our re- serves of which there has been a seri- ous diminution. It is the duty of all ranks -not only in the artillery -.to endeavor to remedy this serious state of things. All the ranks must make a most serious endeavor to assist in the preservation of material as indi- cated above, for otherwise making good the losses and placing new for- mations in the field will be rendered impossible. GREECE WITH VENIZELOS BARON SCHENK ADMITS. by gunfire, effected a landing which "Please allow me to go to the near- - A despatch from Amsterdam says: The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger announces that Baron von Schenk, former chief director of German propaganda in Greece, and who was sent out of Greece by the Entente powers, has reached Berlin. In an interview in Ithe Lokal Anzeiger, he is reported as saying: saved the lives of the crew, who are est post -office so that I may telephone now prisoners in 'England. The someone in London who will let my crew of the first raider died in the wife know I am safe." consuming flames of their own ship, Special constables came up and 'but they were not so terribly charred the prisoners were marched to the as their predecessors. nearest detention camp, where it was This latest raider to light her own found several of them were evoundod. funeral way on English soil collapsed Allies Also Busy. and was consumed much more quick- London, Sept. 24. -The past two ly than the L-21. It is possible, though, days has witnessed scores of battles that some of the men were still living in the air, in which the allies were when the great vessel struck the overwhelmingly successful, and the ground. The captain's body was found some distance from the wreck. Many, aeroplanes were aloft and at- tacked the Zeppelins front all sides. The raiders took a heavy toll of lives before their destruction, 28 per- sons being killed and 99 wounded in the metropolitan . district of London. Two persons were killed, probably four, and 17 were wounded in the provinces. The .property damage, while widely distributed, is confined for the most part to small suburban dwellings and shops, although one railway station was damaged, some empty, cars being destroyed and part of the tracks torn up. . The commander and twenty •mem- The Bucharest War Office announc- , ed in an earlier report that the Russo - Roumanians have repulsed the invad- ers "in a sanguinary -manner " th whole .front, and launched several counter-attacks. The report reads: "In Dobrudja the struggle continues with obstinacy. Russo -Roumanian troops repulsed in a sanguinary man- ner on the whole front all attacks of the enemy, and made several noun- tereattacks. Enemy aeroplanes drop- ped bombs on Constanza, where no one was injured, and on Piatra Nearntu, where a child was injured. Sofia officially admits that the Russo -Roumanian troops "maintained themselves in their strongly -fortified positions." . Roumanians, Russians and Serbians were pitted against the invaders, strong reinforcements having been hurried to Dobrudja,: when the 'opera- tions under the noted German field marshal threatened to overwhelm a section of Roizinania. A strong line to the north was hastily fortified and powerful forces were thrown` out to oppose the onslaughts of the : central powers. That the six days' battle has been a sanguinary one is indicated by the various official statements, which told of the intensity of the 'fighting. bombing of numerous enemy aero- dromes and factories. A French aviator flew 100 miles be- yond the German frontier and threw bombs on Ludwigshaven, where Count "Greece now is completely under the thumb of Venizelos, although the people are still our friends. When the gendarmes came to expel me, they wept, saying, 'Excuse us for what we are compelled to do under the stress ' of circumstances and of which we are very sorry." Zeppelin has his principal base • for I testing his airships, and on the city of Mannheim. Saturday night seven French aero11) - planes threw 46 shells of 120 calibre and four 150 calibre on the blasting furnaces of Rombach and Thionville. Captain Beauchamp and Lieut. Nie - court, piloting two aeroplanes, Sun- day morning threw 12 bombs on the blasting furnaces at Essen. The avia- tors returned to their base safely af- ter having traveled about 500 miles. A despatch from New Yorlc says; The British are manufacturing new war inventions "which would turn the Krupps green with envy," according to Dr. Benjamin Rand of Harvard University, who returned from a visit to England on the steamship Andania. Accorded privileges of inspection by the British Foreign Office, Dr. Rand sand he visited munition and ord- nance factories and saw `"some as- tounding inventions,"" but that he was pledged not to disclose their nature. He found among every class, he said, an intense determination to do all pos- sible to win the war. In one factory he saw 7,000 women at work, uni- formed in khaki. New factories were being built, he said, and existing ones constantly extended. GENERAL HAIG PRAISES CANADIAN TROOPS. A despatch from London says! General Sir Sam Hughes, Canadiar. Minister of Militia, has received a let- ter from Sir Douglas Haig, of which the following is an extract: ""I de- sire to express my sincere apprecia- tion of the generous terms in which you refer to the achievements of the army in France. It must be a source of pride and gratification to you to know that the gallant officers and men who come from Canada to fight for the King and the common cause of our Empire invariably do their duty in a way that reflects the greatest possible credit on themselves and their Dominion." THREE .CANADIANS ESCAPE FROM PRISON IN GERMANY Were Registered as Dead in Record Office and Their Effects About to be Distributed. A despatch from London says: Re- gistered as dead: ,by the Canadian Pay and Record Office, which was about to authorize 'distribution of their- ef- fects, Lance -Corporal Edward Ed- wards, of the Princess Patricias; Pte. James 'Jerry Burke (1216), Eighth Battalion, Winnipeg, and Pte. M, C. .Simonds • (23445), of the Seventh Bat- talion, Port Arthur, have arrived in London, after having` escaped, from a German prison camp. They experi- enced some strenuous adventures. For three weeks they were at large slow- ly and cautiously wending their way to the Holland :frontier, they covered a distance of about 150 miles. In Holland the fugitives, to their sur- prise, found a warm welcome. In fact, a local band headed them in pro- cession to the Mayor, h: a 1 who in �urir Y , communicated with the British Con- sul, with the` result that they were shipped to England. Corporal Edwards is a •Scotchnran, who had been living in. Toronto. His number, 39, shows he was an• early. enlistment, Ptes. Burke and Simonds are Canadian born, The first two were taken prisoners at'Ypres last year. SPERATE ATTEMPTS MADE 70 BREAK IRON RING Tueton Infantry Hurled in Massed Formation Against Gen. Foch's Line. A despatch from London says: The Bavarian Crown Prince's army north of the Somme made a desperate at- tempt to drive back the French from the Peronne-Combles highway, and thus break the iron ring that has been steadily closing in on these two important bases. The French War Office in its midnight communique re- ports ports that 'the attempt failed com- pletely, the French holding their po- ' sitions everywhere intact. The battle centred around Boucha- veshes, about half way between Combles and Peronne. From 9 o'clock in the morning until nightfall Teuton , infantry was hurled against General Foch's lines in a seriea bf;,fierce conn ter-e.ttacks in massa formation. They were met by a hail of 'bullets ` and shells from the French machine guns and artillery. That . the Germans meant to make a supreme effort to re-establish the communication' be- tween the two vital bases was indi- cated by the terrific drumfire' which preceded each infantry attack and by thelarge contingents thrown into battle. The assaults were launched on the three and a half mile front between the Prieze farm and the Bois L'Abbe, In one attack at noon the Germans succeeded "after a number of bloody checks," in the words of the night communique, hi taking a foothold in the north-western part of 13oucha- vesnes village, only to be driven out again at the point :of the bayonet: Fifty prisoners, including some offi- cers, were made by the French in this. action.: Four preceding "waves" had been literally mowed down by the French fire, the Teutons retiring in disorder;; according to the French War Office. The losses suffered by them are &S rii ed as ."important." The British last night -suddenly shifted the fighting' to the northern end of their line, capturing �200 Yards of German trenches. On the Somme Sir Douglas Haig's .troops heat i,li' all Teuton counter-attacks. I The . - Germ aus ii,anr, attacked French positions in die Champagne, east of Soutai.n i 1911, but were re- pulsed. A. similar action .11'1 ilte "Vos- ges, northeast of..t\.ltkirch, also atone down under the Pre:1e1.i curtain of fire.