HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-21, Page 5NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be- tween us, the undersigned, ,as G;ener- al Merchants in the Village of Dash- wood, has this day been dissolved by mutual 'consent, All debts owing to the .said partnership are to be paid to Norman Kellerman on or before Sept, 15th, A.D., 1916, at the Vil- lage of Dashwood aforesaid, and all claims against the; said ,partnership are to be presented to the said Normae I'e}leamann by whom the 'same will be settled. Dated at Dashwood this 21st day of August, A. D. 1916. Signed George 1e11'erma?xn Norman Kellermann Witnessed by E. M. Brokenshire SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS, The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter -section: of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta, Applicant enustap- peci:r in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but riot Sub -Agency), on certain condi- tions, Duties --Six, months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may (ive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm et at least 80 acres, on cer- tain conditions. A habitable house is required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. L -i certain districts a homesteaderin goat' standing may pre-empt a quer- ter-section alongside nis homestead. Price S3,00 an acre. Duties -Six months residence in each of three years after earning home stead patent;also x0 acres extra cul- tivation- Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent. on certain conditions. A settler who has exhausted hia homestead sight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3,00 per acae. Duties -Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.13. --:Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. -64388, DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS tip ,gniattngg i in'far iTtnnen. $5 a. boa or threOfor $10. Sgld,at el'1 i1rug Stores, or mailed tb Any Address bp rebefptot pr'1e pais Scofszaa Dxd4_ 'Co`„ St. Cath,___Ictrineec. Oxitalfo. PIiOSPHONO FOR IHEN. 8estbrey Vitality; for Norre'andBrnia; iucrensea++grop matter'' Yin na , a Tohic-will build you up. its; a boa, or two for $5.at drug stores, or bq mail on receipt of price,• ris Soon= Dura Co., St. Catharines, !Ontario. LEGAL ISAAC R. CARLING, B,A. .Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mol - eons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at !lowest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. MONET TO LOAN yr navp a large amount or pr•vd,ra tu,cds 'a loan, =mt, farm and >r'lla,;,' prop. .ernes a, low rare. of interest. GLA1JiAN & STA1'%HPPMY Ra.r'ster9. 5niir°tore., to*.•ter. DENTAL Or. 0 Cr. RODLSTON, L.D.S., DENT' al" wyr e.rnt7P• ,�i ne R.C.1., � ,r r'nrarr, , 4 Hone+ 4ranuale •tr t • nn,a r'ntvereity 1tfue .-„ver Oirk ., r 1111 a 'W.I.; ria' -armee. Closed wedtiveda, nftc�rnoane. DENTIST OR A R, KINSMAN. L.D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate o* Toronto Un'vereity =cth extracted without pain, or any cad erfecte. Office over Gladman . & Scenbury'e Orrice, Niacin Street, Exeter. - C ..W. ROBINSON ENSED AUCTIONEER AaTD „ ALUATOR for Counties of Huron - ',,P rth;..'Middlesex and Oxford, Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Cita, ge+• moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed CENTRAL sTF'4 FFOR' D. 'C%,�1 t•, COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND & TELEGRAPHY Departments. Stud- ents Inlay enter at any title. We place .graduates in positions, During July and August we creceivecl applications for over • 200 roffice assistants we could not supply.. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan. Principal • Colonist Fares ONE WAY SECOND CLASS From 'a11 Stations in Ontario, to certain paints in ALBERTA BRITISH„ COI.(111. • ARIZONA 'CALIFORNIA COLORADO , IDAHO LMONTANA. LAi 0 RECON SD AS •' UTAH TAH ..9lIi , '1O I�t , On sale Sept 24 to Oct. '8 inciuseare. Full ,particulars from agents or write C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent Union Station, Taroato. N. j. DOBE Exeter Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which s?a h up clinkers easily and, last Inger because each grate is three - sided, ee-sicced, Pandora %Pie The wan who designed the Pandora knew iii jOb. 1 ku m that ftua that is why it carries my guarantee AO well as the makers. ,t+o Sold by T. Hawkins & Son tom»» :44: 44.44'4.44»:»: )+4, S+s 0004 4.004 .4-44,3#1.'o .vw.w t+ »:w 2 , HOW TO KEEP WELL BY JOHN W. S. McCUi orrou, ALD„ D,P,R„ OTTI OFFICER se OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD O1' HEARTS. 1 ALTH DEMANDS ,NDS sufficient food to supply tins euerg-y* for our doll activities and to make good the cantiuuous waste of tissue that the essence of life Itself. On the ocher hand, overeating is a harmful as undereating, sauce an undue accumulation of food i the digestive canal leads to the production of poisonous bacteria waste products and places an undue burden on the kidneys.. Since the food is .needed not only to ,supply energy, but also to buil up the wastage of the tissues of the body, it is necessary that the variou elements in the diet should be present in the Draper proportions. Thi involves at least ?our distinct problems: - First, --Certain foods like meat and .milk and eggs and beans and pea itxelu,tie a large proportion of protein substances which contain nitrogen while other foods lute; potatoes and bread and butter ar aria IT TO EAT made up chiefly of carbohydrates and at which contai. AND WRY no fxitrogen, It Is Important that the diet should eoretai ' enough protein to build up the body tisane, but not to uch, since It is the protein constituents in particular which are subject t h'trneful bacterial decompositions when they accumulate in the digestiv tract. Second.---Tlie body needs not only. the proteins, carbohydrates, and fat in the diet, but also the mineral elements, or salts, such as calcium an iron. These salts are practically always present in an ordinary America dint, and therefore take care of themselves. It Is necessary also that th balance of acid and alkali Conning elements should be correct. It has bee found that when meats are oxidized they yield an acid ash, while vegetable usually yield an alkaline ash. This is another renews why a. proper propor ton of vegetable matter in the diet is important. Third. ---There is a class of substances called Vitamins, which ar Pr.'sent in meat and butter, for example, but not In bread and lard •?'oliehin.;" or removing the outer coats from rice removes the vitamins aril primitive peoples who live almost exclusively upon polished ric d velop a characteristic disease, beriberi, There is practically no dange "I' vitamin deficiency with any diet generally used in the United States. Fourth: --Finally, a certain amount al fibrous, rough, indigestible food remit as is found in graham bread, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, etc., is des mite 'Iement in the diet since it helps to stimulate the movements o the bow pts. If oto ;r factors are correctly adjusted, the salts and vitamins wil take care of themselves. One should, however, guard teainst too mueli or too little protein, too many acid forming goods, and too little of th rough and indigestible but bowel stimulating foods. The general rule is that a, family should - Spend about as much for mil, vegetables, and fruits as for meat fish, and eggs; and Spend about as much for milk and eggs as for meat and esb wil approximately meet these requirements. How near does the relative size of these items in your butcher's and •grocer's bills come to these standards? h* Is the birth of your baby registered? If not, go at once to the Clerk of the municipality and see that all particulars of the birth are placed 01 rac::,rd. The Clerk, who is called a Division Registrar, is required by law s, and 11r;i,1:4Tfl 'PION deaths. duplicate osende ones of each of s�of the egeto the Registrar -General, Parliament Buildines. Tr-reeee, on er 1VtRI.AGES, before the 15th days of January, April, July, and Oe- Asel) DDE_1,THS tober in each year. A few Division Re ;'::trans are ear( less about these returns, but the great reteiority are a110, conscientious men who are worth a great deal more to th num eipal:.1cs in various ways than is commonly recognized. When nes- r ,cords are rec.:ved at the Registrar;General's Department they are bound up for each municipality, indexed, and stored in fireproof vaults for future reference. Of what use are they, did you say? Well, if you happen to be a soldier's wife with four or five children whose ages you have to prove before you eean gt 1I1-111 on the Patriotic Fund, or if you have no other means of proving r,,,ir _naive), the Registrar -General's records will come in very handy, esh caely a:: - the debt we owe to the soldiers is recognized by the fact that ne charge is cattle to his representative for certificates o1 the records. All te.at,is nc,:e ..,•y is that the application shall bear the signature of the Magistrate, eeeeer of Patriotic Fund, or some responsible Verson. WHAT ONTARIO Hamilton; Ont. -"This is to state that I have received great benefit from the use of Dr. Pierce'e Favorite Prescrip- tion. Some time ago I was run down and weak, suffered FOLKS SAY. ZURICH Mr. C. L. Sinith .has purcliase.d the residence of Mrs, ;M: 'Fritz. and: takes posessioa. this month. Mrs. Fritz will move to London. -peter Kropf has disposed of his :galrage 'business to Mr. Emanuel Volland.-,Mr,l John Gascho of Michigai# is visiting ,relatives here.- Mr, Geo. Bender of Iil1., and Mr. Dav- id Bender of Elkton, Mich., are visit- ther father, Mr. Peter Bender of town Gannet• Murray formerly of Drysdale has taloeh to 'himself a better half, in the person of Miss Hattie Young of McKillop, They willill reside an Mr. Murray's fine farin in Tuckersmith.- a/Irs. Michael Kaercher had the mis- fortune to fail ,one day last week and fracture. her arm. -This we.ek we have to !record the ,death of Mrs. Lydia Gabel,+elict of the late Wm. Bossen- berry, at the advanced age of 36 years and 5 months. DeIcease.d, had been in failing health for same time and the f lrailties.',of old age eventually had ev their ay, as she passed away on Sat- urday morning at !thiel hoe*of Mr. Cyrus Colosky. She was born in Waterloo ;County, on April 9,- 1850. In. the year 184'5 tslxle was wniated in nuairriaga. to Wm. Bases berry, from which union 13' .children, tw(ere barn, six of wham and the fatherpredeceas ed her Five. sons and two daughters' survive -Edward of Zurich, hlenry,Hen sail; Frank of Kitchener; Adam and Charles of Alberta; Mrs. Joseph Mat - thee of•.Iiansas.and.lVlrs, Smitle:e Galt ifl loss of appetite niid was miserable. Foul' bottles of the `Prescription' cured -me up m fine shape; it did wonders for me and I can recommend it very highly to women who are ailing." -Miss MARIE Mu,LZR, 127 Hess St., Hamilton, Ont. Brantford, Ont -"Some few years ago I got in . a very much run-down condition. Was very weak; could not do anything; had no strength at all. I be- gan 'taking Dr., Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion; I only took five bottles and it put me in. splendid condition. • I felt better than I had for years. Other members of my family have used this medicine and found it equally . as beneficial. I can highly recommend it to weak women." -- Mits. A. GILMOUR, 71 Brighton Row, Brantford, Ont. x . The use of Dr. Pierce's Favoritir Pre- ecriiption:"makes women happy by. making them healthy. There are no more crying spells. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women, strong, sick women well:, • Likean open book, our faces tell e tale of health or disease. Hollow the s and sna ee es listless unk, ,. , y steps slee ie nights-aellef wasting debilitating disease some,place i ,pia, in -the body. It may be one 1 e: or nother a the causeever is P�generally Y traceable to aommo c n source. "Go the'"Prescription" ion to -day ---either P her in liquid or tablet form -if ou want to better yoiir physical condition speedily. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in- vigorate ' stomach liver and bowels Keep the body clean inside as well as ac.a: Fere SEM,H'OR rH-A quiet; wedding: took 'alrttce .at;: the harm of •Mr, and Mr... HughMackay,' Sept. 12 „when' en their- , �, second dalg r, Ea Belle, was url+ nte:d in marriage to Harry. L. Myers son of Mrs.. J. iR, `Myers,<',a 'pro's- ei ous young.. merchant of Stratford. -The death occurred at her residence, Jahn :street Sept 7, of ,Margaret Cochrane Chesney, eelnlct of the late Samuel BRUCEFIELD , amen A hapoy event took place at the residence of Mrs. Jas. Turner on Sept, 9, at high noon, when her cnly daughter. Mabel A, Turner was unit- ed in marriage to Walter Watts, man- ager of the Dominion Bank, Hunts- ville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. 1. Hal; Woods of Bruce - field in the presence of a few rela- tive, and friends =A pretty wedding teen place at high noon Sept. 13 at the home of George Tyner of Huliett Township, when his only daughter, nfaud became the bride of Charlie Clifton a Brucefield, -Mr. and Mrs. Clifton took the afternoon train from Clinton for a brief honeymoon trip and on her realm will reside oa the groom's farm ct, the; London Road Bruccefield. Monday, Sept. 11, a� Main St. 'flay, (laughter f �I Rale of Ele a!l d HENSALL On t alethodist Parsonage, Exeter, Bertha ug ter o . r, h- Blatchford n� , was married to Charlie L. Jinks. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. ,nfr. Muxwor•thy. The Bride wore a suit of bine taffeta sill: wita hat to match, After the wed- ding the hapoy couple left for a trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Bui:alo returning to their home in Hensall,T .nrrs, J A. Atchesort announces the marriage of her daughter, Alexa Adel aide, to Walter S. Ferguson, tit, on Sept. ,Medicine Hat, Alta. -Miss Erma. Rennie, tvha is training for a nurse at Detroit, is 'home for her heli- day.—Mas. H. Sparling of Medicine Lake, Montana, is ,visiting her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Sherritt,-_ Mrs, Lou Simpson has gone to at. Joseph tot parse Ansa Silencer. LUCAN. John Fox is visiting his son, Dr. Frederick Fox in New York. -Beta, S O'Neil of Toronto visited his brother I). S a few days.--RRv. J. E. Holmes, 1 a. former pastor, Preached in Lucan' Methodist church Sunday morning,- Fred Coursey and Geo, Groom on fur. lough of six months from the firing line ,Arrived here last week.--Maand Mrs. Wm. Tier and daughter left fox their home in Winnipeg. after Iwo months" visit here, -Rev. H. T. Cross- ley, evangelist, will conduct special services 'here commencing Sept. 24. The Lucan traces ,were held on Mon- day and attracted a large crowd. ORAND BBND Too late for ,last week. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Brenner and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra !Brenner left Tuesday for a visit in. 'the ,chest, --Mrs. ?.Baker who Ina belen on the sick list, is recovering. -Mr, endt Mrs. Cyrus Green and ;.Mrs, G, Zapfe l;eft. Tuesday to visit at Point ,Edward and Pt. Huron, and Cass City, Mich., for two weeks. -Mrs. H. Gould, who was taken ill on Friday ;evening is some better at the time of writing. --.The boys from Camp Borden were home over Sunday, -Mal Maurice. Brenner visited a tew days at Forest. -Mr. and Mrs, Joie Disjard- ine and Mrs, John jtoss were at Lon- don Fair Tuesday. CASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of $ ceatt ail aware. Sunlight Soap The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Stun. It costs US more to make Pure ;.gq oap.But it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itst if in the clothes it savesi-It does not wear and rub the fabrics as eomlmon soaps do. is.000 tworaotst Rf R R AK ACTIO The Master of Disease The cause of d:`seeee -removed. from the spine --no cause no a° 'eat. You cannot get around facts, no matter how skeptic: al you are, and a you are not well we can gonviace you that Chiropractic is the logical saninae or the .relief of disease, based oa a thorough knowledge of adjusting the ver- tebrae of the spine (or backbone) thus ;relieving interference with :tie cur- rent:, which is the cause of disease:- The isease. The body, like any other machine will work normally when an its parts arc in•place sa the energy will ap11y. In the: human body the energy* i; called ale currents. It is transmitted through the nerves from °'xet brain cella to the 4isstee cells of the body and so long as _the nerve *•hannals are free the 1111e currents will pass to the' place of function, an 1 norma; activity evill :result -which means HEALTH. Consult us on any disease. 011e visit wilt convince you tha' Chiro- practic is right, Any of the organs or glands ,of the body may be'ome disea•,t•l from pressure on nerves. Have this pressure removed, Why treat ef.e ts? If you have any of the following ailnicnts. stop treating elle :s, have the cause removed --no cause, no reffet't. We have helped your t,iends, tt e can do the same for you, Abscesses Diabetes Asthma #Female Weakness Appendicitis Fevers Bronchitis Grill Stones Bladder Troubles Goitre Constipation Heart Disease Catarrh Hay Fever Dyspensia Insanity Deafness Indigestion Jaundice Kidney Diseases Liver Troubles Lumbago N crocus I) ebility euralgia Piles Paralysis; Pharnygitis Pleurisy Rheumatic :x rn any part of the body, Sciatica Sight Stammerin St. Vitus' can. -e Tie-doulaureaux Urinary rea,ease These .are only a few of the d iseascs, as our space is liinite i If you are a, sufferer from any chronic trouble see Dr. S. '.1. Junc Mondays, Wednesdays' and Fridays, Exeter, opmesite the Rol sr 'lips Consultation and ,examination free , r eerie. outside. Chesney 'i,n her 75th year. 1 Pilommimp 1 Ili mi d gmogliod 1f fit it 211 �l. 111 F.O,,14. *INCISOR. ONT. 114 1� 7 You will not see a long list of necessary acces- sories advertised for Max- well cars, ELECTRIC starter and lights, one-man mohair top, demountable rims, rain -vision windshield, speedometer, linoleum covered floor boards and run- ning boards—all these features, which are found on much more expensive cars, are part •`of the regular Maxwell equipment. They are included in the list price. When you buy a Maxwell, your investment is com- pleted There are no extras to buy;. In addition you get a car of proved endurance, of unusual economy. And behind these qualities there is the .record and reputation of the Maxwell, which is Second :to none. - -- . We insist and willy~ prove toa> thatathe Maxwell is the world's greatest motor car value. • Roadster, 8830 Touring Car, $850..., 1 ''Cab*iolet 81235 -� Tozvn Qctr, $1,y?00 . , ;Sedan,." 814460 Kilo equipped,°taetud1ng elecVic stare,' and lights,,, All,prfces•f o tort dsor. Ont c ° E.. Qestricker, A • ent a d De ,I'e r.•Credi o ! it n ° 1 ;wr., �.. .reel. >. , dIt Cy •: � � Zi y. � , , rr 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1[