HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-21, Page 2About the House Useful Hints and General Informa- tion for the Busy Housewife �f• Appetizing Cheese Dishes. ITHE ROMANCE OF AUSTRALIA IT WAS ONCE CONNECTED WITH OTHER LAMAS. land indeed, anything eaten by very 1 Island Continent Has Strangest and Animals in the World. One of the oldest of all lands, Aus- tralia, is the youngest of all nations. She is the reality of two thousand years of wise men's dreams, the vast Cheese is a wholesome feud that l young children where fresh bread is ties the n least e. occasional place Dried bread is also valuable for on the dining table. Ib weal 'mixing feeding the household pets. often positively dangerous. d d ap- R - with various other foods for pear more frequently, perhaps, if the numerous attractive and unusual wens of serving it were more commonly 'Miscellaneous Recipes. Men CONTAI NS NO ALUM P4 t " r AIN i. i A l known. Green Tomato Sweet Pickles.—One outlier t' t lli h the "- - Cheese Salad.—Slightly warm one peck of green tomatoes, One dozen thought must be there to balance the of the earth. The animals remained naked, and cannibals. The lowest in panel in the front and basic, and is pound of shoe e, then work it until it large white onions. Six red peppers: land in the northern hemisphere. No the very lowest type—animals which the human scale, they lived, and still certainly most attractive. crumbles. Add one quarter of a . coarsely chopped. One cup of sugar.. one dared seek for her, for they carry* their young in Pouches, which ;live, when away from white settle - teaspoonful of finely minced anion, ' One talalespoonful of ground all -spice. thought that she, was separated from have the smallest of brains. There 'merits, much the same sort of life as girls was made of navy blue gabard- two hard-boiled eggs, finely minced, One'tablee:paonful of ground chum- the rest of the world by an equator was no competition, no hard struggle our old cave men dived in Britain ins, with a very long, full coat, The testi tt!I?lesnonnfuls of mayonnaise men, One tablespoonful of ground of fire and demons and all -slaying far life, as in the busier world width -hundreds of thousands of years ago. skirt also sues very full. it extended dressing. Wber' yon have thoro.ighly mustard. One tablespoonful of mist, :out, no need to improve. They de- They had rough flint implements and up above the normal wais#line, where mined all the ingredients, farm the v;hole cloves. Three pints of vine- She must be there, they said, and veloped on the old lines Some grew Stools, and their successors have theist' it was attcahed to a blouse of brown mixture into small balls, and serve gar. Slice the tomatoes the day be- they drew fancy outlines of her on, be glints, as big as any elephant, still; •they do not possess houses, un- and black checked silk with small N. them with lettuce leaves on individual . £ore pickling. Sprinkle them tlzor- all their maps and globes, and showed and then died out. The smaller types .*less it be a rade, temporary shanty . heCks. The coat was lined with this plates• ouglily w..th salt, but nob too heavil . ' her linked up to Africa and to Am- survived, though, of these smaller made of bark or twigs. silk, and when thrown open the effect Linapens Cheese (Belgian style).— In the morning drain oil file liquor. erica, and stretching unbroken to the ones, the great kangaroo is bigger And yet these ancient savages made of the whole costume was very stria,. Cut a small loaf of bread into slices Have ready the onions coarsely sliced.. South Pale. But when Diaz stag- than the tallest man. one of the most wonderful of all na- - ing. Take a. kettle and put in a layer of gered around the southern foot of The story of the Australian animals aural weapons, the booarerang=-the Suit Fabrics and Colors teniatoes, then a layer of onions, and Africa, the lllagellan found his way is ane of he wanders of the world, s curved piece of wood which, when between s teach layer the sugar through open water round the south- The huge continent experiences in its eleverly thrown, circles strangely There are charming suit materials p` s, Tager over them ern -most point of South America, different ranges three climates—oro» , through the air, strikes dead a bird for fall, which will perhaps make it and all the spite and Drake, following, got blown away or an animal on if it misses, returns difficult to decide on what to get. Be. tdze three pint: of vinegar, or enough ° into the boundless Southern Seas be- pical, sub -tropical and temper te, re to cover the whole well and .boil gent- a that the might expect to find there , to the thrower. And these boomer- sides the old stancd-by, serge, there is i ly until tender. The onions can be ; "2161' inathe none atefound it un,oand r struck animals resembling those of Africa as aaig men with their tools and flint its staunch companion, galiarelvel- left out if the flavor i- obje,tionable ! } g well as of Europa. But there is node-; and their fires made by friction, shax- then there are Wool main, wool vel. Australia from the ma There could the as the pickles are equally good with- ; not be a southern continent after all, ing of file sort. There are no lions 'neariylzthree auiraals square continent fes, and ours, many fancy twillscheviot, nd uitings, o or tir,:. z or til°o1v. ., lletix$, end's, e n 1 For dress wear,, out them. they sand. But A:istralia �v^ti tdz�axe , ,. , ' : ,i- ems.,.- a.••:,,h'•: ..,..., iniies s:•om east to velvet velveteen A wonderfully smart suit from and remove the crusts. Butter each sliee, and cover it well with grated cheese, building up the slices one on another in two mounds in a deep bak- ing dish. Boil a cupful of milk, and season it with salt; pepper and a dash of grated nutmeg; when the milk has, boiled pour it over the bread; set the dish in the oven and let the mia'ure hake nor a cluster cf an hour, basting the bread frequently with the milk in tlrt' gine •'• ..., . Fried C'h: �ese ilali htix half a cup- ful eaeh of grated t hee•e and an equal rmoune of bread crumbs, add one well - beaten egg and a te•tspoonful of a good relish. Roll the mixture into balls dip them into beaten egg, then into very t fine bread crumbs that you have Isgilt•'.•y seasoned with pepper and salt. Fry the bells in deep, hot fat, If you like hili seaeonini:•, add a dell of C tx ea r, rapper to the cheese mix- ture. With a Iettuee salad the cheer e baps mate an excellent garnish 'ter veal. Savory Cheese Rusks.—These are particularly appetizing as a luncheon dish. Grate one and one half cup - fele <if strong cheese. add one tea- spoonf.il of olive oil, one tea•�poonful of dry mustard, and two tablespoon- fuls of mild vinegar. Season it highly with a good relish and with salt and pepper. Add one eighth of a teaspoonful of soda and heat the mix- ture until it is very light and creamy. Spread it nn round- of rusks or on plain white bread and brown it in a pouring the vinegar over the grapes . lava from which they first solidified, mals, they took to being giants, and established, so no one need be afraid very hot oven. If you wish, you can cld you will avoid shacking• them, and ; were released with the slowly gather-' are often the tallest trees in the to make her selection in suits at,d vary the reeeiet by using three table- they retain their natural color. ' ing debris, and this highly charged' world, reaching from 400 to 500 feet,' gowns early, for there is na danger spoonfuls of olive oil and only half a ' Gra a and Ali le Je11y.—Take, half.- !rubble of shattered rock and wind- , Their Ieaves stand upright, so that that they will not die in good style lat. table; poonful of the vinegar. , rive grapes, stem and •wash. To one ` lashed sand forms to -day, the barren ' the sunlight passes between them and er. The suit models that have come Cheese Rings. Place one cupful of quart of stemmed fruit add two mad- deserts of Australia. But smiling i the trees yield no shade, but their over from Paris are as attractive as water, half a cupful of butter and half ium-rized applies; core, but do not verdure clad the greater part of these, i properties are indispensable, and their they can be. The coats are mostly a teaspoonf :l of salt in a saucepan; peel apples. Cover with water and and great forests grew. They sank ;wood is invaluable. They yield pro- three-quarter length and some of when the water hails, adtl one cupful , bail until mushy. Strain thro+igh beneath the sea, and more changed t cious oils and gums, wood the white item are shorter. They reach to the of pastry Einar and stir the mixture ; jelly bag. Let juice stand overnight, into Boal. Gold and silver, tin and ant cannot destroy, wood that water .hips, the fingers tips or the k�iees, until it leaves the sides of the pan. 1 as this prevents formation of tartaric ; copper, diamonds and other valuable , will not rot and the deadly ship- The skirts are quite full; just as full Remove it from the fire and allow it ? acids crystals. To each cup of juiee • stones, formed in the rocks,. and the ;worm will not bore. Then there are 1 as they were last fall, but not so flaring to stand until it is luke warm, then 1 add one clip of sugar; boil; while boil- precious metals tumbled from their 3 the wonderful accedes, with their ;The lines are straighter, as a rule, beds as the mountains crumbled, . glorious blooms and perfume; and 'and the skimjust a trifle ion add three, eggs, one at a time, and ing take out from time to time a ; forming the great nuggets that have' there is the famous bush or scrub i ger beat each one thoroughly. Add half small quantity of the liquid and set to ?since been found in the soil. which covers hundreds of square miles a cupful of :tale grated cheese and cool, and repeat this process until the { But where were the men? The at a stretch. place the mixture in a pastry bag that sample-. sets to the desired thickness.: men were not ready. They bad not • There are trees whose blossoms are has a sten. tube, Line a biscuit pan Put in glasses, and when cold cover ; emerged. But the animals had.' so brilliant that they seem to set hills Pepper Hash.—Twelve tea,rte red., ...'t• µ ,,..,,.. ..�.• t, d there is the wild dog, or "south. With, this primitive living pp +ill till time, with the . t.,lnae bl i t pepper; ` q'wei e large green ped?- and the strangest animals in the eiteept a little so-called cat. There is west and nearly 2,000 from north to ht n pers. Fifteen onions. Take seed ; ivoi Id, lying, as under u spell of en -tar a from peppers. Chop fine in food chautment, asleep within her borders dingo, but he is a mysterious new- , host for her keepers,the great land , chopper and pour over boiling water.. of pearl and coral and her girdle of comer, not a native. There are neith- i slept an; she slept, like Sleeping Let er apes nor monkeys; neither oxen, Beauty, until the prince should come. Make standa w ak solut' sofive minutes lution vinegar to nd then drane , saFor long, long years Australia had sleet, nor antelopes; camels,no res, —"My Magazine." two arts water (three-fourths pin[ lain preparing for the coming of man. rhinoceroses, pigs, , , vinegar to one and one-half pint., Her history is written on her wide hares or rabbits; no true mice, squir- : . water for the above amount of rc err bosom, Once she waspart of greater re = or porcupines; no hedge hogs or p Arms. And yet, lacking un these and onions. Put in the ehonped pep.. land masses, connected, perhaps, by erezatuzes, litln wild life is petters and onions. Let boil, then ; land bridges with Asia. Beneath the ..amazing. drain again. A,tIJ one pint of vine- ..a surface this vast continent was hail- A multitude of forms follow the gar, two and one-half cups sugar, lag, Burning mountains were heaved ka:zgaroo line of development; there three tablespoons salt. Let all come „nap and blew their heads off, and thou- are what are called kangaroo hares, i to a hail, put in jiirs and Beal. sands of miles of lava and ash re- kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice, simply p , main to tell the tale of her great because they suggest the forms of Before very long, thin summer Fickl Gapes. Tale rip a g':o es • remove all imperfect and broken ones, volcanoes. r these originals in other lands. There frocks and light suits will have to be divide large bunches. Put in earth- Where Were the hien? ;were no flesh -eaters, other filen the :