HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-14, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's
The. Rind Yore I :We Always i3ought, ansi which has been
in. use for over CG yeaes, leas borne the signature Of.
.------ and has been ui de under his per-
"� . son"l supervision since its infancy.
s%}� : Allose no one to deceive you in this.
All. Cenrote''ttits, Iaiitatlo;as aria "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and. Children -Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTO R JA
'Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, B orphino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays. Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, 'Wind Colic, an " Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Iaowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Paleaeea-The 11I0ther'S Friend.
Bears the Signature of
For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
&1*?z etCr cot tt.
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors.
Subscription Price. -In advance ;1
per year in. Canada; $1,50 in United
States. If not paid in advance the
price is 50c. more per year.
t� antioanee that our Millinery De-
partment will be open on Monday and
Tueeday lath and 19th of September
and following days. Miss Link is v,;-
;.1: -1
,g -
a' -h !u ehare, and will show a grand
display of the very latest Ind most
exquisite styles at very moderate pric-
es A cali solicited.
General Merchant
Crediton, Ontario.
The anniversary services which
were held in the Methodist Church
last Sunday were very successful. The
aim set fol financial contributions
was almost attained. Rev. Barnby, D.
Lucan preached both morning
and evening to large congregations.
His discourses proved very interesting
and all enjoyed his sermons very much
Mr. land 2Irs. Roy Hill of Detroit
were an town last week the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hilt.
Arrangements are being made fol
a fowl sur:Ler which is to be held in
the Evangelical church sheds some
tent., next month. Particulars given at
a Iater date. In the meantime sit up
and take notice.
F. W. Clark !was in Windsor last
%ree'k with others to help bring home
new Ford cars, There were over 110
tsar. in the procession so it trust i ave
been an imposing sight. In shite of
the eeemiugly hard times Ford eti.l
ma'. es hi, "Henrys" and sells therm
This i.. London Fair week. Qu:tea
number of our pea, le are availing.
themselves of the icheap rates to see
the Fair and transact business es well.
air. and Mrs. F. W. Clark and Wm.
I'enhnlc of Exeter motored to Dun-
dalk last week go .visit friends.
We regret very much to learn that
Samuel Brown is seriously- thinking, in
sel'i•ie hes business here and moving
t x Ki chener, where the is at present
engaged in the ,same line of business.
EI; many friends hope he will re-
con: id.er and remain here, as he an -i
Erie family will be greatly missed.
,_-The Red Cross Society are sering
ice cream and snake in the Town Hall
.next Saturday evening Let there lie
a good attendance ani so assist
worthy cause.
Urs. Williams and daughter of Ham-
ilton are visiting Mr, and Mrs. ,. M.
Jelms ton.
Card of Thanks. -Mrs. John Silber
and family 'wish to thank the peon e
of Crediton and vicinity for the"
kindness to them while .Mrs. Eilber
eras seriously i11. They are deepie
••se :eiul
Miss Dora Kieft of Ciinton is vis-
iting at her home here,
Mr, Wm. Held moved into his new
residence this week.
Mr P. Schroeder and family oaf Mit-
chell visited relatives here Sunday.
Mrs. Ed. Nadiger is at present very.
ill. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Miss A. McDonald of Exeter spent
Sunday with Mrs. N. Itellerma:i.
Mr ,and Mrs. W. Howden of ('pap-
erstown N. Dakota, called on old
acquaintance,; in the village Monday
after an absence of 30 years.
r. and Mrs. Win. leleinstivz
;Mr and,
family are visiting in Detroit this week
Miss Elsie Kienzle of Crediton was
the guest of Miss Leta Guenther ev-
er Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. B. Statton has moved
into 'the residence formerly vaca.ed
by Alr. G. W. Shore.
Messrs. M. Brokenshire, L. Adams
arc: Ed Brokenshire and daughter.
Nettie and Mrs. Adam; attended the
funeral . of a relative a: exced tin
Rey. Mel er and ann.— are this
week camping at Grand Bend.
Messrs L. Goete, L. Edighotf er end
E. Schantz left for S:a:or:al, where .
they will attend Coi.ee ate.
Mrs C. Burmeister, w :ao has Leen
very ill, we are pleased to Saye is
Mr Oliver Gr;.ybiel and bride are
spending vert of their honeymoon
with the lormer's parents here.
Quite a number from here are at-
tending. London Fair this week.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. Grasbiel and
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Engelandd attendad
the wedding of the former's son at
Bethany Anniversary services were
held last Sabbath and were very suc-
cessful in every particular. Special
music' vas furnished by the Sunshine
choir. Rev. Mr. Knight preached in
the afternoon and evening. The
thank offering• amounted to $85.00,
The -addition to Bethany sbel ;, has
been completed. -Mr. and Mrs. Nor;
man Fassmore, Mr, and -Mrs. WinsPass'`
more, Garnet Passmore and Mr: and
Mrs. To C.• Allen attended the Len -1
don Exhibition this ,week.-Mr..Thos.1.
Carneron is in London this week en- '
deavaring to sell different farm prate
et -ties in this neighborhood. ,
Mies 2viararSt Hanlon left Inst week
01.• T,rsIine College, Chat-
harn, a nd \Ir. - Gerald Hanlon to at-
tend � Assumption College, Sandwich.
and• Mrs. Hobbs and son, Ern-
est autoed. up in 'their new car and
visited with their daughter, Mrs. Hec-
tor ,'\tillson.-Mr. and Mrs, Wesley
Freeman of Granton spent, Sunday
here with her mother, Mrs. Brooks.
.13r. and Mrs. Georgellillson spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Aaron
Davis Saintsbury.-Caleb Millson of
WhiteOak visited friends here and al-
so.his brother Samuel near '.Mitchell
on Friday. -Beatrice Gunning of Kirk -
ton ti.ited here on Sunday. -.Mr. Io.
Morley attended Toronto Fair last
week. -Mrs. James Hern of Exeter
visited her sisters. here last week,_
Elector and Clarence Vi'lson spent
Friday of last week in London. -Mrs
Nathaniel Ogden, who has been ill in
bed, is now p.ble .to be around again.
-;Miss •Edna Gunning has returned
home,- after spending the summer with
her cousin, Mrs. Albert Scott at •:Sun•
shine. -R Neil left Tuesday for
Calgary. where he expects to secure
a position.
4s, 'Margaret Ament of Brus els
spent a few days at the home of :Mr.
G A. Glenn. --,t . pretty wedding was
ac-,emnized at the home of Mrs. Turn-
. - on Saturday last, when her one`
daughter ..Miss Mable was united in
.rxrriage to Mr. Walter Watts -cif
Huntsville, -.The Women's Missionary
Society held their annual meeting of
Huron Presbyterial ill the church •on
Tuesday Last. A lerge number of nel
agatee were present, Messrs. Earl and
Clarence kaiser of Detroit spent •La-
)': I)ay at 'heir home hire. -Mr, lohn
til: 2wsa of Stanley deft on Monday
for• a trip to 'the West, --Mr, and Mrs.
T. A Glenn and little daughter spent
Sunday wi•h Mr. Glenn's mother at
'.n nle .-Mr ,'nd Mrs. John Moffatt
are ta':t-r; in London Fair th:.s•w e..
The Council convened in the Town
Hall Crediton, on Sept. 4th. A'1 the
members present except Mr. Love
Previous minutes were aperove 1
Tlx: t ollowing orders were passed -
Herb Biber, framing Honor Rol.
1.75: Wrn, Nichols. lamb killed by
dogs 6.65; Wm. White, teaming, 2.50
Frank 'McKeever gravel, 23.70; FN.
Farncomb, ,Eagleson's & Carruthers'
:Awards, 64.51; T. Oliver and others
culvert L.Rd. 32.00; Ed, Wilds. gra-
vel and tree 43.40; Ed. Allen and
others. concrete culvert 13.50; Jas.
Ziler, gravel 34,60; Wm. Oliver, re-
Ilsie License 6.16; Thos. Webb and
others grading N.B. 13.00; Thos.\Vebb
and others, grading 41,75.
Adjournment to 9th Sept, in Clerk's_
office. for general business.
Henry Either, Clerk.
Perfect cooking and baking with least expenditure of
heat is assured by the double flue system forcing heat
twice around the oven of
Come in and I'll show you why the Pandora stays as
good as new long after other ranges have to be repaired
:or replaced.
;T T..WT': �s.:• . n
Ont,, Sept. 7. -August
lie.k, 32 years of age, employed on
the farm of •Frederick Meyer, of the
fifth concession of Fullyneon, was al-
most instantly, killed yesterday when
a wood -saw run by a gasoline eng-
ine which Giilck was operating broke
from its shaft and tore through his
breast Giilck had been a, resident of
Canada for fifteen years , ,.
By instructions of the minister of
Agriculture, is. distribution of superior
sorts of grain and potatoes .will be
made during the coming Winter and
Spring to Canadian farmers. The sam-
ples for general distribution will con-
sist of Spring wheat about 5 lbs„ of
oats about 4 lbs., barley about 6 lbs.
and tield peas about 5 lbs. These
will be sent out from Ottawa. A dis-
tribution of potatoes in samples of
aneu: 3 lbs. will be carried on from
several of the experimental farms, the
Central Farm at Ottawa supplying oniy
the Provinces of Ontario and Queb=c,
All samples will be sent tree by
New York 'Unions Propose to Go Out
in Sympathy With Carmen.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—A strike
of stage employes, longshoremen,
brewery workers, machinists, bart n-
ders, moulders, and printers, in
sympathy with the unionized car men
who quit their places four days ago,
was decided upon at a meetings at
the heads of their unions Sunday
night, according to an announce-
ment by Hugh Frayne, state organ-
izer of the American Federation of
A resolution was passed calling
[upon all unionized wage-earners in
Greater New York, Yonkers, Mount
Vernon, White Plains, and New Ro-
chelle, to sanction a strike "in sup-
port of the contention of the street
railwaymen ;of the right to organize."
The resolution recommends the t the
workers in the various trades "lay
down their tools until the compau:c,s.
are forced to recognize the carmeu'a
According to Frayne, approximate-
ly 750,000 men and women are en-
rolled in the unions which were re-
presented at- the meeting Sunday
preesnted at the meeting Sunday
Before a sympathetie strike can be
declared,- however, it was explained
by the union leaders that it will be
necessary for them to can, mass
meetings of their respective unions
and put the proposition to a vote of
the members.
Fighting is Reported to Have Taken
Place on Friday.
OTTAWA, .Sept. 11.—It is report-
ed here that the Canadians have
again been in action. - This time on
the Somme front, to which a large
number of the troops from the ,Do-
minion were moved some time ago.
No details of the engagement are
available; but the fighting appears to
have taken place on Friday, - when
the British continued their adyance,
capturing .a German trench and re
pulsing a number of counter-attacks:
The action does not seem to have
been a heavy or srious one so fat' as
the Canadian divisions Trpre con
cerned. "•
Miss Shepard, milliner of Hamilton
has. accepted a position with Miss Lee
for the coming season. -Clarence, the
five-) ear -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
es. Reith had the misfortune to 'creak
his lett arm hear the elbow, The lad
was ssettine out of a vehicle and when
on the axle aost his footing and :ell
with above results. At present he is
doing well, --Mr. Thos. Dale a the
Coursey line had a horse killed and
anothe- so badly injured that it was
necessary to kill it. The horses had
taken shelter under a whiteash tree.
which was near the barn during the
time of an ,ele: riical storm which
passed over this se:tion, one ,af the
lightning' flashes struck the tree with
above iresults. During the same storm
the barns of Airs. Goulding, Con. 12,
London Tp., were struck by light-
ning and building and eontente total-
ly destroyed. -Special Parvest Thanks
giving setvicres will be held at St.
Jame..' Church, Clandeboye, Sunday,
Sept. lith, at 11 a, in. and 7.30 ;e
m. -when the Rev. W. F, Brownlee,
R. D.. will be the special preacher.
W Simmons, Pte. F. J. Simmons
and John Bolton motored to Strat-
ford on Monday. -Mrs. Sarah Broad
foot and James called on Brucefield
friend,-. on Sunday. -Miss Mae Horton
is in Seaforth learning to sew -Among
those attending, the Western Fair this
Mrs George Dalrample, Mrs. Tohn
Bolton, hiiss Maude 'Glenn, Clifford
and John Selves, Maggie Hobkirk and
Jame . Broadfoot: Mr. and Mrs. Rice
and family of Seaforth were Sunday
visitors, also Mr. and Mrs. Jaris Hor-
ton and young son, -Mrs, Arthur
Hummel (nee Emma Ford) of Blooms-
burg. Pa., is here, the guest of her
sisters, airs. Gordon and John Bol-
ton.-Ptes, Simmons, 1,Vilkinsoin and
Parker brothers were home for day's
Leave from Camp Borden, On Friday
evening the good people of fiensall
treated the soldier boys to a. fowl
sup ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn
and little daughter of Brucefield
spent Sunday with. the former's moth-
er here. -Mr. and Mrs. James Horton
were in Harpurhey on Sunday visit-
ing Mr. N. B. Horton. -Miss Rae Hor-
ton is in Seatorth, where she is learn-
ing the art of dressmaking.
SE AFORTH.-L. L. McFaul, one of
the town's most esteemed citizens,
died Sunday night at the age of 79
years. He was principal of the pub-
'_ school here for 28 years. He had
lived retired for twelve .liars, Ed•-
wara nicFaul, retured merchant, is
a brother.
For Infants and
In Use For Over :',:,:tliaears
Always bears
Signature of
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LLD, D.O.L., President'
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asset General Manager
LAM., A ., $15,ON WMo RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may- be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business, Mgney may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Sank $33
EXETER BRANCH -A. E. Kuhn,Mgr. CREDITON-S. M. Johnson, Mgr,
The holy bond 01 mar:ia.ge.rassan-
nrunced in the R, C. Church.. here on
Sunday by Rev. Father Tierney or
Mr Alex. McDonald to Miss Nellie
Hall, the marriage to take •dace the
batter part of Seetember.-Quite a
number from this neighborhood at-
tended the London Faire -Mr. P. J.
Buckley of L .an • .rioye called on-
nfriends here ast ,week.—Mr, Michael
Ryan parchased the house formerly
owned by Carroll brothers. -Misses
Mary Ryan, Alice Ryan, Alice Burns
returned to their homes :n Chicago
after spending several weeks. -rith
friends here. -Miss Madeline Giavnn
left ast wleek for Ottawa, where she
will ' attend Nowmal School. .
It is a grave mistake for rnothersto neg-
lect their aches and pains and =Cite in
silence -this only leads to chronic sick-
ness and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your noires are
excitable; if you feel languid,or
depressed, you should know their `
Emulsion overcomes; justsuch co s.
• It possesses in concentrated .f the.
very elements to invigorate the,
strengthenthe tissues, nourish th
and build strength. ,
Scott's is Sirengthening thou:
nothers-and I• ill help you. :Try
s{ vit' & :,ohne, Toronto, Ont.
liCapital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches ain. Canada
GeneralBanking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit -
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rat.
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
Save money when you put in your fur-
nace—but not too much. It takes a
good furnace to turn coal into heat ---a
good furnace well installed.
The heating system for every wise man
is the one that saves money for him
every winter. On that basis the Hecla
is by far the lowest in cost.
We will plan such a system for you and
furnish estimates free.
H. Spackman, Exeter
Representative, of CLARE BROS. &CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
I -I E C L A
New Prices August 1, 1916
' IVli' ON AND AFTER AUG.1,1916
Chassis ... $450.00
Runabout ... 475 00
Touring Car . . 495.00
f. `o. b. Ford, Ontario
These prices are positively guarant-
eed against any reduction before
August ist, 1917, but there is no
guarantee againstan advance in price
at any time. Any, person thinking at
buyinc, a car will do well to consult
he dealer,
il`o Snell,
Exeter, Ont.
The I1oalth
and Beauty Bath
is assured when Lifebuoy
Soap is used. It keeps the
skin radiantly clean and
glowing with health.
Lifebuoy is an honest soap
-unwrap a cake and smell
it. A mild carbolic odor is
there -that means an ut-
terly healthy skin. But, the
odor vanishes immediately
after use.
eel 0a ' P
t � 1617
Miss Shepard, milliner of Hamilton
has. accepted a position with Miss Lee
for the coming season. -Clarence, the
five-) ear -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
es. Reith had the misfortune to 'creak
his lett arm hear the elbow, The lad
was ssettine out of a vehicle and when
on the axle aost his footing and :ell
with above results. At present he is
doing well, --Mr. Thos. Dale a the
Coursey line had a horse killed and
anothe- so badly injured that it was
necessary to kill it. The horses had
taken shelter under a whiteash tree.
which was near the barn during the
time of an ,ele: riical storm which
passed over this se:tion, one ,af the
lightning' flashes struck the tree with
above iresults. During the same storm
the barns of Airs. Goulding, Con. 12,
London Tp., were struck by light-
ning and building and eontente total-
ly destroyed. -Special Parvest Thanks
giving setvicres will be held at St.
Jame..' Church, Clandeboye, Sunday,
Sept. lith, at 11 a, in. and 7.30 ;e
m. -when the Rev. W. F, Brownlee,
R. D.. will be the special preacher.
W Simmons, Pte. F. J. Simmons
and John Bolton motored to Strat-
ford on Monday. -Mrs. Sarah Broad
foot and James called on Brucefield
friend,-. on Sunday. -Miss Mae Horton
is in Seaforth learning to sew -Among
those attending, the Western Fair this
Mrs George Dalrample, Mrs. Tohn
Bolton, hiiss Maude 'Glenn, Clifford
and John Selves, Maggie Hobkirk and
Jame . Broadfoot: Mr. and Mrs. Rice
and family of Seaforth were Sunday
visitors, also Mr. and Mrs. Jaris Hor-
ton and young son, -Mrs, Arthur
Hummel (nee Emma Ford) of Blooms-
burg. Pa., is here, the guest of her
sisters, airs. Gordon and John Bol-
ton.-Ptes, Simmons, 1,Vilkinsoin and
Parker brothers were home for day's
Leave from Camp Borden, On Friday
evening the good people of fiensall
treated the soldier boys to a. fowl
sup ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn
and little daughter of Brucefield
spent Sunday with. the former's moth-
er here. -Mr. and Mrs. James Horton
were in Harpurhey on Sunday visit-
ing Mr. N. B. Horton. -Miss Rae Hor-
ton is in Seatorth, where she is learn-
ing the art of dressmaking.
SE AFORTH.-L. L. McFaul, one of
the town's most esteemed citizens,
died Sunday night at the age of 79
years. He was principal of the pub-
'_ school here for 28 years. He had
lived retired for twelve .liars, Ed•-
wara nicFaul, retured merchant, is
a brother.
For Infants and
In Use For Over :',:,:tliaears
Always bears
Signature of
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LLD, D.O.L., President'
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asset General Manager
LAM., A ., $15,ON WMo RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may- be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business, Mgney may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Sank $33
EXETER BRANCH -A. E. Kuhn,Mgr. CREDITON-S. M. Johnson, Mgr,
The holy bond 01 mar:ia.ge.rassan-
nrunced in the R, C. Church.. here on
Sunday by Rev. Father Tierney or
Mr Alex. McDonald to Miss Nellie
Hall, the marriage to take •dace the
batter part of Seetember.-Quite a
number from this neighborhood at-
tended the London Faire -Mr. P. J.
Buckley of L .an • .rioye called on-
nfriends here ast ,week.—Mr, Michael
Ryan parchased the house formerly
owned by Carroll brothers. -Misses
Mary Ryan, Alice Ryan, Alice Burns
returned to their homes :n Chicago
after spending several weeks. -rith
friends here. -Miss Madeline Giavnn
left ast wleek for Ottawa, where she
will ' attend Nowmal School. .
It is a grave mistake for rnothersto neg-
lect their aches and pains and =Cite in
silence -this only leads to chronic sick-
ness and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your noires are
excitable; if you feel languid,or
depressed, you should know their `
Emulsion overcomes; justsuch co s.
• It possesses in concentrated .f the.
very elements to invigorate the,
strengthenthe tissues, nourish th
and build strength. ,
Scott's is Sirengthening thou:
nothers-and I• ill help you. :Try
s{ vit' & :,ohne, Toronto, Ont.
liCapital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches ain. Canada
GeneralBanking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit -
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rat.
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
Save money when you put in your fur-
nace—but not too much. It takes a
good furnace to turn coal into heat ---a
good furnace well installed.
The heating system for every wise man
is the one that saves money for him
every winter. On that basis the Hecla
is by far the lowest in cost.
We will plan such a system for you and
furnish estimates free.
H. Spackman, Exeter
Representative, of CLARE BROS. &CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
I -I E C L A
New Prices August 1, 1916
' IVli' ON AND AFTER AUG.1,1916
Chassis ... $450.00
Runabout ... 475 00
Touring Car . . 495.00
f. `o. b. Ford, Ontario
These prices are positively guarant-
eed against any reduction before
August ist, 1917, but there is no
guarantee againstan advance in price
at any time. Any, person thinking at
buyinc, a car will do well to consult
he dealer,
il`o Snell,
Exeter, Ont.