The Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-7, Page 4S18Rra n so 4c ? Yorlh'eattfedicimAd AVegetable Prepent en funis - emulating theFoodandRegulat tinglheSloartisea daonr;scf lafomotes DigestionCheeritd- Iless anti RestContalitslteitlttt Opitatt..Marphiite 1F01•xitttCCd . NOT NARCOTIC. CASTORI Per Infants and Children Mothers Know That Genuine Castor a. Always Bears the Signature of .n aeetaii"r7aNtLiP/Ii2'Al r affaaersta #_ irwa t Sx�ira AperieetRemedy tort:onstipd• Hoe. SourSlomaeleDiamaue3, wor s,C,onvulstons.Feyerish ness and LASS OF SUER Facsim&!e Siena;ureci TO. £i iTAUR CziPAAv MOetilt,O.tLO;31 W YORK i Ex Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORI4 71410 4F laTAUl .aOMPANY,. M.*W YO! cry,, x1?tier .; btlo atr ,Sanders & Cree.;h, Proprietors. Subscription Price.—In advance v. per year en Canada; $1.50 in United Stases. it not paid in advance the price is 50.:. more per year. SEPF. 7, '16 Dashwood Mre H. Wind o: Detroit visited at the home. of ti'. Wolfe for a Few -days Mise Fanny Preeter , vialting S'rtttord. Several from here attended the eon - t' •nttW:. heli in Kit:'h rier this Week. Mrs. R. Goetz. and Mrs. P. i'e.::hen spent the holiday in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. aeliger ,:re vis itine in Michigan. Mr.. \I'itzei is visiting in Port Hur- on. Mr Addison Tiernan left for ' trat- tord :Monday, where he will email Normal. Mr. J. Kellerman and family spent Sunday in Wingham. Mia and Mrs. J. Brenner of Sue: - tord visited friends here Monday. sir Leeland Guenther underwent a sue::ss:ul ,operation for his tonsils...nd ad nt,id, Iast weed,:. Miss Ethel Kellerman left for To- ranto •Monday:. School re -opened on Tuesday with a full sta+•i ot teachers—M' • v : Don.• gall o. Bayfield. Miss Reid et Luek- na.c and Miss Finkbeiner el Crediton Miea `Iyrta. Homan has re elated /ram a week's visit in Tay..... • e, A very pleasant gatherina took _dace at the home of Mr. and sirs, Jacob Link near here, on Tuesday t last week. the cccasi9n being the aesernb- lying ot their children and a nutti- ly.: of other relatives for the pur- pose of doing ihonor to thi:s excellent old couple by the farmer presenting thein With a cha:r and the following address, an:y the latter with a purse of money. Rev. Meyer was present and addressed the gathering. Dear Parents, --It is a great pleas- ure to us, your children, to meet with you tLis• evening and :renew the pleasant associations and tearer mem- ories ot the past. We recall with gratitude i'se lovng care and guid- ance you have ever exercised over us and we heartily acknowledge ottr In- debtedness to you at all tune:;. Your (ovine. voce- and ,your ender is c soothed us in ,sickness, cheered tr, in health and made us eager :a give worthy of your lave and traiing. We. know that all we caa do -will fol:• far short for repaying you for what you have done for us, but we desire t? iexpress our warm love for you and a.;k you to accept this gift as a t 7azen our lave. May it call to your *,incl memories of your children and of their tender feelings toward you and may He. father of all mankind and l3*other . of all who need Him., guide. sustain and soothe you at all times and grant that one day we a.s one family may meet together, where sorra. 4 • unknown a1d where part- ing shall be no more. FRU' i' BULLETIN PE ACHES.—The Peach.. Yellow NIAGARA PENINSULA ,g tl5; ,d j ,L�'` WA Popular Crawford free stone, now at it best. Bartlett Peals and Green Gage Plums also 4. ��/��' 3' yeyvdy, •' FILL VALUE {'7l'� ]ousev«ives'are PAC1,AGf: OR. WERs NO:2 g•., advi3ed to see - -theitr grocer, a,t lance .,as• the crop will be taken quick- ly thi, year. Look for the Map. It ii your guarantee of quality from op to bottom. M. and Mrs. Oscar Klop t ,.nd am- :Iy o^ Zuri: h, Mr. Hubert Klopze. a stude:tt of Royal Dental College in T pronto spent Sunday at the home og Mr ;end Mrs. Casper I,. Walder Cedar Grove Farm. Hubert has since .eturneo to Toronto Mr. Edmund Walper, Drover, took forbad cit choice cattle to Tornn- ta Saturday, and will attend the Exhibition. ra few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopti and fam- ily a:.ompatiied by Misses Eteonore •n.'. Edith Wainer of Dashwood and Mr. Hubert Klopa motored to ;St -at- torsi and Shakespeare Monday and anent the day with relatives Crediton Ou.r publi.. school opened last Fri- , day for the fall term.' We trust the n:.. staff of teachers will have a plea-. .alt and successful year. Fred Wuerth and son Sylvester left ixt Tuesday for a business trip through Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Ma and Mrs. Benka of Detroit vis- ited �Mr and .Mrs. Wm. Wenzel last �c eek. Otto Ewald and Harrison Holtzman arc spending their holidays in • rata.. iroit Mr. ,and Mrs. Herb. Eilber have re- turnee. home after a short visit with relative. in Lucknow and ioderich. Alt acid Mrs, Jos :Haist ':Ir. and Mr, Chris. Hoist, M and tins. 'gain brawn motored to Kitchener ;in Thursday to attend the annual con- vention of the Y. P. A. of the Evange- i « t Church. Will .Brown of Winnipeg is -visit- in;•: his uncle B. Brown tilt s week. fhomas Chambers motored to Van- di •ear last week to visit a sick rel- ative el- ative rie found him much improved i hesitih Everett •Irahner motored to 1ari- stostz and Ri:e,Seiier last Sunday and spent the day there with relatives. Nathan ;Sambrook. is attending the Exhibition :a Toronto this weeds. Have you heard the .goad rte..vs?. Gaeoliiz,:: teak a drop this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. i. Johnston .af the Bane pi Conimerce ,were viz Hitchen - ere ovei the rwee,1t-end. While threshing an Monday, a spark /rano th, 'engine set fine to the siraw', steel: placed it front a; Jos. Edward's Barn. Oa account •of the high Wind, the fire was soon beyond control and tb,r barn with the :seasons crap was destroyed. It is, quite is moss to the son Joan who just rented the farm alit year and this was his first ,.rip, -Tat Digi. i i; r, ensured in the Hay :asurance .Company, Centralia ---u-- • Rev.'W. J. Firnlaly ie vis�ting;[r::end' Tor onto, and is also attending th, i.xhih itioi;. Mrs. Finlay' entertained the Miss:,ot Baal Circle on Tuesday even'., i Lunch vias served and a pleasant ev ening spent, Mr. ,Fled Marshall of Windso- :. Lai daying under the parental rot Mr. Adrian Coughlin of Toronto i spending the week with his ;sarent• `ih�r school re=opened on Tuesda- with Miss Horton in charge again. Ur and ,vlrs Poster of Zurich spec Sunday .the guest of their sort til Leo Foutez Miss glary Hanlon has accepted th .pari.:.oe. as teacher at the Separat school t.,vo pih s south of the v llagr Mr. J': Col itl is attending the 1'x hibitio'n at 1 o: onto. L0._c T=Gold chain- and small hese ',ha, . ! pendant with pair wings an neer>> ta centre, probably betweenM S. C Manna's and ivLr. Geo. Mansoni' K in.ily re:urn to Mrs, Manna. 11!3i iZIAGF" 'LICENSES ISSUE by C R. San lers at the Advocate �•f Lice, Strictly confidential; no wwtnes. require • Prince Eitel Frederick Left Niaurepas, Hastily When liontbardment>l3egaln; LTHOUGH the Kaiser sent hie second son, Prince Eitel. Friedrich, and the Brack First Division of the Pries- sian Guards to the Somme front to halt the wedge the Anglo-French are driving deeply into territory oeeupied by the Germans, General Fayolle has hammered this salient further by clearing all the Germans from Mau- repas, into whie,h they had penetrat- ed again since the village was storm- ed by the French on August i6, and PRINCE kLTE.L FREDERICK, by occupying the heights and slopes north-east and south of Maurepas. Moreover, with the advanced French forces on the outskirts of the wood, the Germans' lateral communications with Clery are cut and Combles is menaced from the south by the. French and from the, north by the British at Guiilernont. Prussian Guardsmen captured at htaurepas asserted.: "Prince Eitel personally entered the village when relieving the Bavarians. but left hur- riedly when the French bombard- ment began to wither every building,. trench and dugout preparatory to the advent of the storming columns. The Prince just made his way to the rear before the French dropped a barrier of fire behind the town, shutting in all of us there like rats in a trap.' Behind the Allies' advanced Iines, engineers, artillerymen, and army workers are preparing sunken roads, railways, and communication trench- es and are moving up heavy artillery and creating vast new ammunition reservoirs for smashing the wedge deeper into the German positions. The Peronne-Baupaume line will be pulverized by high explosives before Generals Fayolle and Haig send their infantry forward. AID FOR SETTLERS. Hundred Thousand Dollars Set Aside for Northern Farmers. The first fruits of the settler's aid sebeme of Hon. 0, Howard Fergu- son, Minister of Lands, Forests, and Mines, is the setting aside of $100,- 000 as the nucleus of a fund to ad- vance money to settlers in Northern Ontario. Mr. Fred Dane, tbe newly - appointed Loan Commissioner under the legislation of last session, left for Northern Ontario this week, and will commence the organization of his branch. It was fortunate for the people of the North and the Govern- ment that Mr. Dane 1 'as available at this time. For some months Hon. .Mr. Ferguson has been working on the details of the scheme and had everything ready for a formal an- nouncement when the fire upset his plans. However, Mr. Dane was se- cured to superintend the fire relief work along with his other duties as the two would necessarily co-ordin- ate. One hundred thousand dollars was granted for the relief of the fire sufferers, and another $100,000 has now been set a,side under the legis- lation of last session to ,make ad- vances up to $5.0.0 to settlers on their improvements. Mr. Dane knows Northern Ontario conditions intim- ately, and he starts on his new duties at an -auspicious time. • The total amount of subscriptions to the Northern Ontario Fire Relief Fund" to date is,$252,789, but much more is required to help the settlers regain a start. Clothing and other supplies is also urgently required. The central office of the committee is 40 Melinda street, Toronto. iiaiser Member of Society. At • a recent meeting of: the Hun- garian Literary Society in Budapest Emperor William was elected a member with pomp and ceremony. Dr. Desider Csanky, vice-president of the society, who was in the chair in•. the,absence of L.::Thalloezy, the pre- sident, called the meeting to order and read a letter from the German Ambassador in 'Vienna, Mr von Tschirschky, in which it was stated that the Kaiser would like to become a member of the association . as an active member. Herr Csanky then made .a speech in which he expressed° great satisfaction with Ambassador von Tschirschky's ,communication, and expressed the thanks of the so- ciety for the great honor conferred upon it : by Emperor William in be- coming one"of e-coming••one"of its members. He added that it would mean not only much to the society, but was at the same time an honor to all Hungary that the greatest man in modern times had become one of their .num num- ber. GRAND BBNIS Mr :l Finkbeiner of Shipka called: asi Ed, GiU,, Sr., Sunday.—Mrs. las, With and Mrs. Lawson, who. Have been visiting Mrs. Canning, returned to their homes near Exeter Sunday.— Mr. Mr: tend Mrs. John Baird attended the funeral of the infant ;child of James Stubbs near Medford last week.—The• campers are leaving for their homes. .--Mr, jos. Shammy.is on the sick list --:tyre• FL Gill is painting his ,house. FARQUHAR --o elea Maggie Coward went to Fair - bank last Saturday ,evening, where size Will take charge of her school.—Miss Edna Weld of Deleware, Ont.> has come to take charge of Thames Road school.—Mr. Milton f=odgert left re- cently for the West.—Mr. Tom tiodgert is taking chs ;e of F. Eller ingtore's threshing outfit' this week.— A great many• are attending the To- ronto Exhibition, including Mr. Stan- ley .Coward, Mr. John Bray, Mr. John Turnbull, Mr.' Fred Rundle and Mrs. Arthus Rundle. --.Mrs. J. W. Stewart, and .Master Ivan. Stewart, Miss Elaine Stewart, airs. Rundle and Master id - ger Rundle has been visiting at the corner's old home in Durham Co, as to. attending the Exhibition.— Bezlian Church will hold their .An nivers cry services S.ept. 10.. Rev. -Mr. Knight of Hensel). will take charge of the • sezvt: es afternoon and es ning,.-- At; addition to the shed at Bethany ailment is being built for the ac,om- inodation of the minister's horse; al- so for a woodshed. --Mr. and Mrs. 11. Rowe •and daughter were the guests of wilt and ,Mrs. Lamport on Sunday. Mesa. Agnes Fenwick is attend:ng Toronto, Business College.—Misses Nal !t: :Anderson, Pearl Cann and Vio'.et Stewart have resumed their studies at Exete: High School.—Mr. Wilfred Rice hats been holidaying w:th Mr. T. Catneton.---Miss •Mclnnes has been holi dayin; in the neighborhood. CH1SELHUROP Mrs Edith Traquair and fittte on ai Detroit are spending the sumtner with her mother, Mrs. Maudsoa:--Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Norris of Cromarty spent Sunil;.;• with Mrs. Maudson.-Will CoN returnee from London en Saturday evenin .—A mtteeting of the Red Cross will be held Thursday afternoon et this geed:.—The Misses Seltery of Seaford; visited Miss Jean:.. Niel -can for ct tew days the past weak.—disc .Andtrsor has returned to her teach i,nt deities south of here.—Mrs. Las!. ford o'i London has taken the lfrsi- tion of house -keeper at John Fite Gerald "s L U] 1L,EY Mr John Pepper, Mr. and Mrr. J T. :Mitchell and Stanley, also Mr. and Mrs Franklin Horton are attending Toronto Fair this week. -Arthur .'ole of London was home ever Sunday.— Cecil O'Brien, who has been. farmint in till., locality has treturned to hes home in Stratford to :resume his stud ies at the Collegiate.—Mr. Sam Hor- ton and Miss Ellen spent the .welt end with their brother and family ,t Harpurhey Roy Ryckman is attend- ing Ayr McKay's continuation ..•lass in • fiensall.—A large crowd attended Charlay Shaw's sale last week , fairies' good prices being realized. He and Mrs. Shaw have gone to their former home in St. Thomas.—Mrs. Grandy N.t Deckerville, Mich., spent a few" days with Mrs. Margaret Glenn the past week. o WAY Miss Wilton of Mt. Brydges same on Alonday to assume her duties ;Ls teacher of S. S. 14, McGillivray, and Miss Hill of !Crediton evill be the tea- cher of S. S. No. 10, Stephen, for the ensuing year.—Little 'Russel Brown had a narrow escape from being ;lois-' ened recently. He managed to gat' hold of a vessel containing fly poison and drank some of it. We are ,;,ad to state that. he did.not get sufficient of the poison to do any great dam- age—Miss Adah McPherson and Miss ?Minn'* 'Sherritt left on Monday fir their schools.—Last Sunday was a red-letter 'day in the Methodist Thur-. ch when the £irst.class in the Teach er Trailing department graduated with 'an average of 88 per cent. Mrs. Faith; has been the enthusiastic effic- ient teacher and is .to be congrat- ulated on the success of the pupils. The members are as follows.—Mrs. W. Sherritt, .Mrs. C. H. Wilson, Mrs, W. `r oung. Mrs. Fred Steeper, Mrs. Lour - encs Pollock, Musses Sarah Webb, Sophia Young, Vina Sherritt, Minaie Sherritt, Willa Switzer and Mar. Wil - Rev. H. Williams preached and ail thelarge .congregation were delight- ed with the address and the good ad vice and words ,of counsel -.he Zave as well as ,encouragement and co.n- mandation. Mr and \Fns. R. Pollock of K,erwood were 'here over Sunday. KIRKTON —o -- The following are the names of the winnero in the oat crop coin_»etit,.oln in connection:with the_. agricultural So- ciety,—lst, Wm, J. Robinson, variety 0. A. C. 72, (paints 8234; lad James Brown Yellow Ritssiian 79%; 3rd, Jos White. Yellow Russian, 7'63ete 4th A. M. Doupe 0 A•C. 72, 68; )Q.. f .. Switzer Branner, 67; Wesley Shier, 20th Century, ;6431; ;M Brethour, C. 72 64. Judge.;M W. S.mlth, , of Ridgeway WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that' evtay third person has catarrh in some fat*. Science has shown that nasA'alttarrh often indicates a general • regtness of the body; 'and' local treatisaltltrts is the form of snuffs and vapors b little; if any good. To correct catarrh you. should causer by enriching your blood oil -food in Scott's Emulsion w medicinal food and a building- from any harmful clruas; Try it, Scott •SL r3owne, Toronto, Ont. t its the is a free THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE S'R EDMUND WALKER, C.v,O., LL.D. p.O.L., President JOHN AtRE), General Manager. H. V, F. JONES. Asa't General I eneger cAPIT .t $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000. SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards, Careful attention is given to every account, Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- o.raSN•ala to be made by any one of them or by the survivor, Sv0 EXETER BRANCH -.-A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—S. 112'. Johnson, Mgr. a OW* Till,.+. 000*, l M i►s *** wts.** as a 01000 00000000gT00saat.*00*****Usa1!M ala sa s***isai INCORPORATED 1855 MOLSONS Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted FATKV Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manager Plaittg Thrive in the Hecla-heated home. So the mellow, pure air must be healthy for folks. There can never be an odor of gas or a trace of dust. That is a Hecla guarantee. The moisture supply never runs out. • This healthful heating comes from the furnace that saves one ton in seven, Ask for full information. Plans and Estimates free. H. Spackman, Exeter Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited. Preston, Ont., Makers of the HEC.T.A MELLOW AIR FURNACE ACE D5 New Prices August • 1 1916' THE FOLLOWING PRICES. FOR FORD CARS WILL 3E EFFECT- IVE- ON AND AFTER AUG.1;1916 Chassis 450. 00 Runabout . 475.00. " Tourin - Car . 49 Touring 5.00 f. 0. b. Ford, Ontario These prtces are positively guarant. eLd',againsl any reduction before Angus` 1st, 1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance in price 'it any' time._ ` Any ,person thinktn ul .,buyina car. will do well to consult the deals, Milo Snell, • Exeter Qn > t •