HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-9-7, Page 3FRESH FRIGHTFULNESS EXPECTE FROM BERLIN Elevation of Hindenburg Stroke of Kaiser to. Revive Spirits of People, Who Are Becoming Skeptical. A despatch from London- says: Well-informed opinion here is that the true measure of the effect which Rou- Mania's entry into the war has had upon the German higher Councils is given by the removal of Gen; Von Falkenhayn and the appointment of von Hindenburg. The supersession of von Moltke after the battle of the Marne wasr 1 military pu ey mlita y in its hearings, while the appointment of Hindenburg because of the failure of German diplomacy to keep Roumania' out of the war is regarded as an "ex- cited effort to satisfy public opinion" in Germany. A despatch" from The IIagae says the change in the General Staff has caused a sensation in Germany, where the censorship so far does not allow the publication of newspaper comment. In the same• despatch it is suggested that theplans i Sugg p o s of H nden- burg and Falkenhayn clashed because; the latter did not wish to send troops" to the eastern front, holding that the eeisionain the war would come oni d y in the west, and that Roumania's move caused the Kaiser suddenly to take Hindenburg's side. The view here, however, is rather that in plac- ing Hindenburg the Kaiser plays his last trump; that the German people are losing faith in the reports of their own press and the Kaiser hopes to revive their spirits by invoking the magic 'i of Hindenburg's nbur name. e g s na e. Hindenburg's task in 1916 is com- pared with that of Napoleon in 1814. The Westminster Gazette draws at- tention. to the fact that "von Hinden- burg, von Tirpitz and von Bulow have, as . the readers of the German news- papers know, become associated in the public mind with a policy of ruthless war to the end as against a hankering for peace, which is attributed to Bethntann-Holweg, Falkenhayn and the Emperor himself. ,,The latter hat apparently thought it necessary to r himself b y a dramatic stroke y rams c st oke from complicity with the moderates, and with Hindenburg in supreme con- trol andall the extremists at e tram. is raging Bethmann-Holweg we may look out for a fresh bout of frightfulness." ROUMANIA SHARES ALLIES' RESOURCES Men, Money and Munitions to be Handed Over Freely for the War. A despatch from London says: Roumania already is being taken into the heart of the Entente alliance and is beginning to experience the great benefits of having an +open aecount with suds powers as Franee, Great Britain and Russia. • She is sharing in the funds and general resources of the allies. A consignment of .i+?reneh 75-miili- metre guns and munitions for the Roumanians has been shipped from Russia into Roumania. Other French war material, consigned eventually to Roamaida, has been lying at the part of Vladivostok, and has now been or- dered immediately routed to Rou- mania. France's chief contribution to Rou- mania is thus in the form of war ma- terial. Roumanian artillery is at pre- sent equipped in great part with Krupp guns, many of which wero received during the last six months in part payment for the 681 ears of grain andfresh meat sent from Rou- mania to Germany. Russia's contribution will be in the form of troops. Besides undertaking to guarantee Roumania's security on the side of the Eastern Carpathians and apart from the prospective oper- ations of Russian forces through Roumania against Bulgaria, Russia is to provide 200,000 men to co-operate with the Roumanians in Transyl- vania. Markets of the World Breadstuffs, Toronto, Sept. 5 -Manitoba wheat - No. 1 Northern, $1,60 ; No. 2, do., $1.58 ; No. 3, do., $1.54, track, Bay ports. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 50c ; I $5do., good, $6.00 to $0,25 ; do„ medium, Betrays Eagerness to Allow Her No Time to Reflect or Attempt 50 to $5,85 ; stockers, 700 to 800 No. 3, do., 55% ; extra No. 1 feed, bs1; .,$6.0Q to $6,50 ; choice feeders, Secret Negotiations. 6510 ; No. 1 feed, 543%e, track, £3aY 1 d ports. steers, $v.15 to $8,75 ; good heavy steers, $7.75 to $8.00 ; butchers' cat- tle, good, $7.35 to $7.75 ; do., medium,. $7.00 to $7.15 ; do., common, $6.00 to 4:6.15 butchers' bulls, choice, $7.25 to $7,50 ; do„ good bulls, $6,49 to $6.50 do,. rough bulls, $4.50 to $5.00 ; but- ekers' cows, choice, $6.50 to $6,75 ; BUIZARIA IS DISTRUSTED BY THE GERMAN NEWSPAPERS American corn -No. 3 yellow, 95e, track, Toronto. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 50 to 5,1c, nominal c -. eliorned, $6.30 to $7.00 ; canners and cutters, $3.50 to $4.50 ; milkers, choice, each, $70.00 to $90.00 ; do,, cone and med„ each, $40.00 to $60.00 ; springers, $50.00 to $90,00 ; light ewes, ac or ing to xreights out- .$7,65 to $8.50 ; sheep, heavy, $4.50 to e. , ' Ontario wheat -No, 1 commercial, i 10%c; calves, good to choice, $10:50 $1.15 to $1.17 ; No. 2, do., $1.11 to i to $12.00 ; do., medium, $9.00 to $10.00; $1.13 ; No. 3, do„ $1.07 to $1.09, ex- hogs, fed and watered, $11.65 to $11.75 ; do., weighed off cars, $11.90 5 to $12.00.- , do. f,o, .b, $11.15. Montreal, Sept, 6. --Butchers' steers, sid I $5,35 spring Iambs, per lb 10e to cording to freights outside,. New crop, No. 2, $1.20 to $1,22. Peas -'-No. 2, nominal. Barley -Malting, nominal ; feed good, $7 to $7,50 ; fair,: $6.50 to $7 ; nominal. medium, $5.50 to $6 ; common, $4 to Buckwbeat-Nominal. Rye -No. 2, new, $1.'05 to $1.08, ac- i $7 ; fair, $5°50 to $5.75 ; common, $4. $5, cwt. ; butchers' cows, good, $6 to cording to freights outside ; No. 1 to $5 ; butchers bulls, best, $6.60 to Manitoba flour -First patents, in, $6; cannrs, $4.50 ova , sweep, rc Jute bags, $8.40 ; second patents, in ; per pound ; lambs, 9eec to 101,E a per jute bags $7.90 » strong bakers' in'pound 1 toper jute bags, 7.70, Toronto, commercial, nominal.$7 , good,$6 to $6.50 ; fair, $5.50 to gs $ r ; calves, milk -fed 8c 9c Ontario flour -New Winter, accord- pound ; grass-fed, $5 per cwt.g flogs, ing to sample, $5.35 to $5.45, nominal, f mixedselects, lots, $1 to $12 ; roughsand mixed lots, $10 to $11.25 ; sows, $9.75 in bags, track, Toronto, prompt ship- to $10 ; all weighed off Cars:' ment $5,25 to $5.35, nominal, bulk seaboard, prompt shipment. Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mon- PHENOMENAL RISE IN CUSTOMS INCOIYIE. treal freigbts, bags included --Bran, per ton, $27; sherts per ton,$29 middlings, per ton, $30good feed flour, per bag, $2.15. . Hay -New, No. 1, per ton, $10 to $12 ; No. 2, per ton, $9 to $9.50, track, FOE TROOPS HAVE Toronto, i@� Straw -Car lots, per ton, $6 to $7, track, Toronto. A NEW DRILL a Country Produce -Wholesale. Prisoners Say They Have Had Enough of War -Shell Craters Are Ponds. A despatch from the British Front in France' says: An Army officer and ninety Germans surrendered in a body near Guillemant on Wednesday, They were sent out as usual with or- ders to stick under the British shell fire and against British infantry at- tacks to the last man. But when the British worked their way up on either side of the exposed trench they held up a white flag without making any fight for it, They said that they had suffered enough hardship and had had enough of war and preferred to be taken prisoners. The heavy down- pour of rain continued all day, malting ponds of the shell craters and turn- ing the trenehes into mudholes. While the German press is saying that Roumania's entry will lengthen the war, prisoners taken say that it will shorten it, as is evident now that Germany cannot win and had better compromise than prolong the struggle. '"But we are not going to consider any compromise," the British soldiers tell them. j The British who have received the surrender of Germans say that with characteristic organization they now have what the British call a "surren- der drill." When they come out of their dugouts to give themselves up, as in the case of the body on Wed- nesday, they have all their letters, papers and valuables in their hands, ready as a peace offering to their captors. ERASE KAISER'S NAME FROM ROMAN PALACE. A despatch from Rome says :- Workmen on Tuesday chopped off the marble memorial names of Emperor William and the German Crown Prince, Frederick William, which had been placed in the Senatorial Palace on the ancient Capitol hill during a visit of the German Emperor to Rome twenty years ago. The names were ordered removed by the city Govern- ment. OLD AGE PENSIONERS TO GET AN INCREASE A despatch from London says :- In response bo prolonged agitation re- gaiding the hardships suffered by Government old age pensioners by reason of the increase in the price of necessaries, the Government has de- cided in special cases to make an ad- ditional allowance not exceeding half a crown per week. FRENCH RECOGNITION OF HER NEW • ALLIES A despatch from Paris says: -For the first time since Italy entered the war the French Government; on Wed- nesday ordered that flags be raised on all official buildings in recognition of the declaration of war by Italy against Germany, and by Roumania against Austria-Hungary. . TWO LEPROSY CASES FOUND IN VICTORIA, B. C. A despatch from Victoria, B. C., says: Hardly had the medical auth- orities taken in charge one case of bhe dreaded disease leprosy, in the per- son of a Chinese who had been a re- sident of the local Chinese colony for the last year, than the discovery was made of another case, one more seri- n st. Within the last day or two this second case, that of a man who has been a resident of Canada for some years, and who is in t a deplorable condition through the ravages of the malady, was discovered by the Dominion medical aubhorities, and is now incarcerated at the Isola- tion Hospital. THIRTY TEUTON. GENERALS HOISTED.., I Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 29 to 130e ; inferior, 24 to 25c ; creamery prints, 34 to 36e ; solids, 33 to 35e. Eggs -New -laid, 30 to 31e ; do., in cartons, 34 to 36c. Receipts for the Month of August Show Increase of $3,610,000. A despatch from Ottawa says: A further phenomenal rise in customs indicating the maintenance of this year's remarkable trade increases is shown in the monthly statement is- sued by Hon. 1. D. Reid, Minister of Customs. The August revenue from customs reached a total of $11,9.41,000 as compared with $8,830,000, an in- crease of $3,010,000. For the five Beans -$4.50 to $5, the latter for months of the fiscal year the in band -picked, creases in customs revenue has been Cheese -New, large, 191,2 to 20c ; $2.1,723,000, the receipts having ris- twins, 19 .� to 20ibe ; triplets, 20 toO1,%e' en from $30,781,000 in 1915, to $58,- Dressed poultry -Chickens, 25 tol 454,000 during the present year, 27c ; fowl, 18 to 20e, -� -- - Live poultry --Chickens, 18 to 20e ; MORE MEN NEEDLO fowl, 15 to 16e, Potatoes -Jerseys, per bag, $2.50 ; FOR GERMAN' ARMIES Ontarios, $2.35 to $2,40 ; British Columbia Rose, per bag, $2. All Men of Military Age.Hitherto Ex- Honey-Five•paund tins, 12% to , empted are Being Examined. 135 ; do„ 104b., 12 to 12%c, A despatch from Amsterdam says : Provisions -Wholesale -The Frankfurter Zeitung says that Bacon -Long clear, 18 to 18%e per the meeting of ,Socialist electrical ib. unions of Greater Berlin propesol for Hams -Medium, 24 to 26e.; do., on Tuesday, when Deputy Haase in - heavy, 22 to 23c ; .rolls, 19 to 20e ; tended to speak on peace, was prohi- breakfast bacon, 25 to 27e ; backs, bited. The Kreuz Zeitung says that plain, 26 to 21c ; boneless backs, 28 general examination of all men of military age in Germany who pre- viously were exempted is now taking place. German officialswho hereto- fore had been declared indispensable, the newspaper says, also are being examined. • to 29e. Cooked ham, 35 to 37c. Lard -Pure lard, tierces, 17 to 17x/e; tubs, 17% to 17 ne ; pails, 17% to 17%c. Compound, 14 to 1410. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Sept. 5. -Oats -Canadian Western, No. 2, 60e ; do, No. 3, 591, c ; ---n- extra No. 1 feed, 59efic ; No, 3 local. FOOD PROSPECT GOOD white, 54e. Flour -Manitoba Spring GERMANS ALLEGE wheat patents, firsts, $8.50 ; do,, seconds, $8 ; strong bakers', $7.80 ; A despatch from Berlin says: -The rollers, $66. Winter patents, t cho20, $7.50 ; straight outlook for the food supply and the to $7..20.; do., innbags,,; $3.25 to $3.40, e Rolled oats -Barrels, general economie situation in Ger- $5.05 ; bag of 90 lbs, $2.90. elillfeed many are highly satisfactory at the -Bran, $25 shorts, $27 ; middlings, present, and there are no indication $29 ; mouillie, $31 to $34. Hay -No. that these considerations will assume 2, per ton, car lots, $16.60 to to $3-7•;50.' 355; sec. Empire; at any time an aspect which will in - Cheese -Finest Westerns, 20 to 201% ; fluence.the military plans and opera - Choicest creamery, 1eto 195 Butter tions of the Eire; said Dr, Karl Choicest creamerryy,. 348/x, onds, 33% to 34c. Eggs-Fresb, 36 to Helfferieh, Secretary of the Interior, 37c ; selected, 34 to* 35c ; No. 1 to the Associated Press on Wednes- stock, 30e ; No. 2, do., 27e. f I day. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, Sept: 5. -Cash quotations: FRIENDLY WITH ALLIES -Wheat-No, 1 Northern, $1.5231 No. 2 Northern, $1:50 ; No. 3 North- A despatch from Petrograd says :- ern, $1,46 ; No. 4., $1.39% No. 5,1 Y $1.34% : No: 6, $1.24% ; feed, $1 _ 171. According to despatches from Teheran Oats -No. 2 C.W., 49%c ; No. 3 C.w, a new Persian Cabinet has been form 49c extra No. 1 feed, 49e ; No. 1 ed under the Premiership of Vos- feed, 480 ; No. 2 feed, 47%e. Barley sough-ed-Dowleh, who also will take -No. 3, 82c ; No. 4, 79c ; rejected, the post of Foreign Minister. All the 73c feed, 9G.W.$1.84730. Flax -No. 1 N.W.C., r 2 $1.87 ; No. other Ministers in the Cabinet belong , . i NEW PERSIAN dABINET - A despatch from The Hague says: Despatches from Berlin received here on Wednesday state that thirty Ger- tnan Generals have been dismissed as a result of the appointment of Field Marshal von Hindenburg as Chief of the General Staff. Field Marshal von Hindenburg recently removed the Austrian Major-General PuhaIlofrom command of the army corps defend- ing the Kovel section of the front in Volhynia, and gave the command of the troops there to Gen. Friedrich von Bernhardi, the famous author. BRITISH. FI ` E Sill 4 TIES PROPTTE 1 ATTACK French Extend the Allied Front Swath -West of Soyecourt Wood in. Picardy. ' A despatch from London says: A French advance south of the Somme,. resulting in the. extension of the al- lied front south of Estrees and south- west of Soyecourt wood, was the only change of position the past 24 hours have brought to the battling armies of Picardy. North 'of the river, a German grenade attack was easily re pulsed. A projected German infantry at- tack near High wood was smothered by British machine gun fire. The, German War Office report admits'the loss of a trench on Wednesday. United States Markets. Minneapolis, Sept. 5. -Wheat -Sep - ember, $1.49% ; No. 1 hard, $1.565/8 , No. 1 Northern, $1.50% to $1.63% No. 2 Northern, $L46% to $1.51%. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 86 to 87c. Oats- No. 3 white, 431,% to 44c. Flour un- changed, Bran -$21.00 to $22.00. Duluth, Sept. 5. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, $1.541% ; No. 1 Northern, $1.521% to $1.533 ; No. 2 Northern, $1.481% to $1.503 ; September, $1.40?% bid. Linseed -On. track and to arrive,, $2.06 ;• September, $2.0.61% bid; Octo- ber,' $2.07 ; November, $2.07 bid ; December,, $2.06. Live Stock Markets. to the Moderate party and are report- ed to be friendly disposed towards Russia and Great Britain. THANKSGIVING DAY TO BE OCTOBER 9th A despatch from Ottawa says :- Thanksgiving Day has een definitely fixed for Monday, October 9, by an order -in -Council. CHOLERA IN TOKIO. A despatch from Tokio says: --Ten cases of Asiatic cholera are reported in Tekio. , The disease is abating at Nagasaki, but increasing at Osaka, Toronto, Sept. .5. -Choice heavy where the cases now number 406. i 'f! I1 i'�i i{iii ,>, 1(111144'11 'I illi,, \k;\\\ II II•�I I� ''``�� t 3 is \ a�. �'�'- 'fit Fsft r a 7 yq .Y1l� / \'\\ 1 "l+d I L r �,iM yy Yc !! is ✓ �� ! ! �. .. �..a s,.cav�,��:L�'y tk•drmaw� `m,. � - ,m.�-„l�f� �..`*....,e..;:. mss- Q_ �_%�:�xr,�,��,�,�.�r��,+�.: "m The . "Contemptible Little Army." Willie: But, daddy, why don't You sweep eaway the. contemptible little army? Kaiser: Go away, and° don't worry me, Willie! Go to=Verdun!From "The Westminster Gazette." A despatch from Milan says: The latest information from trustworthy sources leaves little doubt that the political situation in Bulgaria has been profoundly affected by Rou- mania's intervention. Persons in touch with diplomatic conditions de- clarethat t eve nis may following in y be rapid evolution in Sofia. King Ferdinand's journey to Vienna to join the High Council of War on the new and grave situation created in the Balkans is natural, but his traveling incognito is mysterious. • Another 'strange factor is the in decent haste of Germany to declare war on Roumania, as if to create an- other situation de facto in the Bal - The imperative summons of the I German and Austrian press to Bul- i 1 garia to declare war against Ron- ! mania is a further curious symptom of the general uneasiness. It be- ] trays considerable eagerness to leave Bulgaria no time to reflect or at- tempt secret negotiations, TWELVE -STORY .FARMS. 'SERBS DEFEAT Rocky Island of Greece Supports "It is easier to build a house than I to build a farm in Andros," declared Prof. : . J. IrvingManatt t i 14 gnat recently; and,.. Latter Attacked Entente's Left since "twelve -story he describes a , farm," but no house of more than i dank WithMost Mos. three stories, it is easy to believe that] trous Results, he is right. # A despatch from Landon says :-- Andros, one of the famous "isles of While official reports from the fight- ing front in Greece and Macedonia mountain island twenty-one miles by are very brief, from other sources the eight, which supports twenty-five news comes of severe encounters. In thousand people, to whom both : these, which have oeeurxed principally wealth and poverty are unknown. i on the allied extreme left, held by the Every foot of land must be made to Serbians under their Crown Prince, produce to the uttermost where farms the Bulgars, according to an Athens arehalf quarried, half built on a .despatch, have suffered a xepu'•se. rocky mountain side. So, in a lesser degree, are the farmhouses. The Athens despatch says bhe BuI- and "To get foundations you simply' it s estimated, Iostgars attacked inse d' 15 000 formsin odea , quarry out a section of rock slope un- til your horizontal and perpendicular wounded and.prisonors. They were meet, and you have a fine rock shelf compelled i call for reinforcements with floor and back wall that will from KagfA and regiments never need repairing. In fact, you The Bulgarian i regiments attacked may sometimes economize your end the Serbians in close formation after walls out of nature in the same way; the German style, near y wertz, and but as a rule that is avoided for sani- suffered severely. They were com- tary reasons." ; palled to ask for reinforcements from Quarrying the cellar for a house us- ! Valbankeni and Kasboria, ually affords the main part of the The Serbians appear to be masters building material for the house walls r of the situation at Gomicheve, says and quarrying to make the flat ledges Athens correspondent, and Buie a terraced farm provides stone to garian officers of Roumanian origin build the necessary retaining walls. who deserted said the Bulgarians can- Andrian industry "has through pa- ed Gomicheve'°anobher Verdun:' tient ages, turned the bleak moon - tains into smiling gardens. God gives KAISER LOVER OF PEACE. the rocks and the rigorous winters ---- and sweeping summer winds. Where Says: "I Don't Envy the Man Who a thousand shiftless souls would Caused the War." starve, twenty thousand and more by The Berne correspondent of the toil and thrift have enough and to London Daily News quotes an emin spare."ent neutral who recently was in Ber- The island rocks are slate, which lin and had an audience with the sucks in water like a sponge, yield- Kaiser. According to this authority ing it again in„ abundant springs; the Kaiser said: moreover, as they disintegrate they "It is curious how the British the - weather into fruitful soil. The farm-ory that I am responsible for the war er, his terrace and aqueduct ready, ` seems to fascinate my enemies. Yet "when he has got his footing, so to the people who accuse me of having speak, in one little shelf of soil or a caused the war are the very people dozen of them, plants his olive, fig who previously testified to the ear - and vine, his bit of barley or wheat, ' neatness of my desire for peace. his patch of onions, potatoes and ; "I do not envy the man who has beans.Against the north wind he ' the responsibility for this tear upon sets his break of _cypress trees with ' his conscience. I, at least, am not intertwining vines, or of tall reeds in,that man. I think history will plear triple ranks. He keeps half a dozen me of that charge, although I do not goats and sheep for wool, milk and , suppose that history will hold me cheese. . . There is always, too, the ; faultless. household pig, to be salted and pick -1 "In a sense every civilized man in led for winter. After the Feast of Europe must have a share in the re - Saint Demetrius in October follows sponsibility for this war, and the the pigsticking throughout the island, ;higher his position e s and in this land of simple living a !sponsibility. I admitththatlarger andhyet re - 25,000 People., BULGAR ARMY bit of pickled pig is a luxury. A well -1 claim that I acted throughout in good to-do household will have its donkey, 'faith and strove hard for peace, even possibly a cow or two for draft and though war was inevitable. breeding, rarely for milk." "Why do you neutrals always talk Fruit, especially lemons, of which about German militarism and never the annual yield is estimated at about Russian despotism, the French twenty millions, is the leading crop. craving for revenge and English Professor Manatt pays tribute to the treachery? I think the next genes- island housewives when he declares ! ation will strike a juster balance in that "this commerce might be in-' apportioning the blame." creased and the world given a new In the course of the interview, ac - delight" if they would only export i cording to the dispatch, astonishment their "preserve of green lemons- no at and admiration for the discipline bigger than a walnut, and still more and unity of the German people was delicious lemon -blossom sweets." ; expressed. The Kaiser replied: There are figs, too, and grapes, with , "That is the impression most the picturesque festivals of the vint- foreigners get, even hostile foreign - age and fig -stringing. ! ers, I suppose for one thing that A fig -stringing, which occurs after the contrast between the Germany de-' the figs have been gathered and dried picted by our enemies, the Germany upon the housetop by being spread, is supposed to be restive, war - upon beds of clean rushes, is, he ex- tired half -famished and the united plains, a sort of sewing bee. A jolly ` enthusiastic, still prosperous country' company of women and girls gather actually seen must cause them a in a great room heaped with the dried great deal of astonishment." fruit, like a garner full of corn, each The Berne dispatch quotes the vying with the rest in transforming same neutral as saying: the piled confusion into graceful and . "The Kaiser did not strike me at convenient garlands. They string the all as a man who was suffering in- • figs upon reed grass, used as thread, tense mental anguish or who had an and fastened into hoops, gossiping intolerable burden upon his con - and laughing as their fingers fly, and science. I have seen many men celebrating the close- of the task withv, hose rent was overdue look . much I a simple feast and dancing. more worried. There are deep lines icertainly across his forehead, and his NO I;00%1; ON TRAINS � hair canteens many gray streaks, but AFTER SEPTEMBER 16th , the same might be said of Most men of his age." A despatch from Toronto rays:- I' The nine railway companies operating in the Province, in reply to a com- m,inication•from the' Ontario 'License , Zile porter of a small hotel being Board, have given the assurance that attacked by illness while on duty, his when prohibition comes inbo effect , kind employer sent him upstairs to they will discontinua the sale of liquor be and called a physician, When the cn their trains. This dens`on re- i doctor came down after. having at - moves any notions that may have been tended his patent, the proprietor ac - entertained that the railway com- costed him: parries might take steps to contest the • Well, doctor; how slid you find authority of the act in reference to him??' he asked, such sales. "He's ram eg down with the grip,' was the doctor's reply, "I' he does, I'Il send hid „;neck to Sonne folks will do anything for sed. I wserned. him nob to ' 7a e•ly money, except go to work for it. more baggage to -day." - Disobeying Orders.