HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-31, Page 8EXE FER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY AUG. 81 1816 EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY .L00 L'33 1.00 to 1.20 Wheat Wheat Buckwheat Oats 60 50 to 55 Peas..—.. 95 to 1 00 Potatoes per bag, ....•.., 3 00 Hay*. per ton Flour per cwt. Flour, lox grade Sheets per tort ......... Bran per ton utter 2? Creamery 3o S7 Hogs, per cwt., $11.50 ......... 18 00 3.75 30.00 26..00 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C tan hers at the Advocate Of - eine. Str... t.y confidential; no witness require a i.OS I —.gold chain and small heart shape pendant wi ie teal; sings and Pante en eerare. probably l two:met . S... rrsar .a's and 11r u e.o 1 anion 's. ninaey :e.arn to Mrs. Hanna. FRESH GROCERIES-lways in eitock We take Butter and t gs 6n ex'itange t;Llin4 the highest market preaes.—H lieirlin4, Exeter :eo't?. MARE FOR S ALE.—A bleeek mare o years oat, quiet and handy m sl: baieass, for sate at once.—G. R. Bed- ford Exeter. - Apply to W. M. C arkc, L. Re°er. L. c M. tiwrtg.i, for terms, etc., it you wish to study muss,:, Termemed• tesatc Pipits prepared for exenene- ei,pats. Mt. Clarke .may be teen at Central Ho.ei, Saturday. or pe iieul- .s> may be obtained at Martins' Mus- e: Store or Grigg's Beau Stere. YOUNG ;KEN Yoi,.ng men or others who are un- able to enlist for overseas service can serve their King and Country by helping on Mlunitilea 'Work. EVERY ilesAN SHOULD BE DOING HIS iL1.• Steady work to good men. Apply to TIE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & T. CO., Ltd., Seafeeth Oat. PIANO FOR SALE—nee-4Y new. For particulars apply at tens otft.:e. WANTF,i2 AT ONCE.—Young wo- mest, desiring employment in town ear. rind it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Co. who has syrcrai good pos'iticeis vacant. The work is light and clean, the hours are Way short and wages are paid while learning. Steady position end -ood es assured to .anyone giving it a Apply at time. JACKSON fillANUFACTURING CO.. EXETER. _-x—o-_a— SALT FOR SALT:.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt toe sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T. R. station, Sold in anyuant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction, is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of ! ine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grader $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co,, Ltd J Sutton, .Manager. Tenders for Drain- age Work. Seeied tenders will b - ,ve•:i by the clerk of the Township a Stephen up to the e h day of September, 191ti 7 P. M. for the "ompletion of the Centralia Brain. The )atns ect ra. a Ya 'r and report of the engineer on this drain as on file -131 the Clerk's t ice at Credit.•on, and may be ran repo- lit::at:on. T. T;,,e work mus: ",e o:npic- tete s;ithin three weeks from the','h day oe September, 191e. Duel this 30th day of Aa.;ust, 1916 Henry Eilber Crediton, Ont Clerk o Stephen To enhsizi Tenders Sealers tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "tenders foe painting" will bereceived until7 o.m. on Friday ,September 3:h, 1916, for the pai i:ing or calcim:neig of the and Interior wood work: ,:a.rway, and entrance ai the Town Hall. Specitt- icat en, o: work needed may be seen at .h.. office of the undersigned Crr from Councillors Hartorz -;:tr Cleavers, memoers of the ,Committee. An tender not necessarily accepted. By Order J. Senior, Clerk Farm For Sale lir, Warnbold's family moved to LOCAL T)()I'.GS London this week. k�araalSo,, ...,yt�. �ea�,8a�e,aaeia•++-it' ..l'as been ill during the past weep, . . 4 Mrs. John Cookson, Exeter North It is a criminal offence to sign a Mfr. henry. Meakins has disposed of fictitious name to an item sent to tt his dwelling to Mrs.• Meakins, - newspaper for publication. Four pairs of Exeter. bowlers at- An order -in -council to go into, ei tended Seaforth Double Tournament ie:' on Sept ist, has been massed to la.t week, but -did not get in• the Bhang: the name of Berlin, Ont., to money ki.tchener. " . The s'al'e o the effects ae Villiazn The nightgown presented by Airs. Schroeder held at the Commercial -10- Wm. Hraweshaw to. the Soldiers' Aid - tel Stables on Saturday realized very went to Miss Ida. Wambold in the poor prices. draw made on Saturday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill of Dresdon Mr. Leavitt's Theatre. announce the •etegagement of their Mr. "1 . T. Bishop, barrister, and solicitor of Edmonton,. was elected the Grand Master of the • :Masonic Grand Lodge of Alberta. lir. Bishop ;- an Exeter :old boy. daughter Belle to 'tire. Clarise W. Snell of l sborne the marriage to take Alae e in September. Mr Frederick G. Sweet, son tf Mr. and ,eirs James Sweet, who teaches itt Penetanguishe.ne has succeeded in seeur n=:.his Commercial Specialist les a..,,te at Toronto. The- many friends will be pleased t+a know that atter several months' illness Mrs. W. D. Clarke, has recov- ered sutti gently to be brought home this week front London. Failuree in the relent Department- al examinations all over the province Neem to be en Chemistry and Physics. eomplionts regarding the severity of these papers have been received from many places. James W. Doyle. ex-1T,P.P., of the township en McGillivray has reiteit- ecl the poaition of postmaster at Parkhill, and 1)ugald Gray ,at the township jet Lobo has been appoint- ed collector of customs. Two rinks o: bowlers attended the Norwich Tournament Iast week;. R.G. Seldon s rink won 2 and lost 2 games and R. X Creech's rink won 3 and lost one game. being out of ' the money because lacking a Targe plus score, The Amusement stark owners, Mr. Smith and Mr. Elsie, of Grand Band here before Magistrate W. D. San- der:; on Saturday for infringement of Ow By-laws of the Township of Stcplta;u Sed fines and costs wereitn• posed. Pt. Lot 18 and 19, con, 1 Tp. of jC;sbor ae. County of Huron, In the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of choice land. On thi.a property is a brick dwelling, large bankbarn silo. drive and milk house, hog and hen house.. The buildings of this prop- erty are .all up.to-tdate with water in ,sua6:e. Farm .ip tfir t class state of cuttivation and must be told as the aroprtetor's health has failed. Poss- ession 1st of November. Field of corn to go with farm. Every! sonven- ience for carrying,on a mills business w Leh is much needed in the town of Exeter, E. Hewett. prop., For termie and particulans apply to Thos. Camer- on. R..R. No.. 1, Kirk -ton F ARM FOR SALE The unlersigned is offering for sale hie fin. 50 acre farm, being Lot 22, Con, 7, Stephen Township, There is on the premises a good house and bane barn good chicken house and ether out -buildings in good condition Lots of good water. He also offers for sale 21 acres on con. 6, being part of Lot 21, Stephen, with a number one bush on it. Buyer can have the 50 acres alone, or both. JOHN G. WEIN, Credito@ P.O. Miss Consuela Inksater, daug:nterof lir. and Mrs. J R. Inksater of Paris, arid niece of J. and Mrs. W. 3. Bissett of Exeter was nearly the vie - ten of a drowning fatality in the Grand River at Paris on Saturday attternoon when a bathing eompan eon. and friend, Miss Adamson wa; drowned as was also Mr. J. Allan Fraser, who after rescuing Miss In- koater and hiss Thompson, lost his of in trying to rescue Miss Adamson. HICKS' SEPTEMBER FORECAST. 1IF regular --for 1 s m period is central on the 4th •embracing the 2nd to the 7th. The moan is at first quarter on the 4th. By the 2nd and 3rd wes- tern extremes will leave change of winds to southerly, the temperature will begin to rise, the barometer will tall and increasing cloudiness will show that falling weather is impend- ing. These conditions will continue to gram in strength spreading over wid- er regions north and south as they adta.nce eastward, By the 3rd rains still begin in western parts, and on the 4th to 7th these rains will cross the country, winding up is the At- lantic on the 6th and 7th. Cook nights will follow these storms eastward. 1 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING:— A meeting of the School Board was held in the Library on Thursday evening, August 24th, at 8 o'clo:k. Absent F. W. Gladman. Minutes of previous Mr. Wm. Delbridge delivered on !meeting read and approved. A. E, Friday tiehogs to the Exeter mar- Fuke and F. Wood,—That 13. Claris vet, weighing itee pounds. :ie re- 1 he paid $75 on account, and W. J. ceived 12c a pound, amounting to : Heamau be paid S75 on account. Per $117.40. These hogs were barn cn a I. .Ar'nstrong and F. Wood— That Marne 2t,ztnd were two days less than tick months old. That is chanting little pigs into big money in a hurry, About a dozen ladies of the Sol- diers Aid Society went by rrainand several mors.' by car to Camp Borden on Wednesday to present the colors to the 161st Battalion on Thursday tto-day;r. Rev, V. W. Collins accom- panied ceom-panied the ladies to deliver the ad- dress, Other gentlemen went .along ., well. The district between St. Marys and i' irkton we: the scene of a heavy wind and lightning storm last week. when matte trees were uprooted and broken oft. The telephone was put out of c•omrniaston. George Marriott and S. A. Haynes had their barns unroofed and John Cousins his etch- le. burned. On Tuesday afternoon of last week lightning struck a flower stand at the end of Mr. William Delbridge's house in Usbarne broke the flower pots and veiled l6 chicken tha: ;lad taken shelter underneath the sand. Mrs. Delbridge and daughter Were not ten feet away at the time. rh.at lightning was surely close enough.. Lawrence Steitz, who for many gears has been a familiar character en our streets as well as up .and down the concessions and sidelines of the surrounding townships selling -mall ware:., is dead. It is just a tittle o - er a week or so he visited Exeter, .ap- parent ly enjoying his usual health. From here he went south to London and taking sick was removed to Vic toric. Hospital. His case was of a malignant -type and the end soon tame. Everybody knew Lawrence and by his kindly and genial disposition he gathered in many a sheckle that h would not otherwise have added to 'his little store. He was an unfortun- ate poor mortal too, having lost an arm -and'seceral fingers were missing from bis remaining hand, consequently it was with difficulty he managed to supply his wants and needs. Howev- er he .did so fairly well with the mean: at his command, and succeeded in making a livlihaod, as well as lay- .ine up.a little for a rainy day. Of Lawrence awrence had his fratlities like many others, and to these his unfor- tunate condition may be attributed. Deceased was a native of Poland, but the greater part of his Iife was spent i.0 Canada and this locality. Interment was made at St. Peterr's Cemetery, London and requiem high mass was sung for him at St. Peter's Cathedral. THE COLORS.—The Colors; two magnificent flags, foe the 161st Batt- alion carne to the Soldiers' Aid.Soc- iety last week and have betein on ex- hibition in 1•ir. J A. Stewart's win- dow since. They are of, silk, and are beautifully finished, all hnd embroid- ered and suitably mottoeid. Ross Taylor Co ,acs t. $101.35 be paid. The Secretary was iestructed to pro- eure a Guide from the • Municipal World. Per A. E. Fuke and F.1'Vaod —that the Council be asked for an appropriation of S4000. Per F.\ ood and 1. Armstrong—that all fees be paid before or during September, 'rhe. secretary was asked. to Write -W. H. jo:hnsion ire list of pupils waiting, Per R. N. Creech—adjournment. K. MacFaul, Sec. -Trees, .,-„- 0 -- Mrs. W. J. Beer was in London during the week. Mr. S. Powell is visiting his son, Howard in Saskatoon. Miss Ho•bkirk of Bad Axe, Mich., is;, visiting Miss Connor. tai'. e Glades Eroadfoet is the guest oc Mrs Margaret Horton, Mr J. J. Tilley has returned from a flshiug trip in the north country. Judge Dickson and C. H. Sanders spent Tuesday in Grimsby on busi- nes Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith of I -on• don visited relatives here this week. Mise Bernice Hortaa is spending the wetet with her grandmother Mrs. Mar- „ re.t. Morton. Min,. Brown, milliner, of Toronto, h.t` arrived here and willassist Miss.,, .. Armstrong to her millinery roo.ns, Hiss Armstrong and Mr;. ;McCreath returned Monday from Toronto. The latter left Tuesday morning for Luck - now. Rea. D. W. Collins of Windsor, who ha been holidaying with relatives at Ripley. called on old friends here Sat- urday. Mrs. James Whyte, who recently underwent a second operation in the Hospital at London, is recovering nicely. Mrs. C. H. Harney and grand child- ren returned home on Saturday from a visit with the farmer's son William at Kippen. Mrs. E. Christie left Thursday for Toronto to ,visit her daughter, Mrs. Rogers. Her grand children return- ed with her. Mss McG•eary of Strathroy, Miss` R•eta Kinsley of Blyth and Miss Lain ont of Zurich were visitors with Miss Gladys Kestle during the week, Miss lila Armstrong and Miss Cow- aa•d leave this week for Toronto, the formes ea resume and the latter to commence teaching, duties in the .same school. Messrs J. A. Stewart and R. G. Seldou and families; and Miss Lila Johns and Mrs. R. N. .Creech after motoring to Camp -Borden Wednesday will go on to Toronto for a few days EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUe,— The 'annual me ting for the election of officers will ,be alaelad in the Town Hall on Wednesday •evenitng, Sept. 6, at half past ,seven. A boxhas been sent to Miss Joan Arnoidi, Shorncliffe containing 129 pairs of sacks, 17 mil- itary shirts, 4 doz. handkerchiefs, a' sack of dried apples and magazines. —Mrs, W. j. Beer, Secretary. MOTOR ACCIDENT.—While driv- ing. northward, oven the Sauble bridge an Main Street, Exeter, Monday even- ing. thei Ford car driven by Mr. Nel- son Baker of Stephen became un- manageaable, and a few feet past the bridge crashed through the east fence, broke off four posts, and turn- ed liter i¢iio the law ground twenty feet 'below. The car was wrecked and tope;driver sustained a dislocation of has ,wrist and other injuries, while o`ne: companion; James. Bengough, of Hensall, apparently received .interna] injuries, and the other, Win.' Hill, orf Stephen, was unhurt, The nature of the occident was such that it is a wonder they were not kilted. Dr. Rollins, who has had charge of the London Asylum as superintendent spent Wednesday night and Thursday with relatives and friends in . town. The 'Doctor and his family returned Sunday to Mimico. CASTOR For Infants a.d Children In Use Far Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of lite44 NOTICE. -The 'Annual Meeting of the Exeter Salt Co. ,will be held at the office of the undersigned on the evening of the 1st day of September tat 7 te'cloek. By Order,—I, R. Car- ling. Secretary. ar-ling..Secretary. ESTRAY HEIFER ..• There strayed onto the premises, of the undeesi need, Lot 13, Con. 15, Ste- phens. s. yearling heifer. Owner can have sine by ,proving ownership and primer expenses. --David Hutchinson, Dashwood. 1 { JONES &MJ.Y PHONE NO. 32 First Complete Showing of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FALL & WINTER COATS Exclusive Styles Moderate Prices THIS STORE HAS FOR THE PAST NUMBER OF REARS BEEN NOTED FOR ITS SPECIAL VAL UES IN LADIES' , MISSES AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR COATS In spite of the present existing scarcity ot materials we have gath- ered, together for the coming season Ir- far the finest range of COATS wt ,have ever shown at very moderate prices. A special feature at our LADIES' AND MISSES COATS is that we show no two alike, so -'that if you purchase here /you will have an exclesive ;garment, Visit our NEW READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT iearly, before the best styles are sold out. An immense stock is here to select from. Alteration Sale Continues DURING ALTERATIONS TO OUR STORE, WHICH WILL. LAST ANOTHER WEEK, WE ARE HOLDING A SPECIAL SALE: OF REM- NANTS, 'BROKEN RANGES AND ODD LINES. Extra Special Bar- gains in Dress Goods, Hosiery, Factory Cottons, etc, Don't miss this chance, Boys' School Suits Get your boy a good strong suit foi• starting to school. We hare A nice range of these at very moderate prices in Browns, Greys F&. Blues. Sizes 24 to 35. Many of these • are just one of p. pattern left, which will be cleated cheap. Boys ,Suits with Stylish Pants About 30 of 'these in. stock. ;Made of good wearing cloth. Just the thing ,for every day wear. Worth up tc. $8.50 each... All ,to go at from S4.00 to $6.50. • Men's Clothing Do you need a good Fall Suit? Well just read these prices, and then come in and ask to see them, $10 $12 $15. These $10 and V2 Suits are all No, 1 in quality, but they are broken lines. However, we have all sizes from 33 to 44. There are some rare snaps amongst them. Men's New Fall Felt Hats New Styles, New Colors, Brown, Navy Grey, Green and Black. Don't miss seeing them. They are taking well JONES & MAY t i.„ ty ilk,l•lel•s for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing TI•L 'TILS. I �, G � I. G SERVILE.. IN TRIVr l' I MEMORLAL, on September 3rd. 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and full C'lzoral celebration of th:e Holy Cozn- munion; Hymns, 365, 348, 233; 3 p.m Children's Service to which all parents and al friends are cord'= cordially invited;2 p,m., Evensong, Processional Hymn Sat Service:, Simper in C., Anthem, "The valleys are clothed with flocks, the hills are covered with corn" by Sim- per; Talks, Festal resbonses; Hymns, 351 387; Stainer's` four -fold Amen. Auction Sale FARM 'STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 7 Con. 5, South West Bound asp of Usborne, on Friday, Sept. 8th, at one o'clock sharp, the following pranerty,— Horrses—Stallion "Derry Down"; one brood mare 10 years.; working horse 8 years old. . Cattle -2 cows with calves at foot; 2 cows 4 -years old; 2 heifers 3 -years old; one cow 7 -years old; 2 heifers, rising 2 years; 2 steers rising 2 -yr, Sheep --32 ewes, 15 lambs. Implements—Binder, mower, seed drill hay raker along ,plow, gang plow, disc, harrow, fanning mill, set iron harrows, nearly new, wagon, beob sleighs, single and double sets oi Leanness; whiffletrens, nnalci ekes, forks. scythes, and other artirlea too numerous to mention; also there will be far sale a quantity hay in stack, and about 70 acres pasture to be of- fered for balance of season. Terms—$$5 and under cash; , over that amount 12,montths credit on ap- proved joint notes. 5 per cent per annum off for cash .on credit amounts C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. R. Drought, Proprietor rgiu IMP 'S LTA: YSTfEM. Labor Day SINGLE FARE Good going and Returning Sept 4th FARE AND ONE-TtiIRD Good going Sept 2nd, 3rd; and 4th. Good to return Sept. 5th, .1916. Return 'tickets will be. issued from ail stations in Canada east of Tort Arthur and to Detroit a•id Pt. Hu- ron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Nia- gara Falls and Suspension P idge,N.Y, Tickets and .full particulars on, apt. - plication to Agents. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBI'N RETURN TICKETS. al .rednced fares . to Toron':o from all stations in Canada. Spe_'i•i1 .rain ser- vice and low trate excursions from au principal points on roertain.,dates, la ill particulars and special. train se: vice from Grand Trunk Agents. N. J. DORE, Exeter ANION........ SllMner IChoice Suits Cor Ladies. FurnitureN. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Summer Fashions are now here and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel, - It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phorate 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee . and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in . exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Exeter Bargain Story August Sale • HERE ARE A FEW PRI'CIsS ON' CLEARING LINES,— Silk Spools -lc. each Nooks andEyes-2 cards for 5c. Hair Pins -3' boxers for 10c. -r Combs and Barrettes—l5c, each. Ladies' Cotton Hose -2 pairs for 25c. Ladies' Fancy Collars -2 for 25c. Ladies •Silk. Gloves -50o and 75c. Men's, Soft Collars'' --10c, leach' Men's Ties -2 for 25c. ellen's Sox -10c., 15c, 20M ap 'air A feww clearing lines of Men's Astoria Shoes, regular $500 far $3:75. B. W. F. Beavers a