HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-31, Page 53ENSALL The front wheel of the cream wa,gyn of Robert Higgins breaking, at the hub tile, other day -.several full cans were shot into the ditch and -the cream lost. The driver was not hurt. —Aliss Mabel Cudnrore, who has been nursing at Stratford has gone to. New • ,. tota Yarc•� lie la post graduate course etas, Alice 1-Tobkrk and cousin Mar- garet have returned to Bad Axe, :dish where they have been visiting. Their cousin Mist Isabel lebkirk returned with then, to visit.—Mrs. Carl Wilson a Superior is here visiting her bro' thers John and Wm. Caldwell. —Mr Herbert Blatchford of Kindersley,Sask g is visiting his brother Richard.—Miss Hattie •9IcQueen is holidaying in Han- over.•,,MrS, Ben Caldwell of. Carberry Man. ,,is visiting her sister -in -late firs G Jo>nt.-.J. Leaner has purchased a Ford car for his mail route. - John Buchanan of New York is dome vis- iting his ,parents., -Mrs. J. M. Hall of Pittsburg is visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. Bonthrolt.—Mrs. Geo Lodge of Cieseland is visiting her sister, Mrs. Drake, ----.Mrs Alex. Thompson of Tororto it. visiting her sister Mrs. J Sparks. --Roy Bell %s ill with pneumon is at the horse of his lather. Jas. Bell. CANADIAN NATIONAL 't EXHIBITION 'M. 1 Empire r Em � . Federation p i Spectacle 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Hands Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Varrimoth Scenic Reproduction of tbe British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster ,Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND S ANDER W. A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R .Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. . Shells in Process of Manufacture immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New • Midway, Anr v The King's 3 :; , . Horse Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. 'Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS A relict. l gulating Pill'for Women. $6 a box or three for address cn rcte p of prilirug ce.. Tiro S('OBtores. or ied ELrto any Dace co., St. I'atimrines, Ontario. PHOSI'I ONOL FOR MEN• i o es vitality;for Ne'rvel'and Brain; increases "grey matter"; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by}mail on receipt of price...Tits ScOBELL Duro Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. LEGAL . ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for The Mol - sons Bank, Etc, Money to loan at lowest sates of interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private Wilds to loan on farm and village prop: er,les at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBUbtY Dairtaters, Solicitors. Exeter. . DENTAL D. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST nembo. of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Hvn.r. ,4ranuate of Toronto University. irfir„,-, ire! Dickson at Carling's law ,t,,ce. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST 712. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S.• D.D.S., donor Graduate o' Toronto University anti extracted without pain, or any ,,,d Prtecte. Oft.ee over Gladrnan & kant>ury's Orrice, Main Street, Exeter. C W. ROBINSON LICENS,,ED AUCTIONEER AND JALUATOT2-for Counties of Huron 'erth Middlesexand Oxford. Farm •>tock Sales a Specialty. Office at :ockshutt Warerooms, next door to :entre. Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. :harges moderate and satisfaction is :uaranteed FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 28th CENTRAL 17 STP A'TFOR t.). O N T.'e...-/ COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND & TELEGRAPHY DEPARTMENTS Our graduates are ;placed ii posi- tions. In 3 m e rwe ;received 219 applications fiod' help. Write us at once foe our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan,. Principal SUCCESS OF A NEW REMEDY FOR BACKACHE, KIDNEYS, RHEUMATISM. Dear Mr. Editor—I suffered for years with backache. Last March I tried "Anuric" and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me relief e f in such a short time. e I have tried several medicines, but "Anuric" is the only one that gave satisfaction. I feel it my duty to recommend "Anuric Tablets" to any one who suffers as I did. ( Signed) .MRS. MATGAIEE' E. SNIDER.. NOTE: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained byusing "ANURIC," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the INVALIDSIiOTEL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back- ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching bead (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kichhey and bladder diseases and rheumatism, ' if you've never used the "Anuric," cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce fora. large sample package. This will prove to you that "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than Willa in eli:utinating uric acid --and the meet perfect kidney and bladder cor- rector. If you are a flerer, go to your t beat dfor . and ask50-cent box a � of "Anuuri You run no rials for Dr. Pierce's good name ,stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it hasor the past half century for bia "Golden Medical Discovery, ," a general tonic made from roots with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure, his "Fa- vorite Prescription" for weak women and "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. ZURICH Mr. T N. Jarvis and three sons. of Dresden, and Mrs. W. O. Knechtel sae] 4hildren of Berlin, visited with Mrs J. Preetor.—Mr, and "svlrs, Sam Holtzman of Berlin visited at the home of the former's father, Mr. G, Holtzman,—Misses ,Tillie and .Nettie ,Well of Detroit are visiting at the home of their parents Mr, and Mrs. Welt—Mrs 'Norman Rupp and child- ren of Detroit, visited relatives here. Mr, 0, Patterson, of Caro, Mich., is visiting at thei home of Mr. W. Lamont. --Mrs. Boasef Berlin,is visiting .t the home of Rev. Rev. and Meyers.—Miss V. Siebert and L. Gal- ster are attending the millinery open- Ings in London.—Mr. Peter Lamont left for the West with a carload of horses.—,Mr. J. J. Merner shinned a carload of horses to the Western pro- vinces. --After the illness lasting many months Mrs. Henry Ortwein passed away at her home here on Saturday in her 87th year. For about a year deceased has been in .failing health. Her husband predeceased her about five years ago, deceased :was twice married and a number of children by the first ,marriage survive her, The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment taking place in the Bron- son Line cemetery, BIDDTJLPH—An raged resident died on Saturday last tv;hen the widow of the late Francis Sadlier passed away at thea age of 86 years. Her maiden name was Jane Atkinson. The funer- al took place an :Monday a t ,radon trate the residence of Chris- topher .Iiodgins, Con, 3, to S. fames cemetery ,•tt Clandeboye. AILSA CRAIG,—In one, of the worst electrical storms seen in years. two splendid bank ibarns belonging to pan Stewart, about south of here were completely destroyed by fire re- sulted from the lightning, The loss is estimated at several thousands of dollars. In thea barns at the time were the season's crops, rigs .and four cal- ves, all of ,which were ds stroyed. ry./r PARKHILL,—Hezekia Stoner, of Parkhill, a retired farmer, was acci- dentally 'killed. Mr. Stoner was driv- ing into the old homestead farm when his horse shied, throwing him from the buggy. ie was badly hurt and died as a result three hours later. His son is in the jewelery business at Parkhill, ;MITCHELL August 24,—A sad acci- dent occurred on Tuesday when a little year-old child of Mrs, Kraus- kopf drank some poisoned water off a fle Pad which was in a window sill. Dr. D . tMcKity, of Seafoxtb., was called, and later Dr. Snaith from town, but the child succumbed. .ouch sympathy is expressed for the parents in their be- reavement.. LUCKtiOW,—George Lees, pro- prietor of the Lucknow wollen Mills was foundabout noon on; Aug.Au 22nd, in a bush on the outskirts of he town with his throat Cut with a razor, ap- parently a case of suicide. Mr. Lees had been missing since Wednesday morning and a search was instituted for him with elle above result. FALL FAIRS Ailsa Craig ................ ...Sept 26-27 Exeter Goderich Kirkton London Mitchell Parkhill Seafoxth 'Toronto Sept. 18-19 Sept 27-29 Sept. 28-29 Sept. 8-16 Sept. 26-27 Sept 19-20 Sept. 21-22 ,,Aug.26 to Sept. 11 OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy et seventy, prepare at .forty, is sound, advice, because in tbe strength of middle life we too oftenforget that neglected. colds, or careless treat- ment of slight acmes and pains, aiznply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your Wood pure and rich and active with the strength -building and blood -nourishing properties of Scott's Emulsion which, iisa food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and &void sickness. At any drug store. Scott & 3krorne, Toronto, Out, Cleans 'smokeless and odorless oven m$� . s perfect cookingand baking. This isured . $ Ss bq ve>3tiiation and the nickel -coated non -rust . steellining in 'maw; 'U, a Won't bet hard r . = • `Pit t rang you tin yotll thenter of X show �t �i�.�.andora s ec�feature831 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son WiwrgiumonsimEcusio --- SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS, T2i sole head of a, family, or any male over 18 ;Tears old, ''may t ome- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in lltanitoba, Saskatch- e wart or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion, Janda Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. c i t. Exttxy by proxy • ntay he made at arty Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency), on cerain condi tions. Duties—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader•. ay jive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm, of at least 80 acres, col cer- tain conditions. A. habitable house is required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Tel certain districts a homesteader in gear" standing may pre-emp' a quar- ter-seetton alongside his 1: >mestead, Price 53.00 an acre. Duties—Six months resrd..nce in each of three years after earn n; home stead patent; also 50 acres .Xtra cul- tivation. 're-emption paten" may be obtained as soon as homestea;i patent, on .certain conditions, A ,settler who has exhaireed his homestead right t may take a purchas- ed homestead in, certain districts. Price $3.00 per acee. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of •he three years, cultivate 50 acres ani erect a house. worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Lives stock may he substituted for buitivation under cer- tain, cotiditions, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N,13. -Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be piid for. -64388. 11111111AiIWitiu rse Power m This P Almost 34 horse -power from this regy lunar stock Maxwell engine! 34 actual, brake horse power! — Proved by an accurate dynamometer test, made in the Maxwell laboratories, August 10, 1916. There has been a-1ot of talk about horse -power, and we just want to let Maxwell owners and prospective owners' know that in respect to horse -power, as in most other respects, the Maxwell leads by a comfortable margin. Not that we attach such great importance to horse -power. We don't We never have. Horse -power -abundant horse -power; ��of the is M xwell. one of many superior features We are selling motor cars—complete motor cars—not engines or horse -power. Horse -power is a matter that is second- ,�4try to motor efficiency and economy. A'•gianthas no advantage_ if hedoes not, W. E. OESTRICKER, A apply, or wrongly applies, his strength., Maxwell cars have horse-power—alli. you want or need—probably more peri pound of car weight than any other. automobile in the world. But we don't make any loud cry about it. Because we have more than horse= , power to sell you. Because you are, and should be, inter-) ested in results, the net effectiveness of power. We challenge competitive tests. We invite comparison. Because we absolutely know that -nod car of its class or weight can surpass the Maxwell on speedways, on rough roads, through sand or mud, anywhere. And because we know, and you will know, that, everything considered, the Maxwell is the World's Greatest Motor Car Value.) gent and Dealer, Crediton A. W. MORLOOK, Mechanic, Crediton r. 4