HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-24, Page 8EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Baxley Wheat.... ....... ......... Buckwheat Oats Teas ........, .,,.. 95 to 1 00 Potatoes per bag .«:,. 3 00. Ray, par ton Flour per cwt. Flour, low grade, per cwt, Shorts ,per Lon Bran per ton .................... Eggs.,....... Butter Buzzer, creamery . a5 Hogs per • at. 55 to 60 1.00 to 1.20 50 to 55 18 00 3.75 1 75 30.00 26 00 25 25 to 36 12.00 Neill c,— The Annual ice tin of the b.xeter Salt Co will be held at the ofi se di the undersigned on the evening o =1: 1st day of September lot r eh:a4 , lie taaler: I, R. Car- ling Se rc..ary. LOST—Gold chain and small heart slta,..:d pendant with pair wings and pane} in :.E, :re, probably between Mr. S. C.klaain�t, and '1jr, (Jaic.:Manson's. Kindy .retur:, tee Mee. Hanna, FRESH GROCERIES always in aatena We take Butter and 'Eggs in "exchange giving the highest naa.;ket prices.—U Belding, Exeter North. MARE FOR SALE.—A black mare 6 years old, quiet and handy in all harness, or sale at on:e.—G. R. Bed- ford Exeter. HOV SE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale his frame house and lot on And- rew street. All in good state of re- pair Good well, garden and fruit trees. For particulars apply c°n the premises. Henry plakins, Exeter. • .Apply to W. M. Clarke, L. Rep. L. C M. tEng,), tor terms, etc., if you wish to study music. Terms mod- erate. Pupils prepared for exam,na- tions. \1r. Clarke znay be seen .it Central Hotel, Saturday, or ,particul- ars may be obtained at Martins' 11us- ia Store or Grig6's Book Store. PIANO FOR SALE --,early new. For particulars apply at this office. --0-- WANTED AT ONCE.—Young wo- znen desiring errstloyment in town can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Manufacturing Co., who bas several good positions vacant. Tbe wed.; is light and clean, the hours are Imeiry short and wages are paid while leaning. Steady position and good tomes assured to anyone giving it a troal. Apply at once, JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., EXETER. —x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt or :ale at Old Temperance (douse, at the G T. R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction, is guaranteed. — ED. Z AGUIRE Exeter. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of Line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton., Manager, ESTRAY AY HEIFER There strayed onto the premises ut the undersined. Let 13, Con. 15, Ste- phen. e yearning heifer. Owner can have same env aroving nanersh'.p and payma expens-•,,—David Hutchinson, Dashwood. FOR SALE A. most desirable residential prop- erty situate in one of the best resi- dential parts of the Village of Exeter. This property consists of a Ii_ story frame bouse—S rooms with pantry and closets; a good summer kitchen and large woodshed; good well and cis- tern; a fine selection of fruit trees and smaj fruits, and a good stable with ircm roof. Any person desiring a line residential property can ob- tain the above on very Satisfactory terms. For particulars appy to Isaac R. Carling, Barrister &c. Exeter, Oat Farm For Sale. Pt. Lot 18 and 19, con. 1 Tp. of s:iabet an County of Huron, In the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of choice land. On this property is a brick dwelling, large bank barn silo. drive and milk house, hog and hen house. The buildings of this prop- erty are ail up-to-date with water in :statnle. Farm ig finst class state. of cultivation and must be sold as the proprtetc.r's health has Leila. poss- es:ion est oe November. Field df. corn to go with foam. Every' sonven-• ience for carrying on a milk business tach :s mach needed in the town of :Exeter.:,. Hewett. prop„ For term's and particulars apply to Thos. Camer- on. R. R. No. 1, Kixkton . FOR SALE IVIHOLM ,FARM 151 awes, comprising north half. o: >: 13. on the. 3rd concession of o: sae 7p of Stephen, in the county o; Hu.: n Ontario 2 1-2 miles from Exe.e: tan 1 lot 14 on tie "e 4th'con- ce_,si.un ::;c fatter as excellent ges- ture term well grassed, with small orc:ta • l aid wood lot ; no buildings. On the i ormer Iviholm property are acomvo-ins and well -,planned brick house lank barn, silo, drive shed, etc.. ;pro':e:.ted north and west by spruce winibreak, commercial orch- ard never failing water supply, tile drained and wire fenced. This farm has been operated under a systema is short rotation fox year, and is adapted for growing high grade seed. Intending purchasers are invited to inspect the growing alfalfa corn No. 72 oats, Empire state and Early . Eureka potatoes etc. for Uro- duction.:rand freedom from weeds. This ;properte will be sold separately or en. ;bloc. Stephen J. Hogarth • Exeter EXE PER. Am I MATE, THITRr BAY AUG, 2411116 rag AirverN1Falirlirriiir Li()CAL 1)01 NG Ss Tire Fall Fairs start this week,. Tor - (sato leading off on the Z6th. Hugh Buchanan has bought the Hen salt Observer from Mr. Neelands. Gasoline is on the drop in United States. A 3c. reduction was made on the 17th. German writers admit that their losses in the present fighting are the heaviest ever known. Send The Advocate to the absent- ees of your family. They will apprec- :ate a our thoughtfulness. A little ad. in the ,Advocate, ;:Coat Lost" brought the coat to the owner fat two days. "Nut sed." Word has heen received here that Dr Will Knight ;who went overseas, gas been *wounded in the hila. air. T. H. Newell has installed a Bowser gasoline tank in front of his aara e, far the sale of gasoline, Mr Win. Cornish lost a valuable mach; cow att Friday, it being killed by the trait a mile ,south, of tow. Clinton, a Model School opened 'last week. 'rills is the only llfode1 School in Western Ontario, but the attend- vnce is very small. After is few days of moderately warm weather and some line showers blistering 'hot weather struck us once more on Sunday and Monday. It is said you can get buttermilk any time you avant it by taking a quart of sweet milk, soured, creamend all and stirring the same with an egg -beater, ,Congregations at the churches on Sunday were not large, owing to the exceedingly hot weather, Rev. Hicks of Windsor ;preached in the James Street church. Mr. and =airs. Wm. Snell of Us - born: +announce the engagement of their daughter Orca, J, to Mr. George GaJones of Usborne, the marriage to take place in •September. The Clandcboye bridge spanning the Riverain road het- evenClandeboyye and Saasble tilt Lucan, has been opened for traffic, after being closed for night weeks for repairs. Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Maxwell of St. John N.B.. announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet 1fto Dr, John Wilmer Peck of Hensell. The marriage velli take place at an early date. The draw for the Nightgown will lee made at lir, Leavitt's Movina Picture Theatre on Saturday night of this week. This gow'n, is a handsome piece the Solders' Aid Society, by Mrs.. ated toand Mrs. Wm, Hawkshaw, jr. Laden with full baskets of dainty refreshments between twenty-five and thirty of the neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs, Stephen, on Thursday night last to give them a pleasantsur- prise and spend a social time before Mr Jaeoas departed for the West A jolly crowd they were and the host and hostess proved themselves worthy of the occasion. At a meeting of the ,Soldiers' Aid Society on Monday evening the fol- lowing young ladies were elected rep- resentatives of the society to go is Camp Borden on the occasion of theiMiss Jessie Creech and nephew, presentation ,of the colors to the 161st Battalion,—Misses Irene Rivers, T an!: Creech, spent the week end in Lillian Boyle, Edna Bissett, Etta Stratford, Grace and Ruth returned May Bowey, Gladys Bissett, _llarjory with teeth an Monday. Seldon. A number' of others will also airs. Wm, Bawden 3etttrned. tiled - go, Thi society is suggesting Aug- nesdav' ,from Buffalo and Niagara Falls ust 31st to ,Col. Combe as a suitable,acconipan ed by Miss Willis of Hough date. ton Mich, who spent a few days here Miss Addie llorlock, who, for a Mr, Louis Day and daughter Mary number of years, has conducted mil- i returned last week from a visit to lin ry rosins here, last week sold the the Soo. They were ,accompanied to busin_es to Miss McDonald of Wood- stock,During 'Miss Mariock's busi- ter, nd.��vroG will visit here. and hus- ness stay in Exeter she has enjoyed a large ,patronage and the sale of the Mr, John Jacobs of Stephen left business by her will be much reg ret- Centralia Saturday morning with a car load o2 fat cattle for Mr. Colwill for Butfalo, and from there he will go to the West, ,where he will Spend a couple months to assist in taking in the harvest. Miss Ida Wambold, who has been engaged ,in Mr. Lee Wilson's grocery will leave shortly, her father, Mr. jos. Wambold, hraviing purchased a grocery business in London. The famiily tend moving theia- household effects. to that city ishortly. /Fifteen people left Exeter _station Saturday morning for the West, a- mong them being, Mrs. Thos. Elliott, and sans Sam and John, J. hernick,. Rowlancl Squire, Wm. Towers, S. Ross Austin Ford, Kenneth Ford, ;Michie Letcher . Wm. ''Disjardine,, J. Disjar nne.. Mr. Nelson Sheere was in Ins roll this week. Airs 011ie Quasniceis: tvisiting in To- ledo, Ohio • Miss Stella Gillies is visiting in Port Huron, Mrs. Wm. Burke spent the week end in London. nee Wes, Lamport of London was home over Sunday. Miss Emma Heidemazn of Berlin is haute for holidays, alias Mary ael'k,wiii has train a visit in Oshawa. tier. Frank Bawden oz Toronto is in town visiting his ;parents, \less Annie Day of .Brantford is holidaying at her home here, -Miss _Alma Mack is visiting in In- gersoll with the Misses Rowe. 11iss Ruby Treble returned to Toronto on Tuesday evening, Mr Wni. Fraser and family viati- ed at .Mooresville on, Sunday, , Ties Alike Handford and Silas Reid are visiting .relatives in Sarnia.. i41r. Ed. Crocker and family of Tor- onto tare visiting relatives here. Grattan I3urdette of Detroit visit- ed old friends .here for afew days, Mr. Geo, W. Holman of Egmond- V lle spent a few days here last week, Mr, Chas, Coates of Pontiac, Mich, visited his brothers in Usborne last week .1r and Mrs, 'Frank Hunt of Lon- don holidayed here pnd in Seaferth this week. Mrs. C. Spackman and family of Guelph are visiting relatives here and in Usborne returned' Dr, Thonntpson. ,and wife of London visited then son, William Thompson over Sunday: Mr, and Mrs, Frank Weekes of Vir- den, Man„ arrived here Friday to vis- it with relatives. Ds. Sweet is attending the Amer- ican Veterinary Medical Association in Detroit this week, Mr. Chas. Livingstone, wife and daughter al Stratford spent Sunday here with relatives, Miss May Armstrong and :firs. Mc- Creatit are attending The rniliinery openings in Toronto, Mr. R. S, Balkwill of Tacoma, Wash, has been the guest of his cousin, Mr. I R. Carling;, .during the week. Mrs S. Quante went to Ailsa Craig Saturday to visit for a fe.w days, Her niece and granddaughter accompanied her, Rev. D. W. ,Collins and Mrs. Col- lins of Windsor are visiting friends here, Mr, Collins spent Sunday in Ripley. Miss Bagent, who has been the past six a ears in India, arrived here on Thursday last and will reside withher parents. Mr, George Armstrong and daugh- ter of Paris arrived Saturday to ..vis- it for a few days at the home of Mr. L Armstrong. Mr. William Gould, vvvh.o has been visiting his mother and family here, returned to his home in Miami, Man., on Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Smith and family, af- ter a visit with Mrs, Smith's mother, Mrs. Joh. Snell, returned to Windsor on Saturday. air and Mrs. George Case, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Case and Mr. and Mrs, John Lase of Toronto visited here during the week, ted by her many customers and friends. Miss McDonald comes high - I ' recommended and the vacancy gives promise _of being well filled at her hands. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR AUG. —A reactionary steam periodis cen- tral on- the last four days of August. The noon, is in conjunction with the sun and' earth on the 28th and on the celestiat equator on the 29th. Disturbances of the preceding storm period may last into this period; at any rate, storms of renewed and quickened activity will return on and about the ZSth and 29th. Watch your barometer—watch ,the Clouds—watch fox reports. Change to very cool nights should be expected, with frosts to the northward, within seventy hours of the dividing line between August and SePtember • WALLACE ,ELLIOT-A very; pret- ty wedding was solemnized. at high noon on Aug. 9th, at the residence of Mt and .Mrs, aaeginald Elliot of the Maisons Barnk, Norwich, when .their seconc daughter Pauline Carling was married to Mr, John B. Wallace of the University staff, Toronto. The bride looked very charming in her travelling suit of dark green taffeta with white Milan hat, trimmed with smart white wings and carrying • a bouquet of roses and lily -of -the -val- ley .. entered the drawing room lean- ing on the arm of her father, to the strraiiss of , Mendel ssclans wedding march, 1played by ;Mies St. Clair Mer- ritt of Owen, Sound. The ceremony which took ,plaice vender a beautifully decorated floral arch, banked on eith- er 'side with palms and ferns, was performed by the Rev. H. H. Tan - cock en. the (presence of immediate rel - eaves and friends. During the sign- iner of the. rregister Mies Marjory Mer- ritt of Owen Sound, sang sweetly, "0 Fair, 0 Sweet, 0 Holy: After the receptian .a dainty .luncheon was Taker the new Transcontinental short served in the dining ;roam, which was route to Western •Canada. The Grand profusely, decorated with . sweetheart frank Pacific Railway is the shortest roses. and ferns. The bride was the and quickest route between Winnipeg recipient of many valuable :Ind use- Saskatoon and Edmonton. ful'rpmesents, .,The happy couple lett Full ,particulars and ,excursion dates for „Muskoka and will reside in Tor from agents. onto -Norwich. Gazette. N. J. DORE, Exeter CAS ( UA For Infants am aelldren. in Use For Over Z 0 Years Always bears the Signature of £IiUI1K RYS EM' Canadian. National' Exhibition RETURN TICKETS at reduced fares to Toronto from all stations in Canada. Special train ser- vice and low gate excursions from all principal points on ,pertain dates. Tull particulars end special train service from Grand. Trunk Agents. HARVEST HELP : EXCURSIONS $12.00 TO WINNIPEG } i f Ci JONES& MAY PRUNE NO. it ALTERATION SALE ALL THIS WEEK AND PART OF NEXT BIG 'BARGAINS ARE HERE FOR YOU DURING ALL THIS GEN- ERAL MIX-UP. ALL SUMMER GOODS TO BE CLEARED OUT TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW FALLGOODS THAT ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY NOW, Here are a few "Specials" this week Dress Goods FOR 25C. FOR 15C, 3 Pieces of Fancy Plaid, Dandy fog, 4 1'.iecee of a brand new plaid School Dresses. Nice color plaid Dresa .Goods, Good colors £Oz 25c, a yard. children, ,15c. a yard, SCOL LORED DRESS GOODS 1 'ARIES .FANCY SUITINGS 12 Suit Ends of different col- ors. All ;beautiful goods to clePaar at about half price. FACTORY COTTON 12Xc, Sox one week 10 yards far $1,00. Several %Pieces; of All Colors. Spec- ially marked down for our Altera- tion sale. Rare Bargains. BIG APRONS Extra Large Overall Aprons this week 50c. VELVET, RUG,S For mats always sold for This week only X2.95, REMNANTS Our Alteration Sale makes a pile of Remnants of all kinds. This week. LADIES' HOSE $.50. 15 Dozen, Ladies' Extra, Good Cashmere hose 25c. a pair, MEN'S, SOX All Cashmere good weight -3 pair for $1.00 Ladies' New Coats WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW WINTER COATS—ALIT- TLE EARLY—BUT GIVES YOU FIRST CHOICE, WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEM AS WE WERE VERY FORTUNATE TO SECURE THEM AT OLD PRICES. JONES & MAY r ieadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing FARM FOR SALE The undersitgned. is, offering for sale his fine 50 acre farm, ,being Lot 22, Con. 7, Stephen Township. There is on the premises a good house and bank barn, good chicken house and other out -buildings in good condition Lots of good water, He also offers for sale 25 acres on con. 6, being part of Lot 21, Stephen, with a number one bush on it. Buyer can have the 50 acres alone, or both. JOHN G. WEIN, Crediton, P.O. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS AND ,HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Lot 23, N.E. Boundary, Usborne, farmerly'the Glenn Farm, on Tuesday August 29th, 1916, at 1 o'clock p.m. .sharp, the following,— Horses—Farmers droving mare with foal by side; Gen. Purpose mare, with foal by side; Gen. Purpose filly, 2 -yr old, well broken single or double. aCattie-1 registered Jersey heifer, due Sept 6, lreg. Jersey hseiferr due in, January; Jersey cow freshened August 10th; .Grade Durham( cow due in December; Grade Durham cow due in January : Holstein cow fresbened in June; 1 Durham heifer 2 -yr -old ; 2 Durham- grade steers 2 -yr -old; 4 .Durham grade. steers 1 -yr -old; 2. Durham .grade, heifer calves; 1 Ayr- shire heifer. calf; 1 Jersey heifer calf Hogs -1 reg. young sow, bred. Fowl -13 geese, 14 ducks, 30 pule lets, 2 guinea fowl. Imrplements,-6-ft. •mower, nearly new 3 -horse disc; walk brig plow, sat her- rows, conn scwffler • 2 -horse cultiva- Summer (Choice Sails [or Laies. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Summer Fashions are now here and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to present' so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most .favored shown., The present time is most advantag- eous far buying as all indications point to higher pricesin the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the .Central Hotel. THE FUNERAL DIR•EGTOR AND FURNITURE DEAVER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant for ; 2-11 ors.e corn planter; set double harness ,nearly new; set driving har- ness; ar ness 2 ;pig orates, gasoline engine Exeter r Baa Pump jack;. boggy, cutter, grindstone - wl� s tors bagrels boxes, forks, chaitns, shovels, hoes. etc. Furniture. - One Pandora Range nearly new and (pipes; heating stove;. extension dining. table; 6 d;,ridngchairs sideboard, cupboard, 4 kitchen chairs, kitcleem, table, oak ,parlor suite, 2 par- lor rugs, writimmg desk', set of book sh,elves.'iron. bedstead, 2 wooden bed- steads 5 sets of Ibed springs, bureau mattress, milk separator nearly = new churn, washing machine, dishes, pails pans, crocks,. gems, lamps, oil cans, incubator and other articles too num.- erous to mention: Positively no reserve as the Pro- prietor has ,given alp the farm. Terms -Ali 'sums, of :$5 and: under cash; over that amau,ne 11) months' credit on approved joint noses. A discount of 5 per cent off for cash out credit amounts. C. E. SHAW T. CAMLRO''S Prep. Act. • August Sale HERE ARE A FEW PRICES ON ;CLEARING LINES,— Silk Sipoals—lc. each Hooks end Eyes -2 cards for 5c, Hain fiats -3 boxes for. 10c. - Combs and Barrettes -15c each, Ladies' Cotton Hose -2 ,pairs for ' 25c, Ladies' Fancy Collars -2 for 25c. 'Ladies Silk Gloves -50c.. and 75c. ¥Vlen's Soft Collars..10c. teach 14Ien s Ties -2 for 25c. Men's Sox -10c 15c. 20c. a • pair, clearing lines of Men's 'Astoria Sthoes, regular $5.00 foe $3,75.1 �. W. F. Beavers A few •