HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-24, Page 4Alt ata Tteiro,p;ida yerratesilletiitineAr;. Al ree tutee Preparation farts &imitating theFaodatulRegttiai iinglhe$teleattsaraiinsure ' Pri motes Digestion orf lies& Gild hest Coatai sovillw r Opitalt hiorphille norNilieeral.: NOT NARCOTIC. OTIC, Ws - Seed- CASTOR! For infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Aptrfcl Remedy torCeeetiee lion, SeurSkees h,Atatrlloea, worms.Corivelsiotts Feverish and LOSS OF MEP: TutSieele 5isnaltltecf 'THE CENTAURCJl1PA\'Y. eiONTREJII.&NEW YORK Enact Copy o1 Wrapper.. In use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR! YMat OiCN1:7e&Y„ •QM$A1+Y, wow' YORK SV Y.. •Q''-lceter u)vvol: atcr �zzders & Cree.:la, Proprietors. Subscription Price. -IIn edvariee Sl ,ear year in Canada; S1,53 in United Sates. It riot plied in adv nee the .price is 5i)e. more per year. 'l'ki C'R I)AY, .L t , 24, ' ui MARRIAGE LICLN +I.'+ ISSUED ED aaj C. H. *liners e. the Adve ate /M- ae: `eeLice• Aertiidenti31; ro witness requirel, TO KEEP t P FABLI OF SUCCESS :Reason Given by Tiniest Expert far Hun Fleet's Latest Venture. LONDON. Aug. 22.—The Times' attval expert discussing the sally of r.he German fleet in the North Clea on Saturday, says: '"The news that the German fleet ;las been able to put to sea after the severe damage suffered May 31 is no surprise. The war experience has proven that a ship can b., repaired very q,uickiy, provided she is not .it - ally injured, This is especially true when there are such resources avail- able as in British or German ship- yards. "The Germans do nothing without a purpose, and Saturday's naval movements had a political origin. To keep up the fable of the success of May 31, the German commander must show that his fi•::.:t is not con- fined to the Kiel canal. . . It may be assumed that every class of .ship was present in the German fleet Saturday. The advance was m'-tde more to the southward than in May. The retreat of the Germans after their abortive raid was a necessary part of their tactics of attrition, and justifiable in the circumstances." GENERAL SMUTS' DRIVE. Forces Cross Wami River and Ap- proach Kilossa. LONDON, Aug 22.—British forces in German East Africa have forced a passage of the Wami River and are • approaching the important Town of Kilossa, according to an official state- ment issued by the war office this evening. The statement says: '+Lieut& -Gen. Smuts reports the British, advancing from Nguru .Mountains, encountered at nightfall of the 16th a strong enemy force holding the passages of the Wami • River on the road to Nrogoro. Fight- ing continued till the night of the 17th, when the enemy retreated. The British occupied the crossings at ,dawn and are now constructing bridges. Meantime Lieut. -Colonel Vandeventer.inflicted severe losses tan the enemy near Kidete Station, Ion the Central Railway, and is aP 1 proaching Kilossa, "Further east British columns are moving on Dares -Salaam, supported• by naval operations on the coast." DEWART ELECTED. South-West Toronto Elects a Liberal for First Time. TORONTO, Aug. 22 ,—The bye- selection in South - West Toronto - -Monday to fill the vacancy caused by.. Wthe death of Hon. S. J. Foy, resulted 'en the return of Hartley Dewatt, Liberal, by a majority of 643 over Norris,; the Conservative candidate. Mile vote was very light, where near- 9,009,, ear-9,000, voted in 1914 under 5,000 ..turning out Monday. ' Following are the official figures: Dewari Norris 2,062 'Conner 445 Waldron , 131 Maj. for Dewart 643 LUCRNOW--Tann E. McKenzie at .,»utail while harvesting, fell from a en d, a',ielitiae on his head and aislo- %tine his ne,rk. Beath was instant- %ncous. Ha: was in his r'Znd year. SENSE and nonsense, That's the stuff Life is made of, Surd enough. Sense? Yes, maybe, And a lot Of the baldest Baldy rot. Sow they mingle .And intwine, Forward, backward, Down the line. Sometimes hardly We can lnaow Which is t'other In the show. In the schoolroom, In the mart, Them you cannot Tell apart. Often sense on Closer view Is but nonsense Through and through. In the busy Daily race Each is useful In its place, And between them, Could you choose. Which would you Prefer to lose? An Exception. "It is awful the way everything is going up," said the sad faced family man to the hilarious young person at his side as they entered a tall office building. "Find the grocer is sticking you?" asked the younger man. "Not only the grocer, but the butch- er, the baker, the milkman, the coal man and everybody 1 never saw any- thing like it. You can't mention a thing that isn't going up." "Oh, yes I can." "I defy you to." "This elevator. for one thing," he re- plied, pointing to the wearisome sign, "Elevator out of order." Humane. ' "Bilkins." "'Yell?" "You ought to be ashamed not to pay your board bill." "There is .just one reason why T don't." eveell, what is it?" y-landl;ady has a weak heart." Resirned to His Fate. "Yes. be ,a,ui•te01 her for eight years befoie they uwe married" :Did it rage (taut that long to make up hl:+:.mind ?" "No: but it rotit rh:it length of time for. him to disvove-r that' tie couldn't tnn.ke his es0'npe'• i Why su. b t t,oneh?' 'a " 1 1 e• got uo grouch. What in time's the fh:rtter with ereryhody anyway?" Not at Ail. a grouch?" MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED[ t i i C. H Sanders at the' Advocate Of-` +.:face Strrictl-y ccmtidentia'1; no witness :required. •Hard Place to Fill. 3 wish 1- had a private secretary," NVhy.don't you hire one?" -To be any good be would have to isnot.: more` than 1 do.' and 1 wouldn't h tae'that'kind of a man ardund." In These Days. "Ile has retired from business for a •=rindeetl :` 116w: long will it take him Iia ire rve'' hrs*'time including reduction for guixi behabior?" • The Belt., • .You think that your long winded friend: i Has staying power and strength. .t Phe co'hiet can a'tail unfold ' • Some million miles in length,'. FIGHTING IN BALKANS. Enemy Trying to Anticipate the Big Allied Advance. PARIS, Aug. 21. ---Reports receiv- ed here from Salonica show that the general engagement which began on Friday is continuing with intensity over an extended front, running from Flotilla, near Monastir, to theRiver Struma. This represents an irregu- lar line measuring upwards of 150 Hailes, Gen. Sa,rrail is directing the united operations of the Allies, with Gen. Cordonnier commanding the French troops. The operations have been long expected as a part of the co• ordinated offensive of the Allies on all fronts. Its opening follows the ar- rival of General Cordonnier after ex- tended conferences with officials here. The advices received in Paris indi- cate that the Germans and Bulgar- ians etre seeking to anticipate the movement by taking the offensive an the left, where the Serbians had moved up to within 25 ratite of ;*:ion astir, holding Florina as an observa- tion post, Their orders were not to attempt to retain Florina if their were attacked, The Serbian. War Once says the Bulgarians were re- pulsed and thrown back on their old positions, but that later the Serbians, following their instructions, evacuat- ed Florina, Thereupon the town and the station of Fiorina were occupied by the Bulgarians. The Serbians retired slowly, and later delivered a heavy counter- attack against a large Bulgarian force which was debouching Pram Florina toward Baniea. Fighting continues in this reglert. In the centre It`rencle and British forces near Lake Doiren followed an intense bombardment with infantry atta^ks, in which the British contin- gent oeeupied the strategic point of Doldzeli. Further east the French right rushed a series of small villages in much the same Iuanner as the French right carried the villages ,m. the Somme front. Reports in geueral show a condi- on of affairs along the whole lice wliieh is regarded here as satisfae- tory for the Allies. There is every indication that the preliminary oper- ations are extending rapidly. LIGHT CRUISERS SUNK. Nottingham and Falmouth Come to Grief on Scouting Expedition. LONDON, Aug, 21.0 --.Two Brttieh light cruisers, the Nottingham and Falmouth, were sunk on Saturday in the North Sea by German submarines while the vessels were searching for the German high seas fleet; said to comprise fifteen warships, including large cruisers. One German subma- rine was destroyed by the British, while another was rammed and pos- sibly sunk, according to the Admiral- ty statement, whieh follows: "Reports from our lookout squad- rons and other units showedthat there was considerable activity on the part of the enemy in the North Sea Saturday, the 19th, "The German high seas fleet came out, but Iearning from their scouts that the British forces were in con- siderable strength, the enemy avoid- ed an engagement and returned to port, "In searching for the enemy we lost two cruisers by submarine at- tacks — H.M.S. Nottingham, Captain C. B. Miller, and H.M.S. Falmouth, Captain John Edwards. "All the officers of the former were saved, but 33 of the crew are miss- ing. All the officers and men, of the i•'a1;aouth were saved, but one lead- ing stoker, Norman Fry, died of in- juries. "An enemy submarine was de- stroyed and another was rammed and possibly sunk. "There is no truth in the German statement that a British destroyer was sunk and a British battleship damaged." ALBANIA Ili REVOLT. `:earst and Fyne Recti a Falmouth. MONTREAL, Aug. 22.—A London. cable to The Gazette says: Premier Hearst, of Ontario, and Hon. Dr. Fyne, Minister of Educa- tion, arrived at Falmouth on the Noordam Saturday, but up to a late hour Saturday night they had not reached London. It is understood they will confer with M. Ri-hard Reid, agent -general :n leug;and for the Province of ( u, with regard to the future wo. t. Lite office and then visit the C . - i:,t), troops 2n England and Fr - .3, ats w»:i as the Ontario hospital . Ore)'tlgtol, which. was established . y ;ton. Dr. Pyne last year. For the next fet•.n'ght the Ontario Premier and th.; hailer of the Op- position in the t ..tario Legislature, Mr. Rowell, will .r in Loudon, but not at the same hni.el. Munitions Plan- Blown T;g. LONDON, Aug. 22.—Serious loss of life is feared as the result of an explosion in a munitions plant in Yorkshire Sunday afternoon,, says an official statement issued Monday evening. No figures on the oaaualties are given. "An explosion took place HAS af- ternoen at a munitions faetery in Yorkshire,•, says the statem€et, "Full details are not yet at band, but the loss of life appears to be serious, Assistance bas been sent from neigh- boring towns. "A further statement will be is- sued as soon as ,possible." Duty Laws Between Prooincee. TORONTO, Aug. 22. --Hoa, T, W. McGarry annoullciel Monday that he would hold a eeuterenve short with the provincial tr, a surer oC Quebec with a view to ariaugiug vrtth his province the same succeseWit duty laws as prevail between tine prarine and all others in Canada exospt Man- itoba and Quebec. At preeer t if an estate is partly le one province and partly da the other succession dnt:es must be paid in botb. IIs all pray - laces except the two earned, duties collected in one province are retntn- able if collected in another 3140, Freighter Sant: in Lake Erie. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 21. ---An unidentified freighter was 'reported. sunk off Bar Paint, Lake Brio, near Amherstbur;, Ont., early Monday mornin, the first mate of the Detroit tend Cleveland steamer St. Ieaace re- ported seeing ber slaking as biz ship passed the vicinity Monday a.srning. The Great Lakes Towing Co.. or AM. herstburg, has sent a tug est to in- vestigate. ?doves Overseas Soon. KINGSTON, Ont., Aug. 22.—It rola been definitely decided that the depot artillery brigade now In training :at Darriefleld will move to an eastern camp in the very near futupe to cora plete its training. The premises of the Berlin Social- ist Clubs were raided on Saturday. CIRE2NWAiF Mrs A. Matthews of Denfield sp, nt the week end with. her sister, Mrs, W. T. L'1cns,—.Miss Violet ,Gaiser .)f' Shipkt visited Mrs. J. Brophey for a few days recently,—hiss Gladys Con- nor of Centralia is the guest of her cousin . ;1tiss Mabel Hutchinson.—Miss Addie Hickey and Miss Eva McLaugh- ton, were guests of Miss Adah Mc- Pherson fora week, --Mrs. Edwards has improved her property by put- ting ca wire fence around it.—Lieut. W. T. Ulens left Set week for London ton join a a company of 200 officers, who have left for service overseas- The Gilrs' Club (purpose holding an Inc Cream Social on the Methodist Church Lawn an Friday, August 25 Ice cream and cake n -ill be : ervcd from 6 to S. A good program is ire= in ,prepared. Proceeds to he given_ tothe Red .Cross fund.—A successful ctuiltin;r bee was held at the home of • sirs. R. Ei glish last Friday, when' the members gathered and quiltel the au'oeraph quilt they have beers, mak- ins.-Rev. and llrs. Surcliffe and tam - it) of Cattam .called on friends here and Corbett last week. ' Inhabitants Have Organized Bands Against the Austrians. ROME, Aug. 21.—Informatidii • from Albania is to the effect that the whole country is in a state of revolt.' Taking advantage of the weakness of the Austrian garrisons the Alban- ians have formed numerous bands, which overrun the country, robbing and killing and laying waste. The Austrian garrisons are in a critical condition, all communication being broken, and help by sea being difficult on account of the watch keot by the allied fleets in the Adriatic. Sanguinary fighting is continually taking place between Austrians and Albanians. The Austrian commander in Albania has asked for reinforce- ments. The situation is equally grave in Montenegro. Rowboat tlpset by Steamer. SARNIA, Aug. 20. — Rowing across the lower end of Lake Huron just above the mouth of the river here early Sunday' morning, three Detroit young men named Albert Falkner,James Shankland, and John Wilson, had a narrow escape from death when their boat was run down by an up -bound steamer. The men had just rowed out of the path of a' boat coming into 'the river and did not notice the other boat until it was too late to get out of the way. The steamer stopped as soon as possible and put out a lifeboat, which picked up Wilson and Falkner, who were swimming feebly. Shouts from shore- ward drew their attention, and there they found Shankland, who was a good swimmer. Wilsons' home is in Strathroy, but he is working in De- troit. The boat was totally de- stroyed. t.. , Will Withdraw Troops from Mexico, WASHINGTON, Aug. esi- dent Wilson has taken, the firsts'eps towards withdrawing General Pe:, sh- ing's . expeditionary force from Mr'ti- co. - High entry 00318.14 '-,predio.- d Saturday that all American traiotts would be out of •Me.rico byiSepterioet 15th. f' WHY WOMEN CANNOT SLEEP." The highly organized, finely strung nervous system of women subjeatttbs them to terrors of nervous; apprehensive which no man can ever appreciate. The ppeeaaccee of mind, the meeild poise and calmness under difficulties} which are necessary for happy womanhood,are onk' possible when the sensitive "egoism is m a perfectly healthy condition. If there be any derangement in thilrl+espect no remedy in the world so comp +, re- stores womanly health as the wonderful "Favorite Prescription" invented bar Dr. R. V. Pierce. Chatham, Ont. -"A few years ago I suffered a general break -down and got very weak and thin. I was in an awful state. I was very much discouraged and at times thought I would loge my vend.' I' knew of Dr. Pierce's medicine uo I got, his `Favorite Prescription.' It jike me immediate relief,,, and co15n fete ,iw l r! �P�d,. me in a very shore time.. -My sIt>t6e f ed it with good results also. She vas in a; very delicate condition. I got her to take it and two bottles cured be corn-: Play "I take ¢rest pleasure in reco Dr. Pierces medicines; they area that is,recommended of 'them."—M caner Maur; 87 Park Ave., C�' ,• THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD. General Manager. H. V. P. JONES, Asst General Manager , iTAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Barks. 553 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITO^--S. Al. Johnson, Mgr. ..,,. INCORPORATED 1855 THE MQLSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Traesaete Circular Letters of Credit Bank Moneg Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARICE, Manager SISTER ER : READ MY FREE OFFER. I am a. woman. I know a l e ata s t zit. know her need :pithy an 1 help. If yon. a 1sister. tan unhappy .aeeluse of in- hea.tlz :s:a,1 t al e1.a°:t ' sr l:oatschold duties, 10x131 Pleasures, or y e:,:pl yment,writeand tell me lust lawn• y t r, •a ui a.:� 1'r:r my frac' to:t losss, trial of a halal treatment suited to your :teens; 11 12' L111I . C2..cet reziaine+1a health strengtla,Yan l happiness by its use. 1 want tet tell ynu all about tins successfal method of home treatment for yourself. my voider. f•0ryu-daughter,your sister, or your mother. -. I n .nt to toll you how to cure yourselves at home at trifling cast, and 'without a ,kt.na.a.0 _ ate. 1,'(t cannot uu5lCrltand wap:Hen's. 4usicrin;.1 what '1 1 w:ameu know from exper- ience, ave 1,111110 1+etter than any <loeto1: Hud thcntt+a:td.11,11'0 preaved there ie hope 01'011 for the hon Gess in my nzetho'1 'f home treatment. If you s, fr.,ua pain In the head, back, or bowels, f:e"ng of weight and dragging down sensations, fail.n., or displacement of internal organs, bladder irri n With frequent urination, obstinate con t:ati' nor piles, pain In the sides regularly or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, depre s• dzoirits, :nesancholy, desire to cry, fear of something etil about to happen, creeping feeling 1 d the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weari •est, sailoso complexion, with dark circles under the eyes, paha in the left breast or a g.neral feeling haat life is not worth living I invite you t, sea 1 t +-,.11 t<, :.iy s: to tan day',' treatment entirely free and ppostpaid, to prove to yourself urself t' at these aa1.a.? It eat% 1 is easily .. 1 .: :y e +u i ter ed aty e:1r,.•arn mime, without the expense (1' hospital tree: cant r the dangers of an op r.atirm. 'Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon's 1 .tile lit knowing a:., c t nay simple uaet1t 1 of In elle treatment, and when you are cured, my Lister, I shall only ask y,'12 t] pass the wool word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment i. for all„—young or old. 1'o Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple hone treatment n•i:i..12 s•ler.hly and effectually cures 1;reen-yck:zeas (chlorosis), irregularities, headache., and lac-ftu,{^ in yoaulg 2t,nacu, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell nae if y as are worried about ynardaughter, Remember it costs you nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ton day's trial, =tail you wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and itdoes :aotinterfere with one'sdailywork. Is health worth asking for? Then aecei,t my generous offer, write for the free treatment salted to your needs, and 1 will send it ili plain wrapper byreturn mail. To save time you can cut out this offer, :nark the places that tell your feelings, a n<1 return to Inc. Write and ask for the free treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 840 , - - WINDSOR, ONTARIO. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED - SIXTEEN For calendar and terms: R. 1. Warner,M, A., D.D.,Alma College, St, Thomas, Ont. New Prices August 1, 1916 THE FOLLOWING PRICES FOR FORD CARS WILL BE _EFFECT- IVE ON AND AFTER AUG.1,1916 Chassis . . ... $450.00 - Runabout 475 00 Touring Car . 495.00 f. o. b. Ford, Ontario These prices are positively guarasgt- eed against any reduction before August lst,,,19i7,, but*,eleere ; is , no guarantee aginst ane'at Vance • an"A. rice at any time,: Any person thinking' • buying 'a car'will do well to'"constllf .,h' the dealer, Milo Snell Exeter Ont.