HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-17, Page 5o w iig, bulgin o f breaker Ogle ce e o h tip g � i kir a is taken tip by the two -p ece fro-po which Permits ito ashes to cling Or clog. Let me show you the special features of the Sunshine that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted. 810 Sold by T. Hawkins & So n SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will heap to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. LEGAL ISAAC R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for The ,Mol- so,ns Bank, Etc. :Money to loan at µ.,,bluest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter, wa funds erties MONEY TO LOAN , have a large amount of private to loan on farms and village prop - at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANDURY L3arristers, Solicitors, Exeter, DENTAL Dr, G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST ilember of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and ? Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Once—Over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L,D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate o' Toronto University eeth extracted without pain, or ani oad effects, Office over Gladman & Stanttury's Office, Maden Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR foe Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wareroo,ms, next door to Centra: Hotel, Main Street,Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction '.is guaranteed FALL TEEM FROM AUGUST 28th /IICENTRAL 0� �r1� A STr9A T FORD, ONT.' COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY DEPARTMENTS Our graduates axe placed 'in posi- tions, . In -3 months we received 219 applications for trained help. Write us at once for our free catalogue, D. A. McLachlin, Principal RANDIRUNI RYST M Harvest. Help Excursions $12,00 TO WINNIPEG AUG. 15 AND 29th Fromell stations in Canada, Brock villa, Scotia Jct. and east, also north of Scotia Jct. AUG. 17th and 31st. From all stations Lyn, Ont. and west to and including, 'Toronto, Weston, Seaford, Poigrave and north ro and including •'Huntsville AUG. 19 laved SEPT 2 Pa•oni ell stat ions Toronto, Calecto,n East Owesi Sound, ,;Warton and west and south thereof n Canada Particulars from. any Grand 'I`k Agent N. J. DORE, Exeter SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS, The sole dead of a family, or any mate over' 18' years old, may hpme- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency), on certain condi- tions. Duties—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of tbree years. A homesteader maylive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of ac least 80 acres, on cer- tain conditions. A habitablehouse is required except where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteaderin L.UCAN Miss Clara Perley of Winnipeg ,is the guest of Miss Muriel Haskett and other relatives and friends, Mrs, John Windsor. of Brown City, Minh. has been the guest of her brother and sister, at the Post Office, Mrs Wadsworth and children who have been. the guests of the formers's parents Mr. and Mrs, Harry Collins for a rtuniber of weeks left for their home in ,Melville, Sask. St. Johns Church, London 'Town- ship. was the scene of a pretty wed - dine.. on Au ;,2nd, when Mr. Jonathan Brock of Lucan, ;was .united in rear- riage to Miss Jennie Reynolds, dau- ghter o.f Mr, T. lA. Shoebottom of St. John's, HENSALL Four Hensall rinks of bowlers at- tendee the tournament in Exeter last week and got ,well Grp. In the race, but did not land any of the money. Mrs. McPherson and daughter Miss Ella are visiting in Stratford.— The Misses Cudmore axe home from Tor- onto, visiting their ]parents. --Mrs. J. Ellis and daughter Miss :Mattie, are speeding a few weeks in Detroit,— Miss Edith McEwen, of Orillia is holidaying at her home here.—Mrs. N P. Warrener was in ,Chatham last week attending the LO.O,F. Grand Lodge meeting, as representative of the local Rebekah Lodge,—.Mr, Owen Geiger has a large gang pulling flax WHA LIIQ. Mr, artd Mrs. Hector :41illson and family ,sperm Sunday ,with her parents at Devizes.—Miss Edna Gunning spent Sunday. at her home here.—Miss Minnie Millson os visiting :relatives on the 10th of B1anshard.—Mrs. George Coward and daughter Victoria were guests at Mrs. Jos. Moriey's,—Mr. Wi Ogden, our blacksmith, leaves for the west this week, •1 -lis shop will be closed till his return.—Mrs. Wesley Freeman land children of Granton spent last week with her parents here -,Mrs. John Parkinson of Granton spent n few days here with her sis- ter ;Nirs, Geo. Millson.--The past week has been showery and crops are look inr; splendid through this district. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly reeliae that we bare a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected,- leads orrected,leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion is exactly what you should take; its, rich nutriment gets into the blood and ricleb3ood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh- ingkonic force. Free from harmful drugs. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. gcoC standing may pre-empt a quar- tet -section alongside his homestead, Price S3.00 an acre. Duties—Six months residence in each of three years after earning Borne stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul- tivation. Pre-emption patent may he obtajned as soon as homestead paten;, I on 'certain conditions. A settler luno has exhausted his homestead light may take a purchas- ed homestead im certain districts, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth 5300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the interior N,B,-=Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. -64388. CUT A FOUR -MILE GAP I French Penetrate Half a Mile Into Garman Lines. Anzacs Also Share in Honors by Smashing Through the Enemy's Limes West of Pozieres and. Gain- ing 300 to 400 Yards—One Thou- sand Prisoners and Thirty Ma- chine Guns Taken Near Clery, LONDON, Aug , 15.—Gen. Haig's Ansac corps again won the honors of the day in a continuation of the strong Anglo-French forward move- ment on the 15 -mile front from Thiepval to the Somme, These vet- eran troops smashed through the enemy Iines west of Pozieres during the night, penetrating the German trenches for 300 to 400 yards in an advance which their commander - chief describes as "important," British also approached closer to t Martinpuich ridge by all adva across the plateau Horth -west of zentin le Petit, while General Fo,,s !, French troops shoved their lines O- ther up the river highlands arout Buscourt and 01057, and are no it nearing the summit of the chain qf hills designated on military maps as Ridge No. 109. The French advance Sunday wad' registered after a series of violet counter-attacks against the positions conquered in Saturday's sharp blow', bad been re,QuIsed. The Germallp were active throughout the night, their efforts to win, back the losil: ground reaching a climax in a power- ful assault, delivered from the direc- tion of Combles, on the posifion held by the French in the o,utski of Maurepas. This attack, like the others, failed, The Teutons were A,i; more successful in attacks agailnl the .British south-east of Guillemont, while north of Pozieres a content...! plated blow was forestalled by a British aeroplane, which reported the concentration of large forces behind the Mounauret farm, enabling the British artillery to take these bat- talions under a heavy fire and put- ting them to flight. On the Verdun front the French report some progress south-east Fleury, as well as the repulse 4f Ger- man attacks both in this sector and south of Avoeourt wood, on the op- posite bank of the Meuse. In their drive Saturday, tb,e French carried the entire German third line for four miles north of the Somme, smashing forward for gains at some points almost a mile ill depth. They seized a foothold in the outskirts of Maurepas and penetrat- ed into the western edges of Clery, besides capturing the entire stretch of high road between those points. More than 1,000 prisoners had been captured at midnight, and thirty ma- chine guns brought in. The attack, by far the moat power- ful in weeks, was launobed in Pt, early afternoon, after a night and morning or patrol and infantry pre- paration. The full force of General Foch's blow fell on the four -mile front l?etiveen Hardecourt and Bus - court, which the French are slowly pushing forward to flank the import- ant town o Combles. The ground was a criss-cross qf trenches, supported by a, tremend- ously strong field work. With great devotion and spirit the French troops leaped from their trenches and ad- vanced to the attack. The field work had been taken under a severe artil- lery fire and was greatly damaged, but from its defencea the Germans carried on a heavy fire, while whole lines of ditches spouted machine- gun bullets. Advancing behind an artillery curtain, which was rifted from trench to trench as the attack progressed, the French line swept forward along the entire four miles of front. The field work was carried in a brilliant charge, in which the French soldiers clambered over the, log barricades, swept aside the shell- cut strands of barbed wire -and jump- ed down among the Germans. Late in the evening after the French advance had finally come to a halt, the Germans launched a fur- ious counter-attack along the Maure- gas-Clery highroad. The French positions had been quickly organ- ized, however, and machine guns posted. Under a storm of fire the Germans fell back. Prior to the attack there had been. strong fighting in 'which both armiesi attacked with great fury. The Ger- mans, according to an. official an- nouncement of the War Office at Paris, were able to gain no ground. An especially severe attack was di- rected by the Germans against La Maissonette, which stands on a dom- inating height south of the river The French fire broke, up the assault. More Troops for Mexico. WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.—Thirty thousand additional militia, all that remain of the mobile National Guard, are ordered mustered; and will go to the border as fast as they can be equipped and transportation for them can be obtained, the War De- partment announced Saturday. The order, it was learned, was is- sued four days ago, but news of it was suppressed. Officials of the War Department explained the order as being intend- ed to carry out fully the objects of the national mobilization, as ordered by President Wilson, and further to. give the guardsmen experience under semi -war conditions. Jail -Breakers Caught. - NIAGARA FALLS, Ont„ Aug. 15. Within little more than four hours after their escape from the Welland County �asl., shortly after four o'clock 'Sunday"A££ t'eznoon, Elmer Florence, 'aged 21 years, and James • Tyson, 'aged 16 years, were arrested here by 'Ontario Policeman. McNamara while purchasing tickets at the ` lower bridge in an attempt to enter. the, United States, nrity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs 01 through the thaking of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for, the expert chemists --for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee —it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. unlight 5¢ Soap 7 Farm For Sa e eaaaPt'< T,otj `18 n1i19 von t Tp. of !I31s'borpee Uouni:y of Huron,, Za the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of o]oice land, ,On tilt/ property' is a 'brick dwelling, Iarge bank barn. silo. drive and milk home, hog and hen house, The !buildings of this prop- erty are alt iap.to-date with water in ,staifile, Farm %i first class state of cultivatiozr and, Must he sold as the crop ietor's health has faile'd. Poss- ession ist of November, Field of corn to go with farm. Every' conven- ience for carrying on a, milk business ss°hieh is much needed in +the town or Exeter. E, Hewett, prop., For term?, and particulars apply to Tho,. Camer- on, at. 11. No. 1, 13;irkton • �'.l�+t.1`v.1tt�tttt: ��,'.'��N�w� +iNi i it"i :'4 a ii"i`+rw:NM�Ni'Mi :"i"iMiNiNi»i.'::i"�::"�iM'�„iN�N�•ss,":,,' •':`ii HOWTO KEEP 1-ir;; BY JOHN W. S. McCULLOUGIi, nl.D„ i).f'.8„ CH1EF t)'a':+I(':: OF THE' PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HFAL 1'H. Ot'i'• � � �N�N�N�N-,� }� N�NI,i N�NY,IH�N�N�,1�N N N�N�N�N�N�N'N�N-N N� M N�I,�N�N�, •�N�N�N�N�M�e 4 • t t t• t e e t t t t t t t t t t t t r t t t`�r t t t t t r t . .,a 14 HOSE OF US who attehded a rural school thirty or more y - will, in driving through the older parts of the Province, n ''.e great improvement made in the school buildings and e :s- ings, compared with those of our boyhood days. The wr' • veils to mind the schoolhouse of a prosperous community of ti' ever. - ties. It was a low, log building, heated in winter by an immense stc,v If the "box" type situated near the front door, with a long double range pipes badly jointed and subject to smoking until the fire was well est,:, ;°shed. The fire was usually lighted on a winter's morning by the first arriv ,!. The floor was of rough boards unplaned and unjointed, many of the bra• not being nailed to the joist which was made of log sting THE COUNTRY upon the ground. Those were the days of sl... e and SCHOOLHOUSE pencils, and an ill -fate befell the dropping of eencil upon the floor as it promptly disappeared throug' re of the numerous large cracks between the boards. The noon -hour es the occasion for a diligent search under the easily -raised flooring. T' e desks were huge arrangements along the walls, and the seats were bench, Fof of backs. The blackboard was made of planed boards painted black. The floors were usually given a scrub in the summer holidays. Their el - r:+'ness during the balance of the year depended upon the industry of th • roar school -girls. Dry sweeping was the rule, with a resulting layer of de -:.., ,+�a everything in the room,. The out -houses, bad enough in the prey• i:: <'. +y, were usually devoid of doors and without any semblance of privac:-. Tie grounds were small, filled with stumps and rocks and without much Li.:ility fon play. * * How much better are present-day conditions! The school build are mostly of stone, wood, or brick, are well lighted, well heated, and e- + • with modern seats and desks, slate or plaster blackboards, and hay ' r, smooth hardwood floors. The number of children in each school, becaus or a greater number of schools perhaps, are fewer and with better surre';.:;.iing's, they should be healthier and happier. In the present day the gro':-•4s are usually ample. Trees and flowers have been planted; in many p' • ,x- perimental beds of flowers and shrubs are found. The one cot, ton which has not improved as rapidly as it should is the toilet conven.cnce. * The Medical Officer of Health for the township should mak- it his duty to visit the schools at frequent internals to examine the tot'. 's, see that the well, the usual source of water -supply, is properly protect d, that the heating and ventilation are satisfacto••v, and MEDICAL INSPECTOR that communicable diseases are excluded ' s much OF SCHOOLS as possible: Every teacher should be alert to notice signa.of illness in the children, to see that the hearing, the sight, or other defects in the child do not prev" n t the proper development of any child or interfere with the advance of the more capable. With the insight of experience the good teacher should learn to note the presence of vermin, itch, the early signs of measles; whooping cough, diphtheria, mumps, etc., is tie{ pupils, and, if the condition of any child is suspicious, the Medical Ofilcet Health should be notified and the child excluded from school until thgsPgttestion is settled. a . A properly qualified nurse sheathe assigned to a group of schools to follow up cases recognized by the teacher or Medical Officer of Health, the latter of whom, for rural schools at least, must in the course of time be- come the school Medical inspector. The Medical Officer THE SCHOOL , of Health in Onta,riti Is the only officer common to the NURSE township who can rationally carry on the work of medical inspector of schools. With a nurse or two he can give most efficient service to his township. Now that he is made a permanent officer: and with the prospect of an additional emolument for this service; he can afford to devote some attention to it, without the fear that any action he may take or the fact that he may tread on some one's toes :may mean his dismissal. No other state br province hoe a better organization for public health work than. Ontario, no other single state or province in America has made greater strides `1n public health work during the last decade.. The improvement in the municipal health officer is most apparent in the meetings of the Ontario Health Officers' Association, The latest :meeting held in Toronto at the end of, May last was in point of attendanea, class of -papers presented, and interest shown the best conference held in the last five years. i O D3 Stop the waste of coal. The furnace we put. in your cellar saves a day's coal every week. It saves one ton in seven. It is the Hecla with patented Steel - Ribbed Fire-Pot—a coal -saver proved in thousands of homes—a fire -pot that is guaranteed for five years. ,Installed under our guaranteed system this economical heating is healthful, free from gas and dust, and costs less than other good Heating Systems. Ask for plans and figures. Ho Spackman, Exeter Representatives of CLARK BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont, Makers of the H ECLA MELLOW. AIR FURNACE .. . . CUT A FOUR -MILE GAP I French Penetrate Half a Mile Into Garman Lines. Anzacs Also Share in Honors by Smashing Through the Enemy's Limes West of Pozieres and. Gain- ing 300 to 400 Yards—One Thou- sand Prisoners and Thirty Ma- chine Guns Taken Near Clery, LONDON, Aug , 15.—Gen. Haig's Ansac corps again won the honors of the day in a continuation of the strong Anglo-French forward move- ment on the 15 -mile front from Thiepval to the Somme, These vet- eran troops smashed through the enemy Iines west of Pozieres during the night, penetrating the German trenches for 300 to 400 yards in an advance which their commander - chief describes as "important," British also approached closer to t Martinpuich ridge by all adva across the plateau Horth -west of zentin le Petit, while General Fo,,s !, French troops shoved their lines O- ther up the river highlands arout Buscourt and 01057, and are no it nearing the summit of the chain qf hills designated on military maps as Ridge No. 109. The French advance Sunday wad' registered after a series of violet counter-attacks against the positions conquered in Saturday's sharp blow', bad been re,QuIsed. The Germallp were active throughout the night, their efforts to win, back the losil: ground reaching a climax in a power- ful assault, delivered from the direc- tion of Combles, on the posifion held by the French in the o,utski of Maurepas. This attack, like the others, failed, The Teutons were A,i; more successful in attacks agailnl the .British south-east of Guillemont, while north of Pozieres a content...! plated blow was forestalled by a British aeroplane, which reported the concentration of large forces behind the Mounauret farm, enabling the British artillery to take these bat- talions under a heavy fire and put- ting them to flight. On the Verdun front the French report some progress south-east Fleury, as well as the repulse 4f Ger- man attacks both in this sector and south of Avoeourt wood, on the op- posite bank of the Meuse. In their drive Saturday, tb,e French carried the entire German third line for four miles north of the Somme, smashing forward for gains at some points almost a mile ill depth. They seized a foothold in the outskirts of Maurepas and penetrat- ed into the western edges of Clery, besides capturing the entire stretch of high road between those points. More than 1,000 prisoners had been captured at midnight, and thirty ma- chine guns brought in. The attack, by far the moat power- ful in weeks, was launobed in Pt, early afternoon, after a night and morning or patrol and infantry pre- paration. The full force of General Foch's blow fell on the four -mile front l?etiveen Hardecourt and Bus - court, which the French are slowly pushing forward to flank the import- ant town o Combles. The ground was a criss-cross qf trenches, supported by a, tremend- ously strong field work. With great devotion and spirit the French troops leaped from their trenches and ad- vanced to the attack. The field work had been taken under a severe artil- lery fire and was greatly damaged, but from its defencea the Germans carried on a heavy fire, while whole lines of ditches spouted machine- gun bullets. Advancing behind an artillery curtain, which was rifted from trench to trench as the attack progressed, the French line swept forward along the entire four miles of front. The field work was carried in a brilliant charge, in which the French soldiers clambered over the, log barricades, swept aside the shell- cut strands of barbed wire -and jump- ed down among the Germans. Late in the evening after the French advance had finally come to a halt, the Germans launched a fur- ious counter-attack along the Maure- gas-Clery highroad. The French positions had been quickly organ- ized, however, and machine guns posted. Under a storm of fire the Germans fell back. Prior to the attack there had been. strong fighting in 'which both armiesi attacked with great fury. The Ger- mans, according to an. official an- nouncement of the War Office at Paris, were able to gain no ground. An especially severe attack was di- rected by the Germans against La Maissonette, which stands on a dom- inating height south of the river The French fire broke, up the assault. More Troops for Mexico. WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.—Thirty thousand additional militia, all that remain of the mobile National Guard, are ordered mustered; and will go to the border as fast as they can be equipped and transportation for them can be obtained, the War De- partment announced Saturday. The order, it was learned, was is- sued four days ago, but news of it was suppressed. Officials of the War Department explained the order as being intend- ed to carry out fully the objects of the national mobilization, as ordered by President Wilson, and further to. give the guardsmen experience under semi -war conditions. Jail -Breakers Caught. - NIAGARA FALLS, Ont„ Aug. 15. Within little more than four hours after their escape from the Welland County �asl., shortly after four o'clock 'Sunday"A££ t'eznoon, Elmer Florence, 'aged 21 years, and James • Tyson, 'aged 16 years, were arrested here by 'Ontario Policeman. McNamara while purchasing tickets at the ` lower bridge in an attempt to enter. the, United States, nrity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs 01 through the thaking of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for, the expert chemists --for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee —it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. unlight 5¢ Soap 7 Farm For Sa e eaaaPt'< T,otj `18 n1i19 von t Tp. of !I31s'borpee Uouni:y of Huron,, Za the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of o]oice land, ,On tilt/ property' is a 'brick dwelling, Iarge bank barn. silo. drive and milk home, hog and hen house, The !buildings of this prop- erty are alt iap.to-date with water in ,staifile, Farm %i first class state of cultivatiozr and, Must he sold as the crop ietor's health has faile'd. Poss- ession ist of November, Field of corn to go with farm. Every' conven- ience for carrying on a, milk business ss°hieh is much needed in +the town or Exeter. E, Hewett, prop., For term?, and particulars apply to Tho,. Camer- on, at. 11. No. 1, 13;irkton • �'.l�+t.1`v.1tt�tttt: ��,'.'��N�w� +iNi i it"i :'4 a ii"i`+rw:NM�Ni'Mi :"i"iMiNiNi»i.'::i"�::"�iM'�„iN�N�•ss,":,,' •':`ii HOWTO KEEP 1-ir;; BY JOHN W. S. McCULLOUGIi, nl.D„ i).f'.8„ CH1EF t)'a':+I(':: OF THE' PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HFAL 1'H. Ot'i'• � � �N�N�N�N-,� }� N�NI,i N�NY,IH�N�N�,1�N N N�N�N�N�N�N'N�N-N N� M N�I,�N�N�, •�N�N�N�N�M�e 4 • t t t• t e e t t t t t t t t t t t t r t t t`�r t t t t t r t . .,a 14 HOSE OF US who attehded a rural school thirty or more y - will, in driving through the older parts of the Province, n ''.e great improvement made in the school buildings and e :s- ings, compared with those of our boyhood days. The wr' • veils to mind the schoolhouse of a prosperous community of ti' ever. - ties. It was a low, log building, heated in winter by an immense stc,v If the "box" type situated near the front door, with a long double range pipes badly jointed and subject to smoking until the fire was well est,:, ;°shed. The fire was usually lighted on a winter's morning by the first arriv ,!. The floor was of rough boards unplaned and unjointed, many of the bra• not being nailed to the joist which was made of log sting THE COUNTRY upon the ground. Those were the days of sl... e and SCHOOLHOUSE pencils, and an ill -fate befell the dropping of eencil upon the floor as it promptly disappeared throug' re of the numerous large cracks between the boards. The noon -hour es the occasion for a diligent search under the easily -raised flooring. T' e desks were huge arrangements along the walls, and the seats were bench, Fof of backs. The blackboard was made of planed boards painted black. The floors were usually given a scrub in the summer holidays. Their el - r:+'ness during the balance of the year depended upon the industry of th • roar school -girls. Dry sweeping was the rule, with a resulting layer of de -:.., ,+�a everything in the room,. The out -houses, bad enough in the prey• i:: <'. +y, were usually devoid of doors and without any semblance of privac:-. Tie grounds were small, filled with stumps and rocks and without much Li.:ility fon play. * * How much better are present-day conditions! The school build are mostly of stone, wood, or brick, are well lighted, well heated, and e- + • with modern seats and desks, slate or plaster blackboards, and hay ' r, smooth hardwood floors. The number of children in each school, becaus or a greater number of schools perhaps, are fewer and with better surre';.:;.iing's, they should be healthier and happier. In the present day the gro':-•4s are usually ample. Trees and flowers have been planted; in many p' • ,x- perimental beds of flowers and shrubs are found. The one cot, ton which has not improved as rapidly as it should is the toilet conven.cnce. * The Medical Officer of Health for the township should mak- it his duty to visit the schools at frequent internals to examine the tot'. 's, see that the well, the usual source of water -supply, is properly protect d, that the heating and ventilation are satisfacto••v, and MEDICAL INSPECTOR that communicable diseases are excluded ' s much OF SCHOOLS as possible: Every teacher should be alert to notice signa.of illness in the children, to see that the hearing, the sight, or other defects in the child do not prev" n t the proper development of any child or interfere with the advance of the more capable. With the insight of experience the good teacher should learn to note the presence of vermin, itch, the early signs of measles; whooping cough, diphtheria, mumps, etc., is tie{ pupils, and, if the condition of any child is suspicious, the Medical Ofilcet Health should be notified and the child excluded from school until thgsPgttestion is settled. a . A properly qualified nurse sheathe assigned to a group of schools to follow up cases recognized by the teacher or Medical Officer of Health, the latter of whom, for rural schools at least, must in the course of time be- come the school Medical inspector. The Medical Officer THE SCHOOL , of Health in Onta,riti Is the only officer common to the NURSE township who can rationally carry on the work of medical inspector of schools. With a nurse or two he can give most efficient service to his township. Now that he is made a permanent officer: and with the prospect of an additional emolument for this service; he can afford to devote some attention to it, without the fear that any action he may take or the fact that he may tread on some one's toes :may mean his dismissal. No other state br province hoe a better organization for public health work than. Ontario, no other single state or province in America has made greater strides `1n public health work during the last decade.. The improvement in the municipal health officer is most apparent in the meetings of the Ontario Health Officers' Association, The latest :meeting held in Toronto at the end of, May last was in point of attendanea, class of -papers presented, and interest shown the best conference held in the last five years.