HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-17, Page 4Children Cry for F etcher's
.The Med Yen II the rias:ays 313onglete and vehicle has been
use fey over GO yeaas, has borne the signature of
Q,3al has been made z der his per.
e_„ "'- sot: el super vision sinew its infancy.
—: Allow no one e to deceive you in this.
Ali Couutee eits,.I citations and `:Just -as' -good's are but
Experiments that trifle 'with said endanger the health of
Infants and Children Esperieuee against Experiment.
What is CA TO IA
+Astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare,-.
gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
fsubsteuee. Its age IS its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and aUays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation.
Flatulency, Wind Colicg, all TeethinTroubles and
Ditarr eea.. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving lteaaaltlay and naattaral sleep,
"The Children's Panacea—Vie lather's ]:'pinnas.
Bears the Signature of
lit lise For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
R G9
xeter Abtrocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors.
Subscri;rtion Price. --In advance $1
oer year in Canada; 51.50 in lrnited
States. It not pard in advance the
Price is 50c. more per year.
TiU'IRSfAY, AUG-, a, 17, '1G
:fir. eiarrw Tries;, wb.o has been vita
stint with 'his ,parents here, returned
to Detroit Tuesday `venin;.
Mrs. Sprague and daughters of
Ruduwrd Mich„ are visiting- :•Ir. and
elr +, jose?pb Banes and other :ii.
. an. this vicinity.
Fred Elvins of the Bank Stan' is
spending his holidays with his par
nits in Belleville. In the meantime
Mr. Roberts is on the cash.
i� lel Eilber of Newark, Ohin, Mrs,
Cowley and daughter o. Detroit vas
ited Mr. end Mrs. Fred Eilber for a
few lea; Inst week. The 'ami'y ni:
n e:.l t= c
t ,a i Bend Iasi r t -law and
all lead an enjoyable time
Rev. Powell o'eilppta.d t:ta Zeeh
in th Methodist Church LNt Sun
thy morning in the Evan. e1 sl
Chur::h in the evening. He gave a
review tf the, wzrk in the County
tr, ahs .tion with the enforcement
of Thi C vada Temperance Act.
Harr:- Trick has returned home
anter a business trip to Eestern points.
Mr. nag 'Mrs. Geo *, l•',rale:r rave
return. to Toronto a te: a s':;art vis-
it here with Mrs. Ewald.
Russell Clark and Arthur Sam-
brool: have returned from the lake
afer a week's holidays.
e1rs Harry Reply lett for scarlet-
te O".tio. last week after several
weeks visit here with her sister:Ars,
1'. W. Clark.
Mr. and Eli Lawson motored to
Stratford lastweek and stpent a day
there visiting friends.
Rev, Meyer of Zurich occupied the
pulpit in. the. Evangelical Church
last Sunday morning. His work in
Zurich was taken. by Mr. Harrison
at: this place.
Dr. and Miss Omre motored to.
to Detroit on Monday for a short
wisit, I
- and Mrs. Issas Hill have re-
turned 'home from Detroit after a .
short visit with -friends.
Rev. C. B. Baker iwas in 'Lump._
on Tuesda• arranging the District
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilber and babe .
have returned home from Grand Bend
where they have been camping the
la -sr month.
—o --
Mr. Harrison Becker conducted they
Service:: in the Evangelical Church
bliss Lydia Brown of London is vis_
itiing 'at hien' home here.
Ma•, and Mrs. P. Kraft visited in
'Clinton ,over Sunday,
NLr. Teas. Klurn{pp has purchased
the .confectionery from Mr. Fred
Dearing. Mr. 'Dearing, inoved to Lon-
don on Tuesday.
iigx. and Mrs J. ;Pantledge and fam- t
fly visited at Hyde Park over Sunday,
Mr. Alfred Ruthig of New Ham-
burg i4 visiting Mr, Jack Eidt here
:a flew days.
Ufa• 'John, Nodyg.eir and family of Clin
ton spent Sunday in town.
Miss Salome Tiernan .of --London is
visirm , rela'iivesand friends here.
Miss Clara Kraft' has returned from ,I
spendin;; a few, weeks at Grand Bend
The: dentb took -lace s' the Sauble
kp. an, 1
Lime • Hay, north of Dashwood c}:•: Sun
day last of Robert ,Campbell, at the
ag. of 55 years, 7 months; 7 clays
I)eceaset1 !had been milling far sometime
and an Sundae guff ered • a stroke" of
p'ral;vsis pas in ' away three hours
water; on the 2nd concessianof
Nay 'township. he had been a resi-
dent o: that township all his life. He
wa,, respected and esteemed by all.
His wife, who was formerly :afiss El-
i/abet!' Turnbull, and one daughter
Nellie, at home, survive, besides three
brothers. John of the Zad concession,
Chris ;and William of Hensell. The
tuncs'a1 tows: place to Grand Bend
emet ry an Tuesday afternoon.
Ml Wilbert Smith and son of To-
ronto arc Spending a. week with his
parents here. --Miss Violet Gaiser
spent last week at Greenway.— Hiss
Beattie Finkbeiner left Saturday to
spend. o few weeks with friends in
London—fir. and Mrs. Ross Mi gen-
e of %Vindsor epent the week end
with the fornzer's parents here.—Miss
Martha liaynham, returned to Centralia
bion :ay. —Miss Kathryn McEaathen re
turned to her home in Coleman after
sp.`rrdine• the summer with her moth-
er r..—Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and
etre Matthew Swe ',tzar visited their
iter in Parkhill Monday. — Master
Ro'inee Bowman of Crediton is
:i yirz_ with his uncle. Mr F. Gaiser,
—Mrs John Hutchinson of Saskaioon
i; vottine at :Mr. David Hutchinson's
August 16th, lelo
To the Ladies of Exeter:—
I ur:h to take this opportunity of
publt. iy expressing my heartfelt
thank, and deep gratitude for the
help given, me in the matter of,:loth-
in'g foe the fire sufferers ,rf Mon-
teith, New Ontario, ;s at one.ctm:
I lived right there for a year weer'
their all their weltare in the awful fire
made me very anxious. I at once of
into communication with them tof.nd
out u o was alive and who had per-
i, e i , and we now have a partial list
of deed right at Monteith, and a list
of the ones burned out, and lett nes
titute of homes, clothing or money,
aha i the hely of friends here I was
ensbled to li out one family of five
complete, and which the .letter en-
closed will let a,11 know how it was
appreciated. Then she largest box
would go a long way' to at feast
supply immediate wants of many oth-
ers. As I know them all real wall
thimgs were all labelled as far es 1
coald to tit each one. I shipped
everything to the storekeeper, a-nzan
w' ho would distribute to the best .ad-
vtanage I expect a letter from him
tie sant as ihe can get it thro.ugh. It
ellall 'be made publien I am this week
o..wfi n:; to the further generosity o1
t;•re ladies enabled to ship a farther
large bele to the sufferers o1 i\Iath-
eson. oa Cochrane, being in touch with
,10 :t places • and knowing many cles-
ri:ute o1 everything. Please accept
our tneriks fox the great kindness.
Yours very gratefully
IC. Cooke
Monteith. New Ontario, Friday
My•,Dear Gladys and to all whom this
;May concern,—
I afar Writing to bay that I aeceived
eny box last night with the slothign
areal .tbe ladies of :Exeter; I can't
expr?esrs mfy gratitude to
for stale ea esplendid assortment
and :ale soteeod. It certainly, was most
4xoceptayorre., :Theother, box is bleing
distributed amongst the Monteith
people t'.e tpect, I have not seen it
but-' know 'it has arrived. The girls
hats are O. IQ Nene of un 'had' one and
1 tanensure you. I will make, use of
there:nears. You know dear, I wae, one
%avne would not ask for .anything and
teeing' had• such a lovely. box' Isent
tram: istrengens as you might say,
nmeIte me repeat the old :proverb, "A
friend n need .Is a friend .„indfeed'P_
5 don't`: feel very well. Harry' started
avdrk .and Aliceexpects totake a
pnat<re next weete. Ste will try rt a
mental anyway. 12 sleet can't get along
l;. wi,IJ lsenti. tee to you ep get hen e
eigbhd'.nifanee lvay' "no moneys as Yet
end a lot, to _ monde,. so I feel we
. can't of _oriel to lade a holiday at .pres-
nit I want-- to g�eti finita oaf cm the
niai,1 this be -Owning ,3a. kindly' neeept.
out sincere thanks and gratitude.
Mrs. Johnston and family:,
Russians Are Driving Everything
Before Them.
General Brussiloirs. Armies Are Con-
ver ging on Lemberg and Halicx
and Bneenany Are Within Range
of Russian Guns -Ir our Import-
ant Towns Rave ileeu Taken --
Nearly 85,000 Officers and Men
LONDON, Aug, 15,•. -'-The semi-
circle formed by the Russian artny
chain in Galici& from the region
south of Brady to the area south of
Stanislav has been drawn an average
of 10 miles closer to ° Lembe;'g, dor-
or• -lug the last 24 hours, Swiftly roll-
ing up the armies of the Ausrrien
throne heir in the direction of to.
Galician capital, the main goal ,e
General Brussiloff's drive in the
south, the Muscovite forces drove toe
Teuton defenders frown the great o
part of their positions on the finer
great streams which formed the main
natural obstacles on the road to Lem-
berg from the south-east: the Sereth,
Stripa., Iforopiec, and Zlota Lipa.
Though fighting desperate rearguard
actions, the Austro -Genian troops
are rapidly retreating on the whole
tt°ont (rote the head waters of the
S'*retb down, to the eastern and
southern approachos of Raliez, the
:w ineirawal having become neeessary
with the fall of Swanislau last Thurs-
es a result of Saturday's and Sun-
nay's fleeting the two southern
'°gates" of Lemberg, Hall= and 13ri,-
eine r.•e now in the range of tin,
artillery and their fall le
Four important towns fell to the
au.se7alas during the last 24 hours.
Thr pons' cion of eaeb serves . to
tighten then. gr:lr on Lemberg. They
are. h ' rxta (Jezierna), between
the Stripa ares. Seretb Rivers, i
milessouth-east of Lemberg. PucI-
galey (?odhajee), on the Koropier,
30 miles to the north-east of Stanis
Ian, and only 15 miles south of Brea -
zany, From Podgaicy a trunk rail-
way runs north. -west through Breen -
any directly to Lemberg, whlcb is 61
miles away as the Brow flies. Horo-
zonka, *est of the Zlota Lipa, ten
miles north of Halicz, Maryampol, on
the Dniester, 10 miles to the south-
east of Halicx, °
Thus Halicz Is being encircled and
the Teuton lines there, menaced
since the fall of Stanislau, have be-
come untenable.
In the north, just south of the
headwaters of the Sereth the Res -
siert army, under Gen. Sakharoff, bas
reached Oleuv (Olejow). Here the
Czar's forces are only 53 miles from
Lemberg, but the drive on the Gali-
cian capital is directed from the
south, with Brody as the pivatol
point of the giant swing.
The huge semi-cirele right end.
rests on the lines in the Sereth Val-
ley, the centre is pushing ahead
against Brezezany, and the left
threatens Halicz. These two latter
points taken, the road to, Lemberg is
practically clear, and the Russians
are 1n a position to take the last lap
of their drive along three railways,
with the Transversal railway, Tarno-
pol-Strij, serving excellently as a
supply line.
Sunday night's Russian War Offiee
s.atament enumerates captures of
;risouers in the Galician lighting,
viag a total of nearly 85,000 ofd -
.e and men. Of these captures
34 alone were made by . the
:.'cgs of Generals Sakharoff (south
f Brody) and Letchitsky (Buczacz
and Stanislav fronts) , within the last
thirteen days. The balance is made
up of prisoners taken by General
Tcherbatcheff (middle Sereth front),
from June 5 up to date -1,263 offi-
cers and 55,158 men.
General Letchitsky's forces cap-
tured 12 officers and 1,000 men in
the last 24 ' ours on the Bystritza
In the Carpathians where a week
ago the fortunes of battle showed in-
clinations to favor the Teutons, the
Russian advance being temporarily
checked, the Archduke Karl Franz
Joseph's right wing is now retreat-
ing before a renewer. Russian offen-
sive. Attempts by the Teutons to
wrest the initiative from the Musco-
vites and prevent the gradual separ-
ation from the Austra-German north-
ern armies, failed, according to Sun-
day night's Petrograd report.
Italy, Rejoicing, Clasps Gorizia to
Her Bosom, Says King.
ROME, Aug. 15.—King Victor
Emmanuel has addressed the follow-
ing proclamation to the army:
"But a short time has elapsed
since you interposed an insurmount-
able barrier to powerful enemy forces
attempting to invade the rich Italian
plains from the Trentino.
"To -day you have conquered'
strongly fortified enemy positions. It
is through your bravery that Italy,
rejoicing, clasps Gorizia to her
bosom. This particularly is a ;im
portant step on the ,glorious march
leading to the fulfilment of our na-
tional aspirations.
"Soldiers of Italy, ycu will achieve
the, victory which already looms or.
the horizon. Int tee memo:v of
your brothers gloriously fallen be
an example, and encourage you In
your struggle against the secular
enemy of -the race.
"I am proud to be your chief,and
thank you in the name of the father-
land, which looks upon you with ad-
miration, love,: and gratitude.”
Independence of Poland.
LONDON; Aug, 15.—A despatch
from Vienna by way of Amsterdam
says that in a few days the` centrale,..
empires will issue a prociaui•ation„,
declaring the independence ..of, Po-
•-It is proposed to call on the Poles
to form a national army for the de-
fence of their country.
The Ice Cream ,Social given by tl•
\fission Circle on ,Friday evening we
.argely attended and a goodly amout
Miss Marion -ell, accompanied 1:
her 'grandmother returned home c
a ,turday.
Mn and -Mrs. Boyes spent Monde
in London.
Mrs D. C. Wilcox and children c
Stratford are visi'tin; at tare home./
11r. and Mrs, T. W. Nal.
The Blue Jay Picnic to Grand Ben
.vas the usual fie. success. A lark
crowd went along and the weather wt
ane. The sports resulted as follows-
3oxs 12 and -under, Fred Bowden,
;flake, ,J.. Davey: Girls 12 and uncle
1,1. Essery, C, :Hicks, R. Davey; Thre
,egged race, F, Bowden and L. i)ave
A. Hicks and C. Isaac; 100 yd. racy
Arthur Robinson, Joe White; Whe•
narrow race:, W. Sims and N. John.
J. White and N. Scott, in Bowdenan
L. Dewey; Fat man's race, Jim Star
lake, jim O'Neil, Con. O'Brien; Fa
Women's Race, Mrs, W. Dearing, Mr
J. Stenlakke, Mrs. J. Jacobs, Mrs. J
Webber: Ladies' race, Mrs, L.Hods
son, Mrs. B, Mitchell, Mrs. F Kerr
Running hop, step, and jump, W. Ess
ere J.
Rev. W. A. Finlay and family ars
S otidaying for a couple weeks a:
;,irand Bend.
Res. cif, J. Ashton and wine of Lon
ion spent a few days the guests o
lilr. and Mrs..W. Robinson.
Mr. Jas. Godsave spent .a few day
visiting his uncle &i telichi an.
Miss h,saery of ,Palmerston is els
nine at the home of Mr, Geo. Esser)
Pte. Gordon Culbert is confined °tc
the house with an attack of measles
Mt J Colwill spent a couple day:
in Toronto, taking a car load sof ver!
fine eattle along for the market,
Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and ler.
and 'Mrs. T. Sceli of Lateen were the
guests of Mr. and :errs. S. Andrew on
Sunlay last.
Mr, and Mrs. R. tHandford ;,pent a
couple days visiting their daughter, in
• The game of baseball on. Friday ev-
ening' last with the Crediton team was
the best game ,played oaa the grounds
this year. I:,ach one played their part
to perfection, the Centralia boys win-
ning with a score of 2-1, After the
game the ladies served ice .:ream on
the parsonage grounds. The evening
was quite cool, but all enjoyed thein
selves pretty well
The tractor ,glows purchased by
Alvin Essery and Geo. Hicks are a
success, and they are doing a, lot of
plowing on hard ground that Could
not be done with horses, 'and making
an excellent job, The engines burn
coal oil and the cost is about 35c, an
Acre for fuel.
W. T, Colwill is shipping another
car of horses and settlers' eilacts to
the west this .week.
Dr. George Schoeling and wife, of
Detroit are visiting relatives in this
community,—Mrs. :Pauline. Faust, of
Le Grange III ,, is visiting relatives
here,—Miss Eleanore Hartleib of Tor-
anto is spending a few weeks at her
home here,—Hay Council met on Aug.
5th. The following rates were struck,
for this year; County rate S5114,2
2-10in, ; Township rate $5062.40, 2 2-
10 nr, ; General School rate S4660.40;
2ttr,; War tax ,,240.07, 1 m,; Zurich
Village mate $1018.20, 6 n,;Dashww ood
village irate 118.76, 2m.
Thc council of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town Hall
Crediton. on Monday the 7th of Aug-
ust 1916 at 1 p.m. All _.embers
were ,prescut. The minutes of the
pervious • meeting were read and a-
Mawhinney —Webb. — That the
clerk inotity B. .Brown .to forthwith
Fill in the'exacation left by the remov-
al of the ?weigh scales on -the main
street Crediton, between the Town
Hall and the Evangelical Church. Car-
Love—Neeb: That By-law No. 229
being a by-law to levy the different
rates a.s taxes for the year 1916 hav-
ing been Tend three times, be passed
Latter Terra of Long -liked -,for Prescription.
Dear Mr. Editor —I suffered form
lame back and a constant tired,
worn-out feeling. At times I was
unable to stand erect and scarcely
able to get around. It would ueuany
come on at first with crick in small
of my back. I took one box of Dr.
Pierce's Anuric .Tablets and my back
commenced to get better soon after
starting to take. them. I did not
have to walk doubled over ae I did
before using the 'Anuric." It is the
best remedy I have ever When for
what it is intended to relieve.
I hope those who are in ,need of
.such a remedy will give the a Anuria
Tablets" a trial.
(Signed) -A. G.Dr.
NOTE : Up to this time, ,'Anuric"
has not been on sale to the put o, but
by the persuasion of many patients and •.
the increased demand for this wonder-
ful healing tablet, Doctor. Pierce has
finally decided to put it into the drug
stores ,of this country within immedi-
ate rech of all sufferers.
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric
Tablets. There can be no imftmtion.
Every package of "Anuric" is sure -to.
be Doctor Pierce's. Yon will ltd the
signature on the package just as you
do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Peon -rip -
tion, the ever -famous friend to •ailing
women,,and Dr. Pierce's Golgea
icah Discovery, proven by 3/ewe',to-13e
the ' greatest general . tonic. Mead 10
cents to Dr. v. M. Pierce, Buffalo; N. Y.,
for large trial package.
At any . rate don't give up hope of
,,being cured of your malady 'nate just
a few doses of a Anuric" have en
.that it will make you feel eke a
different .person.
EDITOR—Please insert this haler in
some conspicuous place in yourpaper.
SIR ,C,V,O°DD,C:I., President
Oi"f.ARID, PenetalManager. •
R. V. E. JONES. Asst General ManagerC
CANAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits. of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
irawvals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S50
:XETER BRANCH --A, E, Kuhn, I12gr. CREDITON—S. AL Johnson, Mgr.
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
1 IA General Banking Business Transacted -
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D, CLARKE, ;Manager,
For calendar and terms: R. 1,Warner,M. A., D.D.,Alma College, St.Tbotnas, One
signed and sealed. Carried. in the Town:Hall, Crediton, on Mon -
A large attfmber of accounts .were day the 4th of September 1916 at
passed, at 1 p m Henry Eilber, Clerk.
The council adjourned to meat
September 8th to 16th, 1916
SINGLE Fare over all Railways West of Toronto
Prize Lists, Entry Farms and all information from the Secretary
W. J. REID, President.
A. M. HUNT, Secretary!
New Prices August 1, 1916
Chassis ... • 450.00
-RRunabout about .475 •
Car ..495.00
f. o. b. Ford, Ontario
These prices are positively guarant-
eed against any reduction before
August 1st, .1917, but there is no
guarantee against' an advance in price
at any time. Any person thinking of
buying; a can will do, well to consult
the dealer,
'Milo Snell