The Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-17, Page 3+. 'ASK .i i.. ,a:.l..n..a+:a:Y:f +, �'a' �.S •YKw.., 'L:!r': ..a4 GreatOpportunity WIRELESS LESS OPERATORS In order to meet a wide -spread demand the Marconi Company has decided to open a SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION at its Head Ottieo, 137 McGill Street, Montreal, under its immediate and authoritative control, the fLr::t of its kind in Canada. tnnrivalled oppor- tunities for travel are offered to young men with ambition and energy who desire to adopt 'Wireless Operating as a profession. An experienced Instructor is in charge of the School and a Standard Marconi Ship Set is in use for practical instruction. Day and evening classes. Enrol immediately for the Fall Session. Write for prospectus. MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO.OF CANADA MONTREAL, LIMITED Ontario Veterinary Calm Under the Control of the Depart- ment of A-+grioulture of Ontario ESTABLISHED 1852 • Affiliated with the Univer- sity of Toronto. College will re -open on lktonday, the 2nd of October, 1916, 110 'University Ave,, Toronto, Cttn, CALRNT.DAR ON API'LICBTIOR ON, 1111, N, V.3., CANADA'S MAPLE with the unlimited markets of Great Britain and the United States lying before it—Canadian Forestry Jour- nal. WHY IS THE ,SUN HOT? It is Heated Like a Piece of White Hot Iron. If we could build up a solid column of ice from the earth to the sun two miles and a half in diameter, spanning the intervening distance of 93,000,000 miles, and if the sun should eoneen- trate his entire power upon it, it would disolve in a single second, ac- cording to a calculation made by Prof. Young, To produce this enormous amoifnt of I Are You For "Pre- paredness"? The best preparedness for man or woman is the preparedness tl It comes from living in harmony with law. In Sum- mer cut out the heavy foods that tax bodily strength and vigor. Eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the food that con- tains all the body-building material in the whole wheat grain in a digestible forme For heat would require the hourly burning breakfast or luncheon with of a layer of anthracite coal more berries or other fruits. - - than nineteen .feet thick over the en-' which are to great to estimate, if tire surface of the sun. If the sun the immense woods of Ontario and the were composed of solid cosi and we derived ou hes from th burns Lower Provinces were cultivated as r - t e ng of they should be, that coal the sun would burn out in A peculiarity of the situation is les than 6.000 years, Since the earth P y is millions of years old the sun cannot that there is practically nodemand be burning. Its heat must be genera- outside of North America for this ted in some more persistent Ivey. commodity, and for no other reason. The great physicist Helmholtz was than that no effort has been made to the first to explain satisfactorily what make it known to the countries be . keeps the sun hat. The sun is not gond the seas. Needless to say, once burning ; it is heated to the glowing the exquisite flavor has been disco® Point. like a piece of white hot iron, erect by the millions abroad there will Ttlelmholtz found that if we suppose be no lack of demand for this esser-- the sun to be contracting by only 260 tinily Canadian product, feet a year we would receive our pre- sent amount a heat. U. S. Takes All Export, In other words, heat is being literal -1 Iy squeezed out of the sun. Professor salary an that account„ At the present moment our chiefNewcomb estimated that when the "Do you think that getting married. export market is in the United States.' squeezing process has continued for is going to make you worth adore to Made in Canada The Hard -Hearted Boss. "Pm going to get married, and 1 wonderer if you wouldn't raise my During the' Ave years from 1908-1912, about 7,000,000 years the sun will be �" �`y 9619:417;::.: 9 icer cont. of our exported maple obe-ilalf its present size, U� INDUSTRY sugar went to the Republic and 60 :«- - -- t f til D i th PRINCIPALLY LOCATED IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 55,000 Makers of Sugar and Syrup in the Dominion, Holding 1,000 Square Miles. per Ceti . o e spout. ur.ng ese SUMMER COMPLAINTS five years we exported altogether 8,- KILL LITTLE ONES. 085,000 lbs. of sugar and 20,004 gal- lons of maple syrup, a mere bagatelle — in comparison with our capabilities. At the first sign of illness during In May of this year the United States t1ie, hot weather give the little ones will remove their customs duties upon. both our maple products, thereby opening up to us a market that with- out exaggeration may be termed un- limited, for at the present rate of pro - The possible money value to Can- duction we could not possibly supply ada of the maple industry is far the demand of 100,000,000 people. greater than is generally supposed. On April 15, 1915, after our last There are at present no less than 55,- p yield n of was sugar bad been n quare thered in, 000 makers of maple sugar and syrup ' amend the Adulteration Act, This to a the sh to each Allowing a ten^ a simple statement and gives but lit - acro bush to each farmer would mean that 550,000 acres, or about 1,000 tle idea of the struggle and contra - square miles, are being reserved in versy that has been going on for their natural wooded state, a most im- years before it was possible to per - portant matter for the conservation of 'suede parliament to protect the in - our springs and rivulets. In this dustry against fraudulent manufac- large area, no less than two-thirds is turers, who never wont near a maple situated in the province of Quebec. bush, have been putting up a mixture There are a few sugar bushes in On- of cane, sugar and water flavored tario and a negligible lumber in the either with a small percentage of Maritime Provinces. For some inex- maple syrup or with an essencecall- lineable reason it has never been real- ed "Mapleine." These syrups and ized that we have in Canada millions sugars were labelled with such names of acres of maple bush running from the north of Lake Superior to the shores of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, ail standing in their primeval condition, waiting only to be tapped to yield to the world its remarkable wealth, When it is remembered that it is only in the border states of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine that the sugar maple grows within the Unted States, and that with this ex- ception we in Canada possess the whole world's supply, the great im- this firm?" L'I don't know,, sir, but I'm sure 1 shall need mere money:" "AU right, but just remember if we give more money we'll need mare work from you." Ask for, 3sinard'lr and take no ethos Baby's Own. Tablets, or in a few hours Anxious to Qualify he may be beyond cure. These Tab- The recruit was being sworn in, lets will prevent summer complaints Everything went swimmingly until if given occasionally to the well child the question was asked: `Have you and will promptly cure these troubles ever been in prison?" if they come on suddenly. Baby's "No, sir," was the reply. "I've nev- Own Tablets should always be kept er been in jail, but: don't mind doing in every home where there are young a few days if you think it necessary." children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has the guar- antee of a government analyst that SoreGranulatedEyelids, they are absolutely safe. The Tab- Eres infiamcd by e_x�po lets are sold by medicine dealers or .urs to Slaa, Pual and u lni Y quickly relievedby Smartiia* by mail at 25 cents a box from The eEysRentciy. No Smarting, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- just Eye Comfort. At ville, Ont. Your Druggist's SOc per Bottle. Malec Ess SelrsinTube.2Sc. ForneekettheEyerreeask MISPRINTS vIN BIBLES. Druggists orMerhieEye RelbedyCc,ChiceM Some Famous Errors In Early English Poor, But Honest. Prints. She was an heiress, and he was The "Breeches" Bible. "Then the Poor, but otherwise honest. cies of them both were opened, and "How much do you love me, dear?" "Maple flavor syrup,""Maple they knew that they were naked, and she asked after the manner of her as p they sewed tigge leaves together and compound," etc,, while many were not made themselves Breeches." (Gen, 3 : labelled at all. From the following 7). Printed'in 1660. table will be seen the extent to which this systematic adulteration has in- jured the maple industry, more espe- cially since 1890. Production of Sugar Years. lbs. 1850-00 . ' . 135,000,000 1860-70 , 176,000,000 1870-80 . 1880-90 . The "Bug" Bible. "So that thou shalt not nede to be afraid for any Bugges by nights, nor for the arrow that flyeth by day" (Psalm 91: 5). Printed in 1561.' The "Treacle" Bible, "Is there not treacle at Gilead ? Is there no physi- elan there ?" (Jer. 8 : 22). Printed Second Woman—No such thing! in 1668. Your Willie came over where my 190,000,000 The "Rosin" Bible. "Is there no Johnny was and took 'em. 226,000,000 rosin in Gilead ? Is there no physi - kind. "I love you," he replied in a tone replete with candor, "for all you are worth." How it Happened. First Woman (angrily) Your Johnny gave my Willie the measles. 1890-1900 212 000 000 clan there ? (Jer. 8 : 22). Printed in 1900-10 . 196,000,000 1609. ized. The "Place -makers" Bible. "Blessed Two Millions Worth. Adulteration Stopped. are the place -makers ; for they shall It is estimated, says the Montreal In 1900 the first steps were taken be called the children of God." (Matt. Journal of Commerce, that in 1915 in protest. In that year, 2,000 sugar 6 : 9). Printed 1561-2. Canada produced two million dollars makers signed a petition which they The "Vinegar" Bible. "The Parable worth of maple syrup and sugar. In presented to the Hon. Sydney Fisher, of the Vinegar," instead of "The Par - 1911 the output in the Province of then Minister of Agriculture. The able of the Vineyard," appears in the Quebec was valued at $1,680,000, a difficulty at that time was the impos- chapter heading to Luke 20, in an Ox - sum 14 per cent.greater than the sibilityof obtainingchemical tests ford edition of the Authorized Version, which was published in 1717. production of our small fruits; con- whereby cane and beet sugar could The "Wicked" Bible. This extra- siderably greater in value than the be detected in the maple product. In ordinary name has been given to an sheep sold, almost equal to the sale 1904 the Agricultural Department of edition of the Authorized Bible, print - of our poultry, exceeding that of our the State of Vermont discovered that ed in London by Robert Barker and whole output of cream, and six times by using subacetate of lead they Martin Lucas in 1631. The negative the money obtained from honey and could determine if maple sugar or was left out of the Seventh Command - wax. These comparisons serve• nd William Kilburne writ - show the relative importance of maple industry, the possibilities portanee of the industry will be real- • ' tosyrup were adulterated. This was of. mena our material assistance to our Inland Re- o inf Dr. UIUssherr,, , eteat the printntowieerg to the zeal owas fined of venue Department, and in Feb., 1915, 2,0001. or 3,0001. a bulletin was issued giving the re- The "Ears -To -Ear" Bible. "Who Many are not aware of the ill effects of tea or cof- fee drinking until a bilious attack, frequent headaches, nervousness, or some other ailment starts them think- ing. . Ten days off both tea and coffee and on TU —the pure food -drink ----will show anyone, by the better: health that follows, how tea or coffee has been treating then!. "There's a Reason' for' POSTEJM Sold by Grocers. CanaSian'Posturn.Cereal•Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont sults of chemical tests on a number of syrups and sugars. It was found that 76 per cent. of this collection was adulterated and only 24 per cent. pure. The publication evidently had a beneficial effect for in May of the same year a second test was made which showed a decided improvement, only 34 per cent. being adulterated. From that time the Department has issued annual bulletins,but, finding it impossible to stop adulteration, the act already, referred to was placed upon the statute books. A most gra- tifying result is shown •in Bulletin. 325, just recently published although dated October, 1915, according to which only 15 per cent. of the sam- ples were found impure. On looking over these pamphlets from year to year the names of the same offenders occur again and again. Evidently the policy has been to pay the an- nual flue and'' proceed as before. Prior to April, 1915, the fine ,was merely •nominal, but under the new regulations it is to be.',hoped that an' end will be put to the fraud. The `Word "Pnaple." The amendment 'of the Adulteration Act prohibits 'the,,. manufacture and sale of adulterated maple syrup or sugar, and restricts the word "Maple" to pure maple sugar or sprue, imposing a fine of from $50 to $600 and costs for wilful adultera- tion; and from $60 to $200 and costs for the 'sale of the adulterated .article. ` While the fight has apparently been won, it is felt that only by eternal vigilance will it be possible' to pro -1 tect the honest maker. Those who have been instrumental in bringing about these 'important reforms are naturally much encouraged and feel that the maple industry stands on the threshold of a great development, hath ears to ear, let him hear." (Matt. 13 : 43). Printed in 1810. The "Standing -Fishes" Bible. "And it shall come to pass that the fishes will stand upon it," etc. (Ezek, 47 : 10). Printed in 1806. The "Discharge" Bible. "I discharge thee before God." (1 Tim. 5: 21). Printed in 18.06. `"Rebekah's-Camels" Bible. "And Rebekah arose, and her camels." (Gen. 24: 61). Printed in 1823. The "Wife -Hater" Bible. "If any man come to me, and hate not his father,....yea, and his own wife also." etc. (Luke 14 : 26). Printed in 1810. "To -Remain" Bible. "Persecuted him that was born after the spirit to remain, even so it is now." (Gal. 4 : 29). This typographical error, which was perpetuated in the first 8vo Bible printed for the Bible Society, takes its chief importance from the curious circumstances under which it arose A 12mo Bible was being printed at Cam- bridge in 1805, and the 'proof-reader being in doubt as to whether or not he should remove a .comma, applied to his superior, and the reply, penciled on the margin,•"to remain," was trans- ferred to the body of the text, and re- peated in ;the Bible Society's' 8vo edi- tion of 1805-06, and also in another 12mo edition of 1819. In four years, 1912-15, 3,697,000 people have visited the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Yet in all that time there has not been an accident getting on or off the cars at the main entrance where practically all the .traffic is handled. Storage Batteries Generators Magnetos Starters' Send them for prompt Repairs to CANADIAN STON1LGE , BATTExtY CO.. 'LIMXTen 117 Sirncoo St., Totonto. Willard Agents. seen arinara's Liniment in the lions* Less Than Nothing. "I don't think I deserve zero on this examination," said the pupil, as he took«his geometry papers. "No., I do not either, John, but that was the lowest I could give you," said the teacher. Minard's Liniment Co., 'Limited. Gentlemen,—I have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years and for the every -day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. Storke, St. Andre, Kamouraska. HITTING THE TRAIL. Rarest of Sport in the Rockies or Selkirke.. Canada is a land of trails. Trails over mountains and hills, across prairies and through forests,. by the banks of rivers beyond num- ber and across country toward a dis- tant sky line, Trails made by red men, and by nature. But the mountain trails .are the most alluring of them all, and hitting trails is the rarest of sport in. Rock- ies or Selkirks, all the way, from, the Kananaskasis Pass on the east to the Yale gateway on the west. Hundreds of miles of excellent trails have been made in the Canad- ian mountain ranges by the Caned- ian Pacific Railway and the National Parks department of the Canadian Conversational Disappointment. "I understand that your new servant is a disappointment,” "Yes," replied Mrs. Gaddington Prye. "The last family she worked for doesn't seem bo be at all interest- irkg." iilas2trat Liniment Lug berman's ,peelers A Pertinent Query. • A man who had made a huge for- tune was speaking a few words to a. Government. Most of them are made class ab a business college. Of course, for pony use, and mounted on one of the main theme of bis address was these sure-footed little beasties of the himself. west, you can be an explorer of the "All my success in life, all my fin - wilds and revel in the experience, andel prestige," he said proudly, `I Every mile of the devious way le a owe to one thing alone --pluck. Just way of varying charm, every turn of Y take that for your matte—Thick, the trail reveals new wonders. pluck, pluck!' ,, Many trail trips are now made in He made an impressive pause here, loops. There is the one from. Glacier i but the effect was ruined by one stu- station up the Cougar Valley to the dent, who asked impressively: caves and back by a loop ,route and "Yes, sir, but please tell tis how over a pass that brings to view some and whom to pluck?" of the sublimest scenery in the Sel- kirks. The literal ups and downs of this unique scenic route, as the rail - The fellow who waits for goad luck to come along and help him out it ways would say, add to the interest, apt to find that bad hick is the only now in the bed of the valley, closed in thing travelling his way. by trees and huge plants like the De- vil's Club, now climbing a thousand feet from which superb views are had of the kingly peaks pike Sir Donald. The trail traveller will find another region of infinite variety and attrac- tiveness in the series of trails radiat- ing from Field and leading up the Yoho Valley to the Yaho Glacier field as its upper end. Lake Louise will also provide de- lectable trail paths, especially that leading to Paradise Valley and its circle of giant summits, and Sentinel. Pass, leading to the valley of the Ten Peaks, while in the Rocky Mountain Park and Banff, the routes are multi- plying year by year, Yes, trail hitting is rare sport, I repeat, and no country in the world affords greater facilities for its en- joyment than our own Canadian mountains.—F, Y. THE LARGEST BUDDHA. One Hundred and Ninety Feet Long and Forty Feet High. j Si 1%ED POTATOES, IRISH ►, biers, Delaware, Carman. Order The bronze Buddha of Yokohama is,at once Supply limited. write for quo- tatueCOB- commonly thought to be the largest' tattons. 1 . W. Dawson. Brampton. statue of that god in the world ; butt NEWSPAPERS 103 SALE Were is one in Burma that exceeds. it in at Ieast one dimension and gives an PROFIT -h1 lIillv'G NEWS AND .TOE impresion of far greater size. Offices for sale in good Ontario ROB-IT-MAKING The most useful and Interesting When the English were building the of au businesses. Full information ' n railway from Rangoon to Mandalay in , application to Wilson Publishing Com - 1881, they searched the vicinity of Y pang, 73 west Adelaide Street, Toronto. Pegu for stone with which to make LssscELLAi'1EOUS the embankment through the great CANCER' TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC'. swamps. In the whole area there was interal and external, cured with- only one elevation of any importance out pain by our some treatment Wrtc• the engineers thought that this hill os before too late. Dr. Belirnan ]fddte might provide the necessary material ; Co.. Limited• late. kwood. Ont so they dug into its base, and were surprised to find some artistic brick-' work. On clearing away the earth' farther they found an enormous stone' statue that represented Buddha in a reclining position. The statue is about one hundred and ninety feet long, and, including the brick base, it is more than forty feet high. The Yokohama ' SHOES Cool, Cosy. and Comfinia.Ie WORN BY EVER MEMBER OF THE FAMILY SOLD BY ALL GOOD .,'HOE *DEALERS SEED POTATOES Become a Registered Nurse and receive pay while learning The Both Israel Sospi al of New York City Pounded 1890 Acaredited by the New York state 1i: ueatlne Dept. Otters a two-end•one•hali year aeur,o i:.. tratutrg for unties with allowance and meinteuance. A ppicantr must hate one year hleh sdhool inerruotSra..r Lta ednoettonal eOUWalent Uor partiailera address 11.11, Tarsal Hospital, 68 J•.fterson et , Nea'Yuik. Buddha is fifty-five feet high and one hundred and ten feet in circumference. Although the Burmese statue is not so artistic as the Japanese, it is a won- derful piece of work. Not the least remarkable thing about it is the way in which so huge a monu- ment has disappeared absolutely from Burmese history and legend. The news of the discovery at once brought numberless Buddhists to the place, who gilded and decorated the gigantic image as a work of devotion. The soles of its huge feet were ornamented I at great cost with an elaborate glass mosaic, and each toe was embellished with a separate decoration Like many other successful institu- tions, the Canadian National Exhibi- tion was in financial straits many times early in its career. On one occasion one of the Directors gave his personal note for $10,000 before the gates could be opened. Now it pays an annual surplus to the City of Toronto. Nothing to His Credit. A woman may not believe in mill- "It's been ten years since I've had Lary preparedness, but she can al -4 my salary raised." ways look daggers at a man when "You ought to be ashamed of your - she wants to. self." "I ought to be ashamed, Why?" The 'Dog Show at the Canadian Na- "To think that in ten years you tional Exhibition has been run for 21 couldn't prove yourself to be worth years, and is the seclargest on the more money to your employer." Continent. • Minara's Liniment 'Led i9 Pus-swume, • A Talented Father. A father had decided that he.must administer a stern lecture to his thful son Father spoke judiciously, but sev- erely; he recounted the boy's mis- deeds, and, duly explained the whys and wherefores of his solmen rebuke, his wife the while standing by, duly impressed.. Finally, when the father ceased for breath and incidentally to hear the culprit's acknowledgement of error, the boy, his face beaming with admir- ation, taxied to his mother and said: "Mother, isn't dad interesting?" A woman can -get more pleasure out of a. good cry than a man can extract from a good laugh:. Stopping your advertising when business is dull is like tearing out a dam because the water is low. %‘, America's Pioneer Dog Remedies BOOI% ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed \railed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York A Gold Paine On ",lour Farm You can double your profits by storing up good green feed in a Bk,1S LL n.° "Summer Peed all Winter, Long" Scientifically built to keep silage fresh, sweet and good to the last. Built of select- ed timber treated with wood " preservatives that prevent decay. The BISSELL SILO has strong. rigid walls, air -tight doors, hoops of heavy steel. Sold by dealers or address us direct. -Get free folder. Write T. B. Bissell Co., Ltd. Dept. 13 „e ,�, Elora, Ontario. kiFickfingr For Wheelock Engine, 150 fdLP., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 Inns. wiae,.and Dynamo 30K., W. belt driven. Alt in. first Mass corm tion Would be sold together or sep.eratc Iy also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as loom is reglaed immedi- ately. - So Frank Filson & Sons 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ED. 4. ISSUE 34.—'16.