HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-17, Page 1The Soldiers' Aid Society will present The Colors to the 161st Huron Battalion in Exeter on August 25th.. T,WENTYJEIG,HTH • YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUG. 17, 1916 Our Corner, The Canadian `vest during the past week has experienced weather pretty- close to the frost line. There ..has bem a remarkable change here also. It has been. quite cool for a few clays. Several refreshing showers have fallen also. and the change from the dry and :hots. ell for six weeks was welcome, IOW's —a—o•-x-- The man on foot should remember to cross the street on the Crossing end he. has the fright of evny on that crossing. No fool behind a motor wheel has a right to say, "Get out of the way or I'll knock you down', Between t the crossing the motorist has the nigh of way. Of course it is not wise to stand ion a, crossing and get knocked down, but tnevertbeless it is your privilege to walk on that cross - .1g and the car must stop if necessary to let you pass. The annual bowling tourney is the best annual advertisement Exeter has —not even 'excepting the Great Fair. The club has spent much money in perfecting their greens. Many of the people of town, and country see and eltjov the sport without charge. And yet the membershp is not as large ae it ought to be, and the council soaks the club to the last cent for taxes tend water --making it not easy: to finance the club. tiffany other men .Ili town should be members of the club and the council should also make a grant either in money or in lessen- ing the taxes. TAMAN'S PHONE 81a WARM WEATHER WEAR Straw Hats WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF SIZES AND SHAPES IN BOTH SAILORS AND PANAMAS— SAILORS ,......$1.00 to $3.00 PANAMAS ......$3.00 to $6.00 Flannel and Duck Trousers ARE NOW THE THING TO WEAR PRICES ...... $1.50 to .$7.00 Negligee Shirts PRICES . $1.00 to $1;50 Summer Underwear COMBINATIONS & TWO - PIECE PER SUIT 5Qc. to $1,50. W W. Taman ■ Tailor $z Furnisher PHONE 81a ProcJam.ation JBowling Tourney a Success -o-- Public Holiday in Exeter Friday, Aug.2 h . 5t . Coi. H: B. Combe and the 161st Hu- ron Overseas Battalion, baying been granted the privilege of coming to Exeter on Friday, August 25th, to receive The Colors of the Battalion to be ;presented by the Soldiers Aid Seelety, I, Johan W. Taylor, peeve of. the Village of Exeter, hereby pro- claim Friday, Aug. 255th, 1916, as a Public Holiday, and call upon all Citi- zens to observe same as such. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Reeve. MILITARY DAY IN EXETER.— Exeter and surrounding district is td have a great military day on August 25th, when the Soldiers Aid Society: is to present The Colors to the 161st Huron Battalion. On Tuesday morn- ing u telegram was received from the', commanding officer, Col, Combe, that the Battalion. would be here that clay, and a man was coming this week •n make arrangements. Exeter people have been, anxious to see the home battalion in Exeter and now they will have a chance. Considerable . work will bR necessary in order to provide; entertainment for so many men and it is necessary What the whole town co-operate ia the work, as soon as it is definitely known `;:lest is to ,be expected. ec Let us e mak the o• p boys very welcome and give theta a good time. • • —x--o--x A union Meeting of the Town Council, War Auxiliary, Soldiers' Aid Society Patroitie League, and Wo - mans' Institute, is requestedat the Library Friday, Aug. 18ths at 7.30 p. nt. The business of the meeting will be to arrange the program for the 25th Inst, and for the+ successful car- rying .out of 'same. A. full attendance of the above societies is asked for. The Boys in Khaki Lieut. W. L. Evans of St. Marys appears in the list of killed in action this week. Pte. Herb M. Zettel of Grand Bend appears in the casualty list now as a. prisoner of war. • A former Kirkton boy, Lic:ut. G W Racey, son :of the late Rev, G. W. Raney of Iairktora has been mentioned in dispatches tor services at the. front, --0-- Lieut. Edgar Torrance of the 101st Battalion will leave this week with a special draft of (officers for overseas. He is the only one drafted from. the 161st Battalion. APPOINTED JUDGE Mr, J. J. Coughlin, of tha firm of Z. Robertson.and Coughlin, barristers - at -law and City Solicitors, of Strat- ford received official word last week that he was appointed Judge of Kent County. Mr. Coughlin will succeed Judge John L. Dowlin, who resigned. Mr. Coughlin, was born in Huron County April, 10, 1871, and attend' - ed the Mount !Carmel Separate School After graduating from the lower school he .attended the high school at Parkhill and later attended Osgoode Law School at ,Toronto. He is •a son of Timothy Coughlin, foo- many years a representative for. Middlesex in the House of Commons. Judge Coughlin, studied law in Lon- don being connected withthe firm of which the ,present Chief Justice Meredith was the head. He was call- ed to the ;bar on ,the 12th day of Dece1nber 1893, and ea fete months later in Febuary, 1894, commenced practicing law in the city of Strat- ford In 1904 ,he became a partner of Mr. R. S. Robertson, and has been connected with this firm ever since. The. new Judge is ,a man of 44 years, jos in .the very prime of life and is well.qualified by training and temperament forthe judicial bench. He was a,pleasi<n,g style ,of speech and is a close student_ • CLINTON EDITOR DEAD W. J Mitcihell, •editor and proprie- tor of the Clinton. News -Record„ died suddenly in the Victoria, Hospit- al Sunday. He had suffered for some time with throat trouble and it was only ori Wednesday last that he carie to London for treatment, but the end came unexpectedly owing to the giv- ing away di. ;a. blood vessel. ,He was. in the prime of life, unmar- ried and his relatives live at Han- over For about 20 years he had con- ducted The Clinton News -Record, which is acknowledged " to be one. of the .best ,weekly papers in Ontario. He; was a (prominent Conservative and a member of the A. rFt & A M. Society. BR UCEFIELD Mrs. Turner and Miss Mabel the week end in Brussels. Mrs. R. Scott grid family of forth visited at the home of Chas ,Wessman,;, ,Miss Tillie Stewart of Vancouver B. 0. and the Misses Jamieson of St. Marys are visiting ,at the home of G. A. Glentt spent Sea - ¥r. SANDERS & CREECH. The Exeter Bowling Tournament last neck proved a great success. Forty rinks entered and there were no defaults. The weather was ideal. The eleven greens used are the best in. Ontario, and that was the expressed opinion of many of the visitors who have play ed on many greens. The greens were as keen as is is possible to snake them and the pial was fast and interesting. As will be wen by the scores fol- lowing the three Trophies ,vent to London rinks, two fairly won and one by datault, owing, to ellness in the op- posing rank, while Seeforth,Exeter and Ridgetown figured as runners-up in the dine events. E. Christie and R, N. Creech, of Exeter won the first !prize in the first event of Scotch Doubles, :McTaggart boysof Blyth being runners-up. R G. Seldom land J. A, Stewart, on a.toss woo the second event in the Doubles from Jarvis and Silcox, of London Following are the scores,— VREk. PRESS TROPHY Preliminary Hemel, Goderieh r F Bush skip 20 F. Hunt, stip r Mitchell Exeter G. Sawyer sk. 24 R.N. Rowe sk. 14 London 1`iitchell A fieatnax. sk. 20 Elliot, skip 13 Lucknow Ridgetown g onn 1. E Agnew sk. 19 G. Laing, sk. 6 London Mitchell A. Al. Trick sk. 11 M. Durkin sk.9 Mitchell Loudon Elmw'd W Morenz skip 19 F. Silcox sk.9 Exeter Hensel' R G. Seldon sk. 12 H. Arnold sk,li Seaf orth Exeter Dr.. Burrows sk. 12 H.Spacftman 1 First Round Seafortli Exeter W. velment kip 16 J. Senior. s.14 Seaforth % Forest W.G. Willis, sk. 19 F. Ross, sk. 14 Exeter London Th. F.W,Gladnean ,sk 16 O. Gidley sk.12 Hensel! Exeter A, Whitesides sk. 18 W. ,May sk 10 Seaforth Dashwood J. M, Best skip 15 P. Fassold s. 13 Goderich Seaforth T, McDiarmid,sk 22 J. C. Greig s. 10 Hensali Exeter J Stacey sk. 19 Rev,Trum,perll London Clinton J. S. Bell, ak, 14 W. J.Nediger 9 Exeter St. Marys R. 'N. Creech ,sk, 12 M. Dewey s. 12 Aylmer Clinton A, Chambers s. 20 Maj Dowding 14 London St. Marys A. A,Langtord s. 18 N.H. Tovell s.6 Blyth London Th. Dr dcTaggart s. 17 C.Bluett 15 ;Witchell Hensel]. Sawyer 18 Bush - 7 London Lucknow A. M.Heatnan 20 J.E.Agnew 15 London Mitchell A M. 'Trick 18 W. Morenz 15 ExeterScalar, th' R. G. Seldom 12 Dr.Burrows 11 Second Round A X Heaman R. G. SeIdon W. G. Willis A. Whitesides J. M. Best J. S. Bell R N. Creech A A Langford, 15 G. Sawyer 9 16 A..M.Trick 6 20 W. Ament 13 16 F.Gladman10 13 T..11eDiarmid 7 13 J. Stacey 4 18 &Chambers 14 17 Dr, McTaggart 8 Third I Round A. A.Langford 22 R.N. Creech 16 A. M. Huainan 14 R.G.Seldonlb W,G, Willis 19 A. Whitesides 11 J, ,jv1. Best 7 j. .S. 'Bell 16 ,Semi -Finals J. S Bell 13..,A. Langford 12 W G. Willis J.R.G.Seldon 5 Finals LondonA. , Sealorth C, E. S,pearin H, Stewart M. Aylsworth J.Williiains C C. Gordon J: TI. Taman J S Bell, sk. 18 W., G. Willis 11 London Elm. 040.001 214 040 110-18 Seaforth - 204 130 000 103 001-15 SOUTH HURON TROPHY First Round R. N. Rowe .19 F. Hunt 16 G. Laing 13 W. Elliott 12 M. Durkin 22 Dr. Jarvis 21, H. Arnold 20 H,Spackman 18 F. Ross 17 J. Senior 16 W May 14 'O. Gidley 9 P. Fassold r 12 J. C. Greig 11 Rev Trumpet 19 W.J: Nediger 13 Maj. Dowding 19 M. Dewey 11 W. H Tovell 15 C. Bluett 14 W Morenz 21 Dr.Burrows 14. F. Bush 26 J.E.Agnew 13 Second_ Round G. Laine° • 17 R.N. Rowe 16 M. Durkin 15 H. Arnold 5 1'. Fassold 17 Rev.Trumper 9 Maj .'Dowding 17 WI,H. Tove1115 W. May F: Push G. Sawyer W. Ament J. Stacey 1,3, F. Ross 11 13 W. •Morena 9 25 A.M.Trick 15 25 F. Gladman 15 17 T. vIcDiarmid 14 A Chambers 11 Dr. McTaggart10 Third Round G. Laing 23 - d. Durkin 18, Maj. Dowding 17 F. Bush 12 G. Sawyer 13 W. Ament 10 A, Chambers 22 J.Stacey 18, A, 1.1. Heaman 13 A.Whitesidesl0 R. N. Creech 16 . 3.:M. Best 9 W. May of Exeter by default. Fourth Round G. ,Laing 21 W. May 1 G. Sawyer 14 Maj Dowding 1 A. M. Heenan 16 A.Chambers 11 A. Langford 14 R. :`:Creech 1 R. G. Seldon a bye Fifth Round A. 11. Heaman 17 G. Sawyer 1 R. G. Beldon. 21 A.Langford 1 Lain a bye Semi -Finals R. G Seldon 24 G Laing 1 A. M. Neaman a bye Finals ,ondou Th. Exeter R. D McDonald W. D. Clarke Joe hickey J.A. Stewart F. L. Willgoose aW. W. Taman A. N. 1'i a uuao .12 . R.G. Seidan kleaman 000 120 010 111 014--1 Seldo i. 131001101.000100-- 2'lEA:eiAN TROPHY First Round to Hunt 16 W.Elliott 9 F. E. Silcox 17 H,Spackman 15 J. Senior 19 O. eeidley 9 3. C. Greig 18 W.Nadiger 14 M. :Rewey 16 C. Bluett 20 Dr. Burrows 18 J.E..A.gnew 14 Second Round Dr. Jarvis 23 F. Hunt 6 C. Bluett 20 Dr, Burrows 17 H. Arnold 20 R. N. Rowe 18 F, Ross 17 Rev:Trumper14 \i7,H. Tovell •17 W. :`toren: lo F Gladman 17 , T. McDiarmid 14 J. Senior by default Third Round Dr: Jarvis a bye. C. K. Bluett 25 J. Senior 12 H, Arnold 23 3F. Ross 20 W H. 'i ov411 20 F,Gadman 16 by die Bush ful F.B shs t Dr Me ragaart 19 el. Durkin 10 W, Ament. 12 ' J. Stacey 9 A. Weitesfdes 15 J, 'tf, Best 12 Fourth Round C. K Bluett 17 Dr. Jarvis 10 : Dr. lcIaggart 17 F. Bush 10 W. Ament 23 A,Whitesides 14 Maj, Dowding 14 W. May 13 R. N. Creech 16 A. Chambers 10 Tovell 16 I #,Arnold 17 1itth Round C. 'L. Bluett 16 H. Arnold o Pr. ;:ticTaggart 13 W. Ament 5 R. Creech 20 Maj.Dowding 12 G. Saw•}er 12 A,Langford 7 ,Sixth Round C..:K. Bluett 12. Dr.MeTaggart 11 Cr. Laing 19 R.N.Creech 10 Sawyer 'ol Mitchell a bye 7 0 1 G9 6 2 9 Semi -Finals C K. Bluett 6 . 0, Sawyer 5 Lain; Of Ridgetown a bye Finals C. K. Bluett of London, won by de- fault from G. Laing. SCOTCH DOUBLES FIRST EVENT First Round Trumps and Hurdon, Exeter I.1; Creeciu and Christie, Exeter 22 Snell and Acheson, Exeter, 18; Jar- vis. and Silcox, London Elmw'd, 30. McTaggart and McTaggart, Blyth,14 Clark and Taman, Exeter, 10, Rowe and Thompson, Exeter, 15 •Spacirman and Grieve, Exeter, 18. Fosreli and Blatchford, Exeter, 15 Seldon and Stewart, Exeter, 18. Second Round Creech and Christie 12; Jarvis and Silcox 10. McTaggart and McTaggart 16; Sel- don and Stewart 11. Spackman and Grieve a bye Semi -Finals Creech and Christie 18; Spackman and Grieve 15. McTaggart and McTaggart a bye. Finals Creech and Christie 12; .McTaggart and McTaggart 9, SECOND; EVENT First Round Snell and Acheson 17; Clark and Taman 19. Rowe land Thompson 10; Fowelland Blatchford 13. Trumper and Hurdona bye. Second Round Trumper and Hurdon 18; Clarke and Taman 20 Fowe11 and Blatchford 12, Jarvis and Silcox 24. Seldon rand Stewart a bye, Semi -Finals Jarvis and Silcox 13; Clarke and Taman . 9. Seldon and Stewart 10, Spackman and Grieve 7. Finals Silcox and Jarvis lost to Seldon and Stewart on a toss. JOHNSTONAND'BARBOUR Oliver H. Gidley's London Thistle rink won the 1priies ;donated by John- ston and Barbour of London, for the rink losing the first three games, when they defeated H.Spackmamis Exeter. rink in an !extra (end ,by ,14 to 13. • Speaking of .the damage to grain by rust iin;4that locality the, 'Crystal City (Man.) Courier, says.:—It is now a certainty that the alarming reports of the past few days are all too well founded. Crop expectations once fig- ured at 20 bushels per acre for Ube distr'ct may now 7be cut in two and few fields will, go more than, 12 bush- els ushels of thinwheat, . Some fields will hardly pay for tlee harvesting, Exeter Council A regular meeting of the 31unici- aI. Douneil lreld Friday Aug, 11th 1910 Absent Councillor Hind. The 'minutes of the meeting held :July 25th `w'o'e read and approved Vonnmanucations were read a:s. fot- Lows, Pte• W. 'R, Southeott of CarnpBar- den re -wrist watch baring received the ea safely, and returned thanks to the members of the council The Bell Telephone Co. re -undo•- ground conduct across Min St. Gran- ted. 'Commissioner to superintend. The Ontario Municipal Association- Tnrento, ae-annual meeting, Filed. The United States 2ldetieo and G uarautee Ga. .re-cwntbsuation cert- ificate of aloud .for the clerk and treats urer. The same being %satisfactory vv as ;signed by the Reeve The following accounts were read aed approved,-- The :Bell Telephone Co. tmes:ages 95e Eieetrio Light and Power Co. light- ing Library 3.40; Mrs, W. J. :Beer, Beaty. Es L. d;'a 15 clap rant for ftuild- Ing 2,50; G. `It, Steer, eteaniaag Lily rary 2,25; ditto eteaning Town Ball 2.05; W. 'T. Gillespie, etreet water- ing 52.50; Thos. 'Brock. labor 2.10;rn Thos, G. Creech, drayiug 850; John ".`Torry, labor 12.60; Thos. Cornish J. .tabor 8.40; John Kellett labor 3.15; Itobt, L*illies, teaming 23,65; David Russell Sr. labor 7.00; Sam Stanlake ,bor 4.75; Castor Willis labor 2.10; 6,exey Sanders labor 1,05; George '.Rawson auditor qtr. sarary 12,50; W. J. Bissett, part ealury' 43.75; John Ford part salary cemetery 37,40; Jos. Senior part salary 37,50. Postage 5.00; prepaid Hydro account 8.45; !Exeter 11,ydro Electric System St. Llgl;tiag 225.75; Office 50c; ;Gown Hall 4.$6 , Tow l1 lamp 2a G- - D - nary 1.89, Amounting in all to 500.60,. The following petitions were re- ceive0,—From Ratepayers along John Street between. Andrew and Albert asking that this arortion of the Street he watered. Granted. From ratepay- ers to William Street between John and Ann Street. Granted., From the ratepayers on Albert Street between James and Huron Streets, Granted. The Auditor's reports for months of June and July ,were read and ac cepted on motion of Councillors Bea- vers end Roulston.--Carried. Reports from the Committee regard Ore repairs to the Town Hall u ere given Pex Hayton. seconded by Beavers,— —That tenders be asked for the paint Mg of the Interior of the Hall, z?so for calcimine on the wall, and scp.ir- ate tenders for the exterior painting. — Carried. Adjournment by Marton. J. Senior, CIerk. Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Jeckell of Youngestown. Ohio, and two i'hild- ren, are visiting with relations Lon- don Road north, FARQUHAR Any person .having old paper, rub-. bers, rage, Tete„ for Red Cross San leave them in tbe old store opposite Mrs. Pollen's Mrs. Pollen in charge APPRECIATE THE SOCKS The following letter from France receioed by Mrs. B. W. F. 13eavere cyeses: for itself. Frarce 24th July, 1916 Deer Mrs. Beavers, I here the honor of being the man who received the pair of socks 3 : state was the first pair you have ever knit. Your exceeding kindness will never be forgotten by the men who have been out here, and 1 con - soder myself very lucky to be the one who lids .received your home made socks. From the bottom of my heart 1 than you vary much for your gen- ero ItiTi fMet you cwa rest assured you: .,re often thought of by me while 1 ani in thettrenches, h does ourhearts good to know that our women at home think so kindly of us, and it will be our earnest duty as roan as we get house to do our utmost to, mak your lives happy and ;omlort- eble For myself I have no one, eith- er ladies or friends, but I get some of the comforts that the ladies of Cenade send out, ant no man can feel alonein the world while we are re- minded of such kind thoughts. An- other thin; I can tell you is that 1 have just marched 16 miles to "the trenches and your socks were com- fortable indeed, .so, your work hats passed censor. From the newspapers you will probably observe that weave harm.; quite lively times, btit we are prepared and hanpyt en our work. hove been in the ;lreneltes now for newly a year, and I would be glad to get another Idol; at dear old Can- ada. However; I'ex rect' that we will. yet get our reweri3: I have been ex- tremely lucky as 1 vcs wounded only. once since 1 came out, and, that not. gett yeriousty. We sometimes quite m hard time, but • on thewhole we are not treated verybadly, and ail tbe bays are quite satisfied. With grateful thanks, jacSergt. "A" Co, 27th Batt 1ltd Can, Division, France, BIRTHS Iiaist,—In Crediton, on August 7th. to lir and Mrs. Henry Hoist, a son. Flay—In Tuelrersinith, on August 1st to Mr. and Mrs. James Hay, twin daughters. Haskett,—In Lucan, on August 9the to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heskett, a son MARRIAGES Gordon-Hobbs—In Toronto, August 4 Miss Delight Hobbs, daughter of the late Rev. Richard Hobbs, to. Kenneth Gordon, son of Mrs. Gor- don of. Pickering. DEATHS Campbell—On Sauble Line, Hay, one August 13th, Robert Campbell, ag- ed 55 years, 7 months, 7 days. Tohnston.—In Seaforth, on Saturday,. August 5th, William Johnston in his 81st year. STEWART'S PRONE 16 PHONE 16 Great Values in Black Silks. We offer you special values in Black Silks as ,eve bought heavily before the advance in ,price Splendid Quality black Follette- 36 in. wide 31.00. Fine wearve and beautiful finish Messaline at $1.25 & $1.50 Rich finish and even wear Black Taffeta at $1.50 & $1.65• NEW GOODS For odd waists and caresses This is lovely material of silk & wool mixture which will not crease. We shoAv it in. the new colors. • SEPTEMBER FASHIONS The. September Fashions book are On our counter. We car- ry a full range, of Standard Pat- terns. Call and get a Fashion Sheet. MILLINERY W -e are gointg out of Millin- ery. All trimmed Hats are being ;sold ,at much less than cost price. Beauvtiful trimmed Hats. Sale price 98e. DINNER SETS In four dainty pat- terns.and, new pat- terns. The cups have gold han dies and are Ketones shape, also two differentt styles vegetable dishes. Extra value 97 -pieces $18.50. NEW .CREPE WAISTS washing material, trimmed with A silk creipe waist of splendid striped ;collar and cuffs some- thing new. Price $425. SWEATER COATS • You will need one for .the cosi evenings, We have some new styles in all wool coats,- that we, are selling at old prices See the new Plaids and Stripe Coats lett $5 to .$6.50. PENMAN'S LISLE HOSIERY Is what we, recommend if you want Hosiery that wears well, looks ,well and dyes that are fast. All sines 834 to 10-40c. HANGING LAMPS If :you want a Hanging Lamp come 51n and ase what we have to show you, Several new sty1 ea have just preen placed in our stock. PHONE 16 J A. STEWART PHONE.. 16, The Big Store with the Little Prices,