HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-8-3, Page 5r
IOU calk fee ti}e fere with utmost cave owing to the
s3 double feeddoors-no scattering of fuel and
!0Utitb sert big cunks of wood.
If you have Ave or ten minutes to spare come in and 1'11
show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
By purchasing a bond you will help
to WIN THE WAR and obtain for
yourself an investment of the highest
class yielding a most attractive rate
of interest.
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Solicitor for The ,Mol -
sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan al
lowest rates of interest.
Office -,Bain Street, Exeter.
Ws have a large amount of prevate
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
erties at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter.
Or. G. P. ROULSTON. L,D.S.. D.D.S.
Idember of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of. Toronto University.
Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
OR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S.,
Honor -Graduate of Toronto Unioeraft7
'eeth extracted without path, or ani
oad effects. Office over Gladman &
Stanbury's Office, Made Street, Exeter.
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cnckshutt Warerooms, next dodr to
Centra' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter,
Charges moderate and satisfaction is
Our graduates aire placed in posi-
tioaus. In 3 months we received 219
applications 'for" trained help. Write
us at omoe foe- 'our free catalogue.
D. A. •McLachlan, Principal
Attractive Trips
Muskoka Lakes Lake ,of Bays
Georgian Bay. Algonquin Park
French .River Kalwartha Lakes
Ma,ganetawan • River
Ten>agami, etc.
Round trip tourist ticketts now on
sake from certain, ;stations in On-
tario at very low rates, with
liberal stop -overs.
Leave Toronto 12.,01 p, m. .daily ex-
cept Sunday, and 2.05 a. m. daily foe.
Muskoka. Wharf. Connections are
made at ,Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka
Lakes. Leave Toronto at 10.15 a.m.
daily elfcept Sunday, and 2.05 daily
for Huntsville. for points on' -Lake of
ST. ,M.ARYS-On July 2Sth Mass
was celebrated in the Church of the
Holy Name when Rev. Father Ronan
united in marriage Miss Helen Burnett
and John Mullarkey, both of St,
Marys. The bride was attended by
Miss Annie Mullarkey sister of the
groom. Mr J. L. Mullarkey, 'cousin
of the groom 'performed "the duties
of toe best man.
B LANSHARD.-There passed away
on July 21st W. Henderson of Riv-
er Road South,' Blanshard, after a
severe illness. The, deceased was born
about '60 years ago on his father's
farm now owned by his brother,
Henry. About 36 years ago he bought
a farm on the River Road, adjoining
the one on which he resided, and lat-
er the 100 ',acres next to it, where he
lived up to the ;time of his death.
Haying is about completed here and
fie a good crop. -Mrs. G. F. Hemery
Russian Armies Capture 32,653 ` of Mitchell hasreturned to her home.
after a visit to her parents here.-
Men and 100 Cannon. Mrs, Ann Crawford of Brussels is
the guest of Mrs. Margaret Glenn. -
Advance Over a Sixty -Mile Front Be-, A Red Cross meeting took place at
sults in Crushing Losses to the I the home of ;Mfrs. •'_Ylary Vanc Mrs.
Austrians --Move MayLead to f Steles;t Mese daughter ri aron d
i were present,- :' Irs, Ellerington and
Flanking of Kovel: Fall of Stare
isran Into Which Five Railways
Converge Is Now Near.
PETROGRAD, Aug. 1, -The War
Office report on the prisoners taken
by the Russians in the past two days,
"Details regarding the booty cap-
tured are stili so incomplete that it is
only possible to give them in a very
approximate manner. It, hoWevert
has been ascertained so far that the
troops under General, Brussiloif dur-
ing July 28 and 29 captured two
generals, over 651 officers, and 32,.
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor
$10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price..Tag SCOBELL Dara
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
,itality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter"; a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by -mail on receipt
of price,* Tag SCOBELL Dam Co., St. Catharines.
The sole head of a family, or any
male over 18 years old, may home-
stead a quarter -section of available
Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan or 'Alberta. Applicant must ap-
pear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry by proxy may be made
at any Dominion Lands Agency (but
not Sub -Agency), on certain condi-
Duties -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may five
within nine miles of his homestead on
a far'n et as least 80 acres, on cer-
tain conditions. A habitablehouse is
required excerpt where residence is
performed .in the vicinity.
I:1 certain districts a homesteader in
geoc' standing may pre-empt a quar-
tet -section alongside his homestead.
Price $3.00 an acre.
Duties -Six months residence in
each of three years after earning home
stead patent; also. 50 acres extracul-
tivation Pre-emption latent may be
obtained as soon as homestead patent,
on certain conditions.
A settler who has exhausted his
homestead light may takea purchas-
ed homestead in certain ' districts.
Price $3.00 per acre. Duties' -Must re-
side six months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 acres and erecta
house worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case: of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N:B.-Unauthorized publication " of
Bays, geapeient the finest., this advertisement will not be paid north-west and -south-west. -
000 amen, including a considerable
number of Germans. About 100
gnus, ineluding 29 boar/ hOWitserg
have been captured. This lnCitadee
21 guns taken. by General; Letchit-
zky's troops, Eighty-five machine
gnus were also taken, by bis troops.
"Daring tb , three: daye,' battle
1ou4ht by General Sakbarotl'a troops,
216 officers, 11,569 men, nine guns,
forty machine Mins, and. about 15,,
000 rues Were captured. But it 10
Nat possible that same of these rat
included in the slumber above men.
"The total number of captures
made by General Sakharoft'a men
from July 16 to 28 are 940 officers,
39,152 men, 49 guns, of whiele 17
are howitzers, 100 machine guns, $9
mine and bomb throwers, 80 limbers,
and 76 cartridge wagons; also 48 ma-
chine guns mounted on wheels• and
six artillery and engineering depots."
Drive Resumed.
LOidDON, Aug. 1. -Immediately
upon the fall of Brody, in North-
eastern Galicia, Friday, the "watch-
ful waiting strategy" that bad been
forced on the Russian armies in Cen-
tral Volhynia and in Southern Gall-
cia pending 0. break of the Austrian
resistance on the Brody-Lesxniof
road. gave way to a resumption of a
concerted drive by General Bruseil-
off's armies on the whole front from
east of Kovel down to the region
south of the Dneister, a battle -line
more than 150 miles long.
As a result of the last 24 hours
the Russians ) ave broken through
the entire Austro-Hungarian first
lines to the south-west of Kovel,
driven the defenders into disorderly
retreat, and in the south have ad-
vanced within 20 miles of Stanis-
lav, the converging point of five im-
portant strategic railways wbieh
command the supply system of the
whole southern army chain of the
Austro -Hungarians.
In Friday's and Saturday's battles
alone the Russians, took 32,653 pris-
oners, including 651 officers and two
generals, and captured 55 Teuton
guns, according to the statement is-
sued by the Petrograd War Office.
The most important success scored
by the Russians since Friday morn-
ing is the advance on Stanislau. The
menace of a possible flanking attack
from the north being removed by
the capture of Brody and the subse-
quent Russian advance toward Lem-
berg, only 58 miles away, the south-
ern wing of Brussiloff's army smash-
ed ahead in a furious onslaught just
south of the Dneister and captured
the town of Izerzany, 20 miles below
Stanislau. The town was captured
by a Cossack cavalry division. Co-
operating with the army advancing
on Stanislau from the south-east are
the Russian forces which have been
marking time to the west of Buczacz,
waiting for the northern army to
pour into Galicia. The town of
Tlumach, a little more than six miles
south-east of Stanislau, is the im-
mediate objective of the south-east-
ern army, while the Buczacz army is
threatening Stanislau from the north
east. Stanislau lies 82 miles almost
due south of Brody.
Meanwhile the Russian Volhynia
army is vigorously pushing the pur-
suit of the Austro-Hungarian forces,
which already have been forced to
abandon their first-line positions, and
the menace of Kovel, the chief ob-
jective of Brussiloff's centre, grows
Sunday's Petrograd official shows
that on both wings of the present
Russian line of attack Gen. Brussil-
off's armies made further important
headway during the past 24 hours.
As a result the city of Stanislau, in
south-eastern Galicia, converging
point of five strategic railways, Is
closely menaced with envelopment
by the Russian left flank, while the
right wing, in its ' advance on Kovel,
the great Volhynian railway centre,
has broken through the Teuton first
lines on the Kovel-Rohitche sector
and is now vigorously pushing the
pursuit of the retreating defenders.
In the centre, too, where Lemberg,
capital of Galicia, is the Russian ob-
jective, further progress was made
by the army of General Sakharoff.
On the whole 150 -mile front, from
the east of Kovel down to the region
judt south of the Dniester, the Ger-
mans and Austrians continue on the
defensive, stubbornly fighting for
every inch of ground.•
In Saturday's fighting the Rus-
sians took 21 officers and 940 men,
among them many Germans, and cap-
tured four guns and four machine
The most important progress made
by the Russians since the fall last
Friday morning of Brody, 58 miles
north-east of Lemberg, has been in
the direction of Stanislau. The cap-
ture of Brody having brought the.
Russian centre on the level with the
southern Wing, the latter, which had
marked time for some weeks,
promptly resumed its drive to the
north-west and is now smashing for-
ward against ;Stanislau from the,
children have been camping at Grand
Bend. -Miss Maude Horton of Exet-
er is the guest ofIrs. Broadfoot -
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biad of Readlyn,
haste., :lass beenre
here tnding their
honeymoon.honeymoon.({neee Margaret Horton),
with relatives, -Mr. Selves has the NOT ENOUGH DREN
wall of his barn tcompieted.
MITCHELL -Samuel Wood, Wil-
low Grove, Loganwhile unloading hay
got a bad fall vert the trip rope
broke. (e fell backwards off ,the
lo.d to the 'barn floor, striking his
bead and shoulders, causing concuss-
ion of the ,brain And severe bruises,
BLANNSHARD,. The buntof Mr.Thos. Harding 3rd concession, was.
completely destroyed with all its con-
tents during the recent storm. The
loss comprises 50 loads hay, 400
bushels oats, a quantity of old hay,
implements and 10 small pigs.
ever retrive the proper balance of food
to sufficiently --- 9- - t nffi ntlyh both body and
brain during the growing period when
BRUOEFIELD ; nature's demands are greater than in
mature life. This is gbbwn in so litany
Mr. Chas. Clifton visited his father pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds,
at Dungannon over Sunday. --Mr. and and lack of ambition.
Mrs. Jarvis spent Saturday at Bayfield Por all such children we say with
-*Tile Bxucefield Qddfeilows Held unmistakable earnestness: fbey need
their annual picnic at Bayfield Fri- Scott's Rmulsion, and need it now. It
day ,last -Mr. Jas. Boyce has bad a poseesaes in concentrated form the very
new roof put on his house which adds' food elements to enrich their blood. It
to its appearance very much: -Mr. Ed.; changes weakness to strength; it makes
hlorrisoll has (purchased a idle new therm sturdy and strong and active.
Regal car and fir.. Fred. Tomlinson a I Scot a& Bowne.roresto, oat,
Saxon ".runabout. -Wo are sorry to
learn of the death. of Mr. Wm. Roach
who has been employed by the Rural
Telephone System since Railrert Smith
joined the colors.
Tht Elcoatt brothers have each pur-
chased new Maxwell cars.
'KSIilE:3 tc.
11r. avid Mrs, John Wright visited
over Sunday with the latter's uncle,
Caleb 1s1iUso11.'s, White Oak, South
London. - Mr. hand Mrs. Hector Vin-
son spent Sunday the guests of his
cousin ;Mr. and Mrs, Ilan. Lewis at
Brinsley-Miss Bessie Morley spent
the forepart of this week with his
aunt airs Wm. Lingard at Sarnia.
-Miss A. Hopkins of Woodham vis-
ited last week at Mrs, John Morley's.
Irl. J..DOR$, itetef ' I' for. -=.643$$,
Dr, Jennie Smillie of Toronto has
been visiting relatives here. -Miss FIos
sie Bonthron has resumed her training
for nursing at the Western Hospital
in Toronto, -Mr. and firs. George
Trott returned to their home in Wat-
erous, Sask., Last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Case have moved to Niagara
District. -Miss Lynn Ortwein of Ham-
ilton is here visiting her patents, -Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Dick of Oakville spent
a few days with ,relatives hcre.-Civic
Holiday will be held here on August
76.Miss Olive Coxworth of Win-
nipeg is here on a visit. --Mr. and Mrs
Lorne Scott of Toronto are here
on a visit.
Samuel ,Gingerich has disposed of
his 100 acre farm on the Goshen
line south to Walter R. Miller, of
the. 14th con., (possession to be given
on (March, 1st 1917.
Mr, George Sparks returned from
bis trip to the western provinces last
Miss ,Margaret Stelk, of Guelph
spending her vacation at her home
Mr. G. S. Howard, is visiting
friends in Michigan.
Mrs G. Price, of Toronto, is vis-
iting at the home of her brother,
Mr A, W, Morley.
For Infants and f hiicir e
In Use For Over 3O'n`
Always bears
Signature of
Alin Craig
Oct 2-i
,,.,, 0 Sept. 1S=19t
GodexichSept 27-29
Kirkton Sept. 28.29
Landoll Sept. 8-1t,
ijtchell • Sept. 26-27
1?arkhili Sept 19-27
Seafortll • S: pt. 21-22
Toxanta ...A'ug.26:o al:. 11
Zurich Stp . 20-2i
CLINTON,,--Edwin J rr s.
of 'the Weyburn, cask, ptl'• t selvral
dted at his father's residers ,e here
Sunday, in hi s 44th year. lie e:urn-
ed here a few ,weeks ago for m,idL11
treatment, but the end came sud len v
fits widow, who was formerly '
Hamilton, survives Mm, a'. o a fami,y
a four children.
You feel warmer at 65 degrees ,when the
air is moist than at 70 degrees when it is
Keeping the air mellow is just another
way the Hecla saves coal. A. heating
system with large air ducts, to keep
the air moving freely and with the gener-
ous moisture supplied by the Hecla
rurnace gives the most healthful -and
most economical -heat you can buy.
We can help plan your heating. Ask
for plans and figures.
14. Spackman, Exeter
Representative.. of CLARE BROS. & CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
your home
must be
your club
That is what Prohibition means. All entertaining must be transferred to the home. Every man who likev an
occasional drink, or who likes to have it to offer his friends, will have to think ahead -and order by the c .se.
Why not think a little further ahead and order now?
Our sale enables you to save wonderfully on the price of any Wines or Spirits required. Only the imp.-rc.•i, e
need of disposing of our entire stock by September 16th would induce us to depart from our establ....,..,1
custom of selling only to the trade.
It's because we have to act quickly that we are
Selling direct to the consumer at these wholesale prices:
Per Case
G. &, W. Special $9,75
G. & W. Ordinary 7.50
Walker's Imperial Qts8.50
Walker's Club Qts 10,50
Walker's Rye Qts 7.25
Seagram's '83 Qts 9.00
Seagram's Star Qts 7,50
Seagram's White Wheat
Corby'sQSpecial Selected. 10.00
Sovereign Qts..... 8.00
National Qts 6,50
Per Gal.
G. & W. Special 53.75
G.& W. Rye, 2 year old2.S0
G. & W. Rye, 5 year old: ' 3.00
Walker's Imperial 3.75
Walker's Club. 4.50
Sovereign Rye, 3.50
Per Case
Mackie's White Horse
Qts $13.50
Mackie's Laird o' Lag-
gan, 20 year old 16.00
Hill Top Qts 13.00
i g h l a n d
Cream Qts 12.50
Usher's O.V.G. Qts., Vel-
Iow Label 13.00
Usher's Special Reserve,
White Label 13,50
Usher's Green Stripe Qts14.50
Per Case
Usher's G.O.H., Black
Label 15.00
Usher's The Very Finest20.00
Dewar's Special Qts„
Yellow Label 12,00
Dewar's Blue Label Qts13.50
Dewar's Special Liqueur15.00
Dewar's Extra Special
Liqueur 17.00
Buchanan's Red Seal
Qts $12.50
Buchanan's Black &
White 14,00
Walker's Kilmarnock,
White Label 14,50
Walker's Kilmarnock,
Red Label 15.50
Walker's Kilmarnock,
Black Label 17.00
McCallum's Perfection
King George' IV. Top
Notch 13.00
- King William IV 18.50
Per Gal.
Hill, Thompson & Co.
Hill,, )'Thompson & Co. $5.50
(N) 6.50
Perfection' 7.00
RUM Per Case
Burke's Jamaica Rum $13.00
Sherriff's Jamaica " Bell" 12.00
Buccaneer Jamaica 11,00
If you prefer brands not mentioned in above list, we can
probablysupply you at equally attractive prices.
Containers for Bulk Liquor will be charged as follows;;
5 Gallon Keg, $1.25, 10 Gallon Keg, $1,50.
5 Gallon Jar, 75c. 6 Gallon Demijohn; $1.00.
Minimum quantity sold. is One Case or 5 Gallon Lots.
Terms Net Cash, f.o.b., Toronto.
Per Case
Jno. De Kuyper Imperial
Qts., 15 bottles $17.50
Van Ziegler Imperial
Qts., 15 bottles 15 , 00
Coate's Plymouth 11.90
Gordon Dry Gin 10.50
Burnett's Dry Gin 10.50
Booth's Old Tom 11.00
Ross' Irish Sloe Gin.. , , 12,00
Per Gal.
Holland Gin, London
Dry Gin, and Old Tom
Gin $4.50
Per Case
Burke's Imperial Qts...$16.50
Burke's Ordinary Qts... 12.00
Bushmill's Qts 13,00
Balbriggan Imperial Qts15,00
Balbriggan Ordinary Qts 11.00
Per Case
Hennessy One Star Qts ,417. 00
Hennessy Two Star Qts.. 18.00
Hennessy Three Star Qts 19,00
Hennessy V.O. Qts 23.00
Martell One Star Qts17.00
Martell Two Star Qts. , 18.00
Martell Three Star Qts19.00
Martell V.S.O.P. 24,00
Jules Robin Qta 14.00
Per Case
Iia Rose Qts' s 12.00
Per Gal.
Brandy.. , . from $5.00 to 57.00
Per Case
Convtdo $13.50
Commendador 16.00
Taylor's Trona)... , 17.00
Magnifico 8,00
Priorato 9.00
Per Gal.
Port .. from $3.00 to $7.00
Per Case
Pando $15.00
Fuerheerd's Emperador17.00
Fuerheerd's Oloroso,,,10,00
Magnifico 8.00
Per Gal.
Sherry from $2.00 to $7,00
White Rock Qts., 50
bottles $7,50
White Rock Pts., 100
bottles .. 10.50
White Rock Splits (N.),
100 bottles 8,50
GEORGE J. FOY, Limited
32-34 Front St. West, Toronto
11110 UM a 11