HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-7-27, Page 8EXETER A11VUBAT , TrEuR SuAY.. JITLY 27 1B1.6 'F ¢ ee .EXETER ,MARKETS CHAN=GED EACHDNESDA 5 LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Wheat 40c.40°10... ?0ia0c? • 40„..,0‘40,40c.44,40, lic 540, .ad6ai0, ' Earley - .. 55 aBuckwtreat 60 Tie big bowlixg Tou.rinament in Oats SO London Ls on this week, nut -nonce of 1 00 players Bette...: s ,....:....... , ., ......• 95 to 3 00 the Exeter are in attendance. Potatoes per bag18 Ott The bowlers have• purchased en ex_ Hay, toga ala cellent array of grazes for the big Flops pea` cwt, tournament on August 9th and loth. Flour, low grade, per cwt. 1 75 Short ,..... eau This district had a few scattered. 26 B per fan ,...:... Q4 shora owers Wednesday: and. Thursday Egg; ee of last week, but it is nowvery dry Boner ' 25 agaitm• • ;eeabutter 32 Pte 9rchie Davis, wbo left with Hogs per. •Cwt. 11 ta0-the,7lst battalion for overseas, -snow in Fr:,,nce, awaiting orders to go into the trendies D: 4 oupland of •Si Marys is the age viy-elected District Deputy Grand Meeter of MMasoteic District No. 4, South Huron, The- first to remember the • Advo - :ate with a ripe tomato this year Ives 1o`tnt Ford. It was a fine specimen nd al Earnest -of -all variety. ;t was firm and of :exceptionally fine flavor Messrs. Bald & Atkinson, marble :realer and undertakers of Clinton iv :re +purchased the James Doig Mar- e Works 5,tt the sue town and are • e tt. el.,e stock moved to "their own zireaan'sses. Proclamation Civic Holiday Ste ^ to esalut ore of the Village -stony etcolann OleNOeil, AUGUST 7th, ' tele et ts OWN' N HOLIDAY AY I eell aeon :all eittent a« observe the same. fit leN' W. TAYLOR, Reeve. eeeen% YOUNG' MEN Yteoug sten or others who are un- able to enlist for overseas eerviee gap, 5.erve the: King and Country be he o e. on `nlm;n t:en Work. Steady woo( to gated mero Appy; to THE ltC1J8 O , Ltd.,BELL £o th Oa „ T. Mein Street Methodist Church pure Pose bolding a Raspberry Sordal cn the Clowtei la inch on the evening c,t Friday, jute 18th. Tea served • from #r to 8. Admission 25 cents. Refresh- ments will be served on the grounds (art eltestre inn attendance. WANTED AT ONCE.—Young sto- re= desiring deployment an tow con find :n by applying at once+ to the Jackson Olanufacturing Co., who has ,eves; l good ,positions vacant. The work is light end clean, the hours are very short :and wages are paid while leaning. Steady ,position and good, wages assured to anyone giving it a t-ie1 Apply at meet, JACKSON thiAN xACTLt RING CO., EXETER. TEACHER WANTED Fen S. N'e, I, Stephen; ]molding 1st or 2nd class certificate. Duties to commence utter summer holidays, State salary. Wm. Bowden, R. R. No. 2 Cent;aia Ont, H. B'sereirg'a, Exeter North, is the PbQ: 107. Goods del h reredzes. Try WOMAN WANTED.—At the Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. The Exeter Cannan; Factory start- operations tart- ope ations on the pea crop Mon - y. The yield this year, owing' to the late seed;ng, lend subsegeent dr} vweatlme; ,wilt be each below the Two r.tnl;is of bowters egnsisiting of R. Rowe, W. T. Acheson, W. D. Clarkke, R. G. Seldon, skip; and W. River's. 1l .Fritz, J.A. Stewart, \V.Wt Taman .attended Seaforth Tourna- ment last week and the Iatter rink got first .prize in the second event 2aiectrie Toasters. The number pi rinks was not ,large. Substitute for jar Rubbers. --When about to close >a jar of preserved goods., the housewife very oftea finds herself short of a rubber band, or else the' last one breaks. A very good subs;tute can be made from news- paper. This is better than otherna- per because .as numbers say, "it packs better." They often use it tc Trea4e small pipe joints am and waren Fall Wheat is being cut this week anti is a fine crop. This seaasor>!'s record of heat reached the highest point on Tuesday touching 97.5 degrees about three o'clock in the afternoon, It started :out in the morninig at 63 aatd at noon had gone, over 95, Strange to say with all the, extreme heat few prostrations are re3ported, At the time of -writing no te,lief is in sight CAR. •BURNED,—Aja. Thorn, Baker lost one a his Ford. Gars by fire on Saturday "night: The clnauffer, tdr, Williams arcs on; this ,way home from Stratford end when near Eirkton fire was noticed, in the lower part of the car. The machine was immediate- ly turned into the Aitch and an at- tempt made to put out the flames, but without success. The engine and some other essential parts are said to be little damaged, and it is eon- sidered the loss eats, be re=placed for 'x200 There was no insurance on the machine, LITTLE POTATOES. --The man who has apateh of beans, or succot- ash, or other reens, .believes the gods would make a hit if for that patch's benefit they regulated wind and rain; and u hen they don't it gives hien pain. It from his little footy field he thinks he'll have a bounteous yield, he does- n't seem to .care a rap how it may fare with t'othe:r chap. Destroying hail may tali and beat the stuffing from a neighbor's wheat ;a cloudburst spoils scone fellow's oats, and drowns wraother's shorthorn shoats, or maybe, just across the way, the lightning hits my stack of hay; and, he will view his little stretch of artnehokes, and says (the wretch), "The climate's perfect I maintain; there's just enough of wind and rain; no man could ask a better shote than, we are gettingg hero below". But if his little ,petch of rape he finds is in unthrifty shape, the fact that sneighbor's crops are fine wi[i not prevent his doleful whine. lie is a small bore skate, you say ; eh well, we all are built that way.— Walt ?elude —x—o—x— ldise Kathleen Stewart is visiting in Port Stanley. Mr. Wes. Lamport has gone London to work, Wallace and. Harry Fuke are on a taQht. Cut several layers of the pa- ' trip up the fakes, per the required size, put them onMr T, Boyle was inToronto on the can and screw the lid down as e1 business this week. 0 BUGGIES AT COST,—A whole car load of McLaughlin and Brack, vile. buggies to soldgp t costQpprice. EVeey buggy must b'.mdle all hinds of MacCormick Farm Machinery and repairs for same; also will have in stock a large number of other makes of second -band machin- ery achinery for sale. Repairing on all kinds ed farm machinery promptly attended to, especially Massey -Harris machin- ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons aline Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade: 55.50 per totl;, 50e. per bag. EXETER SALT ORKatnSager, Ltd —x—o--x— S ALT FOR SALE. --An excellent qua:et; o. Sarnia made salt for :ale at OW Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Yeur patronage is solicited and satisiaetior, is guaranteed. — ED. MA:,LIRE Exeter. tightly a,, possible. If preferred swags of soft leather, cut from the tops of old shoes, may be used, batt tbee ere not as satisfactory as those made from newspapers Th; tuneral of the late Joseph No- be, who died on Wednesday, took place Friday from the house of his son in -taw stir, James a Thom mson Church street. lfr. Noble was born in Ireland, but he and his wife lived for some years in Glasgow, Scotland the family coming to this country matey years ago. .He first settled in Varna where he jived a short time, rani then moved to Exeter, where he lived some years, 30 years ago he vs eat to Seaforth, where he made his home until his death, He was 82 years of age and is survived by a tamily ot one son and four daughters. frs. J. B. Thompson, of Seaforth ;Mrs. Tucker ot Illinois; Mrs. Alex Cardno, of i)arl ngiord, lianitoba; Mrs, .Geo. Eoyd of Saskatoon, and Joseph, of Toronto • liars. Noble died four year: ago, STATUTES OF ONTARIO 1 e Sessional Statutes of Ontario foe sear 1916 have been rec4ived by , _ ;ersdersigned for csistributionto the parsons entitled to the same. "Ma- strates and Justices of the Peace may obtain them on application al the office of the undersigned; orco- pies will be forwarded by express on reeuest. Oflire of the Clerk of the Peace" Goder:ch. 22nd July, C$1916. Clerk of the Peace. FOR SALE Mete Flora Denney has returned from a visit in ,London Mr. Ed, Bissett of .,London spent Saturday evening in town. 11r. Wm. I•la%vkshaw left Monday to attend the -races in Detroit. KICKS' AUGUST FORECASTS. —August will come in with ;enatal indications of coming storms over ran tral to eastern parts of the country. in westeru marts, the barometer will be low and threatening clouds, rain, wind and thunder will already be or- ganized and starting on their eastward sweep across the country. These storms will reach a general crisis on and touching the 2nd to the 4th, more precisely on the 2nd in central, and on the 3rd to the 4th en eastern sta- tes. ,1eaaatime the barometer will rise end •cooler, cleaner weather will be advancing from western sections. By the 5th to 6th, these clearing, cooler conditions will have passed the cen- tral. and on into the eastern parts of the country. A most desirable residential prop- erty situate in one of the best resi- dential parts of the Village of Exeter,' This property consists of a let story frame house -8 rooms with pantry and closets; a good summer kitchen and large woodshed; good well and cis- tern; a fine selection of fruit trees aril steal fruits, and a good stable with iron roof. Any person desiring a fine residential -property can ob- tain .he above on very satisfactory terms. For particulars apply to Isaac R. Carling, Barrister &c. Exeter, Ont VOTERS' LIST 1916 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN - S:IIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON ^o -- ,11r. and Mrs. A. E. Kuhn have re- turned from two weeks holidays. Messrs W. H. Levett and Wesley,' Smelt were in Toronto this week. Mies '.Nash and daughter of Hamil- ton are visiting ,'firs, ‘Villis Powell. l4liaxs Bennett of Toronto is visit- ing hex sister Mrs J. A. Stewarts" :tor Herb Southcott of Hamilton is holidaying here and at Grand Bend, a and airs. Wm. Thompson are ho idayinng in London and otherplaces Miss Ida Wambold has returned from t. two weeks' holiday in London Mrs. S. Atkinson has returned from a visit in Baliymote for a few weeks. Mr James Creech of New York vis- ited with his parents here for a few days. Messrs Adolphus and. Stanley Ev- ans of London were in town one day last week. • Miss Sadie Walker of Hanilton is vision;; her ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. las. Walker, Mrs. McAllister and child of Sarnia are visitmg the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jewell Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Delbridge and daughter returned to their horne in Hamiota. Man, last week, Mr Ericson returned to Rochester, N.Y.. on Saturday. Mrs, Ericson is remaining for some time. Nurse Neilans of Seaforth spent a few days last week with Mrs. Newell at the New Commercial House Mire F. J. Hill and two children of Toronto nre visiting for two weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. Jas, Ford. Mrs C. H. Horney has returned home atter visiting her daughter, Mrs James Collingwood in Hamilton for two weeks Mrs. R. Barnes and two children of Ottawa and Mrs Hilton Evans of London visited this week with Miss Etta Harding. ` Mrs. Jordan and children, after a visit with Mrs. Jordan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, have return- ed to Toronto. Miss Alice Cadwell, after ,holidaying at her home in Petrolea, returned on Mondae,to resume her duties at the Central Phone office. , Miss Johnston, nurse, who has been with the overseas forces in Sal- onika and Egypt, and is now home, on furlough., is -visiting Mrs. McGillicuddy for a few days. HEYWOOD—BEDFORD.— A quiet grad pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr G. R. Bedford, Hur- on Street, Exeter, on Thursday, July 20th, et 9 a,m. when his second daugh- ter 'Evelyn Bernice, was united in marriage to Gordon •Clifford Heywoed of Usbosne, in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends of the bride and ,groom. The ceremony was gest armed by Rev. J. W. Baird of James St Methodist church. The drawing room was adorned with roses and sweet (peas, and banks of palms and leans. To the strains of the Lobengrin Bridal. Chorus, played by her sister Valeria, the bride entered leaning on the arm of her father. She looked sweet and girlish in a dress of white silk with over dress of silk embroidered net, and veil of net with Lillies of t'he Valley, and carrying a bouquet of roses and t,sweet .peas. Fol- lowing " the. ceremony was a attainty wedding ;breakfast Mr. D. B. Sanders the groom's uncle, took the wedding patty for a motor triip as far as Lon- don, where they were also accompan- ied by Mr. Clark Fisher and Miss Ella Baker. On tsheir •arrival in Lon- don they took the lelectriic car to Port Stanley, where they left the bride and groom to spend a part of their honeymoon, basking in the lake. breezes of that most popular summer resort. The 'bride travelled in a smart suit .of navy blue with blouse of estate silk ,e d ed with blue tettu gg, and targe: ,panama that. The groom's gift• to the beide was a gold wristlet watch ,auitl to the pianist a crescent of pea,rlsf The presents were both num taus- and costly, showing ;: the. esteem ink "which; the young couple are held. Gordon is a grandson of Mr'axe :Mrs: Samuel Sanders of Hu- rcet Street, therefore he:and .his bride were ,presented with :a "Gr'andfather's Clock" from . theiar 'esteemed grand- peren,s who have. made et a rule to ureserht each of their grandsons with, a• cro..T•,.:an the occasion of their mar ciaage Gordon .is the ; fifth grandson` whO> has rceceived one of. those beaut:r Vat:_( is hereby given that I have trap rete • 9 or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop - ie, re.taira:i by the said sections to be sc transmitted or delivered of the list male pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revis ed. Assessment Roll of: the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said dutecipality at Elections for member:s of the 'Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Crediton on the 19th Day of July. 1916, and servants there for inspection, .And I hereby call upon all voters to" talc( immediate pso'ceeditigs to have any errors or omissions correct- ed accardiag to law. 19th day of, nate. a_ Crediton this July, 1916 Clerk of Stephen Township. Goole," -Com, vasa ,pt Luc,ltno t for a,time. F 0. BONES 8c MAY PRONE NO, 8a , LIARItIG SALE 01 SUMMER GOODS In order to make room for New Fall Goods which are arriving daily, we offer the balance of our stock of wash dress goods, ladies' blouses, Wash dresses, parasols, etc,, tit greatly reduced prices, Sumner Millinery at 1-2 Price and less We offer the balance of our millinery, rszany good styles to choose from at half price and less. Children's dresses at 39c. Children's wash dresses for ages from 4 to 8 years, only,a few left worth up to 150. Special clearing price 39o. Men's Straw Hats at 98c. 3 dozen men's straw sailor c.ats, all brand new styles, While they lasta "Viyella" Flannel at old prices We offer six webs of the celebrated Viyella flannel good patterns light and dark colors. Guar- anteed not to shrink. At absolutely the old price 60c. yd. Ladies' home and street dresses—4. Big range to choose from only 68c, JONES E & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfolid Clothing Buy the I SIMIE Hotpoint Se BEFORE BUYING ELECTRIC- AL APPLIANCES OF ANY KIND Mr and Mrs.' Gordon IC. Heywoodi returned Saturday evening. Pram their honeymoon and are now settled in their luew hone• on the. 2nd .cences- sion of Usboarne. Give us a Call. WHEN BUYING ELECTRIC IR- ON BE SURE IT IS A Standard Hotpoint WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO DELIVER ANY AiAKE OF IRON TO YOU FOR TRIAL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART TO PURCHASE Rev Baird and family are on a few weeks` holidays on the shore of Lake Huron near Kincardine. Mr. Irwin of Clinton will occupy James Street pul- pit for two Sundays. .. Mr and Mrs. 11cCreath of Luck-- now uck-now Spent Sunday with the latter's ^t ..' parents) Mr. arid M. a.. Aam. ra nbg. Mss (jay Armstrong came with them and will spend a few weeks at her home, Mrs, G. H. 112cDoxtatd gid son of Des Moines; Ohio-; and Mrs. C. H. Smith end children of W inclsor are visiting. blas. John Snell, Andrew St. who returned last week from a visit in Windsor. miss Cook of Luelmow ;was the Quest, of • the Misses .Armstrong two or three days this week. She return- ed to her home Wednesday,, accom- HENRY EILBER l -;tut we,daimg tokens, "Grandfather's I pataie l ,by il2rs, Armstrong who will W. J. BEER EXETER PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Summer Fashions are now here and combine in Fabric and Style a. unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel,. It is unusual to present so early in the, season so great a variety, but styles_ were determined -early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as ail indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED be C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a, 'Tea & Coffee Store - LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store -. July Bargains LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE 10 CENTS A PAIR. LADIES' •BLACK" LISLE HOSE 25e, TO 40 a. A PAM. CHILDREN'S ,TAN HOSE LOc A PAM. SAMPLE HANDKERCHIEFS 5,, CENTS TO 50 CENTS BAC' I'. sA .. BOY'S BRACES 10 CENTS A. PAIR, MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 75 CENTS . EACH ; ;MEN'S SOX, BELTS, TIES: CLEARING LINE OF SHOES AT $1.00 AND 61.50 PER PAIR: EXTRA 'VALUE"' IN'MENrS' SUITS, For the choicest groceries, fruits,: spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality . will convin- ce. B. W. F. Beavers Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Meats .:s Cured. Meats Aiways.0n Hand Fred Robinson Butcher Phone 103 TW T the Ton day soul Ont that outs met to t call( th grin' Deo sibR said Sant Will sag seen tew ad W OF •SAIL 'i ARL ;COI f