HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-7-27, Page 51
�ritthr. four x ia. g surfaces gather up almost! �,$ tui T.
§:.0 r oheat and send it through your comfortable invasion of the Cossack Detach.-
ments: Brings Consternation.
4111[VaRussian Cavalry Bas Passed
Through the Carpathians with
Drop :in some time soon and hear about McClary's
special installation service that gets out of every ton of
coal all the heat there is in it.
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
Dr. W. Seheollig, wife :n'i fannies'
Die:KSON * CARLING, BARRISTERS,; of Detrort, Mich, visited w'te. t..,. r
soeclrors. Rotaries, Conveyancers, Com- re; ` v- in this vicinity,
d:astoilers Sol`eti?ors for the adolsoitej ; I•- '-::1 Mrs. J. C. Ka balelscl:.isit
Bank. etc.
,ore to Loatat lows* e
nta: s
Ortieee-Blain-St,.1^ xeter
I. R. Carlini;. flee. tag I . DfeKaon
We ;Nave a laxge amount of private
rands to loan •r, ;aril .end y:Ilage Qrgp-
er::es at low rates ,at lntearoet.
Bair: eters. tors TOFU to'
Dr. 3 F RQf'L.STO`. L.D.$.. D.D.S.
1) NT1S1'
memos- ot •‘ t• F..,- iJ s. of °marts) a+.Q
Kuno- t'=iron a I;niverst!y.
cltt:ce--Over (3'n,I.,, t f ! t e'a •aw
Dawe. Closed wed '1 tt
l F.taT: ST
OR. A R. t:I^J•"•
Honor .Gradua'• .' Tartest: t vs ratty
ee-ti extracted -r.ouy p. ,t: 1,:y
Dad c'fer:s. OLf;ct oven
Btanbury's Ot'r:ve, Mai:. S.. et Reimer.,
VALUATOR for Counties of i iuron
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt lararerooms, next door to
Centra Hotel, ),fain Street,. Exeter.
Chargee moderate and satisfaction is
The sole head of a family, or any
male over 18 years old. "may home-
stead a quarter -section of available
Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan or Alberta. Applicant mustap-
pear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis-
• trice Entry by proxy may be made
at any Dominion Lands Agency (but
not Sub -Agency), on certain condi-
Duties -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the lad in each of
three years. A homesteader may five
within nine miles of his homestead on
a farm ot as least 80 acres, on cer-
tadn conditions. A habitablehouse is
required except where residence is
performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteaderin
good standing may pre-empt a quar-
ter -ser ,on alongside his homestead.
Price $3.00 en acre.
Duties -Six months residence in
each of three years after earning home
stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul-
tivation. Pre-emption patent may .he
obtained as soon as homestead patent,
en certain conditions.
A ;settler: who has exhausted his
homestead tight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3.00 ,per acre. Duties -Must re-
side, six months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 acres" and erect a
'house worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony Land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
Deputy of the Minister ot the Interior
N,B.-Unauthorized publication of
this advertisement will not be paid
for. -64388.
.v"i'J`rZ�. OIRT.r`-
Our graduates are placed in posi-
tions ?n ' 3 months we. received 219
applications "for trained help, Write
Its 'at °need for our free catalogue.
' D. A. McLachia.n, Principal
Attractive Trips
Muskoka Lakes Lake of Hays
Georgian Bay , Algonquin Park
French. River Ka'twartlla Lakes
'A• Iagalvetawan. _River
Mattagami, etc,
Roarid trip tourist ticketts now on
sale from certain stations in On-
talrio at very low rates;; with
liber l stop -overs.
Leave Toronto 12,01. :p. m. daily ex-
cept Sunday, and 2.05 a. m. daily '.tor
Muskoka Wharf. Connections are
made at ,Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka
Lakes, Leave ` Toronto at 10.15' a, M.
daily except Sunday, and 2.05 daily.
for Iluntsvele, for points on Lake of
Bays. Equi,pment the finest.
N. J. DORE, Exeter,
relati' es in Detroit
ere and :lits. Charles l.,;F;etei n i„
-ors.uiny with the tatter's sister tilts,
elinin from Bowling Green, Ohio,
motored over with their ear and spent
.t week visiting 1Ir. and 'Airs. Moses
C elessre Roy M. Geiger and Alvin
Surerus h:,ve left for Toronto, where
they will join the signalling cops.
Mr.:ttt(l Mrs. Jacob Smith, of De-
troit are t cit ne relatives here.
'Al:. Il3*risea Becker, had charge
ese tee eeree W , In the Evangelical
.:atr'i* Su: day. The pastor Rev. F.
B. el ser fmnily are visiting et
Wmento t.
eleteae Well o 'Iontreal. vi:.it-
I n,:at::• Mr. a:1 l:r>. Ii:rm:in
} peoplt surfer the tortures of lame
it t usantlstifft'mtljoints because of
entre ies in the let hell, and each succeeding
seems more acute untilrbeumatisut
hits iusacled the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as int -
portant to improve your general health as
Ito purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil 1n Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish-
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and reemild your strength,
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every dap who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Piles, send me your address, and
I will tell von how to cure your-
self at home by the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others of
this offer. Write to -day to Mrs:
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor,,
palating Pilt'for women:•r$6 cilia or threefor
$10';Sgid,at:all DrugStores, ox:mtiiled'toany.
address on receipt of price.. Tie ScoszLL Da ro
Co'„ St Catharines, Ontario.
\Titality;for Nerverand Brain; fnoieases "grey
matter" ; a Tonle -will build you'up: $8 a box. or
two for $5 at drug stores; or bpamail on receipt
of prime, ScoaxLL DRUG Co., St. Catharines.
r •�
Ve . EXa;ii I- EON �- j .
Empiro Fed6rat c
lid Spectacle
1,200 Performers; 10 Mas$ed
Bands;- Bti ,tis of 60 Voices
Glg;'ious Pagaant symbolizing Im-
perial Solici,:.rity and Power
Mammoth Sc:yr.ic Reproduction of
the Briti e.. louses of Parlia-
ment, We;_,,rninster Abbey
and the War Office.
Scenes that have thrilled the Em-
pire Re-enacted by Overseas
Shells in Process of Manufacture
Immense Munitions Exhibit
Model- Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand
Grenade and Bomb Throwing,' De-
struction of Warships by Hidden
Mines, Bayonet Fighting, ..Federation
Year Fireworks, Complete New
vies A.z The King's
Government Exhibits, Superb Showing
of Live Stock and Agricultural
. 'Products, Acres of Manu-
Toronto,; Aug. 26 to Sept. 11
Population Fleeing in Terror --
Austro German Forces Have
Fallen Back in Disorder Across
the Lipa and Styr Rivers.
LONDON, July 25,---A despatch to
The Morning Post from Budapest,
dated July 15, says:
"Some Cossack detachments Slle-
ceeded in crossing into llttn ary
?Monday, creating a pante throughout
the frontier towns and vintages and
causing thousands of refugees to
swarm down on to the plains. The
.Russians penetrated about 30 miles
and then rapidly withdrew, dghting
continuously with detachments of
"Correspondents explain, the panic
of the populace by sayi}ig that a
dozen Cossacks . are Sufficient tQ
frighten and put to flight .a hundred
thousand women and ebf.Idren,"
The Teutonic army continues to
retire before the heavy ousiauglits
They have been dri;ii from, the new
positions occupied at Ueresteczlt
after the big push that hurled them
back at the Lipa. Petrograd ,reports
the enemy is'retreatiug in great dis-
order, and that Russian troops under
General Saltharoff have taken in two
days' fighting 300 officers and 12,-
000 teen, This brings the total num-
ber of Teutons made prisoners up to
20,000 since July 10.
On the right bank of the Styr,
south of its confluence with the
Lipa, the 13th Austrian Laudwehr
Regiment was cut off and surround
ed. It surrendered in its entirety.
Gen. Sakharoff's forces are now
firmly established across the Lipa
about 1a miles from, its junction
with the Styr, and are stili pressing
forward unebecked. This continued
advance of the Russians further im-
perils both Hovel and Lemberg,
Meantime, the Russians are ham-
mering away at the Teutonic lines in
aukowina, and in the Riga sector, in
the north. An important height en
the road from Delatyn to Maramaros-
Sziget has changed hands several
times. Petrograd reports it is now
held by the Russians.
Austria admits that under tho
menace of a heavy Russian, assault
the Austrians in the Carpathian re-
gion of Southern Bukowina south--
east of Tatarow have withdrawn to-
wards the main ridge of the Carpa-
A Petrograd special to The Daily
Telegraph says:
"Gen. Sltkhariff's success to the
west of Dubno, which resulted in the
occupation of Beresteczk, is said at
general staff headquarters to have
cost the enemy a third of his total
force in this part of the field, esti-
mated at 150,000 men. He is still
bringing up reinforcements, and his
resistance cannot be regarded as
finally. broken.
"In the great battle on the Lower
Drina, apparently the bulk of the
lighting Is on the extreme right, in
the immediate vicinity of Riga, and
the Russians have had certain suc-
cesses at one or two places.
"It is reported on good authority
that one place they got forward five
miles, apparently when they cap-
tured Kommern, and a private mes-
sage speaks o! an advance against
Tukkum. It is evident that the
enemy is making vigorous counter-
Fierce engagements have taken
place south of Riga, and Russian
troops have penetrated the German
first line at several points, says the
official statement issued by the War
Office Sunday night. In the Cau-
casus the forces of Grand Duke
Nicholas have occupied Ardasa,
about thirteen miles north-west of
Gumuskhaneh, on the Chit River.
A Petrograd despatch to The Tele-
graph says the Russians .have broken
the German line on a front of five
miles in the. Riga sector.
Von Hindenburg's line was consid-
ered the strongest on the whole east-
ern front, and that the R'resians
were able to break it is regarded as
most significant.
The bulk of the fighting is report-
ed on the extreme Russian right
wing, in the immediate vicinity of
the Baltic port. Despatches also
state that the Germans are `advancing
on Tukkum, west of Riga, indicating
that the Teutons are making desper-
ate counter-attacks.
An unofficial report from Petro-
grad declares that the armies of both
General Boshm-Ermolli and General
'von Bothmer havebeen outflanked
on the north and south, and the
Russians are on the point of enter-
ing the north-east corner of Galicia.
Military experts assert the position
of General von Bothmer's 'forces
such that he may soon be forced to
retire on' the front before Lemberg.
Further south, Russian troops
have fought their way to within four
miles of the summit of the Cal'path
ians. This advance indicates an in-
vasion of Hungary through Jablonit-
za Pass is near. Several clays ago
Mossacks were reported to have slip-
ped through the Carpathians at sev-
eral points into Hungary.
Greater Part of Poland Will be Freed
PETROGRAD, July -25,-General
Sakrharoff's brilliant stroke in forc-
ing the enemy back from the Lipa
and the Styr has placed the Austriaus
in the most dangerous predicament
of the war. Unless the Russians can
be held off from Lemberg and ICovel,
either by way of Vladimir-Volynski
or the Stokhod line, the Austrian
armies, worn out and depleted, .and
looking in vain for help from the
Germans, are doomed to an ignomin-
ious retreat over the whole face of
Galicia and into the shadow of the
great Carpathian wall, and the great -
e1' Fart of Poland will once more be
freed of German troops.
r Mark I-Ld.dgiins of Lncan . was
married on July 19th, to Miss. Annie
McDonald, of London. The, ceremony
was performed at the Memorial Ang-
lican. Church re'cttzry by Rev. R. W.
Norwood. M. A.
neld,Alelee f.
Misses gable and Gladys Ashtonof
London are visiting their relatives a-
round here this week. -Mr. and Mrs,
Georg. 1:Miiltson; spent Sunday with
friends in Lucan,-Pte Lorne Gun-
ning of llOth at., Camp Borden, •
sent Sunday at Mr. Albert Gunnin's
-Pte. Gorden Morley of Camp 13orden
spent Sunday here with his parents,
-Pat .McGee, who started to attend
school at Toronto at New Years from
here, has :uccessiully passed his En
terance exams, -Mr. and Mrs. Hector
11a sonspent Saturday in London. --
The ltcying is all finished ;;round
here and fail wheat all cut this week.
School -Report of S. S. No. 12, Us-
s.born , for June. It is based :.n .pun- ,
ctuclity r.gutarity, tests and general -
proti .n t•, the names being in order
of ipt pi"s percentage Entrance Class
Bert Duffield 66, Jas. ZE helihan 6.4,
Elsie Gunning 61. Sr, 4--G i)tit i ld
69 K. p�ao.l, 65-„, 11 Wne7iihzn fee n
Sr.5--L Da°' 65, W. Shipley,
jr. 3 EW Duffield 53. Sr. '-M. r
proms 6,, J. Duffield 6. E. -Dale I -
te J. \\Wienlima 52Jr 2 -el. fotaz-
to ; r-`, L. Ucplane tee L, elortey 62,
F. r o:ler 5'. :Sr :•..t 'neon 5.
jr, 1 11. i uile.n 70, V. 1-i t elwo ld es
J. Bron::, 04, R. I'ir{,w^spa tJtt, 0.
Da; 56. » Pt.-R.Duffield 51 Jr;
Pt. -:4. 13, Duiiield 03. D. Steven$on
59. Ila:;t s ll:llera fur month, M. Pail-.
en andG.. L)ufiield, 'dual. No. cn'
?..0; average ett::l.:ianee; le. -"t4.3.
St:,'l:n... father.
•Pt . Foal eln3:none t,.:tnih
cltxt : t
!vault: for a month as are
also the rareer ?,oz .-Mma
.an • 7 _.1 ,i'ifrom tittle *it' r
Se o e ` : t I ho .--M liotaerie
ani cla711;:i ,Vie, were "Sin =ay vis
!tore at is ergo %Iobi.iri Mr=. J
SC'1 Sun. h 11 t p'nt ) n&y
Wit r.. i „t . It �7--J€�.i a Hun,
r building the full Tor
Mi' SeiVee" Bro3l oo. o
f;ueef i i a, tate west Of Mrs, lar-
ah F tit d ,i, tnd fani.ly,-1l+ .> `. try
r home Iter.. ,
VAR N3 3. happy la tenttotek oi3�a
1t feta
home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys, on Tuesday
July 1Sth, at high noon,when thein
voungeat daughter, Elia alyttle was
united in marriage to John Thomas
McAsh a popular young merchant et
Varna. The ceremony was performed
by the RevJ. M. Keys, of Brigden
brother of the bride, and the Rev.
James Foots, cousin, of the groom.
cuN rox,-By the death of Mrs.
0. D. Gilchrist, which occurred on
July 19th, in her 91st year Clinton
loses one of its oldest and most high-
ly respected citizens She was born
in Argyleshire, Scotland, and came to
Canada in 1841. For 5Z years she was
a resident oa ;Clinton. Her husband
predeceased her 15 years
For Infants and Children
In Use ForOver3OYears
Always bears
Signature. of
Five Cents is
all you need pay
fbr the best and
purest soap in the world
Sunlight Soap.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity
of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to
make pure soap; but it costs YOU less
to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in
the clothes, as it does not wear and rub
the fabrics like conunon soaps do.
5c. a bar at all Grocers,
While three little boys were play-
ing' around a gasoline engine last week
got his arm struck by the revolving
one of them, a son of Councillor Pfaff
wheel causing a compound fracture at
the elbow, The bone was splintered
and protruded through the flesh. A
doctor ws at once, secured and the
fracture reduced, but it will be a long
time before the arm can be used.
Mrs. Drage returned troln
Hospita:, tQ I:r4 she Ila. L',^dere *eta an
oparateen with very b'nefieie °'alts.
One of the pioneer and r C: : t
' spe•:ted businzss men of-
lage. died Thursday, after a roe's: iii
trtiing, ilinees, in the person
A. \1t:Phersoat. He. had been i k .t
i long time, but was on tie: wee. re -
1 covery when the relapse cam: legit
cellar ,
are low
Prohibition will soon force you to stock your cellar -it will never pay you to have Wines and Liquors shipped
to you a bottle at the time. You'll be ordering "a case of this" and "a case of that" according to your
Order now and thus take advantage of our big effort to dispose of a quarter -million -dollar stock in two months.
Just to show you what we're doing -there's Dewar's Special that ordinarily sells for $1.50 a quart or $18.00
a case. Our quick -sale price is $12.00 per case.
In the list below will be found other items indicative of the fact that we are quoting extremely Iow. We are
Selling direct to the consumer at these wholesale prices:
Per Case
G. &, W. Special $9.75
G. & W. Ordinary. 7.50
Walker's Imperial Qts8.50
Walker's Club Qts 10,50
Walker's Rye Qts,,,,,, 7,25
Seagram's '83 Qts 9.00
Seagram's Star Qts 7.50
Seagram's White Wheat
Cats 8,50
by's Special Selected10,00
Sovereign Qts 8,00
National Qts 6,50
Per Gal,
G. & W, Special . , , . , 53.75
G. & W. Rye 2 year old2.50
G. & W. lye, 5 year old, 3.00
Walker's Imperial 3.73
Walker's Club. 4,S0
Sovereign Rye 3.50
Per Case
7 tackie's White Horse
Qts ,,513.50
Mackie's Laird o' Lag.
gam 20 year old 16.00
Hill Top Qts 13,00
Teacher's Highland
Cream Qts 12,50
Usher'sO,V.G Qts.,Wel-
low Label..,....,,. 13.00
Usher's Special.Reserve, •
White Label. 13.,50
Usher's Green Stripe Qts. 14.50
Per Case
Usher's G.O.H , Black
Label 15,00.
Usher's The Very Finest20.00
Dewar's Special Qts,
Yellow Label 12.00
Dewar's Blue Label Qts13.50
Dewar's Special Liqueur, 15,00
Dewar's Extra Special
Liqueur 17,00
Buchanan's Red Seal
Black &$12,50
White 14.00
Walker's Kilmarnock,
White Label 14,50
Walker's Kilmarnock,
Red Label 15.50
Walker's Kilmarnock,
Black Label 17.00
McCallunt's Perfection
Qts 14.00
King George IV. Top
Notch 13.00
hing William IV 18.50
Per Gal.
Hill, Thompson & Co.
& Co
(N) 6,50
Perfection 7,00
RUM Per Case
Burke's Jamaica Rum $13,00
Sherriff'e:Jamaica ' Bell" 12,00
Buccaneer Jamaica 11.00
If you prefer brands not mentioned in above List, we can
probably supply you atequally attractive prices,
Containers for Bulk Liquor will be charged as follows;
5 Gallon Keg, 81.25, 10 Gallon Keg, $1.50.
.'Gallon Jar, 75c, 6 GallonDemijolsni $1.00,.
Minimum quantity sold, is One Cast or 5 Gallon Lots,
Terms Net Cash, f,o,b„ Toronto,
Per Case
Jno. De Kuyper Imperial
Qts., 15 bottles.. , , .817.50
Van Ziegler Imperial
Qts„ 15 bottles 15.00
Coate's Plymouth 11.50
Gordon Dry Gin.-- , 10.50
Burnett's Dry Gin, , , , , 10,50
Booth's Old Tom 11.00
Ross' Irish Sloe Gin12,00
Per Gal.
Holland Ging London
Dry Gin, and Old Tont
Gin $4.50
t Per Case
Burke's Imperial Qts. , . $16.80
Burke's Ordinary Ole.., 12.00
Bushmill's Qts 13,00
Balbriggan Imperial Qts15.00
Balbriggan Ordinary Qts 11.00
Per Case
Hennessy One Star Qts..$17 , 00
Hennessy Two Star Qts.. 18.00
Hennessy Three Star Qts 19.00
Hennessy V.O. Qts..... 23.00
Martell One Star Qts... 17.00
Martel l Two Star Qts, , . 18.00
Martel 'Three Star Qts,. 19,00
MartellV.S,O.P 24,00
Jules Robin Qts ,14, 00
�► E
Per Case
Per Gal.
Brandy.. , .from $5.00 to $7.00
Sazerac Qts
La Rose Qts
Per Case
Convido 513.50
Commendador 16.00
Taylor's Tronco , 17 , 00
Magnifico 8,00
Priorato 9.00
Per Gal,
Port front $3.00 to 57,00
Per Case
Pando $15.00
Puerheerd's Emperador, 17.00
Fuerheerd'e Oloroso , . , 10.00
Magnifico , , , 8.00
Per Gal.
Sherry from $2,00 to 57,00
White Rock Qts., 50
bottles.. , ....... $7, 50
White Rock Pts., 100
bottles,, 10.50
White Rock'SSplits '(N.),
100 bottles 8,50
FOY, Limited
32-34 Front St. West, Toronto