The Exeter Advocate, 1916-7-20, Page 8r EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY to 9 55 60 W.heet 80 Barley - BBuckwheat Oats Peas Potatoes per bag Hay, per too Flour, per cwte family Flour, low grade, per 'cwt Seorte Brea per ton E.,egs -.Yeutter Creaaiery tutter ...... Hogs ee- et 95 EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY JULY 20 1816 watscwirvirletniroarxiiiNFVFNir LOCAL DOINGS. Mitchell has had five of her brave soldiers killed in the present war. Yes, it was hot and dry, and dusty and dirty and distressful in a. great iekeeketereekezeeeseeeteAkeekelle many ways. We have bad ;ust three Winghani hes a tax rate this year weeks without rain. It was a great •:of 33 mills ancl Clinton 31 mills. rime in haying, but tough bn the o 1 00 Me Joluz Gil:Wan of near Kirkton °ther zr°Ps* 3 00 JS 00 purehesed, :Vs Riehard Scott's farm ox Mr Ed. Treble has received an - 100 100 acres near Farquhar on Monday. other letter from his son. Leon, M 1 e5 The eclipse of the moon, nearly to- which be states that his foot has 76061 thy night. It was very clear and Ceiling every 28.00 tij, wan sen. by mane' here on Fri- been badly smashed, but he is re - care. He 'does not yet 25 dietinct. know whether bis injury will keep 25 Mrs. Mary A. Sanders is quite . ill agn IT°In gettizzg back to the front. ee. at her home on William street, and The Soldiers Aid Society has sent 10 60 being over eighty years of age her to the I.O.D.E., London 888 bos- -ezovery is doubtful. tal pals 288 compresses 380 gauze Nes. t L-oderizii ot Regina, 'Brodeeek here . • • Foster rad d -in Torcnto are %lilting at Mr. Jani.-..s klarid!erd'S .• VO .4rits bowers went to Sea-- iort% on 'Wednesday to take T?:•irt 141U1 tournament. P. B. Digr.411 and daughter tp, Ue- o Toronto ore spending, a week With re.fitiv,..1. here. M. :Dr..: Lindsay, who has been %vita her totht.q,-, Mr. A. Dow. te• lt We'drie.sday morning on her re- fiourney to Yorkton, Scsk, ed bher sister Miss Arna Dow, who ‘,-*.sLt j for afew %vets:. °v.v.; 7e1EN Young Mee o:!ere who are on able to erUst tor evereeete serviee cen eeve the.r King and Country by he:pingo Minton Work. Steady wort; to good men. Apple to THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE 8: T. CO,, Led,. Seeforth One Main Street Methodist ChursOi pur- pose bolding a Raspberry Social ^n the Chu:!) 1,...;Virn on the evening tot Friday. Jul!. 7.8th„ Tea served from 6 to AdmissiOn 25 CentS. Refresh- ments win be berved on the grounds ctreeheetra ateer.elanee, eeee SPECIAL .NOTICE.-3u4ie F...uromer Goods, beginning Thursday, 13th. take r:otiee .of Xrs. W. P. VeO'S edv. in tmether tma oeewo, Tbe Lad.es ot Coven Pres', hur intend holding o bazaar and resspherr festiva: ott the grounds Frlday, July nst a4 5 p Ref:ester:ems 15 :es. e Creeni eetrae .1.M.11,••••••• WT EV AT ONCE.,—Youngwo- men desiring crap.Pyrocnta owr. can find it by ,crp.iying at on:e to the laCkson .Manufa;turing Co. who has SVe.ra good pcsitnR va.-..,ant. The ITO:11s light,;..rtd C:f:411. the hours are ve,ry short and wages are paid while learning. Steady peke:owl and geed veages assured to renyone giving it a L. A,pply at on'e, JAk., Key N MANUFACTURiNG CO- EXETER. TEACHER WANTED For s Ne. 1, Sten, holding ist or ind .71eass ertificate. Duties to ,,orninen:e teter summer holidays. State salary. Wm. Bowden, R. R. No. CenteaNa Ont, •••••••••=.1••• Higheet :ash pel.e paid tor Eggs at H. Be'zInt.Oie E%ttET North H. Bit:Tang's, Exeter North, is the right place tor fresh ..trweries. Try Fauna 107. Goo,ls delivered. WOMAN WANTED.—At the Cen- tral Hotel. Exeter, a woman. to work two day a week. BI.:Ckeihee AT COST.—A whO:e ear load of ;McLaughlin and Brock- ville buegiee to be sold at cost price. Every buggy must go sure. I handle al kir' ids of M:Cormick Farm Maehinery and r epairs for same; also will 1.1%ve sto a :_re number of other gia;zes of sezoz1-hand ina..:Iiin- ery for sie. Repa:ring on all kinds of farm machinery promptly attended to, eseeeeeeee Massey -Harris machin- ery. ZeAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. 400 TO SALT -40) tons of line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. AB grade e $$.5.• per ten; 5ec. per bag. EXETE1. SALT el-.7ORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. --x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt :or sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is .zuaranteed. — ED. M.AGUIRE Exeter. FOR SALE -- A mint desirable residential prop- erty ssituate in one of the best resi- t dential parts of the Village of Exeter, This property consists of a lee story frame house -8 rooms with pantry and closets; a good summer kitchen and large 'woodshed; good well and cis- tern; a fine selection of fruit trees and sma I iruits, and a good stable. with iron roof. Any person desiring ' a tine reential property can ob- tain the a .ove on very satisfactory terms. For particulars apply to Issac R. Carling, Barrister &c. Exeter, Ont REMOVING THE CAUSE. Cbiroprae.ors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause of Appen- dicitis, Deefness, Asthma, Rheumat- ism. Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipa- tion Pi es Female Diseases, Stomach and Kline Troubles, Nervous Pros- tration and Goiter. See Dr. S. M. Jones, Mondlys, Wednesdays and Fri- days; Office Mrs. S. A. Harness' Ex- ete,', Hours 10 to 4. Examination Free. Notice The un-iersigned merchants have decided to t''ose their stores each week 'Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 o'clook during the summer mon- ths ,he ng the first week in july P. an on & Son, Centralia E. Co,wii. Centralia John McNaughton, E. A aVicKenzie, Clandehoye lVfirs. George Lewis, Clanclelecree, Trivitt :Memoriar...11 Sun- day Saa.o2 1l,7n.f,:, was :teld • to G'- -eoe. 1 eave at the Library, •as it is Bend on Titesdly, and Main Street 'very much needed for hospital work. Methodist church ii old theirsSent $50 to the Belgian Relief Fund, on Thursday also $50- to the French Relief Fund. Mr ,*.C.e2sen Stanlake of town has The followeng pupils of Mr. R.Phil- dis,poseed of his barn on Lake Roed eips L.A./3., late of Exeter, were to Mr. Isaac: Dunsfoed, end. the hriek suecessthd in Passing their exams. in or. the same prennseS to -.11r, James zonnectiori With the London College Dearing of Szephen. Mr. Dearing al- of Music, Erria.nd, held In Exeter,re- so purzhased two a.'res of and on Mis$Verna Whitlock gained hich the house stands from Mr. ;he Diploma of Associate Degree DartetOrd. (Piano playing and Theory, and now wLitt: „4;e,zries all. °wed to use theiettersi vetek .Mrs. Josh. Heywood of the rd atter her name, andquarng to eeoeeee,oe usbc€ree, was overcome b:c.,3113.?ss.• NC4rrtlflic.at:Nelsort:aerz alsaothgaanicrieedd 1;itslibteheciiihceacmaoliAnded taoshaecio%seeintnenocset calor grade, next to !Associate iht time sitt„,:e ugukz, the doc;:!..,toes .1,orna, He4ors, Miss Elva 'Ford, senior isglaimdprt:virnel.°11, h°w- 711:rcliNelii:r4;;;F'rj:‘;:esyt-s,4vil'Qtes:rmgtiraeolle°1;r:14./rnaiLtslressip:M*Nalilisnts". Farmers shouM we printed stn ..These pupils are to be complimented tionery just as well as business men."on their work. Try a small tot for a start ;,-incl 6ee z•Ziost4es. Anyone having old cotton how you like it. We'll give you 100 IY 1V et each t?r by the United States SOVEREIGN' BANK MATTERS. nate beads and 100 triyelopes. neat printed tor $Z.00; The payment - $3.01.4.os 500 ea ea,ch tor 14.00. Vt. e ..„0 ouc oil .Lhe old Ala,ska. -Northern et- capeinds, but we don't v Government of the final payment of auzeher k rezommend them. Railway disposes of the largest as- set isi the hands of theInte9ational Mr William Oke of Usborne r Assets Co. which is distributing the ently received a letter from his son, substance of the Snveretgn Bank, Ernest T. Oke, who was wounded at The first payment of $500,000. was the :roil: and is now in the hospital made in September, 1915. It will be in Loudon, Eng., and is, recovering remembered that :the SovereArt Bank nizely Shrapnel injured his left stopped 'business in 1907, going tech - shoulder and he does not expect to nieal.• into liquidation some years la tie abl,,e to :return to the front. In rer. The remaining largest asset VIMQ 13owever. it is thought, his re- the bank. the Chicago and .:$,Idwaukee, ;every wirl be ecinp:ete. !H'c% sh,.• put one over en us. hu: she the other day. That does no: mean rought 4 real :zinO,T1, Into the eta:4. spu,ating as to whether there will TS, A. Cottle heereled us a lemon"' a i'''' th°ughts should be disp_osed._of. this _summer, and the shareholders may commence B=1: should be out of indebtedness and by that time the ....., : lit4,7asntanined .grownSaunlein , ahogetheter c aver- aer: he anY 7etu'rn f0'' tbeim size, tree in, Their ,garden. The tree is MD b kept in doors in the winter. On the m„rso pit s of Toronto. n is vciiti tree this year there were five 'dem- ems all of good size. It is remarkable Helen Dignan has returned but ot course if this hot 'weather a visit In Lucan keeps up we may expect suchwon- derful things even this far north. Miss Airneda Coultis left ruesday to visit in Hamilton Mrs. John Wind of Crediton while fro' .-2.chno m an auto with a relattve on Mr Harzy Fuke a Parkhill is hot. hsurbeday last, about two and a half.dzing at hi home here. tnile north at town, was unfortunate Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. May returned in sustaining a painful gash in the from Muskoka on Monday. forehead over three Mats iong. While passing over a bad piece of Mrs. Ed. Bissett of Winnipeg is road Mrs. ‘Vmd Avas thrown up from here visiting with relatives, the seat until her head came in ,:on- Miss Reta Young of Seaforth vis - tat with one of thre bows of the top ie d friends here last week.. with the above result. It required severe: stitches to close the wound,:tIr. Prouse of Marlette, Mieh., is whizie was not deep but quite pain - visiting the Dearing families here. ftzl. Mrs Vanstone of Brantford is vis - What is estimated as voor three hills' Mrs, Amos for a short time. eundred eodars damages were incurr- Mrs j. Hoggarth and daughter oi Wednesday afternoon of last week, ' when lightning struck the wires ea .Mrs T. Houlden returned Clintoniorne the north of Lucan and ran into the .aiter spending a few days in C lo:al station on the high voliage wire. Miss Sarah Swe.et of Torento is eel in. the Hydro. sub stetion here -on Seafortn a -e visiting Mrs. Ed. Jones,. An automatic apparatus i.or jeis: such ..epen.em. a1ev holidays at herhome zi time failed to w ork and tne here. - got on fire. Smoke end flame burst Mr T. C.ciehrane and Mrs, H. \Ile • Murtrie oi Kippen visited Mrs. J.Jar- rote Mrs Win. Hockey. who has been visitine in London, returned last week Miss Olive Gould left on Tuesday morning to visit in Hamilton and Bearesvile Miss Glectis Hill, deaconess of To- ronto . visited with her cousin, Miss tele Baker. Mise Katie Collins returned to To- torito ,Tuesday, after a visit with friends here. Misses Connor of Woodstock vis- ited their grandfather Mr. Jas. Con- • nor last week. Mr Harry Baker and family Detroit motored here Saturday to spent a few days Mr. Jas. Sweet, Jr., after spending a week with his parents, returned to Rodney, Saturday. • Mr .and Mrs. 'Ericson of Rochester N. Y.. are visiting at the home of Mrs. W, G. Bissett. out ui the budding and the tire alarm was sounded, but nothing email be done, and when able to go inside Mr Doerr made temporary repairs, so th t th 1,ower was on as usual in three or tour hours. R. G Seldon's rink of bowlers, con- sisting W, D. Clarke, J. A. Stew- art W. W. Taman and R. G. Seidon just missed getting in he money on July 12th et St. Thomas. I was .1, four game tourney to qualify for four eets of prizes in the finals. The Exeter rink won their first three games and with two .ends to play were seven points up in the fourth game, when the aeroplane went up • rind the unexpected happened, their opponent, Thrower of the Asylum Club, London, making a 3 and a 6'1 ,winning the game, . Sixteen. Exeter bowlers went to Hensel on Friday night to return their visit, and mixed up with the bowlers of Hensel, playing as they ,played here one week befgre, and as they .hope to play here again on Fri- day might of this week, when it is desired that all the Exeter bowlers will turn up, and Hensall will send as many men as possible. Eight rinks engaged in the play at Hensall, Skip Tassmore's rink 'winning first prize, Coin Purses, and Skip Whiteside's rink getting second money, Jack Knives. All had an excellent time. Folilowing are the reSults,— Rivers, Hardie, Dejean, Passmore, won 3, lost 10, plus 9. Grassic, Rowe; Fuke, Whitesidea, won 2, lost 1, plus 11 Rev. Trumper, Fritz, Christie, and Taman, Won 2, lost 1, plus 5. Mav Rai Farquhar and Clarke, . won. 2lost 1 plus 3. ' McMurtrie, .Sharpe, Rennie, Bush, won 1, lost 2, Om 3. Drysdale. Eilber, McLaren, McDon- ell, won 1, lost 2, minus 5. Delbridge, Casei Wilson, Creech, won 1,• lost .2, ranus 11. • Harness, McDonald, Spackman Snell won. 0, lost -3,. minus 15 • As will 'be seen five Hensall men and three Exeter men got in the money. HICKS' ON WEATHER.— Storms of wind, rain and thunder will fol- low an easterly course across the country during the alst to 23rd with the usnal weather that goes before, during and after storms. We may ex- pect more fair weather than stormy weath er, -A great increase of warmth will come through the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th al culminating on thle 29ih in a maximum heat wave, An annular of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Handford re- turned Friday from a visit with their son Thomas, in Dousman, Wis. Mrs. Wm. Yager, who has beenhere here visiting with Mrs. Yager, return- ed Monday from a visit in Stratford. Miss Winnie Howard, teacher of Edmonton, arrived home last week to spend the Summer holidays with rel- atives. Mrs. Ross and little daughter, and ,Mrs. Hernam of Montreal spent Thurs clay here, the guest of Mrs.. B. W. F. Be,avers, Mr N. J. Dore attended a meeting of Railway men in London Friday. Mrs Dore and some friends motored down with him. Mr. and Mrs. James Wanless and two daughters after a visit with Mr, and ;Mrs. L. Hardy, returned to Du- luth last week. Mr. John A. Ford of Detroit, wife and two children, who have been vis- iting relatives here for two weeks, returped on ,Saturday last Mias Gladys Ford left Tuesday to resume her duties as nurse in the Sarn' t Hospital, Mrs. Ford having ac- companied her as far as London. Mrs Henry Hooper and daughter Ruth left Saturday 'evening tor Char.. levaix, Mich., where they will spend several weeks with the former's bro- Mrs J. W. Duncan and children of Lorido,2 returned to their home after visiting the former's sister, Mrs. E, Rovnliffe of. town. Miss Verde Row - eclipse oi the von is due on the 29th 4cIiUe went with them to spend a but is not b...e here, • holiday. • • PFTONP O. R2 98c. WEEK MAY • 98c. WEEK ONE 98 C. WEEK For one week we will put on a Special 98c sale. You will find any article marked 98c. a Bargain. HOUSE DRESSES 98 CTS. A nice range of colors to clear at 98 cents each. WHITE WAISTS 98 CTS. A swell lot of Fancy White Wa;sts 98 cents each. .MIDDY BLOUSES 98 CTS. $1.25 White or Tan S Sport Mid- dies for 98c. each. Hand BAGS 98 CENTS Real nice Black or Colored Leather or Kid 98 cents each. CHILDREN'S DRESSES 98 CTS. Nice White 'Dresses and Pretty col- ored Dresses 98c, 'each: UNDERSKIRTS 98c White Pink or Black Real good value at 98c. each. BOYS' WASH SUITS 98c, Oliver Twist or Buster Style, Combination colors 98c. each. PARASOLS 98c. A real live $1.50 value Parasol to clear at 9. Welrk MEN'S STRAW HATS 98 CTS. 3 MEN'S SOX 98c, This Sea$On'S Style—some Beauties 3 pairs Black Cashmere Sox —98c. for 98 cents each. 3 pair Wool Sox 98e. 98c. TRIMMED HATS 98c, EACH. Clearing Sale of Summer Dress Goods ALL SUMMER VOILES, MUSLINS BATISTES AND CREPES TO BE CLEARED OUT AT SWE EPING REDUGTIONS. 40c. VOILES 29c. YARD A beautiful dispirsy Of Fancy Figur- ed Voiles, regular 40c. for 29c. yard. BETISTE 6 YARDS FOR $1,00 The best goods for the money on market. Real dainty colors and a big variety to choost; from, 6 yttrds for $1.00 25c. MUSDINS 19c YD. 10 Different patterns of Muslins and Linenettes. Swell colors at 19c. A YARD • CURTAIN NETS All the go tliIs yeas for Window Drapery. They come In White, Crean or Plaris,'40d., 25c. up 10 $1 a yard. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E.Sanfovd Clothing implopoo.410.0,-40-0P-01-40-40-41.--40--.....•-43.--410-010-00•-40-40-49w•00-441 Buy the Mgr Hotpoint Snits lor Lin BEFORE BUYING ELECTRIC- AL APPLIANCES OF ANY KIND Give us a Call. WHEN BUYING ELECTRIC IR- ON BE SURE IT IS A Standard Hotpoint WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO DELIVER ANY MAKE OF IRON TO YOU FOR TRIAL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART TO PURCHASE W. J. BEER EXETER PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA , TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Summer Fashions are now here and combine. in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to present so early in the seaso�t so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the. most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. MARRIAGE LIGENSES ISSUED 1 be C H Sandees at theAdeltate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no\witness Exeter Bargain StotO. July Bargains LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE 10 CENTS 'A PAIR, LADIES' BLACK- LISLE HOSE 25c. TO 40 c A PAIN, CHILDREN'S TAN HOSE 10c. A PAIR, . . SAMPLE HANDKERCHIEFS, CENTS TO 50 CENTS .nACk BOY'S BRACES 10 CENTS A. PAIR.. MEN'S „FINE' SHIRTS 75 CENTS EACH • MEN'S SOX, BELTS, TIES. • . . • CLEARING LINE OF SHOES AT $1,00 AND $1.50 . PER PAIR. EXTRA VALUE IN MEN'S SUITS, B. W. F. Beavers Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRE,GTOR AND "FURNrTURE DEAPER Mode 20a. • Tea & Coffee. Store For the choicest groeeries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Meats Cured Meats Always on Hand. Fred Robinson ButhhIET Phone 103