HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-7-20, Page 5A WORD FOR MOTHERS
a grave mistake for mothertsto ne--
1eet the= eei*s and pains and -suffer rn
eaeace—this only leads to chronic sick -
mkt and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring.; if your uexwes are
exzitable; if you feel languid, Weary or
depressed, ,yon; shotdd know thatScott's
8alulsion overcomes just such conithkrns.
It possesses in concentrated farm the
very eleweits to invigorate the bloat},
strengthen the tissues, nourish tbe•nerves
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thou ds of
mothers --and will help you. O t,.
Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont,
Soltcltors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com
m:aonere. Solicleora for tk�;e So1IQne
sank% etc.
money to Loan at lowest rates orinterr•t
Offices—Main-St„ Exeter
t. R. Cerlsng, B.A. L. H. Dickson
Wa lave a large amount or private
furde to Doan on tarns and wrSllage prop-
ereee at 4ow rates or interest.
Pair:stern. Solicitors. plseter.
Dr. R. r. Row. -,STAN. t..D.S.. P,P.a.
gomber of the R,O.D.S. oC Ontario ori
Honor *.araauatir mr Toronto t r¢tverslty.
Office --Over Diciteton & Carlirtg'a law
eines, Closed We4nesday afternoons.
lienor Praduate o* Toronto Universit7
Beth extracted without pain, or any
orad streets. orrice over +Madman it
Stantitwrra Orrice. iatn Street. Elxetea'..
VALUATOR for Counties of l iuron
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Coekshutt Warerooms, next 41001' to
Centra; Hotel, 11a111 Street, Exeter,
Charges moderate and satisfaction is
The uoie head of a family, or any
name over 18 years old, "may iaorne-
stea d a quarter -section of available
Dominion, land in :Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap-
pin person V the Dominion. Lands
.Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry by proxy may be made
at any Dominion Lands Agency (but
not Sub -Agency), on certain condi-
Duties --Six months residence upon.
and cultivation of the land in each of
three: years. A homesteader may live
within nine miles of his homestead on
a farm et ar least 80 acres, ox ser -
W n conditions. A habitablehouse is
required except where residence is
performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a, homesteaderin
goof standing may pre-empt a quar-
ter -section alongside his homestead,
Price. 53.00 an acre.
Duties—Sia months residence in
each of three years after earning home
stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul-
tivation. Pre-emption patent may be
obtained as soon as homestead patent,
on certain conditions.
'A settler who has exhausted his
homestead right may take a purchas-
ed hwrnestead in certain districts.
Pric: $3.00 ,per acre. Duties—Must re-
side six months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a
house, worth 5300.
The. area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
Deputy of the a;nister of the Interior
N.B.-:Unauthorized publication of
this advertisement will not be paid
€or. -64388.
0 /x/11.
if you take a course with us. The
ieman.d upon us for trained help ; is
nany times the number graduating.
Students are entering each week.. You
nary enter at any time. Write • - at
ince for our free catalogue of Coin-,.
nercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De-
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
eulating Pill'for Women. $6 a box or threefor
p1O. Sold, at al's Drug Stores. or mailed to any
address on receipt of price... Tita .ScOBELI. Dano-
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
,,itality;for Nerveand Brain; increases "grey
natter" ;a Tonic --will built: you up. 43 a box, or
wo for 46, at drug stores, or by -mail on receipt
)f price.- Tis Scossnr, Dave Co., St. Catharines.
• Attractive Trips •
Muskoka Lakes Lake ,of Bays •
Georgian Bay Algonquin Park
French River I(awartha Lakes
¥agarne tawan River.
Temagami, etc.
Round trip tourist ticketts now on
sate .from certain stations in On'
tario at very low rates,with
stop --overs.-
Leave Toronto 12.01 •p, m. daiily ex-
cept Sunday, and 2:05 a. in, daily for
Muskoka. Wharf: 'Connections are
made. at Muskoka Wharf For Muskoka
• Lakes. Leave ett:onto at :10.15 a. m:
daily except Sunday, and•'2.05 daily
for 1-luastsville °for ¢dints an Lake of
13aks:7 Equbiiiefft the"'finest.'`.'
j L U.RE, Exeter
widow of the late A.da.•al Holmes, died.
on July 11th, after a; short illness.
She. twias 26 years pf age, and Isl sttr-
lived lay four young children. Her
husband was killed in a railway ac-
cident at Fort William last Christmas
while on his way home from the
SEAFOR'TH—We regret to record
the death which took place at the
residence of her father on ),Monday,
July 10 of Jessie Louise 'hell daugh-
ter of .ler. R. P. Be11} at the early age
of 28 years, 8 months, 11 days. The
deceased was married five years ago
to Percy Taylor of Walton.
STAFFA—:hiss '_lfargaret Miller pas-
sed away at the lone of her brother
Mr. John Miller of Staffs, after a
comparatively short illness. rhe late
Miss Miller was born and seared in
/fibbed township and spent practical-
ly all her life there. She was one of
a large family, three having predec
eased her and four brothers and tour
sisters remain.
For Ir Sts +
itt Use F -ora
Always bears
Signature of
Joe Case snit, nvife; of �'p fte are
visiting here:—,' !r. , We, Ger( of Port
Huron is visiting „dr, and ?lixs'. M c-
Murtrie..—.. 1rs, 1,4cLeod of Detroit is
visiting her sister t�Trs, R. Bonthton.
-Chas. Cook and daughter Evelyn of
Chicago are visiting the fornne 's mo -
they. Mrs. H, Cook: Jaapaed Logart and
wife of Windsor are vislt.hig themo-
ther of We, latter, Airs. Jos H'tidsoxi
—1liss A. Consitt, Rev; Knight and
family attended the Summer School
at St. Thomas last week`.—STrs. Jas.
Simpson has disposed of Bier reSldence
and jots to Rolf'ert Canpbell of the
Bronson lame 'for $2800,-:M1: , Rano.
has returned from Detroit where
she has Iieen yisitrag. . T>S. Fran
Graham Lias received the gad intelli-
gence that her ]iroilier Robert
son was killed in action on i11�13th
of June.—Dr, S'ellery of Toronto has
so far re oyered from 'lies serious ill-
ness as 'to 13e mile to xesurxie his
dental atraetice„
A large eatriioy of su!Diiitric acid
hetng sb!pped from :.'onto:: to Isaac
Jarrott of Zurich exploded at the G.
T. R. statin herd last Wednesday,
atter having 15een tagen out of the car
and pitied platfornf, causing
painful IattrnS tQ three ,ken. Conduct-
or W. Diluent was l.iurned aliont the
feet and legs, Clark Siath, no of.
Rev. Smith of H'ezisall, burned about
the body aacl , ;bS. Qry ,1 T.w%tcbeJ,.
station ersrploye litlr'x ed aifbut body
S and rn15„ Xatty otll•rs had
passed near the glass carboy whichto costs. The jury's verdict was for
contained many gallons of the acid. ( $50 and the court 1i s ordered -that
All of those rnjured are `improving. 'the plaintiff is ,entitled to costs on
„the Division, *Corot Scale, without the
right of set off by the defendant.
:.Miss E Heideman, left for Detroit
alter a visit with her parents here,—
Owing to ill health, AL.. D, S. Faust
the obliging had efficient secretary -
treasurer xst the Zurich Agri uttiral
u Society, for the cast 41 years, h.as
been compelled tri ,resign. -The death
To, Preserve Fruit Without Sugar.
The Recipe..The fruit is prepared in
the ordinary way, the jars are clean-
ed and scalded while the .rubbers and
tops cre bailing. The fruit is then
Placed in the jars, in which COLD
water is placed, When the jars have
been sealed air -tight they are placed
in a boiler filled .with cold wwa.e t^ i
brought to tits h4ilinf Plain., i'z :.'.s
Will do if removed wit ra the boiling
point is reached, while large fruits,
such as Breaches, cherries; plums r,n,i
agrieots, should get 2f? to 39 n:nu'.es
boiling. Keep cover of wash boiler
on tight.
took dace at the home of Mr. and .
a,Mrs Jacob Schwartzentruber of their No W ing, d i g or breams et a ce tfc of heat—
the tri is to ul . bye Um - piece fire -pot which
S o cing i' clog.
yoet;ngest slaughter, Leah after an ill
-ties of tem days, at the gage of 1
year, 11 months and 27 days.— John
Decker has ti sow that gave birth
to a pig with only threw legs. — A
Quiet wedding wasterformedin De-
t most oh July >th, When Miss Ida
Sipple, formerly of Zurich, was mar -
1 ried to Mas G, Feldrappe of • Ply
I naoutb Wfs,-. 4iisg Laura Steffens of
,Detroit visite ti her friend Miss Ens -aa
ii Heider ati.—errs. 3,1cWatt rs and a ;daughter Vera Of Detroit .?...17e .lsn ing
he I 'esprerlel-MisG ud:w1a
Smite; and ale Snaith of Detroit
a ar; vNtiag friends and re ati. s
.Word Inas hien received Isere of
Mlle death of Yrs, Nicholas De siert
t ;
toGii r �,be 3 at Grand Forks,N.D
—Ir .tha ease of Dual Man ss. D :kern
nc.tfor for damages arising out ox
nth caIIt eifsaiastflan, order been ad
Let s o. the 5I199` fog .is of the Sunshine
�b e'�e
r coon m ns. �t� which a for xt is noted.
d by T. Fiawkans & Son
• •w^
The Reputation of the Maxwell
!‘HAT is the bore and stroke of your motor," was asked a Maxwell
owner not long ago.
"I don't know," he replied simply, "I don't buy cars on figures any;
(more. I buy them on what they've done."
For this man, and for many others like him, it was enough that. during
the thirteen strenuous years the Maxwell record for performance, reliability
4and economy had swept it to the front.
Figures—engine speed figures, horse -power figures, wheel -base
gigures—they meant nothing to him. The name "Maxwell" carried more
weight than all the technical description that could be offered.
Maxwell cars have achieved this great good will and this priceless
,Position with the public only by their unequalled record of things done.
caWhat is said of an automobile in its specifications is one matter. What the
r actually does in the hands of owners, year after year, is another matter.
The Maxwell car has won its position through sheer merit. It has set.
secord after record in competition with cars of all prices and classes.
Everything considered, the Maxwell is the safe investment. It is a i
{known, tried and proved product. It will serve you as it is serving and has
served countless others.
Let us arrange for a demonstration today. You will be under no
obligation. We want to give you a chance to convince yourself.
Touring Car $850 Roadster $830
Completely Equipp4
W. E. OES w ]ICK B
Agent and Dealer
A. W. MORLOCK, Mechanic
Crediton, Ontario.