The Exeter Advocate, 1916-7-6, Page 4C111.11dren Cry for Fletcher's
's'i%..."+'x"4` �°'4: +� , x•wtit.�4 a',•►v"��i.`"+4.`��' `': t�1..,F.-+.+::^»s"4` � w'1:.�:aaa.,��..ti V'�`1 ''k-::,.;a.��=Ra�:
Tido I 'ttni ose rave Ake\ yte- Doreent, ^i i 1. l
11a has been.
s R.�
to nee nee, 07."`'.7. t") y e ,ts, has ({
bornefeteTsit signature et
Anti b y. b;'c1 .11.1tio 114er Ida peri.
�'.x�, .• L $on^.,I sr e_' un since its infancy'.
4 Allow oto one tet deceive youinthis.
All (-::t, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
X'a:perinte ,t, .._tate trifle; vsittt and endanger tbe health of
iiu nuts and &i:3ldren; Experience against Experiment,
Castorii;t is a harmless substitute for Castor 011,, Pare-
guru, drops zuu1 Soothint, Syrups. rups. Zt is pleasant.. It
eorataains neither Ople na,. Morphine nor other:Narcotic
substance. Its age is its
ntee. It destroys Wo
and :7° es Feverishness. te�� .f. ore than. thirty ryzcars it
hes ' n In constant use fear relief of Constipation,
1'laat 4e• icy, Wind Coin', all Teething Traublee and;
i el arrinea. It regulates the Stomach anti $oweelee
aeei¢eail:ttett the I'u(Hd, f lvlttg Dat a1t;t4 MIA natural eieei►.
The ennildrO 's Pannone -de he ntnetaker's Friend,.
Bears the Signature o .
Use For Over 30 Years
Tale Kind You Have Always Bought
tete inn tk t, neer ii, Troll: B
S: t ; r p ior'. Price.—In esle•a'r et $I i
per yee; ,n Cerada; $1 .5-1 in I :tell
Steen 1: not pail in ativen. a the
etre a is net, more Per y eer
DA ,
-1> LY 6,110
The first tui July was as usual one
o, the finest and the crowd about ae
lierwe as in the ,past, and all apparent
ly :eel a good time. Two goon t;antes
of baseball were played with the Ford
t tm of London, the visitors winning
the first and losing the second. Lott,
of strawberries and cream of the best
kiml anti to finish trip the clay :i first
class Iratrieti•' "7onv=:rt, 'The proceeds
of d'e afternoon amounted to alteu::
$1.75 eat in the evening this `wine •
gathered in nearly $10.
Mr and Mrs. Oliver of St. Marys
were the guests of Mr. an 1 Mr; C
Turner over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks and fam-
ily alitaed to Belgrave and • ,pent a
.roup:: flays with friends thea'.
Ere Cochrane, who has herrn sew-
iouay ee ie. now intprotine ne :.ay.
Mr. John Cnitvill want to Toronto
en.i:cy .critic a very fine carload of
cattle me the market.
Mr. D. O'Brien and family ',f St.
&ere, welted here over tlw I'o!iday.
Nit ;m1 Mrs. R. McFally',on
event the IneMay with Mr. a:t:1 eIrs. •
T. Wills.
;lit. W. t)"Rainey of London team:
u:1' an 1 spent the day with ;n: ttles
'nen I ]widen children of Lo viten
spent a tect days with Mr. ane es.
it iLend ford.
blre.- Kershaw of Hamiota, Man, is
vieitine her sister, Mrs. S. Deets and
Mrs W. Parsons.
Mr. Fred Fairha:l of Wennsor Was
home over the holiday.
Mr Fred and Winnie Essery of
Lon'io ' were 'Home over the holiday,
Caused by Disease of the Kidneys.
r The close connection which exists
between the heart and the kidneys is
well known nowadays. As soon as
kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is
increased and the heart functions are
attacked. When the kidneys no longer
pour forth waste, uremic poisoning
occurs and the person dies, and the
cause is often given as heart disease, or
disease of brain or lungs.
It is a good insurance against such a
risk to send 10 cents for a large trial
p'eckage of "Anuric" —the latest dis-
ct,verryy of Dr. Pierce. Also send a
sa rnple of your water. This will be
examined without charge by expert
el !mists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from
jbackache, frequent or scanty urine,
rheumatic pains here or there, or that
constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's
time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your
symptoms and ;et his medical opinion
without charge—absolutely free. This
e ennuric" of Doctor Pierce's is found
to be S7 times more active than lithia,
for it dissolves uric acid in the system
as hot water does. sugar.
Simply ask. for Dr. Pierce's Anuric
Tablets, 'Mere can be no imitation.
:Every package of teAnuric" is were to
be Dr. Pierce's. s. You will findtlre signa-
tare on the package just as you do on
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for blood and stomach.
WORRY, LESPQslirDR2it lr'.
Kidney Disease 1s suspected by medical
glen tehotr 1tatiotets complain of h ec:t:'ache
,or senor evitll irritguler. urination, tiffs-
tuibvd, too frequent, Scanty or painful
nte,ssaese Tire genets) I symptoms are rh :l
matee . ts.IITP4 or uetcrieliyitf, he eclat lne
dizzy eosin, irritability, despondency.
'wean' , ,incl trnearal' misery. Worry
is a ;peptone .f.:amet and ,aorn.'tianc:e a
sem etom of
kidney disease. Chouset
have t,rtizlttl to immediate reeler front
these eu et:ems ;alter,' using Dr. Pierce's
A t shionable June -Wedding was
so.emntzed on Wednesday, June ea,.
at 4 o'c:o::'-:, at the Zioaa Lutheran
Church, when Alma, second 'eldest
daugbtei of Mr and Mrs. Henry R3 -
der, was united in maariageelite
Edward F, \\ Inert, formerly of Dash-
woodt Rev. Graupner, pastor of the
church ,performed the • ceremony in
the ,presence of about seventy guests.
The bride looked charninee in a hand-
sotne gown of white silk crepe de
,:hone. with pearl 'trimmings and gui-
pure lace. She '.wore a tulle yen
caught with orange blossoms, and car-
ried white roses and sweet peas. Mss
Olive Rader, sister of the bride, act-
ed as br desmaid, wearing. pink geor-
etta crepe, with ?arae picture hat,
• carrse.l pink carnations. The groom
was supported by his brother, William
Tiernan of Stratford, The 'wedding
waren was .,p',ayed by Miss El€r:eda
Sehrieeeer orgunast of • the church.
The ushers were Addison Tiernan,
nephew of the groom, sand Frederick
Reeler, 'cousin of the bride. The
nur to ttat tastefully decorated with
}:-anee b:a soils and pink and white
pita t atter the ceremony a dain-
weidt.'.; tiinner w is served at nue
i r
f .1. r. 'a• i
'l zc. d. ie o
n arta
t o et were 'e o n s and white, with
e. ,.;:-te bell 'over the centre -of
e nh°e. The young, couple were
^I; the reefer=sass of • a great array
�...:�. einn;t.e wipe:, were severe,:'
wet. 'lir. e.ntl•
WW i. wr¢ wilt
ra �k:t t?3eiz future home in Detroit,
" »
ett eve, T'a ,, d.:'s tragi -
r1.1.. ten: enit,
ten. a number spent July 1st at
tenni a Beret.
die. A J. Brunner of Naperville is
elinnt :,': the home of Mr. G. (nes-
?.1a t lira Grateener returned Fri -
e rotes en. a guide I visit Stith
-tine and Munroe.
Mr an I Mr:.. irt:'aud awl Mr. and
'etre L Ire an'1 o± Stratford ,pent
Seeley se. tale,
=:a S;t7.0V4a. ani .I£mna Tiernan e$
: n'' Mr. WPI Tiernan of
senneord • attertee'i the -WI:len-Rader
a eft n last tree;:.
inettretter ant Mre Snider a~
h tele visite:" in town Sunday,
a^, P Fussoid a and family epent the
lee:i:latt in Ingersoll.
:I'• 1. Ze ler and lady friend of
♦ with
t ,e h�, cI visited Mr and Mrs
Henri , Nauselevenger Sundae.
Several, from her: attended' theraees
at Hensa;l on the ist.
:hiss L. l-iartleib. of Clarkson is
spending.the vacation at her home
Messrs. Herb Kraft and Ervine de-
Isaa-s of Detroit are, visiting here this
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sennitt, who have
spent the winter and part of the sum -
me: with the 1.atter's brother, Mr.
Wi'I Held, returned to London Tues-
Mrs Wm. Ehlers is visiting in Ber-
lin this week
Mrs. Rate. and Mrs. Battler of Shak-
espeare spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Gabel.
Mr John Hartleib returned to Lon-
don. :Monday, after spending a few
weeps at his home here.
School has closed for the summer
vaeation and the teachers have return-
ed to their respective homes.
Mrs, F. Henderson of London visit-
ed with Mr. and :Nies. F. Dearing
this week.
Mr. Sam Meyer of Berlin is spend-
ing his ewe:ation at his home. here.
Mins Cunningham of Merton spent
the h r ilay with Miss Cora Schroe-
Mr ::n 1 Mrs, S. Adams of Lindsay •
arca ' , t ne re'atives here at present
M -.:;n = Mrs. Ed. Nadiger spent the
heti 's: 'n Stratford.
:iii. Blau .I: Hartleib and Mn J.
Smith of London visited here over
Mr. and Mrs. C. Schroeder and Mr.
en•i Mrs. E. Otterbein spent the 1st,
in Strathroy.
Mrs. Henderson and family of Pres-
ton are visiting her parents, Mr. and
etre G. Nadiger.
• Mr ,I'arl Giaupner ofStratford
spent the holiday at his home here.
• Rena'ble information says that the
Brit ' =h navy has captured 91 Ger-
submairin:es up to May 1st.
:a•:::a 1n:a,eL�t,2r.,nd River-
-ills :i ne.�:- Cr dit. n hats played a
tri: ft.. WW a ine dap• evening. result -
.n ; ::e Lvo,r et R vereele, 19-6.
Mr, :eel Mee Join -.ion motored to
Verne, on St:turtlay. They were rte -
e teen:r,.n by -Mess Fennell. who has
returner.' to the city after visiting
't.n• for a few weeks.
Our Bong' furnished the music at.
R+ ten' on the let, ane also .t
tra t iattrry venal, in Dashwood .;n
Tuesday evening,
Our streets have been oiled this
t• eek It is more like living now.
teenattni and Mrs. Rate ot New Ham-
burg, Mr. aryl Mrs. Hallman of Re-',
gine and Mrs. Rev. McDonald of Kin -
titre eisite l iMr and Mrs. C. Zwicker
ewer the week en:l.
R... hailer prea,:hed his first ser-
mon Le the Methodist Church iast
Srrnlay. Ile made a very favorable
impreeeion. We welcome Rev. Bak-
er sail wife .aid family to our midst
:n't trust they .will be successful in
their re;v tient of labor.
Mr. anti Mrs. Dan Sweitzer of Al-
gonquin Park are visiting Mr. and Mrs
Christopher Eilber.
Mr. rani Mrs. Chas. D. Brown and
little r,:>n nl Detroit are t'isiting their
peewee, - in town.
Dee. Wein and Norman lio:tea:an
me tore.' here from Detroit.
flay in; ha r etunmen:•e1. 'The trap
is a good one. Wheat looks fine but
so. far the spring crops look none too
Sam Brown made a business trip
t•t Berlin on Saturday.
M1-. Hallman o t Regina lavore l the
inseert ration at the Methodist Church.
!an Sunday evening with two beauti-
te .roles. Mr. Hallman possesses a
vRaise of power and sweetness Sf tone
that made his selections a delight to
?'ext Sunday the annual children's
day festival of the Evangelical Sunday
school will be held. A. good program
has been prepared for the evening
whieh all should try to hear,
We notice Miss Lydia Oestreicher's
name among The successful pupils Who
rerentiy tried the Normal' Examinee -
ions• in 'Stratford. We extend our
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton of near
St. Marys spent the holiday with rel-
atives here.—Mr. Selves had a suc-
cessful jacking bee on Monday. No
accidents occurred—Miss Myrtle Ryck
man has returned from a visit with
re ttit es a: Hillsgreen.--Mr. :ind 141rs.
C. noon, Mrs. T. J. Berry and son
WPI son of Hensall spent Sunday at
John- Boston's, --Mr. Hugh Norris, Jr.,
of Statfa Robt, Norris of Davidson,
Sask., and sister of Seattle, Wash.,
cane i on re;atives on the Boundary
on Sunday.—John Glenn of Hensall
and Herb. Gcolfe low of Toronto vis-
ite'-i re'atives durin; the week.
Min Wren of Acton is the guest
of her sister, Mrs, 'Eyre.—Ira Cham-
ber' i- the ,proud possessor -of a t`;ne
ne,v Chevrolet car which he ,purchas-
ed from J. E. McDonell of Hensall.--
Miss Evelyn .1 -torten has' returned
..I'rorn Canfield, inheresle has been
teacbin'.-Mrs, Nellie `Mi ler has- re-
turned boine-andis fee ling somewhat
better Mr. Mooney a.ff- London tees
herr, entitle this week,—Miss Steele of
Seatarte •is the guest of Miss McLoy
—Itr1 'ti'B3rirn..rand .tamiiy- motored
=were from Stratford and spent the
The 'heat ort July 1st were lereely
anon le.l and interesting, and were
++art. ,r, to?It tvs,4lst: seete, Mack, own-
k.'.e, happen in strei *nt
he with T)arkey Meek; ownee by
I'' Iii, enlea, h, Zurich, second, ' and
taro.' ,o,Cne,l by N ,t' ellenean of
17as'srwr,o 1, third. 'The free -foe -al
a ,1ti
teen ti by Peach Bars, J,. Merner,
netiehe Capt. Green, H. Bossenberry
4::alt si Ai.F,cfa Ga' es 11;c \.leei.t
none,. tenet
:Mr ,Vincent Collins and ;Hiss Mary
Ott'tfreisds spaenk Degtroait f— ew Vr. tWeYemks, OF
held a very successful barn
sassing Thursday of hast week, --Jos.
Quern lost a very valuable mare SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.Y.O., LL.D.. D.C.L., President
JOHN' AIRO, General 1ltanaeer. 11.. V. F. JONES, An't General lltanorer
last week:—Master Benedict Regan
is improving • after his recent illness.
—lir Jos, Ine.Keever apesit Iasi week
at Detroit visiting friends.—Mr. Basil
Sullh'!an ;returned to Toronto this.
1seek rafter visiting two weeks at his
home near Khiva.,—Mr _elosser of
Berlin is $pending a few weeks with
his son Albert: --Word was deceived
here from France of the death of Pte
r d . Hall. l: Ie is the son of Patrick
tlsil, tormerly of this place, now of
Detroit, -Miss MaryxcDortald of Lon
don and brother Alex of Detroi,t.are
spending a few days at their home
near here.—Messrs. T. JF Hall end Jos;
Glavin attended the emcee in London
—Miss .Vary Houlihan of Ridgetown
ie visiting friends here. --The funeral
of the aslant son John of Mr. and Mrs
John Houlihan of the lith con. of
Stel,iren took place here on Thursday.
The little one contracted the measles
and eater pneumonia. Age 9 months.—
Miss, hate McCormick of Lon len is
vis`tnee her sister Mrs. john i\•alk. r.
—W1 e.; \
i Marjory Guinan lett Monday
IoRda .
for Guelph - to remain two months.—
Mrs. Cassi:ty and family of Detroit ere
near here.—John 'I:: Ginn'..s has
pure ..sea ba -Maes frons Geo. 'uttein
of teh pk? .a,ni tyil1 furnish :he people
of this district with muse~, --Mr. and
'Ire 1-r al, Coughlin and mother .p e 1t
net w +e' in Detroit. --Ml:. el:i i .'
(r ;a F:t t ietheen rewrite +1 :t` eer
home here to epeni the summer ha:i-
dats.—Theo Co;'ltns and cousin Mary
\k lsea_ of Detroit are visiting here.
Mist Lottie Galster, has returned :c
her home from Tilbury, where she has
been engaged for the past sea ora ,aa
n4 liner
Miss Ida Sippe!, of Detroit, Mich..
Pen a tee days lest week with friends
vent pretty wed 1::t; ewe eon
stice, e 1 at the Lutheran parsonage,
tet or Fridar', morning June.. rd,
a, n'e.o •k. When nir, Andrew 1
Hess wee united in the bonds o: t+eat-.
o •to1
*un n, Miss Marie Th .'o
i e ian 401
f;ta. titer of Mr, and Mrs.Henry Seen,
\la,, trope Hess, sister of the ;loam
:ted as 'bridesmaid, while Mr. Fred
Thiel,. brother of the bride support-
ed groom.
:lir tend Mrs. John Gascho are pend
ing a couple of weeks at the lett; is
intents, Mr. and Mrs. John t rein; r
Pigeon, Mich.
Alvin Sclrerus, of Oakville is spend -
in; his vacation at his home on the
Bronson Line,
Miss Miranda Brown. left on WW''ed•
nesday for her home in Elmira.
Mrs. F. S. Rickbe l end two children
of Cando N. D. a,re. visiting the term-
ers parents Mr. and Mrs. J. In Ri'ckbetl.
Mr. Roy M. Geiger lett on Wednes-
day for Toronto for two weeks, and
then he will join the Fiel clCorps at
CLANDEBOYE—The funeral of
Jos. Wilson was held from the fam-
ily residence to St. James' Church
'Monday afternoon. Mr. Wilson had
been in ;poor health for some months
He is survived by his wife and one
daughter, Ethel.
Miss Eva Belt of Detroit is visiting
at her home here.—Miss Myrtle Law-
son ot Crediton is the guest of Miss
Lottie Mellin.—Mr. and Mrs, Elmer
Mellin of Arkona are renewing ac-
c!uaimtances here.—Mrs. W. T. Ulans
Gordon. and Lillian, were in London
last Tuesday to see the 135th .receive
the colors.—Mrs. Marlton is quite ill
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.
Hickey—Coagratu'ations to Miss A.d-
ah McPherson and Miss Muriel Vallis,
%who have been successful in getting
their Normal certificates. -Mr. Sel-
bourne English was 'home over the
holiday,—The Teacher training Class
in the Methodist Sunday School have
com'p'eted the course and on Sunday,
June the 25th presented the 'teacher
Mrs. Thos. Fallis with an 'appreciative
address arsd a pretty pin, and a box of
stationery.—Miss W, Sweitzer, who
has taught in S. S. 14, McGililivray
for the ,past two years, has resigned
a:n:l ;eft for her home in Thorndale
Thursday. Before leaving she was
presented with a teacher's glass . desk
by the pupi'.s.—Nelson Hickey spent
the ho'iday in Detroit.—Mr, and Ifrs
eee, J; Brown visited the latter's fath-
er iu Kiekton last week,—Mer John
.Brown'oi' Clinton was• here last week
au'l on his return was accompanied by
Byron and Maud.—Mrs. J: Taxman is
vi dr ne relatives here, -Grace: church
S`S. pienticked at the Bend W cclnesdee
Mr .and Mrs; Carruthers of. London
s;i}ent ti 0 holiday with the laier's par
eat; lir .and Mrs. Lac hner.-Mrs.Ray
Richard, who has been r-isitin.e her
mother, returned to, her hoi ie ieLan-
sine Monday.—Misses Bertha. 'Eaynhain
]ere la. P:inA.beiner and Katie,' 1 r-
c:C o
mink of London spent the hodiday at
teen homes hese:—''\Ir, and Mrs, lent.
:vn:Kenzie and babe returned to •droit
'toms i:n WW'inclso,r \lonclaa Miss Ca-
' e tf:; (,.inner is Visltltli her cot'-
, :T. Goo eine',
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A General Banking Business Transacted
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Price Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
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A Seaforth, Ont., Home painted
..1tf dfk i„d�_.--'-.�•
with MartinSeaour "100% Pure" Paint
Unpainted wood means decay. Not to paint your house, means a
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When you take out our "100% Pure Policy", your house is insured
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means life insurance for your home. ' The genuine White Lead, Oxide
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100% Purf, . Paint [Hakes: protection sure. It spreads easily,
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space par gallon. We heve it in all colors for spring painting.
Cali and get a oopyof oar amusiniy,.baotc, "'rhe House
' That Jock Bunt",. it a full of pictures rbytnett and reason,
that you will enjoy as well as the ebilt,rcn. F.:to to all.
T u`i SVI & ii
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