HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-29, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY J'U'NE 29 EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat t,. SO to, 90 Baxley .,. 55 Buckwheat ............ 60 to 85 Oats 50 Peas ,....... 95 to 1 00 Potatoes per bag 2.00 to 2.25 Hay, ,per ton.,,..... K .. 18 00 Flour per cwt., fanny,.. 3 10 FIour, low grade, leer cwt 1 75 Shorts per ton ..,... 20.00 Bran lFer ton 26 00 Eg s ......... �4 Butt Creamery butter ......,,.... 32 Hogs per ewt 11.430 Miss Huston is visiting in Forest. TEACHER WANTED For S. S. No. 1, Stephen, holding lst or Zn i class certificate. Duties to ern/erne/lee after summer holidays. State sa ary. Wm. Bowden, R. R. No. 2 Cezttra:ia Ont. Highest cash price paid for Eggs at H. Bei/slime's, Exeter North. AUCTION SALE OF NEW BUG- GIES. --At the Centr :l Hotel Yards Exeter, on June 30th, commencing at 2 o'cio.:k 10 auto seat buggies; 5 second-hand buggies; 1 new Adam's awdgon 2 second-hand cultivators: Terms --three months on furnishing approved joint notes. --Robinson & Hawkins, proprietors. FARMERS' PROSPECTS, --in *many Districts are not good, with excess- ive :aims ,preventing seeding, etc. You da.14 learn good wages in various man- ufacturing trades—all branches — for young men and men. Help out fin- ances inances at borne. Help manly our sol- dxers with necessaryclothing, wale munitions, etc. Employment for whole families --.workers over 14 years old. Write Secretary Board of Trade itlespeler Oest STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. — A Strawberry Festival will be held un- der the auspices of the Ladies Guild of Trivitt Mfemoriai •Church on the church lawn. Friday evening, June lOth. Exeter orchestra will furnish music;. Admission and tea, 25e. BRACELET FOUND—In Exeter a Friendship Bracelet. Owner can have same by ;ailing at this office nw.1 ,haying ;or this notice. PONY OUTFIT FOR SALE.— in- cluding pony, buggy and harness, for cheap, Apply at this office SWAT THE FLY Swatters Sc. and IOc. Wire Fly Trwps 25c. Tanglefoot 5 for 10c. Get your supply here. POWELL'S The Home of Edison Phonographs —0 -- FRAME BARN FOR SALE. -40s 6Q-20 ftsiding; in first-class condi- tion. Good bargain for quick sale. Situated .13e miles from Exeter. Apply to Nelson Stanlake, Exeter. FLOWERS FOR SALE.—A11 kinds of ,Flowers, such as Geraniums, Fol- iage Canna etc., etc. also hanging bas kets and stands furnished and filled. Call or phone your orders. JOHN FORD, Exeter Cemetery. FOR SALE.—A ,cement tile plant complete in every part. Unlimited supply of gravel. Close to river. Ap- ply an premises, Lot 30, Con. 5, Us - borne. Mrs. S. Cudmare, Heatsall,. Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wes. Lamport wishes to "thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathies during the a.:ness and subsequent death of his wite. H. B erlutgs, Exeter North, th, is the right pace for fresh .,ro-eries. Try Phone lui. Goods de..vered. •400 THOtSAND PLANTS for SALE —Geranium, Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. Stocks •Verbena, Double and Single Petunz Salvia, Ageratum, Pans y Vince Dracena, Dusty Miller, Double and Single Gobelia, Canna, Foliage, Silver Leaf, six kinds of Tomatoes, Celery Cabbage; Hanging Baskets. L. DAY, Florist. WOMAN WANTED.—At the Cen- trat Hotel. Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. BUGGIES AT COST.—A whole car load of McLaughlin and Brock- ville, buggies to be sold at cost price, Every buggy must go sure. I hendIt all kinds of McCormick Faun Mach'n.ery and repairs for same; also will have in stock a large number of other makes 6f second-hand machin- ery for sale. Repaixing on all kinds` of farm machinery promptly attended to. espe :ially Hassey -Harris machin- ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter, x—o—x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of line Land an ? Cattle Salt for sale, All grades 51.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. —x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent qua ,a of Sarnia made salt for sale a* O.d Temperance House; at the, G T R station. Sold in any quant- ity. Yam. . patronage is solicited and satis.factior. is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. -- FARM FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres, excel- lent for pasture, for sale; possession next spring. Apply` at this office LOCAL DOINGS.. 4. ALA Mr. M. Fletcher has purchased a Maxwell car, The Weekly ;Mail 8 Empire has ceased ,publication Mr. David Ross has moved i;mtp Mr: Frank Gill's house on Elizabeth St. Mr. G. J. Dow shipped a car of fine heavy horses to Montreal Satur- day. Miss Vosper was in Dashwood last week presiding at the kntranee ex- aminations. Although we have had little sum- mer +weather yet, sthe days are be- ginning to shoiten, The genial John Quirk, ex -conduc- tor on the L„ 11. and 8.,, passed his 83rd birthday :on 'Saturday. Mr. Jas. Lawson oras disposed of his Ford auto to Revv. Rutherford of Benmiller, delivering it last week. North Huron, South Huron, Perth and Mliddlesex Orangemen have unit- ed for a big celebration at Clinton on July 12th. The Exeter bowlers ,who went to London last week to play an the Doubles did not succeed in qualify- ing as prize winners this year. The Bible is now being printed in j six hundred languages and dialects' and has been prepared for the blind in three systems of embossed letters The address and war pictures put on by Mous. G. Marcel Andre in the Opera House on Friday night were well worth a much larger attendance. The directors of the Exeter Agri- cultural Society met in the Central Hotel on Saturday and made all ar- rangements for the annual fall fair,. appointing officers etc. There are 38,000 auto licenses in Ontario, and many purchasers are un- able, to secure licenses at the present time, as the first supply made has run out. It does not look like bard times in, Ontario, Miss Florence "Vera Hunt, daughter of Mr. Edward Hunt of McMilop, a former resident of Exeter, was mar- ried on June 14th to Mr. Thos. W, McMillan. of the same township, They will continue to reside in McKillop. The Seaforth stews, commenting an Rev. Sharpe preaching in the Presby- terian Clsurcle in that town, says:— "This is the first time Mr. Sharpe bas occupied a Seaforth pulpit and wa hope it twill not be the last as his sermons were much appreciated." Miss Blanche Atkinson, who has been working in. London, was brought home to Exeter on Saturday, suffer- ing from rheumatism in her foot. She is confined to her home, Her bro- ther Mr. Owen Atkinson, and his wife. came up to Exeter with her: The Soldiers' Aid Society shipped to the IA.D.E., London, 113 towels, 12 sheets 312 .pads. There is anur- gent need for ;old cotton for hospital WO*. T3wnations of same will he gladly ,received. Kindly leave at the Library. Donations -- Mrs. W. G. Bissett $5; Mrs Jas. Creech, pr.socks Mrs. Fred itlay 3 pr. socks At the Liberal meeting in Hensall last week the following officers were elected for the riding for Dominion purposes,—Pres., H. Smith; 1st, Vice, D. O. McInnis; Znd, J. Fingland; 3rd; 1, Murdy; Sec., R. G. Seldon; Treas. Dr. Noir. The following were elect- ed for Provincial purposes, Pres., John Essery; 1st. Vice., J. Kellermann; 2nd Ro'bt McKay; 3rd L Thompson; Sec. T. Shillinglaw; Teeas., J. Preeter. John Pickelll, a. former resident of Exeter, died at his home in Bosan- quet out 1A'ednesda.y, June 21st, in ,. cke11 his 72nd year. The late Mr. It came here with the Suntherland-In- nes 'Co., and made his home here for several years. He moved from here to Forest and from there to Bosen- duet,. Besides 'his widow four sons and three daughters survive: Robert of Vientia; Wm. of Forest; Charles and Eritie at home; Mrs. Sam, Adair of Forest; iIrs. Dow of Detroit; Mrs. Surgaree of Paris; and Miss Nellie at home, - A htt'rse 'belonging to 'Mir. John Fahater of Stephen, and driven by his daughter, Miss Ida, made things live- ly on Huron street Thursday noon. It was ieft 'tied in front of Mn Herb Walters' residence when it evidently became frightened .n .t something and breaking the 'tie Jine ran away. In a frantic manner it tore down Huron street and continued the pace a long way out in Stephen., but finally stop- ped at John. Smith's on the 6th con- cession The shafts of the buggy :and the harness were somewhat brok- en but the horse was none; the worse for its run. Some of the +howlers are going to rondon to n tournament on July. 1st. Saturday next being July 1st, and apublic Rtolidey, the stores will be OP -en fox badness on Friday night. Mr. and Firs, ;George -_R.. Bedford announce the engagement of their daughter, Es-elyn, to Mr. Gordon C. Heywood of Usborne, the marriage to take plaice in July The .examination of the `• London Golleg,e of Music will .be held in the Exeter 'Centre on July Sth. Mr, R. Phillips, L,A,,B„ has a number of ad- vanced pupils trying at the same, one candidate trying for a Diploma degree qualifying to teach the piano, and the rest of them for high certificates Teenty-eight bowlers turned out on. •Afonday evening to engage in the President vs. Vice -President match, which resulted in favor of the former by thirteen shots. The game was a .little late in ,starting. It is desired to start ell games sharp at seven o'clock teach evening, and bottlers should govern themselves according- ly. "Don't delay the games." EXETER .PATRIOTIC LEAGU:h-- The regular monthly meeting will be held in the Library on Monday even- ing Ju'y 3rd, at half past seven. A box ,has been {sent to Miss Joan Arn- oldi Shoxncliffe, Eng„ containing 241 towele and 2 wash cloths, donated at Towel Shower for the Canadian S ol- diees at the (rent,—Mrs. W. J. Beer, Secretary. Mrs. George Bedford -slrent day in London. Mrs. Chas Gale of London iting her mother, Mrs. Piper. Russell Smith, we understand, in- tends going to London to work, Ma end Mrs. .Garner of London vnsited this week at Mr. E; Treble's. Mr Abe. Bagshaw was up from London a couple of days this week, Mr, Ed. Ewell of Windsor is vis- iting with relatives here and at Grand Bend. Miss Fenn and Aliss Mathews of St. MarYs spent Sunday ,with left-. and Mrs B, W F. Beavers, Mr, P. C. Lutz of San Francisco, Cal, visited his sister, Mrs. W. H. Moncur last weep. Mrs. Henderson of London is vis- iting Mrs, A. Davis, prior to going to Va.n outer, B,C. Mr. J. W. Powell was on an Edison',; dealers' trip to 'the factory at Or- ange, N. J., cast week Mrs. W. J Whits and Miss White of 'Ottawa. are visiting Mrs. Wickwire and Miss Tally White. Mr. and Mrs. May, Miss May, and Mrs. Thompson motored over from Mitchell Friday and spent the day. Mrs, .john Mallett and daughter Dorothy and Ms. E. Fanner of Stephen spent Tuesday in London Mrs. James Wanless and two daugh- ters of Duluth, Minn., are visiting Mr and Mrs, L Hardy fora few weeks Rev. McAlister and wife left Wed- nesday miming for Ridgetown, and Ret. Baird land family will arrive tins week. Mr and Mrs. 'Dan Schroeder of Stephen left Tuesday on avisit to'. Windsor, Detroit ttnd other Ameri- can cities. Mr. and Mrs B.W.F. Beavers and family spent Tuesday and Wednes- day with Mr: Beavers' mother at Berryland, Rev. and Mrs. Fear on their way from Teeswater to Wheatley, spent part of the week with their daugh- ter MIrs. W. tS. Howey. Mr. and Mrs John H Scott and Miss Scott, Miss Jean Murray and Mrs Beavers motored to Ingersoll and spent a couple days last week, Mr. A. H Weatin of the Bank of Commerce staff, Saskatoon, who is visiting his parents at Dashwood, gave the Advocate a pleasant call Friday. Mrs: J. C. W. Agneiw, with her daughter Margaret of Winnipeg, ar- rived friday to spend two or three 1 months with her parents, Reeve j. W. and Mrs. Taylor, Thurs- is vis - What Hicks. Says of July • Weather. =Oat and touching Sunday, the 2nd, to Tuesday the 4th, the barometer 'Will fall, beginning in western parts about the 2nd, and advancing pro- gressively eastward, bringing increas- ,ing • icloudiness, with 'crestless, threat - ,ening winds and high temperature.. Rain and thunder storms will break in many sections, at the center and ar- ouad'th:e flanks ,of storm areas. These storms will culminate in a crisis about the 3rd and 4th, passing eastward, Drizzling tains are ;very likely. The probabilities are that electrical storms may, increase to another crisis about .the 6th. Cooler will ,naturally follow. REMOVING THE CAUSE. Chiropractors have remarkable sic cess. in removing the cause of A,ppen- d citis, 'Deafness, Asthma, Rheumat- ism. Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipa- tion Pres Female Diseases, Stomach acid s a i n e . Troubles; Nervous , Pros- trate-ea rostra e -ea and Goiter. See Dr. S M. Jones, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fria days; Office Mrs. S. A. Harness' Erx- ter, Haute 10 to 4. Examination LONG CLOVER. -A. wonderful sample• of mammoth clover was hand- ed ;us this week. It was four and a half feet long -and was grown on the farm or Mr. R. D. ,Hunter, Usborne. ',This;' clover is said to be excellent fodder..but• ,at one time was condemn- ed as a weed. Judging from the root it must 'be' hard on the soil; Miss Jessie McCurdy of Usborne and Miss Lillie Ballantyne of Exeter left Wednesday morning on a trip to Fort William, 'taking the boat at Owen Sound. Miss Ballantyne will go on to Calgary Mrs. Will Miller, nee Nellie Har- ris, is ill 'o1 appendicitis at the home of Mr. C. H, Horsey Her three child ren and Frank Fitzgerald of Chisel - hunt and Mr. Scribner of Detroit called to see her during the week, Messrs Richard Welsh of Kalama- zoo, Mich., and John Welsh of Den- ver, Colorado, cousins of Mrs, Wesley 3, Bissett at Exeter, visited at her home here during the past week. These ,gentlemen were former resid- ents of Exetea-•.annd deft here for the States fifty-two years ago. The Matter, particularly, an tell many wonderful tales of life in the West - em States in the .old days of the gold rush aind the early ranching days, WANTED AT 'ONCE.—Young wa- ment desiring employment in town can find it by applying at once; to 'the Jackson ,Manufacturing Co., who has § ve jt good °;,positions' vacant. The, Work is liigh!t;aind clean, the hours are'' eery', short land wages are paid while alrrritzi4;.' Stead ,-position 'arid good wagers assured to anyone giving it a tris.!. Apply at once:, JACKSON Free. MANUFACTURING CO., EXETER, HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGST Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate, treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure codliver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. Yeu can get, it at any drug store. • Scott `& riowne, :Toronto,.Ont. Notice --- •JONES 84. MA`Y • PHONE NO, 32 • MILLINERY Q PRICE A big clearing sale of all Trimmed & Untrimmed Hats, Shapes & Flowers. This is a genuine sale as all lines must be cleared. out. Come and get a real bargain. Dainty Summer Goods FANCY .VOILVE 41l eolors £ Flowe cd Voiles. Beautiful patterns to choose from. IAlso striped 35c. and 40c. a yard. Makes n Stunning Ural. WHITE GOODS For Waists or Dresses. —White Gaberdine Voile Crepe, Lace Cloth Benzin. Silk, Ratine, Repp, and Pique. LADIES' DRESSES Fancy Voiles made up very smart for $5,00 Palm Beach Dresses good style $3.5% Men's Furnishings $1. STRAW HATS $1. Have you seen it. Its abeauty. Try one. SUMMER SHIRTS Sport Shirts all sizes, silk fronts with silk cuffs„ .All kandsof the the lounge or dress shirts. SUMMER SUITS A dandy ,Sb.owing of Men's and Boys' Summer Suits at real low prices FANCY BATISTE A swell range ;of colors and Patterns to choose from at 200. and 25c, a yard. Just the thing for dresses, .FANCY LINENS For Smart Suits, Dresses, Waists orDuster Coats, Blue, Paint Beach Linen, Fawn, Pink, or Natural. HOUSE DRESSES All colors to choose from. Some real mice stripes. $1, $1.25, $1.50 each. House Furnishings RUGS, RUGS All sizes of Wool, Tepestry,Brus- sels, Velvet, Axminster, Wilton's, at old price's LINOLEUM 12 different patterns at the old prices. LACE ,CB,TAUINS White, Cream, or Paris 50c, 75c, $1 $2, $3, $4,° $5 CURTAIN NETS White Creatti• or Paris, 20c., 25c., 35c,, 50c. 75c, $1 yd. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Executors' Sale iv 100 Acre Farm in Usb'oane andHousehold CW VI ects, Etc. i Of The Executors of trate Estate of the late John Duncan ,will offer for sale . • on the ,premises on Tuesday, July 4, III 1916, at' 2 o'clock (p.m. the following valuable property,q 10Q Real Estate—Lot number 18 in the 12th concession of the Township of Usborne in the .County of Huron, con Mining 100 acres more or Less. On this property' are a good 13 storey brick House and two bank barns. There acre about 60 acres seeded down 20 acres will be left ploughed this coming fail and 6 acres in Fall Wheat and the purchaser will have the priv- ilege of ploughing after harvest. Full possession, will be given on the 1st day of March, 1917. This is a first-class farm and is only half a mile from a school -house. Chattels—Organ, Bedroom Suites, Tables, Chairs, Couch, Ca/pets, Bed- steads 1 Coal Stove and 2 wood stoves Dishes. Kitchen. Utensils ; also quan- tity of firewood, 1 top buggy and. 1 cutter. Terms of Sale Reit-Estate-10 ,per cent. on day of sale in cash or other satisfactory se- curity and the balance on the 1st day of March, 1917 without interest. Chattels—Cash. Further terms and particu:ars will be made known on the day of sale or can- be bad on application to B. S Phillips, Auctioneer, Exeter John R,'Duncan, Woodham, or George Mantle, Exeter, Executors, or Clacdman '& Stanbury, Exeter Sdiicitors for Executors PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present there is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future, N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel The undersigned: merchants have decided to close ieh'eiir stores each week Tuesday and Thursday night at. 7 o'clock/ daring the summer men- ths ;beginning the rfirst week in .-July P. Haallon !& ?Son, Centralaa E. ' C olwall;' Centralia John McNMigbtot , Mooresville. E. A McKenzie, ,Clandeboye, Mrs. George Lewis, Clandeboye, teter • Bargain_Store A Pig flrive in Summer Goods A Special in ladies' Black Cotton Hose at 1Oc. a :pair. Lisle and Silk Haste from 25c. un Men's, Half Hose 10c. to 50c. apair. 3 ,dozen Ladies' Sanip'e Collars at 15c, to 50c, each, Embroideries in a big range at the Old Prices Men's Summer Underwear at 40c a garment Ousting Shoes of all. kinds. C1e2r sig Lines . of Shoes at $1.00 and $1.50 a !pair.. B. W. F. Beavers MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED, b% G H Sanders at the Advocate M- ace face Strictly confidential; no witness. Choice Furniture R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER, Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices,. teas, coffee and every— thing in the grocery line.. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh. Meats Cured Meats Always on Hand. Fred ed • Robinson Butcher Phone -106