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The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-29, Page 7
MEANS MUCH NSW? YOUNG FOLKS That is What Makes People Pale, Weak and Languid. The one source of most of the leis- cry that affects men and women and growing children, is poverty of the blood. If you consult a doctor he says you are anaemic, which really means bloodless. Thatis what makes people drag along, always tired, never real hungry, often unable to digest their food, breathless after the slight- est exertion, and too often on the verge of complete breakdown. lrlore weak, anaemic people have been made strong; energetic and cheerful by taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills than "liy any ocher means.. These pills actually make new, rich blood which reaches every part of the body, strengthens the nerves and brings new health and strength. The following is proof of Dr. Williams Pink Pills to re The Birds, and the Fire. This is an Indian legend that tells us how greatly some of the birds have changed since those early days when! they could talk and do other things that men do. In those days, for ex-, t aluple, the wren was the bravest of birds, the crow was white, the owl ha -1: sharper eyts than the eagle, and the turkey had a feathered head, suck as most other birds have; 1 The story goes that one cold day in ! winter some of the birds wanted tr biuid a fire, but they had neither! matches nor flint, and so they shivered' and shivered until one of them found a little spark left in the smothering heart of a big log that had been on the fire the day before. Among th many birds that quickly gathered round the log were -the wren, the crow. the owl and the turkey. How could ENGLAND TO HONOR FRANCE. July 14, Gallic National Holiday to be Observed by .British. For some time past there has be a widespread feeling that mea should be found to recognize in. tangible fashion the spirit of unity that now is linking France bo Eng- land. It has now been decided, with the approval of the French .Ambassador, to set apart July 14 next as France's day, to devote the day throughout the British Isles to a national demonstra- tion of British cordial feeling toward her ally and to allocate the proceeds of the celebration to the urgent needs of the French Red Cross. It is intended that "France's day" shall differ in every respect from pre- vious celebrations of a similar char- acter and that it shall prove to be one of the most interesting and gratifying 1 events in the London season. s JustMore Noir 1MA-rt. Fon vein y erPORT R EC REAT ION Sok by co. g2_, ensoeDeElers W a lsy seeenels meet£ ' of tine ttesseny 102 SOME REMARKABLE RIDES. Englishman ITsed 19 Horses in Cover- ing 213 Miles. Dick Turpins ride to York on iia brown mare, Bess, was, as a matter of fact, an impossibility, it having been claimed that he rode froze Gads - hill, a distance of nearly 100 miles, in leas than four hours. At any rate, his presence at York at 7.45 o'clock ele;:red him from the charge oi< robbing a sailor in - GadshilI at four o'clock in the same morning. Mr. George Osbalderston, in 1831, on a wager of £1,000 that he would ride 200 able: in 10 ht,urs, accom- plished the distance in. 10. minutes over 7 hours, He bad ridden 28 horses and was allowed one hour 32 minutes and 50 seconds for changes, while he had kepe round awl round the circular four -mile course on New - market Heath. Ile rode over 28 miles - an hour. The Government of London, Cal,tain Sel:i, of the Itwlian civ- Beating the Carpet. Landon is divided into 28 adminis- airy, performed the exploit of riding Mrs, Tian Bolder, of Jamestown, trative boroughs, comprising 30 par- 580 miles in 10 days. As the Italian,was energetically boating the carnet.' liamentary boroughs, and ret irwaing 58 miles are shorter titan oars he ;when • her neighbor called. '"R'hy N ALUM toe -ARE gessieany7"te Freite•roD Or, este r.;xunu n ;s'' 5ThE iiirr ST, L!'! AIt*i, 1 MADE INC':,r,d.E,, ps store health w they ,start the fire that they needed? l Mr. Geo, Turner, New 0 members, Each borough has its own travelled Zak. miles per day,'even CI0. 1. y-'u„:,sI Jia.' llu'laund to best Haven, N,S,, says.-�"No doubt due to First the wren, trued to fan the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Coun- theta no slight teat. it?" ”eel;nu the visitor. constant hard work 1 gob in a badly spark Into a blaze; but the log wail+ cit, responsible only to the Central Ida.:, replied ,,Inst B:zlilcr savage-, run dawn condition, It took fiery lit- l hotte> than it seemed to be, and the Government, except on certain mat- ;, + N 1y. "and he did" tel.•$, G c AS GOOD t parks, fire protection, etc.), which are FOR LITTLE ONES tie exertion to tire me, and rrir appe- flea alit learned his feet ee and feathers, and tite was far from being good, Often T The white crow tried but he bad headaches, and whengoing u next; stairs, or after any slight e� ertion any ; slipped on a part of the log that waF heart) would palpitate violently, and burned charcoal, and rolled over I grew eoaasiderably alarmed a4aut , and over till his beautiful white feath- ers were as black as soot. Then the wise owl puffed out his checks and blew, The spark still re- fused to become a blaze, but so much smoke rolled up that it blinded th owl, and he flew away to a dark place, to rest his eyes: down"„ [ The proud turkey then strutted up. You can get these pills through any to the log and fanned the spark A� medicine dealer or bymail post aid well with his widespreading wings ,P paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for that it suddenly blazed up and burned $2,50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine all the feathers from his throat an Co., Brockville, Ont., -the top of his hemi', _ ..IBut at any rate they had a fire t WOODSMEN IN CONTEST, last, and all the birds enjoyed it _ ^ sept the four that had suffered in try Maoris Win'.:in Tree Felling and ing' to start it. Canadians in Sawing. When the Indian finds anyone wh does not believe the story he points Despatches from British headquar- to the timid wren. the black crow, the my condition. I decided to take Dr. Williams Pink Pills and after using a few boxes I felt much better, I con - Untied using the pills for seine weeks longer, and they completely cured me., I. can warmly recommend this medi- cine to men who are weak or run tors in France tell of a friendly con--; test in tree felling, wood chopping ! and sawing among the finest woods-, men in the British Empire, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders. The contests arose from a friendly argument among the soldiers concern- ing the prowess of the woodsmen of their section of the World. A date was set for the contest and when the teams assembled beeches and blinking owl and the baldheaded tur' key, as good proof that it must he true,—Youth's Companion. A PROGRESSIVE SOCIETY. Canadian Order of Foresters Are Prospering. A report of the annual meeting of the Canadian Order of Foresters will elms of about two feet in diameter 1 be found' in this issue. The reports were selected, Each- team of three; of the several officers of the Order men was to fell three trees. The Cana- dian team, to the ragtime music of an Anzac band, was started off first, nand the brawny soldiers swung their axes with leisurely but powerful strokes that bit deeply into the living wood. The picked Canadian team had been called away t� duty and was unable to take part, but its substitute brought the three trees crashing to the ground in 45 minutes and 22 seconds. The Australians then tackled their task, and swinging their axes more quickly than the Canadians, managed it in 31 minutes and 8 seconds. A great roar from the interested spec- tators, soldiers off duty for the most part, when the time was announced. Then the Maoris of New Zealand, brown sons of the forest, wore start- ed on their task, and a murmur rose from the watchers as they saw the. swift, tireless swing of the axes wielded by the muscular brown men. Their efforbs did not slacken, indeed they, seemed to quicken, as the axes bit into the hard wood and the chips flew out. The Maoris felled the three trees in 22 minutes and 40 seconds, thus easily winning first prize. In the wood sawing contest, how- ever, the Canadians came be the fore. In this Clatter of Health one is either with the win- ners or with the losers. It's largely a question of, right eating—right food.° For sound health one must cut out rich, indigestible foods .and choose those that are known to contain the elements that build sturdy, bodies and keen brains. gape Nuts is a `wonderfully balanced food, made from whole wheat and barley, It con- tains all the nutriment of the grain, -. including the mineral phosphates, indis- pensable in Nature's plan for body and brain rebuild - g. , Grape -Nuts is a concen- trated food, easy to digest. It 'is economical, has deli- cious flavor and has helped thousands in the winning class. "There's a Reason' Canadian. Postusn Cereal Co., Ltd:,' Windsor, Ont. show the same steady progress during 1915 which it has experienced since its inception in 1879. The Insurance Fulid increases during the'year to $465,500.82, the largest sum since the Order's inception. After the payment of 602 death claims, amounting to $692,179,88, this'fund showed $5,205,- 868.62 on hand at end of the year. The amount on hand at the present time is $5,388,754.58. The yearly re- venue from investments now amounts to nearly half the total amount paid in death claims. The sick. and funeral benefit fund shows a larger net min- crease than in any year in the Order's history. Arrangements have been made for carrying enlisted members without inconvenience to the general fund. The death rate for 1916 was only 6.50, but if the war claims were deducted the rate would have been 6.20. Altogether the Order is to be congratulated on its strong position in every department. MILLIONS FOR BRITISH TARS Millions of Pounds Will Be Awarded After the War. A vasf sum of money—it will run into millions of pounds before she war is over—is steadily accumulating for distribution among the officers and men of the British navy when peace comes. The money represents the value of enemy warships sunk or captured in battle and trading vessels and their cargoes captured at sea and .,_.sub- sequently "condemned" by prize court, less the small percentage taken by the Government. The money is known •respectively as bounty money and prize money. Bounty money is awarded in connec- tion with the sinking or capturing of enemy warships, and. is paid to the men of the ship or ships actually re- sponsible for the feat.- Bounty money is generally paid on a basis of so much for every man in the sums or captured vessel, the money being awarded in a descending scale accord- ing to rank and seniority, the com- mander, of course, getting. the ]ion's share. The .whole of the prize money awarded in •connection with the .cap- ture of an enemy trading vessel as distinct from a warship is not, hove,: ever, given to the ship responsible .for the capture In former wars it has been the practice to reward the captors only, but it will easily be seen how unfair a .system this is, anicl. now the money is pooled among all the ships of the navy. �' How prize money mounts up was strikingly illustrated by the sale, of five captured German trading vessels at the Baltic Exchange, London, some time ago. Between them, the five ships sold. for £130,725, which, less the Govern- ment's :small percentage on the sale;" left a nice little addition for the bank- ing account which the officers and men of` the fleet will go shares in; when the war is over. EW BRUNSWICK WOMAN SAYS ',ISE DODD'S IIDNEY PILLS. I Mrs. Patrick Williams Tells How Her Headache and Weakness Vanished When She Used the Great Canadian Kidney e ' id i ey Item dy, Rodd a Kidney Pills. St. Sosime, Kent Co,, N.B., June 20th (Special,) ---"I feel it my duty to tell the pttblic the great relief from headache and weakness I found in Dodd's Kidney Pills," This was the message Mrs. Patrick Williams of this place sends to suf- fering women all over Canada. Like many other women she dislikes talk- ing about her troubles, but she feels she would not be doing right to let others suffer when she had learned. from her own experience how great is the relief and how easy is the cure to be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills, Nine -tenths of the weakness and suttering women bear wa bravely comes from sick kidneys. Sick or dis- ordered kidneys fail in their duty of straining the impurities out of the blood, This means that these impuri- ties, these seeds of disease, are car- ried to all parts of the body. The natural cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. They always cure sick kidneys.' FORESTS AND SHELL FIA, More Damage Done in Canada by Forest Fires Than by War. "Of the forests of Ailly, there re- main but a few mutilated trunks. It is a field of desolation, levelled by shells." This was written of a French for- est following a deluge of German ar- tillery. It might as easily have been written of thousands of square miles in all parts of Canada following the deluge of annual forest fires. Nothing can save the magnificent French forests but an Eastward re- adjustment of the trenches. No such grim necessity, however, faces the Canadian Provincial and Federal Gov- ernments in the relatively simple task of keeping our ready-made wealth of timber free from needless conflagra- tions... No army need fight for it; no life need be sacrificed. All that is re- quired is common. -sense organization, and that is precisely where most of Canada's forest -guarding sysbems are weak. In Ontario, for instance, few of the many radical improvements of modern experience have yet been in- corporated. In the prairie provinces, despite the fact that the northern parts of Ma'z1'itoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are destined by nature for o growing valuable crops and develop- ing water powers for future indus- tries, forest protection is applied only in patches and a huge resource turned to secondary account. The pressure of conservation senti- ment, however, is making itself felt. British Columbia and Quebec and Nova Scotia now lead the procession of provinces in building up forest pro- tection laws and organizations. Their annual savings in timber riches well repay their efforts. Ontario, New Brunswick and the Federal Govern- ment can with relatively small ex- pense—in some cases, no extra ex - pen a whatever=place the timber wealth now under their care on a ba- sis which would reap enormous bene- fits for present and future. The job of ridding a country of forest fires has been proved byeexperience'to be comparatively simple. f common interest (sewerage, 1 under the control of the London Count C general boards having special funs- , Tablets for her little ones she will use t0132.7117Posaa Teres iii,ta ,a)s, :;:J, Sill$ 11 C.' County guestI . There are also manyOa mother has wed Baby's Own r ^, • a i+clew tie, ac',n;tri Or - tions, such as the London School nothing ease. The far.., few do rxs Board and the Metropolitan Asylums make her realize them is noshing t•o Board, The police of London is not equal them in making; lEaby well and under the control of the London keeping him well. Concerning the.: County Council, but is managed dir- Mrs. C. E. Stilwell, Wiathrope, Saskn ectiy from the British Herne office. • writes: -.--"I have used Baby's Own By ""London'is meant not the small Tablets for the past ten years and ",Ancient City of London," which is : have found them so good for my little the nucleus of the modern metropolis, :ones that I always keep a boa in the but the whole metropolis itself. house. The Tablets are sold by medicine deniers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams A Scheme. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. hy dim, you tell your husband to ; --- buy a yard of that goods? The sales- The Salmon Rights. lady assured you yesterday that the; Officer, fishing (making the angst sample could not be matched." ' of his short leave) --Biot we fight on "I know, He'll be afraid to come Sunday, Donald, so where's the harm? home without matching it, so he'll Deneed--Happ;:n ye doe, an' aw order me a fine new dress," avail kill a Hun masel' en the Saw - tan married man can always feel bath, but there'_ deal o' difference Wi' sorry for himself when. his wife is a sawmon; he's ent:tle,i tae one day's sick in bed. ? rest i' seven. Classified. Not Serious. Her old man—."`Well, you wasn't no "No," said the once musie.tl maid, spring chicken when you married me, firmly, "I could not sing even if you neither!" should ask me. I have given it up." Her—"Indeed not! I was a big; **But why?" asked the wondering goose." friend. ""The doctor ordered it." Gay Times at Banff. Sports are now at their height at, Ask for Mina rd'a aha talcs no other Banff, A regatta was held on July ' Another '"Long Way." 1st on Bow River in which canoes, row A gentleman had an Irishman in hie! boats and launches participated. An em toy who was noted for having informal dance will be held in the tarty boots. One day the gentlema ball ,coni of the Bann Springs Hotel asked him why he hadn't cleaned on Wednesday and Saturday evenings them. "Well, sorr," ::acid Pat, "Oi during the season. A golf tournament ` quite forgot. Yer see, wan's has just been held for which a silver sorr, ger at e't .;t t t: 1',t °t",,a.. wt a:t, rd)r. GUr2tatlt.r^t+}� IT, t<'. • ;`lc{, seen n° e 4.14 m 1'::w'-. Tr.••• to fte it t i • 41.d i,'.mp r s vcl i40-. Write Y"1 Ave •_ r ran*a. • r t kt'iiElta i1' t i i ,. 'u ::t i• 0114 tri•rt,k.iteti + <r,s•n,r+„ thr-,t,•1.o. it tit:• t,una.ner. : 'i1 tt i $7:tt. , r;+..0 ev w,tat 1'r, r , • ". t t it.n. li ttiy Si, ,t.it::,i , :, i sisree .taeray. ei rth C.rr...t. 1. .N;,. T%TA i'1•',t Ll.a an•i 1 t era• uteri n .telt' work. sts.ta o!;.• cele rice , and w, ag?s, norm,; Hynra ill: Ab 1•' , ,;u•eri:rh o.. I Litnite,l, A 7 ANT ,i, --3i," ill iter a 1'11 r 11 Vier lathe d r z, -,r• 1 !s, air') :r'.•, ..,alters. ; c.} N.' ",vat. wan 8. 1 ,r,t�• t r l;r. . ti i.„gg r', 41: :: ,v is l ;r•, 1, E'1: ...1L trate he Y Ft�t ;,, tratl. tn- t , 1 Y °i,• t•tt:, laboncer '' s Y wexic ani t ce:i ww 14.:- .. can a *e,.t 1*trn. lVh l .tips ? t7 n nt t , ex; es ie a and We - tiler t.e r i .-, ngi AB+piY T1Ye ' . •. 32r t.ar an 1. :i •a,:tt„ p c o.. I.itsilt• Pd. Str,.,r'ort➢, tint ra:rsTPernZ5 rot CALM "PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB 1. Offices for sale in gnol Ontario towns. The most ul and interesting cf all rusiaessee 1• .'n "nf t '.t' Vn sepllcation to R ilcr, : *e:111 r:h.r ••tet - rano. '3 Weet Ar+oto!,'„ c. reet. 'i-.r,_nta tits*•t e° LAMSOUT. 1 ��^^ll »;CI:R, TL'MIQF:s, 1.UAirs. i:TG. L1 internal an,t external eared with- ; cut pain by our hcme treatment. Write us befr r a too lata. Dr. ltc ll.s.:tn Medi al Co.. Limited, Coning -wood. tint. cup was presented by the Banff memory is situated in wan's head, an' Springs Hotel, prizes also included' it's a powerful long way to remember gold, silver and bronze medals. The from yer head to yer feet!” competition was very keen about seventy players taking part. Records of Army Honors. The record for citations for gal - Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind farina Isms quickly Remedyreli. No Sved marting, I lent conduct at the front in the Tench army was held until recently Your Druggist's 5 y Adjutant Grober, of Alsatian origin, who had been mentioned in the orders of the regiment and the army 27 times before he died of his Her Agreement. wounds at Belfort. The living record "It is a mistake to marry a man man for citations is now Adjutant to reform him." ' Clavel,* of the 9th Regt., to which Gro- "Still, there are few men in whom ber also belonged. Clavel has been a girl can't effect some improve - mentioned 21 times. menta," just Eye Comfort. At Oc per Bottle. Murine Eye SalVeinTuben 25c. ForBook of iheEyefrecask Druggists orMurineEyel emedyee.,Chicago blinard's Liniment Lumberman's. Friend Just Acquainted. y"Do you know her very well?" "Not very. I've met her only once r twice and so don't know a thing t- ing wrong with her." Free Map The maps of the Porcupine and Cobalt Camps, finished in color$, are now ab6ut ready fol• distribuqtion to all • who are r}- terested. These will prove in- valuable -valuable to those. anxious to obtainsuooess in the mining - market. .,• The Issue is Limited File Your Application at Once! A Postcard 'V ill Bring It. Private wire connecting all markets; HAMILTON -B. WILLS (Member Standard Stock Exchange) 4 EXN'G STREET EAST, TORONTO Lump Rock Salt Best for ,Cattle, Write for ,:'i•e •••,r ,.- '. Pricee. - TORONTO 'SALT wOnriS, 60-62 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. GOOD POSITIONS for BRIGHT GIRLS. Operators wanted on electric power sewing machines, to make Misses and Women's Silk and Serge Dreesee Steady work the kyear around. Light airy anitary wcprrooms. Pair week - 1 wages to beginners guaranteed: inn ended Operators oan earn Splendid Wages. Also positions and steady work for experienced hand sewers finishing drosses: Apply by letter or in person to t 'Thompson Manuraoturing , Co., Ltd. '.174 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS � ,�,,y ATiON rateding Mining, Chemical Civil Meeh- taeiba1nn4 ietticgl414ineoring. DINTDuring tjbh�r! a ekb will a eanNnpone !tendons in MgtliajiR, 'HO STUDY p The Arts Course May be liken by cotTle spondence, butt ttide to clest[rrting to grad,{, ate must attendbop seesion. SUMMER SCHQQL ogo;Y, ne d JULY AND AUGUST . iso .. - Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—This fall I got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very i bad, so I could not work and it hurt me to breathe. I tried all kinds of Liniments and they did me no good. One bobtle of IYIINARD'S LINI- MENT, warmed on flannels and ap- plied on my breast, cured me com- pletely. C. H. COSSABOOM. Rossway, Digby Co., N.S. Cab, Sir? Cab, Sir? Public carriage for hire, or hackney coaches, were introduced into London in 1625, and rapidly grew in popu- larity. Notwithstanding the opposi- tion of the King and Court, who thought they would ruin the roads, they grew to number over 300 by 1650. In Paris they were introduced during the minority of Louis XIV. by Nicholas "Sauvage, who lived in the Rue $t. Martin at the sign of St. Fiacre, from which circumstance hackneycarriages in Paris have since been called. "fiacres ' Minard's S,ihiment ailed by Physicians, Deaf Men Drill for War. One hundred deaf men are now drilling in London in the hope the army will accept them, . They can obey shot}ted orders by watching the lips of the commanders, but they also have:- 4 syete>te of finer suns which works perfectly. When the comm_ ntee holds up fedi Anger t lei'*goo ` ours, for " tnston e, and two lingers is the sloe for,• two -beep fbrtn.ation. Xiiitary fro who have in4edoed that sa3 their drill is eat- celleilt. 'ACM aitivard'a aikomentt. In the house 03/04. a n,I u who 1's a dreamer at- tracts attention when he snores. BOX NA1LBBS, SAWYE S, LABORERS, good wages. Apply or write Firstbrook Bios- Limit- ed, Toronto. 11110.1t SUieLLEti CAMS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke -down, can be reduced with £iso other BUfls lits or Sneiiings. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- nomical --only a few drops required at an ap- plication. $2 per ii,,ttle delivered. Bed 3 M fres. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic Iininient for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$i.and $2 abottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. W. F. mune, P. 0. F., 510 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gan, 11bserbine and Absorbing, Jr.. are made 1a Canada.. Celluloid Patriotic ees Muttons aZs The above illus ration shows three of the twenty different Patriotic But- tons and Flags of the Allied Nations which Canadians are proudly wear- ing to -day. In order to advertise our Tag Day Supplies we will send you these twenty designs, upon the re- ceipt of 25 cents. This is a collection you will prize and keep. Ask for a price ori a large Flea for your home. T. P. TANSEY, Xtept. "T," 186-158 Poen St., rrontreal. Manufacturer© of Madge®, Buttons, Plage 6z,.!1 Tag Day 6npn Ica, RMr&v r r ,,Wheelock Engine, 150 L.P., 18 x42, with doable main driving belt 24 ins. wide, and Dynamo 301 , W. belt driven. All in. First class condition, Would be sold together or separate- ly ; also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as room is required immedi- ately. S. Frank Wilson & Sous 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.,. ED. 2. ISSUE 27--'16,