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The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-29, Page 5
LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, i3.hdtoMre, Notaries, Conveyancers, COna- aniesionera. Solicitors for the Motion* Bank. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Ofticee—Madn-St., Exeter E. R. Carling, BA. L. L. Dickson We, Lands erties MONEY TO LOAN have a large amount o4 prI ate to loan on /arm and village prop - at low rates o/ interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barrristers. Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL Or. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST ivereber of the R.C:D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graauato ot 4roronto Untvereity. Oftice--Oyer Dickson & Carling's law off gee. .Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST SDR. A R. KINSMAN, L,D.S., D.D.S., Hol'or Graduate or Toronto University ext' extracted without pain, or any .oad arrects. OfLyse over Gladnran & Sta ntfury'e ()Wee, Malin Street, Exeter, C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VA.LUATO. for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm. Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centia.. Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is g uaranteed 'OF CANADIAN WESTS LAND REGULATIO RSH The sole head of a family, or any :male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter -section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatch•- ew'tc St or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but eaot Sub -Agency''', on certain condi- tions. Duties --Sb months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may five within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on; cer- tain conditions. A habitable house is required except where residence is .performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in g ood standing nlay pre-empt a quar- ter -section alongside his homestead. 'Price $3.00 an acre. Duties --Six months residence in .each of three years after earning home stead ;patent; also 50 acres .extra cul- tivation. Pre-emption patent may be obta:ned as soon as homestead patent, ,on ,certain. conditions. 'A ,settler who has exhausted his 'homestead light may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must re- side six months in each of the three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a :house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub - 'to by or stony land, Live stock may be substituted for tultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, Deputy ot the Minister of the Interior N.B.=Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid ]for, -64388. A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospectusand terms,write the Principal R.I. Warner,111L.A.,D.D.,St.Thomas,Ont. 63 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 'YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION If you take a course with us. The .demand upon us for trained help is. many times the number graduating. Students are entering each week. You s}iy enter at any time. Write at •bnce for our free catalogue of Com- mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- ;partrnents. D. A. McLachlan, Principal DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS ie R dilating P'il'fer Women. $5 a box or three for - $10: Sold. at all Dm Drug Stores, or ailed'to,any ddress•bnrcceiptdf price..Tne Scoism. DiiUa 'Co;, St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vem aha 'Pitality;for Nerverand Braili; increases "grey ynatter" ;'a Tonic—will build you up. $g3 a box, or t*o for $5, at drug stores; or by mail on receipt of price.- Tiis ScoBar '',.DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. RANDTRUN£Y5 M Dominion --Day SINGLE FARE Good going July lst. Valid to, re_ turn same date --o-- hARE AND ONE-THIRD' Good going June, 30th, July lst. Val- id to return July 3rd. Between all stations in Canada east of Port 'Arthur, also to Detroit and Port I3.uron, Mich., Buftalo, Black, .Rock Niagara Falls and Susipeinssioeii Brndge .N Y. Full ,particuiars and tickets OnA ap- plication to agents. l� 1. fQR.E, Exeter GRAND BEND (Too late for last week.) Mr. Harry Gould of Exeter bas moved here and itakert chargeof the ownedFai ' owned byirr. Leavett,--Mr, and ,Mrs. Adolph Allen are visiting in the West.—Mr. Wm, Wilson of Simcoe is visitingrelatives around here.—Mrs. Maurice Brenner, who has been sick, is able to be out again—r, Robt, 'Taylor is all smiles, a daughter hav- ing arrived on the 17th June,—Ms. and Mrs. James Wilson of Parkhill vis ited at P. Baker's last week. --Quite a few campers have arrived and are get- ting settled in their cottages.—Mr, U. Shafer of Dashwood . visited his sis- ter Mrs. E. Gill, last week.—Mrs. Geo, Sheppard and children are vis- iting hex tareats, lir. and Mrs. Asaph Gravelle,-1V1'r, Lawrence Carriere vis- ited his ,parents Sunday, ZURICH Mr Wm Sibert, Jr., left for Lon- don. Tuesday, where he has accepted a ,position as .mail clerk with one of the railways.—Mr. Jas. Rau has pur- chased the house and lot adjoining the Drysdale Separate School from Mr. Frank Badour.—The many friends of Postmaster Faust will regret to hear that he is not enjoying the best of health.—Mr, Norwood Deichert of New Haven, Mich., is visiting his gra4dmoth;er; Mra'1 •J, Reichert, and other relatives. hie.—A pretty wedd- ing was solemnized at Owen Sound On June 1,4th', at the`home, of Mrs. Watson„ uihen R,e,`v. ,Ml: Stewart un- ited in marriage her daughter, .Miss Alma, and Mr. Fred E; Hess, son, of Mr, and Mrs. F. Hess, Sr:,. of this village:, !After a short wedding trip they will reside in South London. ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3O Years. Always bears the Signature of four rA,diating surfaces gather up almost 6 Beat and send it through your coortabie 140 in some time oon and hear about McClary's s op i installation service that gets out of every ton of r It. cal ihe heat there is in 807 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son 11111111111111111111111 New Issue of the JULY 17 MONDAY 11111111111111$1 Telephone Book. ,y am= �/ n's q Copy for the next Telephone Directory, closes on the above date! q Order your telephone now, so'that your name will he in the new issuer Report changes required to our Focal Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. ©f Canada: -t: v'. • .17 Nothing To Be Added To The Marvell OU will never want to add anything to your Maxwell. The purchase-, price includes everything you will ever need or desire for luxurious motoring. You won't want to disguise the hood or buy a new body or put in another carburetor or ignition system or install electric lights or a self-starter. L:Kr You won't want a new radiator or springs or new spark plugs or shock -absorbers or a new top. You need add nothing for comfort, reliability, beauty, -economy or convenience. If it is a Maxwell, your car, your a , experience and your investment are complete. That is the way that Maxwells are designed, manufactured and sold. Question the owners of other motor cars any other motor cars—and see if they are equally satisfied with theirmotoring investment. Touring Car $850 Roadster $830:, F. O. B. WINDSOR, ONT. Completely Equipped W. E. OESTRICKER► Agent and Dealer A.W. MORLOCK, Mechanic Crediton, Ontario. •-- ;Al