HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-29, Page 4IlX'148. ..,•....,
Meese -able Ihv a?ione s-
ramitating the FoodandReselat•.
ting the Stomaresand Bewetsof
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine &,astora
Bears the
Pzoiuofes Dlggslionflretf
hesehili)RestConta tuneittwr
Opilrlli.Morpitine noxl+liaeral:
NoT Ik"ARCOne,
Iessfid}` x
.-5.T6111,1ZNI a rued !cremates
l.aanw ScurStorr_ seel3earl^,ase,
iticarrns,Con etsaonerete lsh
Heart and LOSS t1FSIZER
•iecSit t!t Signa;aieoi
eitteiTRGAL&hbW CORK
Enact Copy of Wrapper.
For over
Thirty Years
T..; <FR NTAMR CQtePAMY., HAW YON,( e,ry,
eentlers & Gruen h, Prasnastees,
Sp?ionPrice,--advance SI
per Feet sn Caeada; $1.5e in United
Stases. it not ;laid in ;adti: was the
prize .s ,say. snore per year.
A Patriotic Concert will telae plat°e
in the Church at 8 acloel , on Sat-
urday, 'svg.. Jtaly 1st. The program
will consist of musk by the Sym-
phony Nt,"6a4,' Quartette o1 Exeter, by
Iter. 31i".Is G? \'1'oeilham and hg Mt
Rohr. Hannah, the well-known Elo-
cutionist and Entertainer of London
A treat is in store and everybody
should wait for the concert, Adm,::.
sion 25c.; children 15e.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Corwin !,pain ,eye
eral days last week visiting relatives
at :arta and London.
Mrs. Cochrane was taken suddenly
rti on Sunday last and at present is
confined to her room, with not much
hope for her recovery.
Our baseball boys and the McGil-
livray team played a good Barre on
Saturday evening. Tho. ,''„ame, teas
snappy from start to fin,
; . et
: re
Berms 5-4 in favor of the visitors.
Oul soldier boys were home over
the week •end and they a's :: expect
to be home over the hall. iiv.
Don't forget the First of July
but come to -Centralia. Two ball;;
games with the ,Ford team of Lon-
don at le a.m. and 4 a.m. Foot races
and games for the youngsters. Lots
of Strawberries and cream, and a
good concert in aid of the Patriotic
League in the evening.
Regulate Kidneys
Relieve Constipation
Gin Pills .are acknowledged to have the
largest sale of any proprietary medicine in
Canada—an achievement solely due to their
remarkable virtue as a Kidney and Bladder,
But users of Gin Pills have discovered that
this invaluable remedy alio acts as a mild
cathartic. The evidence of hundreds of letters
we have received establishes the very logical
fact that in corpounding a medicine to heal -
and tune up the Kidneys and Bladder certain
of the ingredients have a stimulating effect
upon the other organs, especially the bowels.
It is important to know, in the case of con-
stipated patients, that Gin Pills do not act
harshly on the bowels; there is no gri ing,,
but a gradual and gentle restoration of the
'function. Try Gin Pillsfor constipation. In
thus relieving the bowels, you safeguard your-
self against possible Xidney trouble.
Gin Pills are 50c. a box, or 6 boxes for 62.60
gait -your dealer's. A trial treatment will be
sent upon request, to;
1~ , _ 16
rational Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
At Wrenshell, Mian., on Aires 21st,
peaty atr,.tdi.n.. ton pa':}: at til;
home o' M. :n i Mrs. R R.. ndrwss
when thea . un,4.it daughter. Mina
Arele 9►eeame the happy bride +o:Al-
bert W. Wein of the same County,
:at:i soli of Mr. John Wein
ein of Stephen
Township, near 'Crediton. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. James
Watts,. The happy couple then left
on, a short trio to Duluth and Super-
ior anti then to Winona. After their
return they livid make their home on
the groom's farm. Best wishes are
Mrs. Barry Rap.ey and daughter
Norm's of .Marietta, Ohio, ate visit -
in; at the home of Mr. and firs. F.
W. Clark.
'rine 'Methodist Church has been
:a ieW o-ated in fine taste and the ed-
true is a credit to the congregation
ll i, expected that the new pastor
Rev. C. W. Baker of Woodham will.
prey h his initial sermon next eunday
S, aooi ...lased to -day for the sum-
mer ho'i.3,:y s. Mrs. Kerr, who has
teue ar the second room the past 15
menthe has tendered her resignation
to the Board, what is much regret-
ted as she has given efficient service.
relies Miller who has had charge o1
tee primary room will probab ly re-
main as her work has been excellent
and sine is a friend of both pupiland
Mr Heiman Becker is assisting
Paris Anderson decorating
Miss Pearl Holtzman who has had
charge of the Deaconess work of
Grace Church, Taranto, is home for
her holidays. Miss Holtemann has
been transferred to Elgin, 111., and will
eport•for duty in a few weeks' time
Our Benj will go to the Bend on
the first of July to lurnish the mu-
sic for the day's celebration there.
toe are p:eased to learn that Mrs.
Sambrook Las recovered sufficiently
to se,ave the hospital in London, and
le now •.with friends in the city.
Our farmers have commenced draw-
ing, gravel to complete their statute
fabler • It is to be hoped they will
fi 1 in some of the holes which are
really dangerous for the travelling
pubic. •
Miss Carrie Kuhn, who recently un-
derwent treatment ;itr St. Joseph's
.-iosri.al, Lonxon, in
returned home
much benefitted in :health. •
:11r. and Mrs. Arthur Zwicker. and
babe Dorothy of Jrdmontan, c^Alta ,
spent the week end in town with sena.
an -t Mrs. Chas. Zwicker.
tante Brawn is having his residence
tcpain.ea, which adds consideraLae to
as appearance.
a2•. and uvlrs. Orme, Mr. and Mrs
cierb testier are cam;pr2tg at the Bend
tar iew nays.
stirs. - are Brawn and babe Janette.
erne stave been visiting at the home
of _ver. ani ivlrs. came Brown the
past_ week,- 'returnee to - Toronto on
Tuesday, prior to Shea trip home in
l,umon.on, Alta.
Mr. lana Mrs. Wm. Lewis of Al-
gonquin Parer are visiting freenas in
Miss Ella Link of Exeter was in
ietai sunuay with friends.
un Su•nuay evening Rev. Jefferson
at cite A'Iethodi•st Church prcachea his
fare}ve_t sermon +to a very large con-
g_egaitins tie took as his text,
arta. -snag uo -ewitn Jesus which
ii cali'ee The iChrisea 'ihe sermon
wes a very Joe Dale and the sipeaker's
earnestness made a great impression,
rie referred -to his pleasant relations
with the 'congregation end the people
a t_.,r.eolcoa, and regretted exceeding-
ly in.at his time hart arrived when ,rte
snow, i aepart, He also referred to.
ui; successor, Mr. Baker, asking lus
pe'ac'e to give .him a hearty reception
.ewe bespeaking far him the kind
services the ,had enjoyed while Ipasioi"
of this church. Just before the ser -
men the following received their dip-
lomas far the course on Teaching
t'rairr.ng, ,Mrs. Isaac Hill, bars, Jeffer-
son Mrs, F W.- Clark, Mrs. '1) 'I'reve
ray Mrs Jas Hodgins, Irs. Alvin
Baker..Mrs. A. Walker, Mrs, - Bert.
1estle, ,,Miss Queente' Hodgins, Miss
Doris Jefferson, .Miss Maggie Ander-
son, ,Miss Weida Banes and Miss Jes-
sise Lire -dater, As the diplomas.were
.heine distributed Mr. Jetlersonspoke
brief,- on the benefits to be deriv-
ed tram this special course of study,
Rev and. Mrs. Mathew Morlock of
Cleveland, Ohio, are here visiting the
formers ;parents. Rev Morlockprea
ched very acceptably last Sunday in
the Evangelical Church during theab-
sence of the pastor Rev Beeker,who
ds attending tttieceenp! meeting in Mad-
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church gave a strawberry social on
,the ;church lawn Tuesday ev'g. A
large number were in attendance. The
ladies deserve credit for their dainty
beach. Our band was present and
furnished some splendid music. Atte►
the social a short 'grogram was given
int the -church where among several
(Anger: rendered by the choir and
local talent a special feature took
place in •the presentation of a gold
watch to -Rev. • Jefferson from the
eon, rogation and a watch fob from
test Teacher Training. Class. The rev-
eread gentleman was taken wholly h:
surprise ,ane with adi(ticuity was able
thena thenlair, people for their kind
*C tai Aran„'e.
s'-r'wberry ..se—la! will be given
the }@t•.,;1£ ns of the Y. lv
4:h. "t; per from 7 to 9 n.
hr A -program.s-
'i 23e. rand 15c.
*n'''ear candidates wrote on the En -
sense examinations here lest week.
t ' t"r seer of Exeter presided, while
S.1 k c urn: to Exeter to per
one similar duties.
Mr. en! Mrs. Jat•k ] idt visited en
Mr John K. Ehlers has improved.
ht., egouse wi:h a moat of :paint.
Miss Petr: I:'aft of Naperville is
enee!iee het t ta:iag:t at her holes
M:r. Den P.au ettenle 1 the fusee -
.1 of a retake in aliehieen last ;reek
Mss :1%rl!ta Oestre;t.her :pent a
sew day. in Detroit this week.
Mr. C. i'rite and daughter, Dora-
t.ty visit:',l at the home of Mr, J,
It iierraan cast week.
end :Mrs. Samuel Baker and Mr.
lir;. Geo. it,'iegend visited their
r, who is very ill in Ste orth,
• lr. zetd Mrs. Ed, Kraft and ,lir. and
Mrs. John Draft visited east of Exeter
on Sunday.
The Evan;e:kal church will hold
their annual strawberry festival on
Tuesday, July 4th.
Wedded—The Lutheran Church in
this village was the scene of a happy
e.tthertne on Wednesday afternoon,
June ?nthe when the marriage took
niece Mr. Edward F. Willert of De
troit, formerly of Dashwood, and
Miss Alma Rader, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Rader. The -cert
many was iperformed by the paster,
Rev. Graupner, at 4 oclock, in the
presence! of a number of invited
friends friends and relatives. The
young couple will reside in Detroit
and have the best wishes of their
many friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Cotrill of Beth-
any spent Sunday here at John \W.
Hodgson,.—Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Mon-
ies' earl Mr, and Mrs, John Wright
,,ten: Sunday with relatives at Elim-
'.i'e.—Patrick ;McGee, who has been
*ending school in Toronto since
Jen tart' •bas returned home, after writ
v' lois Entrance exams, There
were three from this school who wrote
'ale Gunning. at Exeter and Bert
Duffield and Jim Whelihan at Lucan.
—Quite a number from here went to
h'.imville on Sunday to hear Rev.
Dewey ai Stratford and were well
pleased with the sermons, which were
enjoyed be a large crowd.—Richard
Hodgins and John Foster's new brick
bouses are erected and add much to
the appearance of the respective plac-
ee.—Ou:r +rounc1,men are at last tak-
ing ;pity on the automobi,-e owners
by having the roads -put in better
coni:.on. It eves about time as they
were really en a disgraceful condition
St. Catharines, Ont.—" Two years ago
I was in a very nervous, generally* run-
down condition, so
that I awoke in the
morning more tired
than when I retired.
•I had heart trouble
and treated me for
it but I got no
benefit. I heard of
Dr. Pierce's reme-
dies through a
friendwho had been
to your Invalids'
Hotel for an opera-
tion (which proved entirely successful)
and I at once got the `Favorite Prescrip-
tion.' I took three bottles altogether
and at the end of three weeks I felt en-
tirely cured and have been well and strong
since, without a single bad spell. I
stopped taking it about three months ago
and am glad to tell any one how splen-
didly your medicine has healed me."—
Mns. JOHN LEwlrr, ,53 Niagara St., St.
Catharines, Ont.
The mighty restorative power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily
causes all womanly troubles to disappear
and brings back health and strength to
nervous,irritable and exhausted women.
3It is wonderful prescription prepared
only from nature's roots and herbs with
no alcohol to falsely stimulate and no
narcotic to wreck the nerves. It ban-
ishes pain, headache, backache, low spirits,
hot flashes, worry and sleeplessness surely
and without loss of time. '
Get it now! All druggists.
A Great Book Every woman Should Have.
Over a million copies of the "The Peo-
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" are
now in the hands of the petpile, •, It is" a
book that everyone should have. and read
in case of accident or sickness.
+ Send fifty cents or stamps to Dr. Pierce,
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and en-
close this notice and you will receive by
return mail; all charges and customs duty
prepaid, this valuable book,
LR.Iq Y.
Juice W edduag—With light hearts,
and pleasant surroundia s the home of
Mr, and Mrs. John. Selves was agog
ate W,ednesdey, June 28th, the occas-
boa. being tile marriage of their daugh.
ter, :Brise 1ltary Grace, to Mr. Jesse
Jaques Af the same township. The
t appy avant took olace about 12.
o'clock. The (bride, gowned in heap
wedding dress of white voile, trimm-
ed with lace and ,pearls and wearing
bridal veil and carrying,- a bouquet cif
white:roses and maiden -hair fern, en-
tered- the drawing room on the arm
of her father to the strains of Lohen-.
gains. bride: chorus, played by Miss
Lillie Selves, sister of the bride,and
took her place beneath an evergreen'
arch. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr. Fletcher in, the presence
of about 45 •guests. The groom was
supported by the bride's brother,
John ,Selves and the bride was as-
sisted by Miss Gerrie Jaques, sister
of the groom. After the congratula-
tions the guests repaired to the din-
ing room, which was decorated with
red white and blue, also flowers, and
partook of a sumptuous wedding din-
tter. The groom's gift to the bride
►vas a gold watch and fob; to the
bri1esm ld,-a pearl neck lace, and to -
the .groomsman, a ,pearl tie: pin. A-
bate 4 o'clock, amid showers of een-
tetti and rice, and good wishes, the
-autos couple left by motor for Hen -
sell, where they took the train fol
Teatime Pert Stanley and Detroit.
The bride's travelling suit was of
Copenhagen 'slue serge, with white
silt: tilt's., ani white hat. On their
return ale ant! Mrs. ja:lttes- :sill re-
sale an T. sborne,
Mrs. Nancy Alexander is visiting
her daughter\izs. Creery of Sunshine.
--Ptes Gonion and Wilbert Parker of
Loneoe were hone aver Sunday. -Pte
Freie Sinmans of London spent the
week tett with his mother here.—Mr.
ease Mrs. J D Atkinson and ,.laughter
Ilene of Clinton spent Sunday at
tiugh McDougall's.--Mr. Ryckman of
Prinz e Edward is here the guest at
his nephews, Messrs. Ryckman.-- W,
Ger,sr., is having the interior of
r,.; dee:line decorated.—Mrs. ;'obn
AL'Quecn has returned from visiting
her d.aug1i er in. Mitchell. --Mr. and
Mr, Posey Stone ani Miss Nellie An-
Oersaii spent -eh eweek end in Blyth.
--:T t. remains of The :ate airs.•Shep-•
here of }tensa 1 were interred in the
4:emetery here the past week.
Intended for last week
\Mr, Henry Anderson has the barn
on tht• Madge farm jacked up and J,
Hankin of Exeter is building the wall
of Bement, --Melvin Tr'agliair has
treated llinaself to an auto.--Pte;Kirk
of Loudon tamp motored Imre with
friends front Granton and sent Sun-
day with his sister 'Mrs. SOvns and
tamiiy.—\Mr, and Mrs, Walker of lead
Axe, Mich., were here attending the
funeral of the latter's brother, Jas.
Broautoot, as also a Ir, Kenyon of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Chesney and
Messrs. Walker of 'Seaforth, Mrs.
Horton enc daughters, Exeter, Maud
the. Smell of Clinton and several from
jMitt Road, Brucefield arta Hensel!.
The Fairfield school was the scene
of a ,pleasant event, on Monday -even-
ing last when about 100 of the rate-
payers and children gathered to pay
tribute to the teacher, Miss Collver,
whohas had charge of the school for
the past year, teaching with splendid
success, and who has tendered her
resignation to accept a more perma
manent situation (}) The time was
most pleasantly spent in social chat
and sp,eecbifying. Ice cream was
served ttith cake, after which the
teacher was ,presentedwith a beau-
tiful hanging lamp and silver pickle
jai, accompanied by the following ad-
Dear Miss Collver,—
It is with regret tfiat we leain that
at the end of the present school term
aur relations as teacher and scholars
must cease. You have been with us
for a year and we realize that for this
time your time and talents have been
spent for us, and ts:e hope that we
may in our lives show forth (some
of the good which you have ever en-
deavored to instil in us. It may be
that ,we havenot always shown our
appreciation of your efforts for us,
-but awe hope for thin you will for-
give us, as we assure you that your
work and personality will always be re-
membered by us as a bright spot in
our Jives. We wish you to accept
this hanging lamp and pickle jar, not
for their value, but that when you
see thein you may memember that we
love and appreciate you for your.
work among us. We wish you every
happiness -in life, and trust that
wherever a kind. Providence may lead
you -that the highest good and bles-
sing may come to you.
Signed an behalf of the School,
Wm. Bowden, Secretary.
Trustee Board.
July est is to be celebrated here
with horse races. Three races will be
placed, green, 2.40 and free-for-all.
Purses of £40, 160 and $.80 are cater-
ed. All heats are arse -half mile. :The
Ladies Aid are giving a fine con-
cert this Wednesday evening, t4oeth-
er with a strawberry festival. --The
funeral of Mrs. Shepherd, relict of
the Date John Shepherd, far several
veers reeve of Tuckersmit+.h took place
Brom her late residence here to Mc-,
Traagart's Cemetery; • The deceased
seas in : her 67th year . andwas most
l ighiy esteemed. She leaves two sons
Ani. with the, 161st Battalion at Lan-.
don sand Jahn on thie homestead
at :Chiselhurst, and . one daughter, Mrs.
Maims of Hensel—Miss Etheleettr-
docs, who has, been visiting her' sis
ter in Alberta, is'home here .spend-,
rail a couple months with, her parents:,
-T"a' grub is said to be injurihg the
onion crop.—Mrs. McCoy has `retsina
ed t> Lander', alter a visit with • Iiia s:
R Bonth,ron.-Mrs, John ll%4ousseeu of„
Hay+townshiitn is serioluseV ill,t j lr k l
• iti
The Councnl met on June -26, with
all members ,present. Accounts a -
moaning m all to 11648.25 order-
ed to be ipa'id. The Council then zud-
jo..pnned ito , meet on August 7;' at 1
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LL.D.. D.C.L., President
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. P. JONES, .4ss't General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
ire supplied free of charge on application, 854
EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn; Mgr. CREAITON—S. T. Johns on,Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
I am a woman.
I know a e} n:an's trial;.
I know her wed of sympathy and help.
If )ou. my sister. are unhappy because of ill•
health, and feel tint fI. household (halms, social
pleasures, or i a • eaat, . nt. write and tell me
ast how you ....,,,r, aur s far tray free teal days'
trial of a Ions treatnurq suited t , voter mails
with references to C;iitt, 1,., re, v} i1,, gladly tell
how they have retained health. strength, and
happiness by tr as . I Walt to telt you all about
this success^toll of home treatment for
yours. if rt: r +alio., foryiataral;aughtcryour sister,
or your r Ia+Ih.:. I want t.1 tell you how to Care
yourselves ..t li'. ne• at tr!:.ng cost, and without
aid front anyone. lien cannot understand women's
sufferings t what we women know from exper-
fence, we knots 'tetter than any doctor; and
thousands have proved there is hope even for the
hopeless is my method of home treatment. if you
suffer front pain to the head, back, or bowels,
feeling of weight and dragging down sensations.
failing or displacement of internal organs, bladder
.: ..,v irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
With dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not
worth living, I invite you 1a sea l to -clay for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid, to prove to } our se:f that these ailments can he easily and surely conquered at your own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. women
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer, My home treatment is for all,—young or old, To Mottaers of Daughters.
I will exp'
a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis, irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to
plumpness and health, Tell the if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give any method of home treatment a complete tea day's trial, and if you wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it sloes not interfere with one's daily work.
1s health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for:theiree treatment suited
to your needs, and I will send at in plain wrapper by return mail. To save.time you can cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, flSy0U ole)' 1101 SCC tliis offer again. Addresst
urity! Purity! Purity
Thine .dominating note that runs
all tifiough the making of Sunlight
Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar-
antee you get with every single bar
is not a mere advertisement. It
marks a standard set- for the buyers
who select the choice Sunlight Soap
materials—for the soap boiler—for
the expert chemists -for the girls,
even who wrapand pack Sunlight.
All are mindful of the Guarantee
—it is a source ofg ratification to
allhSunlightt e . workers.