The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-15, Page 8EXETER MARKETS
:Wheat 911 to 95
Barley 50 to 55
Buckwheat ,.. 60 to 65
Oats ,., 47 to 50
Pas ,. 95 to 1 00
PQ toes'per bag 2.00 to 2.25
Hay, per ton 18 0
Flour aper cwt., family 10
Flour, low grade, per cwt, 1 75..
Shorts per ton. ,..,. - ... 2U,00
,Bran per ton 26 00
Eggs .. ............ 23
Butter 25
Creamery Butter ....
Hogg o ser cwt. .................. 10 00
The semi-annual meeting of South
Huron L. O. L. was held in Clinton
on Wednesday of vast week, and ev-
ery lodge i+as represented and fav-
orable reeo:'ts received. Huron Dis-
triet will be well represented in Clin-
ton on July 12th,
meeting of the Woman's institute
will ,be held on Mrs. W. J. Heamman's
Meat on Thursday afternoon, June 2;, Rennet one of the principal in -
at 3 oalo: k, at which Muss C putts of gradients in the nrauuuf a -;.•Lure of Cheese
Themesvi.le will give an address on has increased in .price since the war
"Emelgeancs %\ar wow", A musical broke out; from e1,80 to $5.00 a--.aMort
program will also be provided. All e
the ladies of the town, are cordially
invited to attend..
Mrs, Hastings, See. Mrs. Amos, Pres
EXE.' ER „Pl13 IUUATE, TR13RSB,AY 'TUNE 15, 11:116
Highest cash ,price for Eggs at H.
Bei:ding's • Exeter North. c.
Miss Lulu Eestle has engaged as
book keeper with T. alawkins &Son.
Rev. •Muxworthy is the new chair-
masu of the Exeter :Methodist District
Quite a. number of Exeter people
motored to London Friday to see
the military parade.
ears Duncan le preparing to take
urp her residence with her daughter
Mrs. Geo Mantle, in town.
L Beirling's, Exeter North, is the
rigiat ateee for fresh groceries, Try.
Phone 107. Goods delivered
Exeter district missed the heavy
reins of last week, and an excellent
ceatge was given to finish the seed-
Conratulations are due Mr. How-
ard QuaLkenbush, he having passed
hisexamination entitling him to sign
D D. S. after his =me.
Mr. Jack Crooks, who has been wee -
Ai ,Cast week's session of the Hur-
on Cotutty Council a vote of $3000
wee made to apply towards recruit-
ing the Huron Battalion. Previously
the ' owity had 'voted 52000 to this
purpose and several munielpeaties
bad voted additional sums. The county
taw assumes the whole thing and will
reimburse the localities to the extant
of votes already honored.
The Oddtellows of Exeter Lodge ter;, traveller for the Lace Goods Co
, of Torogte for some years, has sever-
ed bis connection with that firm and
has taken a position, with the Lad-
ies' Ware Ltd., another large whole •
sale house in Toronto. His head-
cuarters twill be Vaavouver, B.C.
The bowlers are now enjoying the
sport on their green every evening.
The greens are in excellent condition
and all bottlers are requested to at-
tend On Thursday evening a contest
sst Scote h Doubles will take place and
an Friday x'rening at, 6.45 the annual
President vs, Vice -President snatch
will be held. The lighting eommittec
is requested to immediately have the
new lighting system installed.
On Wednesday morning of last
weer: the death took place of Nellie
Quance, beloved wife of Mr. Wesley
Lamport, aged 35 years, 1 month and
13 days. Deceased bad been ill for
three years, Pad the last few weeks
bad been failing; very fast. She was
tat Flowers G F l an ,estimable lady and respected by
all, Born an this neighborhood she
bad Spent all her life in this vielnity.
Twelve years ago she married Mr.
Lamport and for ten years they re-
sided south of Crediton; Two years
FOR SALE.—A cement tile plant ago they moved to Exeter.. Besides
complete in every part. unlimited the husband she is survived by three
supply Qf gravel. Close to river. AD- chiidrert, two daughters and one son,
;ply on premises, Lot 30, Con. 5,1,3s- also her mother, ..'firs, S. Quance,and
bonnie. Mrs. 8, Cudmoxe, two sisters, who have the sympathy
Heunsall, Ont. of ,the community. The funeral took
place •to Exeter cemetery out Friday
TIRE AND RIM LOST Between afternoon and was of a private nature.
Hillsgreer, and Exeter, by way etf
Iippen and Chiselhurst, a 32x3et inch MILITARY CROSS FOR GALL -
automobile Dominion tire. Finder. ANTRY..-The following despatch
will be suitably rewarded by phoning from London, England, refers to an
or communicating with G. 'JW . DO ; Exeter boy, whom we all congratulate
Exeter, on his honor',—"Among the recent
The Ladies Guild of Trivia Mem-Canadian recipients of the Military
oriel church will hold their Garden Cross was Lieut. y MDlm J• ! Corps.
the Royal Army edicai i ores.
Party on the last Friday in June— Ho came over with the No. 4 Field
the 30th.
Ambulance as sergeant, and was
•transferred• to the R.A,M,C. last July.
.The award was made for cans,picuous
gallantry and devotion to duty in an
advanced dressing station while under
heavy, ; shell fire.
No, 07, are requested to meet at the
Seeter'C:emetery on Sunday, June 25,
at 3 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of
decorating the graves of departed
brethren.—R. N. Creech, See,
'eluding pony, buggy and harness, lea
sale creme. i, Apply 'at this office
Swatters Sc. and 10e.
\V re Fly Traps 15e.
T..i lefoot 5 for 1:0e.
Gel your supply here.
The; Home of Edison. Phonographs
GQ, -20 ft siding; in first-;•:ars condi-
Can. Good bargain for quick sale.
5,ituated 1': miles from Exeter. Apply
tQ Nelson 4 tanlake, Exeter.
such as eraniur , o
isaee Canna etc., etc. also hanging bas
Rets and stands furnished and filled.
Call or ,phone your orders. JOHN
FORD, Exeter Cemetery.
WANTED -Girl about 14 or 15, to
help with young children; references
and sleep at borne; apply between 9
and 10 a. n.. to Mrs. Trumper, rectory,.
Youm; men or others who are un-
able to join for overseas service . an
serve :heir King and Country by'
he:pin s on Munition \York.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
THE WEATHER,—Hicks' roreeast
says, -A reactionary storm period is
central?• on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday,.: the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. The
Earth is•- at its "turning point" on
the :21st. Watch your barometer on
and about the 21st, as a very '.ow
barometer reading about this time will
be. an-aiImonition of great atmospher-
ic violence. The, movement of storms
at this., solstice center are very un-
certain and erratic. Clouds often
400 THOUSAND PLANTS for SALE double 'back after they have passed,
—Geranium, Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. and' not infrequently they come upon
Stocks Verbena, Double and Single. unsuspecting localities from unexpect-•
Petuna. Salvia, Ageratum, Pans Y • ed' and' uncommon directions.
Vince f)racena, Dusty ••Miller, Double --o--
and Single Gobelia, Canna, Foliage,; CHANGES IN GAME LAWS. —
Silver Leaf, six kinds of Tomatoes,.'The following are the game laws of
Celery Cabbage; .Hanging Baskets. interest to hunters in this district,—
L. D A'., FlOrist.�
teal Hotel, Exeter, a woman to work;
two days a week,
October and the 15th day of Nov-
ember land between the 23rd day of
car Woad of McLaughlin. and Brack-; December rand the 2nd daay of lan-
bogies to be Bald at cost price, -uary following, and may be taken at
Every buggy must go sure. 1 any other -time by any other means
bandit. an kinds of McCormick Farm lben shocrtieg. The open season of
ii2achmery and repairs for same; also,, woodcock ns amended to read from
will have in stock a large number of 15th October to 15th November, the
other nukes of second-hand machin -both days inclusive. Quail and black
ery for sale: Repairing on all kinds acid .grey squirrels, except where the
of farm machinery ;promptly attended, season is made close by order -in. -
to, espe.. ally 1 -Massey -Harris machin; council covering certain counties, may
ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter:; be`ikilleld from the 1st of November
to the TSth of the same month. The
40t, TONS' SALT -400 tons of tine, purchase or sale of wild ducks, wild
Lance an11 Cattle. Salt for sale. All: geese or other water fowl is prohib-
grade•• 55.50 per tom.; 50c. per bag.' ited.
EXETER- SALT WORKS Co., Ltd --o--.
J Sutton, ManagerQUITE; ' A CONTRAST.—$$11 to
—x—o—x $3.1.50 a hundred live weight los- 'hogs
SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent recalls the time when in -Upper Can-
ada ,the price oi' dressed hogs • went
qua,it, if Sarnia made salt for sale. as .low 4s ae, or 10 shillings currency,
se Old Temperance House, at dile as it thee, was
G T R station, Sold in any quant-' g , per hundred,Ths says the
Sty, Your patronage is solicited and C e' elleta in Herald. This was in 18-
3e the whiter of the Mackenzie. re -
satisfaction is guaranteed, •— 1;•D, bellioit, Tlie same winter the fanner
MAGUIR I -f, Exeter, who told the writer of, that t exper-
tence,adrew. oats fifteen miles to Galt
STITUTE (twelvre and.. a half cents) • a bushel,
',The final annual meeting of tfi•eL oth peek and oasts being ;payable in
No grouse,praerie fowl br partridge
may+be hunted, taken, or killed be-
fore .the.15th day • of October, 1.910.
Hares niay be taken by any means ate.
any ;fambetween the 15th day et
'' and sold•"them far a. York shilling
Farmers-nstitute of South Huron IsAre goods.. at more, an the average,
n d
'Exeter pair, oub a rase t 'ccs
Hail1 n ri
'dthe Taiirrtp A
he in
'. e
oa- r 'qua d
. at ,a .i� . hrt of me .fl e sold at a
:ere. Thursday; June 22nd, p 4s y patyru a
lot receiving reports, and transferring (loltai' a yard,and a very inferior
13ie to the Board of A.grricult-• cup,lity of 'Gea brought the same;prit,e
rznd' other business; after whichper pound. , ,As e. favor the termer
r -:anization of the. Board of A.g- was rallattred enough to play his toil
• ricul tore for South Heron will be held on the wary home, havitng been given
and o-, dzication completed. credit on the way out, Do any of us
Alex. Buchanan A. H. J)oupe do we.,, to grumble at present day
Pres. Svc. prices os, conditions.
If you are troubled with, weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, hearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain'in :the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements,, sense, of
falliugormisp'lace:nentof internsalorgans
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes
or a lost of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home treatment, with, ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by this method, Write to -day.
Address; Mrs. M. Summers, Boz . sso
Windsor. Oat
Mr. Wm. Davis of Exeter North is.
very ill at present,
The Liberals of South Huron meet
ist Hensall on the 20th,
The Mission Circle of James Street
church held a picnic at the river on
Rev, ,Nestle end. air. T. Harvey
took the service in. James Street
church Sunday morning.
ast week Mr, I. Jt.Carlin solddie
residence of his brother, the late T.
B. Carling, Main Street, to Mr, Sam?
Hicks of Usbor ie; This is an excel-
lent Mr. Hicks intends re-
meining on the farm for year and
will .then move to town. We under-
stand that he will rent the place till
be is ready 'to occupy it himself.
It 'has been finally decided to hold
the excursion of the Huron Old Bays'
Association of Toronto, an Saturday
July 8. The trait will leave Toron-
to at about 7.15 a.. m. aced will bel. de-
vided at Stratford, part of it going
an to Sarnia. It is 'expected to ar-
rive at Goderieh about 12 noon, and
Sarnia at 1 p.m. A special train will
leave Goderich on Monday evening at
6 o'clock for Toronto,
TAG DAY.—The Soldiers' Aid So-
ciety made a great Sate of flags on
Saturday for the Convalescent Hos-
pital Fund, and disposed of nearly
1000 flags, receiving therefor over
$1.08,00. The eepeztses were «bout
Towel Shower,—Don't forget the
Towel Shower in James Street Meth-
odist Church on Wednesday afternoon
June 21st, from 3 to6„ All the;
ladies are invited. A box bas been
sent to Miss Joan Arnoldi, Shorn- 1
elifle Eng., containing, -104 lar, socks
226 handkerchiefs, 4 scarfs, 10 milit-
ary shirts, books and magazines. A
box of clothing has also been sent
to the Belgian Relief at Montreal.
:firs. W. I. Beer, Sec.
Mr. Arthur Davis was in London
on Saturday
Mrs. Bo'bi,er of Buffalo is visiting
friends in. town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, sr., were
in London on Frith.)
Miss Beatrice limey is visiting in
London for p. few days,
Miss Blanche Atkinson was home
trom London over Sunday.
Mrs. Renshed of Detroit is visiting
her ,parents in Exeter North.
Mrs. Halloway of Clinton is Visit-'
ing her daughter, Mrs. R. N. Rowe.
Mrs. J. C. Inwood and daughter. of
London spent the week end with rel-
atives here.
e� A A
R Try er is lett d'
u� crl ing
the Anglican Synod meeting at Lon-
don, this week.
Mr. Fred Hogarth returned Tues-
day from the west where he has been
for several weeks.
. Mrs. Griffith and children of Tor-
onto are visiting at Mr, Jas. Hand
ford's for a few days.
Mr. R. G. Seldon and family motor-
ed to Ingersoll and spent Saturday
and Sunday with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunter vis-
aed their daughter Mrs. Griff at
Lietowe: during the week end,
Mr, Ed. Triebner, motorman with
the London Street Car Co., is visit-
ing with his parents in Stephen..
Mrs. E. J. Christie and daughter -
Grace left Wednesday to visit the'
former's parents in St. Catharines.
Messrs. Wes Snell and W. H. Levett
of the Exeter Motor Sales Co. motor-
ed to Toronto on business this week.
Mr. Harry. Rowe left Tuesday -ev-
ening on a trip to the Thousand
Islands to attend a coal convention.
Mrs. Goodwin and two children of
Rochester .N. Y., are visiting the.
farmer's lather, Mr. Jas. Willis, Ex-
eter North,
Misses Et;no, Sweet, Florence Trieb-
,nes and Ada Willis have returned
home, after attending Normal School.
at Stratford, • .
Mi John Bissett and 'son Ed. of
London, with a party of friends.carne
uv by motor cycle an Sunday and
spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ferguson of
Winnipeg arrived here to visit for 'a:
time. with 'the latter's parents Mr, and
Mrs. Chas, Birney.
Mi. ,and Mfrs. Geo. Manitle left or
Tuesday evening Tor Toronto,- after
Which they will take a. trip down the
St. Lawreace Rimer ,
Miss Bella Hastings. of Creeshill
spent the week end with her brother
Mr. A - Hastings, on her way home
from ettending the funeral of • her
brother in Port TH'ulron.
Then you realize the utter weakness
that, robs ambition, destroys appetite,
and makes work a burden.
To restorethat strength andstaminathat
is so essential, nothing has ever
or compared
with Scotts Emulsion, ,
its strength: -sustaining nett -ash-
., meat invigorates the blood to distribute
r, energy throughout thebodyxvhileitstonic
value sharpens the appetite and restores
health in a natural, permanent way.
If you are run down, tired, nervous,
overworked or lack strength, get Scott's
'lt<inu1sion to -day,' At •any,•drug store.
k Scotty, Bootie, 'Porouto,'O'at,
Cool Wearing Apparel
For Hot
Another Shipment of Ladies' Blouses
We have lust received brother shipment of Ladies' Wash Blouses—
very dainty designs and newest styles Popularly need ht from S1,25 up,
These Blouses all have the new eonvertable collars
Children's Wash Dresses
We �bave lin exceptionally fine stock of ' Children's Dainty Wish
Dresses £or itglg i' 1tr 14 years, good fast washing colors, Prices from
50e. to $1.50.
Boy's Wash Suits
Boys' Wash Suits in Galateas, Drillings, Etc, in. the new Oliver
Twist and other styles. Fast washing colors. Very Special at 75c. $1,
New Summer Dress Goods
Our Stock .of Wash Dress Fabrics for the
the finest we have ever offered. We are handling
fabrics, /direct from. New York. including Holly
les, Etc, The designs and colorings arc very .d
We have a complete stock of Ladies' and
Dresses; separate skirts, undergarments, summer
corning season is by far
the celebrated Sturton
Batistes. Reception Vol-
ainty and the prices mod -
;Misses House and Street
hosiery, etc.
Men's Suits at $12, $1$, $15
Never did we have a finer selection and at not one cent in price
higher than 'they ever were/ Fine Brown and ,Grey NVorsteds 4r Tweeds
—every one it Sovereign Brand Suit. We +bought early and can sell you
a fine clu..wooi suint at less than present wholesale prices. We have an
extra fine selection of Navy Blue Suits, Also a fin range of Young
1e It at i leassizes 33, 34, 35 with long pants to 'sell at $10. Everyone
Boys' Clothing
Please Coote that if you have to pay A JAW price far your Boy's Fall
Suits it will not lie, our fault, a s we 'have R great ;Big Selection now at-
rold prices;—$5.00 to $8.50. These will cwt last long at the rate they are
going, so come while the prices aa'c LOW,
Men's Fancy Summer Vests
2 Doz. Alen's Fancy Summer Ves is to clear at from 75 Cents up
t l caulglarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfolwfl Clothing . 1
Takake the surest Lpronounced
safest curer fo r rheuma-
tism sciatica, lumbago, sleeplessness,
and all forms of nervous exhaustion,
Takake ,pills are fifty cents a box at
your druggist's, or by mail from the
Georgian Mfg. Co,, Collingrvood, Ont.
A choice farm of 100 -acres, excel-
lent for pasture, for sale; possession
next sprung, Apply at this pffice.
Chiropractors have remarkable suc-
cess in removing the cause of Appen-
dicitis, Deafniess, Asthma, Rheumat-
ism. Lunfbago, Lame Back, Constipa-
tion Piles Female Diseases, Stomach
and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros-
tration and Goiter, See Dr. S. M.
Jones, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days ; Office Mrs. S. A. Harness' Ex-
eter, Hours 10 to 4. Examination
'Tenders Wanted
Sealed Tenders will be received by
the Councie, of the Township of
Stephen up to noon on Thursday,the
15th day of June, 1916, for the con-
struction of certain • cement bridges.
Plans and specifications can he seen
at the office of the undersigned.
Henry Eilber, Clerk
New Suring
Soils lor-Ladies
Spriutg Fashions are arriving and
combine in Fabric and Style a unique
and interesting collection, meeting the
requirements for street . ;swear and
It is unusual to present so early in
the season so great , a variety, • but
styles were determined early, r and
the most favored shown.
The present time is most advantag-
eous for buying as alt indications
point to higher prices in the future.
N. Sheere
b‘ C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
fice Strictly confidential; no witness Hotel,
Exeter Bargain Store
Summer Goods
Ladies' .Biacl( Cotton, Hose — 10c. a pair; 2 pairs. fon 5e.; 15c a pale
Cbildren's Tan Hose - 2 pairs far .25c.
Ladies' Summer Vests JOc, to 25c/each.
Men's Balbrsg an Underwear --- 40c. a garment.
We i.ave just passed .into stock a goad
buy of travelers samplesles
Gloves, Sox; 'rowels;, thele• -near:; . Collars, Etc., which we
sell. at; Wholesale. cost:_ • ,Coiine early brand `ge•t your Choice•.
SfjOES-A11 'the leading shapes, and. our prices are right.
,B. W. F.
b% C II Sanders at the Advocate 01-
fice Strictly confidential; no witnesp•
Phone 20a.
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,,
teas, coffee and every:
hung in the grocery lime.. -
Call and see us. -.& trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken . in exchange
Jas. Gould...
Opposite Electric light Plant
Fresh Meats,
Cured Meats
Alwaysan�� Hand.
Fred Robinson.
Butcher Phone 105