The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-15, Page 6••••••-•-• FROM THE ORIENT TO Every sealed packet et SALADA TEA is leaves of sesrpassing fragrance. YOUR TABLE filled with fresh, young .4 41. • r. tender mouth of a child. In the straightforward eyes was sweet wo- manliness, gentle determination, and a lack a feminine vanity which Merry seldorn seen in the face of a beauti- ful woman. He even forgot to drop her hand while he gazed into her face, half admiringly, half perplexedly. "I've brought Mr. Merry down to stay with us till we go home," Went- worth imnounced. "I'm delighted," cried Dorcas cor- dially. Next morning after breakfast Enoch and his sister rowed out to deep water with their fishing outfit. Merry still was in bed; he -was tired, he pleaded, and could not immediately acquire the habit of early rising. B193 "What do you think of Andrew ?" LACK, Nutxu, OR GREEN. asked Wentworth abruptly. He lifted • ---esaaaa. — his head after the task of baiting a hook and looked into his sister's face. "I think he ought to be -waked up." "To join our fishing trip?" "1 mean waked inehis ambitions. He seems to tele like a man who has no goal in siglit. He needs something to work far. He spoke lest night of one ambition he has -ea' • "Sort of moonlif,-;ht eeraililencee?" waled her brother. -No—not that. Ile's determined to jinnp straight into a part that will wring the heart out of his listeners." eatree-ea "That's fooliela The public wants 13 LAPSE OF OCH WENTWORTH By ISABEL GORDON CURTIS, r Author " The Woman from Wolfertons " • ,,,,IAITI:a /„___te,..w.,,Li „,..,,„, row.i.,, arh.e..., nt, 4.autol hue; jast sh anueh versatthty. "'saw van t .,,,,4 4r...,„,. ,...t.agt,, ., „s 1 .e.:,,rnfe.rheh'y ,i -i . thie .1..vitle seen "Yee li'd) nn. a be/vved "'median t(' resnr" inte waving 1 eon It. rect a now emotional et:tor, no matter do," aie 04a:ins:el eerie-A:say. "There . will M, ihm: g.,,ed he may be. reoPle won't are wonw,!: —ay.: 'own for thia mutter "What's_ the nu.t1":.1 , `,_ ..- — etend far it." tbc. pF„.fo...,../.:,:: 0,,ar Mcrry?" ,r,,a,s- wslicha. "as' hl adsate lena etaieta.a,.. The girl paed seennee, neer, s„,„ne, They seal: "Net that, leg he in aanger ef kill- up her line and toesed awey a 77401'selil their lives. ie. a ar4i Ae me .aa einnt has his earls, r. Mae geing up the etate e,f niladed bait, covering the becat with feeget." eta tea, „. er . expeeeeseee eteet- race!. te .t listle ene-heree teiwn as play letels a freeh clam. leei a e :but ?" tie e giti e4 maanaa" ing rates in aatee. tevtause, tidily lt,:ck -Same greede feels hael a square 1, , attn from the caw and if poseiple out ael:ei einapay. ete-e•eat seeele, "area eat / weal zee until I :tee him, I'll be Wel: to -night, •alme,e',"337 with humun ileings." aLit'e ie ae had." her heethee an- -1 sewed, beet broae. 1 ea '• n a*" more. then get cailght. It's the," clams from one arm to the other. ' , "Why dees lle ,lo that ?" a, , t.., .4'* - heel; in id4, gullet. Heil coin, back catsionally shifted a heavy baslie.t, 91,,,. zOrfoLimhueisq.,igtinlibtoetah6zerulsi,t1wze.:erkipg. meal. eta your beit nnd never got the i euout 9,-. 0 . . after removal of the farming business are now a- l. Bulletins adapted to every phase waneaeo teee yea go on the stage ae or ta-rnernew at the latest I'll wire "rauwalheri" laughed Doreas, She „ creet of a Oar and looked elown. A. . , e 1b. .f milk a day, divided wilm; 'anted Dorcas Wentwor`h stopped on the: too. three should, receive Aiai,,,la.,a1„e,and unless these are_ filed. away, they are never to be mune ena,47-1 rwzr.r. ft;shionaMe you what aooaa yom orieit rae. arevrat her Hee again into deep esista, few feet below her- en n ledge like a ' ,sz. ,nhijovui lei ..;‘, l tl; et that faeti: lb:, pttheiefetriabmelytihn- ea.+ te. n ; 1 anew is hesee in New teen's yettee , s • . ' ter ge- waited for her brother's pre- 'wide shelf, MeiTy lay watching the 2' Ile often line business callers aho es. e. - , e. e a e eeey araat el lege eaareesenassien !vein, vitals eiieeterea ialafaaai ng at °Ia sPn'741(' (4' theu tde l'In'''' -Is • ,- .1: ! • tee t me." The girl the panagra of the male r -1 A - ret"rn He sat upon the vine -grown "Daysdreaming, Ma Merry?" cried ' Neat tiaireieg tre two men stoat an n Meery hed break:a:et liefere thea •: gee wale of a narrow cave, on a e a re - 1 a i Ay varying from la to IS lb t'hreeAf:ele tk .teillosilaskitilitii,:ed milk begin g adually to ropigaeeetz feel. aieeni•se to walking into the house e and talking freely before the wemen members of the family but who are Y4':-.1;• A - v -7-al'-'" r'''''' ''•,:'"- .1:' "Of eseiree," sbe pirl:rnisiA. ;, ak,tior to come Mt. i Wavea tie they brae against the Jag- ealf is ieelei• .• '45' r-: :"...." : • 1 , Feting skimmed milk only, the qua t — s, a d y at wire when alone wit'll the farmer. • na - An office fitted up cozily with a stove The best sugar for the sugar bowl is Lantic ug Its purity and "fine" granulation give it the highly sweeten - lug power. it dis. solves instantly' in your teacup or on yourbreakfast cereal. 2 and 5 -lb Cartons 0 and 20 -lb Bags „, Ei NtrA 4%10E11 iliznaw.iko • ".•--.S a 'The .417-Purpase Sugar • ON THE FARM The Skim Milk Calf. •Calves raised upon skimmed milk one: develop into first class dairy cows. On hundreds of farms, skimmed milk constitutes the main portion of the feed of the young calf and such ealves luiv.haakleeamsligko.od cows as those receiving •calf on skimmed millt than on whole i. - It costs a great deal less to raise a 11 N 1GEsTI milk. By' this plan the ereara can be sold and made into butter and the proceeds added to the farm income. • soiNzieeadrilsyoarldleoruromif tnhoersatiLnentaia:idmandy of the serious onea too are traceable to wheeetlhee'ers idtoiswealklizaenraesdkimbymebdandmialkr ' bowels. If you. wish to aaeQsalliditIteier'natins- milk from the eeparatoa has the ad- vantage cries of indigestion, acidity. heartburn, with cream separator hut skimmed of being fresh and warm and fietulence, headaches, constipation. and. sweet when fed. Where as many as a host of other distressing ailments, you FOR HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, N =1St see to 1t that your stomach, liver Tintand bowels are equal to the work they have to hree or faqir cows are milked regu- thne end labor in sating the milk a- daily,after meale, yet thousands of former da. itis a -unple matter 'g 1 PI INeaval re:r°g1:1 IYIle°' i f8nas::t1:1:1 ner nnpthea:kel :vet eori sern;n1.sll. thel t oprove s e exeFeeeeeidlinn:lysltdeunm- sin:di mbilk develops a iouseess, conseption, and all their t es ing consequenees in just this simple all)allaalYd4Iniings to tike 30 drops of Mother Scigers Syrup • sufferers have banished indigestion, bile It saves a great deal a big udder, the most riatee.stivPerotfiotniheyatillideireteoxinp4ecriheinecer.emae4a., - a caw is a large, mepvielititibusisiiii:ni:nehtrilinla Mother Selger°s 8137HP l'is'Inulstu-P4"'s2e°41.5 which she may store her fe,ed. Every great milk cow, without eatePtlina has a large barrel. Wean Early. The calf may be allowed to remain with its mother for Ave or six days, at wbich tiene the milk is usually fit , taaastitm.magasam to be saved. It should th.en be taken SYRUP. Wats NFAVi.e0 cONTAINg 3 11%17,..S es arca as Taunt Sint FOLPAI5OcK131737-71.e. ••••••••,••,••• YthL•l• eeasse rye. en, a 'sin ere ertala gielen to the rasa, ocean. alien the Iwo agile figures Leah Weei,e••esis'a knee.• ^ • :7-titlyr ii, :o f4T miNes. etearea aerose bie • according to th esize and tbriftiness and chairs is a fitting place to take CHAPTER Tir gu're up' cried of the calf. A teaspoonful of bl 'd them, eepeeially in cold weather. •nagaee to tuel, Arai era Merry teeeeal holaesaiela S.14,,ILn2*;'"TJ, a;th • sprana to Isle ftets "Whea flour added to each' feed f skimmed 3. The thne is fast approaching 10.4 17- " into a eneernp -aat. the 'flaa rata. „" e-eu tnpeUt Ce beard Do you wear velvet milk adds to its fed ng value and when the successful farmer will know vie 17ea adeet hie haaa- tame4 Nyhera ere th5a. M'aen 111-'1..uu sheas? 1,0:171e helP .OU down." He Prevents scours. The ekinuned mill; e a e tenet., and an office • C 1,nt 1;1 anly rata. were whippee 1 a the lase -a H,,,riee 't gunner se V YOU:" nE„ tear," asigan to climb the uneven steps. should alwnvs be f ed warm aiS to Ilia sorn thine of -cane 1 inel 4 1-'0;1 were ea aat. .1en't I want ta nias, t(iitisw:yltZeN1,;ta,roa-tifxed o'n .': The idea, of helping me down, after ' degrees or a a aa, s 4 ease :ail esia-oLL I "..r.b'e.A mornleg," he. saal. blood heat, bang about experimente on sails or other meter - or den is a good place to make his • „ v ,,/: oaone..k we, t girae gelevante faiee 'it'd for a trio- n" I have made chasinsr She &Med to the wall be The hu my way alone, over these ,.• right lab, or to keep his sampler of fence a ewe/I „ , . ing, soils br seeds. wee aeseashae aaregase how eses eatel t4i '; liana. 'allereat the iitle shtien ,,.4.' We - Naas -ease ,,"::X, pain:el:ins:ea:al tib4'4'1) it to aese - le 7','.ii,:,', Nort't ,''ii'7,7 rensereher Natal his het te let the wind mil his raent he elatreal her intense enjoyment,. ' pate. ei alley' in the it tin•11 event esevel 111 'et that -p eh of white ie meriting at :euitiee?" she demanded. i a '.. eWill ;tem tura it over to hild;t1h4lyulder, : hind her. Then Meting one hand on fed elmuld be "Whit a Iteeveta retreat:" she leaped past hira , after esich fe l' • • e( Ing- The use of filthy , milk will surely result in u ' slop buckets and unclean and sour washed and scalded nthrtfta the man. lie should aave a place some 'accounts.' more or less c )Z et according to .the business ability of 4. There is no farmer but •Iteepe p ; el et from which the calf is' eta etaease le lien !';:artp 6.,V, 'OW if ,.. "ILAV ‘14.1,-.er thot I've to keep thes'e .accoant books. Neatly lein-71?" ' year sater." Merry suggeeted. -L, He swe.pt her a ettwee bow, hie eoft" maw met "Even: ee, -4t 4, most graeloue, lady." ii :a - ---Y , I; calves and in a -great deal of troulae "Yee. anewered aleiTy, Gre;.t 1, 1 mi v " . • fclund it several days ago. Pve seillecU4 with scours. aerie meals, la sae Ileseree They wert ; IN-el:tea gth huntheel. alieels easseal her hende tlithay. -1 she grown up?" ..mmia4 ,, to • 111,at trailing the ground as if it had ! 'tVithin three or four weeks . Get On Feed. printed farm stntionery, and a type•• the (fir:, Til,.!,. (ease turned to the tielin eteppea. In a In:If-dozed feet t• I • I Is' g ''t/ le.ppini ae-e set my are,. 1.,7! .,,L,, .y.,:,., :9",1t .4 the eite." sake/ M'r' fene,wed Wentwerth as the ataitchiag hie grave, the girl turned '' !:elnihted. -You did see her owe." plumes.. ' -41.' e . . , . , ill a .. ea , us s. eap loaded with i it 5:\a/.13(11n1),c‘e,aas's eCuirsiiro-p"ea ?,. . a a inn. aug ma, .111, 1 P mockth , ture, I believe. Her name "I've forgotten. Some sistellite :real llas a rest' ' eorn begin eat bran and shelled - The •cost of fitting a farm office can the. wdereittee.r in his office wilt help the farm- er to find a better market for his pro- atat seeiare Woe'. The morning ion he ehools harsts with a tall ,young (lignite! ((f a queen- 1! fel sound, and this Pi" 1(4 destful andi: setn.alfaiN.Iv_iallanmcbleount of these materials man. It should contain- a deek, pre ;;•nilltonibble at hay. A. depend upon the inclinations of the• rah ef New Vera life 11444 &4. 41 .weniun in a white linen gown. Was "I eornmand that at 'early diresn, lanelY'" should, therefore, be provided. Good ferably ieell top on account of its many with its dant.; ...F iw:1 i :en,/ thunaer ef this- the ail:le-long linage!, 1 d 1-I hie h . . gaw a.- an w ien the tie e goea out, ye t ree to . The giri laughed. "Ware you clay- 1 vellieles, 1 elean clover or alfalfa hay gives the drawers and pigeon hole,s, an eaten - yen flats; and dig clams for our savory , drenming?' . Care should be ken sion of the 'phone from the house; ehy—he hail imnirined lie might meet ? hest resulte eIaireas. I'm off t+ le!.i. 1 haveret Smut-re:here baek in his matt' lav an meal." ' i "I suppose so. I was watching these I - ?ma ea eye taes ai heure." t.0 his siets.T OS young ciat. The answered Merry solemnlen , -,. , .., • , c. . oh • i calf evil clean up out as eat as eant eye .an tea. , you a table for his experiments. Other CHAPTER II. • thought was so sbsurd that he emil- • "I believe he is waiting up," thought At the aof . a d. age ten to twelve weeks, ;equipment may be added as is needed. ed; any coltish AWkWatrciriesF must Dorcas; as she ran upeatirs to dress .. see one 1.°11 uP' ly:nthering t'`Irt:° fl'llin I — good pasture is available, the —G. D. Fuller, 13 Farm and Dairy.. had discovered an ohl-faAlioned Nen- sister :eft town for a vacation. They • Merry stared at the girl with be I'll beliert`e he has some backbone." A whek later WentwAsrth ate:1 his .havkt, disappeared with Shbrt fi-ockre foe' the noon dinner. "If lee does that, on tempestuously tetra igh a calm sett,1 calf i you can't imagine where, and it comes ass When this is the case. the wi be able to get a living from ,Wilsiered admiration, wondering noNv ' When Dorcas and her brother tame to crash against the eliffe. la, metimes I gi .. The Horse Collar. house on a quiet streteh of shore, and why ht had never felt the mildest . down next :morning for breakfa e it throws ita sprays up here." ere •' s ammed mak only, the quant- . outdoor life. Ore reegnines e telegram " He beearne consei th t I ' ' ' ' settled down eenteetedly to a simple, ! curiosity nbout Wentworth's sister. Merry had disappeared. -sa' , pointed to a wet. line an the . avoid stunting the calf,' and enough It should not pinch at the crest of the ,., a.,•!, )ti (lare should be taken at this time to The horse collar should fit snugly. broae their solitude. your viotiru,„ : below them. "Then :ignite 0713 1N11101 promises to be • a ripper amounts to i . I grain should be given to keep it in a neck and there should be room en- ous a, ie was • "I m glad Ism not , . i making. a mental analysis; she had said Wentworth, with a note of swing "I have half an ho 11 to catch a black -fringed gray eyes; warmth and path in Inc voice. - nothing. alen it breaks." i thrifty growing condition ,but not fat. ough between the collar and lower train te the city," eal.i Enoeh, as: he ' dancing ulood glowed in her face, for ; "Enocha' the girl turned to hint Teaching the calf to drink out of part of the neck to admit the hand "Yes it is fascinating„" she agreed. i tumbled out ot a hammnek. "You may , . -a bucket requires a little patience. freely when not pulling. The contact , elle had the coloring of a Jack rose, ' avel - "I told h d d . you e nee e waktng i . . "'Yesterday I spent an hour watching I drive me to the. depot if you wish, ' a mass of suburn hair as coile " 1 Clently back tb.e calf into a corner of surface o fthe 'collar should be smooth.. d ien•up, and this is a good etart. them: It makes me think of people." i a loose knot at the back of her head; ; won't hurt him a bit" - • 'It i• ' What people?" he demanded, not! the 1 Doreas." stall, stand astride the youngester, and plastic Ond distributed over as i- 'wet the fingers in the milk and let the much bearing :surface as possible. The "You're not canal bee's- to that hot ashe wore no hat; a band of dull blue ' "Poor Merry! What a sight!" - ;understanding. ealf get a taste of the milk. Then offiee." she cried wietfully "after a ' velvet was tied about her head and 4 The watch d 1 ' 1 "All sorts. People who, never do i snio.it to_ give too much grain. A safe shelves or cabinet for filing his books. ampree eion that Enoch had referred eishalloley moet royal hipline— , wo.vee. Most of them break without 0. spialan then once in a while, away i ae is to give a little Iess than the pamphlets and samples; a stove and Nee. o three days tramping anything who sauntek througa 4 gently lower the head into the pail.— ! fell in a loose bow over her ear, but ° over the beach. lie wore Farmer - a" Canadian Farm. • • !and are the failures', and the few who "It isn't the paper. Dorcas, it's etrands of hair. which glowed like 1 Hutchins' overalls rolled up to his ; lives after their work is done. The Farm Office. ( adressed 'him as her brother did, I Farming is a business and the ed or has a collar boil, and in this Merry. Get into the buggy; tell copper in the sunshine. had eacaped ! knees and a flapping eaw-b,ealtfast you about it on our w.ae- to the etation. • ann blew about her face; she had the hat. He carried 1 fork "Merry," in her intensity the girl' easaiseass eeeseas incrustations that form on a coilor should be removed daily to prevent in- creased friction. Sweat pads or false collars should not be used except in cases where the animal has been-gall- a.eatene. .se 44.1- • 14. FOR PRESERVING Look for the Red Diamond, which is now promi- nentiy placed on every package of St. Lawrence Sugar. Absolutely . pure and perfectly refined cane sugar is a guaranteed by this mark. Cane sugar is best for every purpose—sweeter and • most wholesome—but it is indispensable for preserving and jellies ; tether kinds often cause ferment- ation and prevent • - • jellying. A size and stylo for every need, and in fine, medium or coarsegrain. - STAAIVRENCE SIJOAR REFINERIES. LIMITED. MONTREAL ZIEVS..g...0311.56111. "they make me think of you, You manager of one is, or should be, a ease a window should be cut in the could make a towering big wave 4t, business man. Every city business pad so as to prevent the bearing sur - your life. You don't!" man has an office because it has face of the collar coming in contact The man turned quickly and lookedproven an asset to his 'business. A with the injured pare—S. O'Toole, into her eyes with flushed face. He ! few farmers have also tried it and North Dakota Experiment Station. did not speak.. proven its efficiency. "1 wfah—oh, I do wish" --Dorcas' voice was like that of an ardent child "I -wish I could rouse you to make the best of yourself. There is so Much you could do!" "Do you deally think so?" "No, I don't think it, I know it. • You are two people; one is lazy and indifferent with just ambition enough to do the work you have to do. 'You can't help doing it well—you could not do it badly.. Then there is the other— a man with vivid imagination, feeling, emotion, and ability; but it is so hard to wakehim up!" Merry jumped to his feet and stared down into the girl's face. "How did you learn this—about me? , Has Enoch laid ,my soul bare to you?" • "Enoch• told me something of your career, that was all. I know you bete ter than he does." Andrew pulled the soft hat over his eyes and sprawled out on the rock ledge. Dorcas began with a nervous; laugh. "It • sounds like—presumption, I know so little of the world, only I have beenstudying you—" ' •(To be continueda Elephants never usemore than one tooth on each Side of their jaws at once. At Midland. (England), munition works now covering sixty-five acres was not very many months ago, green fields. A few reasons why every farmer should have a business office, even Any fiind of shell is very expensive if it is no more than a space parti- to produce. tioned off in the tool house, are as Powdered sulphur quenches fire follows : more rapidly than water. ee (EDWARDSBIURG) "Silver Gloss" has been doing perfect starching an Canadian Lal' 614 homes, for nearly 60 years. • In one pound packages and six pound fancy enamelled tins. •THE CANADA .STAR -CH CO. UM it •ED IVIONTREAL, •CA9DINAL, BRANTFORD, rfORT WILLIAM. Makers ol •"Crown Brand" and "Lily lAite Co)'n Syrups; and Benson s Corn Starch. 235 AMIRM.40,9iSIP,L"ttlArf,, nOVire-Vit4s0=t1 ? sweettaiefeMeaafieliefeseete sesalea `SEMEMEZZEgart7=705Miiims XI/•••-r•I,-,rt,er KNITTERS, •LOOPERS, PAIRERS, EXAMINERS. Good Positions in our Hasiery, Sweater, and Underwear Departments. Steady work Eight hours daily. Operators with experience guaranteed $9.00 and up- wards weekly. Write us. RELIANCE KNITTING CO., LTD., King and Bathurst 'Streets, Toronto. saleareaa, 8