The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-15, Page 5T.Sf;IAL I Auction Sale
There will be sold by public :iuc-
tion, on Main Street, 'Exeter, apposite
Commercial House Stables, on
SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 1916,
The following household effects: -
Piano New.. Williams,quarter-cut oak
sideboard .level glass; chiffoneer
cabinet cupboard, Reymond sewing
machine 3 bedseads, 3 set springs, 3
mattresses, quantity linoleum, bed-
room carpet Devonport bed -2 couch-
es, book case; bookstand, 2 dressers,
3 washstands, chest drawers, '3 bed-
zoom sets, extension table, '2 kitchen
tables 10 small tables, 3 rocking
chairs, office chair, 4 dining room
chair's, 6 kitchen chairs, Radtent Home
heater, cook stove, Good Cheer, coal
or wood; 3 feather pillows, "number
sealers,: leen mower„ refrigerator;
washing machine and tub; charcoal
iron, number pictures, rifle, breach -
loader gun, 2 muzzle loader guns,
sword, bag -a -tell board, stair carpet,
pair Porter curtains, 6 pair lace cur-
tains, 6 window blinds, paper rack,
pair snow shoes, pair skees, 2 hall
racks, :brass jaxdineer, easel, dumb
waiter, step ladder, number books,
stove furniture, garden tools and a lot
of other useful articles.
Tei -me Cash.
N. 1). Hurdore, B. S. Phillips,
seeetore. Notaries Conveyancers, Com-
ommissioners. Solicitiora for the 1o1sons
Bank. etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest
Offices-Maan-St.,, Exeter
t.. R. Carling, B.A. L.. 8-. Dickson.
We have a large ' am outwt 'vat Privet*
funds to loan on Farm. and Pillage prop-
ertles at low rates of interest.
Baprieters, Solicitors. Exeter,
Or. G. tr. ROULSTON. L,D.S., D.D.S.
4tember of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario ani
,Eionor Graduate of Toronto Unl'erstty.
Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law
.office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
OR. A R. KINSMAN. L,D.S., D.ta.S.,
Honor Graduate o* Toronto Untverait7
sere• extracted 'without pain, or an7
.Orn .*sects. Ott:ee. over Gladnsan &
.stacoury'a Qrt_ce. Neon Street. Deter.
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
tperth Middlesex and Oxford, Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to
,Centra,* Hotel, Main Street, Exeter.
,Changes moderate alit satisfaction is
Auction Sale
There will he sol'' by nubile auc-
tion, oil Main ,,Stret, (behhicl. lelarttins'
Piano Store) Exeter, an, SATURDAY
JUNE 24th, 1916, et ode tk'cjock sharp
the property, all in excel-
lent condition, Being the entire be-
longings this will be the sale, of the
season. Plana (if not ,Previously sold)
2 settees; 2 shall chairs belonging to
settees; arrn 'chair, walnut chair, 3
small tables, umbrella stand, i:arpet
sweeper, parlor rug, dining room table
china cabinet, 5 dining room, chairs.
arae chair, Large bureau, "base burner,
3 beadsteads, 3 spring mattresses, bed.
mattress, ,stretcher, bureau, 2 wash-
stands, toilet 'set, sideboard, 2 'com-
modes 4 carpets, .isteoleum, oilcloth, a
number mats, a number pictures,
clockergen tdeea', =abbe machine
2 kitchen 'tables, .4 kitchen chairs, 2
locking chairs, cook ttove', coal or
woad; basket and bomb cal% Ialaaps,
crockery, .garden rakes shavels, step
ladder. basket grritp,, stair carpet, seal-
ers and n lot of other useful articles,
stair carpet.,
Terri Cash.
R. Phillips B. S. Phillip ,
Pzopridtozza; A u`etiOttser
London as "saving daylight now, all
clocks avheg been ;iliGved on one
hour at minnfght pd, Saturday.
The sole head of a family, or any
:rage over 18 years old, 'may home-
stead a quarter -section of available
Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatche
ewe= ar Alberta. Applicant ntust aP-
erax IA person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub Agency for the Dis-
trict, Entry by proxy may be made
at any Dominion Lands Agency (but'
lot Sub-Agencya, on certain :•ondi'.
Duties -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may ace';
within nine miles of his homestead on
e farm of at least 80 acres, orifi cer-
er-t 4n conditions. A habitable house is
required except where residence is
perforated in the vicinity,
In certain districts a homesteader in
.geod standing may pre-empt a quar-
ter -section alongside his homestead.
Prier .$3,00 an acre.
Duties --Six months residence in'.
each of three years after earning. home
stead patent; also 50 acres extra cul-
tivation. Pre-,emption patent may he'
obtained as soon as homestead patent,
.on ,certain conditions.
A asettler who Stas exhausted his
`homestead right may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Priee. $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must re-
side six months in each of the three
years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a
house worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
-to reduction in case of rough,scrub-
.by or stony land. Line stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
.Deputy of the ;Minister of the Interior
N,B...Unauthorized publication of
'this advertisement will not be pairs
mor. -643S8.
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
Forprospectusand terms.write thePrincipal
R.I. Wainer, M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomas,Ont.
If you take a course: with us. The
,demand upon us for trained help is
tmany times ;the number graduating.
Students are. entering each week. You
+may enter at any time. Write at
ionce for our free catalogue of Com-
.'imercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De-
w' partmepi'ts.
D. A. McLachlan. Principal
'OR. D,g .' S;FR£NCH AIL Air 1
it arlattn p Ut oSr $ a box' o t iefor
$iO t i °; ur Corea or m e&3 taany
.sidd i ' ItjiI tido. Tae $c6 lila' Diva
eceeesHOSRHO OL FOR MEN Rest6ree
Vim ane
ye sty for eeemirs grata♦ increases "grey
'mattar_';I Toni -Spill burltl f ou up..$3 a box, or
rkwoffor $S, apt tuiwetoresr:or by mail.,bn receipt
of price,- Tai Sees Ell, Detre Co.,'8t. Catharines.
Are You Going West?
The Grand Trunk Railway .System
will run
E ach Tuesday, 'Mar. 7th to Oct. 31
inclusive.. Tickets valid to return
within :two months inclusive of date
?of sale
iW INIIEG :Ai 1D RETURN $35.00
Prc pa-tionate 1ow rates to other
points in ;Manitoba, Saskatchewan and.
:Alberta. •
'j( Full ,particulars i ,.ttcl stn ep ap
plication to agents
J. f)ORE, Exeter
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Always bears
Signature of
TUCKERSMITH ee Ar Pinehurst
Vann. Tuckersmith, time home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. O. Switzer, on Tune 7th,
at 4 o'clock, their da`u`ghter* Miss Ruth
wee married to' 1r, W. N. Hoalarid of
SEAFORT1 _A happy event was
celebrated at the r'esdence of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert McKay of Tucker-stllith
an June 1st when their second daugh-
ter ,Florence N., was united in. Mar-
riage to Mr ,Harry Stewart, youngest
son. of Mr James Stewart of Egmond-
CLINTON-A very pretty June
wedding was solemnized on June 7th
at the home aaf Mr. and Mrs. Murray
McEwen. When, their sister, Miss El --
del Rose became the wife of Mr .J.
Iarrr Twitchell o£ Clinton. The
service was performed by Rev. Dr.
Chas. B. Ross has enlisted:.-with -the
the 135 Battalion, in the signalling dee
Faxtmuent,-•1!Zr .Wm. j.• Scott,. o.
spent the winter with, his sister,
N. Ryan, left Monday for Regius?
Sask.--Miss Foreman left. Saturday,
for London. having been" aPpointed as
one of -tire professional nurses for the.
overseas. -.Harvey Langford has en-
listed in the 135th. --Friends here of
Mr. Wellington Rollins will be pleas-
ed to learn that he its doing nicely
after 'bas operation for appendicit',,.-
Mrs. Walter Coombs and children of
Chow ChiI ia, Cal., arrived here last
`week to spend the summer with her
father Mr, Geo. Fox and " other rel-
Thrice the caPacit9 of ordinary grates is glven becaus.
tuinegrateS Aire three -sided, one side at a time
e fit's. 'lttlldogteeth smash clinkers easily.
S ipe
Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a 7 =—
w s e in y ur home PA -gladly give you particulars
out obligation,
Sold by_T. ]Harkins & Son
WhyYou Should Own a Maxw
First, because it is a comfortable riding car. Plenty of room for fi
people; deep, soft cushions; springs made of the best spring s.>G, ,
sejentifically heat-treated, accurately suspended and balanced. You
will always be comfortable in a Maxwell.
Appearance Second, because the Maxwell is a trim, smart, good-looking car.
Many makers of heavy, high priced cars, as you know, have copied this'
general lines, the shape of the body and hood of the Maxwell. This l
more of a compliment than an infringement,
..t5a . ".. s3a aerrsax'4i'a'a c"
Third, because the Maxwell, being a product of thirteen years evolution;
is so designed and . manufactured that it gives unfailing, consistent and
and satisf ing service to thousands of owners.
Service `
First -Cost
After. Cost
Maxwell cars are made of the best materials that money and brains can
buy—and dley are made right. You can get out of any car only whin
is put into it. ' - c
Fourth, because you get everything in a Maxwell that you, can get in
any car and You get it for less money.
The answer to this is that the Maxwell is a light car and it is built in
enormous quantities. The Maxwell Co. is one of the three" largest pro-
ducers of high grade motor cars in the world.
Fifth, because the 'Maxwell will more miles
per dollar than
any car built.
We say this without hesitation` or doubt. It is our honest belief and we
are willing to prove it by Maxwell owners, by comparison with any
other car or by any other way you suggest or prefer.
The Maxwell will please you. We know it will. Let us arrange for a dem-
onstration and we'll take the responsibility of satisfying you completely.
'Touring, Car $8$O Roadster $830
Completely --Equipped
Agent and' b7►ealer
A. W. MORLOCK, Mechanic
Crediton, Ontario.