The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-15, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Pave Always $carrot, and which has been
in use for over CO Y'ea$, .has bormthe signature of
and'lias 4ire,en,tt*de under his per.
soma l `riper vlsi"q]4 since ;its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
,All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with' and;€ndaoger- the health of
Infants .and Children....— er'ren, a against Experiment.
What is A URIA
•Castor a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
o thiii Syrups. It ispleasant.
gorse, Drops and S o t7. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, ail. Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates .the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend,
In Use For Ovei• .0 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
114 Q C SNTAU R COM•ANN' _ N a;w YO*1C G1TY.
k>.a. A. CCIte e;tde;i v e wR. f P ,
t Ro psi.—ith Mr, andJ. Mrs. George
Gen and aslant daughter, of Bruce -
'field se
Sebs:.ript°on• Pr ere. -4n advan: Si forrner'selr;rents, the week end
Ella vl For
per year .n Canada; $1.51 .n United not paid in adian: thel Mrs. Gordon Bolton. -Mr, and Mrs. N.
: Hen ell is the guest of her sister,
States. It
prate is tic. more per year,
B. Horton of Harpurhey was hera to
<hnders &e Creeeia, Proprietors
----; visit their daughter, Mrs. Patterson,
THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 916i who i; not enjoying the best of
!,health.—Miss Alice' Hobkirk of Hen -
sail visited Miss Maggie Hobkirk for
t.a day or two this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Dashi)d . tithel and little daughter of Summer-
hill• visited at George Hobkirk's over
Friday. -Mr and Mrs. Radcliff, of
Thames Road spent Thursday es en-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaw.
Letsmvood's annual celebration will`
be held on Tuesday, June 20, being
Postponed to this date on account of
the: endemic of measles prevalent on
June 3rd. horse races, baseball mat-
ches and ealithumpians are on the
program. A big time is expected.
Mr. Earl Guenther spent a neva flays"
est Clinton last week.
Messrs. Jack Kraft, Otto Resteme-
yer Wes Wolfe and Elmore Widert
enoto:ed to London Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. H. \ihlert and Mr,
alto Mrs. B. Statton spent Sunday
in Zurich.
Sergt E, Broughton °.':u hal re
turned from the front, bi- visiting at
the home of J. Kellerman:1.
Mrs. A. Ball Ls visiting her son ori
Tavistock at ,present
Mr. D. Tiernan is erecting a new
barn on his premises.
The ere. d o in asses prevailing
hare 'fee- re.eriy. d,:.appeared.
tlea geatet Mrs. G.
La - 2-: erer . ->^ r i. n 3 on
af'oted ...{ 3 ..y. drive.
--vii a -- a
C7t o in a
little r ea -u_ a o :.= s work and
has treated :inn _ oerniiy to a
fine cabinet Esonsora .g ph, which
he perchased from :_.. ?o : of Ex-
eter -Mr. Jacques a"s.: a visitor at
Mr. Selves on. Sunday. -Miss Gladys
Broadfoot has returned "rom an ex -
Spells Kidney Trouble
There's no use putting on liniments and
plasters to cure that ache m your hips orback
-the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out
of order. GIN PILLS go right to the cause
of the backache and heal and regulate the
kidney and bladder action. Thea you get
relief, permanent relief 1 •
Many a man and woman who has been
doubled up with shooting pains in the back
having to stop work and lie down to get a tittle
relief, has found new health and comfolzt in
The past few days have been, about
deal and all vegetation is rushing up
rapidly. All farmers are busy com-
pleting the spring hunting.
The lee ream social given 'by the
Mission Band Was quite a success.
The supply was not equal to the de-
mand, but they al! had a good time.
The ,proeeeds amounted to about $14.
J. Wilson and Mr. J. Calwill
went to the lake an Tuesday and had
a fern days fishing with very good
results, but we have not heard any
fish stories abut their big catch
Rev. W J. Finlay goes to Blyth
ou.'Sunday next, and the service here
will be suspended in the even-
in.g owing to anniversary services on
the ti"ha"lin appointment.
,pretty wedding took place here
ort 'Wednesday, 7th, at 9 a.m. when
'ilii r'lilary- Guinan was given in mar-
riage by her father to Mr. Michael
Ryan. Rev. Fr. Tierney officiating.
The bride was attended by her sister
Miss laiarrjory Guinan. Mr. John Ryan
attendeI the bridegroom as best man
Tare ieateral of the late Mrs. Brid-
get isilgallin, aged 91 years, tcok
place on Thursday, the 8th, from the
residence of her. son. -in-law, Mr. Jos.
Glavin to the R. C. cemetery here.
She is survived by three sons, Walter
of London, Patrick of Goderich and
John. of Ottawa. -Mr. Joseiph Doyle
left last week for St. Joseph Hospit-
al .'Lon:don, for treatment. -Miss Win-
niCred Guinan of Chatham spent a
'few days at ger li_ome.-The ,many
1 friends of Miss Mary I .all, were,pleas-
1 ed to kno,v that she with a number
of other young ladies , received, her
t-riiu:oiaa:as horse at Sf; josephh •Hos-
pital, London, on Tuesday, Inlay 30.
Mss 14..1 is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Ee Hall near. here. -Miss Brid-
gafeEre•-h. of Londonis spending a
^fawn days with her sister, Mrs. T. 3.
Thomas Barry purchased
van of aorto oast week.-lnsipector Sulii-
FORTH KIDNEYS day this week. -The school was clos-
•°°xI edlnat•week owing to a number of
Two boxes completely curedArnoldMoAskeil, scho'ars , alnian measles.—Mr. O'Neil'.
of Lower Selma, N.S. I have never had any-
trouble with myback since," he says. of •t;oderLett visited his Sister, Mrs.
If you have a lame back --or any sign of Jahn Royellarsd for a few days.
Kidney trouble -get GIN PILLS to -day and
start the cure working. soca a box, Six boxes
for $2.5o -and every box guaranteed to give WHALEN.
satisfaction or your money back. Trial treat -
.went free if you write
1►lational Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited::
Wedding bells rang here on Wed-
nesday when Francis Squire and Miss
Vera Hodgson were united in near-- the church here at 12 o'clock
'as by Rett, Findlay. -Mrs. Ray Neil vis-
ited her mother here this week, Mrs,
Wm. Ogdere-Miss Ella Stone is en-
gaged at A'frs. Hazelwood's. The lat-
teistill continues to be unable to get
around -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duf-
field of kirkton spent Sunday here
with the latter's sister, Mrs. John
John Morley -Quite :a. number - from
here attended the services at Zion
Rev. Redmond of Hensall preaching
to 'a 'argue, congregation. There" were
also a number who went to Granton
and 'istened to the sermon preached
to the Fo esters, in the Presbyterian
chur'cl ..v ythin•g in the crolpline
is looking good these days and now
that thee, weather,,- is more. fago-able
the `farmers feel much • 'T •atter 1VIrx
lid Mrj,;;,,Jc}hn Stevenson spent Mon
_. BY JOHN )V. S. McOULLOUGH, M.1., D.P.$„ OffIRF- Oits'1€ICER
HE BOARD comprises a chairman and six other members. of whom
the Chief Officer is executive officer and who in the abeence of the
other members of the Board carries on with his assistants the
work of the Board. There is a Chief Inspector, and the Province
is divided into seven districts, to each of which there is assigned
a District Officer especially trained to give advice and asaista,nce to the
Medical Officers of Health in the various municipalities in the Province,
As Ontario comprises some 400,000 square miles it will be seen that each
officer has a, large territory to cover. He cannot be every place at once, but
every call on his services that seems necessary is cheerfully responded to
at the earliest possible date. In addition to the
PROVINCIAL measure of publicity through the press the Board
BOARD OF HEALTH maintains a public health and moving picture ex-
ORGANIZATION hibit which is pretty well-known throughout the
cu it
country since it has been shown one er more times
in nearly every town of importance throughout the Province, The demand
for the exhibit is very great, and it is impossible to cover the entire territory
every season. However, requests for the use of the exhibit are responded
to in turn. ,
In addition to the exhibit as a method' of public health education the
Board issues pamphlets upon carious subjects, for example: upon all the
different communicable diseases, sewage disposal in eountry homes and
schools, the care of the baby, mosquitoes and'lies, etc., ete. The writer will
be glad to send copies free upon. application,
This is perhaps the most contagious of all the so-called diseases of
childhood. It comes on like a eommoa cold with watering eyes and running
nose, and four days after the onset of these symptoms there is usually a
profuse dark red rash, beginning usually on the face and ex-
allea5I,I S tending all over the body. The most contagious period is
probably lust before and during the continuance of the rash.
The quarantine period Is three weeks, and a person from a family where the
disease exists should not return to school for sixteen days atter the last
ex; e'ere
The Medical Ofileer of Health may allow persons troth the eeuarantined
houses not attending school or engaged in the manufacture of food or cloth-
ing to leave their homes for business providing they cagy out bis directions.
Measles is looked upon by the majority of people as a sinaple chil-
dren's disease carrying littledanger, and for this reason these cases , are
treated in the home, and no doctor is called in. Many cases too are very
mild, and many recover promptly. Some people seem to look upon quaran-
tine for a disease like measles, scarlet fever, or diphtheria as a disgrace or
an inconvenience, and hide the facts of its existence in their laosaes instead
of, as they are required by law to do, at once notifying the Medical Officer
of Health, and send their children back to school before they are well. In
this way they do an injustice to their neighbor's children, and often as the
result of what is criminal negligence spread disease broadcast, Not only
this, but in frequent instances they do their own children a. lifelong injury
by exposing them to the danger of bronchitis or pneumonia, ear and eye
troubles. from which they may never recover.
But is the disease a simple one? By no means. More deaths occur
from measles as a rule than front diphtheria and scarlet fever combined.
Physicians who know what they are talking about tell as that measles
lays the foundation of many cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, which is
known and dreaded by most people.
The spring brings back our old friend—or rather enemy ---til- l;rtisn
fly. The house fly breeds in manure, especially fresh manure, aial teat's
about eleven days to attain full growth. Each fly lays ???? eggs,
insect is given fair play she thrives immensely. There is no use in .i nv
civilized, or heathen, or any Community for the Ay. All should unite :.r
make eternal war against her, AU sorts of disease are eerie,
FLIMS by the fly, why not? She travels directly from filth of all kinds
to one's food. How could she help but carry disease. H wv.� you
ever seen 'CLIP "Movie" illustrating the growth and habitsof tl.'e arnterprlsirg
insect? if not, you should look up the Ontario Health A,;:chlbit In the
Dominion Building of the Canitdian National Exhibition. Tor alto, and It ern
:at first hand the natural history of the house Ay. Th =n you'll go ho .le and
put screens on your windtiwe.and doors and make the good man Wad a
ulanare :..,x at. the back o: Cheat. No manure no flies.
day with his brother at Devizes,.help-
ing him to move his barns which are
being remodelled,
(Too late for last week.)
The. anniversary services of Whalen
church will be preached by Rev.
Jewitt of Blyth, on Sunday, June 18,
at 10.30 and 7.00 o'clovk. Music Will
be furnished by the Woodham Choir.
-The W. M. S. will meet 'at Mrs.
John Morley's on Thursday afternoon.
-Pte. Clarence Millson of the 135th,
London, was home here on Sunday.
-Mr and Mrs. Ashbury of Lucan and
daughter Pearl spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. George M lson °Miss
Gertie Jaques and Gertie Sutherby
spent Sunday with the latter's aunt,
Mrs. John aforley.-Frank Gunning has
purchased a new ;McLaughlin car from
the St. Marys agent" -Several of our
young men are sporting rubber -tire
rigs, and although it is war times
tbings look 'quite ,prosperous- 1r_
and Mrs. Garfield Needham of 'Bry-
anston spent Sunday here the guests
of her sister, Mrs. Fred Davis. -Miss
Bessie Morley spent Saturday -with
Mrs. Jeckell, north of Exeter.
Mr, Nicholas Beaver is recovering
from his illness. Mr. Beaver was un
fortunate in losing a valuable hone
last week by death. -A number of
the neighbors gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Con.
3 on Thursday night last and spent
avery ,pleasant time, the occasion be-
ing the 29th anniversary of their wed-
ding day. May they be spared to
celebrate many such events is the
wish of all.
Duncan Taylor of the. Parr Line in
Hay Township died on Tuesday of
last week after being in failing health
far some time. On son and a number
of daughters, grown-up, survive him,
-Word has been received of the
death of Louis Deichert of Cavalier,
N.D., a former resident. of this vill-
age. -Measles ors ,prevalent here. -
The marriage took ,place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Rothwell, on
the 2nd concession of Stanley on June
6th of their only daughter, VioletivIay
to Albert Horner, merchant of Varna
son of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Horner of
Hay Township. Rev Johnstone of
Varna ,performed the ceremony. -Mrs
Zimmerman of Tavistock visited Mrs.
Gertrude Hess last week. -W. S.Ruby
has started his new residence.-
and Mrs ,F. Southcott, who spent the
winter ,J4.,,California are 'visiting at
the ctfee `af the latter's mother, Mrs.
S. Rennie of town. '
A---- ,
•:�'1 l� �l � �,1 , - , iti The Council met on June 3rd as
probably thl pe' adjournment. All members were
Of all overworked women
P y present and the previous minutes an -
housewife is the hardest worked. Slat,
has so much to attend to with very htth l proved. A large number of accounts
were .paid. Aylesworth,: allose & Co.�
help. Her work can be'lightened if eh' of Toronto ware notified to, have the
knows the value of system and she,shoulc ( appeals of the Township of East and
try and take a short rest in the daytime West Williams against . the report of
A -physician who became famous almost F. AV. Farncombe, C.E., on the ;Mud
around the world, Doctor Pierce, o! Creek and Seebe River Drain brought
Buffalo, N. Y., the specialist in woman's before the Drainage Referee at the
diseases, for many years practiced medi earliest possible daye. An 'extension'
cine in a farming district. He there ob.. of the ditch from Con. 3 to Con' 6
served the lack of system in the planning was authorized to reach an outlet,
of the work. Commutation of : statute labor ;vas
If it is a headache, a backache, a sen. ,
cation of_ irritability or twitching and tixetl tar a day. 5200 was arant-
uncontrollable nervousness, something ec1 for gravel for West Williams totpn
must be wrong with the head or back, 'a dine provided West Williams' ranted
woman naturally says, but all the time i monde to theo 26th djournment was ,.
the real trouble very often centers in the -of .June.
organs. In nine cases out of ten thi
seat of the difficulty is here, and a woman HENSALL
should' take rational treatment for its
cure. The. disorder should be treated A happy .vent took ;lace on June 7
steadily and systematically with Dr at"the home of gr. DonaldGrassick
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. when his daughter Jessie Jean was
For diseases from which women suffer
"Favorite Prescription" is a powerful re-. gusa,. a to Mr.o'Ootid"Dolbe
storrative.During the last fiftyyears ithat perform d by the Rev. Richardsoone
banished from the lives of tens of thou rf•
sands of• women the pain, worry, mise vited
in. the nsesMar •p a few hat �'
and distress caused'by these diseases.
guests.., Miss lnargak ss a
If you are a sufferer, get Dr. Pierce'd Toronto was bridesmaid, and, 6ins-
Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet roan Fergusoniof Toronto o was grits
form to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce, ";` Miss Flossie Foss, of Hansard
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,; N.•.Y., and get m ay,� the wedding march. The gift
oitfiderifxnl'tnedical advice :entirely freer „gym the bride was 44.
gc t lis kcelet slid to the bridesrrai4
anal .pianist pearl suabursts. After a
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O_ .,, LL.D. D.G.L., President
IOIIN AIRD, General 14an00r.. H.V. F, JONES. Asst General Manager
CAPITAL $t 5,000,000EB S RVE .MND, $13,5000000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits. of $1 and
upwards,. Careful attention is given to every account, Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail:
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
ar+awals to be made by any ane of the or by the survivor. S60
EXETER BRANCH --A, E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITQN—S, 3‘i. Johns on, Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches In Canada
A General Banking Business Transaete•
Circular Letters o Credit
litiQneU Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARICE, Manager.
The Harmless but Etfl-
Gent remedy for Headache
N auraltia,Anaem ESiei*p-
lessnesa, Nervous Ex-
haustlo>n, &G.
(TrM* tMarienseirtlered1 ! i0. AT AU. PRUGailSTI, orbs, malt true
trip to Sarnia and Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson have taken, up their
residence in Toronto -Mrs. Baru un,
of New York is visiting her mother
Mrs. Nesbitt.—Dr. Hossick of Lucan
visited his daughter Nfrs. Smith.
The death -took .place of Miss Mar.
garet Sturgeon at the home of her
sister ;Mrs Walter Hobkirk in her
53rd year. She had been helpless fol-
lowing a stroke of paralysis a year
and ]calf ago. A number of the sol-
dier boys were home from London
over Sunday. — Hydro wiring is be-
ing done in the village, preparator}
to the coming of the power from Ex-
eter.—Mr. and Mrs. McKay of the
west were recent visitors here on
their way to England, to see their soh:
who is at the front,—Mrs. J. R. Steve
art of Battle: Creek, Mich., es visiting
here.—William, John and Miss i'i.
Craig left last week for their farm
in the west.—Duncan Taylor, a pion-
eer resident of Hay Township, passed
away on Tuesday of Last week. fie
had been .failing for sometime. 0n
son and three daughters survive ,
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest soap in the. world
Sunlight Soap.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for' the purity
of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to
Make pure soap; but it costs YOU less
to use it, for Sunlight pays ,for itsel`ya[It>wi•;:
thefteVies, as it does not wear and•"rub
e 'fabrics like common soaps do.
5c. a bar at all Or•Ocei's.
�. tr